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Berocas : Sir... (0:00:15.28)
Berocas : This slave here is my recommendation. (0:00:17.53)
Berocas : It's level 75. (0:00:26.62)
Naofumi Iwatani : That's close to twenty times my level. (0:00:28.93)
Naofumi Iwatani : How much for this one? (0:00:32.31)
Berocas : Well, it is highly capable in battle. (0:00:33.46)
Berocas : How does 15 gold pieces sound? (0:00:37.71)
Naofumi Iwatani : Showing me your most expensive slave
knowing that I can't afford it, huh?
Berocas : Indeed. You're sure to become
one of my best patrons,
Berocas : so I need you to develop
a keen eye, you see.
Berocas : Well... (0:00:53.63)
Berocas : Now that you've seen my best, (0:00:54.70)
Berocas : let me ask you: what kind
of slave would you like?
Naofumi Iwatani : One that's cheap and obedient. (0:01:01.46)
Berocas : In other words, (0:01:04.54)
Berocas : a demi-human? (0:01:05.91)
Berocas : These aren't suited for
combat or manual labor.
Naofumi Iwatani : If I need them in battle, I'll train them. (0:01:12.30)
Berocas : That's an amusing response, (0:01:14.72)
Berocas : when you don't believe in people. (0:01:16.83)
Naofumi Iwatani : But slaves aren't people. (0:01:19.26)
Naofumi Iwatani : Training one is no different
than upgrading my shield.
Berocas : Well, you've got me there. (0:01:25.36)
Berocas : These are the cheapest
slaves I can offer you.
Berocas : From the left... (0:01:33.50)
Naofumi Iwatani : Raise your head. (0:01:34.65)
Berocas : That half-raccoon is diseased
and has a mental disorder.
Berocas : I'm having a real hard time with her myself. (0:01:45.98)
Berocas : Her previous owner loved
his torture, you see.
Berocas : I doubt she'll last much longer. (0:01:54.71)
Naofumi Iwatani : I've decided. (0:01:57.60)
Naofumi Iwatani : I'll take this one. (0:01:59.92)
EXTRA : The Slave Girl (0:03:35.65)
Berocas : Let's begin. (0:03:38.69)
Naofumi Iwatani : Hey... (0:03:55.77)
Berocas : Worry not. (0:03:56.74)
Berocas : The pain will dissipate soon. (0:03:58.44)
Berocas : The slave crest on her chest makes
it impossible for her to defy you.
EXTRA : Acquired Slave A. (0:04:08.35)
EXTRA : Slave
EXTRA : Monster
Naofumi Iwatani : "Party member settings"? (0:04:12.26)
Berocas : Now this girl is all yours. (0:04:13.83)
Naofumi Iwatani : Thirty silvers, right? (0:04:17.46)
Berocas : There's one extra in here. (0:04:24.80)
Naofumi Iwatani : That's your commission. (0:04:26.87)
Naofumi Iwatani : You were going to wring it out
of me anyway, weren't you?
Berocas : You certainly know your stuff. (0:04:30.98)
Naofumi Iwatani : Well, I guess I should know your name. (0:04:33.12)
Naofumi Iwatani : Tell me your name. (0:04:37.54)
Naofumi Iwatani : What's your name? (0:04:40.17)
Raphtalia : R-Raphtalia... (0:04:41.88)
Naofumi Iwatani : Raphtalia, huh? (0:04:44.63)
Naofumi Iwatani : Let's go. (0:04:48.01)
Berocas : I'm looking forward to your next visit. (0:04:51.31)
Berocas : So he really did choose her. (0:04:58.15)
Berocas : I'm getting goosebumps! (0:05:00.77)
Elhart : Welcome! (0:05:05.49)
Elhart : Oh, it's you, kid. (0:05:08.62)
Elhart : Hey, hey... What's with the girl? (0:05:11.91)
Naofumi Iwatani : Give me a weapon she can use. (0:05:16.75)
Naofumi Iwatani : Keep it under six silvers. (0:05:19.34)
Naofumi Iwatani : Took you long enough. (0:05:23.67)
Raphtalia : I-I'm sorry. (0:05:25.55)
Naofumi Iwatani : Whatever. (0:05:27.80)
Naofumi Iwatani : Raphtalia, draw your knife. (0:05:29.43)
Naofumi Iwatani : Let me see you stab and burst this thing. (0:05:36.24)
Raphtalia : N-No... (0:05:38.31)
Naofumi Iwatani : This is an order! (0:05:40.27)
Naofumi Iwatani : You only hurt yourself by refusing. (0:05:45.94)
Naofumi Iwatani : Do it! (0:05:48.82)
Naofumi Iwatani : Too weak! (0:05:55.33)
Naofumi Iwatani : Put more heart in it! (0:05:56.41)
Naofumi Iwatani : Do it! (0:05:58.62)
Naofumi Iwatani : Huh? I got EXP, too? (0:06:07.26)
Elhart : Probably because you set her as a
companion when forming the pact.
