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EXTRA : GRENADIER (00:00:00.100)
EXTRA : Carving my footsteps \n in the amber colored road... (00:00:10.343)
EXTRA : ... I've finally come this far. \n I keep my eyes on the road ahead. (00:00:19.953)
EXTRA : Only time moves faster than me... (00:00:29.929)
EXTRA : I look back... \n the road behind me shines blue. (00:00:39.472)
EXTRA : The flames of all the lives \n I've encountered... (00:00:50.617)
EXTRA : I wish I could hold them in my arms. (00:00:56.790)
EXTRA : So that we don't get swept away \n by this great river... (00:01:00.360)
EXTRA : ... I want our hearts to be one. (00:01:06.166)
EXTRA : We're all travelers, after all. (00:01:09.869)
EXTRA : IT WAS A TIME OF WAR. (00:02:36.055)
Nagou Akki : Fire! (00:02:40.360)
Yajiro Kojima : Retreat! (00:03:01.080)
Yajiro Kojima : Retreat! Retreat! (00:03:03.449)
Yajiro Kojima : Retreat! (00:03:07.554)
EXTRA : Yajiro! (00:03:09.422)
Yajiro Kojima : This isn't good. We'll re-group! (00:03:10.790)
EXTRA : We'll wait for daybreak and come back. (00:03:13.293)
Yajiro Kojima : You can leave this to me. (00:03:16.696)
EXTRA : You can leave this to me. \n Yes sir! (00:03:18.031)
Yajiro Kojima : Come! This way! (00:03:19.866)
EXTRA : He's... being chased! (00:03:21.868)
EXTRA : Don't let him get away! (00:03:24.604)
EXTRA : There he is! Over there! (00:03:59.505)
EXTRA : Get him! (00:04:01.874)
EXTRA : There's nowhere to run! (00:04:24.030)
EXTRA : Surrender yourself, \n Tiger of the Rear Guard! (00:04:27.400)
EXTRA : He jumped off! (00:04:34.741)
EXTRA : Damn, it'll be trouble if he gets away. (00:04:36.442)
EXTRA : Find him and kill him. (00:04:39.612)
Yajiro Kojima : I won't let the senshi get me. (00:04:50.490)
EXTRA : Episode 1 \n The Smiling Senshi (00:04:59.232)
Yajiro Kojima : Hot water? (00:05:11.177)
Rushuna Tendo : What a beautiful moon. (00:05:27.794)
Rushuna Tendo : Would you like to join me? (00:05:41.474)
EXTRA : He's hurt. He couldn't have gone far. (00:05:46.479)
EXTRA : Split up and find him. \n Yes, sir. (00:05:50.616)
Rushuna Tendo : Good evening. (00:06:05.565)
Rushuna Tendo : Lovely evening, isn't it? (00:06:07.200)
EXTRA : You alone, lady? (00:06:09.736)
Rushuna Tendo : Yes, would you like to join me? (00:06:11.904)
EXTRA : Sure! (00:06:15.074)
EXTRA : Woman! (00:06:17.910)
EXTRA : Have you seen a young samurai \n with a long sword on his back? (00:06:19.912)
Rushuna Tendo : A young samurai? (00:06:25.118)
Rushuna Tendo : Hmmm, no. I haven't seen one. (00:06:27.820)
EXTRA : Are you from these parts? (00:06:31.958)
Rushuna Tendo : No, I'm a traveler. (00:06:33.993)
EXTRA : This here's a battleground. \n Be careful. Let's go! (00:06:37.163)
EXTRA : Wait! But... (00:06:41.734)
EXTRA : Bro! (00:06:43.636)
EXTRA : Shut up, go find him. (00:06:45.037)
EXTRA : Wait for me! (00:06:47.140)
Rushuna Tendo : Excuse me, they're gone. (00:06:50.510)
Yajiro Kojima : They're Yatou... (00:07:02.922)
Yajiro Kojima : ...henchmen of Nago Akki, \n who took over the castle up there. (00:07:05.391)
