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Chiho Sasaki : Yesterday was a tough one, wasn't it? (0:00:12.65)
Sadao Maou : Yeah. But we can't afford to get complacent unless we wanna lose more of our customers to Sentucky. (0:00:14.64)
Mayumi Kisaki : You don't wanna go to Greenland, do you? (0:00:21.00)
Mayumi Kisaki : Substitute manager Maou Sadao! (0:00:24.25)
Mayumi Kisaki : Maou-kun! (0:00:29.17)
Mayumi Kisaki : Could you make your way to Fushima Park tomorrow? (0:00:30.84)
Sadao Maou : Huh? Why? (0:00:32.76)
Sadao Maou : We reached our sales target, didn't we?! (0:00:34.88)
Mayumi Kisaki : Huh? What are you talking about? (0:00:37.35)
Mayumi Kisaki : One of my friends is working there, and she asked me to lend her a few talented crew members. (0:00:40.27)
Sadao Maou : Phew, you scared me. (0:00:45.90)
Mayumi Kisaki : They got a new attraction or some fair nearby, (0:00:47.23)
Mayumi Kisaki : so they're expecting lots of customers tomorrow. (0:00:50.90)
Mayumi Kisaki : They'll pay for your travel expenses and dispatch allowance, of course. (0:00:53.74)
Mayumi Kisaki : What do you say? Will you go? (0:00:57.45)
Sadao Maou : Of course. (0:00:58.87)
Chiho Sasaki : Lemme help too! (0:01:00.12)
Mayumi Kisaki : Thanks, but Maou-kun should be enough on his own. (0:01:01.70)
Chiho Sasaki : I see... (0:01:05.21)
Mayumi Kisaki : That's about it. (0:01:05.96)
Mayumi Kisaki : You'll be representing us as one of our most talented crew members. (0:01:07.50)
Chiho Sasaki : Fushima Park, huh? (0:01:08.75)
Sadao Maou : Understood! (0:01:10.30)
Shiro Ashiya : Oh, tomorrow? (0:02:46.31)
Sadao Maou : Yeah. (0:02:48.10)
Sadao Maou : Are you really well enough for all this? (0:02:51.98)
Shiro Ashiya : Foff cose. (0:02:55.73)
Shiro Ashiya : It's about to expire, so we should eat it all today. (0:02:58.07)
Shiro Ashiya : Thank you for your concern, though. (0:03:03.37)
Hanzou Urushihara : Ah, it's true. (0:03:05.54)
Hanzou Urushihara : A new haunted house is opening tomorrow at Fushima Park. (0:03:06.95)
Hanzou Urushihara : The Great Reptile Exhibit is opening too. (0:03:10.79)
Shiro Ashiya : Quit staring at the screen and come eat. (0:03:13.46)
Shiro Ashiya : Otherwise I can't clean it up— (0:03:16.09)
Hanzou Urushihara : Whoa, they'll have three hundred kinds of reptiles in one place. (0:03:16.43)
Hanzou Urushihara : Lots of people're gonna go see it, I bet. (0:03:20.80)
Shiro Ashiya : Sounds like you'll have a busy day. (0:03:22.51)
Sadao Maou : Yeah. (0:03:24.47)
Hanzou Urushihara : Oh? They say this new haunted house is scarier (0:03:25.26)
Hanzou Urushihara : than the Silent Maze in Asakyu Lowland Park that was named best in Japan. (0:03:29.60)
Hanzou Urushihara : But if lots of people are visiting
such a terrifying haunted house...
Hanzou Urushihara : Doesn't that mean there'll be
plenty of fear to tap into there?
Hanzou Urushihara : It might be possible to
convert that into magic.
