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Shin Fukuhara : Akihisa and friends, suddenly involved in an inter-grade test of courage, (0:00:04.16)
Shin Fukuhara : Akihisa and friends, suddenly involved (0:00:05.23)
Shin Fukuhara : were putting up a tough fight against the clever ploys of the (0:00:09.57)
Shin Fukuhara : Roll, roll, roll... Boom! (0:00:16.66)
Shin Fukuhara : Whoa! Please stop it, Lord! (0:00:18.75)
Shin Fukuhara : Thump. (0:00:22.79)
Yoshii Akihisa : What should we do, Yuuji? (0:00:24.87)
Yoshii Akihisa : The third-years already got a bunch of us. (0:00:26.25)
Yuuji Sakamoto : It'll be fine. (0:00:28.54)
Yuuji Sakamoto : We have a secret weapon. (0:00:30.34)
Yoshii Akihisa : A secret weapon? (0:00:32.01)
Yoshii Akihisa : A se-ret weapon? (0:00:32.72)
Yoshii Akihisa : A secret weapon? (0:00:33.38)
Minami Shimada : A secret weapon? (0:00:34.13)
Yoshii Akihisa : A secret weapon? (0:00:34.13)
Mizuki Himeji : A secret weapon? (0:00:34.13)
Yoshii Akihisa : So… (0:02:06.52)
Yoshii Akihisa : we wound up together. (0:02:07.89)
Minami Shimada : Th-This isn't r-really scary at— (0:02:09.69)
Yoshii Akihisa : A-Are you all right, Minami? (0:02:15.65)
Minami Shimada : I-I'm just not used to these Japanese ghouls. (0:02:17.70)
Minami Shimada : If they were German— (0:02:21.74)
Yoshii Akihisa : I can't breathe, Minami! (0:02:31.08)
Minami Shimada : Aki! (0:02:32.63)
Minami Shimada : Let's go back, Aki! (0:02:35.05)
Yoshii Akihisa : Wh-What is this? (0:02:37.97)
Yoshii Akihisa : Minami's different from usual. (0:02:39.59)
Yoshii Akihisa : Why is my heart beating so— (0:02:42.26)
Yoshii Akihisa : That was a pretty close call. (0:02:46.14)
Miharu Shimizu : Any pig that seduces my darling shall be eliminated. (0:02:48.31)
Yoshii Akihisa : Let's run, Minami! (0:02:52.23)
Miharu Shimizu : I won't let you get away, Darling! (0:02:54.36)
Miharu Shimizu : I'll do everything I can to... (0:02:57.32)
Toshimitsu Kubo : Shimizu, right now you look more monstrous than any ghoul or specter. (0:03:01.91)
Toshimitsu Kubo : They couldn't have gone this way. (0:03:12.79)
Toshimitsu Kubo : Oh well. Let's look somewhere else, Shimizu. (0:03:15.59)
Miharu Shimizu : Darling! (0:03:18.80)
Yoshii Akihisa : The coast is clear. (0:03:23.80)
Minami Shimada : Are they really gone? (0:03:25.85)
Yoshii Akihisa : It's about time you got used to Japanese ghouls, Minami. (0:03:28.43)
Minami Shimada : It's fine. I can just go live in Germany. (0:03:31.14)
Yoshii Akihisa : But it'd be kinda lonely. (0:03:34.31)
Minami Shimada : I won't be lonely at all! (0:03:36.40)
Minami Shimada : I have friends in Germany, you know. (0:03:38.32)
Yoshii Akihisa : Um, that's not what I meant. (0:03:40.65)
Yoshii Akihisa : I'm saying we'd be lonely without you. (0:03:43.53)
Minami Shimada : Y-Yeah, right. You're just saying that to be nice. (0:03:49.37)
Yoshii Akihisa : It's the truth! We're always together, (0:03:52.29)
Yoshii Akihisa : so it's hard to imagine you not being there. (0:03:54.58)
Minami Shimada : Always together... (0:03:56.96)
Yoshii Akihisa : What's wrong, Minami? (0:03:58.46)
Minami Shimada : Then what if I said I'd always be by your side? (0:04:01.01)
Yoshii Akihisa : My table's always cold 'cause (0:04:06.18)
Yoshii Akihisa : the wind blows straight through the legs? (0:04:07.97)
Minami Shimada : That's not it! I'm asking if... (0:04:09.01)
Yoshii Akihisa : You're asking if? (0:04:11.48)
Minami Shimada : I'm saying I... I... (0:04:12.89)
Yoshii Akihisa : Minami? What— (0:04:20.36)
Yoshii Akihisa : I'm back. (0:04:23.40)
Mizuki Himeji : Welcome back, Akihisa. (0:04:24.82)
Mizuki Himeji : Where's Minami? (0:04:26.82)
Yoshii Akihisa : I left her to sleep in the nurse's office. (0:04:27.91)
Yoshii Akihisa : I think she pushed herself a little too hard. (0:04:30.20)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Well done, Akihisa. The operation was a success. (0:04:32.00)
Miharu Shimizu : Hand over my darling! (0:04:48.12)
EXTRA : M-Monsters... (0:04:55.44)
Yoshii Akihisa : By secret weapon did you mean... (0:04:57.35)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Yeah, them. (0:04:59.90)
