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Skargo : I hear Mother Dearest is taking up
residence in an outlying village.
Kartatz : Yeah, so it seems. (0:00:05.15)
Kartatz : She took a ton of lumber from my workplace. (0:00:07.16)
Skargo : What?! (0:00:10.46)
Skargo : It seems we have no choice now. (0:00:11.38)
Mai-Mai : What's the problem, Big Bro? (0:00:13.28)
Kartatz : Is something going on? (0:00:15.01)
Skargo : We three siblings... (0:00:16.95)
Skargo : must move along with Mother Dearest! (0:00:19.08)
Mai-Mai : Do you hear yourself? (0:00:21.35)
Mai-Mai : You're the high priest!
Stop being ridiculous!
Kartatz : Besides, you know Mum
would pound you for that!
Kartatz : She just went off on you not long ago! (0:00:28.28)
EXTRA : Relocating, Building, Flying, and the Earth (0:02:01.37)
Roxilius : Are you all right, Master? (0:02:08.81)
Cayna : I'm... really not. (0:02:11.93)
Cayna : Ow, my head... (0:02:15.47)
Key : As always, Cayna, you are
experiencing hangover symptoms.
Key : This makes a total of— (0:02:23.18)
Cayna : Don't say it. (0:02:24.30)
Cayna : This time, I absolutely swear
I'll never drink again.
Key : You have also sworn that oath a total of— (0:02:30.71)
Cayna : I said don't. Seriously. (0:02:32.59)
Luka : Water... (0:02:34.49)
Cayna : Luka... (0:02:36.08)
Cayna : Thank you so much! (0:02:37.46)
Luka : Mo— (0:02:44.63)
Cayna : Huh? (0:02:46.18)
Luka : Are you okay? (0:02:47.52)
Cayna : Yeah, I'm fine now. (0:02:48.78)
Cayna : Thanks to you, Luka. (0:02:51.05)
Luka : You smell like booze. (0:02:53.82)
Roxine : You needed to stop her before
she could drink too much!
Cayna : Luka, there's a very good reason for this! (0:02:57.65)
Roxine : You useless stray cat! (0:02:59.24)
Key : A reason? (0:03:00.80)
Roxilius : Too much? She collapsed after only one drink. (0:03:01.24)
Cayna : Shut up, Kee. (0:03:01.42)
Cayna : You see, Luka, grown-ups have to do
this thing we call "socializing."
Roxine : Then stop her before she can have one drink! (0:03:05.98)
Roxine : I bet you were just spacing out, weren't you? (0:03:08.44)
Key : Grown-ups? (0:03:08.66)
Cayna : You shut up! (0:03:09.71)
Key : Is going along with the
crowd what grown-ups do?
Roxine : You numbskull! (0:03:11.81)
Roxilius : I don't need comments like that
from someone who wasn't there.
Roxine : I was looking after Lady Luka! (0:03:16.50)
Cayna : Come on, guys, don't fight.
It's making my headache worse.
Roxilius : I am so sorry. (0:03:26.12)
Roxilius : Now look, Roxine. Our master
scolded us because of you.
Roxine : It was your fault, numbskull! (0:03:32.52)
Roxilius : Excuse me?! (0:03:34.63)
Cayna : Please stop. (0:03:35.73)
Luka : Don't fight... (0:03:37.48)
Lytt : Are you okay, miss? Can you move? (0:03:40.55)
Cayna : Yeah, I'm fine. (0:03:43.20)
Lytt : Mom said to have you come downstairs
'cause she has good news.
Cayna : Good news? (0:03:49.79)
Cayna : It's huge! (0:03:55.12)
Lottor : This is where the home of the person
who founded this village once was...
Lottor : or at least, that's what the stories say. (0:04:00.10)
Cayna : What?! And you're giving that to me? (0:04:02.20)
Marelle : Yep! There's no need to be modest. (0:04:04.39)
Luine : All the villagers unanimously
agreed to give this land to you.
