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Hiro : The act of bringing two pairs of lips
together, which we'd never heard of,
Hiro : was called a kiss, she said. (0:00:06.84)
EXTRA : Commence connecting. (0:00:09.86)
Hiro : The day after the klaxosaur attack, (0:00:12.50)
Hiro : the startup ritual picked up where it left
off, but in much quieter circumstances.
Hiro : Papa and the other adults weren't
around to witness it anymore.
Hiro : I was told the huge FRANXX
I rode was named Strelizia.
Hiro : I had no recollection of anything
that happened after I got in,
Hiro : but I still believe that
it all really happened,
Hiro : and that I was able to
fly under my own power.
Hiro : I'm no longer a nestling. (0:00:39.39)
Hiro : So I swore never to run away again. (0:00:41.90)
EXTRA : Residential Quarter for Parasites: "Mistilteinn" (0:02:19.99)
EXTRA : Parasite Boarding House (0:02:28.75)
Ichigo : Meow? (0:02:29.94)
Ichigo : Are mew from around here? (0:02:31.25)
Hiro : Ichigo? (0:02:36.73)
Ichigo : H-Hiro?! (0:02:38.09)
Hiro : You didn't have to wait out here for me. (0:02:39.33)
Ichigo : It's your fault for running off
first thing in the morning.
Ichigo : Awkward as it is, you're staying here now. (0:02:45.50)
Ichigo : Hold your head high,
and make yourself at home.
Ichigo : I heard Naomi was all right.
She got taken to the hospital.
Hiro : Yeah, I heard. (0:03:00.64)
Ichigo : Were you the one piloting that FRANXX? (0:03:03.88)
Hiro : I don't really remember. (0:03:08.29)
Hiro : So I want to ride it again to make sure. (0:03:09.99)
Ichigo : Again? That girl isn't part
of our squad, you know.
Hiro : I don't care, as long as I get to pilot. (0:03:16.93)
Ichigo : I heard the rumors about her. (0:03:20.28)
Ichigo : None of her partners could ever ride
with her more than three times.
Ichigo : They didn't make it out alive. (0:03:28.68)
Ichigo : I don't know if that's true or not, (0:03:34.09)
Ichigo : but I think you should stay away from her. (0:03:36.27)
Hiro : But if I can't pilot,
I'm as good as dead anyway.
Ichigo : Hiro... (0:03:43.99)
Gorou : Hey, Hiro. Get inside quick. (0:03:47.24)
Gorou : That girl's in our mess hall. (0:03:49.29)
Miku : Why is she still here? (0:04:03.30)
EXTRA : Zero Two (0:04:04.30)
Kokoro : What a strange person. (0:04:06.42)
EXTRA : Kokoro (0:04:08.10)
Kokoro : I wonder if she likes sweets. (0:04:08.55)
EXTRA : Miku (0:04:10.37)
Miku : She's not a person. Not with
those things on her head.
Ichigo : Cut it out. (0:04:13.27)
EXTRA : Ichigo (0:04:15.54)
Ichigo : She's our savior, you know. (0:04:16.25)
EXTRA : Ikuno (0:04:19.73)
Ikuno : Do you think she really has klaxosaur blood? (0:04:20.09)
Ikuno : Besides, I thought nobody
had single-digit codes.
Futoshi : She's nothing like the rumors said. (0:04:27.70)
EXTRA : Goro (0:04:27.70b)
Gorou : She's ruining her good looks
with the way she's eating.
EXTRA : Hiro (0:04:32.45)
Hiro : I can't believe all her
injuries healed so quickly.
Zorome : Hey, there! (0:04:36.04)
EXTRA : Zorome (0:04:37.23)
Zorome : It was a real treat to watch
your skills in action.
Zorome : I, Zorome the Great, shall graciously
ride with you if you so desire.
Zorome : I'm sure I can do a much
better job than that wuss.