Yajiro Kojima : Woman, don't do anything stupid. (00:07:10.830)
Rushuna Tendo : As a traveler in these \n troubled times, I'm well aware. (00:07:13.533)
Yajiro Kojima : I wonder. (00:07:18.237)
Rushuna Tendo : What about you? (00:07:20.139)
Yajiro Kojima : I'm a mercenary. Ouch. (00:07:21.707)
Yajiro Kojima : I was hired to rescue a lord \n who's being held hostage. (00:07:24.844)
Yajiro Kojima : We were completely wiped out. (00:07:28.815)
Rushuna Tendo : Do you know the \n Ultimate Battle Strategy? (00:07:31.584)
Yajiro Kojima : Huh? (00:07:34.687)
Rushuna Tendo : To eliminate the enemy's will \n to fight without combat. (00:07:35.621)
Rushuna Tendo : That is what I was taught \n by a certain someone. (00:07:41.527)
Rushuna Tendo : And to achieve that, \n I must be unarmored. (00:07:44.964)
Yajiro Kojima : Unarmored, meaning naked? (00:07:48.401)
Rushuna Tendo : To keep smiling. (00:07:52.238)
Rushuna Tendo : To hold the enemy \n close to my soft bosom. (00:07:54.106)
Rushuna Tendo : By doing so, the need \n to fight is eliminated. (00:07:58.377)
Yajiro Kojima : There's no way you can do that! (00:08:04.817)
Rushuna Tendo : You've lost your will to fight. (00:08:07.220)
Yajiro Kojima : Crap, I don't have time for this. (00:08:10.223)
Yajiro Kojima : If your desire is not to fight, \n you should go home... (00:08:14.393)
Rushuna Tendo : To right the wrongs of this world, and \n to eliminate the enemy's will to fight... (00:08:21.801)
Rushuna Tendo : Things don't always go as planned. (00:08:28.875)
Rushuna Tendo : Huh? (00:08:32.011)
Nagou Akki : If you want your hostage back, \n bring the money! (00:09:23.796)
Yajiro Kojima : Crap! (00:09:28.000)
EXTRA : Yajiro, you're alive. (00:09:29.001)
Yajiro Kojima : I'm sorry, General. (00:09:32.138)
Yajiro Kojima : We samurai must fight against the gun \n toting senshi with only our swords. (00:09:36.842)
Yajiro Kojima : There's no way we can win. (00:09:42.815)
EXTRA : But still, we must fight! (00:09:44.884)
EXTRA : We must get our Master back. (00:09:47.887)
Yajiro Kojima : In this world of war, those who \n have fallen into its depths believe... (00:09:55.962)
Yajiro Kojima : ...only in guns and money. (00:10:00.166)
Yajiro Kojima : For those of us who believe in the way \n of the sword, this is a lost battle. (00:10:02.635)
Yajiro Kojima : And I am a fool for \n going along with them. (00:10:08.307)
Yajiro Kojima : Sometimes you just have to do... (00:10:12.478)
Rushuna Tendo : Hey there, Mr. Stupid... (00:10:14.847)
Yajiro Kojima : Who're you calling stupid? (00:10:17.016)
Yajiro Kojima : You... (00:10:19.151)
Rushuna Tendo : So we meet again. (00:10:23.055)
Yajiro Kojima : Why did you come? \n I told you to turn back. (00:10:25.524)
Yajiro Kojima : This is a battleground. (00:10:28.327)
Rushuna Tendo : I can't get to the castle? (00:10:30.196)
Yajiro Kojima : Of course not! Just take a look! (00:10:32.465)
Rushuna Tendo : Hmm... (00:10:36.135)
Rushuna Tendo : Going through that castle \n is part of my journey. (00:10:38.237)
Yajiro Kojima : You... (00:10:47.413)
