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Tousuke Rokudou : My name is Rokudo Tosuke. (0:00:02.48)
Tousuke Rokudou : This is the story of how a bullied kid
who hates delinquents like me
Tousuke Rokudou : ended up facing off
against countless delinquents
Tousuke Rokudou : to obtain his ideal school life
in this super-intense...
Tousuke Rokudou : love story. (0:00:18.12)
Haruya Iinuma : Catch! (0:02:00.07)
Haruya Iinuma : That was pretty slick, Rokudo! (0:02:04.71)
Tousuke Rokudou : Please can we stop now, Iinuma-kun— (0:02:06.70)
Haruya Iinuma : Heads up! Here comes the next one! (0:02:09.40)
Tsubaki : Look at his face! So desperate! (0:02:17.26)
Haruya Iinuma : Damn, that was good.
We're done for now, Rokudo.
Tousuke Rokudou : My role in this school seems to be acting
as a chew toy for the delinquents,
Tousuke Rokudou : especially their leader, Iinuma-kun. (0:02:28.32)
Kouta Kijima : Rokudo... (0:02:31.63)
Masaru Hinomoto : You all right? (0:02:32.92)
Tousuke Rokudou : Uh, yeah. Though my side
dishes are all gone now...
Tousuke Rokudou : But luckily, I do have some friends. (0:02:37.63)
Masaru Hinomoto : All right, time to supply drop
you some meatballs.
Tousuke Rokudou : Hinomoto Masaru, who we call the Colonel. (0:02:44.19)
Kouta Kijima : You can have some of my ham, too. (0:02:46.39)
Tousuke Rokudou : And Kijima Kota, who we call the Chief. (0:02:48.48)
Tousuke Rokudou : Thanks, you guys. (0:02:50.90)
Tsubaki : That's freakin' hilarious! (0:02:54.23)
Tsubaki : Seriously? Wow. Really? (0:02:56.76)
Tsubaki : What the hell are you creeps looking at?! (0:03:04.01)
Haruya Iinuma : What's wrong, Tsubaki? (0:03:05.96)
Tsubaki : They were gawking at my thighs. (0:03:07.96)
Haruya Iinuma : Hey, weaklings. (0:03:10.28)
Haruya Iinuma : Stare at my girl again and
there'll be hell to pay. Ya got that?
Tousuke Rokudou : There are a lot of delinquents
here at Amori High School.
Tousuke Rokudou : And it always ends up like this
for meek students like us.
Tousuke Rokudou : But it's fine. We just put up with it. (0:03:26.52)
Tousuke Rokudou : And that's... (0:03:31.48)
Tousuke Rokudou : That's... (0:03:33.27)
Tousuke Rokudou : There's no way that's okay!
Piece of crap punk assholes!
Masaru Hinomoto : She's the one wearing the short skirt! (0:03:40.03)
Kouta Kijima : If you don't want people
looking, don't wear it!
Tousuke Rokudou : We're never looking again!
Never forget these words:
Tousuke Rokudou : The world's so unfair! (0:03:52.08)
Tousuke Rokudou : Delinquents cause trouble,
but they're the ones on top,
Tousuke Rokudou : while good students
like us are at the bottom!
Tousuke Rokudou : It's not like we're asking
for much. All we want...
Tousuke Rokudou : is to enjoy our time at
school in peace. That's all.
Tousuke Rokudou : But in spite of that... (0:04:10.89)
Haruya Iinuma : Onishima, huh? (0:04:18.36)
Haruya Iinuma : Dunno. Ya can never be sure. (0:04:23.15)
Haruya Iinuma : I'll think about it, I guess. (0:04:29.55)
Masaru Hinomoto : Ridiculous! (0:04:34.58)
Kouta Kijima : "Unions"? "Top spots"? It's so stupid! (0:04:35.92)
Tousuke Rokudou : It's like that's all they think about! (0:04:38.52)
Masaru Hinomoto : Okay, I propose a gaming mission
at Rokudo's house to blow off steam.
Tousuke Rokudou : What the heck is this? (0:04:47.22)
Tousuke Rokudou : Th-This is nuts! (0:04:49.56)
Tousuke Rokudou : I got a package from my dead grandpa! (0:04:51.06)
Tousuke Rokudou : What could it be? (0:04:54.53)
Kouta Kijima : M-Might as well open it. (0:04:56.24)
Tousuke Rokudou : R-Right. (0:04:58.81)
Masaru Hinomoto : What's it say? (0:05:04.90)
Tousuke Rokudou : "You are in danger. Use this scroll.
