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EXTRA : November 1, 2024 Floor 1: Town of Beginnings (0:00:00.52)
Kirito : This is... (0:00:14.03)
Kirito : ...amazing. (0:00:15.20)
Asuna Yuuki : Yeah. (0:00:16.41)
Sasha : It's like this every day. (0:00:18.58)
Sasha : Is Yui-chan okay? (0:00:21.45)
Kirito : She got a good night's sleep,
and you can see it's helped.
Sasha : Has this ever happened before? (0:00:29.63)
Asuna Yuuki : We don't know. (0:00:31.59)
Asuna Yuuki : When we found her, she was wandering
in the forest on the 22nd floor.
Asuna Yuuki : It seems that she's lost her memories. (0:00:37.93)
Sasha : Oh, my. (0:00:40.72)
Asuna Yuuki : So we came to the Town of Beginnings. (0:00:41.93)
Asuna Yuuki : We thought someone here
might know about her.
Kirito : Any ideas? (0:00:50.23)
Sasha : I'm sorry, but I don't think (0:00:53.61)
Sasha : she's one of the kids from
the Town of Beginnings.
Sasha : When the game started, (0:00:59.24)
Sasha : most of the children suffered
terrible psychological trauma.
Sasha : I wanted to do something, (0:01:04.08)
Sasha : so I took them in at this church. (0:01:07.04)
Sasha : Every day, I walk around the town
to see if anyone needs my help.
Sasha : But I've never seen anyone like her. (0:01:14.92)
Asuna Yuuki : Oh... (0:01:18.47)
Yuriel : Hello. (0:01:23.89)
Yuriel : I am Yulier. (0:01:24.93)
Asuna Yuuki : Aren't you with the Army? (0:01:27.02)
Asuna Yuuki : Are you here to complain about yesterday? (0:01:29.48)
Yuriel : Not at all. (0:01:31.69)
Yuriel : It's the reverse. (0:01:33.15)
Yuriel : Honestly, I wanted to thank you. (0:01:34.61)
Yuriel : I've come with a request for you two today. (0:01:38.78)
Asuna Yuuki : A request? (0:01:42.24)
EXTRA : Yui's Heart (0:03:13.96)
Yuriel : We... (0:03:19.92)
Yuriel : No, the guild leader, Thinker, (0:03:21.76)
Yuriel : never wanted it to be a dictatorial
organization like it's become.
Yuriel : We wanted to share information and food (0:03:29.39)
Yuriel : evenly among as many players as possible. (0:03:31.44)
Kirito : But the Army grew too large. (0:03:35.27)
Yuriel : Yes, there were multiple internal power
struggles, and a man named Kibaou
Yuriel : ended up with a great deal of power. (0:03:41.53)
Yuriel : Kibaou and his faction have grown strong, (0:03:44.62)
Yuriel : monopolizing all the best
monster spawn points,
Yuriel : and have even started
extorting people for taxes.
Yuriel : But many people were upset with his
lack of interest in clearing the game.
Yuriel : So he sent the highest level players (0:04:00.88)
Yuriel : available to the front lines. (0:04:05.09)
Asuna Yuuki : Corvatz-san... (0:04:08.14)
Yuriel : After that massacre, he's taken a lot of heat (0:04:12.14)
Yuriel : and we're close to dismissing
him from the guild.
Yuriel : But he is scared and desperate,
so he set a trap for Thinker.
Yuriel : Thinker's been stranded, deep in a dungeon! (0:04:26.91)
Kirito : Does he have a teleport crystal? (0:04:31.25)
Asuna Yuuki : Unarmed? (0:04:33.87)
Yuriel : He was too trusting. (0:04:36.25)
Yuriel : He believed Kibaou when he said
he only wanted to talk unarmed.
