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Shizuka Nekonome : You're not going to do anything, Director? (0:00:11.86)
Tenmei Mikogami : That is correct, Nekonome-sensei. (0:00:15.89)
Shizuka Nekonome : B-But Aono-kun is... (0:00:18.66)
Tenmei Mikogami : If he is to be executed, it means that it was his fate. (0:00:20.91)
Shizuka Nekonome : N-No way... (0:00:27.96)
EXTRA : Humans are our enemies! (0:00:42.77)
EXTRA : Don't forgive him! (0:00:44.60)
EXTRA : Hurry up and sentence him to death! (0:00:46.14)
Tsukune Aono : Why have things come to this? (0:00:49.11)
Tsukune Aono : Was it a mistake to have enrolled in this school? (0:00:52.49)
Tsukune Aono : Would things have been better if I left earlier? (0:00:56.32)
Tsukune Aono : Enroll into a normal school and befriend people who are humans like me. (0:00:59.49)
Tsukune Aono : But if that were the case, (0:01:04.46)
Tsukune Aono : I wouldn't have been able to meet Moka-san and the others. (0:01:07.91)
Kuyo : Have you gone crazy because of fear? (0:01:17.05)
Tsukune Aono : Promise me this: (0:01:19.61)
Tsukune Aono : Once you execute me, please don't lay a finger on the other members of the Newspaper Club. (0:01:22.72)
Kuyo : Those are some pretty admirable words coming from a human. (0:01:27.44)
Kuyo : Alright then, I have a benevolent heart too. (0:01:31.44)
Tsukune Aono : Then... (0:01:35.82)
Kuyo : To not let the members from the Newspaper Club suffer, (0:01:37.99)
Kuyo : I will kill them all swiftly. (0:01:43.07)
Tsukune Aono : Stop... (0:01:46.67)
Tsukune Aono : Stop...! (0:01:47.79)
Kuyo : You guys will be in hell, publishing newspapers that no one will read. (0:01:48.42)
Mizore Shirayuki : This was the place where you saved me, Tsukune. (0:02:23.74)
Ruby Tojo : It's your turn to save him now. (0:02:33.25)
Mizore Shirayuki : You are... (0:02:40.64)
Yukari Sendo : Kurumu-san, at this rate... (0:02:50.19)
Yukari Sendo : You know, I didn't have the chance to say it just now... (0:02:54.86)
Yukari Sendo : But this is how I feel, (0:03:00.74)
Yukari Sendo : It doesn't matter if you're a monster or human. (0:03:02.87)
Yukari Sendo : All that matters is if you're a good or bad person. (0:03:04.78)
Yukari Sendo : Because, I was always bullied by other monsters, and the person who saved me, (0:03:10.71)
Yukari Sendo : was a human, which I've always been afraid of, Tsukune-san! (0:03:16.59)
Kurumu Kurono : I know that. (0:03:24.60)
Yukari Sendo : If that's the case, then- (0:03:27.06)
Kurumu Kurono : That's not it, Yukari-chan. (0:03:27.97)
Kurumu Kurono : What I'm angry about is that, (0:03:29.77)
Kurumu Kurono : Even though we're friends, Tsukune and Moka hid the truth up until now! (0:03:32.56)
Yukari Sendo : Kurumu-san... (0:03:39.36)
Kurumu Kurono : You see... you see! (0:03:40.82)
Kurumu Kurono : Shouldn't I be frustrated? (0:03:43.41)
Kurumu Kurono : If they had told me earlier, then I could have helped them somehow! (0:03:46.03)
Kurumu Kurono : Idiots! (0:03:55.02)
Kurumu Kurono : Tsukune and Moka are both idiots! (0:03:56.25)
Ruby Tojo : You should tell the two of them directly. (0:03:58.53)
Moka Akashiya : At this rate, Tsukune will... (0:04:11.48)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : Have you given up? (0:04:16.94)
Moka Akashiya : I want to save Tsukune... (0:04:20.23)
Moka Akashiya : But with my current powers... (0:04:23.95)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : Do you really think that you're alone? (0:04:30.24)
Moka Akashiya : Crow? (0:04:37.88)
Ruby Tojo : Stand back. (0:04:39.05)
Ruby Tojo : It's been a while. (0:04:46.93)
Moka Akashiya : Ruby-san! (0:04:54.80)
Ruby Tojo : It's not just me. (0:04:56.10)
Mizore Shirayuki : It took us quite a while to finish off those guards. (0:04:59.44)