I'm sure it will help you."
Masaru Hinomoto : This thing? (0:05:14.96)
Masaru Hinomoto : Is your grandpa right in the head?
Maybe he ought to see a doctor.
Tousuke Rokudou : I told you, he's already dead! (0:05:20.60)
Kouta Kijima : What was he like? (0:05:22.09)
Tousuke Rokudou : He died when I was little,
so I don't remember him all that well.
Tousuke Rokudou : But for some reason,
I do remember what he told me.
Tousuke Rokudou : It's my fault for being weak
and a scaredy-cat...
Kouta Kijima : What a nice grandpa. (0:05:51.62)
Masaru Hinomoto : Did he ever mention
anything about a scroll?
Tousuke Rokudou : Come to think of it, he did say there was a
family treasure that goes back generations.
Tousuke Rokudou : A scroll that dates back
to the Heian period
Tousuke Rokudou : and supposedly has spells used
by onmyoji written on it
Masaru Hinomoto : This thing... (0:06:12.77)
Kouta Kijima : ...has onmyoji magic in it? (0:06:13.84)
Tousuke Rokudou : But why would it show up now?
What's all this about me being in danger?
Kouta Kijima : I haven't noticed any danger. (0:06:21.04)
Masaru Hinomoto : No, the threat is clear. (0:06:23.23)
Masaru Hinomoto : Think about it for a second. We attend
school in what amounts to a combat zone!
Tousuke Rokudou : Then... (0:06:31.71)
Kouta Kijima : You're saying... (0:06:32.91)
Masaru Hinomoto : Use this onmyoji magic to kick delinquent ass
and we can finally enjoy school in peace!
Tousuke Rokudou : But how do I use it? (0:06:43.39)
Masaru Hinomoto : It glowed! That was a definite glow! (0:06:48.13)
Tousuke Rokudou : It did, right? It wasn't just me, right?! (0:06:50.09)
Kouta Kijima : I'm positive it just glowed. (0:06:51.92)
Tousuke Rokudou : So what now?! What's gonna happen?! (0:06:53.72)
Kouta Kijima : Rokudo... (0:06:57.12)
Masaru Hinomoto : There's, uh... On your... (0:06:58.38)
Tousuke Rokudou : I still have no idea what kind
of power it's supposed to be.
Tousuke Rokudou : But I bet it's gonna be
something really amazing.
Tousuke Rokudou : Won't it, Grandpa? (0:07:13.72)
Tousuke Rokudou : I wouldn't if I were you. (0:07:23.89)
Tousuke Rokudou : I am heir to great onmyoji powers. (0:07:27.57)
Tousuke Rokudou : If you wish to avoid— (0:07:31.36)
Haruya Iinuma : It's lunchtime for li'l Rokudo! (0:07:50.32)
Tousuke Rokudou : Again, Iinuma-kun? (0:07:55.95)
Haruya Iinuma : Of course. (0:07:58.46)
Tsubaki : Give it a rest. (0:08:02.62)
Haruya Iinuma : Tsubaki? Something up? (0:08:04.46)
Tsubaki : Well, I mean, uh... (0:08:06.96)
Tsubaki : Let's do them today!
We did Rokudo yesterday.
Haruya Iinuma : Now there's an idea! (0:08:15.65)
Tousuke Rokudou : H-Hey, some weird junk's going on today.
Ever since this morning...
Masaru Hinomoto : Girls have been helping you? (0:08:31.25)
Tousuke Rokudou : That's right. Like when I was
about to get mugged this morning.
Kouta Kijima : Probably a coincidence. (0:08:39.00)
Masaru Hinomoto : It's a common misconception among the bullied. (0:08:40.66)
Tousuke Rokudou : Hm, I guess so. You're probably right. (0:08:43.21)
Kouta Kijima : Anyway, let's get back to
badmouthing those guys!