Lytt : You don't like it? (0:04:12.23)
Cayna : No, that's not it at all, Lytt. (0:04:13.54)
Cayna : I love it! (0:04:16.75)
Lytt : Oh, good! (0:04:18.25)
Cayna : But I feel bad accepting it for free. (0:04:20.00)
Luine : Oh, it's fine. (0:04:22.43)
Luine : We've got far more land than we need, anyway. (0:04:24.45)
Lottor : That's right. Besides, if you're here... (0:04:27.73)
Marelle : We'll have more parties! (0:04:31.47)
Cayna : C-Come on, you just threw a party
for me last night. I don't need...
Marelle : What're you talkin' about? (0:04:39.00)
Marelle : Last night's was a welcome party. (0:04:40.77)
Marelle : Tonight, we'll have a party to celebrate
that you've decided where to build!
Cayna : Whoa, hang on, Marelle! (0:04:47.50)
Luine : In fact, why wait until tonight
when we can start right now?
Lottor : I agree! (0:04:53.79)
Cayna : But it's still daytime... (0:04:55.35)
Luine : Don't worry about that! (0:04:57.15)
Luine : Get moving while the getting's good, I say! (0:04:59.25)
Cayna : Good?! (0:05:00.99)
Marelle : Now that that's settled,
let's start getting ready!
Cayna : Wha... (0:05:04.21)
Cayna : Okay, sure! Let's do this! (0:05:06.42)
Lottor : That's our Cayna! (0:05:08.92)
Roxilius : Cie... (0:05:09.59)
Marelle : Well, then, we'd better hustle! (0:05:10.73)
Roxilius : You can attend to the master today. (0:05:11.17)
Luine : We need to let everyone
in the village know, too!
Roxilius : Remember to stop her before
she starts drinking.
Roxine : Oh, very well. Just leave it all to me. (0:05:15.97)
Cayna : Ugh... (0:05:20.67)
Key : Same old story, eh? (0:05:21.88)
Cayna : Don't say it. (0:05:23.77)
Luka : Here. (0:05:25.57)
Cayna : Thank you, Luka. (0:05:27.34)
Luka : You smell like booze. (0:05:29.17)
Cayna : Luka, there's this thing called
"grown-up circumstances"...
Roxilius : Why didn't you stop her? (0:05:31.96)
Roxine : Shut up! (0:05:33.61)
Roxine : I can't help it if she drank
before I could stop her!
Key : Now they're circumstances? (0:05:35.62)
Cayna : Stay out of this, Kee. (0:05:37.66)
Key : Your hangovers have now reached a total of— (0:05:39.33)
Cayna : Kee! Shut it! (0:05:41.65)
Luka : You smell like booze. (0:05:43.30)
Roxine : Excuse me?! (0:05:44.45)
Roxilius : If that upsets you, just stop
her before she starts drinking.
Roxine : I get it, okay?! You worthless cat! (0:05:49.34)
Cayna : I swear, I'm never drinking again! (0:05:49.78)
Roxilius : What was that?! (0:05:51.65)
Roxine : Shut up! (0:05:52.23)
Cayna : Okay, let's do this! (0:05:55.44)
Luka : How are we going to build a house? (0:05:58.22)
Luka : Don't we need a carpenter? (0:06:01.09)
Cayna : Luka, would you mind staying
with Rox and Cie for me?
Roxine : Lady Luka, let's watch what
Lady Cayna does from here.
Roxilius : I'm sure she'll surprise us. (0:06:13.70)
Cayna : I'll start by using my Craft Skills... (0:06:17.56)
Cayna : Me and Luka, Rox and Cie... (0:06:23.00)
Cayna : We'll each need our own room,
plus a living and dining space.
Cayna : As for storage... (0:06:28.85)
Cayna : Kee, display the largest of
the house templates you have.
Key : Understood. (0:06:35.95)
Cayna : Looks good. (0:06:39.01)
Cayna : Okay, I'll use the lumber
I got from Kartatz...
Cayna : And next, I'll summon an earth spirit. (0:06:46.38)
Cayna : Turn the foundation into
stone to make it solid.
