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EXTRA : What could be the cause of the massive
mosquito outbreak this year?
EXTRA : We ask Mr. Kafetch, (0:00:10.38)
EXTRA : a mosquito expert who has written
several books on the subject.
EXTRA : Thank you for having me. (0:00:15.08)
EXTRA : Well, let me come right to the point. (0:00:16.79)
EXTRA : These mosquitos belong
to an entirely new species.
EXTRA : Therefore, I know nothing about them. (0:00:22.13)
EXTRA : Get out! (0:00:23.83)
EXTRA : Ah, excuse me. (0:00:25.13)
EXTRA : Now, let's take a look at the areas (0:00:27.00)
Saitama : - Man, City Z's in their path.
- likely to be hit hardest by the outbreak.
Saitama : Now we've got a mosquito outbreak? (0:00:31.54)
EXTRA : We interrupt this program
for breaking news.
EXTRA : A large swarm of mosquitos
has been sighted in City Z.
EXTRA : Mummified remains of attacked
farm animals have also been found.
EXTRA : If you encounter a swarm of mosquitos,
flee immediately.
EXTRA : This is an emergency evacuation warning.
Threat level: Demon.
EXTRA : No resident is to go outside
under any circumstances.
EXTRA : I repeat, no City Z resident
is to go outside...
Genos : Acquiring target. (0:01:57.88)
EXTRA : Thanks to that warning,
they're all empty!
EXTRA : Like someone's gonna die
from a mosquito bite.
EXTRA : What's losing
a little blood if I get all this?
EXTRA : The wind...? (0:03:55.46)
EXTRA : What the--?! (0:04:02.92)
Mosquito Girl : Come on, you guys.
That wasn't nearly enough.
Mosquito Girl : Go get some more for me! (0:04:42.33)
Genos : Target acquired. (0:04:46.21)
Genos : I see. (0:04:53.79)
Genos : You make them suck the blood,
then take it all for yourself.
Genos : You must be controlling the mosquitos
via some sort of signal.
Genos : That would explain
their mysterious behavior.
Genos : So if I were to get rid of you,
the leader,
Genos : would the swarm disperse too? (0:05:10.71)
Mosquito Girl : Our next meal is here.
Go drain him dry.
Genos : Incinerate. (0:05:24.17)
Genos : I am about to eliminate you. (0:05:35.17)
Genos : Stay where you are. (0:05:37.17)
Mosquito Girl : You, eliminate me? (0:05:43.79)
Mosquito Girl : Go on and try! (0:05:47.96)
Saitama : Got you. (0:05:54.29)
Saitama : Damn...mosquitos!! (0:06:03.96)
Genos : Incinerate. (0:06:33.63)
Mosquito Girl : Maybe a leg next? (0:06:47.04)
Mosquito Girl : Wait, where are my legs? (0:06:54.17)
Genos : Impossible. (0:07:06.08)
Genos : You cannot escape from me. (0:07:10.25)
Mosquito Girl : What the hell is that guy? (0:07:14.17)
Mosquito Girl : He's gonna get me
if I don't do something.
Mosquito Girl : The townspeople may
all be hiding,
Mosquito Girl : but there are plenty
of animals around.
Mosquito Girl : Come here, little ones. (0:07:28.54)
Mosquito Girl : Empty all your stored juices into me! (0:07:31.83)
Genos : So many. (0:07:41.13)
Genos : If she's been collecting blood
from the whole town and beyond,
Genos : then it may not simply be
a food source for her.
Genos : I should put an end to this
as soon as possible.
Saitama : Get back here, dammit! (0:07:54.21)
Saitama : You and I aren't done yet! (0:07:56.17)
Genos : What's with this guy? (0:08:00.29)
Saitama : It's in my mouth!
Pft! Pft! You little--!
Saitama : Huh? (0:08:05.21)
Saitama : What's that squirming over there? (0:08:06.46)
Saitama : It's...mosquitoes?! (0:08:07.92)
Genos : You over there. (0:08:11.25)
Genos : Evacuate now. (0:08:13.38)
Genos : That swarm is conscious. (0:08:14.79)
Genos : If it senses you,
it will immediately attack.
Saitama : Seriously? (0:08:20.21)
Saitama : That's bad. I gotta get-- (0:08:21.79)
Genos : Since you spoke, I thought you would have
at least human-level intelligence.
Genos : But you were just a bug. (0:09:02.50)
Genos : You brought all the mosquitos together
into one, easy-to-burn swarm.