Yukari Sendo : It was really tiring! (0:05:04.15)
Moka Akashiya : Shirayuki-san and Yukari-chan! (0:05:06.61)
Kurumu Kurono : What are you spacing out for, aren't we going to save Tsukune? (0:05:21.38)
Moka Akashiya : Kurumu-chan... (0:05:24.84)
Kurumu Kurono : Although I'm really angry with you for keeping Tsukune's identity a secret. (0:05:26.13)
Moka Akashiya : I'm sorry... (0:05:30.60)
Ruby Tojo : This is not the time to apologize. (0:05:32.14)
Yukari Sendo : Ruby-san, that is... (0:05:36.69)
Moka Akashiya : A new wand...? (0:05:38.10)
Ruby Tojo : A lot of things happened, (0:05:40.06)
Ruby Tojo : But I'll leave the details for next time. (0:05:41.86)
Kurumu Kurono : Yes, we'll have Moka-san apologize for everything after we save Tsukune. (0:05:43.48)
Ruby Tojo : Humans and Demons: the value of their lives aren't different. (0:05:49.82)
Ruby Tojo : Right? (0:05:54.45)
Mizore Shirayuki : Yeah, looks like you finally understand that. (0:05:55.60)
Ruby Tojo : Now, let's go! (0:05:59.83)
Moka Akashiya : Yeah! (0:06:01.74)
Kuyo : To all students, it is now time for the execution! (0:06:10.82)
Kuyo : Please use your eyes to capture this moment and see the final moment of a human, our enemies! (0:06:15.52)
Kurumu Kurono : Tsukune! (0:06:34.33)
Ruby Tojo : Are you all right? (0:06:35.20)
Moka Akashiya : Kurumu-chan and Ruby-san, please take Tsukune to a safe spot! (0:06:37.62)
Kuyo : So they finally came, the fools from the Newspaper Club. (0:06:41.25)
Kuyo : Do you know this is the biggest betrayal you can do to the school? (0:06:46.01)
Moka Akashiya : I don't care about the school or betrayal! (0:06:52.39)
Mizore Shirayuki : We just want to rescue our precious friend. (0:06:55.01)
Yukari Sendo : That's all! (0:06:57.20)
Kuyo : The same thing as last year's Newspaper Club... (0:07:00.77)
Kuyo : During that time, this was what Morioka Ginei said: (0:07:05.12)
Kuyo : I don't care what happens to the school but I just can't tolerate your actions, (0:07:08.38)
Kuyo : Which is why I'm publishing it. (0:07:13.20)
Moka Akashiya : Gin-senpai.... (0:07:14.62)
Yukari Sendo : Actually did that? (0:07:15.97)
Kuyo : Keeping the Newspaper Club around was my failure. (0:07:18.50)
Kuyo : In order to prevent it from sprouting again, I hereby execute all of you. (0:07:22.25)
Morisaki (Monster form) : Since Kuyou-sama gave the order, (0:07:28.67)
Deshiko Deshi : You must all die here! (0:07:30.97)
Yukari Sendo : Magical Safety! (0:07:37.65)
Yukari Sendo : And Magical Metal Basin! (0:07:40.10)
Mizore Shirayuki : Geez, I won't hold back you know. (0:07:47.48)
EXTRA : They're pretty good! (0:07:51.78)
EXTRA : The monster blood in me is bursting! (0:07:53.45)
EXTRA : Dumbass, don't transform. (0:07:56.50)
Kuyo : Run away, run away, if you can run from me that is. (0:08:00.27)
Yukari Sendo : This is bad, he's heading towards Tsukune-san! (0:08:08.57)
Mizore Shirayuki : Go! (0:08:11.97)
Moka Akashiya : But... (0:08:13.52)
Mizore Shirayuki : You'll owe me one. (0:08:14.42)
Moka Akashiya : Okay! (0:08:17.93)
Ruby Tojo : It will be safe here. (0:08:28.19)
Tsukune Aono : Kurumu-chan and Ruby-san, thank you very much. (0:08:30.19)
Moka Akashiya : Tsukune! (0:08:32.74)
Moka Akashiya : Tsukune. (0:08:37.62)
Tsukune Aono : Moka-san. (0:08:38.58)
Kurumu Kurono : Wait, who cares about Moka! (0:08:39.55)
Moka Akashiya : Kurumu-chan, get off of Tsukune! (0:08:42.66)
Kurumu Kurono : Don't interrupt us! (0:08:46.58)
Tsukune Aono : And I thought there was no hope for me. (0:08:47.92)
Kuyo : Is this any time to be caught off guard? (0:08:50.00)
Moka Akashiya : Tsukune... (0:08:58.22)
Kuyo : It's a pity I couldn't execute him in public. (0:09:08.48)
Kuyo : With this, the execution is complete. (0:09:12.80)
Kuyo : Monsters coexisting with humans is just a fantasy! (0:09:15.28)
