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Aqua : Achoo! (0:00:01.09)
Aqua : Cold... I'm so cold... (0:00:03.89)
Aqua : Warm me up... Somebody warm me up... (0:00:06.94)
Aqua : What's wrong with you?! (0:00:12.45)
Kazuma Satou : Don't you get it?! (0:00:14.30)
Kazuma Satou : Darkness went to deal with that lord
last night and never came back!
Kazuma Satou : She's probably... (0:00:19.94)
Kazuma Satou : Megumin? (0:00:27.62)
Kazuma Satou : What's with the cat? (0:00:28.74)
Megumin : I doubt she'll cause much trouble, so... (0:00:30.52)
Kazuma Satou : You want to keep her? (0:00:33.53)
Megumin : Is that all right? (0:00:34.94)
Aqua : Ow! (0:00:37.96)
Aqua : Hey, why'd she only scratch me?! (0:00:38.98)
Aqua : Unbelievable! (0:00:41.95)
Aqua : Between the jet black fur
and the imperious attitude,
Aqua : I can sense some sort of malevolent aura! (0:00:45.98)
Aqua : So, what do you call this demonic beast? (0:00:48.41)
Megumin : Chomusuke. (0:00:51.29)
Kazuma Satou : What'd you— (0:00:54.42)
Megumin : She's Chomusuke. (0:00:54.93)
Megumin : Anyway, what were the two
of you making a fuss about?
Kazuma Satou : How can you be so calm? (0:01:01.35)
Kazuma Satou : As we speak, Darkness might be... (0:01:03.51)
Megumin : There may be unsavory rumors about that lord, (0:01:04.94)
Megumin : but I doubt Darkness could easily be— (0:01:07.53)
Kazuma Satou : That's the problem with children! (0:01:09.03)
Kazuma Satou : You still don't understand
that deviant at all!
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : You can do what you want with my body... (0:01:16.08)
Kazuma Satou : "But don't think you'll have
your way with my heart!"
Kazuma Satou : She's sure to say something like that. (0:01:21.93)
Megumin : Wh-Wh-What should we do?! (0:01:24.39)
Megumin : Darkness is in grave danger! (0:01:26.23)
Megumin : What should we do, Kazuma?! (0:01:27.66)
Kazuma Satou : It's too late. (0:01:29.34)
Kazuma Satou : Listen up. When she gets back, (0:01:30.78)
Kazuma Satou : just be as nice to her as you normally would. (0:01:32.77)
Aqua : I-I get it! (0:01:35.07)
Aqua : So we can't ask Darkness what it was
like to climb the stairs to adulthood!
Megumin : Darkness... Darkness, she's... (0:01:42.09)
Sena : Satou Kazuma! (0:01:42.47)
Sena : Is Satou Kazuma here?! (0:01:43.74)
God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! 2
EXTRA : Kill Quest (0:03:19.21)
EXTRA : Defeat the monsters in the vicinity of Axel (0:03:19.26)
Aqua : No! (0:03:24.87)
Kazuma Satou : While they were trying to spring me, (0:03:30.06)
EXTRA : Episode 2 A Friend For This Crimson Demon Girl! (0:03:30.60)
Kazuma Satou : Megumin had cast her explosion
magic all over the place.
Kazuma Satou : Thanks to that, the Giant Toads that
had been hibernating woke up early.
Aqua : Help! (0:03:36.38)
Kazuma Satou : So, we're here to clean up her mess, but... (0:03:39.78)
Aqua : No! (0:03:41.96)
Aqua : I don't wanna be toad food again! (0:03:43.56)
Kazuma Satou : The toads haven't slowed
down, despite the cold...
Kazuma Satou : Aren't they a little too hardy? (0:03:50.08)
Megumin : We will not be outdone! (0:03:51.86)
Megumin : We must get much, much
stronger in order to survive
Megumin : in this cruel world. (0:03:59.22)
Kazuma Satou : I'll get you out— (0:04:00.63)
Megumin : No, please, help Aqua first. (0:04:01.31)
Megumin : It's cold outside, but it's quite
warm inside this toad.