Elhart : Wait, you didn't do that
with the lady from before?
Naofumi Iwatani : Damn that woman... (0:06:17.56)
Naofumi Iwatani : Listen up. (0:06:19.78)
Naofumi Iwatani : From here on out, I expect you
to fight monsters for me.
Naofumi Iwatani : I bought you with what little money I had. (0:06:27.11)
Naofumi Iwatani : You'd better help me recoup
your cost, at least.
Elhart : Kid, you're not going to
die a painless death.
Naofumi Iwatani : Thanks for the compliment. (0:06:35.66)
Naofumi Iwatani : Quit sitting around. Let's go. (0:06:39.16)
Raphtalia : Y-Yes! (0:06:41.42)
Elhart : Sheesh... (0:06:45.09)
Elhart : I don't know whether it's our country to blame,
or if the kid's just been corrupted.
Naofumi Iwatani : Three silvers left... (0:06:53.01)
EXTRA : Get a move on! (0:06:57.31)
EXTRA : We don't have all day, you little shits! (0:07:00.39)
EXTRA : What's wrong with you, you moron?! (0:07:04.86)
EXTRA : I'm sorry! (0:07:06.40)
Naofumi Iwatani : Are you hungry? (0:07:08.61)
Raphtalia : No. (0:07:10.53)
Naofumi Iwatani : You can't fight on an empty stomach. (0:07:11.47)
Naofumi Iwatani : Let's get some lunch. (0:07:13.78)
EXTRA : We don't serve demi-humans. (0:07:19.71)
Raphtalia : U-Um... (0:07:20.91)
Naofumi Iwatani : What's wrong? (0:07:22.42)
Raphtalia : This place... (0:07:23.33)
Naofumi Iwatani : Hurry up! (0:07:24.25)
EXTRA : Welcome! (0:07:28.74)
EXTRA : Ack, it's the Shield Hero... (0:07:30.47)
EXTRA : Is he the rapist? (0:07:32.55)
EXTRA : Keep it down! He'll hear you! (0:07:34.14)
Naofumi Iwatani : Can I order? (0:07:35.35)
EXTRA : Huh? I-I guess... (0:07:36.66)
EXTRA : Look, it's a demi-human. (0:07:39.07)
EXTRA : Why's a demi here? (0:07:40.75)
Naofumi Iwatani : The cheapest lunch set you have. (0:07:41.02)
EXTRA : Someone kick her out! (0:07:42.44)
Naofumi Iwatani : And she'll have whatever that kid's having. (0:07:44.06)
EXTRA : That'll be nine coppers. (0:07:47.69)
Naofumi Iwatani : Sure. (0:07:49.74)
Raphtalia : Why? (0:07:54.28)
Naofumi Iwatani : Did you want something else? (0:07:55.91)
Raphtalia : Why are you getting it for me? (0:07:58.45)
Naofumi Iwatani : Because you looked like
you wanted to try it.
EXTRA : Here's your food. (0:08:07.13)
Naofumi Iwatani : Aren't you going to eat? (0:08:13.43)
Raphtalia : Can I really? (0:08:14.59)
Naofumi Iwatani : Yes, just eat up. (0:08:18.64)
Naofumi Iwatani : Drink this. (0:08:36.28)
Naofumi Iwatani : Is it good? (0:08:45.92)
Raphtalia : Yeah! (0:08:48.34)
Naofumi Iwatani : I still don't taste a thing. (0:08:55.01)
Naofumi Iwatani : Raphtalia! (0:08:59.43)
Raphtalia : Y-Yes! (0:09:00.80)
Naofumi Iwatani : Now! (0:09:07.56)
EXTRA : Skill
EXTRA : Mastery
Naofumi Iwatani : Blending ability, huh? (0:09:19.07)
Naofumi Iwatani : That might come in handy. (0:09:21.66)
Raphtalia : Master... (0:09:24.20)
Raphtalia : Who are you? (0:09:26.96)
Naofumi Iwatani : A hero. The shield one. (0:09:30.46)
Raphtalia : You mean... One of the Four Cardinal Heroes? (0:09:32.92)
Naofumi Iwatani : Yeah. (0:09:36.13)
EXTRA : Raphtalia... (0:09:38.89)
EXTRA : Do you know of the four legendary heroes? (0:09:41.22)
Raphtalia : Yep! The ones with the sword,
the bow, and the spear...
