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Azazel : Issei, your Sacred Gear holds the feelings (0:00:08.77)
Azazel : of all the previous Red Dragon
Emperors before you.
Azazel : Their negative feelings are very strong. (0:00:15.07)
Azazel : You can pretty much call it a curse. (0:00:17.49)
Azazel : If you can purge those negative feelings, (0:00:19.83)
Azazel : I believe you'll be able to trigger something
safer and as powerful as the Juggernaut Drive.
Azazel : In order to do that, you must inject your
consciousness into your Sacred Gear.
Acerolanza : Hello. (0:00:41.56)
Acerolanza : Um, excuse me? (0:00:43.98)
Acerolanza : Can you hear me? (0:00:49.23)
Acerolanza : It's no use. (0:00:51.06)
Acerolanza : No matter how many times I try,
there's no progress.
Earlgrette : I am completely unarmed. (0:00:59.58)
Acerolanza : Jeez, why did you report in
by whispering into my ear?!
Earlgrette : It looked like you were deep in though. (0:02:41.76)
Earlgrette : I wanted to make sure you heard me. (0:02:44.72)
Acerolanza : Yeah, you handed over Durandal
to the alchemists of the Church
Acerolanza : so you're unarmed, right? (0:02:51.15)
Earlgrette : It's my own fault that I can't
restrain my aura, but...
Acerolanza : Got it. If something happens,
I'll lend you Ascalon.
Earlgrette : Thanks, that'll help me out a lot. (0:03:02.61)
Yuuto Kiba : Hey, can I sit next to you? (0:03:09.08)
Acerolanza : Y-Yeah. (0:03:11.25)
Yuuto Kiba : Just in case something happens, (0:03:13.42)
Yuuto Kiba : I wanted to ask you about
your plans when we get there.
Acerolanza : We're going to start at Kiyomizu Temple... (0:03:18.38)
Acerolanza : Our plans look like this. (0:03:20.92)
Yuuto Kiba : I'll also be in Tenryuji on the third day. (0:03:23.68)
Yuuto Kiba : If we plan it right, we may be able
to meet at Togetsukyo Bridge.
Yuuto Kiba : Come to think of it,
before you fought with Sairaorg,
Yuuto Kiba : I heard you had to deal with
the four Great Devils?
Acerolanza : Yeah. That was a really fierce event. (0:03:36.52)
Acerolanza : It completely changed my
image of the underworld.
Acerolanza : The four Great Devils, dressed as
hero rangers, kept doling out trials.
Acerolanza : Well, I managed to pass them all, but... (0:03:48.45)
Ajuka Beelzebub : This is just an opportunity. (0:03:54.79)
Ajuka Beelzebub : Right now, you are finally in front
of many doors with a key in hand.
Acerolanza : Come to think of it, I got some
advice from Lord Beelzebub, too.
Yuuto Kiba : Advice? (0:04:08.68)
Acerolanza : Yeah. To maximize the power
of the Red Dragon Emperor,
Acerolanza : I need to master being a knight and a rook. (0:04:14.27)
Acerolanza : How I am now, I won't be able to be Sairaorg. (0:04:17.94)
Yuuto Kiba : Yes, you're right.
Right now, we are far too weak...
Acerolanza : I'll have to train during our trip, too! (0:04:26.20)
Yuuto Kiba : As expected of Issei! (0:04:28.87)
Yuuto Kiba : Well, contact me when you
are buying your souvenirs.
Yuuto Kiba : I don't want to accidentally
buy the same things.
Acerolanza : Yeah, got it. (0:04:37.38)
Acerolanza : We still have some time. (0:04:43.92)
Acerolanza : Hi! I'm here again! (0:04:55.98)
Acerolanza : Yup. No answer. (0:04:58.27)
Acerolanza : He's around the same age as me... (0:05:04.57)
Ddraig : Among all the Red Dragon Emperors,
he was born with greatest innate talent.
Ddraig : He even awakened his
Juggernaut Drive very early.
Ddraig : But he drowned in his own
power and destroyed himself.
Acerolanza : Even so, he had something
important to him, right?
Acerolanza : I, who shall awaken, (0:05:25.30)
Acerolanza : am the Heavenly Dragon who stole
the principle of domination from God.