Masaru Hinomoto : Affirmative! Those rotten, no-good... (0:08:47.92)
Tousuke Rokudou : O-Occupied. (0:08:53.47)
Tsubaki : Rokudo? (0:08:56.65)
Tsubaki : I-It's Tsubaki. (0:08:58.32)
Tsubaki : Listen, I... (0:09:01.90)
Tsubaki : Uh, so I know I've been awful to you a lot... (0:09:04.43)
Tsubaki : As if I give a shit. Get lost. (0:09:10.90)
Tsubaki : So anyway, well... I just... (0:09:14.65)
Tsubaki : I'm sorry! I promise I won't ever do it again! (0:09:18.28)
Tsubaki : I just wanted to tell you that. Bye. (0:09:21.23)
Masaru Hinomoto : Impossible. (0:09:24.44)
Kouta Kijima : That she-devil just... (0:09:25.68)
Tousuke Rokudou : ...apologized? (0:09:28.04)
Ranna Himawari : Hey. (0:09:53.10)
Ranna Himawari : You in charge here? (0:09:54.82)
Tousuke Rokudou : Something strange is going on. (0:10:20.07)
Masaru Hinomoto : Hey. Have you two noticed? (0:10:25.99)
Masaru Hinomoto : Some of the girls we've passed
have looked our way.
Masaru Hinomoto : Most likely because they're into you, Rokudo. (0:10:34.37)
Tousuke Rokudou : Me?! It can't be! (0:10:37.63)
Masaru Hinomoto : The real problem is that all of them... (0:10:39.58)
Masaru Hinomoto : are bad girls. (0:10:43.03)
Tousuke Rokudou : What the heck is going on right now?! (0:10:45.16)
Haruya Iinuma : Rokudo! (0:10:47.50)
Haruya Iinuma : What did you do to Tsubaki, you asshole?! (0:10:49.21)
Tsubaki : Hey! Come on, stop it! (0:10:50.01)
Haruya Iinuma : What did you do?! (0:10:53.77)
Tousuke Rokudou : I-I-I didn't do anything! (0:10:54.84)
Haruya Iinuma : Bullshit. If you didn't... (0:10:56.88)
Haruya Iinuma : Why are you the background
on her phone now?!
Tsubaki : Give it back! C'mon, give it! (0:11:04.81)
Masaru Hinomoto : The spell! (0:11:06.22)
Tousuke Rokudou : Huh? (0:11:07.43)
Masaru Hinomoto : That onmyoji magic must have been real.
There's no other explanation.
Masaru Hinomoto : Think back really hard to
what your grandpa told you!
Tousuke Rokudou : I'm sorry! (0:11:41.70)
Tousuke Rokudou : This has gotten way out of hand. (0:12:24.55)
Tousuke Rokudou : I had no idea that girl from yesterday went
here, much less that she was in my class.
Tousuke Rokudou : Chief used to sit next to me,
and look at him now.
Tousuke Rokudou : He sure made a graceful exit. (0:12:35.07)
Haruya Iinuma : Who is she? (0:12:40.23)
Tsubaki : And why's she sitting next
to Rokudo? I don't get it.
Haruya Iinuma : Tsubaki, are you sure something
didn't happen with you and Rokudo?
Tsubaki : No, not a thing! I mean it! (0:12:51.54)
Haruya Iinuma : Well, anyway, we'd better give her a heads-up. (0:12:53.76)
Tousuke Rokudou : No, uh, not exactly. (0:13:16.73)
Tousuke Rokudou : R-Right! (0:13:21.05)
Tousuke Rokudou : E-Excuse me... (0:13:22.85)
Ranna Himawari : Yes? (0:13:24.40)
Masaru Hinomoto : I think this confirms that the onmyoji magic
makes bad girls fall in love with you.
Tousuke Rokudou : Colonel? (0:13:33.80)
Masaru Hinomoto : You need to be aware of— (0:13:34.72)
Masaru Hinomoto : H-Help! Miss Sukeban! (0:13:37.54)
Tousuke Rokudou : Colonel! (0:13:40.67)
Ranna Himawari : So your name's Rokudo-kun? (0:13:41.80)
Ranna Himawari : My name is Himawari Ranna. (0:13:44.80)
Ranna Himawari : This is my first time coming
to this school since I enrolled.
Tousuke Rokudou : Oh, r-really? (0:13:50.56)
Ranna Himawari : Yes, really. (0:13:53.35)
Tsubaki : The hospital. You might not wanna move yet. (0:14:12.57)
Tsubaki : You don't remember? (0:14:19.82)
Tsubaki : Do you remember the
weird girl that came to class?
Tsubaki : Easy, Takeru! (0:14:32.68)
Haruya Iinuma : Shut up! (0:14:35.10)
Haruya Iinuma : You know I hate weaklings. (0:14:36.63)
Haruya Iinuma : What exactly is that chick's deal?
She's definitely not weak.