Moka Akashiya : No, no, Tsukune. (0:09:20.70)
Moka Akashiya : Hey, Tsukune! (0:09:24.25)
Moka Akashiya : Tsukune, no... please don't die! (0:09:27.33)
Tsukune Aono : Moka-san, I was really happy. (0:09:32.25)
Tsukune Aono : Coming to this academy, being with everyone, (0:09:38.55)
Tsukune Aono : And meeting Moka-san. (0:09:43.56)
Moka Akashiya : No! Stop talking! (0:09:45.64)
Tsukune Aono : This is my last request from you. (0:09:48.81)
Tsukune Aono : Please protect all of the Newspaper Club members from the clutches of Kuyou... (0:09:53.19)
Moka Akashiya : Tsu... kune. (0:10:12.80)
Moka Akashiya : Tsukune...! (0:10:17.22)
Kuyo : So, this is the powerful vampire's true form. (0:10:38.20)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : You... (0:10:41.91)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : You...! (0:10:44.12)
Yukari Sendo : We're sorry! (0:10:47.91)
Mizore Shirayuki : We finally finished those small fry. (0:10:49.33)
Yukari Sendo : No...! (0:10:51.46)
Mizore Shirayuki : It can't be true. (0:10:53.13)
Kurumu Kurono : I'm sorry. (0:10:54.21)
Kurumu Kurono : Even though we were with him... (0:10:55.25)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : Move aside, there's still a little bit left of Tsukune's life. (0:10:57.67)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : If I do this now... (0:11:03.10)
Kurumu Kurono : What the hell can you do?! (0:11:04.47)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : Inject my blood into Tsukune. (0:11:08.68)
Ruby Tojo : Indeed, the blood of a vampire, which possesses incredible power said to grant immortality... (0:11:12.94)
Kurumu Kurono : Will that save Tsukune? (0:11:17.78)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : The chances are low. (0:11:19.99)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : But there's no other alternative now. (0:11:21.74)
Kurumu Kurono : What the hell is that? (0:11:32.92)
Ruby Tojo : Don't tell me it's... a demon fox? (0:11:34.84)
Yukari Sendo : Demon Fox? (0:11:37.13)
Ruby Tojo : When it reaches a higher rank, it is a powerful Japanese monster that has even been known to be worshiped as a god. (0:11:38.36)
Kuyo : As expected from the powerful vampire. (0:11:43.43)
Kuyo : To actually make me release my true powers. (0:11:46.31)
Ruby Tojo : He focused all of his energy onto his tail! (0:11:49.31)
Kuyo : Flame Wheel! (0:11:52.60)
Kurumu Kurono : Such speed! (0:11:54.69)
Yukari Sendo : Shirayuki-san, make a shield of ice! (0:11:55.40)
Mizore Shirayuki : I can't, there's too much difference between their levels! (0:11:56.85)
Ginei Morioka : You stupid club members, what are you spacing out there for?! (0:11:59.07)
Ginei Morioka : The biggest idiot seems to be me instead... (0:12:13.17)
Ginei Morioka : I can't help it... (0:12:18.38)
Ginei Morioka : Losing more club members... I've had enough... (0:12:20.30)
Yukari Sendo : Gin-senpai! (0:12:26.93)
Ruby Tojo : He blocked the attack for us... (0:12:28.39)
Mizore Shirayuki : So he actually does act like a president sometimes, huh? (0:12:30.47)
Kurumu Kurono : Even if you wanted to be cool, isn't it meaningless if you die? (0:12:33.89)
Kuyo : I was wondering who that was... so it was Morioka Ginei, huh? (0:12:38.98)
Kuyo : Oh well. (0:12:41.78)
Kuyo : It just means that I don't have to go find him now! (0:12:42.70)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : You bastard. (0:12:45.49)
Yukari Sendo : Let us handle this! (0:12:48.62)
Kurumu Kurono : Hurry and save Tsukune! (0:12:51.04)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : You might die! (0:12:53.01)
Kurumu Kurono : We're willing to accept that. (0:12:55.12)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : Forgive me. (0:12:59.29)