Megumin : Having already cast my explosion magic, (0:04:08.01)
Megumin : all I can do is slow this one down. (0:04:11.24)
Kazuma Satou : O-Okay, I'll leave you to it. (0:04:13.64)
Sena : Is that a good idea?! (0:04:16.02)
Aqua : Kazuma-san! (0:04:17.09)
Aqua : I can't! I just can't! (0:04:18.74)
Aqua : Hurry and do something! (0:04:20.62)
Kazuma Satou : Even with Darkness to act as
a sturdy wall for our party,
Kazuma Satou : none of us had an effective ranged attack. (0:04:28.03)
Kazuma Satou : In light of that, I decided
to learn a new skill.
Kazuma Satou : And it's called... (0:04:34.22)
Kazuma Satou : Snipe! (0:04:35.72)
Kazuma Satou : The Snipe skill has higher accuracy
the higher your luck stat is.
Kazuma Satou : It's a perfect fit for me! (0:04:42.70)
Aqua : Kazuma-san... (0:04:44.84)
Aqua : Hey! That arrow almost messed
up the best part of my hair—
Kazuma Satou : Aqua! (0:05:00.36)
Kazuma Satou : KONOSUBA! (0:05:04.15)
Kazuma Satou : My skill... My skill... (0:05:10.17)
Sena : A-Are you people always like this? (0:05:12.83)
Megumin : W-Wait a moment! (0:05:15.98)
Megumin : The toads! (0:05:17.62)
Kazuma Satou : This is bad! Now there's not enough bai— (0:05:20.34)
Kazuma Satou : I mean, enough decoys to keep them occupied! (0:05:22.25)
Kazuma Satou : Aqua, you should still be
keeping them occupied!
Aqua : No way! You be the decoy this time! (0:05:28.92)
Kazuma Satou : Stupid! You don't have enough
attack power to beat these toads!
Kazuma Satou : If we can beat even one of them,
that'd leave just two!
Kazuma Satou : Then you and Sena-san can
keep them busy together!
Sena : I'm just here to supervise you all,
not to get dragged into—
Aqua : Kazuma, there's your chance! (0:05:47.77)
Aqua : Hurry and get the toa— (0:05:49.21)
Aqua : No! (0:05:51.66)
Kazuma Satou : You guys! (0:05:54.18)
Megumin : Excuse me, but I think I'm
slowly being swallowed.
Megumin : Could you rescue me now, please? (0:05:59.97)
Kazuma Satou : Aw, damn it! (0:06:03.40)
Kazuma Satou : If only Darkness were here! (0:06:04.54)
Kazuma Satou : We're doomed! (0:06:21.55)
Yunyun : Light of Saber! (0:06:23.99)
Yunyun : KONOSUBA! (0:06:43.09)
Kazuma Satou : I honestly don't want to touch them... (0:06:45.82)
Kazuma Satou : You should be able to walk now. (0:06:50.18)
Kazuma Satou : I don't know who you are, but thanks. (0:06:51.91)
Yunyun : I-I wasn't trying to save you. (0:06:55.20)
Yunyun : If my rival had been eaten by
a toad, I'd look ridiculous...
Kazuma Satou : Rival? (0:07:04.59)
Yunyun : I-It's been a long time, Megumin! (0:07:08.31)
Yunyun : Today is the day we finally
settle our long-standing score!
Megumin : Who might you be, exactly? (0:07:14.28)
Megumin : I mean, it's strange that
you never gave your name.
Megumin : This must be one of those "Hey, it's me!"
scams that Kazuma described before.
Yunyun : F-Fine, then! (0:07:25.47)
Yunyun : It's embarrassing to do this
in front of strangers, but...
Yunyun : My name is Yunyun! (0:07:32.10)
Yunyun : An arch wizard and master
of advanced magic!
Yunyun : She who will one day lead the Crimson Demons! (0:07:37.37)
Megumin : Anyway, this is Yunyun. (0:07:40.35)
Megumin : Daughter of the Crimson Demons' leader,
and my self-proclaimed rival.
Yunyun : So you did remember! (0:07:46.07)
Kazuma Satou : I see. Well, I'm one of her
adventuring friends, Kazuma.