Shiro Ashiya : In that case, tomorrow I shall
accompany you as well
Shiro Ashiya : and serve you to the best of my abilities. (0:03:51.41)
Hanzou Urushihara : Oh, so you're going too, Ashiya? (0:03:55.54)
Shiro Ashiya : That's right. (0:03:57.84)
Shiro Ashiya : You can sit tight here at our stronghold. (0:04:01.09)
Shiro Ashiya : What? (0:04:04.05)
Hanzou Urushihara : Food money. (0:04:05.18)
Hanzou Urushihara : I'll order pizza. (0:04:06.14)
Shiro Ashiya : We can't afford luxuries like that. (0:04:07.18)
Shiro Ashiya : Eat your noodles and be happy! (0:04:09.56)
Shiro Ashiya : You don't have to do anything. (0:04:12.27)
Shiro Ashiya : I'll make them for you. (0:04:13.73)
Hanzou Urushihara : Honestly, I don't even want to think about the expiration date of those noodles. (0:04:14.81)
Shiro Ashiya : It's not that bad. (0:04:21.32)
Shiro Ashiya : If you don't eat up, you'll be haunted by the Vengeful Spirit of Wastefulness! (0:04:25.07)
Hanzou Urushihara : Are you like, five? (0:04:27.58)
Sadao Maou : Just eat already! You guys are way too loud! (0:04:31.62)
Emi Yusa : Hello? Ah, Chiho-chan? (0:04:38.71)
Emi Yusa : Yeah. Yeah. (0:04:41.67)
Emi Yusa : Huh? Fushima Park? (0:04:44.65)
Emi Yusa : Okay, I don't have anything tomorrow anyway. (0:04:47.22)
Chiho Sasaki : Thank you! (0:04:50.14)
Chiho Sasaki : I'm so glad you agreed to come along. (0:04:53.23)
Chiho Sasaki : I really didn't want to go by myself. (0:04:56.69)
Chiho Sasaki : Yeah, let's meet there. (0:04:59.73)
Chiho Sasaki : To be honest, I wanted to go with Maou-san. (0:05:05.03)
Emi Yusa : Hello? (0:05:13.75)
Suzuno Kamazuki : The Dark Lord is planning to gather magic at Fushima Park tomorrow. (0:05:14.89)
Emi Yusa : Huh? I heard he was just
going to help out at the store.
Suzuno Kamazuki : You already gathered intel of your own? (0:05:23.13)
Emi Yusa : I heard from Chiho-chan. (0:05:25.30)
Emi Yusa : I'm going there too. (0:05:27.47)
Emi Yusa : Chiho-chan invited me. (0:05:29.85)
Emi Yusa : And how could he gather magic
at an amusement park?
Emi Yusa : How does that make sense? (0:05:35.27)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Naïve as always, I see. (0:05:36.69)
Suzuno Kamazuki : I wish to confirm this with my own eyes. (0:05:39.02)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Please let me accompany you. (0:05:42.32)
Emi Yusa : Fine. I'll tell Chiho-chan you're coming too. (0:05:44.36)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Why would Emilia... (0:05:52.41)
Sadao Maou : I'm from the Hatagaya Station store. (0:05:57.87)
Sadao Maou : The name's Maou Sadao. (0:06:00.50)
Sadao Maou : Looking forward to working with you. (0:06:02.00)
Yuki Mizushima : I've heard about you from Kisaki-chan. (0:06:04.38)
Yuki Mizushima : She said you're real good. (0:06:07.43)
Sadao Maou : I'll do my best to live up to your expectations. (0:06:08.93)
Yuki Mizushima : Looks like we're in for a busy day today, so I'll be counting on all of you, okay? (0:06:11.76)
Sadao Maou : Okay! (0:06:15.52)
Chiho Sasaki : Yusa-san! (0:06:19.51)
Emi Yusa : Sorry, did you wait long? (0:06:25.44)
Chiho Sasaki : No, not at all. (0:06:27.24)
Chiho Sasaki : Hi, Suzuno-san. (0:06:28.95)
Suzuno Kamazuki : I am looking forward to accompanying you today, Chiho-dono. (0:06:30.99)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Especially considering that this is the first I have set foot in an amusement park, (0:06:34.37)
Suzuno Kamazuki : I will likely depend on your assistance. (0:06:37.96)
Chiho Sasaki : You can count on me! (0:06:40.21)
Chiho Sasaki : Sorry! I'm ready now! (0:06:45.59)
Sadao Maou : Two Special One-Pounders, coming right up! (0:06:48.84)
Chiho Sasaki : You're so mature, Yusa-san! (0:06:54.34)
Sadao Maou : Two MgBurgers, coming right up! (0:06:57.18)
Emi Yusa : Chiho-chan... (0:07:00.35)
Chiho Sasaki : Yes? (0:07:01.94)
Emi Yusa : You're... sixteen, right? (0:07:02.56)
Chiho Sasaki : That's right! (0:07:05.86)
Emi Yusa : Goddamn . (0:07:07.49)
Chiho Sasaki : Is something wrong? (0:07:08.49)
Emi Yusa : I was just thinking how huge... ly cute you look! (0:07:11.28)
Chiho Sasaki : Really? (0:07:15.33)
Chiho Sasaki : I wonder if Maou-san will think so too... (0:07:17.87)
Suzuno Kamazuki : I am ready. (0:07:22.33)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Shall we proceed? (0:07:26.67)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Is something the matter? (0:07:29.51)
Sadao Maou : Here's your order. (0:07:34.76)
Sadao Maou : Could the next customer
please proceed to the counter?
