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Touka : Rakshain! (0:00:09.65)
Lord Orikakan : Lady Touka! (0:00:15.03)
Lord Orikakan : You're safe? (0:00:17.03)
Touka : Lord Orikakan, I'm afraid I lacked
the necessary skill.
Lord Orikakan : No, it was not your fault. (0:00:23.29)
Lord Orikakan : They are cowards! (0:00:26.42)
Touka : I swear in the name of the Evankulga... (0:00:30.38)
Touka : They will not escape me next time. (0:00:34.01)
EXTRA : Hey, did you hear? (0:00:38.89)
EXTRA : Yeah, that there were Evankulga
among the enemy, right?
EXTRA : {\1c&H481DB8&\t(100,200,\1c&H0A00B3&)\be1\fad(1100,800)\4c&H263338&\4a&H64&\bord1.2\shad3\pos(660,273)}A Bloody Battle (0:00:41.39)
EXTRA : Sounds like it's true. (0:00:45.31)
EXTRA : Why would the Evankulga ally themselves
with those barbarians?
EXTRA : Hey, what's an "Evankulga"? (0:00:52.99)
EXTRA : The Evankulga are proud warriors (0:00:57.36)
EXTRA : who help the good people of the world
in the fight against evil, and...
EXTRA : Is Hakuoro-sama an evil person? (0:01:02.80)
Benawi : After that, Orikakan's cavalry split up
to throw off our pursuit.
Benawi : They disappeared into the night. (0:01:16.59)
Benawi : I have singled out several possible
points where they might regroup
Benawi : and sent men to scout them out. (0:01:23.43)
Hakuoro : What of the civilians? (0:01:25.85)
Hakuoro : It is all right. Tell me. (0:01:32.48)
Benawi : They are all uneasy. (0:01:36.86)
Hakuoro : I see, of course... (0:01:41.41)
Hakuoro : You've done well. Go and rest now. (0:01:45.37)
Benawi : Yes, Sire. (0:01:47.46)
Benawi : Please get some rest yourself, Sire. (0:01:51.17)
Benawi : It's a leader's job to be prepared for anything. (0:01:55.67)
Hakuoro : I guess you're right. (0:02:05.56)
Karurauatsuurei : Oh, now that smells nice! (0:02:08.39)
Eruruu : Karula-san! You can't have this. (0:02:11.15)
Eruruu : It's for Hakuoro-san. (0:02:14.11)
Eruruu : Actually... (0:02:16.28)
Eruruu : Why don't you join him, Karula-san? (0:02:17.65)
Karurauatsuurei : Oh! Would that be all right? (0:02:20.78)
Karurauatsuurei : I appreciate the offer,
but I shouldn't butt in.
Eruruu : Huh? Huh!? (0:02:29.16)
Karurauatsuurei : This is a good opportunity.
Go have him indulge you.
Eruruu : That's not... (0:02:34.04)
Karurauatsuurei : Well, I guess it'd be the
opposite in this case.
Karurauatsuurei : When a man is suffering, it is the
woman's duty to indulge him.
Eruruu : Well, I must be going. (0:02:43.60)
Eruruu : Don't you think you should call it
a night and go to bed?
Hakuoro : No, let me drink a little more. (0:03:04.53)
Eruruu : As a healer, I can't allow you to
keep this up day after day!
Hakuoro : Are you worried about my health? (0:03:19.30)
Eruruu : Of course! (0:03:21.38)
Hakuoro : You scold me about the same thing every day. (0:03:23.80)
Eruruu : That's because you keep on drinking
without getting any rest.
Hakuoro : If I had a mother, would she
say the same thing?
Eruruu : A mother? (0:03:37.19)
Hakuoro : Would a father yell at me? (0:03:38.98)
Eruruu : Hakuoro-san... (0:03:44.20)
Hakuoro : Not knowing my father or mother (0:03:46.53)
Hakuoro : and being without memories as I am, (0:03:49.37)
Hakuoro : I see you as something like a mother. (0:03:52.29)
Eruruu : Hakuoro-san... (0:04:00.21)
Hakuoro : Isn't it ridiculous how overcome by fear I am
due to the uncertainty of my own identity?
Hakuoro : Who in the world am I? (0:04:12.89)
Eruruu : It doesn't matter who you are. (0:04:29.20)
Hakuoro : Doesn't matter? (0:04:35.92)
Eruruu : To me, you are who you are, Hakuoro-san. (0:04:38.09)
Hakuoro : I... I... (0:04:43.55)
Eruruu : Hakuoro-san... (0:04:56.23)
Hakuoro : Aren't you afraid of me? (0:05:02.78)
Hakuoro : I'm sorry. Please leave me. (0:05:13.45)
Eruruu : I will never be afraid of you. (0:05:32.18)
Eruruu : It's all right. (0:05:38.35)
Eruruu : It's all right... (0:05:40.11)
Hakuoro : I... (0:05:44.53)
Oboro : Kurou, have you seen my brother? (0:05:48.99)
Kurou : No, isn't he in his room? (0:05:51.37)
Oboro : Where could he have gone at
such a difficult time?
