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Souma Yukihira : Hm? (0:00:04.96)
Souma Yukihira : What's wrong, Tadokoro? (0:00:05.79)
Megumi Tadokoro : After seeing Hayama-kun with
his different curries...
Megumi Tadokoro : I guess I'm feeling a little down. (0:00:10.28)
Akira Hayama : All right! (0:00:13.67)
Megumi Tadokoro : There's just a little over a month
till the elections.
Megumi Tadokoro : How can I even come up
with a dish in that time
Megumi Tadokoro : that'd stand up to
someone like Hayama-kun?
Souma Yukihira : At my family's diner, (0:00:28.17)
Souma Yukihira : when I'd get a good look
at my dad working away,
Souma Yukihira : I could tell, y'know? (0:00:32.92)
Souma Yukihira : I still have so much more to learn. (0:00:35.11)
Souma Yukihira : But Dad still made me
come up with new menu items.
Souma Yukihira : I got so nervous. (0:00:41.46)
Souma Yukihira : I was only in sixth grade. (0:00:43.42)
Megumi Tadokoro : I'd never be able to deal
with that much pressure!
Souma Yukihira : But... (0:00:48.31)
Souma Yukihira : If I let that stuff get to me, (0:00:49.67)
Souma Yukihira : I'll never be able to come up with anything. (0:00:51.62)
Souma Yukihira : For me, not measuring up right now (0:00:53.92)
Souma Yukihira : isn't a problem at all. (0:00:56.91)
Souma Yukihira : If I can't find it in myself to
admit defeat in my family's diner
Souma Yukihira : or in this cooking contest, (0:01:01.97)
Souma Yukihira : I just gotta keep pushing on, you know? (0:01:03.90)
Megumi Tadokoro : Okay! Yeah! (0:01:06.04)
Souma Yukihira : Also, about the topic... (0:01:07.76)
Souma Yukihira : Spices are important, sure, (0:01:10.35)
Souma Yukihira : but I don't think that's the only thing. (0:01:12.71)
Megumi Tadokoro : With only six weeks left before
the Autumn Elections...
Megumi Tadokoro : Thus began our scorching summer
spent facing curry.
Yuuki Yoshino : Approximately forty varieties of spices (0:03:04.13)
Yuuki Yoshino : may be used in typical curries. (0:03:07.16)
Yuuki Yoshino : So you have to pick ten or twenty
of them in a blend... Okay.
Ryouko Sakaki : Some spices may cancel each other out, (0:03:13.66)
Ryouko Sakaki : so you can't just throw
random spices together.
Megumi Tadokoro : You have to figure out whether
to use spices whole, ground, or fresh,
Megumi Tadokoro : as well as deciding which
oils and cooking methods
Megumi Tadokoro : to use to maximize their flavor, (0:03:25.87)
Megumi Tadokoro : which roasting and maturation
methods should be used...
Megumi Tadokoro : ...and whether they pair well
with the ingredients.
Ryouko Sakaki : Huh? (0:03:34.68)
Yuuki Yoshino : Come back! (0:03:35.35)
Yuuki Yoshino : Megumi! (0:03:36.97)
Souma Yukihira : Spices are important, sure... (0:03:51.69)
Souma Yukihira : ...but they're not the only thing. (0:03:54.04)
Kanichi Konishi : Well, it's a great honor (0:03:56.63)
Kanichi Konishi : to have one of our Don RS members
be selected as a candidate!
Kanichi Konishi : Use your super-high-quality meat to score
a spot in the main tournament, Nikumi!
Kanichi Konishi : Then we'll rake in gobs of
club funds and benefits,
Kanichi Konishi : and attract scores of members! (0:04:10.14)
Kanichi Konishi : Don RS's future will be secured! (0:04:12.19)
Ikumi Mito : It's not that simple. (0:04:14.77)
Ikumi Mito : It's not just about serving good meat. (0:04:18.22)
Ikumi Mito : I'll have to figure out
the best combination of spices
Ikumi Mito : and make sure I choose the right meat. (0:04:24.26)
Ikumi Mito : My greatest weapon is meat dishes! (0:04:26.90)
Ikumi Mito : I'll create a curry that'll take
the best advantage of that!
