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Fu Hushen : So we finally meet, Gong Yuan! (0:00:06.16)
EXTRA : Ancient China. (0:00:32.34)
EXTRA : After learning that the era of saints had ended, (0:00:34.32)
EXTRA : human desire was unleashed. (0:00:36.17)
EXTRA : And a storm of violent wars erupted for 500 years (0:00:39.39)
EXTRA : until over one hundred states were reduced to merely seven. (0:00:42.12)
EXTRA : And now, a wind of great history gusts from the State of Qin in the far West. (0:00:45.37)
EXTRA : This is the tumultuous tale of a nameless boy and a young king who brought the warring era to its end! (0:00:51.47)
EXTRA : Wang Qi Intrudes (0:02:29.38)
Changwenjun : Your majesty, (0:02:41.56)
Changwenjun : I've just received a report. (0:02:43.13)
Changwenjun : Our Qin Army, led by General Biao Gong (0:02:46.36)
Changwenjun : has clashed directly with General Wu Qing, leading the Wei Army, at the Shegan Plain. (0:02:49.13)
Changwenjun : But against the fierce attack by the State of Wei's chariot corps, many of our soldiers have been lost (0:02:54.75)
Changwenjun : and the enemy has also created a formation atop a hill. (0:03:00.63)
Changwenjun : The state of the battle is extremely grim. (0:03:03.22)
Ying Zheng : I see... (0:03:06.54)
Ten Karyou : The state of battle is grim... (0:03:08.49)
Ten Karyou : Could it be...? (0:03:10.84)
Ten Karyou : You're okay, right, Xin? (0:03:18.06)
Ten Karyou : Get some big achievements and come back, okay? (0:03:20.80)
Ying Zheng : If we were to lose this battle, (0:03:28.90)
Ying Zheng : no path towards uniting all of China will open. (0:03:30.95)
Ying Zheng : I'm counting on you! (0:03:34.55)
Gong : I see. (0:03:48.12)
Gong : By a string of miracles, you managed to reach this place, have you...? (0:03:50.32)
Gong : Meaningless. (0:03:57.05)
Gong : Miracles are good fortune that descend on the powerless. (0:03:59.18)
Gong : Because you relied on such things, tens of thousands of soldiers will die meaningless deaths. (0:04:03.85)
Gong : Fools. (0:04:09.54)
Shin : Bastard! (0:04:10.98)
Fu Hushen : They were not meaningless deaths. (0:04:12.67)
Fu Hushen : I crossed the bridge of corpses (0:04:15.61)
Fu Hushen : to reach this place! (0:04:19.20)
Gong : Those who bring heart-warming tales of their comrades' sacrifices into battle (0:04:23.29)
Gong : are the type that disgust me more than any other. (0:04:28.06)
Gong : Unit captain of the State of Qin, albeit a miracle, the fact that you are here is the truth. (0:04:31.34)
Gong : But what do you hope to accomplish from it? (0:04:37.18)
Gong : Unless you defeat me and capture this hill, there will be no change in the state of this battle. (0:04:40.70)
Gong : In the end, being unable to do that, yours will simply be... (0:04:47.17)
Gong : a meaningless death! (0:04:50.70)
Shin : Thousand Man General! (0:04:54.70)
Gong : Did you think I was merely a strategist? (0:04:59.35)
Gong : Long ago, I fought alongside Lord Wu Qing, devastating the front lines as a warrior! (0:05:02.43)
Fu Hushen : I'm astounded to hear you're a warrior! (0:05:07.82)
Fu Hushen : If you actually came with a sword to stab me, (0:05:10.36)
Fu Hushen : even as corpse that loses his sight, (0:05:14.62)
Fu Hushen : what do you think now, Gong Yuan? (0:05:18.25)
Fu Hushen : Is my power a mere miracle? (0:05:20.56)