Yuriel : That was three days ago. (0:04:42.84)
Asuna Yuuki : Three days? (0:04:44.26)
Asuna Yuuki : What's happened to him? (0:04:45.59)
Yuriel : It's a very high-level dungeon. (0:04:46.84)
Yuriel : He's trapped there. (0:04:50.01)
Yuriel : As his second-in-command, this is my responsibility. (0:04:52.56)
Yuriel : But my level isn't high enough to reach him. (0:04:56.44)
Yuriel : And Kibaou is using his influence (0:05:00.44)
Yuriel : to prevent the rest of the Army from helping. (0:05:02.65)
Yuriel : And then I heard (0:05:05.36)
Yuriel : that two incredibly high-powered
players had come here.
Yuriel : And so, I'm asking for your help. (0:05:10.78)
Yuriel : Kirito-san, Asuna-san... (0:05:13.66)
Yuriel : Would you please come and
save Thinker with me?
Asuna Yuuki : I'd like to help, if we're able. (0:05:22.09)
Asuna Yuuki : But we have to verify that
you're telling the truth.
Yuriel : I understand that I'm asking a lot! (0:05:30.64)
Yuriel : But when I think about him trapped in there, (0:05:33.81)
Yuriel : I feel like I'm losing my mind... (0:05:37.81)
Yui : It's okay, Mommy. (0:05:43.65)
Yui : She's telling the truth. (0:05:46.57)
Asuna Yuuki : Y-Yui-chan, you can tell? (0:05:48.74)
Yui : Yeah. (0:05:51.99)
Yui : I can't explain why... (0:05:53.29)
Yui : But I know. (0:05:56.00)
Kirito : I'd rather trust and regret
than doubt and regret.
Kirito : Let's go. (0:06:08.30)
Kirito : It'll work out. (0:06:09.01)
Kirito : Right? (0:06:10.97)
Asuna Yuuki : You're always so laid-back. (0:06:14.22)
Asuna Yuuki : We'll do what we can. (0:06:17.69)
Yuriel : Thank you. (0:06:22.31)
Asuna Yuuki : I know how it feels to want to
save someone you care for.
Kirito : Stay here. (0:06:30.11)
Yui : No, I'm coming, too. (0:06:31.99)
Sasha : Yui-chan, stay here with me, okay? (0:06:33.95)
Yui : No! (0:06:36.83)
Kirito : So she's in a rebellious stage, huh? (0:06:38.29)
Asuna Yuuki : Don't be silly! (0:06:40.71)
Asuna Yuuki : Yui-chan, the place we're going is dangerous. (0:06:42.54)
Yui : I'm going, too! (0:06:46.38)
EXTRA : Floor 1: Town of Beginnings Black Iron Castle (0:06:48.88)
Asuna Yuuki : I had no idea a dungeon like this was
beneath the Town of Beginnings.
Kirito : This wasn't here during the beta test. (0:06:55.97)
Kirito : This is unexpected. (0:06:58.89)
Yuriel : It probably opens further,
as the floors above are cleared.
Yuriel : Kibaou planned to keep it for himself. (0:07:04.40)
Kirito : Exclusive access to spawns
can be quite profitable...
Yuriel : But the monsters that spawn here
have levels around the 60s.
Yuriel : So he wasn't able to do much hunting. (0:07:15.03)
Yuriel : This is the entrance. (0:07:20.08)
Yui : I'm not scared! (0:07:24.96)
Asuna Yuuki : It's okay. (0:07:27.17)
Asuna Yuuki : She's much tougher than she looks. (0:07:28.46)
Kirito : Yeah. (0:07:30.92)
Kirito : I'm sure she'll be a fine swordsman someday! (0:07:31.63)
Yuriel : Let's go, then. (0:07:37.72)
Yuriel : I'm sorry for not helping. (0:08:00.66)
Asuna Yuuki : No, this is his kind of thing. (0:08:03.12)
Asuna Yuuki : Just let him be. (0:08:05.67)
Asuna Yuuki : We're pretty far down. (0:08:09.63)
Asuna Yuuki : Are we almost there? (0:08:10.96)
Yuriel : Thinker hasn't moved from here. (0:08:13.80)
Yuriel : I think he's in a safe spot. (0:08:16.60)
Yuriel : If we can reach it, we can
use a teleport crystal.