Genos : When I spotted you, (0:09:09.54)
Genos : I confirmed there were
no living beings within 500 meters,
Genos : so I should have been free to fire away. (0:09:15.79)
Genos : Wait, that guy might have-- (0:09:19.04)
Saitama : Man, you saved me.
You're amazing.
Saitama : What was that just now?
You totally made them bug out!
Saitama : Ba-dum-dum-tsh. (0:09:27.50)
Saitama : Oh, I was just trying to make a joke
about the mosquitos being bugs, and...
Mosquito Girl : Idiot! (0:09:38.71)
Mosquito Girl : I no longer need the tiny ones. (0:09:42.08)
Mosquito Girl : I mean, (0:09:45.38)
Mosquito Girl : look... (0:09:52.25)
Mosquito Girl : how strong I've become!! (0:09:54.21)
Mosquito Girl : Can't your punches
kill a little mosquito?
Mosquito Girl : Weakling! (0:10:21.46)
Genos : I see. (0:10:23.00)
Genos : The more blood she consumes,
the more powerful she becomes.
Mosquito Girl : I think I'll have your head next! (0:10:29.17)
Genos : I let my guard down.
There's no chance of winning.
Genos : All I can do is self-destruct. (0:10:38.63)
Genos : Forgive me, Doctor... (0:10:43.08)
Saitama : Mosquitos...suck! (0:10:53.67)
Genos : Hold on! (0:10:59.54)
Genos : Please tell me your name! (0:11:02.50)
Saitama : Oh. It's Saitama. (0:11:05.38)
Genos : I'd like to be your disciple. (0:11:08.42)
Saitama : Oh, okay. (0:11:10.92)
Saitama : Huh? (0:11:15.42)
Genos : Sensei! (0:11:34.29)
Saitama : You really showed up. (0:11:43.17)
Saitama : Uh... (0:11:45.13)
Genos : It's "Genos," Saitama-sensei. (0:11:46.04)
Saitama : Can you not call me sensei? (0:11:49.17)
Genos : Master! (0:11:51.33)
Saitama : Not Master either! (0:11:52.17)
Saitama : Go on home after your drink. (0:11:56.29)
Saitama : I'm not looking for disciples. (0:11:58.00)
Saitama : Wait--you're back in one piece? (0:12:00.21)
Genos : Yes, my body is mostly mechanical. (0:12:02.25)
Genos : As long as there are parts,
repairs are quick.
Saitama : You're an odd one. (0:12:06.75)
Genos : What kind of parts
do you use, Master?
Saitama : Don't use any. (0:12:11.38)
Genos : Then what about the
skin-colored armor on your head?
Saitama : Yeah, that's my skin. (0:12:15.38)
Genos : But that would mean you're bald
despite being so young.
Saitama : So I'm bald--what's your problem?! (0:12:20.08)
Genos : Me? You'll listen to my problems? (0:12:23.13)
Saitama : No thanks, I'm good. (0:12:26.71)
Genos : Actually, four years ago, when I was 15,
I was still a real human being.
Saitama : Did you hear what I just said? (0:12:34.13)
Genos : Although we had to pinch pennies, (0:12:36.42)
Genos : my family and I lived
a peaceful and fairly happy life.
Genos : But one day, a crazy cyborg went out of
control and attacked our town.
Genos : The insane cyborg... (0:12:49.13)
Genos : Most likely, a failed body modification
generated an irregularity in his brain.
Genos : He destroyed everything in sight. (0:12:55.00)
Genos : Parks, schools, buildings, my house... (0:12:57.50)
Genos : He even took my family's lives. (0:13:01.25)
Genos : Miraculously I survived,
but being only a weak 15-year-old,
Genos : I was alone and at the end of my strength
in a ruined town.
Genos : That's when Doctor Kuseno happened
to pass through.
Genos : Doctor Kuseno, a scientist for justice, (0:13:13.96)
Genos : was on a mission to stop the destruction
caused by the rampaging cyborg.
Genos : I asked Doctor Kuseno to perform
body modification surgery on me.
Genos : That's how I was reborn as a cyborg
who fights for justice.
Genos : I promised Doctor Kuseno that one day
I would terminate the evil cyborg.
Saitama : I see-- (0:13:34.33)
Genos : It's been four years since that day. (0:13:35.08)
Genos : I'm now 19 and I've been wandering
from town to town eliminating evil.
Genos : The number of monsters and criminal
organizations I have destroyed
Genos : are too many to count. (0:13:44.08)
Genos : But I have been unable to find any clues
about the insane cyborg
Genos : and have become increasingly
frustrated and restless.
Genos : I find myself chasing a virtual image
of that cyborg
Genos : whenever I square off against
my enemies.