Roxilius : That is the house's foundation. (0:07:00.02)
Roxine : The house will be built on top of that. (0:07:02.04)
Cayna : And it's done! (0:07:33.57)
Cayna : Come on over, Luka. (0:07:36.05)
Luka : Okay. (0:07:37.55)
Cayna : Let's go inside and check it out. (0:07:40.76)
Luka : Okay. (0:07:42.62)
Cayna : Okay, ready? One, two... (0:07:52.03)
Luka : O-One, two... (0:07:55.20)
Luka : I'm coming in. (0:08:04.43)
Cayna : You mean, "I'm home." (0:08:05.78)
Cayna : This is where you're going to
live from now on, you know.
Luka : I... I'm home. (0:08:11.19)
Cayna : Welcome home. (0:08:14.57)
Cayna : Rox and Cie, could you make
sure the supports are straight,
Cayna : and check for any cracks in the floor? (0:08:20.27)
Roxilius : Certainly. (0:08:23.84)
Roxine : You can count on us. (0:08:25.37)
Roxine : We will check every last nook and cranny. (0:08:26.99)
Cayna : Luka, I'll show you around the inside. (0:08:30.15)
Luka : Okay. (0:08:33.03)
Cayna : This is Rox's room. (0:08:35.63)
Luka : Huh? (0:08:37.25)
Cayna : Wait, no... I meant Cie's room. (0:08:37.89)
Cayna : This one is Rox's room. (0:08:41.58)
Cayna : This is the kitchen. (0:08:44.73)
Cayna : We'll use the cellar for storing food. (0:08:46.58)
Cayna : And this is the living and dining space. (0:08:50.98)
Cayna : This is my room. And... (0:08:54.82)
Cayna : Right next door is... your room, Luka. (0:08:59.27)
Luka : My room? (0:09:04.44)
Cayna : Luka, if you get lonely in here by yourself, (0:09:07.83)
Cayna : don't hesitate to come over to
my room or Cie's room, okay?
Luka : Okay. (0:09:15.36)
Cayna : Good. (0:09:16.28)
Roxilius : Master. (0:09:17.22)
Roxilius : We've completed our checks. (0:09:19.43)
Roxine : We found no problems at all. (0:09:20.99)
Roxine : As always, Lady Cayna, you've done perfect
work. So unlike this numbskull here.
Roxilius : You didn't need that last part. (0:09:28.15)
Roxine : Oh, but it's the truth, isn't it? (0:09:29.69)
Cayna : Listen, Rox, Cie... (0:09:33.05)
Roxilius : Lady Luka? (0:09:40.23)
Roxine : Lady Luka? (0:09:40.23)
Cayna : Luka? (0:09:42.57)
Luka : Don't fight... (0:09:45.55)
Cayna : Luka, you're so dependable! (0:09:52.11)
Cayna : I'm officially naming you
our minister of arbitration!
Luka : A-Arbitration? (0:09:58.74)
Cayna : Whenever Rox and Cie start fighting,
it's your job to stop them, okay?
Cayna : It's the perfect job for you! (0:10:05.45)
Luka : O-Okay... Mo— (0:10:08.87)
Luka : I'll do that. (0:10:13.29)
Cayna : Great! (0:10:14.31)
Lytt : Miss Cayna! Luka! (0:10:16.52)
Cayna : Coming! (0:10:19.60)
Cayna : Let's go, Luka. (0:10:21.24)
Luka : Okay. (0:10:22.52)
Roxine : I can't believe Lady Luka
stopped our quarrel.
Roxilius : I never would've seen that coming. (0:10:31.10)
Roxine : It's all your fault, Rox! (0:10:33.15)
Roxilius : You're the one who's always
picking fights with me!
Marelle : We were going to ask if we
could help with anything...
Luine : But I guess there was no need. (0:10:44.20)
Cayna : Sorry! I appreciate you coming over, though. (0:10:46.95)
Lytt : I can't believe you built a house so quickly! (0:10:50.65)
Lytt : You're amazing, Miss Cayna! (0:10:53.16)
Luka : Uh-huh. (0:10:55.22)
Marelle : Well, if it's already finished, (0:10:56.07)
Marelle : what you need isn't help... it's flowers! (0:10:58.90)
Cayna : Flowers? (0:11:03.00)
Luka : Flowers? (0:11:03.87)
Marelle : It's our custom in this village. (0:11:11.54)
Marelle : When a new house is built, this
helps to make it one with the earth.