Ddraig : Partner. (0:05:30.43)
Acerolanza : It's fine. I'm not going to say it to the end. (0:05:31.93)
Acerolanza : It's just, this spell... (0:05:34.85)
Acerolanza : I don't understand much about it. (0:05:35.98)
Acerolanza : What does laughing at the infinite mean? (0:05:38.06)
Acerolanza : And fretting over the dream
makes no sense to me.
Elsha : Orphis is that who is truly infinite. (0:05:42.98)
Elsha : And Great Red is the illusion and dream. (0:05:46.36)
Elsha : You laugh at Orphis, (0:05:50.49)
Elsha : yet feel melancholy about your
fellow red dragon, Great Red.
Ddraig : Elsha. (0:05:55.87)
Elsha : Hi, Ddraig! (0:05:57.04)
Ddraig : Partner. Her name is Elsha. (0:05:58.50)
Ddraig : Among all the possessors,
she was the strongest woman.
Acerolanza : Whoa! (0:06:04.46)
Elsha : You look so surprised.
Two of us were exceptional.
Elsha : I'm one of them. (0:06:10.09)
Elsha : Well, I normally hide myself away
and never make an appearance.
Ddraig : Like Belzard, I thought you two
would never show yourselves again.
Elsha : Oh, don't say that, Ddraig. (0:06:21.06)
Acerolanza : Um, who is Belzard? (0:06:23.57)
Ddraig : He was the strongest Red
Dragon Emperor, among the men.
Ddraig : He defeated the White Dragon Emperor twice. (0:06:31.49)
Acerolanza : What?! Twice?! Amazing! (0:06:33.45)
Elsha : That guy told me to give you this. (0:06:37.96)
Elsha : You received a key from Beelzebub, right? (0:06:41.92)
Acerolanza : Huh? (0:06:44.92)
Acerolanza : The key... (0:06:50.09)
Elsha : This box contains the potential
of a Red Dragon Emperor.
Acerolanza : The potential of a Red Dragon Emperor? (0:06:56.22)
Elsha : However, it may destroy who you are. (0:06:58.39)
Elsha : Because of that, it is a box that
normally should never be opened.
Elsha : Boob Dragon, the Red Dragon Emperor. (0:07:07.57)
Elsha : Belzard and I watched it together. (0:07:10.28)
Elsha : It was the first time I had busted
out laughing since I came here.
Elsha : Ddraig, don't be so depressed
about it and enjoy it.
Elsha : I've never seen such an interesting
Red Dragon Emperor before.
Elsha : The eerie spell of the Juggernaut Drive... (0:07:24.79)
Elsha : We enjoyed the Boog Dragon Song so much, (0:07:27.67)
Elsha : we were able to push those
words out of our hearts.
Elsha : Both of our last moments were not good ones. (0:07:34.43)
Elsha : That's why we made up our mind. (0:07:38.93)
Elsha : Open it. (0:07:42.44)
Elsha : But once you do, you'll have to
shoulder it to the bitter end.
Elsha : You cannot half-ass this. (0:07:47.48)
Elsha : No matter what happens,
you must accept it and move forward.
Acerolanza : I understand. (0:07:54.45)
Acerolanza : Huh? I'm back. (0:08:04.54)
Acerolanza : What happened to the box? (0:08:07.84)
Ddraig : No idea. (0:08:10.26)
Ddraig : But you definitely opened the
box you received from Elsha.
Acerolanza : What was inside?! (0:08:14.80)
Ddraig : It jumped out and went somewhere. (0:08:16.14)
Acerolanza : Wh-Wh-What did you say?! (0:08:18.35)
Acerolanza : Where did it go?! My potential! (0:08:21.10)
Acerolanza : It's no laughing matter if it disappears! (0:08:22.94)
Ddraig : Don't panic. (0:08:25.27)
Ddraig : That is yours. It will definitely return to you. (0:08:26.52)
Ddraig : That is its fate. (0:08:30.86)
Acerolanza : Really? Even so... (0:08:33.61)
Matsuda : Boobs! (0:08:37.07)
Motohama : Matsuda! What are you doing?! That's my... (0:08:40.08)
Motohama : What's so fun about grabbing a guy's chest?! (0:08:43.79)
Matsuda : What was I doing?! I suddenly had
the urge to grab some breasts.
