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Jolyne Cujoh : We finally found them! (0:00:13.80)
Jolyne Cujoh : This is Star Platinum! (0:00:15.89)
Whitesnake : Jolyne Cujoh. (0:00:17.64)
Whitesnake : Did she defeat the guard
by herself and take the discs?
Jolyne Cujoh : I will return the disc to my father. (0:00:29.57)
Jolyne Cujoh : Along with the disc held by Pale Snake… (0:00:32.82)
Jolyne Cujoh : No matter what. (0:00:35.86)
Enrico Pucci : Of course. (0:00:38.83)
Enrico Pucci : All memories relating to myself
have been deleted from Miraschon's disc.
Enrico Pucci : Therefore, no one
will be able to track it to me.
Enrico Pucci : The difference between humans and animals, (0:00:49.00)
Enrico Pucci : is that humans seek heaven. (0:00:51.59)
Enrico Pucci : Humans ought to lead a life
that leads them to heaven.
Enrico Pucci : This is what makes humans beautiful. (0:01:01.10)
EXTRA : -Soap.
-Here's my rent.
EXTRA : I want the most expensive watch you got. (0:02:41.03)
Jolyne Cujoh : Move. (0:02:44.33)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm using the phone next. (0:02:46.54)
Curly Haired Inmate : What? (0:02:48.41)
Curly Haired Inmate : Are you crazy, bitch?
I'll take real good care of--
Curly Haired Inmate : Take a seat! You won't get tired! (0:02:57.21)
Curly Haired Inmate : Here's a complimentary drink. (0:03:03.09)
Curly Haired Inmate : Feel free to ask me again. (0:03:06.18)
EXTRA : This is The Speedwagon Foundation HQ
in Dallas, Texas.
EXTRA : We do not accept
collect calls on this number.
Jolyne Cujoh : I looked up the number in a phonebook.
I only have this number.
Jolyne Cujoh : And I'm an inmate (0:03:32.04)
Jolyne Cujoh : at the Green Dolphin Street
State Prison in Florida.
Jolyne Cujoh : My name is Jolyne Cujoh. (0:03:37.30)
Jolyne Cujoh : Please connect me to someone
who knows what this means.
EXTRA : Please hold. (0:03:43.26)
EXTRA : Thank you for waiting. (0:03:49.02)
EXTRA : Are you Professor Jotaro Kujo's daughter? (0:03:51.31)
Jolyne Cujoh : And you are? (0:03:54.19)
EXTRA : I am just a foundation representative. (0:03:55.61)
EXTRA : And I am not a Stand User. (0:03:58.19)
Jolyne Cujoh : I see. (0:04:00.99)
Jolyne Cujoh : But you seem to know
about Stand abilities.
Jolyne Cujoh : Do you know about the discs? (0:04:04.74)
EXTRA : Yes, of course. (0:04:07.45)
EXTRA : After retrieving
Dr. Jotaro Kujo's body from the UUV,
EXTRA : he has been sheltered, not here in Dallas, (0:04:13.87)
EXTRA : but somewhere safe. (0:04:16.92)
EXTRA : I am so sorry to inform you of this, (0:04:21.13)
EXTRA : but your father is medically unresponsive. (0:04:24.63)
Jolyne Cujoh : If I say that we can bring him
back to life, will you believe me?
EXTRA : I am merely a scientist. I cannot comment. (0:04:33.94)
Jolyne Cujoh : I have obtained a disc. (0:04:37.31)
Jolyne Cujoh : Just one of them. (0:04:38.94)
Jolyne Cujoh : We can bring him back. (0:04:40.19)
Jolyne Cujoh : I just know that
the discs will bring him back.
Jolyne Cujoh : I'll do whatever it takes
to deliver them to you.
Jolyne Cujoh : I just don't know how to do it. (0:04:48.95)
Jolyne Cujoh : I want you to come up
with a plan to deliver the discs there.
Jolyne Cujoh : Immediately. (0:04:55.79)
EXTRA : Isn't this conversation
being recorded by the prison?