Kanichi Konishi : You'll go so far for Don RS? (0:04:32.59)
Kanichi Konishi : Nikumi... (0:04:34.96)
Ikumi Mito : Forget that! (0:04:36.39)
Takumi Aldini : Are you still serious about
not going back to Italy?
Isami Aldini : Yeah. (0:04:42.17)
Takumi Aldini : Mom and Dad will be sad. (0:04:42.97)
Takumi Aldini : There're regulars waiting
for your cooking, too.
Isami Aldini : I'm just delaying my flight a little bit. (0:04:49.11)
Isami Aldini : I want to think about this
a bit longer on my own.
Takumi Aldini : All right. (0:04:55.81)
Takumi Aldini : Then give it all you've got! (0:04:56.83)
Takumi Aldini : Try to beat me! (0:04:58.01)
Isami Aldini : Okay. (0:04:59.84)
Isami Aldini : But don't cry if I win, Bro. (0:05:00.57)
Isami Aldini : You always cry when you lose at a game. (0:05:03.58)
Takumi Aldini : Hey, that was when we were
in elementary school!
Takumi Aldini : Fine, I'm leaving! (0:05:11.82)
Isami Aldini : Oh, Bro! (0:05:12.89)
Takumi Aldini : Huh? (0:05:14.75)
Isami Aldini : Do you have your passport? (0:05:15.51)
Isami Aldini : Can you check in and board
the plane on your own?
Isami Aldini : Don't forget to go to the bathroom
before boarding.
Takumi Aldini : Don't make fun of your brother! (0:05:20.42)
Isami Aldini : Have a safe trip! (0:05:22.83)
EXTRA : Heh. I won't stand for any of that bullshit! (0:05:37.73)
EXTRA : So what if she's the daughter of Chef Hojo? (0:05:40.08)
EXTRA : I won't have no woman heading the kitchen! (0:05:42.55)
EXTRA : The moment she sets foot in here, (0:05:45.72)
EXTRA : I'll bully her right outta here! (0:05:47.43)
EXTRA : Delicious! (0:05:51.66)
EXTRA : I can't believe Miyoko-san made this
as a third-year in junior high.
EXTRA : Yeah. (0:05:57.13)
EXTRA : She's already as good as the chief,
if not better...
Miyoko Houjou : Chief! (0:06:02.82)
Miyoko Houjou : In three years,
after I graduate from Totsuki,
Miyoko Houjou : I'll be joining your kitchen. (0:06:06.73)
Miyoko Houjou : I look forward to it, Senpai! (0:06:08.96)
Miyoko Houjou : I will be entering a battlefield
full of formidable men.
Miyoko Houjou : I need credibility! (0:06:16.76)
Miyoko Houjou : I need irrefutable street cred so that they
won't look down on me for being a girl!
Miyoko Houjou : First, I'll win the elections, (0:06:22.68)
Miyoko Houjou : then win the first seat of the Elite Ten! (0:06:24.34)
Miyoko Houjou : You can count on Hojo Miyoko
doing just that!
Megumi Tadokoro : Once August arrived, (0:06:32.92)
Megumi Tadokoro : Polar Star members began going
home to visit their families.
Megumi Tadokoro : And... (0:06:39.85)
Souma Yukihira : You're going back today? (0:06:41.16)
Megumi Tadokoro : Yeah. (0:06:42.90)
Megumi Tadokoro : It's Obon season. (0:06:43.80)
Megumi Tadokoro : But it's also because I want to try (0:06:45.84)
Megumi Tadokoro : how spices pair with
local ingredients back home.
Souma Yukihira : I see. (0:06:50.06)
Souma Yukihira : Good luck. (0:06:50.97)
Megumi Tadokoro : Thanks. You, too. (0:06:51.98)
Megumi Tadokoro : You'll be the only first-year here
for awhile, but...