Motohama : Matsuda, your boob deficiency
has gotten to that point...
Motohama : Okay! We'll have a porno viewing party tonight! (0:08:57.93)
Acerolanza : Seriously?! (0:09:00.51)
Motohama : Oh, Issei! Of course! (0:09:01.43)
Motohama : I obtained this just for today! (0:09:03.77)
Motohama : Ta-da! (0:09:05.89)
Motohama : Let's watch this! (0:09:09.06)
Acerolanza : Yeah! (0:09:11.15)
Murayama : Just die, perverted trio! (0:09:12.44)
Katase : Gross! (0:09:14.45)
Acerolanza : Chinkakuji! Chinkakuji! Chinkakuji! Chinkakuji! (0:09:15.40)
EXTRA : We will soon arrive to Kyoto. (0:09:18.24)
EXTRA : All right, guys. Enough of standing in awe. (0:09:23.54)
EXTRA : Everyone has already gone on ahead. (0:09:27.00)
EXTRA : Pervert! (0:09:32.25)
EXTRA : B-Boobs. Boobs... (0:09:33.76)
EXTRA : What are you doing?! (0:09:38.93)
EXTRA : You bastard! (0:09:40.22)
EXTRA : Boobs! Boobs! (0:09:41.22)
Acerolanza : There are people like Matsuda here, too. (0:09:42.64)
Matsuda : Whoa! We're here! Kyoto tower! (0:09:45.48)
EXTRA : All right. Let's hurry to the hotel. (0:09:48.81)
Matsuda : Oh, yeah! (0:09:52.82)
Matsuda : We get to stay at a place like this?! (0:09:54.44)
Motohama : I can't believe it. (0:09:57.20)
Aika Kiriyuu : Okay, okay. Hurry up and go in.
You guys are blocking traffic.
Azazel : Hey, guys. (0:10:02.16)
Azazel : Your teacher Miss Rossweisse
has some warnings for you.
Rossweisse : The... (0:10:08.12)
Rossweisse : 100 yen shop at the Kyoto station! (0:10:10.45)
Rossweisse : It is located in the
underground shopping center!
Azazel : --Okay. That's all from Miss Rossweisse. (0:10:15.38)
Rossweisse : --Money makes the world go round!
--Okay. That's all from Miss Rossweisse.
Rossweisse : --And that money disappears quickly
when buying things here and there!
Azazel : --Please go to your individual rooms now.
--And that money disappears quickly
when buying things here and there!
Acerolanza : This is a super high-class Kyoto hotel
owned by the Gremory family.
Acerolanza : What the hell?! This is my room?! (0:10:32.94)
Matsuda : Seriously?! This is the only
Japanese-style room here!
Acerolanza : What do your rooms look like? (0:10:40.57)
Motohama : Guess this is how they were able
to manage the lodging budget.
Acerolanza : No way! (0:10:47.66)
Rossweisse : Issei, are you here? (0:10:49.37)
Acerolanza : Rossweisse! (0:10:51.21)
Acerolanza : I feel like this is too unfair... (0:10:53.29)
Rossweisse : This is a room that Rias prepared for us. (0:10:55.63)
Rossweisse : She prepared a space where we can
gather and talk in emergencies.
Acerolanza : I see. (0:11:01.64)
Acerolanza : Wait, but it didn't have to be my room! (0:11:02.93)
Rossweisse : Please live with it, Issei. (0:11:05.39)
Rossweisse : Well, everyone. (0:11:08.02)
Rossweisse : The afternoon is free time,
but make sure not to go too crazy.
Motohama : Yes! (0:11:13.48)
Matsuda : Yes! (0:11:13.48)
Matsuda : What should we do? (0:11:15.94)
Acerolanza : Well, let's invite Asia and
the others to go and explore.
Matsuda : --All right!
--This is it!
Motohama : --All right!
--This is it!
Asia Argento : Wow, there are a lot of adorable foxes. (0:11:26.49)
Asia Argento : I wish we could take them home. (0:11:29.00)
Irina Shidou : They're really cute! (0:11:31.04)
Asia Argento : Yes, very much so! (0:11:32.75)
Irina Shidou : Let's show Xenovia, too! (0:11:34.75)
Asia Argento : Yes! (0:11:36.42)
Irina Shidou : Xenovia! (0:11:37.30)
Irina Shidou : Look! Look! They're so cute! (0:11:38.92)
Earlgrette : Yeah, it's cute! (0:11:41.13)
Earlgrette : --Is it a Japanese monster? (0:11:43.34)
Aika Kiriyuu : --Hey, aren't you going to
take any pictures of me?