Yoshii Akihisa : Huh? I get that Shimizu is looking for Minami, (0:05:01.53)
Yoshii Akihisa : but what's Kubo doing there? (0:05:05.07)
Yoshii Akihisa : Could Kubo have a thing for Shimizu? (0:05:08.49)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Akihisa, you're so cruel. (0:05:10.45)
Yuuji Sakamoto : You'll make him cry. (0:05:13.91)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Too mean. (0:05:15.75)
Shunpei Natsukawa : You've made us wait quite a while. (0:05:17.50)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : We let our guard down this morning, (0:05:22.84)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : but let us show you everything we third-years are capable of— (0:05:25.01)
Toshimitsu Kubo : Excuse me, but did Yoshii and Shimada come this way? (0:05:27.38)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Bastard! Wait 'til we're finished talking! (0:05:32.43)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Don't you look down on us! (0:05:35.31)
Shunpei Natsukawa : We'll teach you how to respect your elders! Summon! (0:05:36.77)
Toshimitsu Kubo : Oh well. Summon! (0:05:39.65)
Miharu Shimizu : Summon! (0:05:41.77)
Kouta Tsuchiya : What?! (0:05:47.61)
Yoshii Akihisa : What?! (0:05:47.61)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : What?! (0:05:47.61)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : They have over four hundred points? (0:05:48.61)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Unbelievable! (0:05:49.74)
Yuuji Sakamoto : They must be total math and science nerds. (0:05:50.87)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Damn it! Quit dodging! (0:06:01.46)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Cut it out already! (0:06:03.46)
Shunpei Natsukawa : You're next. (0:06:09.04)
Yoshii Akihisa : I can't believe Kubo lost. (0:06:16.43)
Shouko Kirishima : Next is... (0:06:19.40)
Shouko Kirishima : our turn. (0:06:20.94)
Yoshii Akihisa : Right! You haven't gone yet. (0:06:22.11)
Yuuji Sakamoto : But Shouko aside, my physics score is 150 at best. (0:06:24.53)
Yuuji Sakamoto : It'll be a tough match. (0:06:30.07)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : If only there were another pair left. (0:06:31.70)
Kouta Tsuchiya : There is another pair. (0:06:35.37)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Right here. (0:06:37.66)
Yoshii Akihisa : Me? (0:06:40.37)
Yoshii Akihisa : Well, I didn't get disqualified since I just withdrew, (0:06:41.25)
Yoshii Akihisa : but Minami... (0:06:44.80)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Oh, right! (0:06:47.17)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : There's one more person here who hasn't been disqualified. (0:06:48.38)
Yoshii Akihisa : One more? (0:06:52.80)
Mizuki Himeji : Um... (0:06:54.22)
Mizuki Himeji : Might you be referring to me? (0:06:56.27)
Yoshii Akihisa : But Himeji is afraid of ghouls. We can't force her to— (0:06:58.02)
Mizuki Himeji : I'll do it! (0:07:01.85)
Mizuki Himeji : Watching Minami has inspired me to do my part. (0:07:04.69)
Mizuki Himeji : I'll go through the haunted house with you! (0:07:10.20)
Mizuki Himeji : Walk slowly, okay? (0:07:16.20)
Yoshii Akihisa : S-Sure. (0:07:18.18)
Mizuki Himeji : I'm not scared. I'm not scared since I'm with you! (0:07:19.37)
Mizuki Himeji : I'm not scared at all! Not in the slightest! (0:07:23.38)
Yoshii Akihisa : Um, Himeji? (0:07:26.30)
Mizuki Himeji : Y-Yes? (0:07:28.71)
Yoshii Akihisa : Thanks for participating. (0:07:30.13)
Mizuki Himeji : I should be thanking you. (0:07:34.81)
Mizuki Himeji : I'm always so helpless, and I rely on you constantly. (0:07:37.01)
Yoshii Akihisa : Oh no, not at all. I'm glad that you can rely on me. (0:07:39.48)
Yoshii Akihisa : You're cute, smart, and even kind. (0:07:45.19)
Yoshii Akihisa : I feel like I'm guarding a princess. (0:07:49.90)
Yoshii Akihisa : Well, the problem is you're with someone like me, who's— (0:07:52.66)
Yoshii Akihisa : Himeji? (0:07:57.59)
Mizuki Himeji : I'm nothing like a princess. (0:08:00.20)