Kazuma Satou : Nice to meet you, Yunyun. (0:07:51.97)
Yunyun : H-Huh? (0:07:53.52)
Yunyun : You're not laughing at my name? (0:07:54.84)
Kazuma Satou : Well, y'know, in this world of ours, (0:07:58.03)
Kazuma Satou : there are some who have weird
names in the first place,
Kazuma Satou : but still end up with disgraceful
nicknames like "Crazy Exploding Girl."
Megumin : You mean me? You're talking
about me, aren't you?!
Megumin : How did that name attach itself to me
and I'm only now hearing about it?!
Yunyun : I-Impressive, Megumin.
You've found good allies!
Kazuma Satou : Cut it out! Don't touch me! (0:08:15.03)
Yunyun : As befits my rival! (0:08:17.82)
Yunyun : I'll defeat you and become
first among the Crimson Demons!
Yunyun : Now, Megumin, I challenge you to a duel! (0:08:23.35)
Megumin : I'd rather not. It's too cold. (0:08:26.90)
Yunyun : Why?! (0:08:29.81)
Yunyun : Please, fight me! (0:08:30.70)
Megumin : No, thank you. (0:08:33.38)
Yunyun : Please! (0:08:34.81)
Yunyun : One fight! Just once! (0:08:35.58)
Sena : You somehow managed today, (0:08:36.56)
Megumin : No. (0:08:37.30)
Yunyun : Then when can we have a duel?! (0:08:38.04)
Sena : but I'm not fully convinced this
wasn't just an act to deceive me.
Megumin : How should I know? (0:08:41.16)
Yunyun : But why?! Megumin! (0:08:41.96)
Sena : Excuse me. (0:08:43.13)
Aqua : Well, I'll make arrangements for the
guild to haul the toad meat in.
Megumin : I said no. (0:08:44.89)
Yunyun : Come on, Megumin! Just one little duel! (0:08:45.55)
Megumin : Not happening. (0:08:48.54)
Kazuma Satou : I don't really appreciate being left
on my own with these two...
Yunyun : Aw, come on, Megumin! (0:08:50.26)
Megumin : Very well, then. (0:08:55.56)
Megumin : I can no longer use my magic today, (0:08:58.12)
Megumin : so let's make it a contest in the martial arts
that you're supposed to be skilled at.
Yunyun : Really? (0:09:04.71)
Yunyun : I mean, you barely attended
martial arts class at the academy...
Kazuma Satou : Stare. (0:09:10.13)
Yunyun : And every lunch period,
you'd show up like clockwork,
Kazuma Satou : Stare... (0:09:13.96)
Yunyun : challenge me to a duel,
and then steal my lunch...
Kazuma Satou : Stare... (0:09:16.52)
Kazuma Satou : Girl... (0:09:19.25)
Megumin : It was a matter of life and death for me. (0:09:20.50)
Megumin : Due to personal circumstances, her lunches
were the only thing keeping me alive.
Yunyun : All right, then that will be how we fight! (0:09:26.76)
Kazuma Satou : Seriously? (0:09:29.49)
Megumin : Very well. (0:09:30.88)
Megumin : Now then, come at me as you will! (0:09:32.21)
Kazuma Satou : Judging from their builds, it looks
like Yunyun's gonna win this.
Kazuma Satou : I can't even begin to imagine Megumin
being any good at unarmed combat.
Yunyun : M-Megumin... (0:09:51.33)
Yunyun : Um, your body's still kind of shiny... (0:09:53.87)
Megumin : That's right. (0:09:58.56)
Megumin : What you see clinging to every inch of me
are the fluids from inside a toad's stomach.
Megumin : Come! The moment you get close to me, (0:10:04.66)
Megumin : I'll grab you with both arms (0:10:07.02)
Megumin : and put you in a submission hold! (0:10:08.85)
Yunyun : N-No way! (0:10:11.59)
Yunyun : You're trying to make me lose my will
to fight so I'll give up, aren't you?
Yunyun : Right? (0:10:17.38)
Megumin : We're friends, aren't we? (0:10:20.38)
Megumin : And I believe friendship means
sharing in each other's suffering.