Cayna : Wow, you have a custom like that? (0:11:18.29)
Luka : The flowers are so pretty. (0:11:20.74)
Marelle : Keep them up until they wilt. (0:11:23.36)
Marelle : They also carry our wishes for you
to live long and healthy lives here.
Cayna : Okay, then. (0:11:29.95)
Luine : So, Cayna... (0:11:31.33)
Cayna : Yes? (0:11:33.00)
Marelle : This calls for another party tonight! (0:11:33.70)
Cayna : Huh?! (0:11:35.43)
Marelle : To celebrate the completion of Cayna's house! (0:11:36.64)
Cayna : What?! (0:11:39.18)
Roxine : Will we be able to stop her from drinking? (0:11:40.60)
Roxilius : Probably not. (0:11:43.35)
Roxine : That's the first time
we've agreed on something.
Roxilius : Although I genuinely hate to admit it... (0:11:48.05)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : I'm finally up, eh?
Allow me to introduce myself!
Guardian of the Silver Tower : My name is— (0:11:54.37)
Cayna : The lead will lead the way in the final act! (0:11:56.94)
Cayna : Pretty good, huh? (0:12:00.13)
Mimily : So you ended up with yet another hangover? (0:12:02.46)
Cayna : It's no laughing matter. (0:12:05.57)
Cayna : This time, I seriously, solemnly swear (0:12:08.36)
Cayna : that I am never, ever going to
drink again, for all eternity.
Luka : Um... (0:12:19.25)
Roxine : There's no need to be shy. (0:12:20.94)
Luka : I'm not... being shy. (0:12:24.85)
Cayna : How's the laundry work going, Mimily? (0:12:28.78)
Mimily : I'm making quite a fortune, thank you. (0:12:32.62)
Mimily : After all... (0:12:39.46)
Mimily : You did make a special
laundry room just for me.
Mimily : I don't quite understand what the thing
you call a "shishi-odoshi" is for...
Mimily : But I really can't thank you
enough for all you've done.
Cayna : I'm just glad you like it. (0:12:55.40)
Mimily : Oh, by the way, Cayna... (0:12:57.63)
Mimily : You once said you would find
my homeland for me, and I...
Cayna : Oh... I haven't found it yet. Sorry. (0:13:06.70)
Mimily : No, it's not that. (0:13:10.60)
Mimily : I was thinking that I don't need to
find the mermaid village anymore.
Mimily : Back home, I was just a burden. (0:13:19.38)
Mimily : My only relative was my older sister,
and I very rarely saw her.
Mimily : Everyone else just gossiped
about me behind my back.
Mimily : I wandered off, thinking I might as well
just disappear, and I ended up here.
Mimily : I was lonely at first, (0:13:39.64)
Mimily : but this village has so kindly accepted me, (0:13:43.32)
Mimily : and I have this laundry job
that makes everyone happy.
Mimily : So I'm very happy now. (0:13:50.60)
Cayna : I see. Okay, then. (0:13:55.78)
Cayna : I won't look for the mermaid village anymore. (0:13:58.26)
Cayna : But if you change your mind,
just let me know.
Mimily : Okay! If I do, I'll be counting on you! (0:14:05.12)
Cayna : But, man, this feels amazing. (0:14:10.30)
Mimily : There is a song (0:14:11.77)
Mimily : That you can only hear (0:14:15.34)
Cayna : I finally sobered up,
and I feel so much better.
Mimily : On a night with shooting stars (0:14:19.33)
Mimily : The blue wave guides my fin (0:14:21.92)
Luka : Scrub, scrub... (0:14:23.17)
Cayna : That's it! (0:14:31.28)
Cayna : Lytt and Luka, you've both gotten much better. (0:14:32.43)
Lytt : Yes, Miss Cayn—I mean, Teacher Cayna! (0:14:35.90)
Cayna : You'll start reading more
difficult books soon.
