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Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Princess Theiamillis is undergoing a trial for the right to succeed to the Fortorthen throne. (0:00:02.29)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : A computer randomly generates coordinates (0:00:08.71)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : to territory that she must lay claim to in the name of the Empire. (0:00:11.39)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : She must also compel said territory's intelligent lifeforms to swear loyalty to her. (0:00:14.06)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : That is her trial in a nutshell. (0:00:18.34)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Now that you've been informed, primitive, (0:00:20.32)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : I demand your wholehearted devotion and ownership of this apartment. (0:00:22.06)
Koutarou Satomi : Not happening. (0:00:27.24)
Koutarou Satomi : A monthly rent of 5,000 yen is too good to give up. (0:00:28.22)
Sanae Higashihongan : I'm not leaving either! I've been here longer than any of you! (0:00:31.85)
Kiriha Kurano : I intend to rebuild my ancestors' shrine on this land. (0:00:35.82)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Hmph. You're quite a self-serving lot. (0:00:40.97)
EXTRA : Says the egoist! (0:00:43.43)
Yurika Nijino : U-Um, as for me, (0:00:45.42)
Yurika Nijino : I need to stop the bad guys who're after the copious amounts of magic here, so... (0:00:48.64)
Koutarou Satomi : Yeah, yeah. We know. (0:00:55.36)
Koutarou Satomi : That's the backstory for your cosplay party, right? (0:00:57.04)
Sanae Higashihongan : Can't you hold that somewhere else? (0:01:00.26)
Sanae Higashihongan : Does it have to be here? (0:01:02.64)
Yurika Nijino : It does . (0:01:03.64)
Yurika Nijino : Please, believe me. (0:01:06.04)
Kiriha Kurano : At any rate, Shizuka has forbidden the use of force. (0:01:07.99)
Kiriha Kurano : We need a new way to settle this. (0:01:13.36)
Sanae Higashihongan : Yeah... (0:01:17.91)
Kiriha Kurano : A way to reach an amicable settlement... (0:01:19.72)
Koutarou Satomi : How about this? (0:01:26.56)
Kiriha Kurano : Okay, I'll explain how this will work. (0:03:04.61)
Kiriha Kurano : The five of us will each get one-sixth of the room. (0:03:08.57)
Sanae Higashihongan : So the remaining sixth will be no-man's land for furniture and stuff? (0:03:14.40)
Kiriha Kurano : Each sixth will be worth 180 points. (0:03:18.99)
Kiriha Kurano : That means each centimeter will be worth one point. (0:03:22.52)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : And we're to vie for these points through card games? (0:03:25.89)
Kiriha Kurano : Correct. (0:03:29.77)
Kiriha Kurano : The winners take points from the losers, (0:03:31.20)
Kiriha Kurano : and consequently expand their territory. (0:03:33.52)
Kiriha Kurano : Whoever comes in first takes three points from the person in last. (0:03:37.15)
Kiriha Kurano : Whoever comes in second gets one point from whoever came in fourth. (0:03:39.90)
Kiriha Kurano : Third place neither loses nor gains any points. (0:03:42.92)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : So you lose the right to the room if you lose all your points. (0:03:45.29)
Kiriha Kurano : We will hold five games a day. (0:03:50.13)
Kiriha Kurano : Each person will have a chance to choose which game we'll play. (0:03:52.14)
Koutarou Satomi : I'm sure everyone has games they're good and bad at. (0:03:54.94)
Koutarou Satomi : Sounds fair to me. (0:03:58.04)
Yurika Nijino : Two of these girls have never played cards before. (0:03:59.59)
Yurika Nijino : This'll be a cakewalk. (0:04:03.74)
Koutarou Satomi : Yeah, for me. (0:04:06.91)
Yurika Nijino : Last place again... (0:04:21.57)