Sadao Maou : Two nuggets, one BBQ sauce, one mustard sauce. (0:07:39.27)
Sadao Maou : One iced caramel latte. One caffè mocha. (0:07:42.85)
Sadao Maou : Two MgBurgers. (0:07:45.81)
Sadao Maou : One of them without pickles, please. (0:07:47.19)
Sadao Maou : Here's your order. (0:07:51.20)
Yuki Mizushima : You're not half bad. (0:07:53.95)
Sadao Maou : Next customer, please! (0:07:57.37)
Sadao Maou : Ah, Chi-chan. (0:07:58.91)
Chiho Sasaki : Hi, Maou-san. (0:08:01.04)
Chiho Sasaki : Three Big Mag sets, please. (0:08:03.29)
Sadao Maou : Three Big Mag sets, right? (0:08:07.96)
Chiho Sasaki : Yes. (0:08:10.30)
Sadao Maou : Three Big Mag sets, please. (0:08:11.47)
Chiho Sasaki : I ended up coming here to hang out. (0:08:13.97)
Sadao Maou : Right. (0:08:15.89)
Chiho Sasaki : Do your best, okay? (0:08:16.93)
Sadao Maou : Sure thing. Thanks. (0:08:19.27)
Chiho Sasaki : Um... How is it? (0:08:20.60)
Sadao Maou : How? Hm... (0:08:25.15)
Sadao Maou : It's much busier here at the amusement park than in the residential district. (0:08:28.52)
Sadao Maou : There are lots of customers.
I've learned a lot about service.
Chiho Sasaki : That's wonderful. (0:08:36.49)
Sadao Maou : I'll have to tell Kisaki-san
about all this once I get back.
Chiho Sasaki : That's wonderful. (0:08:40.62)
Chiho Sasaki : I think I got it now. (0:08:42.08)
Emi Yusa : Dense as always, huh? (0:08:44.00)
Sadao Maou : Why are you here? (0:08:46.96)
Emi Yusa : I'm an OL who works hard every day.
It's up to me how I spend my days off.
Sadao Maou : Yeah, yeah. (0:08:53.72)
Suzuno Kamazuki : I am not here for recreation. (0:08:55.09)
Suzuno Kamazuki : I am here to study society. (0:08:57.18)
Sadao Maou : Yeah, yeah. (0:08:58.97)
Hanzou Urushihara : You okay? (0:09:08.11)
Hanzou Urushihara : Had too much noodles? (0:09:09.61)
Shiro Ashiya : What are you talking about? This is nothing. (0:09:12.44)
Hanzou Urushihara : You should take some meds. (0:09:15.40)
Shiro Ashiya : Taking medicine would be but— (0:09:17.57)
Shiro Ashiya : What a shame. (0:09:24.71)
Shiro Ashiya : I should be helping my lord
recover his magic, yet...
Shiro Ashiya : This is pathetic. (0:09:31.13)
Hanzou Urushihara : You shouldn't force yourself. (0:09:34.09)
Hanzou Urushihara : If you're staying at home,
might as well stay in there.
