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EXTRA : The Holy Knights, who wield
the true power of the kingdom,
EXTRA : have begun preparing for the upcoming Holy War. (0:00:06.14)
EXTRA : Holy Knight apprentices are summoned for hideous experiments by none other (0:00:09.77)
EXTRA : than the Great Holy Knight, Hendriksen! (0:00:14.02)
EXTRA : The New Generation of Holy Knights obtained immeasurable power (0:00:17.65)
EXTRA : by drinking the blood of a demon. (0:00:21.17)
EXTRA : Meanwhile, (0:00:28.54)
EXTRA : Meliodas and the others enter the
Byzel Fight Festival in order to reclaim
EXTRA : Diane's Sacred Treasure, Gideon. (0:00:34.68)
EXTRA : Either jokingly or seriously, (0:00:39.15)
EXTRA : men will put their pride at
stake in the battles to come!
Diane : For the time being, let's just gather anything that looks edible. (0:00:52.13)
Diane : We'll figure out what we can use later. (0:00:55.11)
Elizabeth Liones : Got it! (0:00:57.22)
Elizabeth Liones : So pretty! (0:01:07.13)
Diane : What's wrong? (0:01:13.84)
Diane : Hey, look, an ingredient! Gotcha! (0:01:20.20)
EXTRA : This is a tale of humans and beings from other worlds. (0:01:29.45)
EXTRA : It is a story of ancient times. (0:01:35.08)
EXTRA : Long ago, the Holy Knights fought alongside three tribes to seal away the Demon Clan. (0:01:37.62)
EXTRA : It was known as the Holy War, and memory of it has long left the minds of the people. (0:01:43.65)
EXTRA : However, a new Holy War has begun. (0:01:51.09)
EXTRA : The battle to banish the Seven Deadly Sins unto oblivion. (0:01:55.01)
Love Helm : The Byzel Fight Festival qualifiers will soon begin! (0:03:40.07)
Love Helm : I, Love♡Helm, will be the referee! (0:03:41.90)
Love Helm : The rules for the qualifiers are simple! (0:03:44.50)
Love Helm : Knock your opponents out of this ring! (0:03:47.87)
Love Helm : Throwing! Pushing! (0:03:50.33)
Love Helm : Sending them flying with your fists! (0:03:53.12)
Love Helm : Anything goes as long as you use your bare hands! (0:03:54.91)
Love Helm : The last eight fighters standing will advance to the next round. (0:03:56.63)
Love Helm : Now, let the qualifiers (0:04:00.88)
Love Helm : begin! (0:04:02.38)
EXTRA : I'm definitely getting past the qualifiers this year! (0:04:12.05)
EXTRA : Not with me in your way, you're not! (0:04:14.15)
Taizoo : Weaklings! (0:04:19.22)
EXTRA : That's Taizoo for ya! (0:04:23.02)
EXTRA : Time for you to go on home to mama, little boy! (0:04:28.03)
Ban : Qualifiers are so boring... (0:04:37.13)
Hawk : You should consider yourselves
lucky that I'm not participating.
Hawk : Now then... (0:04:48.64)
Hawk : The Boar Hat traveling bar is here! (0:04:49.35)
Hawk : How about some delicious ale to go along with watching the fight? One silver per glass! (0:04:52.72)
EXTRA : One glass please, Mr. Pig! (0:04:57.27)
EXTRA : I'll take three! (0:04:59.19)
Hawk : Thank you. Come again! (0:05:00.27)
Meliodas : Hey, Ban! Don't use your full strength on these guys, okay? (0:05:13.14)
Ban : Duh. If I killed someone,
I'd ruin the fun of the festival!
EXTRA : Can you keep up with my speedy moves? (0:05:22.00)
King : Jeez, Captain! You're just here for fun, aren't you? (0:05:27.69)
Meliodas : Don't be stupid! Does it look like I'm just in it for the fun of it? (0:05:30.72)
King : Yes, it does. (0:05:34.43)
Meliodas : Listen, King... (0:05:36.09)
Meliodas : If we win the Fight Festival,
we can get Gideon back for Diane!
Meliodas : Don't you want to see her
excited face when that happens?