Yunyun : No! (0:10:27.77)
Megumin : C'mon. C'mon. C'mon. (0:10:28.02)
Megumin : C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! (0:10:31.19)
Yunyun : I give up! I'll give up! (0:10:31.86)
Yunyun : Stay away from me! (0:10:33.86)
Megumin : C'mon! (0:10:34.87)
Yunyun : I give up! I already gave up! (0:10:37.92)
Megumin : I win again! (0:10:41.25)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : S-Stop it! (0:10:45.08)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : Damn you! (0:10:47.30)
Lalatina Dustiness Ford : K-Kill— (0:10:49.16)
Kazuma Satou : She actually ran off crying. (0:10:51.77)
Megumin : Kazuma. (0:10:54.57)
Megumin : The spoils of war. (0:10:55.61)
Megumin : Sell it to start making your payments. (0:10:56.96)
Kazuma Satou : Are you sure? (0:10:59.23)
Megumin : It is of no use to a grand sorceress
such as myself, who operates beyond
Megumin : the bounds of society. (0:11:04.11)
Kazuma Satou : Do you ever think about learning
skills other than explosion ma—
Megumin : Never. (0:11:09.69)
Kazuma Satou : Yeah, I figured. (0:11:10.61)
Megumin : What is it? (0:11:14.53)
Kazuma Satou : I was just thinking that you're
prettier than that other girl.
EXTRA : Wait! (0:11:20.01)
Megumin : Well, thank you very much! (0:11:22.59)
Megumin : As thanks, let me give you a big hug! (0:11:24.64)
Kazuma Satou : S-Stay away from me! (0:11:26.82)
Megumin : You should be happier. (0:11:28.20)
Megumin : Some people would pay money to
have a slimy girl all over them.
Kazuma Satou : You reek of toads! (0:11:36.92)
Kazuma Satou : I never thought an embrace
could be so unpleasant...
Megumin : Chomusuke! (0:11:44.28)
Megumin : Were you a good— (0:11:45.24)
Kazuma Satou : Well, I'm off to the bath. (0:11:50.02)
Kazuma Satou : What is it? (0:11:53.68)
Megumin : Surely you've heard of "ladies first"? (0:11:54.70)
Kazuma Satou : I yearn for true gender equality. (0:11:57.74)
Kazuma Satou : I have no patience for one who talks about
female privilege when it suits them,
Kazuma Satou : and then complains about someone
"not being a man" when it's convenient!
Kazuma Satou : Besides, if you want to be treated like
a lady, you should grow into one first!
Megumin : You're treating me like a
child again, aren't you?!
Megumin : For the record, I'm only
three years younger than you!
Kazuma Satou : Yet you seem like just a kid to me,
so you're wasting your time!
Megumin : This guy's actually taking his clothes off! (0:12:27.22)
Kazuma Satou : I'm not backing down on this one! (0:12:29.46)
Kazuma Satou : No matter what! Get it?! (0:12:30.85)
Kazuma Satou : If you do, then get out of here already! (0:12:32.43)
Megumin : I see. So you don't really
see me as a woman, then.
Megumin : In that case, I may as well join you. (0:12:39.94)
Kazuma Satou : True. Getting in together
will solve both our problems.
Megumin : Wha?! (0:12:45.09)
Megumin : E-Excuse me, doesn't this usually
call for a response like,
Megumin : "D-Dummy! I could never do that!" (0:12:48.77)
Megumin : And then bashfully allowing
me to use the bath first?
Kazuma Satou : Just so you know, I'm not
the type to go for clichés.
Kazuma Satou : Say, for instance, you were in love with me, (0:12:57.64)
Kazuma Satou : and some other girl was making moves on me. (0:12:59.90)
Kazuma Satou : If you were to, out of jealousy,
inflict some unjust violence on me,
Kazuma Satou : I would fight back with no hesitation. (0:13:05.76)
Kazuma Satou : I'm a guy who does what he has to do! (0:13:07.69)
Kazuma Satou : You'd do well to remember that! (0:13:09.60)
Megumin : I get the feeling your application of that
saying leaves something to be desired,
Megumin : but all right, fine. (0:13:17.56)
Kazuma Satou : So after provoking me like that,
you're not gonna join me?