Tousuke Rokudou : I can't sit next to that monster anymore!
No way! I'm transferring! I mean it!
Masaru Hinomoto : Hold it, Rokudo! (0:14:55.55)
Kouta Kijima : Wait up! (0:14:56.75)
Tousuke Rokudou : Colonel? Chief? (0:14:59.00)
Masaru Hinomoto : You're being totally selfish!
What'll happen to me and the Chief?
Masaru Hinomoto : And... (0:15:04.59)
Masaru Hinomoto : What happens to the girl?! (0:15:06.42)
Tousuke Rokudou : Let go! (0:15:07.88)
Masaru Hinomoto : We're already in trouble, but it'll be
worse for her since she fought back.
Masaru Hinomoto : Iinuma's thugs will retaliate. (0:15:12.47)
Tousuke Rokudou : What could they possibly do to that freak? (0:15:14.41)
Masaru Hinomoto : Are you being serious right now? (0:15:17.98)
Masaru Hinomoto : Are you just going to run off
and abandon a girl in danger?!
Tousuke Rokudou : A girl? (0:15:24.82)
Tousuke Rokudou : What even is a girl? (0:15:26.75)
Tousuke Rokudou : I've basically had zero interaction
with girls my entire life.
Tousuke Rokudou : So how could I possibly know? (0:15:34.55)
Tousuke Rokudou : And even beyond that,
what I understand even less...
Tousuke Rokudou : is bad girls. (0:15:41.02)
Tousuke Rokudou : They obliterate the ancient concept of women
being helpless and walking behind men.
Tousuke Rokudou : They're mysterious lifeforms. But... (0:15:49.18)
Tousuke Rokudou : Everyone has thighs! (0:15:52.13)
Tousuke Rokudou : That's right. She has them, too. (0:15:55.14)
Tousuke Rokudou : So she must be a girl, too. (0:15:58.52)
Ranna Himawari : S-Sorry. I just... (0:16:13.00)
Tousuke Rokudou : You did that for my sake, right?
Without even thinking about the danger.
Tousuke Rokudou : I'm grateful. (0:16:19.93)
Tousuke Rokudou : Himawari Ranna-san... (0:16:27.48)
Haruya Iinuma : I didn't know you were in here, too, Senpai. (0:16:30.50)
Haruya Iinuma : Is that stuff about your team
getting smashed true?
Haruya Iinuma : Who did it? (0:16:38.00)
Haruya Iinuma : Himawari Ranna? (0:16:41.60)
Haruya Iinuma : She's in my class. (0:16:44.36)
Haruya Iinuma : What the hell is she after? (0:16:56.34)
Ranna Himawari : I'm just feeling pissed off. (0:17:13.55)
Tousuke Rokudou : I'm going to protect you! (0:17:34.70)
Ranna Himawari : Protect me? From who? (0:17:37.51)
Tousuke Rokudou : From the punks at school. (0:17:39.95)
Tousuke Rokudou : I bet they'll be out for revenge.
And I know it won't be easy.
Tousuke Rokudou : But if I can't get through this,
I'll never get to enjoy my school days.
Tousuke Rokudou : And if that means having to
fight off these delinquents,
Tousuke Rokudou : then I should do it, because I'm a man! (0:17:52.94)
Tousuke Rokudou : As a man, I promise I'll— (0:17:55.01)
Ranna Himawari : You don't like delinquents at all,
do you, Rokudo-kun?
Ranna Himawari : Then, first thing tomorrow,
I'll slaughter every last one of them, okay?
Tousuke Rokudou : I'm not getting through to her at all! (0:18:06.19)
Tousuke Rokudou : I said I'd protect her,
but I'm not sure what to do.
Tousuke Rokudou : This feels like I'm by myself on the savanna,
surrounded by wild predators...
Tousuke Rokudou : And here's the only one that can chase off
the other hunters on the savanna...
Tousuke Rokudou : The apex predator... (0:18:37.72)
Tousuke Rokudou : Himawari Ranna. (0:18:39.76)
Tousuke Rokudou : R-Ranna-san! (0:18:41.39)
Ranna Himawari : G-Good morning, Rokudo-kun. (0:18:43.84)
Tousuke Rokudou : Good morning. (0:18:46.46)
Tousuke Rokudou : H-Hey, do you remember
our promise from yesterday?
