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Futaba Igarashi : Ouch! (0:00:38.07)
Futaba Igarashi : Thank you for this food I'm about to eat! (0:01:12.98)
Futaba Igarashi : Let's go to work! (0:01:43.47)
Futaba Igarashi : Good morning! (0:01:46.89)
EXTRA : Morning. (0:01:48.52)
Touko Sakurai : Futaba-chan? (0:02:15.21)
Touko Sakurai : Morning. (0:02:18.01)
Futaba Igarashi : Good morning, Sakurai-san! (0:02:20.09)
Futaba Igarashi : Whenever I see them, it makes me
wish mine were bigger...
Touko Sakurai : Hmm? (0:02:30.94)
Futaba Igarashi : N-No, it's nothing... (0:02:32.86)
Touko Sakurai : Hey, your eyes look a little bloodshot. (0:02:35.23)
Futaba Igarashi : I stayed up late last night thinking
about today's presentation.
Touko Sakurai : You did? (0:02:42.24)
Touko Sakurai : You certainly are enthusiastic about work. (0:02:44.33)
Futaba Igarashi : I want to become a full-fledged
salesperson as quickly as I can.
Futaba Igarashi : Good morning! (0:02:52.71)
EXTRA : Morning. (0:02:54.54)
Futaba Igarashi : Good morning, Kazama-san! (0:02:58.26)
Souta Kazama : Morning. (0:03:00.59)
Touko Sakurai : Morning, Kazama-kun. (0:03:04.26)
Souta Kazama : Hey. (0:03:07.31)
Futaba Igarashi : Good morning, Chief! (0:03:08.93)
Chief : Morning. Igarashi-chan, you're always
so chipper. What a fine attitude!
Harumi Takeda : Yo, Igarashi! (0:03:23.87)
Futaba Igarashi : T-Takeda-senpai?! You scared me half
to death! Your voice is much too loud!
Harumi Takeda : I wanted to give as hearty
a greeting as you do, Igarashi.
Futaba Igarashi : What are you doing competing
with your kouhai ?!
Futaba Igarashi : Senpai, would you please check
these presentation documents?
Harumi Takeda : Sure! (0:03:56.86)
Futaba Igarashi : Takeda-senpai has a big voice... (0:04:00.24)
Futaba Igarashi : ...and a body to match. (0:04:04.49)
Harumi Takeda : Looks great! Well done! (0:04:06.49)
Futaba Igarashi : Don't tousle my hair!
I'm a full-grown adult, you know?
Futaba Igarashi : It's not funny! (0:04:22.13)
Harumi Takeda : My bad, my bad. (0:04:24.84)
Harumi Takeda : You did such a great job on
those presentation documents.
Harumi Takeda : I couldn't resist. (0:04:28.39)
Futaba Igarashi : Honestly... (0:04:38.23)
Futaba Igarashi : He's so quick to tousle my hair
and treat me like a kid.
Futaba Igarashi : But... (0:04:45.36)
Futaba Igarashi : ...he did tell me I did a great job. (0:04:47.66)
Mona Tsukishiro : Dobroye utro! (0:04:50.79)
Futaba Igarashi : Tsu-Tsukishiro-san!
Don't sneak up behind me like that!
Mona Tsukishiro : Sorry about that. You having coffee? (0:05:00.75)
Futaba Igarashi : Yes. It's what adults drink
in the morning.
Futaba Igarashi : It's bitter, so I add
a little extra sugar.
Mona Tsukishiro : I see. (0:05:14.39)
Futaba Igarashi : Would you like some, too? (0:05:15.89)
Mona Tsukishiro : No thanks. What I drink
in the morning... is this.
Futaba Igarashi : H-Hold on there, Tsukishiro-san!
You shouldn't be drinking vodka at work.
Mona Tsukishiro : It may be in a vodka bottle,
but it's actually water.
Mona Tsukishiro : See you later. (0:05:48.26)
Futaba Igarashi : She certainly is strange... (0:05:51.43)
Harumi Takeda : All right. I'm going out
to make some sales calls.
Futaba Igarashi : I'm going, too! (0:06:02.94)
Chief : Be careful out there! (0:06:04.73)
Futaba Igarashi : Hey, Senpai, aren't you
walking a little slowly?
Harumi Takeda : You think so? (0:06:21.50)
Futaba Igarashi : I keep telling you that you don't have
to adjust your pace to match mine.
Harumi Takeda : I'm not. (0:06:31.14)
Harumi Takeda : What's wrong with walking
a little slowly, anyway?
Futaba Igarashi : In sales, speed is of the essence.
Now pick up the pace!