Jolyne Cujoh : Yes, probably. (0:05:01.84)
Jolyne Cujoh : But that's a risk I'm willing to take. (0:05:03.88)
Jolyne Cujoh : I have no time. (0:05:06.43)
Jolyne Cujoh : This is urgent. (0:05:07.89)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm in a dangerous situation
where I cannot hide the disc anywhere.
Jolyne Cujoh : There must be a way. (0:05:15.89)
Jolyne Cujoh : And just so you know,
I am not allowed visitors.
EXTRA : I understand. (0:05:21.61)
EXTRA : Since you insist… (0:05:22.61)
EXTRA : What about the courtyard? (0:05:26.03)
Jolyne Cujoh : The courtyard? (0:05:27.53)
Jolyne Cujoh : Do you mean the courtyard
between the men's and women's prisons?
EXTRA : Yes. (0:05:32.91)
EXTRA : Please be there in 20 minutes. (0:05:34.04)
EXTRA : I can manage something. (0:05:36.62)
Jolyne Cujoh : In 20 minutes? (0:05:38.33)
Jolyne Cujoh : From now? (0:05:40.84)
EXTRA : Yes. You said this is urgent. (0:05:42.50)
EXTRA : If you instruct us to retrieve the discs,
we will do everything we can to do so.
EXTRA : If you say he will be revived,
we believe you.
EXTRA : However, (0:05:52.72)
EXTRA : we are a non-militaristic
medical research foundation.
EXTRA : We neither have the resources (0:05:57.81)
EXTRA : nor the ability to help you escape
or save your life.
EXTRA : Is that risk acceptable to you? (0:06:04.23)
Jolyne Cujoh : Okay. I'll be there. (0:06:07.36)
Jolyne Cujoh : And how will you retrieve the disc? (0:06:09.86)
EXTRA : We shouldn't speak of that over the phone. (0:06:12.66)
EXTRA : But please look for Savage Guardian. (0:06:15.83)
EXTRA : You will understand then. (0:06:19.29)
EXTRA : Let's call it
Operation Savage Guardian for now.
Jolyne Cujoh : Savage Guardian… (0:06:29.76)
Jolyne Cujoh : Is that an object? (0:06:31.47)
Jolyne Cujoh : Or is it a person? (0:06:33.18)
Jolyne Cujoh : Fine. (0:06:35.22)
Jolyne Cujoh : I need to head to the courtyard. (0:06:36.60)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm at the cafeteria
of the women's prison.
Jolyne Cujoh : To get to the courtyard,
first, I must pass through the gate,
Jolyne Cujoh : go up the stairs in the back, (0:06:45.27)
Jolyne Cujoh : cross the second floor corridor (0:06:47.61)
Jolyne Cujoh : to get to the medical wing
from the women's prison.
Chief Guard : You may pass. (0:06:52.32)
Chief Guard : FE40536, you're the nuisance
who got sent to the Punishment Ward.
Chief Guard : Your access to different parts
of the facility is restricted.
Emporio Alniño : Jolyne. (0:07:14.39)
Jolyne Cujoh : Emporio! (0:07:15.72)
Emporio Alniño : Here! Do not touch the ball. (0:07:16.68)
Emporio Alniño : We can't let others see us. (0:07:25.61)
Emporio Alniño : Come with me. (0:07:28.07)
Jolyne Cujoh : Wha… (0:07:37.41)
Jolyne Cujoh : Emporio, those two… (0:07:45.75)
Emporio Alniño : It's fine, they can be trusted. (0:07:48.63)
Emporio Alniño : He prefers to sleep on a bed, (0:07:51.26)
Emporio Alniño : but this room doesn't have one. (0:07:53.72)
Emporio Alniño : So he ends up sleeping in the piano. (0:07:56.05)
Emporio Alniño : Jolyne, I live in secret
in this ghost of a room.