Koutarou Satomi : That puts me at fourth. Close call. (0:04:23.48)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : The rules say you're to give me your point since I came in second, primitive. (0:04:25.93)
Koutarou Satomi : Shuddup. (0:04:29.64)
Koutarou Satomi : You're awfully cocky for someone in second place, Tulip! (0:04:30.56)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Stop calling me that! (0:04:32.94)
Koutarou Satomi : I'll call you whatever I please, Tulip. (0:04:34.84)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : H-How dare you?! (0:04:36.98)
Kiriha Kurano : All right, here are the results. (0:04:38.81)
Kiriha Kurano : This is how the room stands after today's five games. (0:04:41.10)
Sanae Higashihongan : Yurika got stomped. (0:04:45.07)
Yurika Nijino : No! Why me?! (0:04:47.18)
Yurika Nijino : Tomorrow's dinner! (0:04:53.02)
Koutarou Satomi : You shouldn't have put it there. (0:04:55.84)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : It seems that our strongest enemy at the moment is Kiriha. (0:04:58.09)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Yes, she takes risks and always picks the right cards. (0:05:01.84)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : She will be a tough opponent. (0:05:05.42)
Kiriha Kurano : Well, that's all for today. (0:05:07.12)
Kiriha Kurano : See you again tomorrow. (0:05:10.68)
EXTRA : Good night! (0:05:12.34)
EXTRA : Sweet dreams! (0:05:13.86)
Koutarou Satomi : See you. (0:05:15.50)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Blue Knight. (0:05:17.25)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Let's go home, Ruth. (0:05:20.01)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Yes, Your Highness. (0:05:21.54)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Good night, everyone. (0:05:23.27)
Koutarou Satomi : Good night, Ruth-san. (0:05:26.73)
Koutarou Satomi : Huh? (0:05:29.99)
Koutarou Satomi : Wait! What do you think you're doing?! (0:05:30.78)
Yurika Nijino : I'm sleeping here tonight. (0:05:33.03)
Koutarou Satomi : Go home! (0:05:35.28)
Yurika Nijino : Good night. (0:05:36.02)
Koutarou Satomi : No! Get out! (0:05:37.94)
Koutarou Satomi : Jeez... (0:05:39.99)
Koutarou Satomi : Let's call it a night. (0:05:46.93)
Sanae Higashihongan : Yeah. (0:05:48.24)
EXTRA : Kiriha came... (0:05:49.87)
EXTRA : first! (0:05:51.24)
Koutarou Satomi : I'm gonna be late! (0:05:54.62)
Sanae Higashihongan : You're such a heavy sleeper. Nothing I did woke you up. (0:05:56.90)
Koutarou Satomi : You tried to wake me up? (0:06:01.54)
Sanae Higashihongan : Huh? W-Well, yeah, kind of. (0:06:03.28)
Koutarou Satomi : Oh, wow. Thanks. (0:06:06.05)
Sanae Higashihongan : Wh-Whatever. I was up anyway. (0:06:12.43)
Koutarou Satomi : Oh yeah, Sanae. (0:06:17.80)
Koutarou Satomi : Keep an eye on the room for me, okay? I don't want those invaders pulling any funny business while I'm out. (0:06:19.18)
Sanae Higashihongan : Wh-Why're you asking me ? (0:06:25.69)
Sanae Higashihongan : I'm trying to take this room from you too, you know? (0:06:27.68)
Koutarou Satomi : Yeah, but you only want it because it's your home. (0:06:31.42)
Koutarou Satomi : I can trust you more than I can trust the others. (0:06:34.38)
Sanae Higashihongan : You... can? (0:06:36.60)
Koutarou Satomi : Yeah. (0:06:38.99)
Koutarou Satomi : Don't let me down. (0:06:40.18)
Sanae Higashihongan : O-Okay. Got it. (0:06:41.23)
Sanae Higashihongan : See you later! (0:06:44.09)
Koutarou Satomi : Later. (0:06:46.05)
Kenji Matsudaira : What took you so long, Kou? (0:06:50.27)
Koutarou Satomi : Sorry about that. (0:06:52.01)
Koutarou Satomi : Anyway, hurry up! We're gonna be late, Mackenzie! (0:06:53.56)
Kenji Matsudaira : And whose fault do you think that is?! (0:06:55.22)
Sanae Higashihongan : Did I just say... "See you later "? (0:06:56.50)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : I came in first today! (0:07:01.59)
Harumi Sakuraba : Oh, that's not— (0:07:12.05)
Koutarou Satomi : Huh? (0:07:13.28)