Kuyo (Monster form) : Now then, who's next? (0:13:01.92)
Ruby Tojo : Guys, we can't let him take even one step forward. (0:13:05.09)
Mizore Shirayuki : Yeah, I know. (0:13:08.47)
Yukari Sendo : We must combine our powers! (0:13:11.06)
Kurumu Kurono : For the sake of protecting our precious friend, Tsukune... (0:13:13.31)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : Tsukune... (0:13:18.69)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : Accept my blood. (0:13:20.32)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : Tsukune... (0:13:26.32)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : Tsukune. (0:13:30.95)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : Is this amount insufficient? (0:13:36.00)
Mizore Shirayuki : Take this! (0:13:39.67)
Kuyo (Monster form) : Weak, too weak! (0:13:42.50)
Kuyo (Monster form) : What friend? (0:13:44.59)
Kuyo (Monster form) : What comrades? (0:13:45.92)
Kuyo (Monster form) : Monsters and humans are supposed to be enemies! (0:13:47.38)
Kuyo (Monster form) : Do you still not understand that? (0:13:49.89)
Kurumu Kurono : Mizore! (0:13:53.47)
Yukari Sendo : Shirayuki-san is... (0:13:55.48)
Ruby Tojo : Yukari-chan, concentrate! (0:13:56.35)
Yukari Sendo : Yes! (0:13:58.35)
Kurumu Kurono : You're the one who doesn't understand! (0:13:58.73)
Kurumu Kurono : Monsters and humans can become friends too! (0:14:01.65)
Kurumu Kurono : Aren't we proof of that? (0:14:04.28)
Kuyo (Monster form) : Nonsense! (0:14:06.57)
Yukari Sendo : Ruby-san! (0:14:10.74)
Ruby Tojo : Let's do it! (0:14:12.41)
Ruby Tojo : Magic Combination! (0:14:14.04)
Yukari Sendo : Black Sealing Spell! (0:14:15.54)
Yukari Sendo : Desu! (0:14:18.54)
Kuyo (Monster form) : What can you do with this worthless paper? (0:14:21.54)
Ruby Tojo : You've fallen for it! (0:14:24.09)
Ruby Tojo : Familiar, Magic Devil! (0:14:25.34)
Ruby Tojo : You're sadly mistaken if you think you can escape from that easily! (0:14:27.51)
Kuyo (Monster form) : I see. What an interesting imitation. (0:14:30.89)
Kuyo (Monster form) : You filthy witches, disappear! (0:14:36.14)
Ruby Tojo : Not yet... (0:14:39.35)
Yukari Sendo : We did it! (0:14:51.68)
Kuyo (Monster form) : You bitches! (0:14:52.83)
Kuyo (Monster form) : You pieces of trash... to think that you actually hurt me! (0:14:54.58)
Yukari Sendo : He's returning back to human form... (0:14:59.46)
Kurumu Kurono : It seems like he took a lot of damage from that hit. (0:15:02.43)
Ruby Tojo : No, you're wrong. This isn't some kind of human form. (0:15:05.30)
Ruby Tojo : He's compressing his powers into his ultimate form! (0:15:09.71)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : Feel proud, for being able to witness my final form. (0:15:14.14)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : Die! (0:15:25.13)
EXTRA : Hey, what was that? (0:15:29.90)
EXTRA : It's shaking a lot! (0:15:31.78)
EXTRA : Move quickly instead! (0:15:33.37)
EXTRA : Like I said, it's blocked upstairs! (0:15:35.12)
Shizuka Nekonome : Will everyone be all right? (0:15:38.37)
Shizuka Nekonome : Don't pull my tail! (0:15:41.87)
Yukari Sendo : Too strong... (0:15:50.38)
Ruby Tojo : Such power... (0:15:53.01)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : How stubborn. (0:15:57.60)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : I see. (0:16:02.14)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : That snow woman used her last reserves to create an ice wall to surround you guys. (0:16:03.73)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : However, there won't be a second time. (0:16:11.20)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : Yeah, because I won't let you. (0:16:13.74)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : Because I'll defeat you. (0:16:17.66)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : Akashiya Moka. (0:16:20.50)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : Your efforts to revive him seem to have been a waste. (0:16:22.92)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : Now, come then, powerful monster: Vampire. (0:16:28.92)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : Beating you beyond recognition will further strengthen my position in the school. (0:16:33.38)