Jolyne Cujoh : Ghost of a room? (0:08:11.86)
Jolyne Cujoh : Does that mean you're… (0:08:13.40)
Emporio Alniño : No, Jolyne. (0:08:15.95)
Emporio Alniño : He and I are alive. (0:08:17.74)
Emporio Alniño : We aren't ghosts. (0:08:19.70)
Emporio Alniño : You can touch us.
We're warm and have pulses.
Emporio Alniño : Listen closely. (0:08:24.50)
Emporio Alniño : Ghosts do not live here,
but the building itself is a ghost.
Jolyne Cujoh : What? (0:08:32.42)
Emporio Alniño : Does "the ghost of objects" make sense? (0:08:33.63)
Emporio Alniño : This prison caught fire in 1984
and went through a huge renovation.
Emporio Alniño : This room burned down in that fire. (0:08:41.22)
Emporio Alniño : This room belongs in the past. (0:08:45.19)
Emporio Alniño : It's a ghost of the music room. (0:08:47.56)
Jolyne Cujoh : So… this means… Emporio, (0:08:50.57)
Jolyne Cujoh : are you… (0:08:54.61)
Emporio Alniño : Ever since I was born, (0:08:56.16)
Emporio Alniño : I've been able to materialize
the ghosts of objects.
Emporio Alniño : That's my Stand ability. (0:09:01.04)
Emporio Alniño : But I can only use them. (0:09:03.87)
Emporio Alniño : So even this chocolate bar
and this orange juice…
Emporio Alniño : I can't consume them. (0:09:13.67)
Emporio Alniño : But they still have a taste.
They're quite good.
Jolyne Cujoh : What? (0:09:23.68)
Emporio Alniño : Don't worry. (0:09:25.06)
Emporio Alniño : This clock stopped
when it burned along with the room.
Emporio Alniño : You still have time
before your 20 minutes are up.
Emporio Alniño : But… (0:09:33.36)
Emporio Alniño : you made a plan to deliver the disc
over the phone.
Emporio Alniño : How reckless! (0:09:38.91)
Emporio Alniño : I understand your situation. (0:09:40.78)
Emporio Alniño : Pale Snake will learn about this. (0:09:43.45)
Jolyne Cujoh : Please, Emporio. (0:09:47.29)
Jolyne Cujoh : Tell me how I can reach the courtyard. (0:09:48.71)
Emporio Alniño : Don't misunderstand me. (0:09:51.25)
Emporio Alniño : I can't access just any place
from this ghost room.
Emporio Alniño : I use the ghost items like this (0:09:56.92)
Emporio Alniño : to get around without getting caught. (0:10:00.72)
Emporio Alniño : I know you have no choice. (0:10:04.43)
Emporio Alniño : He says he wants to tag along. (0:10:07.14)
Emporio Alniño : You should take him. (0:10:10.90)
Emporio Alniño : He can aid your cause. (0:10:12.57)
Emporio Alniño : His name is Weather Forecast. (0:10:14.32)
Jolyne Cujoh : This is a music room. (0:10:23.62)
Emporio Alniño : Don't be so alarmed. (0:10:28.12)
Emporio Alniño : Weather doesn't talk much
because he has no memory.
Emporio Alniño : -Memory?
Jolyne Cujoh : -Memory?
Emporio Alniño : He has no memory of his childhood
or when he arrived here.
Emporio Alniño : He's serving a six-year sentence. (0:10:42.01)
Emporio Alniño : He has a habit of walking on tip-toes. (0:10:44.60)
Emporio Alniño : He's a TV guide fanatic,
but he doesn't watch TV.
Emporio Alniño : When he talks, he barely opens his mouth. (0:10:50.31)
Emporio Alniño : And he talks right up to your face, (0:10:52.86)
Emporio Alniño : so you may feel his lukewarm breath. (0:10:55.27)
Jolyne Cujoh : He has no memory? (0:10:58.07)
Jolyne Cujoh : Is that because
Pale Snake stole them from him?
Emporio Alniño : Probably. (0:11:02.66)
Emporio Alniño : He wants to learn about himself. (0:11:04.08)
Emporio Alniño : He also wants to know
why Pale Snake wants your father's discs.