Yajiro Kojima : Whatever you're packing, it's not going \n to do you any good. Just get out of here! (00:10:49.315)
Rushuna Tendo : But I can't... (00:10:54.687)
EXTRA : Huh? Hmm... (00:10:57.657)
EXTRA : It's him! The Tiger of the Rear Guard. (00:11:00.426)
Nagou Akki : What! (00:11:15.741)
EXTRA : There's someone with a gun! (00:11:17.276)
Nagou Akki : What! (00:11:19.679)
Nagou Akki : Shoot! Kill him! (00:11:21.080)
EXTRA : I-It's a woman... (00:11:37.496)
Yajiro Kojima : Y-You... (00:11:41.567)
Rushuna Tendo : Oh, I've done it again... (00:11:44.603)
Rushuna Tendo : I give my little speech, but \n I can't help but shoot my gun... (00:11:48.340)
Yajiro Kojima : You're a senshi too? (00:11:53.312)
EXTRA : A "senshi" is... (00:11:57.049)
EXTRA : ... one who is experienced \n with a firearm. (00:11:58.784)
Rushuna Tendo : Rushuna Tendo. That is my name. (00:12:03.189)
Yajiro Kojima : Wait a second! (00:12:20.940)
Yajiro Kojima : Stop! What are you going to do? (00:12:23.242)
Rushuna Tendo : I'm going to save the Lord \n and pass through here. (00:12:27.179)
Yajiro Kojima : You need money to save him. \n You got money? (00:12:30.449)
Rushuna Tendo : I don't have any money but... (00:12:33.619)
Rushuna Tendo : ...I have a smile! (00:12:36.655)
Yajiro Kojima : Are you stupid? (00:12:42.728)
Rushuna Tendo : You're the stupid one. (00:12:44.063)
Yajiro Kojima : I am not! I'm Yajiro Kojima, \n remember that! (00:12:45.731)
Yajiro Kojima : But listen! (00:12:50.136)
Yajiro Kojima : Look, you don't look it, \n but you're good. (00:12:52.571)
Yajiro Kojima : So, lure them out and then kill Nago! (00:12:55.908)
Yajiro Kojima : I'll rescue the Lord and get my reward... (00:13:00.179)
Rushuna Tendo : Reward? (00:13:02.782)
Rushuna Tendo : So that's what you're after. (00:13:04.416)
Yajiro Kojima : A samurai has to eat! Besides, then \n you'll be able to go through the castle. (00:13:07.453)
Rushuna Tendo : I want to win the battle \n without fighting... (00:13:14.193)
Rushuna Tendo : That's what I want to do. \n Squire Yajiro. (00:13:17.563)
Yajiro Kojima : It's Master Yajiro! (00:13:21.066)
Rushuna Tendo : You don't look like a Master Yajiro. \n I think Yatchan is perfect. (00:13:23.969)
Rushuna Tendo : YATCHAN (00:13:28.140)
Yajiro Kojima : Yatchan? (00:13:30.943)
Rushuna Tendo : Huh? (00:13:32.111)
Yajiro Kojima : Yatchan? (00:13:33.212)
Rushuna Tendo : It opened! (00:13:34.446)
Rushuna Tendo : Look, Yatchan! (00:13:38.951)
Yajiro Kojima : Wow! (00:13:41.387)
Yajiro Kojima : There's my reward! It's mine! (00:13:45.858)
Rushuna Tendo : Wait! (00:13:48.828)
Rushuna Tendo : That smoke... (00:13:50.729)
Rushuna Tendo : ASHIKABI (buried explosives) \n Ashikabi... (00:13:52.932)
Rushuna Tendo : It's a trap! (00:13:55.167)
Nagou Akki : What! (00:13:56.769)
Rushuna Tendo : Sorry! (00:13:59.004)
Yajiro Kojima : Ouch. (00:14:01.540)
Nagou Akki : Girl! (00:14:20.059)
Nagou Akki : How did you know about the ashikabi? \n You're not just an ordinary girl! (00:14:25.664)
Rushuna Tendo : Oh, I'm a traveler. (00:14:31.203)
Nagou Akki : Stop playing around. You can't fool me! (00:14:34.173)