Zorome : Why don't we try... Eek! (0:04:47.95)
Zorome : What do you think you're doing?! (0:04:50.90)
Zorome : Aw, my Sunday best! (0:04:52.57)
Zorome : What are you gonna do about this?! (0:04:56.81)
Zero Two : This is really nice and sweet. (0:05:03.77)
Zero Two : Let's eat together, okay? (0:05:06.16)
Hiro : Tell me. (0:05:09.30)
Hiro : Did I actually manage to pilot back then? (0:05:11.07)
Zero Two : You sure did. (0:05:16.33)
Zero Two : You were incredible , (0:05:18.79)
Zero Two : darling. (0:05:20.34)
EXTRA : D... (0:05:23.09)
EXTRA : Darling? (0:05:23.94)
Miku : What's that mean? (0:05:25.97)
Kokoro : Beats me. (0:05:27.61)
Kokoro : Do you know? (0:05:28.67)
Futoshi : Doesn't sound like food. (0:05:29.56)
Gorou : I wonder what it is. (0:05:30.64)
Futoshi : Well, duh. (0:05:31.34)
Hiro : I see. (0:05:32.62)
Hiro : So I really did pilot that FRANXX back then! (0:05:34.09)
Nana : Okay, keep it down, kids. (0:05:39.10)
Kokoro : Nana! (0:05:41.05)
Nana : I'll be your caretaker,
just like I was in Garden.
Nana : APE HQ has assigned me to the
13th Plantation Corps. My name is Nana.
EXTRA : APE Strategic HQ Parasite Caretaker Nana (0:05:50.30)
Nana : I look forward to your cooperation. (0:05:53.05)
Futoshi : Yes! We got lucky! (0:05:54.49)
Miku : Yay! (0:05:55.20)
EXTRA : Thanks! (0:05:55.76)
EXTRA : Figures. (0:05:56.65)
Zorome : For real? (0:05:58.21)
Nana : We're awaiting orders from HQ
on what to do with Zero Two.
Nana : But in general, she won't
be working with you guys.
Nana : Come. You're sitting over here. (0:06:06.52)
Zero Two : Aw, but this table felt more comfortable. (0:06:08.50)
Hiro : W-Wait! (0:06:12.01)
Hiro : Hey, Zero Two! (0:06:13.61)
Hiro : Let me ride in your FRANXX again. (0:06:15.43)
Hiro : There's something I want to be sure of. (0:06:19.26)
Nana : That isn't for you to decide. (0:06:21.07)
Nana : Papa and the rest will give you
your orders in due time, too.
Nana : Sit tight until then, all right? (0:06:26.75)
Zorome : Papa will? (0:06:28.49)
Zorome : Give orders to him? Why? (0:06:29.83)
Miku : What was with that girl? (0:06:33.45)
Nana : We can't have you running off
as you please all the time.
Zero Two : I just wanted to eat with my darling. (0:06:39.48)
Nana : Avoid making contact with the parasites. (0:06:41.79)
Nana : You're too much for them to handle. (0:06:44.58)
Zero Two : I feel like I'm gonna suffocate in here. (0:06:49.13)
EXTRA : Confirmed appearance of one
Mohorovicic-class klaxosaur at Plantation 13.
EXTRA : Strelizia intercepted and neutralized it. (0:06:56.10)
EXTRA : Fuel stockpile down to 54 percent. (0:06:58.32)
EXTRA : Currently anchored in the area. (0:07:01.77)
EXTRA : Requesting kissing with Plantation 26. (0:07:03.22)
EXTRA : APE Central HQ Council (0:07:04.15)
EXTRA : Authorized. (0:07:06.25)
EXTRA : Lamarck Club (0:07:07.40)
EXTRA : Roger. (0:07:07.43)
EXTRA : Kissing will commence in 175 hours. (0:07:08.33)
Droopy Hat : We've received word that Strelizia
has stayed back at Plantation 13.
EXTRA : Another of that girl's whims?
Dr. Franxx spoils her too much.
Vice Chairman : But in this case, if you
just look at the numbers,
Vice Chairman : it seems to be a rare sample
without signs of physical aging.
Flat Hat : It's Code 016. That's him, isn't it? (0:07:29.45)
EXTRA : Unthinkable. (0:07:32.97)
EXTRA : With no established cause, mixing with the
special specimen will taint her blood.
EXTRA : She must be recalled at once. (0:07:38.24)
Chairman : But we saw how she shone in that battle. (0:07:40.52)
Chairman : It's worth investigating. (0:07:44.38)
Chairman : Let's wait and see. (0:07:47.00)
Gorou : I'm amazed you managed
to fight that klaxosaur.