Benawi : His Highness must have his reasons. (0:05:57.87)
Oboro : Maybe so, but there's no telling when the
Kuccha Kecchans will attack again!
Gura : Eruruu-sama!
Dori : Eruruu-sama!
Urtoriy : What's wrong? (0:06:10.05)
Dori : We're looking for Eruruu-sama to
get some healing ointment.
Urtoriy : If you need healing ointment,
I shall prepare some for you.
Aruruu : Yippee! (0:06:27.70)
Eruruu : Now, listen! You mustn't go too far! (0:06:29.53)
Eruruu : Hakuoro-san, thank you for coming with us. (0:06:37.25)
Eruruu : But I guess I kind of forced you to. (0:06:42.25)
Hakuoro : Eruruu, I... (0:06:46.21)
Eruruu : Yes, that's right.
Everyone must be worried.
Eruruu : You are their king after all. (0:06:54.97)
Hakuoro : I think you... (0:07:00.23)
Eruruu : But I think a change of pace
is important sometimes.
Hakuoro : Why do you do it? (0:07:09.57)
Eruruu : Huh? (0:07:12.53)
Hakuoro : Why do you give me your support? (0:07:14.66)
Hakuoro : I'm always so harsh towards you. (0:07:20.58)
Eruruu : It's because I... (0:07:23.08)
Eruruu : Because... (0:07:25.71)
Eruruu : Do you remember? (0:07:31.34)
Eruruu : You called us your family that time. (0:07:33.01)
Eruruu : Isn't that reason enough? (0:07:40.31)
Eruruu : There's no deeper reason or anything! (0:07:45.73)
Eruruu : I just... Well, I mean I, well... (0:07:47.94)
Aruruu : Father! (0:07:52.11)
Aruruu : This is fun, isn't it, Father? (0:07:59.16)
Aruruu : Isn't it? (0:08:05.13)
Hakuoro : Yes, it is. (0:08:15.55)
Aruruu : Father! (0:08:21.43)
Hakuoro : Here now, stop that, Mukkuru! (0:08:33.24)
Eruruu : Oh... (0:08:50.80)
EXTRA : The enemy! The enemy! (0:09:17.20)
Kurou : All right! Here they come! (0:09:21.08)
Oboro : Brother! (0:09:35.13)
Kurou : Forward! (0:09:43.89)
EXTRA : King Hakuoro, is this army large enough? (0:09:48.10)
EXTRA : Might this be reckless? (0:09:51.86)
Hakuoro : The enemy moves quickly. (0:09:53.65)
Hakuoro : Facing them with exhausted soldiers
will only increase our losses.
EXTRA : That may be so, but still... (0:09:58.99)
Kurou : Do not worry. (0:10:06.00)
Hakuoro : Mukkuru, you will protect the gate. (0:10:08.46)
Hakuoro : Do not worry, I am myself. (0:10:13.46)
Oboro : This is an important battle.
Don't let your guard down.
Karurauatsuurei : The same to you. Simply putting on a tough
front isn't going to work either.
Karurauatsuurei : Oh, my... (0:10:33.57)
Aruruu : It's not time to eat yet. (0:10:41.57)
Munto : This is an unfortunate turn of events. (0:10:45.49)
Munto : I guess it means they undoubtedly were
savages from the borderlands.
Urtoriy : King Hakuoro is an earnest man. (0:10:52.92)
Urtoriy : By standing at the forefront, he is attempting
to give guidance to his people.
Urtoriy : Camus! (0:11:04.39)
Munto : Princess! (0:11:06.56)
Kamyu : Big sister... (0:11:10.14)
Kamyu : I, well, kinda thought maybe I'd help him. (0:11:11.73)
Munto : That won't do at all! (0:11:16.03)
Munto : An envoy of the Onkamiyamukai must never
go into battle of her own free will!
Kamyu : Big sister! (0:11:23.70)
Urtoriy : Camus, Munto is exactly right. (0:11:25.87)
Munto : You see? (0:11:29.41)
Kamyu : Big sister, he'll be all right, won't he? (0:11:35.50)
Urtoriy : It will surely be a fierce battle. (0:11:39.13)
Urtoriy : But the time has come for this country
to overcome its ordeal.
Kamyu : Mister... (0:11:49.14)
Urtoriy : May Witsalnemitea protect them. (0:11:52.39)
Benawi : Not a single one of the soldiers
I sent after them has returned.