Kazuma Satou : I'm surprised at your lack of resolve. (0:13:21.85)
Megumin : How dare you?! (0:13:23.31)
Megumin : You think I lack resolve?! (0:13:24.75)
Megumin : Yep. (0:13:26.59)
Megumin : It's just a bath! I can do that! (0:13:28.90)
Kazuma Satou : Ouch! (0:13:29.19)
Megumin : Now, stop skulking behind that towel,
and and let's get in the bath!
Kazuma Satou : Whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you doing?! (0:13:31.12)
Kazuma Satou : Stop, you idiot! (0:13:33.52)
Kazuma Satou : Don't pull on it, you perv! Show a little shame! (0:13:35.02)
Megumin : Out with it! (0:13:37.35)
Kazuma Satou : Hey. (0:13:44.12)
Megumin : Yes? (0:13:45.18)
Kazuma Satou : I thought cats didn't like baths. (0:13:46.74)
Megumin : She likes to stay clean. (0:13:49.38)
Kazuma Satou : Hey... (0:13:52.42)
Megumin : Yes? (0:13:53.54)
Kazuma Satou : Is that other girl gonna be okay? (0:13:54.57)
Megumin : I'm sure I'll see her again. (0:13:56.85)
Megumin : She chases after me,
claiming to be my rival, after all.
Kazuma Satou : She's the same age as you, right? (0:14:02.08)
Megumin : Why don't you just come out and say what you
were thinking when you looked at me just now?
Kazuma Satou : I was thinking how everybody
matures at their own pace—
Megumin : Darkness blacker than black
and darker than dark...
Kazuma Satou : Hey, cut that out! (0:14:12.09)
Kazuma Satou : It's bad for my heart! (0:14:13.29)
Megumin : I'm sure that in another year or two, (0:14:15.88)
Megumin : I'll have a body that'll have
Yunyun crying for forgiveness...
Megumin : I would appreciate it if you'd
stop staring so intently!
Kazuma Satou : Why are we in the bath together? (0:14:27.25)
Megumin : Why bring that up now? (0:14:30.13)
Megumin : Why would you suddenly come to your senses?! (0:14:31.68)
Kazuma Satou : Well, I mean, anyone seeing
this would probably react—
Aqua : I'm back! (0:14:39.46)
Aqua : Hey, I got the cash for the toad meat! (0:14:41.31)
Kazuma Satou : Is it locked?! (0:14:45.27)
Kazuma Satou : Did you lock the door to the bath?! (0:14:46.21)
Megumin : I-I didn't! (0:14:48.00)
Megumin : Wh-Wh-What do we do?! (0:14:49.94)
Aqua : Kazuma? Megumin? I'm back! (0:14:51.83)
Aqua : It'd be nice if someone would say something! (0:14:55.06)
Aqua : Huh? The bath? (0:14:58.02)
Kazuma Satou : Freeze! (0:15:00.90)
Kazuma Satou : Either I'm doomed, or my magic holds out! (0:15:05.81)
Aqua : Hey! (0:15:06.31)
Aqua : Anyone there? (0:15:07.92)
Kazuma Satou : Hold out, magic power of mine! (0:15:09.65)
Kazuma Satou : If Aqua sees us, it'll mean getting
called "Pedo-NEET" and "Lolimaniac"
Kazuma Satou : and other disgraceful nicknames! (0:15:15.17)
Kazuma Satou : I don't even have the strength to stand. (0:15:21.59)
Aqua : Megumin, when you get out of
the bath, let's have lunch.
Aqua : Actually, get out of there already. (0:15:29.11)
Aqua : I'm all slimy myself, y'know! (0:15:30.99)
Megumin : That was a close one. If things
had gone on much longer...
Kazuma Satou : I almost got branded a lolicon. (0:15:40.75)
Kazuma Satou : Hey, Megumin. (0:15:44.62)
Kazuma Satou : Sorry to ask, but I can't move,
so could you dry me off?
Megumin : Hey. (0:15:49.18)
Megumin : Why don't you explain exactly why getting
into the bath with me makes you a lolicon?
Kazuma Satou : Hey, wait, stop it! (0:15:57.02)
Kazuma Satou : What are you trying to do?!
You'll be branded a female pervert!