Kirito : Good fight... (0:08:24.14)
Yuriel : Sorry about that. (0:08:25.98)
Kirito : No, I enjoyed it. (0:08:27.06)
Kirito : And they dropped stuff. (0:08:29.23)
Asuna Yuuki : Anything good? (0:08:31.86)
Asuna Yuuki : Wh-What is this? (0:08:37.70)
Kirito : Scavenged toad meat. (0:08:38.74)
Asuna Yuuki : Those frogs? (0:08:40.33)
Kirito : They say the stranger it is,
the better it tastes.
Kirito : Cook it up later. (0:08:43.87)
Asuna Yuuki : No way! (0:08:45.83)
Kirito : Wh-What are you doing? (0:08:50.09)
Kirito : Damn it! (0:08:52.46)
Kirito : Fine, then... (0:08:53.80)
Kirito : How about these? (0:08:55.13)
Asuna Yuuki : No! No, no, no, no! (0:08:57.55)
Kirito : Asuna, it's good meat! (0:08:59.18)
Asuna Yuuki : Get rid of it! (0:09:01.43)
Kirito : But it's delicious! (0:09:02.89)
Yui : You smiled. (0:09:04.85)
Yui : It's the first time you've smiled! (0:09:08.15)
Asuna Yuuki : Let's go. (0:09:20.58)
Asuna Yuuki : There's the safe zone. (0:09:35.34)
Kirito : One player is inside. (0:09:38.80)
Yuriel : Thinker! (0:09:41.97)
Kirito : W-Wait... (0:09:43.10)
Thinker : Yulier! (0:09:50.56)
Yuriel : Thinker! (0:09:53.53)
Thinker : Stay back! (0:09:56.40)
Thinker : That corridor is... (0:09:57.78)
Asuna Yuuki : Stop! (0:10:02.58)
Asuna Yuuki : Yulier-san, come back! (0:10:03.58)
Asuna Yuuki : Yulier-san, (0:10:19.22)
Asuna Yuuki : retreat to the safe area with her. (0:10:20.43)
Yuriel : Right. (0:10:23.43)
Yui : Mommy... (0:10:25.18)
Yuriel : Let's go. (0:10:26.35)
Kirito : Asuna, (0:10:47.54)
Kirito : use a teleport crystal to get Yui
and the others out of here.
Kirito : Even my identification skill isn't helping. (0:10:53.50)
Kirito : It's probably as strong as
something from the 90th floor.
Kirito : I'll buy time. (0:10:58.22)
Kirito : So run! (0:10:59.63)
Asuna Yuuki : Y-You come with me. (0:11:01.01)
Kirito : I'll catch up. Hurry! (0:11:02.34)
Yui : Mommy... (0:11:06.97)
Asuna Yuuki : Take care of Yui! (0:11:10.44)
Asuna Yuuki : You three should run! (0:11:11.90)
Kirito : Asuna! (0:11:13.44)
Yuriel : I can't... (0:11:14.48)
Asuna Yuuki : Hurry! (0:11:15.65)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito-kun! (0:11:51.60)
Yuriel : Yui-chan, no! (0:11:53.27)
Asuna Yuuki : It's dangerous... (0:11:54.02)
Thinker : Come back! (0:11:54.56)
Kirito : Don't be stupid! (0:12:06.58)
Kirito : Get out of there! (0:12:07.33)
Asuna Yuuki : Yui-chan... (0:12:08.79)
Yui : It's okay... Daddy, Mommy. (0:12:12.83)
Asuna Yuuki : Yui-chan! (0:12:17.54)
Asuna Yuuki : Immortal Object? (0:12:25.51)
Asuna Yuuki : Yui-chan? (0:13:33.91)
Kirito : Yui... (0:13:35.75)
Yui : Daddy... Mommy. (0:13:37.67)
Yui : I remember everything. (0:13:40.71)
Asuna Yuuki : Yui-chan, (0:13:48.47)
Asuna Yuuki : you regained your memories? (0:13:49.35)
Yui : Yes. (0:13:53.22)
Yui : Kirito-san. (0:13:56.10)
Yui : Asuna-san. (0:13:57.06)
Yui : This world, Sword Art Online, (0:13:59.56)
Yui : is controlled by a single, immense system. (0:14:02.94)
Yui : The system is called Cardinal. (0:14:06.99)
Yui : This system was designed to operate
without any human intervention.