Ranna Himawari : Of course! (0:18:51.21)
Tousuke Rokudou : So if someone glares at you? (0:18:52.19)
Ranna Himawari : Don't fight back. (0:18:53.60)
Tousuke Rokudou : And if someone bumps into you? (0:18:55.07)
Ranna Himawari : Don't fight back. (0:18:56.52)
Tousuke Rokudou : And if they try to pick a fight? (0:18:57.65)
Ranna Himawari : Don't fight back! (0:18:59.15)
Ranna Himawari : Oh, but, Rokudo-kun... (0:19:00.95)
Ranna Himawari : What if I get bored? (0:19:03.16)
Tousuke Rokudou : That's obvious! No! (0:19:04.70)
Tousuke Rokudou : Something must've been wrong with me. (0:19:11.50)
Ranna Himawari : Then, first thing tomorrow,
I'll slaughter every last one of them, okay?
Tousuke Rokudou : How did I think I could ever
protect such a scary girl?
Masaru Hinomoto : Look at it a different way:
Himawari Ranna is now on your side.
Kouta Kijima : That's right. Iinuma's goons
have been leaving us alone, too.
Masaru Hinomoto : Rokudo, you might've helped us get one
step closer to our ideal school life after all.
Tousuke Rokudou : I think I get it. (0:19:39.17)
Masaru Hinomoto : Let's keep a positive outlook. (0:19:41.15)
Tousuke Rokudou : Yeah, good point. (0:19:43.52)
Tousuke Rokudou : Iinuma-kun?! (0:19:46.64)
Haruya Iinuma : What the hell did you do, Rokudo? (0:19:47.66)
Tousuke Rokudou : A-About what? (0:19:51.05)
Haruya Iinuma : How are all these chicks siding with
a weakling like you, all of a sudden?
Haruya Iinuma : Shut up! You know I hate weaklings, damn it. (0:20:01.48)
Haruya Iinuma : And there's nothing I hate more than
a weakling like him who's all full of himself!
Haruya Iinuma : Say your prayers, man. (0:20:11.64)
Haruya Iinuma : Because I'm coming to beat
your ass, sooner or later.
Kouta Kijima : R-Rokudo, maybe Himawari-san could... (0:20:18.61)
Masaru Hinomoto : Yeah, you should ask her for help. (0:20:21.61)
Tousuke Rokudou : R-Right. (0:20:24.20)
Tousuke Rokudou : Ranna-san, could you do me a favor? (0:20:28.32)
Ranna Himawari : Welcome back! (0:20:33.73)
Tousuke Rokudou : Wh-What happened?! (0:20:34.71)
Ranna Himawari : These guys said something about their team
getting crushed, and they hit me a bunch.
Ranna Himawari : I wonder if it was payback for
something? I don't really know.
Ranna Himawari : Oh, sorry! You said you
needed something, right?
Ranna Himawari : What is it? Anything for you! (0:20:49.89)
Tousuke Rokudou : Hang on a second! Are you gonna be okay? (0:20:52.23)
Tousuke Rokudou : You're so strong.
W-Were these guys really dangerous?
Ranna Himawari : Nope! They were weaker than flies. (0:21:00.57)
Tousuke Rokudou : Then, how'd they manage
to beat you up so bad?
Ranna Himawari : Well, because I made a
promise to you, Rokudo-kun.
Ranna Himawari : And I've been keeping it. (0:21:11.92)
Tousuke Rokudou : Manliness. People have
lots of ideas about manliness.
Tousuke Rokudou : And I think I saw it in its
purest form in that moment.
Tousuke Rokudou : I see. (0:21:22.84)
Ranna Himawari : So what can I do for you? (0:21:23.97)
Tousuke Rokudou : It seems true manliness... is cute. (0:21:26.54)
Tousuke Rokudou : A girl this cute was willing to let herself
get hurt just to keep her promise to me?
Tousuke Rokudou : And yet, I was going to ask her
to break it for my own sake.
Ranna Himawari : What's wrong? (0:21:41.44)
Tousuke Rokudou : I have to settle it myself! (0:21:43.57)
Tousuke Rokudou : I-It's nothing. I can... (0:21:45.93)
Tousuke Rokudou : I can handle it myself! (0:21:49.36)
Tousuke Rokudou : It's my turn to be manly! (0:21:51.70)
Haruya Iinuma : I'm impressed, Rokudo. (0:21:56.91)
Haruya Iinuma : Didn't think you'd have
the guts to call me out.
Tousuke Rokudou : C-Could I use the bathroom first? (0:22:05.47)

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