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EXTRA : Previously on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure... (0:00:10.41)
Joseph Joestar : Get out. We're going home. (0:00:17.05)
Jotaro Kujo : Get lost. (0:00:19.91)
Jotaro Kujo : I didn't ask you to come here. (0:00:21.59)
Jotaro Kujo : Help me? (0:00:23.61)
Joseph Joestar : This is my Egyptian friend
I met three years ago,
Joseph Joestar : Avdol. (0:00:29.91)
Mohammed Avdol : Red Bind! (0:00:39.84)
Jotaro Kujo : This is... (0:00:42.86)
Joseph Joestar : I shall reveal its identity! (0:00:48.34)
Joseph Joestar : It may seem like an evil spirit, but it is not. (0:00:49.96)
Joseph Joestar : Jotaro! What you believed to be an evil spirit (0:00:53.91)
Joseph Joestar : is a powerful vision,
created from your own life energy.
Joseph Joestar : Because it appears next to you,
that vision is called...
Joseph Joestar : A Stand! (0:01:05.68)
EXTRA : Bam! (0:01:06.56)
Joseph Joestar : That's a hundred-year-old coffin
pulled up from the Atlantic Ocean,
Joseph Joestar : off the African coast four years ago. (0:01:12.35)
Jotaro Kujo : Coffin? (0:01:14.55)
Joseph Joestar : After I obtained and researched it, (0:01:15.77)
Joseph Joestar : I found out that it was on the
boat where my grandfather,
Joseph Joestar : the man four generations before you,
Jonathan Joestar, died.
Joseph Joestar : It was apparently empty
when they discovered it.
Joseph Joestar : But I know exactly what was inside! (0:01:31.37)
Joseph Joestar : Avdol and I are trying to
locate him as we speak.
Joseph Joestar : He is evil incarnate! (0:01:37.40)
Joseph Joestar : His name is Dio! (0:01:39.76)
Joseph Joestar : He has awakened from his hundred-year sleep. (0:01:41.52)
Joseph Joestar : We are fated to fight him! (0:01:44.12)
Joseph Joestar : And on the back of his neck... (0:01:48.08)
Joseph Joestar : From this bastard's neck down, (0:01:50.43)
Joseph Joestar : is the body of my grandfather,
Jonathan Joestar,
Joseph Joestar : which that bastard has taken over! (0:01:55.91)
EXTRA : Kujo (0:02:07.77)
Holy Kujo : Jotaro! Wait! (0:02:08.77)
Holy Kujo : You forgot something! (0:02:11.37)
Holy Kujo : Goodness... (0:02:13.65)
Holy Kujo : Here, a goodbye kiss. (0:02:15.32)
Holy Kujo : Smooch. (0:02:17.83)
Jotaro Kujo : You bitch... (0:02:18.64)
Jotaro Kujo : Stop clinging to your child already. (0:02:20.37)
Holy Kujo : Okay! Have a good day! (0:02:23.14)
Jotaro Kujo : Good grief... (0:02:29.51)
EXTRA : Hey, it's Jojo. (0:02:39.11)
EXTRA : What? Jojo? (0:02:40.57)
EXTRA : You're right! It's Jojo! (0:02:41.72)
EXTRA : Jojo! (0:02:43.04)
EXTRA : Jojo! (0:02:43.71)
EXTRA : Good morning, Jojo. (0:02:44.22)
EXTRA : Good morning, Jojo. (0:02:45.34)
EXTRA : Jojo! (0:02:46.41)
EXTRA : Jojo, what were you doing while you
were absent from school for four days?
