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Luna : Destroyer alert! Destroyer alert! (0:00:01.24)
Luna : All citizens, evacuate at once! (0:00:05.08)
Luna : All adventurers, equip yourselves and
report to the adventurer's guild!
Aqua : Kazuma! (0:00:11.03)
Aqua : We're running away! We're running far away! (0:00:12.78)
Kazuma Satou : Huh? (0:00:15.47)
Megumin : The mobile fortress, Destroyer... (0:00:16.80)
Megumin : Fighting that thing is reckless, at best. (0:00:18.66)
Aqua : Yeah, yeah. (0:00:20.90)
Kazuma Satou : I keep asking, what's a Destroyer?! (0:00:21.77)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : An ancient weapon that went on a rampage. (0:00:25.32)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : They say that where it passes through,
not even grass remains.
Kazuma Satou : Hey, everyone. We're going to the guild. (0:00:34.26)
Aqua : Why? (0:00:36.18)
Kazuma Satou : Like hell we're gonna let
the house we finally earned,
Kazuma Satou : after so much work, be destroyed that easily! (0:00:40.18)
Luna : All of you are this city's last bastion of hope. (0:00:55.92)
Luna : We humbly request your assistance. (0:01:00.53)
EXTRA : At present, the mobile fortress, Destroyer, (0:01:04.67)
EXTRA : is on a direct path our way,
invading from the northwest.
EXTRA : One hour remains until its arrival. (0:01:12.36)
EXTRA : Um... (0:01:24.41)
EXTRA : The Destroyer was created by an
ancient magical kingdom, correct?
Wiz : Did the people who created it
prepare any countermeasures?
Luna : They were the first to perish
in the Destroyer's rampage.
Kazuma Satou : This is an impossible game. (0:01:38.13)
Kazuma Satou : Such a strong foe isn't supposed to
come to a city of novice adventurers!
EXTRA : If only Mitsurugi-san were here right now... (0:01:42.62)
EXTRA : I wonder where he went. (0:01:45.19)
Chris : You should all run away immediately. (0:01:48.37)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : No, they can't. (0:01:51.28)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : The townspeople will all lose their homes. (0:01:52.73)
Chris : You're as stubborn as ever, Darkness. (0:01:55.57)
Chris : Hey, you. (0:01:59.06)
Chris : Got any bright ideas? (0:02:00.69)
Kazuma Satou : That's asking a lot... (0:02:02.68)
Kazuma Satou : Aqua, couldn't you break its barrier? (0:02:06.98)
Aqua : I have no way to know unless I try. (0:02:12.41)
Luna : You can break the Destroyer's barrier?! (0:02:14.40)
Kazuma Satou : N-No, I just thought maybe— (0:02:17.52)
Luna : Even so, couldn't you at least try it? (0:02:19.96)
Kazuma Satou : S-Sure... (0:02:22.42)
Luna : Aside from that, (0:02:24.20)
Luna : we'll need some heavy-hitting magic... (0:02:25.63)
EXTRA : We have that. (0:02:28.76)
EXTRA : If we need firepower, we have her, don't we? (0:02:30.61)
EXTRA : The crazy one. (0:02:32.75)
EXTRA : Thats's right. The crazy one! (0:02:35.00)
EXTRA : We do have the crazy girl! (0:02:37.66)
EXTRA : Stare... (0:02:42.64)
Megumin : Hey, wait! (0:02:44.62)
Megumin : If you're talking about me,
don't call me by that nickname!
Megumin : Otherwise, I'll prove just how crazy I am (0:02:50.11)
Megumin : right here and now! (0:02:53.16)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : Your explosion magic is the
greatest firepower this city has.
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : What do you say, Megumin? (0:03:01.00)
Megumin : I don't think even my explosion magic
can take it down in a single blow.
Wiz : I'm sorry I'm late! (0:03:10.75)
Wiz : I'm the proprietor of Wiz's Magical Tool Shop. (0:03:13.76)
Wiz : I'm a qualified adventurer, so I've come to help... (0:03:16.26)
EXTRA : It's the shopkeeper! (0:03:20.52)
EXTRA : The destitute shopkeeper is here! (0:03:21.98)
EXTRA : We can win this! We can win this now! (0:03:23.51)
Kazuma Satou : Huh? Huh? (0:03:26.98)
Kazuma Satou : Why is she so famous? (0:03:28.41)
Kazuma Satou : And don't call her a "destitute
shopkeeper." I feel bad for her.