Kazuma Satou : Hey, A-Aqua! (0:16:00.64)
Kazuma Satou : Aqua! The little girl is bullying me! (0:16:01.99)
Aqua : Pedo-NEET. (0:16:09.62)
EXTRA : 12 Giant Toads Killed (0:16:11.32)
EXTRA : Today's Results (0:16:12.07)
Kazuma Satou : The day after receiving
my disgraceful title,
Kazuma Satou : we dropped by Wiz's shop to figure
out what to do about my debt.
Kazuma Satou : Hey! (0:16:25.47)
Kazuma Satou : I'm looking to sell this. (0:16:26.76)
Wiz : She's here to— (0:16:30.11)
Yunyun : M-My name is Yunyun! (0:16:30.92)
Yunyun : What a coincidence! (0:16:33.49)
Yunyun : What a quirk of fate! (0:16:35.05)
Yunyun : To think that we would
have an encounter here!
Yunyun : You truly are my lifelong rival! (0:16:38.93)
Wiz : She heard that you all
visit my store regularly
Wiz : and has been waiting all morning. (0:16:44.18)
Yunyun : Wh-What are you saying, shopkeep?! (0:16:45.73)
Yunyun : I just came by to buy some magic items... (0:16:48.25)
Yunyun : U-Um, I'd like this! (0:16:50.78)
Yunyun : KONOSUBA! (0:16:52.80)
Kazuma Satou : I see. (0:16:55.56)
Kazuma Satou : You could've just come by the
mansion instead of doing all this.
Yunyun : But I can't just visit someone's
home unannounced...
Megumin : It's always half-measures with you. (0:17:03.70)
Megumin : That's why you can't make friends. (0:17:05.61)
Aqua : Is that true? (0:17:06.99)
Megumin : Yunyun is the rare Crimson Demon
who's embarrassed by her name.
Megumin : She would usually eat lunch
alone at the academy.
Wiz : Now, now. (0:17:14.19)
Megumin : And whenever I would cross her line of sight, (0:17:14.99)
Megumin : she'd gleefully challenge me over and over. (0:17:17.86)
Yunyun : I-It wasn't that bad! (0:17:20.98)
Yunyun : I did have some friends. (0:17:22.75)
Megumin : I can hardly believe what I'm hearing. (0:17:24.53)
Megumin : You had friends, Yunyun? (0:17:26.69)
Yunyun : Of course! Even I had friends! (0:17:28.33)
Yunyun : There was Funifura-san and Dodonko-san, (0:17:31.10)
Yunyun : who would always say, "We're friends, right?"
and I would treat them to lunch...
Kazuma Satou : Hey, stop! (0:17:37.45)
Kazuma Satou : I don't want to hear any more! (0:17:38.39)
Megumin : Well, since I can only use explosion magic, (0:17:40.29)
Megumin : I would rather avoid magic duels. (0:17:43.59)
Yunyun : Would you learn some other magic already? (0:17:46.35)
Yunyun : You're bound to have unused
skill points, right?
Megumin : Yes, I do. (0:17:51.13)
Megumin : And I intend to put them all into
"Explosion Magic Power Boost"
Megumin : and "High-Speed Casting." (0:17:56.23)
Yunyun : Stupid! Why are you so obsessed
with explosion magic?!
Kazuma Satou : That's right, you tell her! (0:18:01.64)
Yunyun : You've always been this way, Megumin! (0:18:03.43)
Aqua : All this talk of duels...
For classmates, you guys sure are vicious.
Megumin : Your lack of appreciation for explosion
magic makes you the crazy one.
Aqua : Hey, hey. (0:18:09.02)
Aqua : Maybe this would be good? (0:18:10.72)
Aqua : "The friendship crystal." (0:18:12.21)
Wiz : Oh, only a seasoned magic user
can use that effectively.
Yunyun : If you can use it well, can you make friends? (0:18:19.19)
Wiz : Well, yes. (0:18:22.33)
Wiz : I know! Why not try it? (0:18:24.02)
Megumin : I hardly see the need to make friends... (0:18:26.25)
Yunyun : Have you lost your nerve, Megumin? (0:18:29.53)
Yunyun : In other words, (0:18:32.10)
Yunyun : being able to use this more effectively
is proof of greater spell casting skill!