EXTRA : Hey! (0:02:53.99)
EXTRA : Why are you clinging to Jojo's arm like that? (0:02:55.98)
EXTRA : You're being too chummy! Stay away from him! (0:02:58.82)
EXTRA : What the hell, ugly? (0:03:00.93)
EXTRA : Shut it, no-boobs. (0:03:02.29)
EXTRA : Ugly. (0:03:05.42)
EXTRA : No-boobs. (0:03:05.97)
EXTRA : Ugly. (0:03:06.65)
EXTRA : No-boobs. (0:03:07.16)
EXTRA : Ugly. (0:03:07.68)
EXTRA : No-boobs. (0:03:08.03)
EXTRA : Ugly, ugly, ugly... (0:03:12.50)
Jotaro Kujo : Shut up! You're damn annoying! (0:03:18.19)
EXTRA : He totally said that to me! (0:03:23.43)
EXTRA : No, that was for me! (0:03:24.96)
EXTRA : Jojo, wait! (0:03:29.08)
EXTRA : Wait for us! (0:03:31.08)
EXTRA : Jojo! (0:03:32.13)
EXTRA : Menacing (0:03:36.15)
EXTRA : Slash (0:04:04.55)
Jotaro Kujo : What?! (0:04:07.62)
EXTRA : Tumble (0:04:12.77)
EXTRA : Jojo! (0:04:14.98)
EXTRA : Jojo! (0:04:15.44)
EXTRA : Jojo! (0:04:15.98)
Jotaro Kujo : The tree branches... (0:04:17.54)
EXTRA : Zoom (0:04:19.09)
EXTRA : Jojo! (0:04:22.18)
EXTRA : Oh, no! (0:04:23.19)
EXTRA : Jojo fell down the stairs! (0:04:24.53)
EXTRA : Oh, but he's moving. (0:04:26.57)
EXTRA : The tree branches must have broken his fall! (0:04:28.29)
Jotaro Kujo : Did the tree branches cut my leg? (0:04:32.63)
Jotaro Kujo : No... (0:04:34.33)
Jotaro Kujo : It was already cut before I fell! (0:04:36.19)
Jotaro Kujo : That's why I fell down the stairs.
There's no doubt about it.
Jotaro Kujo : But... (0:04:42.16)
EXTRA : Jojo! (0:04:45.77)
EXTRA : Are you all right? (0:04:47.56)
Noriaki Kakyoin : Oh? (0:04:51.13)
Noriaki Kakyoin : He's able to summon a pretty strong Stand. (0:04:52.69)
Noriaki Kakyoin : I see... (0:04:56.46)
Noriaki Kakyoin : No wonder he wants me to get rid of him. (0:04:59.93)
Noriaki Kakyoin : But... (0:05:04.05)
Noriaki Kakyoin : He is no match for my Stand. (0:05:08.05)
EXTRA : JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (0:05:25.28)
EXTRA : Episode 2: Who Will Be the Judge!? (0:06:42.00)
EXTRA : You really scared me. (0:06:43.48)
EXTRA : Are you okay, Jojo? (0:06:45.23)
EXTRA : Are you okay, Jojo? (0:06:46.98)
EXTRA : You're really lucky. (0:06:48.39)
EXTRA : If you were even fifteen centimeters off,
you would have hit the flagstone.
EXTRA : Accidents happen all the time on these steps. (0:06:53.22)
EXTRA : Starting tomorrow, you should
hold my hand when you go down, Jojo.
EXTRA : This story is fiction. The characters, groups, places, laws, and names
used in this program have no connection to any existing in real life.
Noriaki Kakyoin : You (0:07:10.57)
Noriaki Kakyoin : seem to have cut your left leg. (0:07:11.98)
Noriaki Kakyoin : You should use this handkerchief
as an emergency binding.
Noriaki Kakyoin : Are you all right? (0:07:19.54)
Jotaro Kujo : Yeah. It's just a scratch. (0:07:20.84)
Jotaro Kujo : Hold it. (0:07:28.13)
Jotaro Kujo : Thanks. (0:07:33.68)
Jotaro Kujo : I haven't seen you around before.
Do you go to our school?
Noriaki Kakyoin : I'm Noriaki Kakyoin. (0:07:38.65)
Noriaki Kakyoin : I just transferred here yesterday. (0:07:40.59)
Noriaki Kakyoin : Nice to meet you. (0:07:43.64)
EXTRA : Huh... (0:07:46.21)
EXTRA : Huh... (0:07:47.25)
EXTRA : Huh... (0:07:47.99)
EXTRA : He said his name was Kakyoin-kun.
He's not bad.
EXTRA : Really? (0:07:52.23)
EXTRA : I still like Jojo better. (0:07:53.07)
EXTRA : Me, too. (0:07:55.16)
EXTRA : Me, too. (0:07:55.83)
EXTRA : What? (0:07:56.76)
EXTRA : What are you talking about? (0:07:57.31)
EXTRA : Give it up. (0:07:58.06)
EXTRA : I'm the best for Jojo. (0:07:58.95)
Dio Brando : At the time, I was weakened... (0:08:02.13)
Dio Brando : Because I was only a head. (0:08:07.83)
Dio Brando : If I hadn't stolen Jonathan Joestar's body... (0:08:12.20)
Dio Brando : If I didn't have his energy, (0:08:19.89)
Dio Brando : I would have had very little. (0:08:22.68)
Dio Brando : I never could have survived at the bottom
of the ocean for a hundred years.