Mizuki Himeji : I'm slow and jealous, and I fall down at the critical moment. (0:08:03.67)
Mizuki Himeji : I'm full of faults. (0:08:08.09)
Yoshii Akihisa : That's not true— (0:08:09.59)
Mizuki Himeji : It is true! (0:08:10.51)
Yoshii Akihisa : And you don't even realize it. (0:08:12.63)
Mizuki Himeji : Isn't the reason you never notice my faults (0:08:16.47)
Mizuki Himeji : the distance you keep between us? (0:08:19.01)
Yoshii Akihisa : The distance between us? (0:08:23.67)
Mizuki Himeji : You try to be nice to me and hold back. (0:08:26.19)
Mizuki Himeji : You look at me, but I don't think you really see me . (0:08:29.36)
Mizuki Himeji : Akihisa, how do you feel about me— (0:08:35.11)
Yoshii Akihisa : Himeji? (0:08:50.55)
Yoshii Akihisa : Himeji! (0:09:03.23)
Yoshii Akihisa : Huh? Was there a wall here? (0:09:06.10)
Yoshii Akihisa : Thank God. (0:09:13.78)
Yoshii Akihisa : Are you— (0:09:15.80)
Yoshii Akihisa : Ugly? (0:09:17.74)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Shut up. And hands off. (0:09:18.57)
Yoshii Akihisa : Wait, Yuuji? (0:09:20.58)
Yoshii Akihisa : Huh? Where's Himeji? (0:09:22.20)
Yoshii Akihisa : Wait, huh? (0:09:23.62)
Yoshii Akihisa : Where are we? (0:09:25.76)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Himeji's probably met up with Shouko by now. (0:09:28.04)
Yoshii Akihisa : Could that be... (0:09:31.75)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Yeah, it's that Eversummer pair again. (0:09:33.63)
Yuuji Sakamoto : It'd be tough to make Shouko or me scream, after all. (0:09:36.38)
Yoshii Akihisa : You have a point. (0:09:39.55)
Yuuji Sakamoto : So they turned off the lights for a second, separated us, (0:09:41.47)
Yuuji Sakamoto : and switched our partners. (0:09:43.93)
Yoshii Akihisa : I see. (0:09:46.60)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Well, I'm sure Shouko and Himeji will make the strongest pair. (0:09:48.02)
Yuuji Sakamoto : It's all cool. (0:09:51.69)
Yoshii Akihisa : So, what's the truth? (0:09:53.86)
Yuuji Sakamoto : For some reason, being alone with Shouko in here (0:09:55.24)
Yuuji Sakamoto : makes me think of being attacked with a bat covered with nails. (0:09:58.03)
Yoshii Akihisa : Oh, I see Kirishima in the corner over there. (0:10:01.16)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Akihisa Barrier! (0:10:04.54)
Yoshii Akihisa : I can totally see through you. (0:10:06.16)
Shouko Kirishima : Mizuki, are you all right? (0:10:08.50)
Mizuki Himeji : Y-Yes, somehow. (0:10:10.50)
Yoshii Akihisa : This voice is... (0:10:12.64)
Yoshii Akihisa : Hi— (0:10:16.26)
Yoshii Akihisa : Himeji! (0:10:19.68)
Mizuki Himeji : I don't hear anything! (0:10:23.96)
Mizuki Himeji : I don't hear anyone whispering to me at all! (0:10:25.27)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Stop it. It's making her worse! (0:10:27.89)
Yuuji Sakamoto : They'll be disqualified if we waltz up to them and make them scream! (0:10:30.31)
Yoshii Akihisa : Oh yeah. (0:10:33.48)
Yoshii Akihisa : Let's keep our distance for now. (0:10:34.15)
Shouko Kirishima : Mizuki, it's not scary. It's not scary. (0:10:48.94)
EXTRA : Ooga booga booga! (0:10:54.09)
Mizuki Himeji : I'm all right. I'm not scared! (0:11:00.38)
Mizuki Himeji : I'm not scared... (0:11:02.68)
Shouko Kirishima : Mizuki, there's a good girl. (0:11:03.51)
Yoshii Akihisa : Himeji. (0:11:05.76)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Well, you might be worried, (0:11:06.81)
Yuuji Sakamoto : but I'm sure she's trying, in her own way. (0:11:09.69)
Yoshii Akihisa : Trying in her own way? (0:11:11.35)
Yuuji Sakamoto : To get close to us so we can help each other out as a team. (0:11:12.98)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yuuji, then what you said earlier was... (0:11:17.65)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Himeji was worried. (0:11:20.65)
Yuuji Sakamoto : She thought she might just be a burden to everyone. (0:11:23.57)
Yoshii Akihisa : Himeji... (0:11:27.58)
Shouko Kirishima : It's all right, Mizuki. They aren't scary. (0:11:34.33)