Harumi Sakuraba : You need to pull the yarn clockwise around your left-hand needle, Satomi-kun. (0:07:14.74)
Koutarou Satomi : Oh, I see. (0:07:19.82)
Koutarou Satomi : I knew something was up. (0:07:22.15)
Koutarou Satomi : Sorry, I suck at this. (0:07:25.04)
Harumi Sakuraba : It's only natural for beginners to struggle. (0:07:27.35)
Koutarou Satomi : You didn't have to go to the trouble of making me tea. (0:07:31.75)
Harumi Sakuraba : It was no trouble at all. (0:07:34.32)
Harumi Sakuraba : Brewing tea's a hobby of mine. (0:07:35.98)
Koutarou Satomi : Is it? (0:07:37.30)
Koutarou Satomi : Well, thanks. I'll try some. (0:07:39.20)
Koutarou Satomi : This tastes great! (0:07:42.90)
Harumi Sakuraba : I'm quite fond of this blend, myself. (0:07:45.30)
Harumi Sakuraba : It has a nice, mellow aroma to it, don't you think? (0:07:47.63)
Yurika Nijino : I bet Satomi-san would believe whatever she told him. (0:07:50.47)
Yurika Nijino : Wish he'd believe me . (0:07:56.09)
Sanae Higashihongan : I'm down, but I'm not out! (0:08:02.41)
Koutarou Satomi : So you're going to join the Cooking Club? (0:08:05.45)
Harumi Sakuraba : I haven't decided yet. (0:08:09.02)
Harumi Sakuraba : Working as a landlady keeps me busy, so... (0:08:11.00)
Koutarou Satomi : Still, the fact that they came to you with an invitation says a lot about your skills. (0:08:14.27)
Harumi Sakuraba : I guess that's true, but... (0:08:18.84)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Blasted primitive. (0:08:20.55)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : How can I make him swear loyalty to me? (0:08:22.02)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : You cannot precipitate feelings of allegiance. (0:08:26.42)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : You must sow seeds of loyalty through spending time together. (0:08:29.91)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : I understand that, but— (0:08:33.79)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Spending time together? (0:08:37.97)
Kiriha Kurano : I'm back in first place. (0:08:45.01)
Kenji Matsudaira : Huh? No club activities today, Kou? (0:08:53.01)
Koutarou Satomi : Nah, the president's busy, so we're not meeting. (0:08:56.36)
Kenji Matsudaira : So go home. What're you still doing here? (0:09:00.23)
Koutarou Satomi : The thought of going back to that crazy house is… (0:09:05.21)
Kenji Matsudaira : What? (0:09:07.92)
Koutarou Satomi : Nothing. (0:09:09.17)
Koutarou Satomi : I just feel a whole lot more relaxed at school. (0:09:11.37)
EXTRA : That's what he said! (0:09:16.35)
Kiriha Kurano : I see. (0:09:18.24)
Kiriha Kurano : He wants to relax, huh? (0:09:20.17)
Koutarou Satomi : I'm back. (0:09:25.87)
Koutarou Satomi : K-Kiriha-san, what's with the apron? (0:09:29.51)
Kiriha Kurano : I was waiting for you, Koutarou. (0:09:32.59)
Kiriha Kurano : I've been using your kitchen. (0:09:34.68)
Kiriha Kurano : I'm cooking dinner for you too, of course. (0:09:37.81)
Koutarou Satomi : What's the catch? (0:09:40.35)
Kiriha Kurano : It's just a gesture of good will, Koutarou. (0:09:42.72)
Kiriha Kurano : But if you feel the need to return the favor, far be it from me to dissuade you. (0:09:45.45)
Koutarou Satomi : I'll pay for my share of the groceries. (0:09:52.96)
Koutarou Satomi : Sound good to you? (0:09:55.24)
Kiriha Kurano : I knew you'd say that. (0:09:57.41)
Kiriha Kurano : Very well. You've got yourself a deal. (0:09:59.24)
Kiriha Kurano : Now come eat before the food cools. (0:10:02.43)
Koutarou Satomi : This looks pretty good. (0:10:07.71)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Here you are, Satomi-sama. (0:10:09.96)
Koutarou Satomi : Oh, thank you, Ruth-san. (0:10:11.76)
Kiriha Kurano : I've struck a deal with Ruth as well. (0:10:13.54)
Kiriha Kurano : I had Theia and Ruth help me prepare dinner in exchange for their shares. (0:10:15.34)
Koutarou Satomi : Well, let's ea— (0:10:25.91)