Dio Brando : But this body itself is like a
bond between parent and child,
Dio Brando : and it seems to connect with his descendants. (0:08:35.06)
Dio Brando : They are aware of my existence. (0:08:42.12)
Dio Brando : The new power that I have acquired
by obtaining Jonathan's body...
Dio Brando : The Stand! (0:08:53.55)
Dio Brando : This Stand also affects the
bodies of his descendants.
Dio Brando : Advantages and disadvantages
come hand in hand. That is inevitable.
Dio Brando : I must eliminate them... (0:09:06.55)
Dio Brando : I must eradicate Jonathan's family. (0:09:08.69)
Joseph Joestar : What's the deal with this cramped room? (0:09:18.22)
Joseph Joestar : This is why I hate Japan. (0:09:21.73)
Joseph Joestar : Avdol, how can you stand this? (0:09:24.19)
Mohammed Avdol : It is quite fascinating... (0:09:27.95)
Mohammed Avdol : This thing they call "the tea ceremony." (0:09:30.24)
Joseph Joestar : Tea ceremony, nothing. (0:09:31.92)
Joseph Joestar : Instant coffee is plenty good! (0:09:33.87)
Mohammed Avdol : By the way, about Dio... (0:09:42.99)
Mohammed Avdol : Joestar-san, now that we know of his existence, (0:09:46.46)
Mohammed Avdol : wouldn't it be safe to assume
that he knows about us, as well?
Joseph Joestar : Indeed. But if we don't
know what he's going to do,
Joseph Joestar : or even know what his powers are... (0:10:00.35)
Joseph Joestar : Japanese coffee tastes terrible! (0:10:05.86)
Mohammed Avdol : That's American coffee. (0:10:08.49)
Clinic Nurse : Jojo, how did you get that cut? (0:10:13.50)
EXTRA : Nurse's Office (0:10:15.80)
Clinic Nurse : You didn't get into another fight, did you? (0:10:16.46)
Clinic Nurse : And take off your hat! (0:10:19.48)
Clinic Nurse : It's poor manners! (0:10:21.51)
Clinic Nurse : For pity's sake... (0:10:24.08)
EXTRA : Sensei, has Jojo ever gotten hurt in a fight? (0:10:24.92)
EXTRA : There's no way that would happen. (0:10:28.60)
EXTRA : Yeah! (0:10:30.17)
Clinic Nurse : Well, you've got a point. (0:10:32.13)
Clinic Nurse : Then I guess I'll believe that
you just fell, you scatterbrain.
Jotaro Kujo : Hey, hold on. (0:10:38.58)
Jotaro Kujo : What are you trying to do? (0:10:39.82)
Clinic Nurse : I'm cutting your pants. (0:10:41.24)
Jotaro Kujo : Like hell you are. (0:10:42.74)
Clinic Nurse : Well, I can't treat you through them. (0:10:44.18)
Jotaro Kujo : I'll take them off. (0:10:46.39)
Jotaro Kujo : Cutting them is a waste. (0:10:47.46)
Clinic Nurse : You're surprisingly stingy. (0:10:49.45)
Clinic Nurse : Now then, while Jojo is taking off his pants, (0:10:51.51)
Clinic Nurse : I'll take your temperatures and
prove that you're faking ill.
EXTRA : We really have colds. (0:10:58.12)
EXTRA : Yeah. Let us go home early. (0:10:59.68)
Clinic Nurse : Nope! (0:11:03.43)
Jotaro Kujo : Whoops. (0:11:05.72)
Jotaro Kujo : What is this? (0:11:09.81)
EXTRA : Jotaro Kujo, I will kill you today
with my Stand! —Noriaki Kakyoin
Jotaro Kujo : K-Kakyoin? (0:11:14.62)
EXTRA : Hey... S-Sensei! (0:11:16.03)
EXTRA : What are you doing?! (0:11:19.14)
Clinic Nurse : What does it look like? (0:11:24.64)
EXTRA : Swish (0:11:26.20)
Clinic Nurse : I'm waving around the
thermometer to reset it.