Diane : Thanks, King! (0:05:45.98)
King (human form) : I'm gonna win it all! (0:05:49.70)
Meliodas : That's the spirit! (0:05:51.68)
EXTRA : I'll be sure to treat you right, little lady! (0:05:54.58)
Love Helm : Such incredible speed! You can't even follow it with your eyes! (0:06:14.47)
Love Helm : A female contender has knocked out over ten opponents in the blink of an eye! (0:06:17.56)
Meliodas : She's pretty good. (0:06:21.48)
Ban : Ooh, scary... (0:06:23.14)
Ban : I wonder if she'd ever get married. (0:06:24.46)
Meliodas : Wait, where'd you get those clothes? (0:06:26.76)
Love Helm : Finally, the survivors still in the ring are... (0:06:28.61)
EXTRA : Four... five... six... (0:06:31.61)
EXTRA : Seven? (0:06:33.74)
EXTRA : What are they gonna do?
There can't be a tournament like this.
EXTRA : There's one more who didn't fall off! (0:06:37.87)
King : Phew... That was close! (0:06:41.56)
EXTRA : Hey! He's floating? That's cheating! (0:06:43.88)
EXTRA : You should be disqualified! (0:06:45.91)
Love Helm : It's definitely cheap, but it's not considered using a weapon! (0:06:47.98)
Love Helm : Therefore, he's safe! (0:06:51.51)
Ban : Good work. Taking the cheap path to victory. (0:06:53.35)
Meliodas : Nice, coward! (0:06:56.50)
King : You don't have to put it like that. (0:06:57.56)
Love Helm : And now, we'll draw the lots for the main tournament! (0:06:59.39)
Love Helm : Would the eight contestants
please come to the waiting room?
Love Helm : Now, please draw lots. (0:07:06.36)
Love Helm : The person with the same letter as you
will be your opponent in the first round!
Ban : Man, I'm really excited for the finals! (0:07:12.87)
Meliodas : You'd better not get knocked out after saying that. (0:07:17.16)
Ban : Who do you think you're talking to? (0:07:20.01)
King : Ow, ow, ow. (0:07:22.06)
King : I'm so nervous I have a stomachache. (0:07:23.27)
Love Helm : And now, I will announce the first round match-ups! (0:07:25.29)
Love Helm : First up! (0:07:28.57)
Love Helm : Griamor versus Matrona! (0:07:29.92)
King : It's that impressive girl from earlier. (0:07:32.88)
Meliodas : Never heard of her. The world sure is a big place. (0:07:34.97)
Love Helm : Next up! (0:07:41.42)
Love Helm : Hauser versus Taizoo! (0:07:42.65)
King : Hauser... (0:07:45.61)
King : I remember now! (0:07:48.63)
King : He's a Holy Knight! (0:07:49.88)
King : I saw him with Gilthunder a couple of times! (0:07:51.60)
Meliodas : What's a Holy Knight doing at a festival like this? (0:07:54.10)
Meliodas : We'd be in trouble if our cover's blown. (0:07:57.22)
King : Ban! You're the one who registered us, right? (0:07:59.87)
King : You didn't use our real names, did you? (0:08:02.49)
Ban : Don't worry! I wouldn't slip up on something like that. (0:08:06.12)
Love Helm : And now, the third fight! (0:08:10.35)
Love Helm : Cain versus... (0:08:12.17)
Cain Barzad : Me? (0:08:13.27)
Love Helm : Old Fart! (0:08:14.18)
King : Old Fart? Who'd have a terrible name like that? (0:08:17.07)
Ban : That's you, good sir. (0:08:19.93)
King : Why couldn't you pick something decent?! (0:08:21.93)
King : What do you mean, Old Fart? (0:08:24.36)
Ban : It's fine. Just go with it! (0:08:24.73)
Meliodas : Yo, you entered too, Gramps? (0:08:25.53)
King : I can't believe you, you idiot! You huge idiot! (0:08:26.26)
Cain Barzad : In a drunken spur of the moment. (0:08:29.40)
Ban : What the hell? My name still hasn't been called? (0:08:31.07)
Meliodas : Mine neither. (0:08:34.75)
Love Helm : The final set! (0:08:36.66)
Love Helm : Meliodaz versus Baan! (0:08:38.34)
Ban : Already, in the first round? (0:08:42.12)
Ban : So early! (0:08:44.41)
Meliodas : First of all, what's with those names? (0:08:45.41)
King : They're so obvious! (0:08:47.80)
Ban : I couldn't think of any good names on the spot! (0:08:49.10)
Hauser : Hey, you over there. (0:08:52.32)
Hauser : Are you that man on the wanted poster? (0:08:57.12)
Hauser : And you, kid... (0:08:59.56)
Hauser : If I remember correctly, Gil said
that the captain of the Sins is a kid.