Fu Hushen : If that's what you believe, your lot will never defeat Lord Biao Gong! (0:05:24.09)
Fu Hushen : Vice General of Wei, Wu Qing, (0:05:29.32)
Fu Hushen : I've beaten you! (0:05:34.00)
EXTRA : Lord Fu Hushen! (0:05:43.88)
EXTRA : Lord Gong Yuan! (0:05:45.08)
EXTRA : What the hell is this brat?! (0:06:04.95)
Bi Tou : Man, Qiang Lei's incredible. (0:06:19.32)
Bi Tou : Do you think that, (0:06:21.59)
Bi Tou : he can cut down all of the Wei soldiers? (0:06:23.04)
Kai Kyou : I'm out of breath. (0:06:38.19)
Kai Kyou : I'm leaving the rear guard to you until I get back. (0:06:40.96)
EXTRA : Now! (0:06:43.74)
Kai Kyou : So they've reached it? (0:06:54.98)
EXTRA : Lord Fu Hushen. (0:06:58.34)
EXTRA : We've killed the majority of Wei's soldiers (0:06:59.85)
EXTRA : and the remainder all fled. (0:07:01.73)
EXTRA : Our unit has taken Gong Yuan's camp. (0:07:05.83)
EXTRA : Except for the Wei garrison we burst through to get to the heart of the hill. (0:07:10.15)
EXTRA : Against a military force of over 1,000, we have less than 10 men. (0:07:14.60)
EXTRA : It's mortifying, but at least we were able to take down the Wei flag. (0:07:19.85)
EXTRA : Let's take Gong Yuan's head and retreat from the hill for now. (0:07:22.78)
Shin : Don't be idiots! (0:07:26.08)
Shin : Whoever wants to go down, go! (0:07:29.62)
Shin : I'm gonna stay here and fight. (0:07:31.81)
EXTRA : What'd you say, bastard?! (0:07:33.74)
EXTRA : Watch your mouth, infantryman! (0:07:34.98)
Shin : Thousand Man General said it's because our allies made sacrifices (0:07:36.84)
Shin : that we were able to make it here. (0:07:39.89)
Shin : Which means everyone died so we could capture this hill! (0:07:42.39)
Shin : We can't let go of this hill (0:07:47.12)
Shin : just because a thousand or so guys are coming to take it back! (0:07:48.45)
EXTRA : Are you an idiot, bastard?! (0:07:52.75)
EXTRA : There's a thousand of them! (0:07:54.06)
Fu Hushen : Kid... What's your name? (0:07:57.75)
Shin : It's Xin. (0:08:00.53)
Fu Hushen : Xin... (0:08:02.93)
Fu Hushen : Listen here, Xin. (0:08:05.27)
Fu Hushen : Bravery and recklessness are different. (0:08:06.68)
Fu Hushen : If you mix those up, you'll just all die without leaving anyone left. (0:08:08.87)
Fu Hushen : Descend the hill with the others... (0:08:15.22)
Fu Hushen : That's an order...! (0:08:19.21)
Gong : You fool... (0:08:24.92)
Gong : Do you think you'd be able to descend this hill alive? (0:08:27.77)
EXTRA : What an unsightly lie, Gong Yuan! (0:08:31.77)
EXTRA : You know there are no garrison units on the opposite side of the hill! (0:08:34.11)
EXTRA : We're going to take your head and have an easy time going down the hill! (0:08:37.86)
Gong : You fools know nothing... (0:08:41.50)
Gong : It will be just like what happened at Wan Castle... (0:08:46.38)
Gong : All of the people of Qin... will be slaughtered... (0:08:48.65)
EXTRA : What is it, kid?! (0:09:01.74)
EXTRA : Impossible! (0:09:17.25)
EXTRA : Where on earth did this huge group come from?! (0:09:18.39)
EXTRA : That inner mountain! (0:09:23.76)
EXTRA : There are no soldiers on that hill the main Wei Army was supposed occupy! (0:09:26.38)
EXTRA : This means... they've been moved by someone else! (0:09:31.40)
EXTRA : The State of Wei Army Commander General, Wu Qing! (0:09:35.00)
Shin : Where all those big flags are gathered... (0:09:39.25)
Shin : That's the Wei General?! (0:09:43.26)