--Is it a Japanese monster?
Motohama : --Hey, aren't you going to
take any pictures of me?
--What are you saying?! Take a good look!
Motohama : Your pictures do nothing
but keep monsters at bay.
Aika Kiriyuu : If that's the case, why not take some? (0:11:49.81)
Aika Kiriyuu : You don't lose anything out of it. (0:11:51.56)
Aika Kiriyuu : Just take some. Come on. Come on. (0:11:53.35)
Motohama : No! No! No! No! I definitely won't! (0:11:56.69)
Earlgrette : So this is a statue that keeps demons away. (0:12:01.28)
Earlgrette : Normally, it exudes a power
that won't let us get close...
Earlgrette : But it looks like there won't be
a problem, thanks to this pass.
Matsuda : Hey, Issei! You're slow! Hurry it up! (0:12:15.54)
Motohama : But make sure not to enter the camera's view! (0:12:19.09)
Acerolanza : Jeez, what the heck?! (0:12:22.26)
Acerolanza : As expected of the thousand gates. (0:12:30.22)
Earlgrette : No matter how far you walk,
the Torii gates just keep going.
Earlgrette : This is still the entrance. (0:12:35.60)
Earlgrette : We have to pass through all these gates and
climb up the mountain to reach the top.
Matsuda : Seriously? (0:12:41.78)
Acerolanza : Sorry, I'm going on ahead. (0:12:47.99)
Acerolanza : So this is the top? (0:12:58.46)
Acerolanza : I hope I become the Harem King! (0:13:04.09)
Kunou : You are not one from Kyoto. (0:13:07.14)
Acerolanza : Oh, what's this? (0:13:09.85)
Acerolanza : Is she a fox? (0:13:15.10)
Kunou : Outsider! How dare you. (0:13:17.81)
Kunou : I will have you return Mother! (0:13:20.52)
Acerolanza : Huh? (0:13:23.82)
Acerolanza : What are you talking about?! (0:13:35.29)
Acerolanza : I don't know your mom! (0:13:36.67)
Kunou : Don't lie! You cannot deceive my eyes! (0:13:39.00)
Acerolanza : Xenovia! Irina! (0:14:04.90)
Earlgrette : Are you all right, Issei? (0:14:06.57)
Irina Shidou : These people are youkai, right? (0:14:08.07)
Asia Argento : Issei! (0:14:10.28)
Kunou : Impure existences of evil!
I will never forgive you!
Acerolanza : Asia! The substitute acknowledgement card! (0:14:17.16)
Asia Argento : Yes! (0:14:20.08)
Acerolanza : All right! Promotion, knight! (0:14:21.71)
Kunou : Attack! (0:14:28.47)
Acerolanza : This is Kyoto! (0:14:30.84)
Acerolanza : Please try your best not to harm
our opponents or the buildings!
Earlgrette : Roger! (0:14:34.97)
Ddraig : Boost! (0:14:40.98)
Ddraig : Boost! (0:14:42.40)
Ddraig : Boost! Explosion! (0:14:43.98)
Kunou : R-Retreat! (0:14:54.99)
Kunou : You evil existences! (0:14:57.25)
Kunou : I will have you give back my mother! (0:14:59.42)
Acerolanza : What was that all about? (0:15:10.01)
Azazel : Why were you attacked in Kyoto? (0:15:14.35)
Acerolanza : Who knows? I want to know the answer myself. (0:15:16.85)
Acerolanza : Should we report this to the president? (0:15:19.56)
Azazel : We still don't understand the situation. (0:15:22.10)
Azazel : I'll take care of how to report it. (0:15:25.65)
Acerolanza : I understand. (0:15:27.74)
Rossweisse : As a teacher and as a woman... (0:15:46.00)
Rossweisse : ...I will protect the bodies of the
female students with my life!
Acerolanza : Even though we are allies, this is
one thing I cannot back down on!