Sanae Higashihongan : Wait! (0:10:26.94)
Koutarou Satomi : Huh? (0:10:28.22)
Sanae Higashihongan : Koutarou, let me possess you! Please! (0:10:32.94)
Koutarou Satomi : Huh? (0:10:36.53)
Sanae Higashihongan : I can't eat since I'm a ghost, (0:10:37.76)
Sanae Higashihongan : but I can taste whatever the person I'm possessing eats! (0:10:40.98)
Koutarou Satomi : I see. (0:10:43.85)
Koutarou Satomi : But do you have to possess me ? (0:10:45.77)
Sanae Higashihongan : I don't wanna owe anything to anyone else here! (0:10:47.72)
Sanae Higashihongan : And I have a truce with you, so how about it? (0:10:50.96)
Koutarou Satomi : I'm not going to get sick, am I? (0:10:55.87)
Sanae Higashihongan : Of course not! (0:10:57.98)
Sanae Higashihongan : I'm begging you! I haven't tasted food in so long! (0:11:00.47)
Koutarou Satomi : Fine. (0:11:06.39)
Koutarou Satomi : Come on, do it! (0:11:07.58)
Sanae Higashihongan : Thank you! (0:11:10.15)
Koutarou Satomi : So… that's it? (0:11:14.79)
Sanae Higashihongan : Yeah, now I can taste what you taste! (0:11:17.32)
Sanae Higashihongan : Now get eating! (0:11:19.42)
Kiriha Kurano : That was surprisingly simple. (0:11:20.72)
EXTRA : Useful! (0:11:22.46)
EXTRA : Surprising! (0:11:23.82)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : I don't understand how ghosts work. (0:11:25.38)
Koutarou Satomi : With that out of the way, let's ea— (0:11:28.17)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Excuse me. (0:11:31.10)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Will Yurika-sama not be joining us? (0:11:33.59)
Koutarou Satomi : What? (0:11:36.02)
Koutarou Satomi : Hey, didn't you have your own meal planned? (0:11:37.14)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Um, I don't mind sharing my meal. (0:11:42.09)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Your pity's wasted on her. (0:11:45.70)
Koutarou Satomi : You only have yourself to blame. (0:11:47.40)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : And it's not like you helped to prepare dinner. (0:11:49.48)
Yurika Nijino : B-But... (0:11:52.22)
Yurika Nijino : I'm starving… (0:11:53.98)
Koutarou Satomi : Get over here. (0:11:57.16)
Koutarou Satomi : I'll share my dinner with you. (0:11:58.12)
Yurika Nijino : R-Really?! (0:11:59.57)
Koutarou Satomi : Okay, now everyone's happy, so let's eat! (0:12:02.89)
EXTRA : Let's eat! (0:12:06.60)
Sanae Higashihongan : I haven't tasted this in forever! It's so good! (0:12:10.97)
Koutarou Satomi : You can say that again. (0:12:14.10)
Kiriha Kurano : Thank you. (0:12:17.41)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Is it to your liking, Princess Theia? (0:12:18.88)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : I suppose it's passable. (0:12:25.47)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : It can't hold a candle to Fortorthen cuisine, though. (0:12:27.30)
Koutarou Satomi : Why do you have to be like that, Tulip? (0:12:29.22)
Koutarou Satomi : Just admit you like it. (0:12:31.62)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Shut up! (0:12:33.20)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : And stop calling me that! (0:12:34.04)
Yurika Nijino : You only gave me potatoes! Give me some meat! (0:12:36.31)
Koutarou Satomi : No! Shut up and eat! (0:12:40.16)
Sanae Higashihongan : Forget Yurika! Keep eating, Koutarou! (0:12:41.96)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : I wish Your Highness and everyone else all the best! (0:12:47.49)
Koutarou Satomi : Boom! (0:12:50.70)
Koutarou Satomi : I'm out! (0:12:51.96)
Koutarou Satomi : First place, baby! (0:12:52.82)
Koutarou Satomi : And now, I'm gonna hit the restroom. (0:12:54.56)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : So, is everything going as planned, Kiriha? (0:12:58.53)