Raphtalia : And then, the one with the shield! (0:09:47.98)
EXTRA : Correct. (0:09:50.02)
EXTRA : The Shield Hero, in particular,
treated us demi-humans very well.
Raphtalia : Really? I'd like to meet him. (0:09:56.24)
EXTRA : If you're a good girl, I'm sure
you'll meet him one day.
Raphtalia : The Shield Hero... (0:10:09.38)
Raphtalia : U-Um... What is your name? (0:10:12.34)
Naofumi Iwatani : Iwatani Naofumi. (0:10:15.26)
Raphtalia : Iwatani... Naofumi. (0:10:17.17)
Naofumi Iwatani : Drink this. (0:10:21.89)
Naofumi Iwatani : It's a medicine I blended. (0:10:24.85)
Naofumi Iwatani : Apparently, it can cure mild colds. (0:10:26.73)
Naofumi Iwatani : Drink it. (0:10:29.27)
Raphtalia : So bitter! (0:10:35.65)
Naofumi Iwatani : Good medicine tastes bitter. (0:10:36.69)
Naofumi Iwatani : Just drink it all. (0:10:38.95)
EXTRA : We're sorry, Raphtalia. (0:11:03.64)
EXTRA : We want you to live, Raphtalia. (0:11:06.72)
EXTRA : Please forgive our selfishness. (0:11:10.23)
Raphtalia : No! (0:11:19.53)
Raphtalia : Dad! Mom! (0:11:22.32)
Naofumi Iwatani : What's wrong? (0:11:24.62)
Naofumi Iwatani : Calm down! (0:11:26.29)
Raphtalia : No... Help... (0:11:27.24)
Naofumi Iwatani : Just calm down. (0:11:27.83)
Raphtalia : No! Dad, Mom! (0:11:30.50)
Naofumi Iwatani : Don't cry. (0:11:32.54)
Naofumi Iwatani : It's okay. (0:11:35.92)
Naofumi Iwatani : It's all right. (0:11:39.01)
Herbalist : The quality's not bad. (0:11:45.35)
Herbalist : Are you well versed in
making medicines, Sir Hero?
Naofumi Iwatani : Yesterday was my first try. (0:11:51.44)
Herbalist : Oh? (0:11:53.40)
Naofumi Iwatani : Which is more profitable,
selling herbs or medicine?
Herbalist : Due to the Wave's impact,
medicine is flying off the shelves lately,
Herbalist : so I'd pay more for medicine than for herbs. (0:12:02.28)
Naofumi Iwatani : I see. (0:12:05.49)
Herbalist : In total, this is worth four silvers. (0:12:08.29)
Naofumi Iwatani : Say, do you have any tools
you don't use anymore?
EXTRA : Here we go! (0:12:14.67)
EXTRA : Okay! (0:12:15.75)
EXTRA : One, two... (0:12:16.46)
Naofumi Iwatani : Raphtalia. (0:12:17.42)
EXTRA : Hup! (0:12:18.17)
Naofumi Iwatani : Do you want one of those balls? (0:12:20.05)
Raphtalia : N-Not at all! (0:12:23.18)
Raphtalia : I don't want it at all! (0:12:24.80)
Naofumi Iwatani : So she wants one, huh? (0:12:29.10)
Naofumi Iwatani : You can play with it after
we're done with work.
Raphtalia : Thank you! (0:12:37.98)
EXTRA : Coming! (0:12:41.07)
EXTRA : Uh, the Shield Hero... (0:12:42.24)
Naofumi Iwatani : I'd like to rent a room. (0:12:44.53)
Naofumi Iwatani : My companion might scream at night, though. (0:12:46.07)
Naofumi Iwatani : You will let us stay, right? (0:12:50.37)
EXTRA : O-Of course! I'll prepare a room at once! (0:12:53.12)
Naofumi Iwatani : I have to find a way to survive before
the next Wave of Catastrophe hits.
Naofumi Iwatani : All right. We can go a little
deeper into the forest now...