Mizuki Himeji : They aren't scary. I'll try my best! (0:11:37.80)
Yoshii Akihisa : Do your best! Do your best, Himeji! (0:11:43.05)
Mizuki Himeji : Where are we? (0:11:47.60)
Mizuki Himeji : What? (0:11:48.81)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Damn, you girls weren't disqualified? (0:11:49.90)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : This is gonna be a pain in the ass. (0:11:52.35)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : I thought those scum, Sakamoto and Yoshii, (0:11:54.23)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : would be first up for a beating. (0:11:56.44)
Shunpei Natsukawa : They ran off, right? (0:11:58.98)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : They're garbage, after all. (0:12:01.03)
Shouko Kirishima : They aren't garbage. (0:12:02.20)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Huh? (0:12:04.07)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Huh? (0:12:04.07)
Shouko Kirishima : They aren't! (0:12:05.41)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Not garbage? (0:12:10.79)
Shunpei Natsukawa : They're nothing but troublemaking dumbasses! (0:12:12.46)
Shunpei Natsukawa : What else could we call them? (0:12:15.88)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : How 'bout this? (0:12:18.67)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : The dregs of society? (0:12:19.67)
Shunpei Natsukawa : That's an insult to dregs. (0:12:22.13)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : They should just let themselves get picked up (0:12:27.47)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : with the rest of the trash! (0:12:29.51)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Totally, a pair of brain-dead 'tards like them need— (0:12:31.27)
Mizuki Himeji : Why must you be so cruel to them? (0:12:35.65)
Mizuki Himeji : Certainly, their grades are bad, and they do cause trouble, (0:12:39.90)
Mizuki Himeji : but how can you dismiss them as garbage just because of that? (0:12:47.99)
Mizuki Himeji : You don't even know! (0:12:51.33)
Mizuki Himeji : You have no idea how kind they are! (0:12:52.50)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Huh? (0:12:56.42)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Shouldn't you know better than anyone (0:12:57.67)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : just how dumb they are? (0:12:59.92)
Mizuki Himeji : Why are you judging them based solely on their scores? (0:13:01.34)
Mizuki Himeji : They have many good qualities (0:13:04.63)
Mizuki Himeji : that simple grades can't measure! (0:13:06.68)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Cut the crap! We don't care about scum like them! (0:13:08.68)
Mizuki Himeji : Akihisa and Sakamoto... (0:13:12.81)
Mizuki Himeji : aren't scum or garbage... (0:13:15.10)
Mizuki Himeji : no matter what you say! (0:13:17.56)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : How annoying. (0:13:19.82)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Beat it, you losers! (0:13:21.80)
Shouko Kirishima : We're going anyway. (0:13:23.36)
Shouko Kirishima : Let's go, Himeji. (0:13:25.24)
Yoshii Akihisa : You heard her, Yuuji. (0:13:31.66)
Yoshii Akihisa : She thinks we're kind. (0:13:33.33)
Yuuji Sakamoto : First I've heard of it. (0:13:36.42)
Yuuji Sakamoto : I'm not as much of a slacker as you, (0:13:37.83)
Yuuji Sakamoto : but I thought I was a pretty cool slacker. (0:13:40.00)
Yoshii Akihisa : Same here. I'm not as useless as you, (0:13:42.38)
Yoshii Akihisa : but at least I'm aware of my shortcomings. (0:13:45.01)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Man, what a waste. (0:13:47.34)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Himeji just wasted all the effort (0:13:48.34)
Yuuji Sakamoto : we put into getting them together. (0:13:50.93)
Yoshii Akihisa : Exactly. I can't believe they got under her skin like that. (0:13:53.06)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Shall we go, Akihisa? (0:13:57.19)
Yoshii Akihisa : Sure, Yuuji. (0:13:59.10)