Lytt : Okay! (0:14:42.94)
Luka : Okay. (0:14:43.88)
Cayna : Well, that's enough studying for today. (0:14:44.81)
Lytt : Yes, ma'am! (0:14:47.64)
Lytt : Luka, let's go play! (0:14:48.91)
Lytt : I'll teach you how to make a flower crown. (0:14:50.78)
Luka : Okay. (0:14:54.21)
Cayna : I never thought I'd move all the way out
here and end up acting as a teacher.
Roxine : Since you are educated, Lady Cayna, (0:15:03.17)
Roxine : extending your hand to lowly commoners
must be the ultimate charity.
Cayna : Just what kind of personality
did Opus create you with?
Cayna : Look, there's no "upper and lower" hierarchy (0:15:16.81)
Cayna : between me and the people of this village. (0:15:19.85)
Cayna : Don't say things like that
to anyone else, understand?
Roxine : I do apologize. (0:15:26.89)
Lytt : That's it. Now twist that
bit of butterbur around.
Luka : L-Like this? (0:15:35.03)
Lytt : Yeah! You're doing great! (0:15:36.58)
Roxine : Here you go, Lady Cayna. (0:15:42.25)
Cayna : Thanks, Cie. (0:15:44.88)
Cayna : It's so peaceful. (0:16:04.04)
Roxine : Lady Cayna... (0:16:06.26)
Roxine : Might I suggest you relax for a while? (0:16:08.19)
Roxine : Spending the whole day resting
and not thinking about anything
Roxine : could be a good change of pace. (0:16:15.10)
Roxine : If you're worried about
the house and Lady Luka,
Roxine : you can leave them to me
and... uh... the stray cat.
Cayna : You two didn't make up? (0:16:25.74)
Roxine : To expect me and that worthless
cat to get along is just too much.
Roxine : He and I are mortal enemies. (0:16:33.18)
Cayna : Mortal enemies? Really? (0:16:36.91)
Cayna : Well, anyway... (0:16:39.44)
Cayna : How could I relax any more than this? (0:16:41.53)
Cayna : Although that might be nice, too. (0:16:48.27)
Cayna : I was stuck in a hospital
from a very young age,
Cayna : so the only place where I
could run around and be active
Cayna : was the VRMMO Leadale . (0:17:02.99)
Cayna : I died while I was playing...
though I didn't realize it.
Lytt : Miss! It's morning! (0:17:12.42)
Cayna : The next thing I knew,
I was right there in Leadale .
Kartatz : M-M-M-M-M-M... (0:17:17.34)
Kartatz : M-Mum?! (0:17:21.54)
Cayna : You pervert! (0:17:23.85)
Cayna : but I suddenly had two sons
and a daughter, and...
Mai-Mai : I was too late. (0:17:30.89)
Cayna : I even had grandkids and great-grandkids. (0:17:32.75)
Cayna : Then I met Elineh and Arbiter... (0:17:36.09)
Arbiter : This would've been so much easier
if the little missy was with us.
Kenison : You said it. (0:17:44.14)
Elineh : I wonder if Lady Cayna would be
willing to join our caravan.
Cayna : Then came Lonti, Mye, Primo, and Agaido... (0:17:51.38)
Mye : I hope this is all right. (0:17:52.34)
Lonti Arbalest : Yeah... (0:17:53.79)
Primo : I found you, Sis! (0:17:55.02)
Primo : I bet you're goin' to see
High Priest Skargo again, right?
Primo : I'm goin' with you! (0:18:00.86)
Mye : Wh-Wh-Wh-What are you talking about?! (0:18:02.56)
Lonti Arbalest : Th-Th-Th-Th-That's right! (0:18:05.14)
Lonti Arbalest : Why would we ever go to
see High Priest Skargo?
Primo : I've got proof! (0:18:10.50)
Primo : Hey! Let go of me! (0:18:14.40)
Agaido : Only a child would interfere
in someone's romance.
Primo : Oh, shut up! (0:18:21.26)
Primo : I was just a little curious
about Lonti—wait, I mean...
