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Heathcliff : Everyone, attack! (0:00:24.51)
EXTRA : The End of the World (0:02:29.04)
Klein : How many did we lose? (0:02:41.69)
Kirito : Fourteen died. (0:02:49.97)
Agil : No way. (0:02:52.54)
Klein : We still have twenty-five floors. (0:02:56.65)
Agil : Will we really be able to reach the top? (0:02:59.45)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito-kun? (0:03:28.17)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito-kun, what are you... (0:03:42.20)
EXTRA : "Immortal Object"? (0:03:53.20)
Asuna Yuuki : Wh-What's going on, Commander? (0:03:55.65)
Kirito : The game ensures that his HP will never (0:03:58.98)
Kirito : fall into the yellow zone. (0:04:03.89)
Kirito : Something has always bothered me, (0:04:07.88)
Kirito : ever since I arrived here. (0:04:09.63)
Kirito : "Where does he hide while he watches us (0:04:13.39)
Kirito : and adjusts the world?" (0:04:15.03)
Kirito : But I'd forgotten a simple
piece of psychology.
Kirito : Something any kid knows. (0:04:24.46)
Kirito : There's nothing as boring (0:04:26.98)
Kirito : as watching someone else play an RPG. (0:04:29.01)
Kirito : Isn't that right, Kayaba Akihiko? (0:04:33.63)
Heathcliff : Would you be so kind as to tell
me how you figured it out?
Kirito : The first time I felt something was
wrong was during the duel.
Kirito : In that last instant, you were far too fast. (0:04:48.58)
Heathcliff : I suspected as much. (0:04:53.38)
Heathcliff : That was an unfortunate mistake. (0:04:54.97)
Heathcliff : You overpowered me to the point (0:04:58.19)
Heathcliff : that I needed to engage the
system's over-assist mode.
Heathcliff : Yes, I am Kayaba Akihiko. (0:05:08.94)
Heathcliff : And if I may add, (0:05:11.57)
Heathcliff : I am the game's final boss, who would
have awaited you at the top floor.
Kirito : That's pretty bad. (0:05:21.43)
Kirito : The strongest player betrays us
to become the last boss?
Heathcliff : Not a bad storyline, is it? (0:05:27.51)
Heathcliff : I always thought that you would be the
one to stand before me at the end.
Heathcliff : Dual-wielding is the skill given to the player (0:05:35.58)
Heathcliff : with the fastest reaction time,
who will then act out
Heathcliff : the part of the Hero that
challenges the Demon King.
Heathcliff : But your power exceeded my expectations. (0:05:46.47)
Heathcliff : Well, these unexpected events (0:05:50.82)
Heathcliff : are part of the fun of an MMORPG. (0:05:53.72)
EXTRA : Our loyalty... Our hope... (0:05:58.17)
EXTRA : How dare you... How dare you? (0:06:01.39)
EXTRA : How dare you?! (0:06:03.42)
Kirito : Paralysis? (0:06:11.22)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito-kun... (0:06:15.32)
Kirito : What are you going to do? (0:06:23.50)
Kirito : Kill us all, and cover it up? (0:06:25.37)
Heathcliff : Of course not. (0:06:28.15)
Heathcliff : I wouldn't do anything so unfair. (0:06:29.57)
Heathcliff : Very well, then... (0:06:32.43)
Heathcliff : I shall await you on the top floor, (0:06:34.53)
Heathcliff : within the Ruby Palace. (0:06:37.64)
Heathcliff : I've put a lot of time into developing
the Knights of the Blood Oath
Heathcliff : and the other front line players, (0:06:43.02)
Heathcliff : so it's a shame I have to
leave them partway.
Heathcliff : However, I'm sure that with your power,
you'll reach me eventually.
Heathcliff : But first... (0:06:52.52)
Heathcliff : Kirito-kun, I must reward you
for deducing my identity.