Yoshii Akihisa : It's all-out war now, you bastards! (0:14:01.15)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Jeez, when are they gonna show up? (0:14:05.74)
Shunpei Natsukawa : With our scores, they'll prob'ly chicken out. (0:14:08.07)
Yuuji Sakamoto : 'Sup, guys! (0:14:11.99)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Took you long enough! (0:14:13.45)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Let's get started then. (0:14:14.91)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Summon! (0:14:16.62)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Before that, why don't we decide on the penalty? (0:14:17.41)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Penalty? (0:14:20.00)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : You guys scheming again? (0:14:21.25)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Don't let that frighten you. (0:14:23.71)
Yuuji Sakamoto : You guys were the ones who wanted the penalty game. (0:14:25.59)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Fine. What about it? (0:14:28.09)
Yoshii Akihisa : "The losers do whatever the winners want." How about that? (0:14:30.22)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Fine with us. (0:14:34.01)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Let's rumble! (0:14:35.52)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Summon! (0:14:37.18)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Summon! (0:14:37.18)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Summon! (0:14:37.18)
Yoshii Akihisa : Summon! (0:14:37.18)
Shunpei Natsukawa : What's with those scores? (0:14:43.90)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : We'll crush 'em like ants! (0:14:45.40)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Keep on yakking. You'll see. (0:14:47.57)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Let's go, Akihisa. (0:14:48.86)
Yoshii Akihisa : Okay, Yuuji. (0:14:50.16)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Dash! (0:14:52.47)
Shunpei Natsukawa : What the—they ran away! (0:14:52.99)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : After them! (0:14:54.53)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Stop right there! (0:14:56.24)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Where did they go? (0:14:59.79)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Tsunemura, over there! (0:15:00.71)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Damn, what a pain in the ass! (0:15:04.25)
Yuuji Sakamoto : You guys getting tired already? (0:15:05.92)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Over there! (0:15:08.72)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Where are they? (0:15:12.09)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yoohoo, we're over here! (0:15:12.72)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Damn it! (0:15:14.89)
Yoshii Akihisa : You take running lessons from a turtle? (0:15:16.56)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Hey, that's rude! (0:15:18.68)
Yoshii Akihisa : I didn't know they were that slow. (0:15:20.14)
Yuuji Sakamoto : They're just holding back. (0:15:22.23)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Right, guys? (0:15:24.31)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Yoshii! Sakamoto! (0:15:26.73)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Show yourself! (0:15:27.94)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Why don't you try actually using that brain you're so proud of? (0:15:28.99)
Yoshii Akihisa : I'm getting bored here. (0:15:31.66)
Yuuji Sakamoto : You haven't found us yet? (0:15:34.24)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : We can read you guys... (0:15:37.29)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : a wide open book! (0:15:39.29)
Shunpei Natsukawa : They disappeared! (0:15:42.37)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Did we step out of the physics field? (0:15:43.08)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Too bad. (0:15:48.09)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : This is just a trap. (0:15:49.71)