Agaido : You're a little too young to understand
how a maiden's heart works.
Cayna : Almana, Exis, and Quolkeh... (0:18:31.25)
Almana : Okay, I'll take care of it. (0:18:32.34)
Exis : Mine, too, please. (0:18:34.34)
Almana : Sure! Just leave it to me! (0:18:35.75)
Exis : That aside, want to get dinner sometime? (0:18:37.63)
Quolkeh : There's that illness of yours again. (0:18:41.02)
Almana : I bet you say that to all the girls! There! (0:18:41.58)
Cayna : Shining Saber and Cohral... (0:18:45.18)
Exis : Hey! Where do you think
you're putting that stamp?!
Quolkeh : Your face looks better that way. (0:18:47.94)
Cohral : Yeah, it does. Did some
incredible quest come up?
Cayna : I've met so many people,
I'm needed by so many people,
Cayna : I've been all over the place,
I've had adventures...
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Yo, yo! (0:19:01.40)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Hey, Master! (0:19:03.20)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : You didn't forget about me, did you? (0:19:05.89)
Cayna : How could I forget someone as unique as you? (0:19:09.17)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Well, I should hope not! (0:19:13.46)
Cayna : So much has happened in such a short time. (0:19:15.63)
Cayna : I even got a new daughter. (0:19:18.42)
Cayna : I guess maybe this is what
they call happiness, huh?
Cayna : Oh, come to think of it,
I made a promise to Lytt.
Cayna : Say, Lytt. Do you want to go flying sometime? (0:19:32.65)
Luka : U-Um... (0:19:37.61)
Luka : U-Um... Here. (0:19:40.15)
Cayna : Is that for me? (0:19:42.90)
Luka : It's for you, Cayna... (0:19:46.91)
Luka : Mom! (0:19:51.62)
Cayna : Thank you, Luka. (0:20:02.95)
Cayna : Well? Does it suit me? (0:20:10.45)
Luka : Yeah! (0:20:12.48)
Roxine : It looks lovely on you. (0:20:14.38)
Lytt : You look so pretty, Miss Cayna! (0:20:16.23)
Cayna : Thank you, too, Lytt. (0:20:22.18)
Cayna : Well, ready to go? (0:20:26.64)
Lytt : Go? (0:20:28.15)
Luka : Go where? (0:20:28.96)
Marelle : It was nice of Marelle to
agree to this so easily, huh?
Lytt : Y-Yeah... (0:20:38.54)
Luka : I'm scared... (0:20:39.70)
Cayna : Don't you worry, Luka. Your mom's got you. (0:20:41.09)
Cayna : Come on, open your eyes. (0:20:45.01)
Luka : But... (0:20:47.03)
Cayna : It's all right. (0:20:47.88)
Lytt : I didn't know the world was so big. (0:20:56.23)
Luka : This is... the world? (0:21:00.08)
Cayna : That's right. This is the world you live in. (0:21:02.49)
Cayna : It goes on forever. (0:21:06.68)
Cayna : And you two can go anywhere you want. (0:21:09.97)
Lytt : Anywhere? (0:21:13.13)
Cayna : Anywhere you want, as far as you want! (0:21:14.84)
Luka : As far as we want... (0:21:17.38)
Cayna : There are things in this world
that may make you feel sad or lonely,
Cayna : but there are even more things
that are fun and happy.
Cayna : Lots and lots of them! (0:21:27.44)
Lytt : Lots of... (0:21:29.73)
Luka : things? (0:21:31.88)
Cayna : Let's keep looking for them from now on, okay? (0:21:33.19)
Lytt : Yeah! (0:21:35.90)
Luka : Yeah! (0:21:35.90)
Cayna : Good answer! (0:21:36.68)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Hey, Master! (0:21:45.95)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Aren't ya gonna give me a ride, too? (0:21:48.63)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : I'm so tired of just sitting around here! (0:21:52.39)
Cayna : Yes, there's lots and lots of fun to be had (0:21:56.93)
Cayna : here in the land of Leadale! (0:22:01.93)

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