Hauser : Could these two be... (0:09:08.06)
Hauser : But their names are different! (0:09:14.95)
Hauser : My bad! It's just a mix-up! (0:09:17.52)
Hauser : That's right. Why would they
show up at a festival like this?
Ban : We're saved. (0:09:23.63)
Meliodas : By his stupidity. (0:09:24.89)
Love Helm : The main rounds of the Byzel Fight Tournament are about to begin! (0:09:32.52)
Love Helm : Once again, the rules are very simple! (0:09:36.61)
Love Helm : If your opponent gives up or you knock them out cold, you win! (0:09:38.87)
Love Helm : You can also win by knocking them out of the ring! (0:09:42.04)
Love Helm : And now, the first fight! (0:09:45.18)
Love Helm : Griamor versus Matrona! (0:09:47.35)
Hauser : Griamor. (0:09:53.65)
Hauser : To think that you'd participate too... (0:09:54.86)
Hauser : Aren't you supposed to be taking care of Veronica? (0:09:57.60)
Griamore : That's Princess Veronica, Hauser. (0:10:00.19)
Griamore : Mind your manners. (0:10:02.24)
Love Helm : At seven feet tall and 400 pounds, (0:10:09.42)
Love Helm : Griamor! (0:10:13.05)
EXTRA : Look at those muscles! (0:10:15.44)
Love Helm : Her height, five feet, four inches. Her weight, a secret! (0:10:17.90)
Love Helm : Matrona! (0:10:22.04)
EXTRA : Tell us your three sizes! (0:10:23.49)
Meliodas : 91, 58, 90. (0:10:25.61)
King : What are those numbers?! (0:10:28.24)
Love Helm : Excuse me, Miss! You can keep the hat,
but we'll have to ask you to remove your cape!
Love Helm : We just have to make sure you
don't have any concealed weapons.
King : Captain! Aren't those clothes—?! (0:10:44.42)
Meliodas : Yeah, no doubt about it! It's our uniform! (0:10:46.82)
Hawk : What?! It can't be... Elizabeth? (0:10:50.46)
King : Was Lady Elizabeth always that strong? (0:10:53.50)
Meliodas : If that's Elizabeth,
there's something strange going on here.
King : Something strange? (0:11:00.77)
King : Like what? (0:11:02.38)
Meliodas : Her chest is slightly smaller, and her butt's a little bigger. (0:11:03.85)
Love Helm : And now, you won't be able to
take your eyes off this first round!
Love Helm : Without further ado, let the fight begin! (0:11:12.75)
Love Helm : Too fast! (0:11:17.90)
Love Helm : Right from the start, she flies into his body and attacks relentlessly! (0:11:19.38)
Griamore : There's no way I can lose here. (0:11:26.14)
Griamore : Don't hold this against me, little lady. (0:11:29.29)
Griamore : This is my ability! (0:11:32.21)
Griamore : Wall! (0:11:35.79)
Ban : Hey, with a powerful move like that... (0:11:37.30)
Meliodas : He's a Holy Knight as well? (0:11:40.46)
Hauser : It's too late, little lady. (0:11:44.22)
Hauser : Ordinary magic and physical
attacks have no affect on him at all.
Hauser : When he's in that state, all you can do is wait for him to release or lose his power. (0:11:50.48)
Hauser : You should've finished the fight
before it completely covered his body.