Kouta Tsuchiya : It's we who've seen through your plan. (0:15:51.13)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : When did they— (0:15:52.63)
Yoshii Akihisa : Mr. Hasegawa, your permission to start the battle! (0:15:53.59)
Mr. Hasegawa (Math Teacher) : Granted! (0:15:55.55)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Summoned Beings: Summon! (0:15:58.47)
Yoshii Akihisa : Summoned Beings: Summon! (0:15:58.47)
Yuuji Sakamoto : This is now the math field! (0:16:01.39)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Now you can't rely on your great physics scores! (0:16:04.15)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : That's cheating! (0:16:06.82)
Shunpei Natsukawa : That's cheating! (0:16:06.82)
Yoshii Akihisa : I don't remember any rule saying we had to (0:16:08.23)
Yoshii Akihisa : fight at the checkpoint. (0:16:11.86)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Or are you guys just too scared to fight (0:16:12.95)
Yuuji Sakamoto : in any field but physics? (0:16:15.32)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : We excel in science and math! (0:16:16.78)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : We won't lose in math! (0:16:20.08)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Summon! (0:16:22.46)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Summon! (0:16:22.46)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Shit! (0:16:27.54)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Shit! (0:16:27.54)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : We got thrashed by that girl and the four-eyes! (0:16:28.42)
Shunpei Natsukawa : And you took advantage of it! Damn you! (0:16:31.59)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Don't screw with us! (0:16:35.47)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Too late to whine about it now. (0:16:42.02)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : What did you say?! (0:16:45.19)
Yuuji Sakamoto : There's one good thing about being an idiot. (0:16:47.77)
Yuuji Sakamoto : When they really get into something, (0:16:50.40)
Yuuji Sakamoto : they can simple-mindedly devote all of their attention to it. (0:16:52.23)
Yuuji Sakamoto : I guess some people would just call them obsessed, {ok slight guessTL here, I don't get the reference of karatebaka/judobaka here, tho google returned a karate baka ichidai which seems to be an old anime. anyway, litTL here is "such people may have be (0:16:54.70)
Yuuji Sakamoto : but to them that's high praise! (0:16:58.03)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : Shut the hell up! (0:17:01.62)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Shut the hell up! (0:17:01.62)
Yuuji Sakamoto : What I'm getting at is... (0:17:05.21)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : He booted the head! (0:17:08.63)
Shunpei Natsukawa : He booted the head! (0:17:08.63)
Yoshii Akihisa : switched these idiots on! (0:17:13.88)
Shunpei Natsukawa : Why... (0:17:18.01)
Shunpei Natsukawa : did we lose to such idiots? (0:17:18.89)
Yuusaku Tsunemura : did we lose to such idiots? (0:17:18.89)
Yoshii Akihisa : We've won. (0:17:21.89)
Yoshii Akihisa : You do remember our promise, don't you? (0:17:23.89)
Shunpei Natsukawa : What're you going to make us do? (0:17:25.73)
Yoshii Akihisa : That's obvious. (0:17:28.19)
Yoshii Akihisa : Himeji... (0:17:34.36)
Shouko Kirishima : Yoshii. (0:17:35.40)
Yoshii Akihisa : Kirishima? (0:17:36.57)
Mizuki Himeji : if you're looking for her, she's on the roof. (0:17:38.16)
Mizuki Himeji : Hurry up; she's waiting. (0:17:40.24)
Yoshii Akihisa : Thanks, Kirishima. (0:17:42.91)
Yuuji Sakamoto : That's pretty considerate of you. (0:17:47.64)
Shouko Kirishima : Not really. (0:17:50.01)
Shouko Kirishima : I just like those who try their best, (0:17:51.21)
Shouko Kirishima : even when they're afraid. (0:17:52.88)
Shouko Kirishima : I really like people like that. (0:18:07.39)
Yuuji Sakamoto : I can't be assed to do my best, (0:18:10.48)
Yuuji Sakamoto : even if it's nothing scary. (0:18:12.40)