Kiriha Kurano : Hm? What are you referring to, Theia? (0:13:01.01)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : I can see right through you. (0:13:05.53)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Dinner isn't the only thing you've been cooking up these last few nights. (0:13:07.52)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : You're plotting something, aren't you? (0:13:12.10)
Kiriha Kurano : Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. (0:13:15.25)
Kiriha Kurano : Speaking of plots, you've been devising one yourself lately, haven't you? (0:13:17.32)
Sanae Higashihongan : What are you guys up to? (0:13:22.95)
Yurika Nijino : You're going to do something? (0:13:25.44)
EXTRA : Yurika's on a losing streak. (0:13:31.40)
EXTRA : The timing's a bit weird, but some new students have just transferred in. (0:13:39.88)
EXTRA : Nijino Yurika-san. (0:13:45.03)
EXTRA : Kurano Kiriha-san. (0:13:46.66)
EXTRA : And two transfer students from Europe, Theiamillis-san and Ruthkhania-san. (0:13:48.40)
EXTRA : Make them feel welcome, everyone. (0:13:53.06)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Nice to meet you all. (0:13:55.60)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Nice to meet you all. (0:13:55.60)
Kiriha Kurano : Nice to meet you all. (0:13:55.60)
Yurika Nijino : Nice to meet you all. (0:13:55.60)
Sanae Higashihongan : I tried to stop them. Told them this was going overboard. (0:13:59.15)
Koutarou Satomi : Damn you all. (0:14:03.38)
Koutarou Satomi : You're trying to invade my high school, now?! (0:14:08.19)
EXTRA : Kurano-san, you're really beautiful! (0:14:16.67)
Kiriha Kurano : You really think so? Thank you. (0:14:20.10)
EXTRA : The boys can't keep their eyes off you! (0:14:22.56)
EXTRA : Especially your boobs. (0:14:26.40)
EXTRA : Be careful, okay? The boys here are pervs. (0:14:28.14)
Kiriha Kurano : Thank you. I'll keep that in mind. (0:14:31.79)
Koutarou Satomi : That's some award-worthy acting. (0:14:36.48)
Sanae Higashihongan : She looks like the ultimate perfect honor student. (0:14:38.40)
EXTRA : You two speak great Japanese. (0:14:41.28)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : It's all thanks to the effort we put into studying. (0:14:44.39)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Mastering such a primitive language was no small feat. (0:14:47.06)
EXTRA : What got you interested in Japan? (0:14:50.08)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Traditional Japanese music, I guess. (0:14:52.44)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : There was this one song that was quite popular last year… (0:14:54.02)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : What was it again? (0:14:56.58)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : "Festival Flame Drums,” right? (0:14:58.24)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Right! (0:15:00.40)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : That song moved me to tears. (0:15:00.96)
Koutarou Satomi : She's acting the same as always, (0:15:03.64)
Koutarou Satomi : but she's got her bases covered as far as information goes. (0:15:05.78)
Sanae Higashihongan : She comes off as a textbook eccentric exchange student. (0:15:08.98)
EXTRA : Nijino-san, are you okay? (0:15:16.53)
EXTRA : The teacher's merciless. (0:15:18.50)
EXTRA : Who'd make a transfer student do writing drills on her first day just because she failed a quiz? (0:15:20.50)
EXTRA : Yeah. (0:15:24.30)
EXTRA : I mean, it was all middle school vocab, but still. (0:15:25.50)
EXTRA : Don't let it get to you, Nijino-san! (0:15:28.52)
Yurika Nijino : O-Okay! (0:15:30.44)
Yurika Nijino : Hang in there, Yurika! Hang in there! (0:15:31.84)
Koutarou Satomi : As for her… (0:15:35.13)
Sanae Higashihongan : …it's business as usual. (0:15:36.74)
Koutarou Satomi : Why'd they have to invade the only place I could get some peace of mind?! (0:15:41.55)
Sanae Higashihongan : You just answered your own question. (0:15:45.68)
Sanae Higashihongan : They're trying to put some pressure on you. (0:15:47.82)