Naofumi Iwatani : A rabbit? (0:13:45.34)
Naofumi Iwatani : Watch out! (0:13:47.47)
Naofumi Iwatani : Now, Raphtalia! Stab it! (0:13:49.35)
Naofumi Iwatani : What's wrong? Get on with it! (0:13:53.35)
Raphtalia : B-But... It'll bleed if I do... (0:13:55.43)
Naofumi Iwatani : Hurry up! (0:13:58.60)
Raphtalia : I'm scared of blood! (0:13:59.65)
Naofumi Iwatani : Listen well. (0:14:05.15)
Naofumi Iwatani : If you can't fight, then I
won't be able to look after you anymore.
Naofumi Iwatani : A Wave that threatens the world's
existence is coming soon.
Naofumi Iwatani : I have to get as strong
as I can before it does.
Naofumi Iwatani : But defense is all I'm good for. (0:14:18.96)
Naofumi Iwatani : I need someone to fight for me. (0:14:21.88)
Naofumi Iwatani : If you can't do it, I'll get someone else. (0:14:25.05)
Naofumi Iwatani : So... (0:14:29.39)
Raphtalia : You're going to fight the Catastrophe? (0:14:30.26)
Naofumi Iwatani : That is my job. (0:14:32.89)
Raphtalia : Got it. (0:14:36.14)
Raphtalia : Master... I'll fight for you. (0:14:50.86)
Raphtalia : So please don't throw me away. (0:14:55.29)
Naofumi Iwatani : All right. (0:14:58.66)
Naofumi Iwatani : This is reality. (0:15:01.08)
Naofumi Iwatani : Not a game. (0:15:03.21)
Naofumi Iwatani : If I want to live, I have
no choice but to fight!
Naofumi Iwatani : Sell us a new weapon for this amount. (0:15:10.59)
Elhart : Time to get the little miss a sword, then. (0:15:12.64)
Elhart : One on the short side would
be good to start off.
Elhart : How about this? (0:15:21.31)
Elhart : It's a short sword made of iron. (0:15:22.73)
Naofumi Iwatani : Boss... (0:15:25.19)
Naofumi Iwatani : Is there a town or village nearby that
we can travel to with our equipment?
Elhart : Well, with your stuff, it'd have to be here. (0:15:30.61)
EXTRA : The Village of Lute (0:15:35.66)
Naofumi Iwatani : How much? (0:15:39.29)
EXTRA : Around two silvers in all, I'd say. (0:15:40.91)
Naofumi Iwatani : Is that so? (0:15:45.17)
Naofumi Iwatani : Hey, do you know of any spots nearby
when you can earn a lot of money quick?
EXTRA : Hmm... (0:15:50.84)
EXTRA : The ores from that coal pit over there
should fetch a decent amount, but...
Naofumi Iwatani : Is there a catch? (0:15:58.60)
EXTRA : Ever since the first Wave, it's become
home to a bunch of dangerous monsters.
EXTRA : Nobody dares approach it anymore. (0:16:04.81)
Naofumi Iwatani : I see. (0:16:07.40)
EXTRA : Sheesh! I don't know what our
summoned "heroes" are even doing.
EXTRA : Skill
EXTRA : Mastery
Naofumi Iwatani : It's got an exclusive effect and skill, huh? (0:16:23.21)
Naofumi Iwatani : Rope Shield... Not exactly
what I'd call a creative name.
EXTRA : Skill
Can be activated at the cost of SP.
Can also be quick cast by shortening pronunciation or using crystals.
Naofumi Iwatani : All right. (0:16:34.72)
Naofumi Iwatani : Air Strike Shield! (0:16:36.97)
Raphtalia : Master? (0:16:44.84)
Naofumi Iwatani : It's nothing. Let's go. (0:16:48.15)
Naofumi Iwatani : There are dangerous
monsters here, apparently.
Naofumi Iwatani : The moment things go south, we run. (0:16:59.03)
Naofumi Iwatani : You'd better keep up. (0:17:01.04)
Raphtalia : Okay! (0:17:02.54)
Raphtalia : U... (0:17:04.83)
Raphtalia : Um... (0:17:05.67)
Naofumi Iwatani : What is it? (0:17:06.75)
Raphtalia : How should I address you, Master? (0:17:08.13)
Naofumi Iwatani : Call me whatever. (0:17:12.30)
Raphtalia : Th-Then... (0:17:13.72)
Naofumi Iwatani : Is this the place? (0:17:19.72)
Naofumi Iwatani : All right. (0:17:22.73)
Raphtalia : Are those... (0:17:29.11)
Naofumi Iwatani : This will fetch a pretty penny. (0:17:31.53)
Naofumi Iwatani : Raphtalia, let's try over there next... (0:17:33.90)
Raphtalia : No! (0:17:45.83)
Naofumi Iwatani : You okay? (0:18:01.68)
Raphtalia : D-Dog monster... (0:18:03.14)
Raphtalia : Killed all the villagers,
even Dad and Mom...