Nagou Akki : Your excellent marksmanship... \n You must be a senshi. (00:14:38.210)
Rushuna Tendo : A senshi, please! (00:14:42.181)
Rushuna Tendo : Anyway, I have a favor \n to ask you, Sir Nago. (00:14:44.583)
Nagou Akki : Huh? (00:14:48.254)
Rushuna Tendo : Won't you please let the Lord go? (00:14:49.321)
Nagou Akki : So you brought the money? (00:14:53.859)
Rushuna Tendo : Huh? (00:14:56.829)
Nagou Akki : Like I said, I will release him \n in exchange for the money! (00:14:57.796)
Rushuna Tendo : I don't have any money, \n but I do have a smile! (00:15:02.801)
EXTRA : How about if she doesn't have money, \n she pays with her body, Boss? (00:15:06.605)
Nagou Akki : No. (00:15:12.878)
Nagou Akki : I only accept a smile \n if it comes with cash. (00:15:14.179)
Rushuna Tendo : How about just a smile? (00:15:17.516)
Nagou Akki : Heh! That's a good joke! (00:15:20.219)
Yajiro Kojima : I said your strategy wouldn't work. (00:15:24.089)
Nagou Akki : If you don't have the money, \n you're of no use to me. (00:15:30.562)
Nagou Akki : I'll send you to hell with my galdo, \n my pride and joy. (00:15:33.899)
Nagou Akki : Die! (00:15:38.871)
EXTRA : She... \n She... (00:15:46.779)
Nagou Akki : ...dodged it. (00:15:48.847)
Rushuna Tendo : That precious galdo of yours, \n it was designed for taking over castles... (00:15:51.984)
Rushuna Tendo : A machine gun \n designed for maximum damage... (00:15:57.656)
Rushuna Tendo : However, it's slow to aim \n and not very accurate. (00:16:01.593)
Rushuna Tendo : Old man, you don't know \n how to use a gun, do you? (00:16:05.931)
Nagou Akki : Wh-Who are you? (00:16:11.003)
Rushuna Tendo : I'm just a traveler... (00:16:15.040)
Rushuna Tendo : ...but you can't seem to grasp that. (00:16:17.643)
Rushuna Tendo : But since you're so unwilling to listen \n and downright rude, you don't even... (00:16:21.347)
Rushuna Tendo : ...get a smile! (00:16:25.951)
Nagou Akki : Who needs it anyway! Kill her! (00:16:28.087)
Nagou Akki : Not bad, Girl! (00:16:50.309)
Nagou Akki : However, your gun is a 38 revolver. (00:16:54.013)
Nagou Akki : Six shots and you're done. (00:16:58.584)
Nagou Akki : I think you're the one who doesn't \n know how to use a gun, Girl! (00:17:03.155)
Nagou Akki : I'll give you a smile \n as my parting gift. (00:17:12.164)
EXTRA : Get up! Everyone, get up! (00:17:28.113)
EXTRA : We'll get our Master back... (00:17:33.652)
EXTRA : We will take our castle back! (00:17:36.922)
Nagou Akki : Die! (00:17:51.036)
Nagou Akki : Give me a break! (00:18:46.758)
Yajiro Kojima : It's okay now. (00:18:52.631)
EXTRA : Wha... What are you doing? (00:18:54.766)
Nagou Akki : Shut up! Be quiet! (00:18:57.102)
EXTRA : What are you doing? (00:19:04.776)
Nagou Akki : Shut up, be quiet! (00:19:06.845)
Nagou Akki : That woman! That skill! (00:19:10.282)
EXTRA : NAGO (00:19:37.509)
EXTRA : Lord! Master! (00:19:51.056)
EXTRA : Master! Master! Are you okay? (00:19:53.625)
Yajiro Kojima : Hey, where's my reward? (00:20:02.067)
Rushuna Tendo : It looks like everything's \n back to normal. (00:20:04.836)