Heathcliff : I shall give you a chance. (0:07:01.21)
Kirito : A chance? (0:07:02.58)
Heathcliff : The chance to fight me one-on-one. (0:07:03.87)
Heathcliff : Naturally, I'll deactivate my immortal status. (0:07:07.81)
Heathcliff : Defeat me, and you beat the game. (0:07:11.06)
Heathcliff : And all the players will be able to log out. (0:07:13.43)
Heathcliff : How about it? (0:07:17.10)
Asuna Yuuki : No, Kirito-kun! (0:07:19.68)
Asuna Yuuki : For now... For now, we should fall back. (0:07:21.33)
Kirito : Don't insult me. (0:07:53.95)
Kirito : That's fine. (0:07:56.69)
Kirito : Let's finish this. (0:07:57.75)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito-kun! (0:07:59.27)
Kirito : I'm sorry. (0:08:00.82)
Kirito : But I can't run away here. (0:08:01.96)
Asuna Yuuki : You aren't going to die here, right? (0:08:05.71)
Kirito : No, I'm going to win. (0:08:08.80)
Kirito : I'm going to win and end this game. (0:08:11.40)
Asuna Yuuki : All right. (0:08:13.50)
Asuna Yuuki : I believe in you, Kirito-kun. (0:08:15.09)
Agil : Kirito, don't! (0:08:28.28)
Klein : Kirito! (0:08:29.85)
Kirito : Egil... (0:08:33.69)
Kirito : Thanks for helping to support
the swordsman class.
Kirito : I know you spent nearly all
the money you made
Kirito : helping the players during
the middle zones to level.
Kirito : Klein... (0:08:50.02)
Kirito : I really am sorry (0:08:52.83)
Kirito : for leaving you behind that day. (0:08:56.14)
Klein : D-Damn it, Kirito! (0:08:58.87)
Klein : Don't apologize... (0:09:01.40)
Klein : Don't you dare apologize to me now! (0:09:02.99)
Klein : I won't forgive you... (0:09:05.49)
Klein : I won't forgive until you buy me
a meal on the other side!
Kirito : Got it. (0:09:12.32)
Kirito : See you on the other side. (0:09:14.04)
Kirito : I'm sorry, but I have a request. (0:09:23.14)
Heathcliff : What is it? (0:09:26.25)
Kirito : I don't plan on losing. (0:09:27.45)
Kirito : But if I die here, (0:09:30.10)
Kirito : I want you to make sure that Asuna can't
kill herself, just for a little while.
Heathcliff : Very well. (0:09:38.67)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito-kun, no! (0:09:39.97)
Asuna Yuuki : You can't... (0:09:42.28)
Asuna Yuuki : You can't do that! (0:09:43.54)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito-kun! (0:09:53.79)
Kirito : This isn't a duel... (0:09:56.62)
Kirito : We're fighting to kill. (0:09:58.74)
Kirito : That's right. (0:10:01.26)
Kirito : I'm going to kill him! (0:10:02.20)
Kirito : He was the one who designed
the dual-wielding skill.
Kirito : He'll be able to block all of the
pre-programmed combos.
Kirito : I have to defeat him with my own power, (0:10:22.47)
Kirito : without using the sword skills! (0:10:24.35)
Kirito : Faster! (0:10:28.08)
Kirito : I have to go faster! (0:10:29.73)
Kirito : I'm sorry, Asuna... (0:11:02.70)
Kirito : You, at least, need to live. (0:11:04.97)
Heathcliff : Farewell, Kirito-kun. (0:11:17.48)
Kirito : No, Asuna... (0:11:44.90)
Kirito : This can't... (0:11:47.51)
Kirito : This can't be... (0:11:48.92)
Asuna Yuuki : I'm sorry. (0:11:55.26)
Asuna Yuuki : Goodbye. (0:11:58.76)
Heathcliff : That was a surprise. (0:12:20.13)
Heathcliff : I don't believe I programmed a way to
neutralize paralysis on your own.