EXTRA : Yeah, that's right, kid. (0:09:45.74)
EXTRA : That's the Great General of Wei, Wu Qing! (0:09:49.09)
Shin : Wei's... Great General! (0:09:57.15)
Shin : I wanna fight him! (0:09:59.93)
Shang Lu : What's General Biao Gong thinking?! (0:10:07.37)
Shang Lu : As things are going, this won't last long! (0:10:11.49)
EXTRA : Lord Shang Lu! (0:10:14.00)
EXTRA : The Wei flags on top of the hill have been fallen! (0:10:15.73)
Shang Lu : What?! (0:10:18.46)
Shang Lu : You did it, Fu Hushen, you damn bastard. (0:10:23.31)
EXTRA : Lord Shang Lu! (0:10:25.75)
EXTRA : A red messenger has arrived! (0:10:26.90)
Shang Lu : An emergency order from the general?! (0:10:29.39)
Shang Lu : What this time?! (0:10:31.66)
EXTRA : A report to the 1st, 2nd, and 4th armies! (0:10:33.14)
EXTRA : An urgent report! (0:10:34.86)
EXTRA : We're ascending the mountain and forming an encampment! (0:10:36.56)
EXTRA : I repeat! (0:10:39.57)
EXTRA : All armies, ascend the mountain and create a battle formation! (0:10:40.46)
Shang Lu : We're being pushed this much already! That's insane! (0:10:44.86)
Shang Lu : In the state of this battle, we can't even get close to the foot of the mountain! (0:10:47.74)
Shang Lu : Right, Bi?! (0:10:51.23)
Shang Lu : What's wrong, Bi? (0:10:54.55)
Shang Lu : You're facing the opposite direction. (0:10:55.97)
Heki : What is this? (0:10:59.74)
Heki : Why is here?! (0:11:03.39)
EXTRA : State of Qin General Wang Qi (0:11:05.05)
Heki : General Wang Qi! (0:11:07.75)
Shang Lu : Hey, Bi! (0:11:10.77)
Shang Lu : We've got no choice, so we're heading for the hill, too! (0:11:12.08)
Heki : Wait, Shang Lu! (0:11:14.54)
Heki : That General Wang Qi has appeared... (0:11:16.89)
Heki : Something big... is going to happen! (0:11:20.98)
Ki Ou : You've got the same imprecise fighting style as always, Biao Gong. (0:11:27.44)
EXTRA : Teng (0:11:33.21)
Tou : Yes, sir! But... (0:11:33.24)
Tou : that is what's terrifying about Biao Gong. (0:11:34.48)
Ki Ou : As for Wu Qing... (0:11:37.37)
Ki Ou : That hill over there looks like it'll have a good view. (0:11:42.29)
Ki Ou : Don't you think, Teng? (0:11:46.03)
Tou : Yes, sir! Undoubtedly! (0:11:48.59)
Tou : But Lord, it is a crime to joining a battle without expressed permission. (0:11:51.21)
Tou : Unfortunately, this is the furthest we are able to set foot. (0:11:55.19)
Ki Ou : Who said anything about joining a battle? (0:11:59.97)
Ki Ou : I simply want to climb that hill. (0:12:03.75)
Ki Ou : Though I'll be removing anyone who obstructs me on the way. (0:12:08.57)
Tou : Brilliant, Lord. (0:12:12.11)
Tou : A perfect excuse. (0:12:13.66)
Ki Ou : Now, then. (0:12:15.70)
Shang Lu : They're running down the side of that steep cliff?! (0:12:20.98)
Shang Lu : What mounted unit is that?! (0:12:23.49)
Heki : It's General Wang Qi and his subordinate soldiers. (0:12:25.71)
Shang Lu : General Wang Qi?! That's insane! (0:12:28.93)
Shang Lu : He was supposed to have retired as a general many years ago! (0:12:31.79)
Shang Lu : General Wang Qi! (0:12:40.57)
Shang Lu : I see... (0:12:43.15)
Shang Lu : So he's returned to the battlefield once again, (0:12:44.45)
Shang Lu : the Mystery Bird of Qin! (0:12:47.27)
Heki : Bi Unit! Follow the reinforcements that just broke through with all your strength! (0:12:49.81)
Shang Lu : Shang Lu, the same! Let's go! (0:12:53.46)