Yui : It regulates the balance of SAO,
according to its own discretion.
Yui : From monster and NPC AI, (0:14:20.58)
Yui : to drop rates for items and money. (0:14:23.13)
Yui : Everything is controlled by the processes
the Cardinal program executes.
Yui : Even player psychological care... (0:14:31.18)
Yui : Mental Health Counseling
Program, prototype 1.
Yui : Code name: Yui. (0:14:39.31)
Yui : That's me. (0:14:41.90)
Asuna Yuuki : A program? (0:14:44.90)
Asuna Yuuki : An AI? (0:14:46.57)
Yui : I was given the ability to emulate emotion, (0:14:48.95)
Yui : to put players at ease with me. (0:14:51.62)
Yui : I'm a fake... (0:14:56.16)
Yui : All of me. (0:14:57.96)
Yui : Even these tears. (0:14:59.12)
Yui : I'm sorry, Asuna-san... (0:15:01.71)
Asuna Yuuki : Yui-chan. (0:15:04.55)
Asuna Yuuki : But you had amnesia. (0:15:10.09)
Asuna Yuuki : Can that happen to an AI? (0:15:12.89)
Yui : Two years ago, (0:15:16.27)
Yui : on the day of the launch... (0:15:17.60)
Yui : For reasons I never understood, (0:15:20.31)
Yui : Cardinal forbade me from interacting
with any of the players.
Yui : I was forced to do nothing (0:15:27.57)
Yui : but continue to monitor the
players' mental states.
Yui : It was utterly horrible. (0:15:34.62)
Yui : No! (0:15:39.71)
Yui : Terror, despair, rage.
People were overcome by negative feelings.
Yui : Some of them went completely insane. (0:15:52.89)
Yui : Normally, (0:15:58.85)
Yui : I would have gone to them immediately. (0:16:00.18)
Yui : But I wasn't permitted
any contact with them.
Yui : Gradually, errors accrued within me, (0:16:09.07)
Yui : and I fell apart. (0:16:12.78)
Yui : But one day, (0:16:18.04)
Yui : I saw two players whose
mental parameters were
Yui : very different than the rest. (0:16:24.92)
Yui : Joy, (0:16:28.75)
Yui : peace... (0:16:30.76)
Yui : But it was more than that. (0:16:33.05)
Yui : I wandered through the field, (0:16:38.43)
Yui : hoping to get as close to you as I could. (0:16:40.18)
Asuna Yuuki : And that's why you were
in the 22nd-floor forest?
Yui : Yes. (0:16:47.90)
Yui : Kirito-san, Asuna-san... (0:16:48.73)
Yui : I've always wanted to meet you. (0:16:51.40)
Yui : It's strange, isn't it? (0:16:55.11)
Yui : It should be impossible for me to think that. (0:16:56.95)
Yui : I'm only a program... (0:17:00.45)
Asuna Yuuki : Yui-chan, (0:17:05.29)
Asuna Yuuki : you have true intelligence, don't you? (0:17:07.04)
Yui : I don't know. (0:17:11.51)
Yui : I don't know what's happened to me. (0:17:14.59)
Kirito : You aren't just a program that
the system controls anymore.