Emporio Alniño : He says his Stand ability
is not tied to the discs.
Emporio Alniño : He was born a Stand User. (0:11:22.59)
Emporio Alniño : As for his ability… (0:11:25.39)
Emporio Alniño : he can manipulate the weather to his will. (0:11:30.35)
Emporio Alniño : His Stand name is… (0:11:34.56)
Emporio Alniño : Weather Forecast. (0:11:38.98)
Weather Report : Pretend you didn't notice him. (0:12:00.38)
Weather Report : Someone was peeking to see
where the music was coming from.
Weather Report : Now it's confirmed. (0:12:12.52)
Weather Report : Someone knows you made a move (0:12:15.02)
Weather Report : and came to check on you. (0:12:17.94)
Weather Report : And we now know his face. (0:12:21.07)
Jolyne Cujoh : Dammit. He's already close. (0:12:44.72)
Jolyne Cujoh : But if he's a Stand User,
we need to take care of him now!
Emporio Alniño : No, Jolyne. (0:12:52.39)
Emporio Alniño : We should hide for now. (0:12:53.68)
Emporio Alniño : He doesn't know that
you're headed for the courtyard.
Emporio Alniño : He didn't hear your phone call (0:12:59.94)
Emporio Alniño : and that's why came to eavesdrop! (0:13:01.82)
Emporio Alniño : If he knew, he would have
waited at the courtyard.
Emporio Alniño : That's why, right now, (0:13:08.32)
Emporio Alniño : he's chasing us! (0:13:10.91)
Jolyne Cujoh : What's up with him? (0:13:17.46)
Emporio Alniño : Turn into that corner
before he gets any closer. Hurry!
Emporio Alniño : Just as I thought. (0:13:41.23)
Emporio Alniño : He doesn't know (0:13:43.90)
Emporio Alniño : where you're going yet. (0:13:46.45)
Jolyne Cujoh : But what's with him? (0:13:49.82)
Jolyne Cujoh : He had a weird way of running. (0:13:52.49)
Jolyne Cujoh : We were able to hide because he's slow. (0:13:55.16)
Emporio Alniño : Anyway, you need to head to the courtyard. (0:13:58.67)
Emporio Alniño : Your phone call earlier
was definitely recorded,
Emporio Alniño : but I don't think Pale Snake heard it yet. (0:14:06.05)
Emporio Alniño : The sooner you go,
the less dangerous it'll be.
Emporio Alniño : The medical wing is up ahead. (0:14:12.60)
Emporio Alniño : Once you go downstairs
and pass the medical wing,
Emporio Alniño : there's a gate for the corridor. (0:14:17.48)
Emporio Alniño : It leads to the factory. (0:14:19.77)
Emporio Alniño : It also leads to the men's prison
across the courtyard.
Emporio Alniño : The medical wing is accessed
by both men and women.
Emporio Alniño : Weather Forecast is a man, (0:14:27.49)
Emporio Alniño : so if tells a guard
he's going back to the men's prison,
Emporio Alniño : he'll have no problem
getting to the connecting corridor
Emporio Alniño : and getting to the factory entrance. (0:14:35.04)
Emporio Alniño : Go on ahead. (0:14:37.37)
Jolyne Cujoh : I need to bribe the guards, right? (0:14:39.33)
Jolyne Cujoh : Is 50 dollars enough? (0:14:42.67)
Emporio Alniño : Tell them you want your boots repaired
at the factory.
Emporio Alniño : But even if you manage
to pass the medical wing,
Emporio Alniño : you'll have to get to
the courtyard by force.
Emporio Alniño : The security is light,
but if you get caught, they'll shoot.
Emporio Alniño : and you'll get five more years
for trying to escape.
Jolyne Cujoh : By force, huh? (0:15:01.15)
Jolyne Cujoh : Guess I have to get used to using it. (0:15:03.61)
Jolyne Cujoh : I just have to go. (0:15:06.65)
Jolyne Cujoh : Another five years
is nothing at this point.