EXTRA : Lord Fu Hushen, Wu Qing's main army has descended the hill on the opposite side. (0:13:01.00)
EXTRA : We'll clash with Wei's garrison unit, but please try to endure it. (0:13:06.00)
Fu Hushen : You idiots, leave me. (0:13:10.15)
EXTRA : We can't leave you in a place where the enemy is coming! (0:13:12.87)
EXTRA : If you're going to die... do it on our shoulders. (0:13:16.04)
Shin : I'll give you a shoulder... (0:13:20.96)
EXTRA : You're needed here. (0:13:21.96)
Shin : This is... the enemy Vice General's head? (0:13:27.40)
EXTRA : Yes. (0:13:29.67)
EXTRA : That's the military gain the Fu Hushen Unit made! (0:13:30.49)
EXTRA : No matter what happens, bring it back to the Qin Army camp! (0:13:33.30)
EXTRA : Failure will not be tolerated! (0:13:37.04)
Shin : Are you okay with me doing it? (0:13:39.64)
EXTRA : It is Lord Fu Hushen's order. (0:13:41.42)
EXTRA : We have no objections either. (0:13:43.75)
Shin : Got it. (0:13:47.53)
Shin : All right, let's all make a quick descent! (0:13:49.15)
Shin : Going down'll be way easier than going up. (0:13:51.85)
Ki Ou : Going already? (0:13:55.79)
Ki Ou : Things were finally getting interesting. (0:13:58.81)
EXTRA : My legs... can't take it anymore! (0:14:15.61)
EXTRA : At this rate, they'll catch us! (0:14:17.77)
Bi Hei : We're screwed! (0:14:20.66)
Bi Tou : A-A mounted unit? (0:14:24.80)
Bi Tou : We're saved! (0:14:26.37)
Taku Kei : Everyone! (0:14:28.86)
Taku Kei : Look, there! (0:14:29.90)
Bi Tou : We did it... We finally did it... (0:14:36.40)
Bi Hei : We... (0:14:39.86)
EXTRA : ( Flags - Qin ) (0:14:41.10)
Bi Hei : took those Wei guys' hill! (0:14:41.64)
EXTRA : Our flags are standing on the hill Gong Yuan was encamped on. (0:14:45.33)
EXTRA : Your valor has opened a path for us! (0:14:49.78)
Shang Lu : I don't believe it... (0:14:59.47)
Heki : I feel like I still had things to learn from you. (0:15:02.28)
Heki : It's unfortunate, Fu Hushen. (0:15:07.64)
Shin : Wh-Who is this guy...?! (0:15:10.98)
Shin : From the reaction around here, he doesn't seem like an enemy... (0:15:15.85)
Shin : But he doesn't feel like an ally, either...! (0:15:20.70)
Shin : I can't tell... (0:15:24.00)
Shin : I'm feeling both strength... and fear... from this guy... (0:15:26.02)
Shin : He's too gigantic! I can't tell! (0:15:32.73)
Ki Ou : Oh? (0:15:37.72)
Ki Ou : Are you the youngster Changwenjun mentioned? (0:15:39.26)
Ki Ou : I do believe your name is... (0:15:44.41)
Ki Ou : Xin. (0:15:46.80)
Shin : You're old man Changwenjun's comrade? (0:15:49.25)
Ki Ou : I'm not so much a comrade... (0:15:52.22)
Ki Ou : as a lover! (0:15:56.20)
Ki Ou : That was a joke. A Wang Qi joke. (0:16:01.26)
Ki Ou : Is that right? (0:16:05.02)
Ki Ou : By the way, I saw you from far away. (0:16:06.54)
Ki Ou : But it was a different story from the youngster Changwenjun implied to me. (0:16:12.18)
Ki Ou : If I'm being honest, I'm disappointed. (0:16:20.24)
Shin : What, old man? (0:16:27.00)
Shin : Are you sayin' I'm weak? (0:16:29.08)
Ki Ou : Exactly. (0:16:31.13)
Shin : Then why don't you try me?! (0:16:34.41)
Shin : You big-lipped giant! (0:16:36.35)
Ki Ou : Big-lipped giant, eh? (0:16:41.35)
Ki Ou : What a comeback. (0:16:43.57)
Ki Ou : But among those who have pointed a sword at me, (0:16:45.77)
Ki Ou : every last one of them was split in half with this treasured sword. (0:16:49.14)
Ki Ou : Are you prepared for that? (0:16:52.88)