Hanzou Urushihara : Are you okay? (0:09:43.77)
Emi Yusa : There really is a crowd here. (0:09:48.35)
Chiho Sasaki : It must be because of the new attraction. (0:09:50.69)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Do you refer to the haunted house? (0:09:54.61)
Chiho Sasaki : Yeah. They say it's quite good. (0:09:56.85)
Emi Yusa : Wanna give it a try? (0:09:59.57)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Definitely. (0:10:01.45)
Hanzou Urushihara : It might be possible to convert it into magic. (0:10:02.61)
Suzuno Kamazuki : I find it intriguing in a number of ways. (0:10:07.54)
Emi Yusa : Let's go. (0:10:35.99)
Chiho Sasaki : Um... (0:10:37.61)
Emi Yusa : Chiho-chan? (0:10:54.39)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Chiho-dono? (0:10:54.39b)
Emi Yusa : Just how far did she run? (0:11:00.01)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Quite far ahead, it would appear. (0:11:02.60)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Look! Is that Chiho-dono? (0:11:13.31)
Suzuno Kamazuki : No, it would seem otherwise. (0:11:16.19)
Suzuno Kamazuki : What's wrong, little girl? (0:11:18.24)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Why are you crying? (0:11:20.07)
EXTRA : She's gone... (0:11:22.87)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Gone? Who is? (0:11:24.03)
EXTRA : Mommy... (0:11:26.33)
Suzuno Kamazuki : You lost her? (0:11:27.75)
EXTRA : She's gone... (0:11:29.20)
Suzuno Kamazuki : I see. (0:11:30.41)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Then do you want to come with us? (0:11:31.71)
EXTRA : Mommy's... gone... (0:11:34.34)
EXTRA : She's gone... (0:11:37.05)
EXTRA : She's gone... mommy... (0:11:38.63)
EXTRA : Mo-Mommy's gone... Gone... She's... Mommy... (0:11:41.51)
Suzuno Kamazuki : W-Wait... (0:11:44.93)
EXTRA : Mommy? (0:11:50.98)
Emi Yusa : Who the hell could come up
with something like that?
Suzuno Kamazuki : And here I thought I had steeled myself against such horrors. (0:12:01.45)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Next up, why don't we head over there? (0:12:06.37)
Emi Yusa : Ch-Chiho-chan, it's not too late
to turn back if you want.
Chiho Sasaki : It's okay. I can do it. (0:12:16.39)
Emi Yusa : Really? I really don't mind if
we turn back here, you know.
Chiho Sasaki : No, I've come this far already!
I won't turn back now!
Emi Yusa : Really? (0:12:24.48)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Might it be that you're scared as well, Emi-dono? (0:12:26.85)
Emi Yusa : S-Scared?! (0:12:29.60)
Emi Yusa : I just don't really like them, that's all! (0:12:31.64)
Chiho Sasaki : Neither do I. (0:12:34.44)
Chiho Sasaki : I hate it when they just show up out of nowhere. (0:12:43.53)
Emi Yusa : Yeah, same... (0:12:46.32)
Emi Yusa : I really don't like them. (0:13:01.09)
Chiho Sasaki : Yeah... (0:13:02.84)
Suzuno Kamazuki : It seems there are many kinds. (0:13:04.47)
Suzuno Kamazuki : I wonder if any of them are edible. (0:13:08.05)
Chiho Sasaki : Edible? Have you eaten reptiles before? (0:13:10.06)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Yes, a couple of times. (0:13:13.27)
Chiho Sasaki : Really?! Where?! (0:13:14.72)
Suzuno Kamazuki : In the south, if my memory does not betray me. (0:13:16.94)
Chiho Sasaki : Okinawa? (0:13:20.26)
Suzuno Kamazuki : A local acquaintance said I should not leave without trying some lizards first. (0:13:21.07)
Chiho Sasaki : Didn't you have any other choices? (0:13:27.32)
Suzuno Kamazuki : She was so insistent, I thought I should give it a try. (0:13:28.70)
Chiho Sasaki : You ate it? (0:13:32.52)
Suzuno Kamazuki : That inn proudly advertised how they use all parts of the lizard, from the head to the tail, in their meals. (0:13:34.50)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Their lizard tail soup was especially good. (0:13:39.46)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Its aroma was pleasing, and its taste even more so. (0:13:44.38)
Suzuno Kamazuki : While it definitely looked grotesque, I thought that (0:13:47.84)
Emi Yusa : W-Wait. (0:13:49.01)
Suzuno Kamazuki : it must be the best Ente Is— (0:13:51.47)
Emi Yusa : You were just about to tell
Chiho-chan about Ente Isla!