EXTRA : Swish (0:11:28.04)
EXTRA : Th-Thermometer? Sensei... (0:11:31.67)
EXTRA : Sensei, that's a pen! (0:11:34.04)
Clinic Nurse : A pen? Did you say a pen?! (0:11:35.96)
Clinic Nurse : Does this look like a pen to you?! (0:11:38.80)
Clinic Nurse : How... How stupid can you be? (0:11:43.02)
Clinic Nurse : This thermometer actually
looks like a pen to you?!
Clinic Nurse : Then have a... (0:11:55.50)
Clinic Nurse : better... (0:11:58.02)
Clinic Nurse : look! (0:11:59.35)
EXTRA : Stab (0:12:00.99)
Jotaro Kujo : She's... (0:12:13.29)
EXTRA : Noriaki Kakyoin (0:12:21.07)
EXTRA : My eye! My eye! (0:12:24.32)
Clinic Nurse : Jojo... (0:12:30.59)
Clinic Nurse : You're not going to say (0:12:32.48)
Clinic Nurse : that this looks like a pen, are you?! (0:12:34.41)
Jotaro Kujo : How is she so strong? (0:12:45.44)
Jotaro Kujo : This isn't a woman's strength. (0:12:47.37)
Jotaro Kujo : I saw something unknown
crawling up from the floor earlier.
Jotaro Kujo : Was it a Stand? (0:12:53.85)
Jotaro Kujo : Noriaki Kakyoin... (0:12:55.56)
Jotaro Kujo : Was he the one who cut my leg on the stairs? (0:12:57.75)
Noriaki Kakyoin : Precisely. (0:13:01.04)
Jotaro Kujo : Y-You're... (0:13:03.16)
Noriaki Kakyoin : Hey. Short time no see. (0:13:05.46)
Noriaki Kakyoin : My Stand's possessed that
nurse and is controlling her.
Noriaki Kakyoin : Attacking my Stand will
mean hurting that nurse, Jojo.
Jotaro Kujo : You bastard... Just who the hell are you?! (0:13:19.57)
Noriaki Kakyoin : I told you. I'm Noriaki Kakyoin. (0:13:22.41)
Noriaki Kakyoin : The name of my Stand is Hierophant Green. (0:13:25.42)
Noriaki Kakyoin : I am human, but my loyalty is to him... (0:13:28.94)
Noriaki Kakyoin : Therefore... (0:13:32.83)
Noriaki Kakyoin : I shall kill you! (0:13:34.33)
EXTRA : Bang (0:13:47.05)
Jotaro Kujo : I won't hurt her. (0:13:54.14)
Jotaro Kujo : Now that I've dragged it out... I see... (0:13:58.61)
Jotaro Kujo : It's just a sleazy Stand that can't
do anything but possess people.
Jotaro Kujo : Kakyoin, this is your Stand? (0:14:10.70)
Jotaro Kujo : All green and striped...
It looks like a shiny melon.
Noriaki Kakyoin : You're going to regret (0:14:18.31)
Noriaki Kakyoin : dragging that out of her, Jojo. (0:14:20.33)
EXTRA : Squish (0:14:23.46)
Jotaro Kujo : Don't try to act tough. (0:14:24.95)
Jotaro Kujo : I can see my finger marks on your forehead. (0:14:26.53)
Jotaro Kujo : If I go ahead and crush your
Stand's head like a melon,
Jotaro Kujo : it looks like your head will be crushed, too. (0:14:34.85)
Jotaro Kujo : I'm gonna keep a grip on you for a while. (0:14:39.74)
Jotaro Kujo : I'll take you to the old man. (0:14:42.01)
Jotaro Kujo : I'm sure he'd love to meet you... (0:14:44.87)
Jotaro Kujo : And I'd like to know more about Dio myself. (0:14:48.09)
Jotaro Kujo : What? (0:14:58.59)
Jotaro Kujo : Green fluid is coming out of his Stand's hands? (0:14:59.76)
Noriaki Kakyoin : I already told you, Jojo... (0:15:03.55)
Noriaki Kakyoin : That you would regret this. (0:15:05.21)
Noriaki Kakyoin : Feel the attack of my Stand, Hierophant Green! (0:15:08.96)
Jotaro Kujo : Don't make any weird moves! (0:15:12.46)
Noriaki Kakyoin : Emerald Splash! (0:15:23.00)
Noriaki Kakyoin : What do you think? (0:15:37.56)
Noriaki Kakyoin : Emerald Splash... (0:15:39.08)
Noriaki Kakyoin : What looked like the bodily fluids
of my Stand, Hierophant Green,
Noriaki Kakyoin : was a vision of destructive energy! (0:15:44.82)
Noriaki Kakyoin : It's pierced through your Stand's chest. (0:15:47.21)
Noriaki Kakyoin : Therefore, your insides
have been torn to shreds.