Gorou : How was it? (0:07:54.03)
Hiro : I don't remember anything about it. (0:07:55.99)
Hiro : But I remember how it felt. (0:07:59.20)
Gorou : I see. (0:08:02.21)
Gorou : Either way, I'm glad you stayed. (0:08:03.60)
Gorou : Maybe you're the type that comes
through when it matters most.
Gorou : Man, you got the jump on me. (0:08:09.90)
Zorome : Out of my way, dude. (0:08:11.34)
Zorome : I don't believe for a second that
you piloted a FRANXX before we did.
Zorome : Got that, you wuss? (0:08:17.76)
Miku : Jeez, why are these so tiny? (0:08:22.29)
Miku : So tight! (0:08:26.32)
Kokoro : Connecting feels so weird. (0:08:27.63)
Kokoro : I hope we get used to it soon. (0:08:29.61)
Kokoro : It's not at all like how
our training units felt.
Miku : It's like your body being
stirred up from the inside.
Kokoro : Hey, Miku! (0:08:37.28)
Miku : Here it comes! Are you ready? (0:08:42.08)
Ikuno : Stop reminding me of it. (0:08:43.56)
Ichigo : Was it really that rough for you guys? (0:08:45.56)
Ichigo : It did feel a bit weird, but I dunno... (0:08:47.51)
Ichigo : It kinda put me at ease, (0:08:52.01)
Ichigo : like I'd become one with someone. (0:08:55.48)
Miku : What? (0:08:57.57)
Kokoro : Wow. (0:08:58.95)
Kokoro : I wish my numbers were as high as yours. (0:09:00.55)
Kokoro : You and Goro must be really compatible. (0:09:03.88)
Miku : Good for you. You two double-digit
elites are made for each other.
Ichigo : Gee, thanks. (0:09:15.15)
Miku : Speaking of elite, how about that Hiro? (0:09:16.45)
Miku : He brings home a girl out of nowhere,
and she's already calling him "darling."
Miku : Maybe those two will actually
make a good coup—
Miku : Wh-What was that all about? (0:09:33.59)
Hachi : I'll be giving out your overall
strategic instructions.
Hachi : But the decisions on the field must be
made by the leader unit, Delphinium.
Ichigo : Roger. (0:09:46.60)
Miku : Why does she get to be leader? (0:09:48.65)
EXTRA : APE Strategic HQ Plantation Defense Commander Hachi (0:09:53.98)
Hachi : If you're ready, we will now begin the drill. (0:09:54.28)
Hachi : This will be your first drill
in a real FRANXX, but stay calm,
Hachi : focus on your partner's movements,
and entrust yourself to them.
Hachi : Commence connecting. (0:10:05.00)
Kokoro : Here it is! (0:10:10.92)
Zorome : Q-Quit making weird noises! (0:10:13.09)
Miku : It's a natural reaction! (0:10:14.50)
Hachi : If two partners are even
slightly out of sync,
Hachi : their para-capacity will fluctuate wildly. (0:10:18.44)
Hachi : The key is to trust your partners
and accept them wholeheartedly.
Gorou : You okay? (0:10:26.89)
Ichigo : I'm fine. Keep going. (0:10:27.85)
Futoshi : Did I do it right? I didn't suck? (0:10:47.16)
Kokoro : Nah, you were fine. (0:10:49.14)
Kokoro : We're perfectly matched, huh? (0:10:51.67)
Zorome : Whoa, quit getting all
lovey-dovey over this crap.
Zorome : I was the first to finish, you know. (0:10:57.55)
Zorome : Got that, double-digits? (0:11:00.43)
Zorome : And don't you forget it. (0:11:01.93)
Gorou : Well, he's in high spirits. (0:11:03.75)
Ichigo : What's the point of competing
among ourselves?
Zorome : Hah! Sour grapes, much? (0:11:07.10)
Zorome : Hup! Unf! (0:11:09.09)
Miku : H-Hey, don't be rough! (0:11:10.22)
Zorome : Huh? (0:11:12.80)
Zorome : Wh... Whoa! (0:11:14.41)
Ichigo : You okay? (0:11:17.44)
Miku : Thanks. (0:11:19.41)
Ichigo : The stamen has the initiative
when it comes to handling,
Ichigo : so consider whether the pistil,
who's connected to the FRANXX, can keep up.
Zorome : Thanks, Miss High-and-Mighty. (0:11:26.89)
Hachi : Line up in formation with Delphinium
in the center and advance.