Ruby Tojo : Moka-san... (0:16:47.15)
Kurumu Kurono : What about Tsukune? (0:16:48.98)
Kurumu Kurono : What happened with Tsukune? (0:16:51.19)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : I've done what I can. (0:16:52.99)
Ruby Tojo : Then... (0:16:55.82)
Yukari Sendo : Tsukune-san... (0:16:57.62)
Kurumu Kurono : That must be a lie! (0:17:00.37)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : What's wrong? The esteemed powerful monster is only at such a level? (0:17:02.75)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : I can't feel a thing! (0:17:06.73)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : Was it because I gave too much blood to him? (0:17:08.92)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : Weak, too weak! (0:17:12.63)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : You became so weak because you got engrossed in the friendship-making game between monsters and humans! (0:17:15.01)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : Humans are ugly things! (0:17:21.97)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : Quickly become lazy, (0:17:23.68)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : Traitorous, (0:17:25.89)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : Liars, (0:17:27.65)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : That willfully harm other living beings! (0:17:30.15)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : You guys, who mingle with such humans, should just die right here! (0:17:33.90)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : Burn and vaporize! (0:17:47.58)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : Flame Wheel! (0:17:50.21)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : It's over. (0:18:00.80)
Yukari Sendo : Moka-san, Tsukune-san! (0:18:03.77)
Mizore Shirayuki : This can't be... (0:18:06.60)
Kurumu Kurono : Yeah, you're right. (0:18:08.48)
Kurumu Kurono : Look! (0:18:11.36)
Tsukune Aono : Moka-san. I... (0:18:17.32)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : You finally decided to awaken. (0:18:21.03)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : You sleepy head. (0:18:25.00)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : Impossible! (0:18:27.41)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : His body should have been burned by my flames! (0:18:28.54)
Yukari Sendo : Thank goodness, Tsukune-san! (0:18:32.67)
Ruby Tojo : This is the power of Vampire blood... (0:18:34.63)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : Impossible! (0:18:37.80)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : Like I'd allow such a thing to happen?! (0:18:39.20)
Tsukune Aono : M-Moka-san! (0:18:41.97)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : Relax, I'll defeat him immediately. (0:18:45.02)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : Don't be ridiculous! (0:18:47.43)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : You think you can defeat me, the one who protects the school's peace? (0:18:48.77)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : Just with your miniscule powers, (0:18:52.89)
Ginei Morioka (Monster form) : She can do just that! (0:18:54.69)
Kuyo : You bastard! When did you...! (0:18:57.11)