Dust : Don't you know? (0:03:34.40)
Dust : She made a name for herself as a
master arch wizard once upon a time.
Kazuma Satou : Her true identity is an undead lich, though... (0:03:40.70)
Luna : All right, everyone. (0:03:43.77)
Luna : The emergency quest will now begin! (0:03:45.24)
EXTRA : Emergency Quest (0:03:48.54)
EXTRA : Protect the City from the Mobile Fortress, Destroyer!! (0:03:48.58)
EXTRA : Hurry! The big one's gonna be here any second! (0:03:53.75)
EXTRA : Right! (0:03:56.27)
Kazuma Satou : Hey, Darkness. I know how stubborn you are, (0:04:06.13)
Kazuma Satou : but set aside your hopeless fetishes for now
and join me at the edge of the road—
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : Given my usual behavior, it can't be
helped that you would think that way,
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : but do you really think I'm a woman of
such rigid adherence to my own desires?
Kazuma Satou : Sure. It's obvious you are. (0:04:23.93)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : Wha— (0:04:25.37)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : A-Ahem. (0:04:27.93)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : I must protect the inhabitants of this land. (0:04:29.46)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : I'm sure the residents of this
city won't pay me any mind,
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : but that, at the very least, is how I feel. (0:04:36.17)
Kazuma Satou : Do you have some reason for that? (0:04:39.00)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : My real name is Dustiness Ford Lalatina. (0:04:45.11)
Kazuma Satou : Lala— What was that? (0:04:49.01)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : I'm the daughter of the Dustiness
family, which governs this area.
Kazuma Satou : So you're a rich girl?! (0:04:55.22)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : Don't tell the others. (0:04:57.45)
Kazuma Satou : Oh, uh, sure... (0:04:58.99)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : I am a knight. (0:05:01.60)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : Protecting the livelihoods of my countrymen
is both my duty and my honor.
Kazuma Satou : Okay... (0:05:09.58)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : Do you dislike selfish, stubborn allies? (0:05:11.43)
Kazuma Satou : A certain arch priest's selfish whims (0:05:15.77)
Kazuma Satou : annoy me and make me want to slap her. (0:05:18.02)
Kazuma Satou : But I don't mind when
someone like you is selfish.
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : I see. (0:05:26.86)
Kazuma Satou : Lalatina. (0:05:37.61)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : Don't call me by that name! (0:05:38.84)
EXTRA : KONOSUBA! (0:05:41.23)
Luna : All adventurers! (0:05:43.13)
Luna : The Destroyer will be within sight soon! (0:05:44.48)
Luna : Please prepare for battle! (0:05:46.61)
Dust : It... It's huge... (0:06:10.36)
Kazuma Satou : Will we be okay? Can we handle this? (0:06:20.30)
Aqua : Hey, Wiz! (0:06:22.60)
Aqua : You're up for this, right?! (0:06:23.92)
Wiz : Please leave it to me, Aqua-sama. (0:06:26.24)
Wiz : I may not look it, but I am
the highest-ranked undead.
Aqua : You're really up for this, right?! (0:06:31.19)
Wiz : If I should fail, let's return to
the soil together on good terms.
Aqua : That's not funny! That's not funny! (0:06:37.59)
Aqua : Kazuma, are you okay over there?! (0:06:40.22)
Megumin : I'm okay. I am strong. I am strong. (0:06:42.64)
Kazuma Satou : It's not looking good. (0:06:46.17)
Megumin : I am the finest of crimson
demons, a genius magician...
Kazuma Satou : Hey, calm down. Try not to overthink it. (0:06:48.09)
Megumin : I-I'll blow... blow it away
with my explosion magic!
Kazuma Satou : Hey, hey, too soon, too soon! (0:06:55.25)
EXTRA : Here it comes! (0:06:58.13)
Aqua : Sacred... (0:07:06.61)
Aqua : Break Spell! (0:07:14.84)
Kazuma Satou : Now! (0:07:46.90)
Wiz : Megumin-san, launch a concurrent strike! (0:07:48.46)
Kazuma Satou : Hey, Megumin! (0:07:52.15)
Kazuma Satou : Hey! Is your love for explosion
magic the real deal?!
Kazuma Satou : If you're outdone by Wiz, you'll be a disgrace! (0:07:59.31)
Kazuma Satou : Is your explosion magic so wimpy,
it can't even destroy that thing?!