Noriaki Kakyoin : And that nurse... (0:15:53.17)
Jotaro Kujo : Wh-What? (0:15:59.23)
Jotaro Kujo : I'm certain that I removed the Stand from her... (0:16:01.17)
Noriaki Kakyoin : I already told you... (0:16:04.49)
Noriaki Kakyoin : Attacking my Hierophant Green
would mean hurting her.
Noriaki Kakyoin : My Stand can reach further than yours,
but it doesn't like open spaces.
Noriaki Kakyoin : It prefers to hide within something. (0:16:17.61)
Noriaki Kakyoin : If you drag it out, it gets angry. (0:16:22.02)
Noriaki Kakyoin : That's why, when it came out
from her throat, it hurt her.
Noriaki Kakyoin : It's your fault, Jojo! (0:16:30.95)
Noriaki Kakyoin : This is your responsibility! (0:16:33.10)
Noriaki Kakyoin : This is your fault, Jojo! (0:16:34.76)
Noriaki Kakyoin : You did this! (0:16:36.80)
Noriaki Kakyoin : If you had let me kill you in the first place,
this nurse wouldn't have been hurt.
Noriaki Kakyoin : You're trying to stand up? (0:16:47.61)
Noriaki Kakyoin : But how sad... (0:16:50.05)
Noriaki Kakyoin : If I were to compare you to something, (0:16:51.90)
Noriaki Kakyoin : it'd be a sandbag in front of of a boxer. (0:16:53.64)
Noriaki Kakyoin : You stood back up only to be hit again. (0:16:56.16)
EXTRA : Menacing (0:16:58.43)
Jotaro Kujo : I, Jotaro Kujo, (0:17:04.66)
Jotaro Kujo : am labeled a punk. (0:17:07.36)
EXTRA : Ramen (0:17:10.88)
Jotaro Kujo : I tend to overdo it with my opponents in fights, (0:17:11.14)
Jotaro Kujo : so much that some are still in the hospital. (0:17:14.12)
Jotaro Kujo : There was one idiot teacher who was all talk, (0:17:17.22)
Jotaro Kujo : so I taught him a lesson,
and he hasn't come back to school.
Jotaro Kujo : At restaurants that served me lousy food, (0:17:24.33)
Jotaro Kujo : I leave without paying the bill all the time. (0:17:27.30)
Jotaro Kujo : But... (0:17:30.94)
Jotaro Kujo : Even I (0:17:32.02)
Jotaro Kujo : know nauseating evil when I see it. (0:17:34.83)
Jotaro Kujo : Evil is when you use the
weak for your own gain,
Jotaro Kujo : and crush them under your foot. (0:17:41.68)
Jotaro Kujo : Especially a woman! (0:17:45.42)
Jotaro Kujo : That is exactly what you've done! (0:17:48.47)
Jotaro Kujo : Your Stand isn't visible to the
victim or the law. Therefore...
Jotaro Kujo : I shall judge you! (0:17:58.90)
Noriaki Kakyoin : Evil? (0:18:01.25)
Noriaki Kakyoin : There, you are wrong. (0:18:02.50)
Noriaki Kakyoin : Evil refers to the loser. (0:18:04.59)
Noriaki Kakyoin : Justice refers to the victor. (0:18:06.57)
Noriaki Kakyoin : The last man standing! (0:18:08.56)
Noriaki Kakyoin : The method doesn't matter! (0:18:11.07)
EXTRA : Grab (0:18:22.22)
Noriaki Kakyoin : The loser is the evil one. (0:18:24.35)
Noriaki Kakyoin : And now, the final blow! (0:18:26.97)
Jotaro Kujo : What? The loser is evil? (0:18:29.91)
Noriaki Kakyoin : Emerald Splash! (0:18:32.52)
Jotaro Kujo : Well, in that case... (0:18:36.67)
Noriaki Kakyoin : What?! (0:18:41.75)
Noriaki Kakyoin : Impossible! He shrugged off the Emerald Splash? (0:18:43.15)
Noriaki Kakyoin :'re the evil one after all! (0:18:46.48)
Jotaro Kujo : The one who'll be the judge is... (0:19:06.58)
Jotaro Kujo : my Stand! (0:19:08.33)
EXTRA : Smash! (0:19:08.83)
Noriaki Kakyoin : What a powerful Stand... (0:19:18.35)
Jotaro Kujo : You just caught it by surprise
and hurt its chest a little.