EXTRA : Roger! (0:11:33.03)
Hiro : I did manage to pilot back then. (0:11:45.65)
Hiro : If I could just ride with
Zero Two in Strelizia again,
Hiro : I... (0:11:52.96)
Nana : A startup trial in an actual FRANXX? (0:12:03.49)
EXTRA : Plantation FRANXX Parking Dock (0:12:09.45)
Gorou : I'm this close to figuring out
the trick to connecting.
Ichigo : Hey, tell me something. (0:12:18.68)
Ichigo : Why'd it have to be Hiro? (0:12:20.73)
Zero Two : Hiro? You mean my darling? (0:12:22.77)
Ichigo : There you go, calling him that again. (0:12:25.82)
Ichigo : I'm grateful to you for
defeating that klaxosaur.
Ichigo : But I want you to stay away
from Hiro from now on.
Zero Two : Why? (0:12:34.62)
Ichigo : Because you're not part of our squad. (0:12:35.64)
Ichigo : If you're gonna up and leave one day,
don't get Hiro's hopes up.
Zero Two : Oh? (0:12:41.73)
Zero Two : What are you to my darling? (0:12:42.86)
Ichigo : I'm the leader of this squad. (0:12:45.89)
Zero Two : Hmm... (0:12:47.69)
Gorou : H-Hey... (0:12:49.83)
Zero Two : Sweet. I like your taste. (0:12:55.40)
Futoshi : Will we be able to fight like that one day? (0:13:03.86)
Futoshi : Fight the klaxosaurs like the
FRANXX Hiro piloted, I mean.
Zorome : Say what? Just so you know,
that doesn't count as piloting.
Zorome : There's no way that loser
could pilot a FRANXX.
Futoshi : But it did actually move around. (0:13:19.30)
Futoshi : And Papa seems to have taken
an interest in Hiro, too.
Zorome : Well... (0:13:24.19)
Mitsuru : I hear that pistil called Zero Two (0:13:25.32)
Mitsuru : has the special ability to
pilot a FRANXX by herself.
Mitsuru : You two saw its four-legged form, didn't you? (0:13:32.27)
Mitsuru : So basically, Hiro was only
taken along for the ride.
Zorome : See? I'll never accept
that he did it before us.
Zorome : Don't think you're hot stuff, you hear me? (0:13:47.63)
Zorome : Bingo! I'm the best! (0:13:53.22)
Zorome : Sorry about that. I really
expected you to dodge.
Zorome : Were you cranking one out
all by yourself in a training unit?
Zorome : That's perfect for you, (0:14:03.55)
Zorome : a wuss who just hitched a ride with a girl! (0:14:05.69)
Zorome : What? You wanna go? (0:14:10.97)
Hiro : Zero Two said I piloted that thing. (0:14:13.11)
Zorome : The real thing ain't anything
like the training units!
Hiro : Once I get another chance,
I'll show you I can pilot!
Zorome : Challenge accepted! (0:14:21.49)
Ichigo : Hey, what are you doing? (0:14:23.13)
Gorou : Come on! (0:14:25.17)
Ichigo : Knock it off. (0:14:27.24)
Zorome : Don't get in the way! (0:14:28.13)
Gorou : Enough! (0:14:29.70)
Gorou : Just calm down! (0:14:30.64)
Ichigo : Don't let him get to you. (0:14:33.19)
Zorome : Lemme go! (0:14:36.23)
Hiro : I can pilot, too. I just need a chance. (0:14:36.71)
Zorome : Tch. (0:14:39.14)
Ichigo : Hiro... (0:14:39.89)
Ichigo : It's Nana. (0:14:43.51)
Hiro : A mock battle with me in a FRANXX? (0:14:46.01)
Nana : That's right. (0:14:48.03)
Hachi : Depending on how you do,
we're considering promoting you to parasite.
Gorou : Grats! (0:14:54.33)
Hachi : Pick your partner. (0:14:55.81)
Zero Two : I'll do it. (0:14:56.76)
Hiro : Zero Two... (0:14:58.47)
Zero Two : I mean, you are my darling. (0:15:00.01)
Ichigo : One moment. (0:15:03.17)
Ichigo : Let me be his partner. (0:15:04.71)
Gorou : Ichigo? (0:15:06.81)
Ichigo : She doesn't belong to our squad. (0:15:07.88)
Ichigo : Also, if you're only
measuring Hiro's aptitude,
Ichigo : it should work with me as his partner, too. (0:15:13.27)
Mitsuru : Then why does it have to be you? (0:15:15.26)
Mitsuru : You already have Goro as a partner,
and you want to ride with Hiro?