Megumin : What was that?! (0:08:06.30)
Megumin : You just said the one thing (0:08:07.96)
Megumin : you must never say to me,
even worse than mocking my name!
Megumin : I'll show you what real explosion magic is! (0:08:14.37)
Megumin : Darkness blacker than black
and darker than dark,
Wiz : Darkness blacker than black
and darker than dark,
Megumin : I beseech thee, combine with my deep crimson. (0:08:22.22)
Wiz : I beseech thee, combine with my deep crimson. (0:08:22.22)
Megumin : The time of awakening cometh. (0:08:25.03)
Wiz : The time of awakening cometh. (0:08:25.03)
Wiz : Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary, (0:08:27.02)
Megumin : Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary, (0:08:27.02)
Megumin : appear now as an intangible distortion! (0:08:29.75)
Wiz : appear now as an intangible distortion! (0:08:29.75)
Megumin : Explosion! (0:08:33.88)
Wiz : Explosion! (0:08:33.88)
Kazuma Satou : You did it, Megumin. (0:09:08.13)
Megumin : That's a lich for you.
Her level far exceeds my own.
Megumin : How frustrating... (0:09:18.39)
Kazuma Satou : There, there. Good job, good job. (0:09:20.49)
EXTRA : They did it? (0:09:23.68)
EXTRA : When this is all over, I'm getting married. (0:09:24.61)
Kazuma Satou : Hey, don't say anything that'll
trigger a flag right now!
Aqua : Come on, let's go back and celebrate! (0:09:30.71)
Aqua : I wonder how much the reward will be! (0:09:32.98)
Kazuma Satou : You idiot! Why do you love clichés like that?! (0:09:34.85)
Aqua : Huh? (0:09:37.92)
Kazuma Satou : See?! What did I tell you?! (0:09:41.43)
Aqua : Huh?! (0:09:43.12)
EXTRA : Due to extreme damage, the self-destruct
sequence will now initiate.
EXTRA : All crew, please evacuate immediately. (0:09:49.04)
EXTRA : All crew, please evacuate immediately. (0:09:51.92)
EXTRA : Are you serious?! (0:09:54.94)
EXTRA : Emergency Quest (0:09:58.03)
EXTRA : Protect the City from the Mobile Fortress, Destroyer!! (0:09:58.03b)
EXTRA : Initiating self-destruct sequence. (0:09:59.12)
EXTRA : Initiating self-destruct sequence. (0:10:01.08)
EXTRA : Prevent the Mobile Fortress, Destroyer, from Self-Destructing!! (0:10:04.87b)
EXTRA : It's no use. (0:10:11.80)
EXTRA : It can't be done! (0:10:13.63)
EXTRA : It's hopeless! Run for it! (0:10:15.46)
Kazuma Satou : Darkness! We're evacuating! (0:10:17.46)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : I cannot withdraw until the very end. (0:10:20.23)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : A knight mustn't run away
before her countrymen.
Kazuma Satou : Darkness... (0:10:27.79)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : Besides, when I think about exposing myself to (0:10:28.83)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : a bomb massive enough to
obliterate a city, I wonder...
Kazuma Satou : Huh? (0:10:35.02)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : What is this rising excitement
like nothing I've felt before?
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : Will I be able to withstand it? (0:10:40.18)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : No, no matter how sturdy I may be,
it's unlikely I'll get through this unscathed.
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : I can't stand it any longer! (0:10:48.71)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : Kazuma! (0:10:51.13)
Kazuma Satou : Yes, I'm Kazuma. (0:10:51.64)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : I'm charging in! (0:10:52.01)
Kazuma Satou : Huh? Hey! (0:10:53.50)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : I'll be back! (0:10:54.92)
EXTRA : Hey, Darkness-san is charging in! (0:10:59.87)
EXTRA : Huh?! (0:11:02.40)
EXTRA : I see! She intends to destroy
it before it can explode!
EXTRA : All to protect the city! (0:11:08.02)
EXTRA : I'm going for it! (0:11:09.74)
EXTRA : I owe this city so much! (0:11:12.27)
EXTRA : Even though I'm already past level 30... (0:11:15.09)
EXTRA : I remember now why I'm still
in this city of beginners.
Dust : In fact, after all the inexpensive
hospitality I've received...
Dust : If I can't repay that debt now,
I'm done for as a human being!