Koutarou Satomi : I see. (0:15:50.39)
Koutarou Satomi : If that's how they wanna play, I'm game. (0:15:52.39)
Koutarou Satomi : The kiddie gloves are coming off! (0:15:57.27)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : What shall we do for lunch, Your Highness? (0:16:02.46)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : I hear the croquette pockets are delightful. (0:16:04.91)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Really? (0:16:08.04)
EXTRA : Hey, froshes! (0:16:09.97)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Huh? (0:16:11.58)
EXTRA : What makes you halfwits think you can just strut through our sacred practice routine?! (0:16:13.95)
EXTRA : Are you brain dead?! (0:16:18.18)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Ah, we're very sorry! (0:16:20.21)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Oh? Sacred, you say? (0:16:22.20)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : And who do you think I— (0:16:24.82)
EXTRA : Theia-chan! (0:16:26.44)
EXTRA : D-Don't mind them! They just transferred here. (0:16:27.75)
EXTRA : Let's go. (0:16:31.03)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Hey, what are you doing? (0:16:32.36)
EXTRA : You need to watch yourself, Theia-chan. (0:16:36.72)
EXTRA : People who cross the boys' cheer squad always end up regretting it! (0:16:38.44)
EXTRA : They're the most violent boys in school! (0:16:41.94)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Really, now? (0:16:44.53)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : So they're the ones who run things around here? (0:16:46.08)
Yurika Nijino : I really need to start winning soon... (0:16:52.87)
Yurika Nijino : I never expected to convince him this quickly! (0:16:58.41)
Yurika Nijino : I'm sure he'll say... (0:17:02.14)
Koutarou Satomi : Yurika, now that we're going to school together, my eyes have been opened. (0:17:03.73)
Koutarou Satomi : You're a real magical girl. (0:17:07.64)
Koutarou Satomi : I'm sorry for ever doubting you. (0:17:10.78)
Yurika Nijino : He believes me because I transferred into his class! (0:17:15.68)
Yurika Nijino : That was so easy! (0:17:21.10)
Harumi Sakuraba : Um, are you okay? (0:17:30.95)
Yurika Nijino : You're being nice? (0:17:37.93)
Yurika Nijino : To me ? (0:17:41.35)
Yurika Nijino : Can today get any better? (0:17:43.89)
Yurika Nijino : Hang in there, Yurika! (0:17:46.73)
Harumi Sakuraba : Looks like you're fine. (0:17:49.01)
Yurika Nijino : Yep! (0:17:50.80)
Yurika Nijino : By the way, do you know how to get to the place marked here? (0:17:51.91)
Harumi Sakuraba : The student clubs building? (0:17:55.49)
Harumi Sakuraba : Just go down this hall, make a right, and it should be straight ahead. (0:17:57.92)
Yurika Nijino : Thank you! (0:18:02.39)
Yurika Nijino : Bye! (0:18:04.40)
Harumi Sakuraba : She's funny. (0:18:09.93)
Yurika Nijino : I think this is it. (0:18:15.83)
Yurika Nijino : Satomi-san! (0:18:18.14)
Yurika Nijino : It's me, Yurika! (0:18:19.74)
Yurika Nijino : It's Magical Girl Rainbow Yurika! (0:18:21.40)
Yurika Nijino : Who are you? (0:18:27.49)
EXTRA : We've heard about you. (0:18:30.69)
Yurika Nijino : Huh? (0:18:32.67)
EXTRA : You're one of us. (0:18:33.80)
EXTRA : Your friend Satomi-san told us. (0:18:35.60)
Yurika Nijino : Huh? (0:18:38.54)
EXTRA : He said you loved cosplay from the bottom of your heart! (0:18:39.08)
Yurika Nijino : What?! (0:18:41.90)
EXTRA : Yes, we are... (0:18:43.02)
EXTRA : The Cosplay Society! (0:18:48.91)
Yurika Nijino : Cosplay? (0:18:53.19)
Yurika Nijino : N-No! I don't like cosplaying. (0:18:54.59)
EXTRA : Satomi-san warned us you'd play coy. (0:18:59.36)
EXTRA : Take her! (0:19:03.07)
EXTRA : Right! (0:19:04.16)
Yurika Nijino : You're making a mistake! (0:19:07.01)
Koutarou Satomi : That went well. (0:19:15.95)
Koutarou Satomi : Yurika's good as gone now. (0:19:17.58)
Sanae Higashihongan : You're pretty underhanded, aren't you? (0:19:20.56)
