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Mariana : I'm done cleaning! (0:00:21.64)
Mariana : Next... (0:00:24.14)
Mariana : I'm done preparing breakfast,
Master Danblf.
Mariana : It's going to get cold, Master Danblf. (0:00:40.66)
Solomon : You're Danblf, right? (0:02:21.22)
Mira : Yes. (0:02:24.85)
Mira : You are laughing too much! (0:02:29.73)
Solomon : Of course I am! (0:02:31.44)
Solomon : Of course I am! (0:02:32.65)
Solomon : That Danblf got turned into this thing! (0:02:33.27)
Solomon : That Danblf got turned into this thing! (0:02:34.86)
Solomon : I can't help but laugh about that! (0:02:36.94)
Solomon : Man! When I found your name
on the Friends List,
Solomon : I practically jumped for joy, (0:02:46.08)
Solomon : but later, when the person who appeared
with Danblf's Master Key...
Solomon : ...turned out to be this cutesy girl,
a blatant reflection of your tastes...
Mira : How could I have let this happen? (0:02:58.67)
Mira : I only did it on a whim. (0:03:01.51)
Mira : I was playing with a Vanity Case I bought
with e-credits that was about to expire,
Mira : but... I fell asleep in
the middle of it and...
Mira : When I woke up,
I looked like this travesty!
Mira : Even worse, I can't go back
because I don't have the Vanity Case!
Solomon : Then, there's no way. You're stuck! (0:03:18.82)
Mira : Darn it, you are laughing too much! (0:03:22.66)
Solomon : Sorry, sorry. (0:03:24.62)
Solomon : But I haven't laughed
like this in a long time.
Solomon : Yes, in about 30 years. (0:03:29.54)
Mira : I had expected something of the sort. (0:03:35.17)
Mira : The townscape has changed quite a lot. (0:03:37.80)
Mira : What's happened besides me? (0:03:42.18)
Mira : I see... (0:03:47.39)
Mira : So, you have been protecting
this kingdom all by yourself.
Luminaria : Hey! (0:03:52.52)
Luminaria : Danblf's come back? (0:03:54.06)
Mira : Luminaria?! (0:03:56.52)
Mira : Hey, Solomon! (0:03:58.98)
Solomon : I didn't say she wasn't here.
Only Luminaria came back earlier.
Luminaria : Who is this beautiful girl? (0:04:08.16)
Solomon : Danblf. (0:04:10.66)
Luminaria : Huh? (0:04:12.87)
Luminaria : What the heck? You're crazy cute! (0:04:14.75)
Mira : Stop that! (0:04:17.92)
Luminaria : Oh, when I say "crazy cute," (0:04:19.38)
Luminaria : I mean that you're so cute,
I want to do crazy things to you!
Mira : Stop that, Loony-naria! (0:04:24.05)
Solomon : Hey, why don't we eat soon? (0:04:28.68)
Solomon : There's a lot I want to talk about. (0:04:31.14)
Mira : Y-Yes. (0:04:32.77)
Solomon : Isn't that delicious? (0:04:40.61)
Mira : Mm-hm! (0:04:42.11)
Luminaria : It's Solomon's favorite. (0:04:43.40)
Solomon : Yeah. I suppose it's one of my pleasures
since things became this way.
Mira : Since things became this way... (0:04:48.70)
Mira : So, it's as I suspected. (0:04:51.20)
Solomon : Yes, since that day 30 years ago,
the world has been very different.
Solomon : Our senses of taste and smell both work. (0:04:57.38)
Solomon : Even though it's supposed
to be just a VRMMO.
Mira : What exactly is this world? (0:05:04.51)
Solomon : I don't know. (0:05:07.93)
Mira : After 30 years here? (0:05:09.43)
Solomon : I could make a hypothesis,
but I don't have time to prove it.
Solomon : After all, I didn't have you guys,
the key to our kingdom's defense.
Solomon : These 30 years, it's all I could do
just to keep this kingdom going.
Mira : I feel rather bad about that. (0:05:24.65)
Luminaria : I've worked hard for 20 years, too. (0:05:26.57)
Mira : My most profound apologies. (0:05:28.41)
Solomon : Let's talk about the future instead. (0:05:30.41)
Solomon : I have a request for you, in particular. (0:05:32.95)
Mira : A request for me? (0:05:35.08)
Solomon : Yes. (0:05:37.33)
Solomon : For that reason, you have
to get used to this world.
Mira : Get used to...? (0:05:42.25)
Solomon : First, this will come
as unwelcome news to you,
Solomon : but "Floating Islands" aren't
available to us anymore.