Acerolanza : I am going to sneak a peek of the woman's bath! (0:15:56.01)
Rossweisse : Then, it cannot be helped. (0:15:59.14)
Rossweisse : Your attacks are stronger than normal! (0:16:06.61)
Acerolanza : Rossweisse, if I can see the naked
bodies of my female classmates,
Acerolanza : I don't mind dying on my sword against you! (0:16:13.49)
Rossweisse : You have seen and touched the naked
bodies of Rias and Akeno every day.
Rossweisse : That should be enough! (0:16:21.66)
Acerolanza : That's that! This is this! (0:16:23.79)
Rossweisse : This is my last resort,
but I can ask Saji to stop you.
Rossweisse : I'll have him transform
into his Dragon King form.
Acerolanza : S-Saji?! You'd go that far... (0:16:37.39)
Acerolanza : Cut me a little slack! (0:16:41.14)
Acerolanza : If you have such a small heart,
you'll never get a boyfriend!
Rossweisse : B-B-B-B-Boyfriends have nothing to do with this! (0:16:48.27)
Rossweisse : I-I-I-I'm just an ex-Valkyrie virgin! (0:16:52.57)
Rossweisse : I want to do perverted things with a
boyfriend that has a bright future, too!
Acerolanza : This is bad! I pushed a weird trigger button! (0:17:00.87)
Rossweisse : I will no longer forgive you. (0:17:03.71)
Acerolanza : If it's come to this... (0:17:06.83)
Ddraig : Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! (0:17:09.42)
Ddraig : Explosion! (0:17:13.09)
Acerolanza : Tear apart! (0:17:19.81)
Acerolanza : Dress Break! (0:17:21.52)
Acerolanza : Oh! Nice proportions! (0:17:29.69)
Acerolanza : S-Sorry, I ended up going too far. (0:17:33.78)
Rossweisse : This jersey was on special sale! It was 980 yen! (0:17:36.20)
Acerolanza : Huh? You're mad about that?! (0:17:40.62)
Rossweisse : It was cheap, but cute and I really liked it! (0:17:41.95)
Rossweisse : Oh, no! I won't be able to get married! (0:17:45.96)
Acerolanza : So slow on the uptake... (0:17:48.88)
Rossweisse : Leave me alone! To begin with,
it's bad to rip up clothes!
Rossweisse : It's bad for the environment, too! (0:17:55.63)
Rossweisse : --As your teacher, I just can't forgive you! (0:17:57.43)
Acerolanza : --Even so, those are some awesome boobs.
--As your teacher, I just can't forgive you!
Rossweisse : --Even so, those are some awesome boobs.
--As your teacher, I just can't forgive you!
Acerolanza : --Even so, those are some awesome boobs.
--Issei, are you listening to me?
Rossweisse : --Even so, those are some awesome boobs.
--Issei, are you listening to me?
Acerolanza : They are a good rival to the President's. (0:18:03.06)
Rias Gremory : What is it, Akeno? (0:18:09.69)
Akeno Himejima : I wonder why Issei gets
stronger with your breasts?
Rias Gremory : Huh? (0:18:15.57)
Akeno Himejima : I wonder if it's the size? (0:18:16.36)
Rias Gremory : My, but yours are larger than mine. (0:18:17.95)
Rias Gremory : Right, Koneko? (0:18:20.91)
Orangeo : I don't really see a difference. (0:18:22.62)
Orangeo : Perhaps Akeno's are just slightly larger. (0:18:24.95)
Akeno Himejima : Oh, is that so? (0:18:28.71)
Akeno Himejima : Then, could it be the shape? (0:18:31.21)
Rias Gremory : Hey, Akeno?! (0:18:33.59)
Akeno Himejima : Or the softness? (0:18:35.17)
Rias Gremory : Now, stop it. Hey! (0:18:39.84)
Akeno Himejima : I wonder how the left one is. (0:18:42.22)
Rias Gremory : --You're squeezing my left stronger than my right! (0:18:43.60)
Rias Gremory : --I wonder why. How frustrating.
--You're squeezing my left stronger than my right!
Akeno Himejima : --I wonder why. How frustrating.
--You're squeezing my left stronger than my right!
Akeno Himejima : Issei should like mine better. (0:18:47.23)
Rias Gremory : That's not true, Issei likes mine better! (0:18:49.81)
Akeno Himejima : --No way.
--Mine have more resilience!