Shin : Like something that big could hit! (0:16:55.45)
Shin : I'm fast as all hell! (0:16:57.66)
Ki Ou : Now, now. (0:17:00.78)
Ki Ou : Do you think you have the lead in momentum? (0:17:02.65)
Ki Ou : Didn't you know? (0:17:06.03)
Ki Ou : You've been standing at the precipice of death for quite a while now. (0:17:08.00)
Shin : Y-You bastard! (0:17:16.45)
Heki : Don't lose control of yourself, Xin! (0:17:18.41)
Shin : Bi! (0:17:22.14)
Heki : Now's the time to be exhausting every ounce of our strength to fight the State of Wei! (0:17:23.27)
Heki : This isn't the time to be swinging your swords around without discerning who is really your foe! (0:17:27.16)
Bi Hei : You're okay, Xin! (0:17:32.93)
Bi Hei : It's incredible that you're even still alive! (0:17:35.71)
Shin : You, too. (0:17:39.46)
Shin : I'm so glad you guys are all okay. (0:17:40.87)
Shin : Where's Qiang Lei? (0:17:43.72)
Taku Kei : Well, young Qiang Lei is... (0:17:44.87)
Kai Kyou : Over here. (0:17:48.22)
Bi Tou : Qiang Lei... (0:17:49.74)
Bi Tou : When did you get there? (0:17:50.75)
Bi Hei : And hey, where did you go in the first place? (0:17:52.26)
Heki : General Wang Qi! (0:18:05.00)
Heki : We are indebted to you for your reinforcements. (0:18:06.37)
Heki : That you arrived here in this state of war was truly an act of heaven. (0:18:09.74)
Heki : And now, I offer the right to command on this hill to you, to act as general. (0:18:13.48)
Heki : Then, us included, the whole army will be led under your eyes to attack the Wei Army! (0:18:21.02)
Heki : With the added advantage of the high ground on this hill (0:18:27.26)
Heki : with an army led by you, General Wang Qi, we will surely be victorious! (0:18:29.82)
Ki Ou : You're far too serious as usual, Aide Bi. (0:18:37.43)
Ki Ou : But unfortunately, we did not come here to be your reinforcements. (0:18:41.70)
Ki Ou : We only wished to come to this hill. (0:18:48.72)
Ki Ou : Isn't that right, Teng? (0:18:52.71)
Tou : Yes, sir! (0:18:54.23)
Tou : It is a spectacular view. (0:18:55.08)
Ki Ou : And Aide Bi, you said you're sure to be victorious, (0:18:57.22)
Ki Ou : but that shows too much contempt to General Wu Qing. (0:19:02.69)
Go Kei : 9-layer spear wall! (0:19:07.85)
Ki Ou : Oh, what's this? (0:19:11.41)
Ki Ou : Look at his appearance over there. (0:19:15.73)
Ki Ou : Without a moment's delay, he changed his formation. (0:19:17.55)
Ki Ou : He's made a delicate judgement of the changes in the state of the battle (0:19:20.90)
Ki Ou : and taken a cautious and bold action. (0:19:23.71)
Ki Ou : In terms of talent for strategy, the State of Wei is superior. (0:19:25.26)
Ki Ou : And as shown at Wan Castle, (0:19:30.36)
Ki Ou : he possesses the bravery to travel with the vanguard. (0:19:32.33)
Ki Ou : The General of Wei, Wu Qing, is undoubtedly (0:19:35.90)
Ki Ou : an excellent general that will become a threat to many countries. (0:19:39.23)
Bi Hei : No way... (0:19:42.58)
Bi Hei : Not only do they have better numbers, they have a great general. And we... (0:19:43.78)
Ki Ou : Numbers don't matter. (0:19:48.36)
Ki Ou : From its start, this was not that sort of battle, you see. (0:19:50.76)
Ki Ou : I believe there are two types of military generals. (0:19:58.41)
Ki Ou : The first is the resourceful type, like Wu Qing. (0:20:02.16)
Ki Ou : And the other is the instinctual type that fights with wild intuition. (0:20:05.88)