Mira : What?! (0:05:57.64)
Luminaria : That was rough. (0:05:59.06)
Mira : M-My collection... (0:06:01.52)
Solomon : Fortunately, the storeroom in the
Tower of the Wise Man seems safe,
Solomon : so go check it later. (0:06:07.45)
Solomon : Also, one more thing. (0:06:11.37)
Solomon : In a sense, you could say
this is the biggest change.
Mira : There's even more? (0:06:16.96)
Mariana : Master Danblf! (0:06:32.22)
Mariana : Welcome back, Master Danblf! (0:06:33.72)
Mariana : What? You're not Master Danblf? (0:06:38.52)
Mariana : But only Master Danblf
can open the lock here.
Mira : That was a good one. However... (0:06:45.98)
Mira : This is the Mariana I knew from before? (0:06:50.74)
Solomon : I'll come straight to the point. (0:06:56.54)
Solomon : The NPCs are alive. (0:06:58.96)
Mira : What do you mean? (0:07:01.08)
Luminaria : He means just that. (0:07:02.17)
Luminaria : They can be happy. They can be sad.
They're no different from us.
Solomon : Well, you'll see when
you actually meet one.
Mira : It's true. She did not react
in this way before.
Mariana : Perhaps you stole the key
from Master Danblf?!
Mira : I did not! (0:07:19.43)
Mariana : Then, you are...? (0:07:22.19)
Mira : Me? I am... (0:07:24.98)
Solomon : Oh, yes, yes. For now,
let's keep you being Danblf a secret.
Mira : Why? (0:07:34.16)
Luminaria : With such a cutesy Danblf, the other
kingdoms won't take us seriously.
Solomon : It'll also be confusing for our citizens. (0:07:39.91)
Mira : It certainly wouldn't be good
to undermine Danblf's dignity.
Mira : So, what should I do? (0:07:47.63)
Solomon : Right. For the time being... (0:07:48.96)
Mira : I am Danblf's pupil... (0:07:55.39)
Mira : ...Mira! (0:07:58.01)
Mariana : Master Danblf's pupil? (0:08:03.77)
Mira : Yes! (0:08:07.27)
Mariana : So, where is Master Danblf? (0:08:15.07)
Mira : That's... Oh, that's right! (0:08:17.16)
Mira : He's withdrawn to
the Mystic City of Beasts
Mira : to raise a new summoning spirit! (0:08:23.33)
Mariana : A new summoning spirit... (0:08:26.46)
Mira : Danblf cannot return for some time. (0:08:28.75)
Mira : But not to worry.
He has told me about you.
Mariana : What? (0:08:34.68)
Mira : You looked after the Master's estate,
so it did not go to ruin.
Mira : For all these 30 long years. (0:08:42.10)
Mira : On behalf of my master, Danblf, (0:08:46.65)
Mira : let me thank you. (0:08:50.73)
Mira : I am grateful for the care
you have shown, Mariana.
Mariana : Master Danblf... Miss Mira... (0:08:58.45)
Mariana : Your words are more than I deserve. (0:09:02.79)
Mariana : I've... waited for so long. (0:09:05.79)
Mariana : It has all been worth it. (0:09:09.63)
Mira : Yes. (0:09:12.34)
Mira : This is a bit different from when I was
role-playing with Solomon and the others.
Mira : It doesn't just thrill. It hurts. (0:09:26.19)
Mira : I am sorry, Mariana. (0:09:30.15)
Mira : I lied. (0:09:36.28)
Mira : No matter how hard I try,
I cannot avoid it. I know...
Mira : I know this, but still, I... (0:09:47.75)
Mira : And I used to be so full of dignity... (0:10:07.44)
Mira : To succumb to the urge
to pee is mortifying.
Mira : But I cannot fight it. (0:10:17.90)
Mariana : Miss Mira, is something the matter? (0:10:20.62)
Mariana : I heard you saying something!
Are you all right?
Mira : It's nothing. I just spoke
a bit without meaning to.
Mariana : Oh, really? (0:10:30.75)
Mariana : Then, please excuse me. (0:10:32.63)
Mira : Right. (0:10:34.59)
Mira : I had no idea she was such a worrywart.
I suppose one can never tell.
Mariana : Miss Mira! (0:10:42.39)
Mira : As I said, I just spoke
a bit without meaning to
Mira : and it's nothing to worry about... (0:10:46.81)
Mariana : Oh, no. There is a messenger on
horseback from the royal capital.
Mariana : It seems King Solomon wishes to see you. (0:10:52.27)
Mira : What's this? (0:10:55.23)
Solomon : I believe you have all heard, (0:10:58.82)
Solomon : but she is the pupil of Danblf. (0:11:01.32)
Mira : I am Mira. It is a pleasure to meet you. (0:11:04.49)
Solomon : Now, I have summoned her here
for one reason and one reason alone.