Griamore : My Wall is the physical manifestation of my conviction to protect Princess Veronica at all costs! (0:12:03.53)
Griamore : I'll have you pushed out of the ring before long. (0:12:08.08)
Love Helm : Griamor's strange power has Matrona cornered! (0:12:14.57)
Griamore : I will be the one to advance to the finals! (0:12:20.43)
Griamore : As long as Princess Veronica orders it,
even the Seven Deadly Sins or Meliodas
Griamore : will grovel at my feet! (0:12:28.38)
Diane : I'll never let... (0:12:31.25)
Diane : something like that happen! (0:12:33.35)
Love Helm : Griamor has been knocked out of bounds! (0:12:55.35)
Love Helm : The winner is Matrona! (0:12:57.28)
Hauser : She broke the Wall with her bare hands? (0:13:02.30)
Hauser : Is she a monster?! (0:13:04.94)
Love Helm : A gigantic, muscular man falls to an
incredible attack by a beautiful lady!
Love Helm : This year's Fight Festival is gonna be a storm! (0:13:12.79)
Ban : Don't tell me that's... (0:13:15.98)
King : Captain, am I dreaming or something? (0:13:17.98)
Diane : Ah, well... I wanted to keep
it a secret for a little longer.
Diane : Busted! (0:13:27.24)
Meliodas : Who are you? (0:13:28.97)
Diane : I don't care! Captain is stupid, stupid! (0:13:33.12)
Meliodas : What did I do? (0:13:36.73)
King : You really are stupid, Captain. (0:13:38.23)
King : Wait up! (0:13:42.18)
King : I said wait, Diane! (0:13:43.76)
King : It's you, right? (0:13:48.46)
Diane : King... (0:13:51.85)
King : That appearance... How did you become that size? (0:13:53.02)
King : Where's Princess Elizabeth? She's not with you? (0:13:57.34)
Elizabeth Liones : I'm right here! (0:14:00.13)
Elizabeth Liones : If you're looking for me, I'm right here. (0:14:03.11)
King : Shoc-King! (0:14:13.52)
King : No way... Is that really Princess Elizabeth? (0:14:23.39)
Diane : Pervert! (0:14:26.80)
King : No, no! That's not what I was trying to do. (0:14:29.72)
King : Anyway, we should let Captain know. (0:14:31.72)
Meliodas : Mushroom monster? (0:14:36.02)
Diane : Yeah. (0:14:37.85)
Diane : After you guys went into town, (0:14:38.56)
Diane : we headed into the forest to gather some ingredients for dinner. (0:14:41.15)
Diane : And then... (0:14:44.90)
Diane : What's wrong? (0:14:45.53)
Diane : Hey, look, an ingredient! Gotcha! (0:14:49.82)
Diane : Eh?! What is this?! (0:14:58.41)
Diane : We've shrunk! (0:15:10.43)
Diane : So I'm borrowing Elizabeth's clothes for now, but... (0:15:13.85)
Elizabeth Liones : We don't have any clothes in my size. (0:15:17.77)
Meliodas : So that's why you're between Diane's boobs. (0:15:20.60)
King : Captain, how vulgar! (0:15:23.69)
King : That was probably a King Trumpet
type mushroom, the Chicken Matango.
King : It's a timid monster, so you hardly ever see it, (0:15:28.90)
King : but when it's in danger, it releases
spores that shrink other living beings.