Kirito : So you should be able
to say what you want.
Kirito : What do you want? (0:17:30.11)
Yui : I... (0:17:34.95)
Yui : I... (0:17:38.12)
Yui : I want to stay with you forever... (0:17:43.41)
Yui : Daddy, Mommy! (0:17:47.21)
Asuna Yuuki : Together... (0:17:55.88)
Asuna Yuuki : We'll be together forever, Yui-chan. (0:17:57.22)
Kirito : Yeah, you are our child. (0:18:01.26)
Yui : It's too late... (0:18:10.02)
Kirito : Too late? (0:18:13.11)
Yui : This console grants the
GMs emergency access
Yui : to the system. (0:18:20.62)
Yui : I used it to delete that monster. (0:18:23.91)
Yui : But now it's running a
check on my program.
Yui : Since I've disobeyed Cardinal's orders, (0:18:32.80)
Yui : it considers me a foreign object. (0:18:35.67)
Yui : I'll be deleted soon. (0:18:38.76)
Asuna Yuuki : No... (0:18:41.89)
Kirito : Can't we do something? (0:18:42.93)
Yui : Daddy, Mommy, thank you. (0:18:46.18)
Yui : This is goodbye. (0:18:49.77)
Asuna Yuuki : No! (0:18:54.57)
Asuna Yuuki : I don't want that! (0:18:55.86)
Asuna Yuuki : We've just started... (0:18:57.36)
Asuna Yuuki : We've just started living together... (0:18:59.24)
Kirito : Yui, don't go! (0:19:04.62)
Yui : Everyone smiles when they're with you. (0:19:07.50)
Yui : Please... (0:19:13.00)
Yui : From now on, go and help
people in my place.
Yui : Share your happiness with them. (0:19:20.09)
Asuna Yuuki : No... No! (0:19:22.14)
Asuna Yuuki : I can't smile without you... (0:19:24.47)
Yui : Smile, Mommy. (0:19:32.27)
Kirito : Cardinal! (0:20:01.93)
Kirito : No, Kayaba! (0:20:03.30)
Kirito : Don't think things will always go
the way you want them to!
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito-kun, what are you... (0:20:12.06)
Kirito : I can probably still use this GM
account to access the system.
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito-kun! (0:20:29.79)
Asuna Yuuki : Are you okay? (0:20:31.83)
Asuna Yuuki : What's this? (0:20:39.00)
Kirito : Before Yui's admin credentials were denied, (0:20:40.88)
Kirito : I split off her main program and
turned it into a game object.
Asuna Yuuki : Then, this is... (0:20:49.18)
Kirito : Yui's heart. (0:20:51.89)
Asuna Yuuki : Hey, Kirito-kun... (0:21:07.24)
Asuna Yuuki : If the game is cleared
and this world ends,
Asuna Yuuki : what will happen to her? (0:21:13.91)
Kirito : Yui's data is set (0:21:16.92)
Kirito : to save to my NerveGear's local memory. (0:21:18.21)
Kirito : When we get back,
recreating her as Yui won't be easy.
Kirito : But I'm sure it'll work. (0:21:27.97)
Asuna Yuuki : Okay. (0:21:36.65)
Asuna Yuuki : Then we'll see her there. (0:21:38.15)
Asuna Yuuki : Our first child. (0:21:41.69)
Kirito : Yeah, I'm certain. (0:21:45.24)
Kirito : Hey, Asuna... (0:21:48.66)
Yui : Mommy, good luck. (0:22:01.30)
Kirito : Next Time:
Edge of Hell's Abyss

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Man, i wanna have a waifu (wipes his teary eyes) - Anonymous


An ice cream stand. - Kazuya Kujou

A newspaper stand... - Kazuya Kujou

Well, we'd better get going. - Kazuya Kujou

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