Shouko Kirishima : I'll leave it at that for you. (0:18:17.15)
Mizuki Himeji : Akihisa... (0:18:28.83)
Yoshii Akihisa : We're all going out for crêpes to celebrate our victory. (0:18:31.42)
Mizuki Himeji : Just now, those two third-years came to apologize. (0:18:34.34)
Mizuki Himeji : I have you to thank for that, don't I? (0:18:40.39)
Mizuki Himeji : I'm sorry for always troubling you! (0:18:45.18)
Yoshii Akihisa : It's nothing! (0:18:48.60)
Yoshii Akihisa : You're certainly no princess. (0:18:51.90)
Mizuki Himeji : Huh? (0:18:55.44)
Yoshii Akihisa : Well, no princess would have the courage (0:18:56.07)
Yoshii Akihisa : to snap at those third-years. (0:18:58.70)
Mizuki Himeji : Uh, that was... (0:19:01.53)
Yoshii Akihisa : Thanks. I was really happy. (0:19:02.45)
Yoshii Akihisa : We were able to do our best, thanks to what you said. (0:19:05.49)
Mizuki Himeji : Thank you for saying that. (0:19:08.49)
Yoshii Akihisa : Should we go? They're probably waiting for us. (0:19:16.45)
Mizuki Himeji : Um, there's something I wanted to ask you. (0:19:19.38)
Yoshii Akihisa : To ask me? (0:19:22.05)
Mizuki Himeji : Yes. (0:19:23.26)
Mizuki Himeji : Um... (0:19:24.80)
Mizuki Himeji : When are you going to start calling me "Mizuki"? (0:19:26.47)
Yoshii Akihisa : Wha...?! (0:19:31.31)
Mizuki Himeji : You always use Minami's given name, (0:19:32.48)
Mizuki Himeji : but you never do the same for me! (0:19:35.82)
Yoshii Akihisa : The reason is, well, it's kinda complicated— (0:19:40.61)
Mizuki Himeji : Then explain. (0:19:42.91)
Yoshii Akihisa : Uh... we went to elementary school together, remember? (0:19:44.32)
Mizuki Himeji : Yes. (0:19:49.29)
Yoshii Akihisa : So if I called you "Mizuki" just like back then, (0:19:50.21)
Yoshii Akihisa : it'd be kinda embarrassing for me. (0:19:54.29)
Mizuki Himeji : You're lying! (0:19:56.84)
Mizuki Himeji : You haven't called me by my name even once (0:19:58.00)
Mizuki Himeji : since we started high school! (0:20:00.88)
Yoshii Akihisa : That's because... (0:20:02.89)
Yoshii Akihisa : You won't laugh? (0:20:05.22)
Mizuki Himeji : I won't! (0:20:07.39)
Yoshii Akihisa : No matter what? (0:20:08.41)
Mizuki Himeji : No matter what! (0:20:09.31)
Yoshii Akihisa : Actually... (0:20:10.56)
Mizuki Himeji : Yes? (0:20:12.23)
Yoshii Akihisa : I was practicing... (0:20:13.52)
Mizuki Himeji : Yes? (0:20:14.56)
Yoshii Akihisa : calling you by your name... (0:20:15.31)
Mizuki Himeji : Okay... (0:20:19.73)
Yoshii Akihisa : Argh! Forget about it! We never had this conversation! (0:20:22.28)
Mizuki Himeji : Well then, I'll tell you one of my secrets. (0:20:30.62)
Mizuki Himeji : Actually... (0:20:34.71)
Mizuki Himeji : I haven't given up on my first love. (0:20:37.04)
Mizuki Himeji : Hurry up, Akihisa! (0:20:48.10)
Yoshii Akihisa : Wait! Wh-What did you just— (0:20:55.15)
Minami Shimada : Aki! Why did you go running off without telling me? (0:20:57.77)
Yoshii Akihisa : Minami! (0:21:00.94)
Minami Shimada : You promised to be by my side forever, didn't you? (0:21:01.65)
Yoshii Akihisa : Ehhh?! (0:21:04.57)
Mizuki Himeji : What's going on, Akihisa? (0:21:06.24)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Get lost, Akihisa! (0:21:08.95)
Shouko Kirishima : We didn't complete the challenge together. (0:21:11.62)
Shouko Kirishima : That means instant marriage. (0:21:14.62)
Yuuji Sakamoto : No way in hell! (0:21:15.87)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yuuji, wait! (0:21:17.92)
Shouko Kirishima : Let's complete it together. (0:21:18.33)
Minami Shimada : Hey, wait up! (0:21:19.21)
Mizuki Himeji : You owe me an explanation! (0:21:20.55)
Minami Shimada : Stop there! (0:21:23.28)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Jeez, it always ends up like this, doesn't it? (0:21:24.88)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Yep. (0:21:27.30)
Souichi Nishimura : Don't run in the corridors, dammit! (0:23:09.99)
Kaworu Toudou : Good grief. (0:23:22.50)
Kaworu Toudou : They really are a bunch of idiots. (0:23:24.34)

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