Harumi Takeda : All right. (0:06:47.07)
Futaba Igarashi : Are you going to get something to drink? (0:07:26.11)
Harumi Takeda : No, I was just thinking that
it doesn't have oshiruko .
Futaba Igarashi : Not all vending machines have it. (0:07:32.41)
Harumi Takeda : I see. (0:07:36.66)
Harumi Takeda : Why don't we get ourselves some lunch?
Igarashi, what are you in the mood for?
Futaba Igarashi : We're always going to
the places I want to eat at.
Futaba Igarashi : Let's go somewhere you
want to eat at for a change.
Harumi Takeda : I'm fine with whatever! (0:07:52.22)
Futaba Igarashi : People who say that are the worst.
Okay, how about...
EXTRA : Hi, can I take your order? (0:08:00.02)
Harumi Takeda : I'll have five Jaja King Burgers
and three orders of fries.
EXTRA : Anything else? (0:08:05.19)
Harumi Takeda : Igarashi? (0:08:07.02)
Futaba Igarashi : What's this? I love how you can't tell
where it's looking. It's so adorable...
Futaba Igarashi : But I can't order a Lucky Meal.
I'm with Takeda-senpai right now...
Harumi Takeda : All right, one Lucky Meal. (0:08:23.54)
Harumi Takeda : And give her one of those dolls.
It looks like she wants one.
EXTRA : Coming right up! (0:08:31.67)
Futaba Igarashi : Don't laugh so much! (0:08:42.81)
Harumi Takeda : Sorry, sorry. You okay? (0:08:44.44)
Futaba Igarashi : Of course I am. (0:08:47.73)
Futaba Igarashi : I thought this might happen,
so I spread a handkerchief on my lap.
Futaba Igarashi : I'm in my second year at the company,
so I know how to manage a crisis!
Harumi Takeda : Really? (0:08:59.28)
Harumi Takeda : Igarashi, do you want
to give today's presentation?
Harumi Takeda : You prepared the documents,
so you know what's in them.
Harumi Takeda : If you feel like giving it-- (0:09:10.25)
Futaba Igarashi : I do! Please, let me handle it! (0:09:11.76)
Harumi Takeda : Okay, it's in your hands now. (0:09:15.22)
Futaba Igarashi : It's my second year working for the
company, and now the day has finally come!
Futaba Igarashi : If I give this presentation,
and it leads to a contract,
Futaba Igarashi : then I'll be a full-fledged salesperson! (0:09:27.06)
Futaba Igarashi : I'll show them I can do this! (0:09:30.52)
Futaba Igarashi : Uh-oh... I'm starting to get nervous... (0:09:42.62)
Futaba Igarashi : Wh-Wh-What should I do? (0:09:46.29)
Harumi Takeda : Thank you for taking the time
to meet with us today.
Harumi Takeda : We at Itomaki Trading present this
proposal with our utmost confidence.
Harumi Takeda : We hope you will give it
your consideration.
Harumi Takeda : Break a leg. (0:10:03.81)
Futaba Igarashi : All right, then. Please allow me,
Igarashi, to present our proposal to you.
Futaba Igarashi : Yes! It's over! (0:10:17.61)
Harumi Takeda : You did great back there! (0:10:19.74)
Harumi Takeda : Excellent work! (0:10:22.28)
Futaba Igarashi : I. Told. You. Not to tousle my hair! (0:10:25.25)
Harumi Takeda : But your hair is so easy to tousle. (0:10:30.33)
Harumi Takeda : You've got some grip! (0:10:35.09)
EXTRA : Hey, get a load of those two! (0:10:39.26)
Souta Kazama : What are you doing? (0:10:44.76)
Futaba Igarashi : W-Wait, Kazama-san?
What are you doing here?
Harumi Takeda : You done making your rounds? (0:10:51.90)
Souta Kazama : Yes, I'm just about to
head back to the office.
Harumi Takeda : Okay, let's go together, then. (0:10:56.36)
Harumi Takeda : Oh, really? (0:11:01.41)
Souta Kazama : Yeah, I hear their food's pretty good. (0:11:03.32)
Harumi Takeda : Maybe I should go there sometime. (0:11:05.54)
Harumi Takeda : Why am I not surprised? She's been
working so hard on not enough sleep.
Harumi Takeda : She's chewing on her hair. (0:11:19.84)
Souta Kazama : She's sound asleep. (0:11:24.72)
Souta Kazama : Do you want me to wake her? (0:11:30.06)
Harumi Takeda : No, that's okay.
Let's let her get some rest.
Souta Kazama : Takeda-san, may I? (0:11:37.61)
Co-worker A : Oh, Igarashi-san's back. (0:11:48.54)
Co-worker B : That's so adorable! (0:11:52.17)
Co-worker A : Isn't it? (0:11:53.38)
Touko Sakurai : Look who's back! (0:11:55.25)
Futaba Igarashi : Sakurai-san. (0:11:57.13)
Touko Sakurai : Did you have a nice nap,
Futaba the kitten?