Rias Gremory : --No way.
--Mine have more resilience!
Rias Gremory : Goodness, Akeno! (0:18:59.53)
Akeno Himejima : Rias, you get adamant so easily. (0:19:02.53)
Rias Gremory : I can't believe there's still two
whole days until Issei comes home.
Rossweisse : Your sexual desire is too strong! (0:19:13.50)
Rossweisse : Hey, are you listening?! (0:19:16.63)
Acerolanza : Oh, yeah. (0:19:18.80)
Azazel : I'm coming in. (0:19:20.76)
Acerolanza : Azazel! (0:19:23.76)
Azazel : Sorry for interrupting your fun. (0:19:25.51)
Rossweisse : Y-You're wrong! (0:19:27.64)
Acerolanza : So, why are you here? (0:19:29.56)
Azazel : Our little Great Devil Queen is
calling for all of us to gather.
Genshirou Saji : Oh, Hyodo. (0:19:38.28)
Acerolanza : Hey, Saji. How'd you like Kyoto? (0:19:39.82)
Genshirou Saji : I'm part of the student council. (0:19:42.11)
Genshirou Saji : I was helping the teachers and
didn't get a chance to go anywhere.
Acerolanza : Even during trips, it must be hard on you. (0:19:47.08)
Serafall Leviathan : Here! (0:19:49.71)
Serafall Leviathan : The poultry here is exceptional!
Eat up, everyone!
Acerolanza : Lady Leviathan, why are you here? (0:19:55.59)
Serafall Leviathan : For work. I came to forge an alliance
with the youkai of Kyoto.
Serafall Leviathan : It's just, something terrible has happened. (0:20:05.18)
Yuuto Kiba : Something terrible? (0:20:08.81)
Serafall Leviathan : The leader of the Kyoto youkai, (0:20:10.31)
Serafall Leviathan : a nine-tailed who kept them
all together, has gone missing.
Acerolanza : That... (0:20:16.23)
Irina Shidou : Could it be... (0:20:17.48)
Asia Argento : At Fushimi Inari... (0:20:18.78)
Earlgrette : That attack on us... (0:20:20.40)
Genshirou Saji : Oh, seems like things were
pretty tough for you, too.
Serafall Leviathan : I heard your report from Azazel. (0:20:27.08)
Serafall Leviathan : I believe it to be the case. (0:20:31.00)
Azazel : The ones behind it are probably... (0:20:33.17)
Serafall Leviathan : The Chaos Brigade. (0:20:35.75)
Acerolanza : Chaos Brigade... (0:20:38.00)
Azazel : Damn, our hands are full taking
care of the students right now!
Azazel : They really got us this time. (0:20:44.76)
Serafall Leviathan : There are youkai that are
willing to help us in Kyoto.
Serafall Leviathan : We plan to help them through those contacts. (0:20:50.60)
Azazel : I'll move as well. (0:20:54.60)
Acerolanza : U-Um, what should we do? (0:20:55.98)
Azazel : For now, enjoy the trip. (0:20:58.52)
Acerolanza : Huh? But... (0:21:00.73)
Azazel : I'll call for you if something happens. (0:21:02.57)
Azazel : For brats like you, aren't class
trips important memories?
Azazel : We adults will do what we can,
so enjoy Kyoto for now.
Acerolanza : Azazel... (0:21:14.12)
Serafall Leviathan : That's right, make sure to
enjoy Kyoto to the fullest!
Serafall Leviathan : I plan to do the same! (0:21:19.71)
Serafall Leviathan : Now, let's enjoy the food! (0:21:22.72)
Acerolanza : For now, we can only fill
our bellies! Well, then!
EXTRA : Thanks for the food! (0:21:29.35)
Acerolanza : People who wish to destroy the
current system, the Chaos Brigade.
Acerolanza : It isn't only made up of the Old Satan Faction. (0:21:42.78)
Acerolanza : There are others, too. (0:21:46.66)
Earlgrette : Looks like things are more
serious than we thought.
Yuuto Kiba : Yes, we should prepare ourselves
for the worst-case scenario.
Asia Argento : Yes, even if big sister Rias isn't here... (0:21:56.21)
Acerolanza : I want to protect the city of Kyoto
that President loves so much!
Acerolanza : The party of heroes! (0:23:36.70)

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