Ginei Morioka (Monster form) : Don't underestimate the speed of one of the great monsters: Werewolves! (0:18:59.65)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : You cling on to your unsightly masquerade and rampage with your Public Safety Commission buddies. (0:19:04.24)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : You have no right to talk about protecting the school's peace! (0:19:10.04)
Kuyo (Ultimate-Monster form) : What?! (0:19:13.92)
Moka Akashiya (monster form) : Know your place! (0:19:16.88)
Tsukune Aono : You did it! (0:19:25.14)
EXTRA : W-What happened? (0:19:36.38)
EXTRA : What's that? (0:19:38.74)
EXTRA : Look at this! (0:19:41.57)
EXTRA : Kuyou-sama was defeated! (0:19:43.28)
EXTRA : Who did it? (0:19:46.03)
Tsukune Aono : Umm... That's... (0:19:47.66)
Moka Akashiya : Tsukune. (0:19:51.04)
Tsukune Aono : Are you all right, Moka-san? (0:19:52.42)
Shizuka Nekonome : Aono-kun! (0:19:54.04)
Tsukune Aono : Nekonome-sensei... (0:19:56.13)
Shizuka Nekonome : That was incredible! You defeated Kuyou-kun, didn't you? (0:19:57.59)
Shizuka Nekonome : Even though violence is bad, you've cleared the suspicions on you! (0:20:02.63)
Tsukune Aono : N-No, it wasn't me... (0:20:08.68)
Tsukune Aono : Eh, suspicions? (0:20:11.02)
EXTRA : What, the Public Safety Commission just made a mistake. (0:20:12.64)
EXTRA : Hey Aono-kun, sorry for suspecting that you were a human even for a little. (0:20:16.15)
EXTRA : Even so, you're really powerful to be able to defeat Kuyou! (0:20:20.07)
EXTRA : This reminds me of when I was bullied by the Public Safety Commission before! (0:20:23.32)
EXTRA : Me too, me too! (0:20:27.60)
EXTRA : Good job, Aono-kun! (0:20:28.87)
EXTRA : All right! Let's carry the school hero up! (0:20:30.97)
Tsukune Aono : N-No, wait a second! (0:20:35.71)
Ginei Morioka : Hey! (0:20:40.30)
Ginei Morioka : Before that, rescue me first! (0:20:41.34)
Mysterious Bat : This week's victory was... (0:20:44.22)
Mysterious Bat : Oh, who cares. (0:20:47.18)
Tsukune Aono : After that uproar, I heard from the usually quiet Kurumu-chan about what happened back then. (0:20:48.68)
Tsukune Aono : Everyone suffered trying to rescue me after I went into a death-like state. (0:20:55.85)
Tsukune Aono : And Moka-san too, for my sake... (0:21:02.32)
Moka Akashiya : Tsukune! (0:21:20.63)
Tsukune Aono : I'm sorry, Moka-san. (0:21:22.80)
Tsukune Aono : Just for my sake, you tired yourself out. (0:21:26.43)
Moka Akashiya : I'm so glad... (0:21:31.47)
Moka Akashiya : Because you're safe and sound. (0:21:34.32)
Tsukune Aono : Moka-san... (0:21:38.36)
Moka Akashiya : Don't cry! (0:21:41.27)
Moka Akashiya : You sleepy head. (0:21:47.07)
Tsukune Aono : Huh? What's going on... My heart's racing... (0:21:50.08)
Tsukune Aono : Could it be that I've fallen for the other Moka...? (0:22:01.25)
Moka Akashiya : No... If you stare at me like that... (0:22:06.68)
Moka Akashiya : Tsu... Ku... Ne... (0:22:13.14)
Tsukune Aono : Moka-san. (0:22:18.06)
Kurumu Kurono : Tsukune!!! (0:22:18.90)
Kurumu Kurono : What are you two doing? (0:22:25.28)
Mizore Shirayuki : Looks fun. (0:22:26.99)
Moka Akashiya : Everyone... (0:22:27.86)
Kurumu Kurono : What were you trying to do just now? (0:22:29.07)
Tsukune Aono : N-Nothing! (0:22:30.91)
Mizore Shirayuki : Continue doing it with me... (0:22:32.33)
Yukari Sendo : No, do it with me! (0:22:34.33)
Kurumu Kurono : With me! (0:22:35.08)
Moka Akashiya : No Tsukune, do it with me! (0:22:39.62)
Tsukune Aono : All five of you?! (0:22:45.34)
Mysterious Bat : Give me a kiss too! (0:22:47.17)

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PantheonLord06 : Please Change Alucard’s birthdate to November 9, it’s not actually April 9 it’s really November 9 according to Myanimelist which is an official source for anime’s.

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