Futaba Igarashi : "The kitten"? (0:12:01.05)
Touko Sakurai : This is just too cute! (0:12:01.88)
Futaba Igarashi : Wh-What's that?! (0:12:06.43)
Futaba Igarashi : Kazama-san, do you have any last words? (0:12:14.19)
Souta Kazama : C-Calm down, Igarashi-- (0:12:17.82)
Futaba Igarashi : Divine wrath! (0:12:19.44)
Futaba Igarashi : I gave the presentation all by myself,
so now I'm a full-fledged salesperson.
Futaba Igarashi : What are you going on about, Grandpa?
Oh, who cares?
Futaba Igarashi : I'm going to take a bath. (0:12:55.35)
Chief : Maki Textiles called and said they
received the wrong number of items.
Chief : They suspect it was
a miscommunication on our end.
Futaba Igarashi : That can't be! (0:13:09.24)
Futaba Igarashi : I'm sure I placed the order with the
manufacturer following their instructions.
Harumi Takeda : What's the matter? (0:13:19.71)
Futaba Igarashi : The numbers in the purchase order
are off a line.
Chief : Takeda-kun, did you check this? (0:13:25.88)
Harumi Takeda : No, I... (0:13:28.60)
Futaba Igarashi : I placed the order
without checking it with him.
Futaba Igarashi : I thought I had to hurry... (0:13:33.68)
Chief : You must always check these things. (0:13:36.10)
Harumi Takeda : I'm sorry! This happened
because of my negligence!
EXTRA : --Yeah, and then...
--Okay, would you take care
of that for me?
Futaba Igarashi : Senpai, I'm so sor-- (0:13:50.74)
Harumi Takeda : I'm not the one
you should be apologizing to.
Harumi Takeda : We're going to see the client! (0:14:01.84)
Futaba Igarashi : O-Okay! (0:14:06.22)
Harumi Takeda : Please accept our apologies! (0:14:08.59)
Futaba Igarashi : Please... Please accept
our sincerest apologies!
Futaba Igarashi : It's all my fault... (0:14:15.98)
Touko Sakurai : What's wrong with Futaba-chan? (0:14:22.15)
Souta Kazama : I heard she had some
trouble with a client.
Touko Sakurai : Futaba-chan, are you all right? (0:14:29.99)
Futaba Igarashi : I'm fine. Sorry if I made you worry. (0:14:32.20)
Futaba Igarashi : I think I'll have some oshiruko . (0:14:40.63)
Futaba Igarashi : It's sold out... (0:14:47.67)
Harumi Takeda : Oh, there you are! (0:15:00.48)
Futaba Igarashi : Senpai... (0:15:03.36)
Harumi Takeda : Igarashi, catch! (0:15:04.40)
Futaba Igarashi : Oshiruko ? (0:15:10.03)
Harumi Takeda : Don't worry too much. (0:15:12.57)
Futaba Igarashi : It's so sweet. (0:15:35.43)
EXTRA : I'm taking off now! (0:15:38.02)
EXTRA : See you tomorrow! (0:15:39.14)
Touko Sakurai : Futaba-chan? (0:15:42.44)
Touko Sakurai : Why don't we go out and have a little fun? (0:15:44.52)
Touko Sakurai : You deserve a break. (0:15:47.32)
Futaba Igarashi : But... (0:15:50.03)
Harumi Takeda : Go with her. (0:15:51.45)
Harumi Takeda : Breaks are important, you know? (0:15:53.37)
Souta Kazama : How about we go to an arcade? (0:15:57.91)
Touko Sakurai : That's a great idea! The more the
merrier... Let's go, Futaba-chan!
Futaba Igarashi : Okay. Thanks for inviting me. (0:16:06.42)
Futaba Igarashi : Thanks for inviting me out tonight. (0:16:12.26)
Touko Sakurai : No problem. See you tomorrow! (0:16:14.59)
Souta Kazama : See you! (0:16:16.43)
Futaba Igarashi : Okay, good night. (0:16:17.60)
Futaba Igarashi : I made them worry... (0:16:28.94)
Futaba Igarashi : H-Hold on! Where's my commuter pass? (0:16:32.45)
Futaba Igarashi : Oh, I left it at the office. (0:16:36.99)
Futaba Igarashi : I-I'm not scared... I'm not
scared because I'm an adult...
Futaba Igarashi : Hey... (0:16:56.14)
Futaba Igarashi : This is the first time I've ever seen
Takeda-senpai asleep at his desk.