Souma Yukihira : Well, it's not like I'll be bored. (0:06:57.86)
Megumi Tadokoro : Okay, I'll see you soon. (0:07:02.73)
Souma Yukihira : Okay! (0:07:03.75)
Souma Yukihira : Don't forget to bring back presents! (0:07:04.50)
Megumi Tadokoro : Okay. (0:07:05.58)
Megumi Tadokoro : Three weeks until the prelims... (0:07:09.61)
Nao Sadatsuka : This is it... (0:07:30.82)
Nao Sadatsuka : With this flavor, I can win! (0:07:32.11)
Nao Sadatsuka : I will get you this time! (0:07:33.81)
Nao Sadatsuka : For sure! (0:07:35.04)
Nao Sadatsuka : I can feel it! (0:07:35.99)
Nao Sadatsuka : Just you wait, Arato Hisako! (0:07:41.30)
Erina Nakiri : What's wrong, Hisako? (0:07:49.08)
Hisako Arato : Oh, it's nothing. (0:07:50.25)
Hisako Arato : I just felt a slight chill. (0:07:51.16)
Erina Nakiri : Oh, that's not good! (0:07:52.82)
Erina Nakiri : Shall I turn down the air conditioner? (0:07:54.05)
Hisako Arato : E-Erina-sama, you don't need
to worry about me.
Erina Nakiri : Then do you need anything else? (0:07:58.11)
Hisako Arato : No... it's enough that you are
allowing me to use your kitchen.
Erina Nakiri : What about tea?! (0:08:03.79)
Erina Nakiri : Shall I make you tea?! (0:08:04.95)
Hisako Arato : No, um... (0:08:06.66)
Hisako Arato : I'm really just fine. (0:08:07.94)
Alice Nakiri : My, Erina's bored out of her mind (0:08:10.21)
Alice Nakiri : because she's not going to be in the prelims. (0:08:12.99)
Ryo Kurokiba : Looks like it. (0:08:15.36)
Alice Nakiri : Well, I've basically figured out
what I'll make,
Alice Nakiri : so I'm bored, too. (0:08:19.34)
Ryo Kurokiba : Um, Miss. (0:08:20.63)
Ryo Kurokiba : I'd like to test my curry idea, too. (0:08:22.05)
Alice Nakiri : No, you have to entertain me. (0:08:24.62)
EXTRA : Hey! (0:08:37.79)
EXTRA : Megumi, it's you! (0:08:39.48)
Megumi Tadokoro : Hi, everyone! (0:08:40.91)
Megumi Tadokoro : It's been a while! (0:08:41.89)
EXTRA : I heard! (0:08:43.25)
EXTRA : You got picked for a super-big contest! (0:08:44.40)
EXTRA : You're our star for sure! (0:08:47.16)
Megumi Tadokoro : O-Oh, c'mon! (0:08:49.73)
Megumi's Mother : Megumi! (0:08:53.02)
Megumi's Mother : Welcome home. (0:08:54.38)
Megumi Tadokoro : Mom! (0:08:55.51)
Megumi Tadokoro : I'm home! (0:08:56.82)
Megumi's Mother : It's been a long time since I
had your help in the kitchen.
Megumi's Mother : I think you've gotten
even better than before.
Megumi Tadokoro : I've still got a ways to go. (0:09:08.67)
Megumi Tadokoro : I'm always making mistakes. (0:09:10.95)
Megumi Tadokoro : Even during camp, Soma-kun... (0:09:12.79)
Miyoko Houjou : Heh, so you just got helped along by a guy? (0:09:15.67)
Miyoko Houjou : I misread you. (0:09:20.19)
Megumi Tadokoro : It's just like Hojo-san said. (0:09:22.58)
Megumi Tadokoro : I'm always being helped along. (0:09:24.65)
Megumi Tadokoro : But in the prelims,
I have to fight on my own.
Megumi Tadokoro : Even I wonder exactly what I'm capable of. (0:09:32.61)
Satoshi Isshiki : Soma-kun, did you pull an all-nighter? (0:10:14.43)
Souma Yukihira : Oh, Isshiki-senpai, morning! (0:10:17.03)
Satoshi Isshiki : That's a huge pile of tests. (0:10:21.21)
Satoshi Isshiki : This is interesting. (0:10:25.26)
Satoshi Isshiki : Yes, really interesting, Soma-kun! (0:10:26.57)
Souma Yukihira : Oh, but I'm just getting started. (0:10:30.01)
Souma Yukihira : I'll make it even better— (0:10:33.06)
Jun Shiomi : Hayama-kun? (0:10:43.51)
Jun Shiomi : Did you pull another all-nighter? (0:10:44.82)
Akira Hayama : Yeah. (0:10:46.45)
Akira Hayama : It's almost done. (0:10:47.46)
Akira Hayama : My secret weapon spice mix. (0:10:49.58)
Jun Shiomi : You shouldn't! (0:10:51.75)
Jun Shiomi : If you work yourself to
the bone, you'll get sick!