Genos : Then last week, when that mosquito
monster appeared,
Genos : I let my concentration slip. (0:13:59.13)
Genos : I was convinced I could not lose to anything
but the rampaging cyborg,
Genos : so I neglected to even analyze the data
on my opponent and rushed to confront her.
Genos : The result, as you know, (0:14:08.42)
Genos : was that an opponent
with immense strength bested me.
Genos : If you, Master Saitama,
had not been in the area,
Genos : I would have undoubtedly
been destroyed.
Genos : Master, you saved my life. (0:14:16.50)
Genos : My life that was once saved by
Doctor Kuseno
Genos : has now been saved again by you,
Master Saitama.
Genos : I feel the weight of that responsibility. (0:14:23.71)
Genos : I must not die before
destroying that cyborg.
Genos : And to do that, I must continue
fighting evil as a righteous cyborg
Genos : until he appears before me one day. (0:14:33.38)
Genos : I need to get stronger. (0:14:35.42)
Genos : Last week,
when I saw your punch,
Genos : I knew I had to study under you
as your disciple.
Genos : If only I could be
as strong as you, Master Saitama!
Genos : I have an old enemy to defeat, (0:14:44.54)
Genos : and the battle is not for me only. (0:14:47.04)
Genos : It's for my hometown,
and for Doctor Kuseno too.
Genos : I realize I am still inexperienced. (0:14:51.25)
Genos : But right now,
I need enormous power
Genos : so I can eradicate
the greatest of evils!
Genos : Doctor Kuseno is-- (0:14:57.46)
Saitama : Enough, you idiot!
Shorten it to 20 words or less!
Doctor Genus : Mosquito Girl was defeated? (0:15:04.00)
Doctor Genus : With one punch, you say? (0:15:07.29)
Doctor Genus : Well, she was merely
a prototype, after all.
Doctor Genus : Why is he naked? (0:15:16.83)
EXTRA : Unknown. (0:15:18.46)
Doctor Genus : Well, whatever. (0:15:19.96)
Doctor Genus : He'll make an excellent specimen. (0:15:21.04)
Doctor Genus : We shall study his physiology--
by force if necessary.
Doctor Genus : Send a messenger
and invite him here,
Doctor Genus : to our "House of Evolution." (0:15:30.42)
Genos : Master, here's the short version: (0:15:35.04)
Genos : Please teach me the way to become
strong like you.
Saitama : - Genos...
- Yes!
Saitama : How old are you? (0:15:47.38)
Genos : 19. (0:15:48.25)
Saitama : So young... (0:15:49.88)
Saitama : I'm sure you'll surpass me in no time. (0:15:51.17)
Genos : Do you mean that? (0:15:53.71)
Saitama : I'm 25 now, but I was 22
when I started training in the summer.
Saitama : Sure, I'll teach you. (0:16:01.08)
Saitama : But it won't be easy.
Can you handle it?
Genos : Yes, sir!! (0:16:08.25)
Genos : Object approaching at high speed--
It's here!
Saitama : What? (0:16:14.17)
EXTRA : My name is...huh? (0:16:18.33)
Saitama : Pay for my ceiling! (0:16:23.04)
EXTRA : So... (0:16:25.50)
EXTRA : Hm? (0:16:26.58)
EXTRA : It seems our advance agent,
Kamakyuri, is down.
EXTRA : I can't sense him
with my telepathy anymore.
EXTRA : What? Wasn't he one of
our stronger guys?
Genos : There are two more outside. (0:16:37.42)
Genos : Master, leave them to me! (0:16:39.21)
Saitama : Don't bust people's ceilings! (0:16:43.79)
Genos : Oh, never mind. (0:16:45.79)
Saitama : Can't you guys just
come through the door?
Genos : M-Master! (0:16:54.83)
Saitama : No, I'm fine. (0:16:56.00)
Saitama : I kinda feel like a...bamboo shoot. (0:16:58.54)
Armored Gorilla : Elevated energy levels detected. (0:17:02.04)
Genos : A cyborg? (0:17:07.96)
Genos : Could it be...? (0:17:10.58)
Armored Gorilla : You are not the target. (0:17:12.13)
Saitama : What's going on? I can't see. (0:17:15.08)
Armored Gorilla : You are in the way! (0:17:16.96)
Genos : I have a few questions for you. (0:17:28.38)
Beast King : It would appear you're in
what they call a "tight spot."
Beast King : Well done, Ground Dragon! (0:17:41.63)
EXTRA : It complicates things
if they put up a fight.