Jolyne Cujoh : Thank you, Emporio. (0:15:12.53)
Emporio Alniño : Right. (0:15:14.16)
Emporio Alniño : This is the most I can do. (0:15:15.78)
Emporio Alniño : Please revive him. (0:15:17.79)
Emporio Alniño : If your father comes back to life, (0:15:21.00)
Emporio Alniño : then I think (0:15:23.13)
Emporio Alniño : I might be able see some hope. (0:15:24.63)
EXTRA : Oh, dammit. (0:15:35.60)
EXTRA : What's wrong with this cola? (0:15:36.81)
EXTRA : You touched the can, didn't you? (0:15:38.85)
EXTRA : Did you shake the can? (0:15:43.10)
EXTRA : Get me another one, will you? (0:15:45.61)
Jolyne Cujoh : Oh, I didn't touch it. (0:15:47.73)
Jolyne Cujoh : I only touched the plate. (0:15:50.07)
Jolyne Cujoh : My shoe's got a hole on it. (0:15:55.24)
Jolyne Cujoh : Over in the back. Can you see it? (0:15:57.37)
Jolyne Cujoh : I wanted to get it repaired
at the factory.
EXTRA : Oh, man, my cola spilled. (0:16:05.17)
EXTRA : Where did I put that washrag? (0:16:07.63)
Jolyne Cujoh : "Go get a cola"? (0:16:21.27)
Jolyne Cujoh : You really want me to get one? (0:16:22.85)
Jolyne Cujoh : And you want me to pour it into this cup? (0:16:26.81)
Jolyne Cujoh : Do that yourself why don't you… (0:16:29.27)
Jolyne Cujoh : What's going on? (0:16:48.38)
EXTRA : Oh, here's the washrag. (0:16:50.96)
EXTRA : You can go. But make sure
to be back here in 20 minutes…
EXTRA : Oh, she already left. (0:16:58.05)
EXTRA : What? Where's my cup and the plate? (0:17:00.97)
Jolyne Cujoh : What's happening? (0:17:03.98)
Jolyne Cujoh : Could it be… (0:17:06.65)
Jolyne Cujoh : This is… (0:17:11.53)
Jolyne Cujoh : The plate is floating! (0:17:13.11)
Jolyne Cujoh : The cup and the boot as well. (0:17:15.78)
Jolyne Cujoh : But, the contents of the cup
aren't spilling out.
Jolyne Cujoh : It turns into balls of liquid and floats! (0:17:20.99)
Jolyne Cujoh : Everything I touch is floating upwards! (0:17:23.20)
Jolyne Cujoh : That money must have floated out
of that guard's pocket!
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm in the air too. (0:17:31.80)
Jolyne Cujoh : Since when that strange guy
started chasing me...?
Jolyne Cujoh : He spit at me then. (0:17:38.76)
Jolyne Cujoh : Did that cause this? (0:17:41.43)
Jolyne Cujoh : The disc! (0:17:43.35)
Jolyne Cujoh : Dammit. It slipped out when I rotated! (0:17:46.02)
Jolyne Cujoh : Stone Ocean! (0:17:48.73)
Jolyne Cujoh : My thread! I can't control it! (0:17:51.61)
Jolyne Cujoh : There is no up and down. (0:17:54.32)
Jolyne Cujoh : There's no gravity! (0:17:56.74)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm in zero gravity! (0:17:58.82)
EXTRA : You're going back to the men's prison? (0:18:01.08)
EXTRA : Okay. Go ahead. (0:18:03.95)
Jolyne Cujoh : This is bad! He'll take my disc! (0:18:12.34)
Jolyne Cujoh : If I try to punch, I'll lose my balance. (0:18:14.55)
Jolyne Cujoh : I need to focus. (0:18:18.51)
Jolyne Cujoh : Aim in a single direction like a rocket! (0:18:20.39)
Jolyne Cujoh : What? (0:18:32.52)
Lang Rangler : Dammit. I can't destroy this disc. (0:18:39.49)
Lang Rangler : It just comes back like rubber. (0:18:44.45)
Lang Rangler : That's why Pale Snake
told me to just collect it.