Suzuno Kamazuki : I was careless. (0:13:59.35)
Yuki Mizushima : Maou-kun! (0:14:02.65)
Sadao Maou : Yes? (0:14:03.48)
Yuki Mizushima : When you're done with that,
could you run a delivery for me?
Sadao Maou : Sure. (0:14:06.99)
EXTRA : Oh, I'm sorry. (0:14:33.76)
Emi Yusa : Sorry. That was my fault. (0:14:35.08)
EXTRA : Not at all. (0:14:37.68)
Emi Yusa : What? (0:14:41.65)
Chiho Sasaki : You're pretty cute, Yusa-san. (0:14:42.73)
Sadao Maou : I'm from MgRonald's.
I've brought your order.
EXTRA : Hell, we've been waiting for you! (0:14:49.43)
EXTRA : Could you take it inside? (0:14:51.00)
Sadao Maou : Let's see. Here's a Big Mag— (0:14:53.33)
Chiho Sasaki : Whoa. I'm surprised there are so many kinds. (0:15:05.88)
Emi Yusa : Yeah, me too. (0:15:10.13)
Emi Yusa : So, are there any like the one you ate? (0:15:11.93)
Suzuno Kamazuki : I'd... prefer not to look at them that way. (0:15:15.01)
Emi Yusa : Huh? (0:15:19.73)
Chiho Sasaki : It's a monkey. (0:15:21.15)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Is it lost? (0:15:22.52)
Emi Yusa : It's wearing clothes. (0:15:24.11)
Emi Yusa : Hey, don't be scared. Come here. (0:15:25.69)
Emi Yusa : This monkey's already gotten on my bad side. (0:15:38.50)
Sadao Maou : Thank you, and please choose us again. (0:15:40.87)
EXTRA : Huh? Sadao! (0:15:43.50)
Sadao Maou : "Sadao"? (0:15:45.56)
EXTRA : Ah, my monkey. (0:15:46.59)
Sadao Maou : Your... monkey? (0:15:48.76)
EXTRA : Sadao! (0:15:50.92)
EXTRA : Sheesh, where did he go? (0:15:52.43)
EXTRA : Sadao! (0:15:55.14)
EXTRA : Sadao, where are you? (0:15:57.89)
Sadao Maou : S-Sadao! (0:16:00.35)
Chiho Sasaki : What should we do with it? (0:16:02.56)
Emi Yusa : Take it to the lost kids' booth? (0:16:04.81)
EXTRA : Sadao! (0:16:07.11)
EXTRA : Sadao, don't run off like that! (0:16:10.78)
Sadao Maou : I'm glad you found it. (0:16:15.87)
EXTRA : Yeah. (0:16:17.58)
Chiho Sasaki : Maou-san? (0:16:18.44)
Sadao Maou : Ah, Chi-chan. (0:16:20.20)
EXTRA : Thanks for helping him. (0:16:21.50)
Chiho Sasaki : His name's Sadao-chan? (0:16:23.42)
EXTRA : Yeah. (0:16:25.88)
Suzuno Kamazuki : So you were lost, Sadao? (0:16:26.67)
Chiho Sasaki : I'm happy you found your master, Sadao-chan! (0:16:28.54)
EXTRA : Sadao really loves ladies,
you see! He's out of control!
Emi Yusa : That we saw. He really
likes big ones, doesn't he?