Empress Tenshi : I see... Rushuna? (00:20:21.587)
Empress Tenshi : I'm proud. (00:20:25.257)
Empress Tenshi : But my teaching is to win \n battles without fighting. (00:20:27.926)
Empress Tenshi : But someday, she will do it. (00:20:32.664)
Rushuna Tendo : Yatchan, you did real well. I'm sure \n they would've gladly hired you. (00:20:44.142)
Yajiro Kojima : I don't want to be in the military. (00:20:49.481)
Yajiro Kojima : You missed all of their vital organs. (00:20:52.985)
Yajiro Kojima : You didn't kill a single person. (00:20:56.555)
Yajiro Kojima : I'm going to be your partner! (00:21:00.425)
Rushuna Tendo : Partner? \n I'm going to be your partner! (00:21:02.194)
Yajiro Kojima : Yeah, that's right. (00:21:03.295)
Yajiro Kojima : I don't like senshi. (00:21:07.866)
Yajiro Kojima : But I have a feeling you're different. \n Together, we can rule the world! (00:21:10.936)
Yajiro Kojima : So... (00:21:17.843)
Yajiro Kojima : What do you think? Wanna join forces? (00:21:22.247)
Rushuna Tendo : In this chaotic world... even if I could \n get just one person to stop fighting. (00:21:29.821)
Yajiro Kojima : Heh! Give me a break! (00:21:36.628)
Yajiro Kojima : There's a huge difference in what \n you preach and what you practice. (00:21:39.264)
Yajiro Kojima : Showing off your skills like that! (00:21:43.435)
Rushuna Tendo : You're right. (00:21:45.270)
Rushuna Tendo : But I'm working towards that ideal. \n That's what this journey is about. (00:21:47.172)
Rushuna Tendo : Look! A hot spring! (00:21:53.712)
Rushuna Tendo : Hurry, hurry! (00:21:56.281)
Yajiro Kojima : Uh... (00:21:58.583)
Rushuna Tendo : I'll scrub your back for you. (00:21:59.284)
Yajiro Kojima : No thanks. What you do and what you \n say are completely different! (00:22:01.620)
EXTRA : All alone, \n so many nights I want to cry. (00:22:15.334)
EXTRA : Everyone dreams on \n the road of the endless journey. (00:22:26.044)
EXTRA : Always believe in something, \n and always lose something. (00:22:37.022)
EXTRA : I hold you. (00:22:42.427)
EXTRA : All the tears I shed \n will turn into kindness. (00:22:47.566)
EXTRA : I'm sure. (00:22:55.640)
EXTRA : Don't be defeated by sadness. (00:22:58.009)
EXTRA : Keep your eye on tomorrow. (00:23:03.348)
EXTRA : You're not alone. \n Everyone has dreams to come true. (00:23:08.987)
EXTRA : The winds of tomorrow will \n bring the fragrance of kindness. (00:23:19.331)
EXTRA : It's a promise... \n I'll always be by your side. (00:23:30.308)
EXTRA : Next Episode (00:23:43.021)
Rushuna Tendo : Suddenly, we're attacked out of nowhere. (00:23:45.490)
Rushuna Tendo : A wanted woman? (00:23:47.926)
Rushuna Tendo : A golden haired senshi? It's me? (00:23:49.461)
Rushuna Tendo : No way! (00:23:52.631)
Rushuna Tendo : Brutal attacks and fighting skills \n I've never seen before... (00:23:54.666)
Rushuna Tendo : They even attacked me in the bath! (00:23:58.770)
Rushuna Tendo : Next episode of "Grenadier", \n Rushuna under attack. (00:24:02.741)
Rushuna Tendo : Would you like to join me? (00:24:07.913)

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