Solomon : Suleiman. (0:11:15.63)
Suleiman : Yes. (0:11:16.63)
Suleiman : Several days ago, (0:11:17.80)
Suleiman : we observed the appearance of
packs of monsters in our kingdom.
Mira : Packs of monsters? (0:11:23.05)
Suleiman : Yes, packs in two places. (0:11:24.85)
Suleiman : Of which, one is a pack of about
800 monsters in the northwest.
Suleiman : Mistress Luminaria is headed there. (0:11:30.89)
Mira : I hope the map doesn't change again. (0:11:33.27)
Suleiman : And in the region with the flower fields
to the north, a pack of 200.
Suleiman : A Lesser Demon has been confirmed there. (0:11:40.65)
Mira : A Lesser Demon? (0:11:44.24)
Solomon : I want to leave vanquishing
them to you, Mira.
Mira : Mm-hm. (0:11:50.00)
Reynard : Please wait, Your Majesty! (0:11:51.08)
Reynard : This suspicious nobody of a young girl
cannot be entrusted with this.
Solomon : That is true. (0:12:00.47)
Solomon : Mira, if you profess
to be Danblf's pupil,
Solomon : show us your power. Understood? (0:12:06.26)
Mira : As you wish, (0:12:12.39)
Mira : King Solomon. (0:12:14.52)
Mira : What is this? (0:12:25.32)
Garrett : This is none other than the secret
weapon of our Kingdom of Alcait,
Garrett : the armored jeep. (0:12:32.87)
Garrett : It will transport everyone
to the battlefield
Garrett : via the shortest, fastest path. (0:12:36.42)
Mira : Solomon, that crafty bastard.
I had no idea he'd built such a thing.
Garrett : It was supposedly thanks
to your Magic Stones
Garrett : that we can now fully utilize it. (0:12:45.01)
Garrett : I, Garrett, thank you on behalf
of the Mobile Armored Division.
Mira : Magic Stones? (0:12:51.64)
Solomon : Oh, that's right. If you have
Magic Stones, could I have them?
Mira : Oh, I'll make as many as you want. (0:12:58.27)
Mira : Ah, those... (0:13:02.61)
Mira : There have been some interesting
developments these last 30 years.
Mira : But! (0:13:08.41)
Mira : This thing is beyond unkind
to its passengers!
Garrett : We'll continue to improve it,
so please keep the feedback coming!
Mira : For starters, it's bad
for my hips and butt!
Reynard : You cannot take this amount of jostling (0:13:20.30)
Reynard : and you call yourself a pupil
of the Nine Wise Men?
Joachim : Reynard! (0:13:25.88)
Joachim : I apologize, Miss Mira. (0:13:28.68)
Mira : It is fine. Every group experiences
its share of trash talking.
EXTRA : As expected, (0:13:37.15)
EXTRA : the monster pack is heading to
the same point as the other day.
Mira : Ah. We can communicate as well? (0:13:42.23)
Mira : But what is this about the same point? (0:13:45.32)
Joachim : Just the other day, a pack of monsters
appeared in the same way.
Joachim : Then... (0:13:52.70)
Joachim : ...the monsters started to
fight each other on the spot.
Joachim : It was like their purpose
was to die there...
Mira : Purpose? (0:14:02.21)
Mira : Lesser Demon quests tended to
leave a bad taste in your mouth.
Mira : There may be more to this
than meets the eye.
Garrett : We've arrived. (0:14:17.27)
Mira : Garrett! (0:14:19.23)
Garrett : Well, I wish you luck in battle. (0:14:21.31)
Reynard : Miss Mira. (0:14:27.74)
Mira : What is it? (0:14:29.03)
Reynard : King Solomon commanded us to leave it
to you to handle the Lesser Demon.
Reynard : But can you really do it? (0:14:36.16)
Mira : You doubt my power? (0:14:38.71)
Reynard : I have no reason to believe it. (0:14:40.88)
Mira : I suppose that's true. (0:14:43.38)
Mira : They're pretty. (0:14:50.97)
Mira : And they also smell good. (0:14:52.89)
Mira : This is what Solomon
is trying to protect.
Mira : And you folk as well. (0:14:59.44)
Reynard : Of course. (0:15:02.19)
Joachim : Yes. (0:15:03.15)
Mira : Then it will be okay. (0:15:06.07)
Mira : I am the same... (0:15:08.24)
Mira : I won't let you do what you want! (0:15:13.12)
Reynard : I, Reynard, Commander of the King's Guard
of the Kingdom of Alcait,
Reynard : am coming for you! (0:15:20.87)
Joachim : O Wind, become a blade! (0:15:22.92)
Mira : Oh-ho. (0:15:35.26)
Mira : They use a spell to make
the enemy drop their weapons
Mira : and then, defeat the incapacitated
enemy with a sword.