Ki Ou : Youngster Xin, would you like to make a bet with me? (0:20:14.21)
Ki Ou : Will resourceful win? (0:20:19.64)
Ki Ou : Or will instinct win? (0:20:21.88)
Shin : Instinct? (0:20:24.16)
Ki Ou : Of course, I mean the commander of the State of Qin Army, Biao Gong. (0:20:25.35)
Shin : You wanna bet whether or not our general or the Wei general will win? (0:20:30.62)
Ki Ou : Exactly. (0:20:36.37)
Heki : Please, enough jokes, General Wang Qi! (0:20:40.73)
Ki Ou : I wouldn't dream of joking about this. (0:20:44.14)
Ki Ou : Resourcefulness vs instinct. (0:20:47.56)
Ki Ou : Among generals, this is an eternal theme. (0:20:49.78)
Shin : Eternal Theme?! (0:20:54.36)
Heki : But now is the time to be thinking about how to attack the enemy before our eyes with our own hands! (0:20:56.48)
Heki : This is surely not the time to be discussing about Biao Gong, who is not even here! (0:21:02.62)
Ki Ou : Isn't he? (0:21:09.06)
Shang Lu : Bi! (0:21:10.92)
Shang Lu : Our Qin Army's mounted unit are making dash around this hill! (0:21:12.93)
Shang Lu : And they're being led by General Biao Gong! (0:21:20.06)
Heki : What?! (0:21:22.92)
Shin : Where?! (0:21:24.06)
Shin : I can tell with one look. (0:21:29.24)
Shin : That's General Biao Gong! (0:21:31.15)
Shin : The general is leading the unit himself, (0:21:33.97)
Shin : and he's going to rush right into that huge Wei Army! (0:21:36.43)
Ki Ou : As always, unless he's in the center of a huge fire (0:21:41.52)
Ki Ou : that Biao Gong is never satisfied. (0:21:47.15)
Ki Ou : In the course of this long war, the scope of the armies have grown. (0:21:49.17)
Ki Ou : It is now a war of hundreds of thousands. (0:21:52.28)
Ki Ou : But the larger an army gets, (0:21:55.50)
Ki Ou : the more the war is influenced by the talent of the general leading it. (0:21:59.17)
Ki Ou : Ultimately, war is its generals. (0:22:04.52)
Go Kei : Biao Gong, eh? (0:22:08.15)
Go Kei : A surprise attack will never work against my army. (0:22:09.86)
Ki Ou : Wu Qing has changed his battle formation again. (0:22:14.50)
Ki Ou : He's assumed a stance to catch Biao Gong's assault. (0:22:18.89)
Ki Ou : Wu Qing is treating the war as a game board of logic. (0:22:23.78)
Ki Ou : On the other hand, Biao Gong's war is one big blazing flame. (0:22:28.74)
Ki Ou : And now that that flame is burning at its maximum, (0:22:33.77)
Ki Ou : Biao Gong will be sure not to let it slip away. (0:22:37.49)
Ki Ou : Don't understand? (0:22:41.76)
Ki Ou : Wu Qing cannot understand Biao Gong's way of war either. (0:22:45.59)
Ki Ou : But neither can Biao Gong (0:22:49.88)
Ki Ou : see all of Wu Qing's strategy. (0:22:51.58)
Ki Ou : Which is right? (0:22:56.30)
Ki Ou : Which is wrong? (0:22:58.25)
Ki Ou : We won't know unless one of their heads goes flying. (0:23:00.38)
EXTRA : Preview (0:24:45.33)
Shin : Have I been talking with a general this whole time? (0:24:45.93)
EXTRA : Xin saw his future there. (0:24:49.62)
EXTRA : And learned the burden of the thing he seeks. (0:24:52.43)
EXTRA : The Meaning of General (0:24:53.76)
EXTRA : The Meaning of General (0:24:55.31)
EXTRA : End (0:24:55.47)
EXTRA : Next time, (0:24:56.01)

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dark sonic looks so evil - Anonymous


I'm afraid I can't allow that. - Haruka Nanase

What arrogance. - Haruka Nanase

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