Nana : Pipe down. (0:15:22.64)
Nana : Don't go running your mouths now. (0:15:23.96)
Nana : Zero Two, HQ hasn't authorized
the use of Strelizia.
Nana : So Hiro will have to take the test
with someone from his squad.
Zero Two : Boo. That sucks. (0:15:35.35)
Zero Two : Fine. My injuries haven't
healed completely yet, anyway.
Hiro : Wait, what? (0:15:41.71)
Zero Two : I'll let you have him this time. Go for it. (0:15:43.70)
Zero Two : Take care of my darling, okay? (0:15:48.81)
Nana : Then you'll handle it, right, Ichigo? (0:15:51.33)
Ichigo : Sure. (0:15:53.93)
Hiro : Wait! (0:15:54.65)
Hachi : Does anyone want to volunteer
as their opponents?
Zorome : Me! (0:15:59.71)
Miku : Ack! (0:16:00.26)
Miku : Hey, who died and made you boss? (0:16:00.68)
Zorome : I'm gonna show 'em what I'm capable of. (0:16:02.85)
Miku : We'll do it. (0:16:07.73)
Nana : Done deal. (0:16:08.68)
Hachi : The battle will be held tomorrow morning. (0:16:09.54)
Zorome : Wait, wait, wait! (0:16:11.06)
Zorome : Let us do it right now! (0:16:12.36)
Gorou : Zorome's still mad about your fight today. (0:16:15.51)
Hiro : Sorry. I know Ichigo's your partner. (0:16:19.16)
Gorou : Everything ready? (0:16:23.50)
Hiro : Yeah, I have to go. (0:16:25.33)
Gorou : Sure. See you later. (0:16:27.32)
Gorou : And Hiro, don't worry about it. (0:16:28.94)
Gorou : She never takes no for an answer. (0:16:31.06)
Hiro : I'm going to make this chance count. (0:16:34.20)
Gorou : Yeah. I know you can do it. (0:16:37.51)
Zorome : Hey, wuss! Let's settle the
score once and for all!
Miku : Given who your partner is, I might
just beat you this time, Great Leader.
Ichigo : Feel free. (0:16:55.97)
Ichigo : This isn't about winning or losing, anyway. (0:16:57.30)
Futoshi : Miku's totally up for it, too. (0:16:59.59)
Ichigo : This isn't about winning. (0:17:02.14)
Ichigo : I must prove to everyone that
Hiro can pilot the FRANXX!
Ichigo : Just focus on connecting, Hiro. (0:17:08.49)
Ichigo : I'll take care of the rest. (0:17:10.59)
Hiro : Got it. (0:17:13.14)
Hachi : Begin the mock battle. (0:17:14.68)
Zorome : We're good to go. (0:17:18.60)
Ichigo : Focus. (0:17:20.67)
Ichigo : It'll be all right. I can draw
out Hiro's ability, too.
Hiro : This feeling... (0:17:29.24)
Hiro : I'm entering Ichigo's mind. (0:17:32.34)
Ichigo : It's all right. Keep going. (0:17:35.69)
Ichigo : Got you! (0:17:38.36)
Zorome : Are you for real? (0:17:47.24)
Hiro : We did it! (0:17:49.60)
Gorou : Way to go, Hiro! (0:17:50.90)
EXTRA : Huh... (0:17:52.06)
EXTRA : Wow! (0:17:52.44)
Nana : But... (0:17:52.94)
Nana : This is where things get real. (0:17:56.20)
Hiro : This is it! I recognize this sensation! (0:17:57.76)
Ichigo : Let's do this, Hiro! (0:18:00.49)
Hiro : Yeah! (0:18:01.76)
Zorome : Bring it on! (0:18:06.27)
Zorome : What?! (0:18:08.43)
Zorome : What's going on? (0:18:12.23)
Miku : They stopped? (0:18:13.91)
Ichigo : No... Why? (0:18:15.53)
Ichigo : This can't be! (0:18:19.27)
Ichigo : Time out! Give us three minutes! (0:18:21.38)
Zorome : What?! (0:18:23.48)
Miku : What?! (0:18:23.48)
Miku : You can't just call timeout! (0:18:24.75)
Hiro : Why'd it stop? (0:18:26.94)
Hiro : Move! Move! (0:18:28.05)
Hiro : Damn it! Why is this happening? (0:18:29.78)
Hiro : I was able to pilot back then! (0:18:31.81)
Ichigo : What's wrong? (0:18:36.84)
Hiro : I don't know. It just stopped. (0:18:37.72)
Ichigo : Was it my fault? (0:18:40.45)
Hiro : I don't think so. (0:18:41.69)
Ichigo : What did she do differently? (0:18:43.18)
Hiro : I don't know. I don't remember. (0:18:46.19)
Ichigo : Calm down. No need to rush. (0:18:49.19)
Ichigo : You might remember something. (0:18:51.24)
Hiro : The kiss... (0:18:57.64)
Hiro : Maybe it was the kiss. (0:18:59.65)
Ichigo : "Kiss"? What's that? (0:19:01.78)
Hiro : We stuck our mouths together, (0:19:03.83)
Hiro : and everything turned bright, like, "Wham!" (0:19:06.60)
Ichigo : What the heck? (0:19:11.27)
Ichigo : That's what you were up to
during a klaxosaur attack?