Jolyne Cujoh : Hold on! (0:18:56.46)
Jolyne Cujoh : Weather Forecast, (0:19:01.14)
Jolyne Cujoh : don't go any further! (0:19:02.59)
Jolyne Cujoh : Can you hear me? I'm being attacked! (0:19:03.93)
Jolyne Cujoh : He took my disc. (0:19:06.43)
Jolyne Cujoh : If we lose him now, everything is over. (0:19:08.27)
Jolyne Cujoh : Everything will end! (0:19:10.94)
Jolyne Cujoh : Don't let him go! (0:19:13.44)
Jolyne Cujoh : No… (0:19:15.65)
Jolyne Cujoh : My voice can't reach him. (0:19:17.11)
Lang Rangler : What a nuisance. (0:19:27.79)
Lang Rangler : Jolyne Cujoh,
I thought I only needed to kill you.
Lang Rangler : Jumpin' Jack Spark! (0:19:38.46)
Jolyne Cujoh : Weather Forecast,
his ability takes away gravity.
Jolyne Cujoh : Do not touch whatever it is he projects. (0:19:45.55)
Jolyne Cujoh : You'll become weightless! (0:19:48.52)
Lang Rangler : Zero gravity. (0:19:51.02)
Lang Rangler : So you are a Stand User yourself. (0:19:52.94)
Lang Rangler : Surely, you understand (0:19:55.31)
Lang Rangler : the implications of my ability. (0:19:58.32)
Weather Report : He projected (0:20:06.62)
Weather Report : pieces of junk. (0:20:09.29)
Jolyne Cujoh : Weather Forecast. (0:20:12.79)
Jolyne Cujoh : This man, who is said to
control the weather,
Jolyne Cujoh : is a mystery to me. (0:20:18.21)
Jolyne Cujoh : But that cloud-like thing
must be a layer of air.
Jolyne Cujoh : He used its resistance
to deflect the enemy's attack.
Jolyne Cujoh : And he's using
centrifugal force to spin his arm.
Jolyne Cujoh : It's weightless, (0:20:31.39)
Jolyne Cujoh : it can accelerate forever
with that spinning force.
Jolyne Cujoh : His body's center of gravity won't change, (0:20:36.02)
Jolyne Cujoh : so he can accurately project
a powerful attack.
Lang Rangler : Jumpin' Jack Spark! (0:20:45.11)
Weather Report : Weather Forecast! (0:20:46.70)
Lang Rangler : This flame! (0:20:52.29)
Lang Rangler : Aerodynamic friction? (0:20:53.96)
Lang Rangler : Dammit, it's spreading! (0:20:55.33)
Lang Rangler : Zero gravity, deactivate! (0:20:58.79)
Lang Rangler : Meet your end! (0:21:03.38)
EXTRA : Corridor 7B. (0:21:04.80)
EXTRA : Emergency alarm activated. (0:21:06.51)
Lang Rangler : Dammit. That impact… (0:21:10.89)
Lang Rangler : And I have the disc, too! (0:21:13.64)
Jolyne Cujoh : The gate is closing.
What do I do?
Jolyne Cujoh : It's even harder
to get to the courtyard now.
Jolyne Cujoh : But I have no choice. (0:21:21.57)
Jolyne Cujoh : The enemy will be trapped too! (0:21:23.53)
Jolyne Cujoh : This is my chance to get back the disc! (0:21:25.11)
Jolyne Cujoh : What the hell?! (0:21:35.71)
Weather Report : Everything you touch… (0:21:39.08)
Weather Report : becomes weightless… Right? (0:21:42.05)
Weather Report : Jolyne Cujoh? (0:21:47.88)
Jolyne Cujoh : The courtyard is just ahead. (0:22:07.82)
Jolyne Cujoh : But where did he go? (0:22:10.28)
Jolyne Cujoh : I need to get the disc back! (0:22:13.62)

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10 fun things to do on ACDB

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