EXTRA : Yeah! (0:11:31.30)
EXTRA : Don't be scared! We'll follow her, too! (0:11:32.08)
EXTRA : Yeah! (0:11:35.24)
EXTRA : Go! (0:11:36.34)
EXTRA : Come on! Whoever's in charge, show yourself! (0:11:42.98)
Wiz : Kazuma-san. (0:11:48.49)
Wiz : If we can locate the control device, (0:11:50.34)
Wiz : we may be able to stop the self-destruct. (0:11:53.78)
Kazuma Satou : Darkness definitely barged
in without thinking of that.
EXTRA : It's open! (0:12:02.48)
Aqua : The way this is going,
we can leave things to them.
Aqua : Let's go home. Let's go home
and try hard again tomorrow...
Kazuma Satou : Come on, you useless goddess! (0:12:13.11)
Aqua : Huh?! N-No! (0:12:14.29)
Dust : Found it! (0:12:18.25)
Aqua : I want to go home! (0:12:21.51)
EXTRA : Take a look at that. (0:12:26.48)
Wiz : Is that a member of the crew? (0:12:30.23)
Aqua : He's already passed on. (0:12:32.64)
Aqua : Not only did he not turn undead, (0:12:34.90)
Aqua : but he passed away peacefully,
with no lingering attachments.
Kazuma Satou : No, he must have had attachments! (0:12:39.37)
Kazuma Satou : He totally looks like he died
a solitary, lonesome death...
Aqua : What's this? (0:12:47.43)
Aqua : "This country's bigshots made
an unreasonable request.
Aqua : Telling me to create a mobile
fortress on this pittance?
Aqua : Absurd." (0:12:59.02)
Kazuma Satou : Is this his diary? (0:13:00.55)
EXTRA : They asked about a power source,
too, but what do I care?
EXTRA : I told them to bring me some
legendary coronatite or something.
EXTRA : They actually brought it! What should I do? (0:13:14.32)
EXTRA : Will I get the death penalty
if it doesn't work now?
EXTRA : Please work! I'm begging you! (0:13:19.88)
EXTRA : All done. As of this moment,
it's going on a rampage.
EXTRA : The country has perished. Oh, no! (0:13:28.76)
EXTRA : It was wiped out! (0:13:30.70)
EXTRA : Oh, no! (0:13:31.89)
EXTRA : Still, I feel kind of relieved. I'm satisfied. (0:13:33.69)
EXTRA : All right, I've decided. (0:13:36.28)
EXTRA : I'll spend the rest of my life right here. (0:13:37.71)
EXTRA : I can't get out of this thing, anyway.
I can't stop it, either.
EXTRA : The guy who created this must be an idiot! (0:13:43.48)
EXTRA : Whoops, I was the one
responsible for creating it.
Aqua : The end. (0:13:55.99)
Kazuma Satou : Don't screw with us! (0:13:56.72)
EXTRA : KONOSUBA! (0:13:57.99)
Kazuma Satou : We let Dust and the others get away first, (0:14:00.79)
Kazuma Satou : but what do we do with this? (0:14:03.24)
Wiz : The coronatite is out of control. (0:14:05.81)
Kazuma Satou : Can't you do something about this? (0:14:08.73)
Kazuma Satou : Doesn't it happen all the time? (0:14:11.29)
Kazuma Satou : A goddess seals away an
evil power or something?
Aqua : What's with that self-serving, wild idea? (0:14:14.99)
Aqua : Hey, Wiz, can't you do something about this? (0:14:17.09)
Wiz : I could use teleportation
magic to send it somewh—
Aqua : Do that! (0:14:24.23)
Wiz : But I don't have enough magic! (0:14:25.17)
Wiz : Um, Kazuma-san... (0:14:27.89)
Wiz : I have a request. (0:14:31.39)
Kazuma Satou : Wh-What is it? (0:14:33.85)
Wiz : Would you let me suck it out? (0:14:39.38)
Kazuma Satou : With pleasure. (0:14:42.00)
Kazuma Satou : I won't say something as
tasteless as "Suck what out?"
Kazuma Satou : I'm not the dense type who
would get worked up and
Kazuma Satou : play dumb at a time like this. (0:14:49.68)
Wiz : Thank you! (0:14:52.36)
Kazuma Satou : No, thank you . (0:14:53.90)
Wiz : Now, then... (0:14:54.49)
Kazuma Satou : Bring it. (0:14:55.54)
Kazuma Satou : Dad, Mom, I'm about to become
an adult in this parallel—
Wiz : I'm sorry! Drain Touch! (0:15:04.03)
Aqua : H-Hey! Kazuma-san is drying up! (0:15:10.05)
Kazuma Satou : What a letdown... (0:15:15.22)
Wiz : I should be able to use
teleportation magic now!