Mira : I see. Solomon has good reason to keep
them by his side. They're interesting!
Mira : I know. (0:15:50.03)
Mira : It's my turn! (0:15:51.78)
Mira : So, it does have one. (0:15:56.99)
Mira : A Demon Crystal that summons
a random legendary beast!
Mira : Now, what in the world
will we be up against?
Reynard : A cockatrice? (0:16:21.06)
Joachim : Oh, no! Its eyes can turn us to stone. (0:16:23.14)
Reynard : A Dark Knight?! (0:16:37.37)
Joachim : When did she summon it?! (0:16:39.20)
Mira : It's over. (0:16:41.33)
Reynard : S-So strong! (0:16:53.30)
Joachim : She is certainly proving worthy
of King Solomon's faith in her.
Mira : It's emerged.
The Lesser Demon's Grudge Mist...
Mira : The Lesser Demon's Grudge Mist has
become one with the legendary beast.
Mira : Not something that happened
back when this was a game.
Mira : It seems to have grown
a good deal stronger.
Mira : Now, then... (0:17:45.27)
Mira : Well, well, well... (0:17:52.53)
Mira : In the game, (0:17:55.78)
Mira : this was an item for show that
we couldn't even touch, but...
Mira : To think these things have changed
as well... This could be fun, too.
Mira : What say we test it and see
what kind of power it holds?
Mira : Elemental Shift, Dark Knight! (0:18:09.75)
Mira : Quite the grotesque look.
Shall I call it a Dark Beast, perhaps?
Mira : Oh, I see you wrapped
things up on your end.
Joachim : Yes. (0:18:45.50)
Reynard : However, this is... (0:18:46.54)
Reynard : epic battle. (0:18:51.46)
Mira : I had intended it as an experiment,
but it's quite impressive.
Reynard : Experiment? (0:19:17.99)
Mira : But considering how it does
not take detailed commands,
Mira : I must think about when to best use it. (0:19:21.91)
Joachim : What are you saying? (0:19:23.74)
Mira : This thing only takes two commands:
"Go" and "Stop."
Reynard : What? Whaaaatttt?! (0:19:29.71)
Joachim : What? Whaaaatttt?! (0:19:29.71)
Mira : Time to put a stop to this. (0:19:34.59)
Mira : Send it back. (0:19:44.10)
Joachim : Thank goodness... (0:19:51.35)
Mira : Hey! (0:19:53.44)
Mira : Now, for the finish. (0:19:58.61)
Mira : Mm. It's certainly nice
when they really listen to you.
Joachim : Being able to handle that many
summons simultaneously...
Joachim : The only one who can do that is... (0:20:18.09)
Reynard : Danblf, the One-Man Army. (0:20:21.55)
Solomon : How was Mira? (0:20:29.31)
Joachim : I cannot muster
a single word of criticism.
Joachim : I can only say that she was magnificent. (0:20:34.19)
Reynard : I have no doubt now that
she is Master Danblf's pupil.
Solomon : I see, I'm glad you understand. (0:20:40.53)
Solomon : So, what is the monsters' objective? (0:20:43.82)
Suleiman : We have no proof... (0:20:46.66)
Joachim : ...but they may be trying to
make the "Undead Swamp."
Solomon : The thing that's supposed
to spawn undead?
Joachim : A massive quantity of corpses,
many lives being obliterated,
Joachim : and a place that holds
some kind of power.
Joachim : All the requirements are met. (0:21:06.80)
Solomon : A Lesser Demon that controls monsters? (0:21:08.89)
Solomon : There certainly seems
to be something to this.
Solomon : Thanks for your hard work.
You are dismissed.
Reynard : Yes, sire. (0:21:17.11)
Joachim : Yes, sire. (0:21:17.11)
Solomon : Demons maneuvering behind the scenes,
the absence of the Nine Wise Men,
Solomon : and one year left until
the agreement expires...
Solomon : We've got a heap of problems. (0:21:27.91)
Suleiman : However, Your Majesty
seems to be having fun.
Solomon : Does it look that way? (0:21:33.37)
Suleiman : Yes. (0:21:34.79)
Solomon : It's in this moment
that you came back to us.
Solomon : What an exciting moment
for you to come back,
Solomon : Danblf! (0:21:47.30)
Mariana : I'm done cleaning! (0:21:54.14)
Mariana : Next... (0:21:56.85)
Mariana : I'm done preparing breakfast, Miss Mira. (0:22:02.23)
Mira : Ah! It looks really good! (0:22:06.45)
Mariana : Please have your fill! (0:22:09.20)
Mira : Yes, I will enjoy this meal! (0:22:11.24)
Mira : This is great, Mariana! (0:22:17.04)

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She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man

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