Meliodas : Why didn't you tell us sooner? (0:15:38.41)
Diane : Because... (0:15:40.54)
Diane : I wanted to surprise you, Captain! (0:15:42.33)
King : No! (0:15:46.96)
Diane : For Captain to hold me like this is a dream come true! (0:15:49.51)
Diane : I was always jealous of Elizabeth! (0:15:52.38)
Meliodas : You kinda jumped on me, though... (0:15:55.51)
King : Diane, get away from him! (0:15:58.10)
Diane : Oh, that's right! Put me down! Hurry! Hurry! (0:16:00.23)
Meliodas : You sure are lively today. (0:16:03.06)
Diane : Here, Captain! Grope me all over! (0:16:06.44)
Diane : Just like how you do it to Elizabeth every day. (0:16:11.61)
Meliodas : Come on, now. Even if you tell me to do it... (0:16:14.74)
Diane : That's not fair! It's always Elizabeth! (0:16:19.08)
Diane : What am I to you, Captain? (0:16:22.08)
Meliodas : What are you... (0:16:24.96)
Elizabeth Liones : Diane... (0:16:26.79)
Diane : Just when... (0:16:28.50)
Diane : Just when I finally become smaller... (0:16:30.30)
Diane : I always used to tell myself (0:16:33.13)
Diane : that Captain doesn't care about me because I'm so big. (0:16:35.51)
Meliodas : There, there. (0:16:41.35)
Meliodas : I can't do something like that to someone so important to me. (0:16:43.94)
Meliodas : Just be content with this, okay? (0:16:47.02)
Diane : Okay, I'm fine with this! (0:16:51.90)
Diane : Ah! I forgot about the most important thing. (0:16:55.70)
Meliodas : What is it? (0:16:59.03)
Diane : We can have kids together now, Captain! (0:17:01.04)
Meliodas : Were you listening to me at all? (0:17:04.25)
Ban : Hey, King! (0:17:09.84)
Ban : How come you're dead already? (0:17:12.51)
Meliodas : How's the fight going? (0:17:14.47)
Ban : There's not much to say. (0:17:16.51)
Ban : That geezer's way too weak. (0:17:18.18)
Hauser : Come on... (0:17:21.56)
Hauser : Why don't you just give up and surrender now? (0:17:22.43)
Taizoo : I'm not done yet! (0:17:25.94)
Hauser : Jeez... Unlike Griamor, I didn't want to use my powers on an ordinary person. (0:17:26.81)
Hauser : I'll make it quick so I don't feel bad for you. (0:17:33.44)
Taizoo : You bastard! (0:17:36.70)
Hauser : It was a nice fight! (0:17:38.20)
Love Helm : The winner is Hauser! (0:17:49.46)
Hauser : All right! (0:17:51.42)
Meliodas : Oh, he's not bad. (0:17:53.05)
Ban : Indeed. (0:17:54.80)
Love Helm : And now, the third round! Cain versus Old Fart! (0:17:55.80)
King : Guess that's me. (0:17:59.05)
Diane : Who's the guy without a shred of
naming sense that came up with that?
Ban : Over here. (0:18:04.27)
Diane : That's what I thought. (0:18:05.31)
Ban : What about you? You used a weird name, too. (0:18:06.56)
Ban : Where did this "Matrona" come from? (0:18:09.90)
Diane : Someone I knew in the past. (0:18:11.98)
Meliodas : I'll hang onto Chastiefol. (0:18:13.69)
Meliodas : Good luck, Old Fart! (0:18:18.20)
Diane : Kin—Old Fart, good luck! (0:18:19.91)
Ban : So that's his game face. (0:18:25.75)
Meliodas : This makes a great pillow. (0:18:28.29)
Love Helm : Height, five feet, four inches.
Weight, five pounds. It's Old Fart!
EXTRA : Are you a baby? (0:18:35.01)
King : Stupid Ban. He just wrote whatever. (0:18:36.17)
Love Helm : Height, five feet, one inch. Weight, 108 pounds. Cain! (0:18:38.68)
EXTRA : Hey, hey! Aren't you drunk, old man? (0:18:46.85)
Love Helm : Is this even gonna be a fight? (0:18:49.65)
Veronica Lyonesse : Griamor! (0:18:53.02)
Veronica Lyonesse : Open your eyes, Griamor. You idiot! (0:18:54.15)
Griamore : Princess Veronica. Please forgive me! (0:18:59.53)
Veronica Lyonesse : Honestly. You let your guard down. (0:19:02.03)
Veronica Lyonesse : If I knew it'd end up like this,
I'd have taken Gilthunder instead.