Yunyun : I challenge you, Megumin! (0:18:37.46)
Megumin : If you insist, then I will demonstrate for you (0:18:39.30)
Megumin : the power of a true magic user! (0:18:42.48)
Yunyun : Today is the day we settle this score! (0:18:45.11)
Wiz : Just what I'd expect from Crimson Demons. (0:18:52.57)
Yunyun : Now, crystal, demonstrate your power! (0:18:54.60)
Wiz : The crystal's power is activating! (0:18:57.71)
Wiz : It's never projected this much before! (0:19:07.96)
Wiz : They both have incredible magic! (0:19:10.61)
Kazuma Satou : What... is this?! (0:19:12.44)
Kazuma Satou : Is she gathering bread crusts? (0:19:22.29)
Aqua : Wait a minute... (0:19:25.71)
Yunyun : Happy birthday! (0:19:31.16)
Aqua : Is she... by herself? (0:19:34.98)
EXTRA : Dang it! (0:19:36.87)
EXTRA : Onee-chan, you're amazing! (0:19:39.68)
Yunyun : Not bad! But how about this?! (0:19:47.72)
EXTRA : You're so great! (0:19:52.64)
EXTRA : Onee-chan, this is great! (0:20:04.66)
Yunyun : I wouldn't even mind a devil
for a friend at this point...
Kazuma Satou : She's working odd jobs to take
her "friends" out to eat?!
Aqua : Wait, why is she... (0:20:14.73)
Aqua : eating a bug? (0:20:16.66)
Megumin : What is this?! (0:20:19.74)
Yunyun : Shopkeep, you said this crystal
would create friendship, right?!
Wiz : This is a valued item that deepens
feelings of friendship and love
Wiz : by exposing past embarrassment... actually... (0:20:30.09)
Yunyun : Megumin! Hey, Megumin! (0:20:34.72)
Yunyun : Is this going to make us friends?! (0:20:36.61)
Yunyun : KONOSUBA! (0:20:45.19)
Wiz : I'll just put that on your tab, Kazuma-san. (0:20:47.46)
Kazuma Satou : Hang on. Megumin was the one who broke it. (0:20:50.05)
Megumin : Yunyun was the one who wanted to use it. (0:20:52.73)
Megumin : She'll pay. (0:20:55.41)
Yunyun : My duel... I finally got her to duel, and... (0:20:56.70)
Megumin : How long are you going to mope? (0:20:59.07)
Yunyun : But how do we know who won? (0:21:01.09)
Yunyun : Can we call it a draw? (0:21:03.98)
Megumin : I don't mind. (0:21:06.00)
Megumin : I'm not childish enough to be
competitive over games anymore.
Yunyun : Come to think of it, didn't we used to
compete to see who would grow faster?
Yunyun : If you think you're not childish anymore,
do you want to do that again?
Megumin : That's not what I mean when
I talk about being childish.
Megumin : After all, I'm... (0:21:25.12)
Megumin : in the kind of relationship with Kazuma
here where we bathe together.
Kazuma Satou : Hey! (0:21:34.44)
Wiz : Oh, my! (0:21:35.13)
Kazuma Satou : Don't joke about that! (0:21:39.61)
Kazuma Satou : Is this the mouth?! (0:21:41.13)
Kazuma Satou : Is this the mouth trying to make
my reputation even worse?!
Yunyun : I-I'll... (0:21:44.38)
Yunyun : I'll admit that I lost today! (0:21:46.45)
Wiz : Come again! (0:21:51.75)
Aqua : She's a lively girl. (0:21:53.02)
Kazuma Satou : You are, too. (0:21:54.60)
Megumin : I win again! (0:21:58.43)
EXTRA : Episode 3 (0:23:29.93)
EXTRA : for the of This rinth! (0:23:29.93b)
Aqua : Here is the progress report I said I would send. (0:23:31.27)
Aqua : Mr. Kazuma seemed like a problem at first, (0:23:33.56)
Aqua : but he's become a seasoned
and formidable adventurer.
Aqua : Absolutely not the kind— (0:23:39.09)

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