Genos : Master! (0:17:49.17)
Armored Gorilla : You dare look away? (0:17:50.33)
Armored Gorilla : Quite courageous! (0:17:53.08)
Armored Gorilla : I am the pinnacle of
the House of Evolution's science.
Armored Gorilla : I am Armored Gorilla. (0:18:16.67)
Armored Gorilla : Your attacks have no effect. (0:18:18.67)
Genos : The "House of Evolution"? (0:18:21.75)
Genos : What does it want with my master? (0:18:23.38)
Armored Gorilla : It is none of your business. (0:18:25.63)
Armored Gorilla : And it is our rule that any who
oppose us be eliminated without fail.
Armored Gorilla : I must destroy you. (0:18:35.08)
Beast King : Hey, jerk-off! (0:18:43.21)
Beast King : What's with that look? (0:18:44.50)
Saitama : Being underground keeps you cool, (0:18:50.00)
Saitama : but at the same time,
it's nice and warm.
Saitama : I'm sleepy. Could you get lost? (0:18:54.75)
Beast King : I see I need to
teach you your place.
Beast King : Listen up! I'm gonna slice
your eyes out with these!
Beast King : Then we'll see if you resist! (0:19:06.29)
Beast King : The Beast King never
lets anyone off easy.
Saitama : Well, enough fooling around. (0:19:16.25)
Saitama : If you wanna apologize,
now's your chance.
Saitama : You guys smashed my ceiling! (0:19:22.13)
Beast King : Humph. Fine. (0:19:26.75)
Beast King : Then behold the true power (0:19:29.04)
Saitama : - Aw man...
- of the Beast--
Saitama : I got dirt in my special place. (0:19:33.38)
Beast King : Hey, are you listening? (0:19:36.04)
Saitama : Let me just shake this out. (0:19:38.08)
Beast King : You done? (0:19:41.96)
Saitama : One sec. (0:19:43.08)
Saitama : I'm done. (0:19:46.96)
Beast King : Okay, then behold the true power
of the Beast King!
Beast King : Lion Slash! (0:19:55.46)
EXTRA : You okay, Frog Man-- (0:20:05.08)
Beast King : Outta the way, pissants! (0:20:06.13)
Beast King : Such is the law of the jungle! (0:20:09.13)
Beast King : And you're next! (0:20:11.29)
EXTRA : Wait! Don't kill him yet! (0:20:17.17)
Beast King : Lion Slash: Meteor Power Shower!! (0:20:19.08)
Saitama : Consecutive... (0:20:37.17)
Saitama : Normal Punches. (0:20:39.25)
Saitama : Oh. (0:20:58.92)
EXTRA : N-No one told me
he'd be like that!
EXTRA : It's best we retreat now and regroup... (0:21:03.63)
Saitama : Found you! (0:21:07.96)
EXTRA : No waayyy! (0:21:09.38)
Saitama : Huh? (0:21:21.75)
Genos : Answer the question or be eliminated. (0:21:31.79)
Genos : Your choice. (0:21:35.13)
Armored Gorilla : It is you who will be eliminated. (0:21:37.04)
Armored Gorilla : You fool. (0:21:39.29)
Armored Gorilla : I am the third most powerful
fighter in the "House of Evolution."
Armored Gorilla : At your power level, (0:21:45.04)
Armored Gorilla : you will never beat the Beast King,
the second most powerful.
Armored Gorilla : You will be destroyed. (0:21:50.33)
Saitama : Is this who you mean? (0:21:53.88)
Genos : Apparently so. (0:21:55.88)
Armored Gorilla : Look, I'm really sorry. (0:22:02.83)
Armored Gorilla : I'll tell you everything,
just don't kill me!
Saitama : What the--?
What happened to your robot voice?
Saitama : Sorry, I was just trying
to sound cool.
EXTRA : What do you mean?
The hit team wiped out?
EXTRA : - How did this happen?
- Wait, don't jump to conclusions yet.
EXTRA : - It may be a mistake.
- Verify the report immediately!
EXTRA : - Right away.
- Be careful!
Doctor Genus : What's all the commotion? (0:23:56.21)
Mosquito Girl : NEXT EPISODE:

Okay, time for Mosquito Girl's
episode preview!
Mosquito Girl : Next week's story will be about
my birthplace.
Mosquito Girl : I was born--what?!
Time's up already?!
Mosquito Girl : Oh, all right. (0:24:17.00)
Mosquito Girl : The next episode of One-Punch Man
is episode 3, "The Obsessive Scientist."
Mosquito Girl : Scientist, huh? Who could that be? (0:24:22.21)

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