Kazuma Satou : I see. (0:15:20.97)
Wiz : But there's a problem. (0:15:22.50)
Wiz : I have limited control over its destination. (0:15:23.66)
Kazuma Satou : Hey, this isn't good! (0:15:26.83)
Kazuma Satou : The stone's surpassed red,
and is shining white now!
Wiz : I can send it away immediately
if I do a random teleport, but...
Kazuma Satou : Do that, then! (0:15:35.23)
Wiz : But if it goes poorly, (0:15:36.60)
Wiz : it could be sent somewhere densely populated. (0:15:38.29)
Kazuma Satou : It's a big world out there! (0:15:41.04)
Kazuma Satou : It's okay. I'll take responsibility. (0:15:43.43)
Kazuma Satou : I may not look it, but I
apparently have good luck!
Wiz : Understood. (0:15:53.15)
Wiz : Please do, Kazuma-san. (0:15:55.34)
Wiz : Teleport! (0:15:58.90)
EXTRA : Initiating... self... (0:16:03.96)
Kazuma Satou : This is where you were, Darkness? (0:16:08.55)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : It's not over. (0:16:10.95)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : My sharp sense of smell
can sniff out a worthy foe,
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : and it's still detecting
the savory aroma of danger.
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : It's not over yet. (0:16:19.35)
Kazuma Satou : Huh? (0:16:20.81)
Kazuma Satou : What's that?! (0:16:23.78)
Kazuma Satou : Hey, I thought we removed the coronatite! (0:16:32.40)
Wiz : Could this be... (0:16:38.02)
Wiz : Its internally-stored heat is escaping? (0:16:39.49)
Wiz : At this rate, the city will
become a sea of flames!
Kazuma Satou : So there was no point in
sending the coronatite away!
Kazuma Satou : Use Explosion one more time! (0:16:49.66)
Wiz : I'm out of magic. (0:16:52.31)
Kazuma Satou : Out of magic, huh? (0:16:54.62)
Aqua : Now that I think about it,
this city's guild issued my loans,
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : Stare... (0:16:58.36)
Aqua : so if it were to go boom right now... (0:17:01.94)
Kazuma Satou : Hey, you self-proclaimed something-or-other. (0:17:04.03)
Aqua : Hey, I don't have time to
deal with you right now.
Aqua : I'd rather just let this— (0:17:09.90)
Aqua : You shut-in NEET! What're you
doing in this state of emergency?!
Kazuma Satou : It's because this is a state of emergency! (0:17:16.05)
Kazuma Satou : I'm going to share your
magical power with Wiz
Kazuma Satou : so she can use explosion magic! (0:17:20.06)
Aqua : Wait! If you inject her with a
large amount of my holy power,
Aqua : she'll definitely disappear! (0:17:25.22)
Kazuma Satou : For real?! (0:17:28.36)
Megumin : The star takes the stage. (0:17:33.33)
Kazuma Satou : Megumin! (0:17:35.69)
Megumin : I fell behind earlier, but that was... Yes! (0:17:36.61)
Megumin : I just felt slightly under the weather! (0:17:40.37)
Megumin : I shall show you true explosion magic! (0:17:43.09)
EXTRA : KONOSUBA! (0:17:48.42)
Kazuma Satou : All right, here goes! (0:17:51.74)
Megumin : I'm ready anytime. (0:17:53.33)
Ruffian : You only get one chance. (0:17:55.60)
Ruffian : I'm betting on your radiance. (0:17:57.66)
Aqua : Hey, do you understand? (0:17:59.64)
Aqua : Don't absorb too much, okay?
Don't absorb too much, okay?!
Kazuma Satou : I get it, I get it. (0:18:04.25)
Kazuma Satou : That's the god of party tricks' lead-in, right? (0:18:05.85)
Aqua : No! I'm not trying to sound like some performer! (0:18:08.19)
Kazuma Satou : Yeah, yeah. (0:18:08.94)
Kazuma Satou : Yeah, yeah. (0:18:11.26)
Wiz : Drain Touch is most effective when (0:18:11.72)
Wiz : absorbing from somewhere with
thin skin, close to the heart.
Megumin : I can't believe I get to use
explosion magic twice in a day—
Megumin : What're you doing out of nowhere? (0:18:23.70)
Megumin : I thought my heart was going to stop! (0:18:25.44)
Megumin : What is it? Is this sexual harassment? (0:18:27.52)
Megumin : You're sexually harassing me
in this state of emergency?!