Benawi : They've most likely perished. (0:12:08.91)
Oboro : Damn them! (0:12:10.54)
Hakuoro : The enemy is dauntless. (0:12:12.58)
Hakuoro : If we take them lightly, we will be crushed. (0:12:14.29)
Kurou : Great, I like the sound of this. (0:12:16.54)
Oboro : Brother! (0:12:20.05)
Benawi : Sire! (0:12:21.47)
Hakuoro : Let's settle this! (0:12:29.60)
Lord Orikakan : Just as we want. Now tear them apart! (0:12:46.82)
Touka : No tricks this time, I'm impressed. (0:13:00.46)
Lord Orikakan : Rakshain! (0:13:02.67)
Lord Orikakan : Where is Rakshain!? (0:13:04.72)
Touka : Make way, if you value your life! (0:13:10.26)
Kurou : An Evankulga... (0:13:28.03)
Kurou : A good enough match for me! (0:13:30.03)
Lord Orikakan : Rakshain! (0:13:47.68)
Lord Orikakan : Rakshain! (0:13:51.10)
Lord Orikakan : Stop! You're not getting away! (0:13:56.89)
Touka : Lord Orikakan! (0:13:58.98)
Touka : You mustn't pursue him on
your own, Lord Orikakan!
Oboro : Kurou, don't let her go after them! (0:14:13.37)
Karurauatsuurei : My, my... (0:14:29.97)
Karurauatsuurei : I'm not letting you pass. (0:14:31.14)
Benawi : It appears that this is what we
must do to stop you.
Touka : Damn cowards... (0:14:53.58)
Kurou : What can I say? (0:14:56.45)
Lord Orikakan : Don't expect a painless death! (0:15:03.75)
Oboro : Damn you! Stop! (0:15:14.97)
Oboro : Hold it! (0:15:25.98)
Karurauatsuurei : I guess we'll fight another day. (0:15:29.70)
Lord Orikakan : I've got you now, Rakshain! (0:15:36.79)
Hakuoro : Are you now a stranger to the
feeling of fear as well?
Lord Orikakan : It was my plan to draw you out here. (0:15:42.33)
Lord Orikakan : Do you intend to beg for your life?
I refuse to listen!
Hakuoro : I did not think that I would get a chance
to talk to you unless I did this.
Lord Orikakan : Don't take me for a fool! (0:15:53.93)
Hakuoro : I will ask you again... (0:15:58.35)
Hakuoro : Do you really know about my past? (0:16:03.06)
Lord Orikakan : Enough of this! (0:16:05.36)
Lord Orikakan : Rakshain... (0:16:18.16)
Hakuoro : That is as far as you go. (0:16:21.00)
Lord Orikakan : How does it feel right now? (0:16:32.34)
Lord Orikakan : You killed your wife, killed your children, (0:16:35.68)
Lord Orikakan : stole everything from me and
exposed me to such ridicule.
Lord Orikakan : It must be the greatest feeling to you. (0:16:42.02)
Lord Orikakan : So what's wrong? Go on and kill me! (0:16:44.90)
Lord Orikakan : Kill me with your own hands,
the way you killed my sister!
Lord Orikakan : Rakshain! (0:16:53.15)
Hakuoro : You're wrong! (0:16:56.74)
Lord Orikakan : Are you still denying it? (0:16:57.99)
Hakuoro : I am Hakuoro! (0:17:01.08)
Hakuoro : I am not Rakshain! (0:17:03.04)
Lord Orikakan : Nonsense. (0:17:04.75)
Lord Orikakan : Even if you truly have lost your memories,
it doesn't erase your crimes!
Hakuoro : Crimes? (0:17:11.92)
Lord Orikakan : That's right. (0:17:13.51)
Lord Orikakan : Those blood-stained hands are
the unshakeable proof!
Hakuoro : Crimes? (0:17:22.35)
Hakuoro : Crime... (0:17:42.04)
Hakuoro : Something as small as this? (0:17:44.20)
Lord Orikakan : Who... Who in the world are you!? (0:17:47.12)
Hakuoro : I am... (0:17:54.01)
Lord Orikakan : D... Don't come near me! (0:17:56.34)
Hakuoro : Wait! (0:17:57.51)
Hakuoro : What are you saying? (0:17:58.97)
Hakuoro : What are you seeing in me? (0:18:00.47)
Niwe : He has outlived his usefulness! (0:18:15.94)
Niwe : It was all for you! (0:18:20.62)
Niwe : I only used him to agitate you. (0:18:22.91)
Hakuoro : Why did you do this!? (0:18:31.50)
Niwe : There you go! That anger... (0:18:33.42)
Niwe : I want to see the beast that
sleeps within you.
Niwe : Rage on! Hate! Loathe! (0:18:43.22)
Niwe : Those emotions are the source
of people's strength!
Niwe : They are the source of my own delight! (0:18:48.98)
Touka : What a despicable thing. (0:18:55.40)
Touka : Lord Orikakan, I have done
irrevocable damage!
Niwe : Sorcery can be a most
interesting deception, no?
EXTRA : Hakuoro-sama! (0:19:30.64)
Eruruu : Hakuoro-san! (0:19:34.36)
Hakuoro : I'm back. (0:19:40.90)
Eruruu : Welcome home. (0:19:42.57)

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