Jotaro Kujo : Lucky for me it's not a weak Stand, (0:19:27.05)
Jotaro Kujo : but I have a feeling it'll become more violent. (0:19:29.40)
Jotaro Kujo : That was close. (0:19:33.65)
Jotaro Kujo : She should be fine once her wounds are treated. (0:19:38.95)
EXTRA : What was that? A gas explosion? (0:19:42.36)
EXTRA : It came from the nurse's office! (0:19:44.07)
EXTRA : None of you leave the classroom! (0:19:45.49)
Jotaro Kujo : I'll leave the rest to them. (0:19:47.38)
Jotaro Kujo : I'm ditching school today. (0:19:49.55)
Jotaro Kujo : I've got to have him explain
some things about Dio.
EXTRA : Ping (0:20:20.65)
Holy Kujo : Jotaro's totally thinking
about me at school right now!
Holy Kujo : I felt like I had a connection
with my son just now.
Jotaro Kujo : I'm not thinking about you. (0:20:33.31)
Holy Kujo : Jotaro! (0:20:35.60)
Holy Kujo : Wh-What about school? And who is that? (0:20:37.00)
Holy Kujo : H-He's covered in blood! (0:20:40.55)
Holy Kujo : D-Don't tell me... you did that? (0:20:42.74)
Jotaro Kujo : It's got nothing to do with you. (0:20:46.57)
Jotaro Kujo : I'm looking for the Old Man. (0:20:49.26)
Jotaro Kujo : Sucks having to find him in such a huge house. (0:20:51.91)
Holy Kujo : I think your grandfather's in the tea room, (0:20:54.69)
Holy Kujo : with Avdol-san. (0:20:57.41)
Holy Kujo : Oh, Jotaro... (0:21:01.68)
Holy Kujo : You won't tell me anything. (0:21:03.05)
Holy Kujo : Even though I... I... (0:21:05.56)
Holy Kujo : worry about you so much. (0:21:07.87)
Holy Kujo : But I know that, deep down, (0:21:11.72)
Holy Kujo : you're a sweet boy. (0:21:15.44)
Jotaro Kujo : Hey. (0:21:18.44)
Holy Kujo : Yes? (0:21:19.28)
Jotaro Kujo : You look a little pale this morning. (0:21:21.72)
Jotaro Kujo : Are you all right? (0:21:24.49)
Holy Kujo : Yay! Fine, thank you! (0:21:28.69)
Holy Kujo : I knew it. (0:21:35.68)
Joseph Joestar : Well, this is no good. It's too late for him. (0:21:38.63)
Joseph Joestar : He's not going to make it. (0:21:41.99)
Joseph Joestar : He'll die in the next few days. (0:21:43.91)
Joseph Joestar : Jotaro, it's not your fault. (0:21:47.66)
Joseph Joestar : Look. The reason that this
man swore loyalty to Dio
Joseph Joestar : and came to kill you... (0:21:54.32)
Joseph Joestar : is right here! (0:21:59.65)
Jotaro Kujo : What the hell is that?! (0:22:02.16)
EXTRA : Next Episode Preview (0:23:35.01)
Joseph Joestar : This isn't good at all... At this rate... (0:23:37.91)
Holy Kujo : Sometimes having a cold isn't so bad. (0:23:40.60)
EXTRA : I don't really understand, either. (0:23:42.53)
Joseph Joestar : This is the one thing I feared most! (0:23:44.99)
Jotaro Kujo : Tell me how we should deal with this! (0:23:47.76)

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Yu Haibara

🎀 - Anonymous


That's the one thing I'll never give up on! - Asta

The most important relic! So cool! - Asta

But before that, I need to build myself up! - Asta

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