Heathcliff : I guess these things happen sometimes. (0:12:27.19)
Kirito : It's over now... (0:13:20.83)
Asuna Yuuki : I believe in you, Kirito-kun. (0:13:27.41)
Kirito : Not yet... (0:13:45.89)
Kirito : Not yet! (0:13:54.56)
Kirito : Is this good enough? (0:14:19.54)
EXTRA : As of 14:55, November 7, (0:14:56.81)
EXTRA : the game has been cleared. (0:15:00.46)
EXTRA : The game has been cleared. (0:15:03.10)
Kirito : Where am I? (0:15:21.52)
EXTRA : Initiating Final Phase (0:15:27.61)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito-kun? (0:15:34.07)
Kirito : Sorry. (0:15:51.20)
Kirito : I died, too. (0:15:52.36)
Asuna Yuuki : Dummy... (0:15:55.20)
Kirito : Where are we? (0:16:12.25)
Heathcliff : Quite a view. (0:16:29.31)
Kirito : Kayaba Akihiko... (0:16:40.75)
Heathcliff : The SAO mainframe, within
the fifth-level basement
Heathcliff : at my corporate headquarters, is deleting all (0:16:46.39)
Heathcliff : data on its storage devices. (0:16:49.46)
Heathcliff : In ten minutes or so, (0:16:53.43)
Heathcliff : everything in this world will vanish. (0:16:55.14)
Asuna Yuuki : What about the people down there? (0:16:59.00)
Heathcliff : You needn't worry about them. (0:17:03.16)
Heathcliff : Just a moment ago, (0:17:05.14)
Heathcliff : the remaining 6,147 players were logged out. (0:17:06.45)
Kirito : What about the ones who died? (0:17:13.64)
Kirito : What about the 4,000 who died? (0:17:15.50)
Heathcliff : Their minds will never return. (0:17:19.19)
Heathcliff : In every world, once you die, you're gone. (0:17:21.72)
Kirito : Why... (0:17:28.21)
Kirito : Why did you do this? (0:17:29.57)
Heathcliff : Why, huh? (0:17:32.28)
Heathcliff : I forgot a long time ago. (0:17:35.17)
Heathcliff : I wonder why... (0:17:38.74)
Heathcliff : When I began developing the full-dive environment system... (0:17:40.94)
Heathcliff : No, long before that, (0:17:44.04)
Heathcliff : I dreamed of nothing (0:17:46.56)
Heathcliff : but creating that castle,
a world that surpassed all our laws
Heathcliff : and all our restrictions. (0:17:52.48)
Heathcliff : And now I have seen (0:17:56.72)
Heathcliff : someone surpass even my own world's laws... (0:17:58.64)
Heathcliff : How old must I have been, (0:18:05.37)
Heathcliff : when I was obsessed with the
fantasy of a steel castle
Heathcliff : that floated in the sky? (0:18:09.68)
Heathcliff : I wanted to leave the ground, (0:18:12.83)
Heathcliff : to fly to that castle. (0:18:15.15)
Heathcliff : For a long, long time,
that was my only desire...
Heathcliff : You know, Kirito-kun, (0:18:25.25)
Heathcliff : I still believe (0:18:27.70)
Heathcliff : that in some other world,
that castle truly exists.
Kirito : Yeah, I hope it does. (0:18:36.91)
Heathcliff : I forgot to say this. (0:18:46.30)
Heathcliff : Congratulations on winning the game, (0:18:48.35)
Heathcliff : Kirito-kun, Asuna-kun. (0:18:50.48)
Heathcliff : Now then, I must be going. (0:18:55.99)
Kirito : This is goodbye... (0:19:18.58)
Asuna Yuuki : No... (0:19:20.99)
Asuna Yuuki : No, it isn't. (0:19:22.09)
Asuna Yuuki : We're going to disappear as one. (0:19:24.12)
Asuna Yuuki : So we'll be together forever. (0:19:27.42)
Asuna Yuuki : Before we do, tell me your name. (0:19:30.36)
Asuna Yuuki : Your real name. (0:19:33.24)
Kirito : Kirigaya. Kirigaya Kazuto. (0:19:38.34)
Kirito : I think I turned sixteen last month. (0:19:41.27)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirigaya Kazuto-kun... (0:19:43.82)
Asuna Yuuki : You're younger than I am? (0:19:47.76)
Asuna Yuuki : My name is Yuuki Asuna. (0:19:50.41)
Asuna Yuuki : I'm seventeen. (0:19:53.42)
Kirito : Yuuki Asuna... (0:19:55.14)
Kirito : Yuuki Asuna. (0:19:57.88)
Kirito : I'm sorry. (0:20:06.79)
Kirito : I'm so sorry. (0:20:08.28)
Kirito : I promised I'd send you back
to the other world...
Kirito : But I... I... (0:20:14.81)
Asuna Yuuki : It's okay. (0:20:21.02)
Asuna Yuuki : It's okay. (0:20:23.18)
Asuna Yuuki : I'm happy I was able to
meet you, Kazuto-kun...
Asuna Yuuki : To live with you. (0:20:29.14)
Asuna Yuuki : It's the happiest I've ever been in my life. (0:20:31.16)
Asuna Yuuki : Thank you. (0:20:34.68)
Asuna Yuuki : I love you. (0:20:36.16)
Asuna Yuuki : I love... (0:20:57.21)
Asuna Yuuki : I love you. (0:20:59.24)
Kirito : Asuna... (0:22:04.76)
Kirito : Asuna... (0:22:14.43)
EXTRA : Next Time:

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Vanitas is my favorite character.😍😍😍😍❤❤❤❤❤❤ - Anonymous


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