Naofumi Iwatani : During the first Wave, huh? (0:18:10.56)
Naofumi Iwatani : So that's why she starts
crying every night.
Naofumi Iwatani : Is that the same dog that
killed your parents?
Raphtalia : No... (0:18:26.41)
Naofumi Iwatani : Listen, Raphtalia. (0:18:27.50)
Naofumi Iwatani : Take that thing out here and now. (0:18:29.75)
Naofumi Iwatani : If you fight and make me stronger, (0:18:33.80)
Naofumi Iwatani : we can fend off the Waves of Catastrophe
and prevent that tragedy from reoccurring.
Naofumi Iwatani : Your parents won't ever come back. (0:18:40.97)
Naofumi Iwatani : But we can prevent other kids
from going through what you did.
Naofumi Iwatani : And all I'm capable of is making
sure you can fight as best you can!
Naofumi Iwatani : Now, Raphtalia! (0:18:59.24)
Naofumi Iwatani : Stab it with your sword! (0:19:02.66)
Naofumi Iwatani : Now! (0:19:04.54)
Raphtalia : No... (0:19:06.50)
Naofumi Iwatani : If I die, so will you! (0:19:09.29)
Raphtalia : Please no! (0:19:12.13)
Naofumi Iwatani : Then hurry up and kill it! (0:19:12.96)
Naofumi Iwatani : This is an order! (0:19:15.30)
Naofumi Iwatani : Raphtalia, forget it. (0:19:32.27)
Naofumi Iwatani : If you can't fight, then get out of here. (0:19:35.65)
Raphtalia : But what about you? (0:19:39.24)
Naofumi Iwatani : I'll buy time for you to escape. (0:19:40.65)
Raphtalia : What? (0:19:43.66)
Raphtalia : That'd be just like then... (0:19:46.04)
Naofumi Iwatani : Hurry up and go! (0:19:51.04)
Raphtalia : Master! (0:19:52.58)
Raphtalia : No... (0:19:55.92)
Raphtalia : No! (0:19:58.13)
Raphtalia : Don't go! (0:20:03.47)
Raphtalia : Don't leave me! (0:20:06.97)
Raphtalia : Don't die! (0:20:14.86)
Naofumi Iwatani : Air Strike Shield! (0:20:25.62)
Naofumi Iwatani : Raphtalia! (0:20:28.99)
Naofumi Iwatani : Well done. (0:20:41.13)
Raphtalia : Naofumi-sama! (0:20:48.38)
Naofumi Iwatani : Hey, even with the shield's power,
the wound still hurts!
Raphtalia : Don't ever die! Please don't leave me alone! (0:20:55.85)
Raphtalia : Naofumi-sama! (0:20:59.81)
Naofumi Iwatani : She chose my name, huh? (0:21:01.69)
Naofumi Iwatani : You attack, and I defend. (0:21:04.91)
Naofumi Iwatani : That way, neither of us will die. (0:21:08.08)
Raphtalia : Right. (0:21:10.87)
Naofumi Iwatani : We're leaving once I feed
this monster to my shield.
Raphtalia : Okay, Naofumi-sama. (0:21:15.67)
Naofumi Iwatani : Get off already. (0:21:20.38)
Raphtalia : A bit longer... (0:21:22.09)
Naofumi Iwatani : The ore made us a lot of money,
so you can eat all you want.
Raphtalia : Thank you! (0:23:04.27)
Naofumi Iwatani : Is it good? (0:23:07.03)
Raphtalia : Yeah! (0:23:08.15)
Naofumi Iwatani : I see. (0:23:09.91)
Raphtalia : Naofumi-sama... (0:23:15.15)
Raphtalia : Let's survive, no matter what! (0:23:18.17)
Naofumi Iwatani : Of course. (0:23:20.57)
Naofumi Iwatani : Here. A kids' lunch... (0:23:25.30)
Naofumi Iwatani : isn't complete without this. (0:23:28.84)
EXTRA : Wave of Catastrophe (0:23:36.18)

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