Koutarou Satomi : How could you say that? I did Yurika a favor! (0:19:24.27)
Koutarou Satomi : I mean, if she has a place to express herself in the Cosplay Society, (0:19:27.30)
Koutarou Satomi : then she won't need to compete for my apartment, right? (0:19:29.34)
Sanae Higashihongan : Why am I not convinced? (0:19:32.31)
EXTRA : Yurika won today! (0:19:36.13)
EXTRA : Whatcha looking at? (0:19:42.63)
EXTRA : Find something interesting? (0:19:44.46)
Kiriha Kurano : You've forgotten to turn on your camouflage. (0:19:46.90)
EXTRA : You're right! (0:19:49.06)
EXTRA : Oh no! (0:19:49.88)
Kiriha Kurano : To answer your question, (0:19:51.03)
Kiriha Kurano : I did indeed find something interesting. (0:19:53.64)
EXTRA : Yurika's gained a second wind! (0:19:58.99)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Yurika always picks old maid for her game. (0:20:01.80)
Koutarou Satomi : Yeah. (0:20:05.90)
Kiriha Kurano : Nothing wrong with that. Everyone gets a chance to pick. (0:20:07.18)
Sanae Higashihongan : We've been playing nothing but card games this whole time, though. (0:20:11.72)
Yurika Nijino : No... I'm not cosplaying... (0:20:14.86)
Sanae Higashihongan : Yurika, it's your turn! (0:20:18.28)
Sanae Higashihongan : Hurry up and take a card. (0:20:20.90)
Yurika Nijino : O-Oh yeah. (0:20:23.13)
EXTRA : Yurika got her card! (0:20:25.99)
EXTRA : She's out! (0:20:27.94)
Yurika Nijino : Huh? (0:20:29.26)
Yurika Nijino : What? I did! I'm out! (0:20:31.77)
Kiriha Kurano : That's your third consecutive win. (0:20:37.01)
Kiriha Kurano : You've really made a comeback. (0:20:39.84)
Yurika Nijino : Heh, heh, heh! (0:20:42.14)
Sanae Higashihongan : Yurika's better at cards when she's tired. (0:20:43.83)
Sanae Higashihongan : Your cosplay plan's backfiring. (0:20:46.86)
Koutarou Satomi : Can't do anything about it now. (0:20:50.08)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Enough! (0:20:53.67)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : I'm tired of this! (0:20:54.46)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Princess, don't be selfish— (0:20:55.48)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : I've had enough! (0:20:56.94)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : I'm tired of playing these card games day in and day out! (0:20:57.76)
Koutarou Satomi : I'm totally with Tulip on this one. (0:21:01.71)
Koutarou Satomi : I'm tired of cards, myself. (0:21:05.09)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Have you finally accepted that your calling in life is to serve me? (0:21:08.09)
Koutarou Satomi : Dream on! (0:21:11.24)
Kiriha Kurano : I had a feeling we'd be surfeited with cards sooner or later. (0:21:14.15)
Koutarou Satomi : Huh? (0:21:18.86)
Kiriha Kurano : Well, it's my turn to pick the game next, right? (0:21:19.80)
Kiriha Kurano : How about participating in this? (0:21:24.85)
Koutarou Satomi : "Inter-Club Obstacle Course Marathon"? (0:21:27.31)
Sanae Higashihongan : Huh?! (0:21:30.14)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : What? (0:21:30.80)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : I see. (0:21:32.03)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : An honest fight in a school-sanctioned competition. (0:21:33.28)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : I like the way you think. (0:21:37.47)
Koutarou Satomi : You're challenging me to a test of strength and stamina?! (0:21:40.65)
Koutarou Satomi : Bring it! (0:21:44.20)
Sanae Higashihongan : We're playing old maid again ? (0:23:26.47)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : I said I was tired of this. (0:23:29.36)
Kiriha Kurano : The marathon is scheduled for next week. (0:23:31.40)
Kiriha Kurano : It's your standard "Look forward to next week." (0:23:34.14)
Yurika Nijino : I picked the old maid again! (0:23:37.37)

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