Futaba Igarashi : This is the purchase order I messed up... (0:17:10.82)
Futaba Igarashi : Why... Why are you being
so nice to a kouhai like me?
Harumi Takeda : I fell asleep. (0:17:34.51)
Harumi Takeda : I left the purchase order out
on my desk. She must've seen it.
Harumi Takeda : Huh? (0:17:50.77)
Futaba Igarashi : Hello. This is Itomaki Trading. (0:17:57.95)
Futaba Igarashi : Yes... Yes, hold on... (0:18:00.45)
Futaba Igarashi : Senpai! How's this estimate? (0:18:04.37)
Harumi Takeda : Yes... I see... (0:18:09.17)
Touko Sakurai : I'm glad. It's better when
Futaba-chan's her chipper self.
Souta Kazama : Yeah, you're right. (0:18:17.84)
Futaba Igarashi : Please look it over once more! (0:18:32.48)
EXTRA : Isn't this a great idea? (0:18:39.49)
EXTRA : Not only did you rectify the error, (0:18:43.03)
EXTRA : you proposed a new sales plan.
We really appreciate that.
EXTRA : Let's proceed with this. (0:18:49.00)
Futaba Igarashi : Thank you so much! (0:18:56.59)
Harumi Takeda : The client was really pleased. (0:19:00.93)
Harumi Takeda : Isn't that great? (0:19:04.26)
Harumi Takeda : Igarashi? (0:19:09.77)
Futaba Igarashi : I-I'm so sorry for all
the trouble I caused!
Futaba Igarashi : I still have a long way to go before
I'll be a full-fledged salesperson.
Harumi Takeda : Relax. Don't worry about it. (0:19:21.82)
Harumi Takeda : You made up for your mistake, didn't you? (0:19:24.83)
Harumi Takeda : You did a great job. (0:19:29.29)
Futaba Igarashi : It's not fair of you to say that now. (0:19:33.96)
Futaba Igarashi : Let me buy you a bowl of udon. (0:19:38.26)
Harumi Takeda : While I like a good bowl of udon... (0:19:40.93)
Harumi Takeda : ...nothing beats raising our glasses
in a toast to a job well-done!
Harumi Takeda : Tonight I'm buying! Igarashi,
order whatever you feel like!
Futaba Igarashi : No! I was the one who got us into trouble. (0:19:53.31)
Futaba Igarashi : I can't let you treat me to this, Senpai. (0:19:57.73)
Harumi Takeda : But in the end, we got the contract,
so does it really make a difference?
Futaba Igarashi : Yes, it does! (0:20:04.57)
Harumi Takeda : You're my kouhai , so let me treat you. (0:20:06.87)
EXTRA : What'll you have? (0:20:11.87)
Harumi Takeda : For starters... (0:20:14.04)
Futaba Igarashi : We'll have some beer! (0:20:15.17)
Futaba Igarashi : That hit the spot! (0:20:19.38)
Futaba Igarashi : Honeshtly! I can't believe I made
shuch a shimple mishtake.
Futaba Igarashi : I'm sho dishappointed in me. (0:20:25.64)
Futaba Igarashi : Hey, Shenpai! It'sh not fun--
Aw, go ahead and laugh!
Futaba Igarashi : Chew me out for making
shuch a stupid mishtake...
Futaba Igarashi : spite of having two yearsh
of shales experience!
Harumi Takeda : I'm not going to chew you out. (0:20:44.57)
Harumi Takeda : Messing up may have got you down,
but you worked hard and followed through.
Harumi Takeda : You'll make a good salesperson. (0:20:51.12)
Futaba Igarashi : What? Why... (0:20:57.63)
Futaba Igarashi : Why are you being
so nice to a kouhai like me?
Futaba Igarashi : Shenpai! (0:21:06.22)
Futaba Igarashi : Sh-Shenpai... (0:21:10.06)
Futaba Igarashi : Shenpai, you must really like me! (0:21:18.57)
Harumi Takeda : Yeah, of course I like you. (0:21:24.36)
Futaba Igarashi : Huh? (0:21:27.03)
Harumi Takeda : If I had a wife and kid,
I'd want that kid to be like you.
Futaba Igarashi : What'sh that shupposed to mean? (0:21:38.29)
Harumi Takeda : Sorry, sorry. For some reason
I feel like looking after you.
Futaba Igarashi : ...fe? (0:21:53.18)
Harumi Takeda : What'd you say? (0:21:54.64)
Futaba Igarashi : Why couldn't I be your wife? (0:22:01.40)
Futaba Igarashi : Wh-Wh-Wh-What the heck am I saying?! (0:22:14.20)
Futaba Igarashi : What should I do? What should I do? (0:22:21.71)

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