Kazuma Satou : Idiot, that's not it! (0:18:31.97)
Kazuma Satou : I'm using Drain Touch with
effectiveness in mind!
Kazuma Satou : Hey! Not you, too! (0:18:36.22)
Kazuma Satou : Just be grateful that I'm not
grabbing you from the front!
Kazuma Satou : KONOSUBA! (0:18:40.76)
Kazuma Satou : We've reached a compromise. (0:18:45.84)
Megumin : I feel it, I feel it! (0:18:48.54)
Megumin : I should be able to fire the highest
grade of explosion magic with this.
Aqua : Hey, Megumin, are you finished? (0:18:54.53)
Aqua : I think you've absorbed
more than enough already.
Megumin : A little more... Just a little more. (0:19:00.56)
Megumin : This could be terrific. It's terrific. (0:19:03.49)
Kazuma Satou : Hey, what is this? (0:19:06.01)
Kazuma Satou : She's not going to detonate, is she? (0:19:08.18)
Megumin : Oh, blackness shrouded in light... (0:19:13.71)
Megumin : Frenzied blaze clad in night... (0:19:16.49)
Megumin : All else aside, (0:19:20.34)
Megumin : I don't want to be outdone by anyone else (0:19:22.14)
Megumin : when it comes to explosion magic! (0:19:24.31)
Megumin : Here I go! (0:19:28.11)
Megumin : My ultimate destructive magic... (0:19:31.32)
Megumin : Explosion! (0:19:34.57)
Kazuma Satou : Our battle with the mobile
fortress, Destroyer, is over.
Kazuma Satou : This good-for-nothing world, (0:20:06.73)
Kazuma Satou : so very far off from the thrilling
adventurer's world I wished for.
Kazuma Satou : My reluctant party of horrible allies. (0:20:17.81)
Kazuma Satou : My life in a house finally obtained
after a harsh life in the stables.
Kazuma Satou : My agonizing days of impossible difficulty. (0:20:29.93)
Kazuma Satou : However, (0:20:33.03)
Kazuma Satou : those may have been trials to make me grow. (0:20:34.83)
Kazuma Satou : That was one long tutorial. (0:20:40.11)
Aqua : Kazuma! We've got trouble! (0:20:44.93)
Aqua : Knights are coming from the imperial capital! (0:20:46.35)
Kazuma Satou : Oh, are they coming to deliver
my compensation in person?
Kazuma Satou : They must be. (0:20:51.98)
Kazuma Satou : With this, my adventure will begin at last! (0:20:53.05)
Sena : Adventurer Satou Kazuma. (0:21:04.78)
Sena : You are currently suspected of
the crime of subversion to the state.
Sena : You will come with me. (0:21:11.12)
Kazuma Satou : Huh?! (0:21:13.07)
Sena : The coronatite that was
teleported at your instruction
Sena : obliterated Overlord Aldarp-sama's mansion. (0:21:18.22)
Kazuma Satou : What?! (0:21:21.73)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : That's definitely... (0:21:24.24)
Aqua : What? You're not being compensated? (0:21:26.33)
Megumin : My next adventure is calling me. (0:21:28.89)
Kazuma Satou : Hey! (0:21:31.21)
Kazuma Satou : That's right. Nothing goes
the least bit as I expect it.
Kazuma Satou : That's the sort of good-for-nothing world this is. (0:21:37.16)
Aqua : Kazuma-san! You're a criminal, Kazuma-san! (0:21:39.79)
Aqua : Killing the Demon King is totally
out of the question now!
Kazuma Satou : Oh, God. (0:21:46.59)
Aqua : Hey, are you listening? (0:21:47.66)
Kazuma Satou : I pray that if I ever get another
chance to go to a parallel world,
Aqua : What're we gonna do?! (0:21:49.70)
Kazuma Satou : I'm able to go to a wonderful world (0:21:53.43)
Kazuma Satou : where I can actually achieve something cool! (0:21:55.61)
Kazuma Satou : Thanks for watching! (0:23:30.96)
Aqua : We'll give you all our blessing going forward, too! (0:23:35.98)

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This is a literal child - Anonymous


Let go of me, Barusu! - Ram

I'll be praying for our safe reunion, Barusu. - Ram

Right now, I'm not calm enough to be kind! - Ram

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