Hauser : Yo, you all right, Griamor? (0:19:08.16)
Hauser : And hello to you too, Princess Veronica. (0:19:11.00)
Griamore : Hauser... (0:19:13.38)
Griamore : You're not going to watch the fight? (0:19:15.92)
Hauser : It's an obvious throwaway match. There's no point in watching. (0:19:18.09)
Hauser : More importantly, (0:19:21.51)
Hauser : what are you and Veronica doing here? (0:19:22.76)
Veronica Lyonesse : We're here to find Elizabeth. (0:19:26.72)
Hauser : Elizabeth... Princess Elizabeth? (0:19:28.98)
Hauser : She's here? (0:19:31.94)
Veronica Lyonesse : Most likely. (0:19:33.36)
Veronica Lyonesse : Since the Seven Sins are here... (0:19:36.15)
Love Helm : Let the battle begin! (0:19:39.15)
Diane : I've never seen King fight without a weapon before. (0:19:41.15)
Meliodas : I think this is my second time. Wait 'til you see him go at it! (0:19:45.49)
King : Diane, I dedicate to you... (0:19:50.12)
King : the Fight Festival victory,
and the Sacred Treasure Gideon!
Diane : He's that amazing? (0:19:57.09)
Meliodas : Yeah. King without his weapon is... (0:19:58.84)
Meliodas : incredibly weak! (0:20:06.89)
King : He's strong! (0:20:18.86)
Love Helm : Oh, wow! This is one incredibly low-level fight! (0:20:20.90)
Hawk : So weak. (0:20:24.53)
Meliodas : Once, he even lost a fight against
his own cat when it stole his snacks.
Cain Barzad : Ready to surrender? (0:20:30.70)
King : This is bad. I can't lose here! (0:20:32.66)
King : I have a duty to return Gideon to Diane! (0:20:36.33)
King : It might be a bit unfair,
but I'll have to use my power!
Love Helm : Old Fart is out of bounds! (0:20:56.44)
Love Helm : The winner is Cain! (0:20:57.98)
Cain Barzad : I was so surprised, I lost control of myself. (0:21:01.15)
King : That's cruel. I just used Disaster to trigger his rheumatism a little bit. (0:21:04.03)
Love Helm : And now, the final fight for this round! (0:21:09.91)
Love Helm : Baan versus Meliodaz! (0:21:13.00)
Hauser : What? That little kid is Meliodas of the Seven Deadly Sins?! (0:21:16.21)
Hauser : So, they really are... (0:21:20.96)
Griamore : Yeah. (0:21:22.30)
Griamore : Ban. (0:21:23.05)
Griamore : King. (0:21:25.34)
Hauser : Seriously? (0:21:26.68)
Hauser : I can't be dawdling around here, then! (0:21:29.39)
Veronica Lyonesse : Hey! I absolutely forbid you from making a ruckus until we've found Elizabeth! (0:21:31.43)
Hauser : That goes for you guys, too! If you make a scene before this festival is over, I won't let you off easy! (0:21:34.85)
Hauser : This is my chance to see those legendary criminals and their power up close! (0:21:42.61)
Hauser : Yahoo! (0:21:47.11)
Love Helm : Whoa there, weapons are prohibited! (0:23:21.75)
Meliodas : Oh, this? (0:23:24.54)
Meliodas : It's just for decoration. (0:23:26.84)
Love Helm : W-Well... I'll allow it, then. (0:23:28.21)
Love Helm : Height, five feet. Weight, 110 pounds. Meliodaz! (0:23:32.51)
Love Helm : Height, six feet, nine inches. Weight, 170 pounds. Baan! (0:23:39.94)
Ban : Well then... (0:23:45.11)
Ban : Let's do this! (0:23:46.69)
Meliodas : Yeah! (0:23:49.90)
Love Helm : The Byzel Fight Festival, a manly celebration held once a year, is now reaching its climax! (0:23:58.33)
Love Helm : The next fight is between Meliodaz and Baan! (0:24:03.21)
Love Helm : However, the Holy Knight Griamor, who the crowd expected a lot from, (0:24:06.62)
Love Helm : was surprisingly eliminated in the first round! (0:24:11.05)
Griamore : I'm truly ashamed. (0:24:13.55)
Griamore : If I could find a hole, I'd bury myself in it. (0:24:15.20)
Griamore : Wall! (0:24:17.18)
Meliodas : Next time, on The Seven Deadly Sins: "The Sentiment of Many Years." (0:24:19.58)
Love Helm : I beg of you, please don't
destroy the tournament grounds!

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best boi - Anonymous


If we can reach it, we can
use a teleport crystal.
- Yuriel

Sorry about that. - Yuriel

Thinker! - Yuriel

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