Chiho Sasaki : Big ones? (0:16:39.14)
Emi Yusa : N-Nothing. (0:16:40.02)
Sadao Maou : Stop it already, all of you! (0:16:40.90)
Emi Yusa : What? (0:17:27.48)
EXTRA : This is an announcement for all our valued customers. (0:17:29.48)
EXTRA : Some crocodiles have escaped the reptile exhibit. (0:17:32.57)
Emi Yusa : Chiho-chan! (0:17:35.78)
Yuki Mizushima : Please follow the directions of the staff members and evacuate calmly. (0:17:36.15)
Yuki Mizushima : Please remain calm! (0:17:38.87)
EXTRA : I repeat. This is an announcement for all our valued customers. (0:17:40.03)
EXTRA : Be sure not to let go of your children! (0:17:41.34)
EXTRA : Some crocodiles have escaped the reptile exhibit. (0:17:44.25)
Emi Yusa : Are you okay, Chiho-chan? (0:17:44.25b)
Chiho Sasaki : Yeah. (0:17:45.79)
EXTRA : Please follow the directions of the staff members and evacuate calmly. (0:17:48.00)
Emi Yusa : Suzuno? (0:17:49.29)
Sadao Maou : Impure souls, return from the underworld. (0:18:11.73)
Sadao Maou : Bind these weak-minded creatures to my will! (0:18:17.15)
Sadao Maou : Impure souls, return from the underworld. (0:18:21.83)
Sadao Maou : Bind these weak-minded creatures to my will! (0:18:27.04)
Chiho Sasaki : Is that Maou-san? (0:18:31.08)
Emi Yusa : Seems that way. (0:18:34.46)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Why? He could have taken advantage of the crisis to gain even more power. (0:18:55.61)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Why would he use his sparse, hard-won magic for the sake of mere humans? (0:19:00.95)
Suzuno Kamazuki : What goes on in your head, Dark Lord Satan? (0:19:05.12)
EXTRA : Good work, everyone! (0:19:11.92)
EXTRA : That was amazing! (0:19:14.63)
EXTRA : No big deal. (0:19:15.92)
Yuki Mizushima : Kisaki-chan told me you were a hard worker, but I think she sold you short! (0:19:17.21)
Sadao Maou : Really? Thank you very much. (0:19:20.30)
Sadao Maou : Well, we've still got some cleaning up to do. (0:19:23.22)
Sadao Maou : See you tomorrow at work, Chi-chan! (0:19:25.85)
Chiho Sasaki : Yeah, see you tomorrow! (0:19:27.72)
Emi Yusa : Jeez, that ended up being such a crazy mess. (0:19:32.90)
Chiho Sasaki : Nah, I got to see a really cool side of
Maou-san today. I think it was worth it.
Emi Yusa : Right. (0:19:42.20)
Chiho Sasaki : And I had lots of fun with the two of you. That's enough for me. (0:19:43.24)
Emi Yusa : Yeah, it's been so long
since we cut loose like that.
Emi Yusa : Right? (0:19:52.62)
Suzuno Kamazuki : That is right. (0:19:53.67)
Chiho Sasaki : Suzuno-san? (0:20:34.33)
Hanzou Urushihara : By the way, were you able to gather any magic yesterday? (0:20:50.56)
Sadao Maou : Yeah, but I used it all up. (0:20:54.60)
Shiro Ashiya : I knew we shouldn't have
taken Urushihara's advice.
Shiro Ashiya : Please enjoy your meal, my lord. (0:21:05.57)
Sadao Maou : You look pretty bad. (0:21:09.41)
Shiro Ashiya : Please don't worry about me. (0:21:11.41)
Hanzou Urushihara : He just ate too much. (0:21:14.16)
Shiro Ashiya : Shut up! No one asked you! (0:21:15.37)
EXTRA : A delivery! (0:21:18.71)
Sadao Maou : Coming! (0:21:20.67)
Hanzou Urushihara : I'll get it! (0:21:21.21)
Hanzou Urushihara : Damn! My legs gave out under me! (0:21:22.55)
Sadao Maou : Just a moment. (0:21:25.26)
Hanzou Urushihara : I— Wai— I'll take it— (0:21:25.63)
EXTRA : It's a delivery for Urushihara Hanzou-sama. (0:21:28.76)
Sadao Maou : For Urushihara? (0:21:31.93)
Shiro Ashiya : Jungle, eh? (0:21:33.64)
Hanzou Urushihara : Uh, this is, well, you see... (0:21:34.88)
Shiro Ashiya : What is it? Spit it out. (0:21:37.40)
Hanzou Urushihara : Too close, too close, too close. (0:21:37.40b)
Hanzou Urushihara : While I was imprisoned in the bathroom— (0:21:40.52)
Sadao Maou : Ashiya, shouldn't you see a doctor? (0:21:45.07)
Shiro Ashiya : No need for that! This is nothing! (0:21:47.24)
Hanzou Urushihara : Are you really okay? (0:21:50.02)
Shiro Ashiya : Silence, fool! (0:21:51.16)
Shiro Ashiya : Your concern is the last thing I need! (0:21:52.62)

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