Hiro : It wasn't me! (0:19:15.21)
Hiro : She did it as soon as I got in. (0:19:16.74)
Hiro : I didn't understand what she was doing, (0:19:19.77)
Hiro : but Zero Two said it was
a very special thing.
Ichigo : Fine. Let's do it. (0:19:35.65)
Ichigo : It's embarrassing, so keep your eyes closed. (0:19:38.17)
Hiro : W-Wait a second! (0:19:39.85)
Ichigo : We can't move unless we do it, right? (0:19:40.90)
Hiro : U-Uh... (0:19:42.30)
Ichigo : If that's what it takes,
I don't mind. This is nothing.
Hiro : But... (0:19:47.12)
Ichigo : Shut up. (0:19:48.04)
Hiro : Ichigo, you're trembling... (0:19:49.12)
Miku : Hey, hasn't it been three minutes already? (0:19:54.93)
Zorome : Yeah. I don't see why we gotta wait any more. (0:19:58.02)
Zorome : Sorry, but we're taking you out. (0:20:03.43)
Ichigo : Well? (0:20:14.10)
Hiro : I don't feel a thing. (0:20:19.13)
Hiro : Looks like it didn't work. (0:20:22.36)
Zorome : Hey, this is too easy. (0:20:33.04)
Ichigo : Let's try it again, Hiro. (0:20:35.54)
Zorome : Guess this proves that I'm really the best. (0:20:40.21)
Zorome : I don't mind taking over as
pilot for the Delphinium, too!
Miku : Excuse me? (0:20:49.01)
Miku : You're hitting on another girl now? (0:20:49.93)
Miku : Cut it out already, dude! (0:20:52.01)
Futoshi : Huh? (0:21:00.60)
Hachi : The trust between partners has a
direct influence on the handling.
Hachi : Should it be thrown out of whack... (0:21:07.41)
Zorome : What's going on? (0:21:10.69)
Zorome : Move... (0:21:12.34)
Nana : Status report, Ichigo. (0:21:15.67)
Nana : Ichigo? (0:21:17.80)
Miku : Get it up already! (0:21:20.92)
Zorome : Shut up! I'm trying! (0:21:23.07)
Nana : Ichigo, don't! (0:21:25.35)
Nana : Piloting a FRANXX alone is dangerous! (0:21:26.55)
Ichigo : Damn it all! (0:21:31.94)
Nana : Of all the reckless stunts... (0:21:43.32)
Nana : Since both FRANXX have been rendered
inoperable, this mock battle is over.
Hiro : The gentle touch of her trembling lips (0:21:54.37)
Hiro : filled me with guilt. (0:21:56.89)
Hiro : The feeling that I'd gotten to fly back then (0:21:59.24)
Hiro : quickly slipped through my fingers (0:22:01.88)
Hiro : and eventually shackled me
to the ground once again.
Hiro : It felt like I was being bound up
in a thousand invisible threads.
Hiro : I'm sorry. (0:22:15.69)
Ichigo : Don't apologize. (0:22:18.15)
Ichigo : You were awful. (0:22:29.03)
EXTRA : Episode 2 (0:22:29.99)

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