Akira Hayama : Look who's talking. (0:10:55.72)
Akira Hayama : You often pull all-nighters yourself, Jun. (0:10:57.12)
Jun Shiomi : Don't call me Jun! (0:10:59.09)
Jun Shiomi : It's Professor Shiomi! (0:11:00.42)
Akira Hayama : Oh, and try to stop passing out on the floor. (0:11:02.17)
Akira Hayama : You might be short, but you're heavy. (0:11:05.20)
Jun Shiomi : A-A-A-And here I was being
all worried for you!
Jun Shiomi : I hope you lose, Hayama-kun! (0:11:11.54)
Akira Hayama : I won't lose. (0:11:15.32)
Akira Hayama : I'll prove to everyone that you and I
make an unbeatable team.
Jun Shiomi : Sorry, Hayama-kun. (0:11:49.48)
Jun Shiomi : I forgot to water them again. (0:11:50.89)
Jun Shiomi : Are you mad? (0:11:53.06)
Akira Hayama : I'm not mad. (0:11:54.14)
Jun Shiomi : I'm so, so sorry. (0:11:55.32)
Jun Shiomi : You must be mad. (0:11:56.89)
Akira Hayama : I'm not mad. (0:11:58.34)
Jun Shiomi : I knew it! You're mad! (0:11:59.99)
Souma Yukihira : This place is huge. (0:12:05.88)
Souma Yukihira : Are we really going to cook here? (0:12:08.34)
Megumi Tadokoro : Soma-kun! (0:12:10.83)
Souma Yukihira : Tadokoro! (0:12:12.04)
Souma Yukihira : How was the rest of your summer? (0:12:12.89)
Megumi Tadokoro : It was good. I think I trained
for this in my own way—
Yuuki Yoshino : Megumi! (0:12:17.28)
Ryouko Sakaki : Long time no see! (0:12:18.42)
Ryouko Sakaki : You look well. (0:12:19.88)
Yuuki Yoshino : You, too, Yukihira! (0:12:20.98)
Yuuki Yoshino : How're you doing? (0:12:22.05)
Souma Yukihira : Well, so-so, I guess. (0:12:22.92)
Souma Yukihira : Oh, Nikumi! (0:12:24.83)
Ikumi Mito : H-Hey. (0:12:27.48)
Souma Yukihira : We're in the same group. (0:12:28.71)
Souma Yukihira : Let's get through this together. (0:12:30.21)
Ikumi Mito : To... (0:12:31.48)
Ikumi Mito : Together?! (0:12:31.85)
Ikumi Mito : Y-You idiot, we're enemies! (0:12:33.77)
Ikumi Mito : I'm not gonna lose to you this time! (0:12:36.10)
Souma Yukihira : S-Sure. (0:12:38.09)
Alice Nakiri : I'm disappointed I'm not
in the same group as you.
Souma Yukihira : Oh. (0:12:42.83)
Alice Nakiri : But Ryo-kun is. (0:12:43.38)
Alice Nakiri : Ryo-kun, introduce yourself. (0:12:46.71)
Ryo Kurokiba : 'Sup. (0:12:48.36)
Souma Yukihira : 'S-'Sup. (0:12:49.17)
Akira Hayama : There's a lingering trace
of spices on your fingers.
Souma Yukihira : Hayama! (0:12:55.33)
Akira Hayama : I guess you've been giving
this your best shot.
Souma Yukihira : Yup! (0:12:58.34)
Souma Yukihira : I want to let you taste really great curry! (0:12:59.37)
Akira Hayama : Heh. (0:13:02.65)
Takumi Aldini : Yukihira! (0:13:04.01)
Souma Yukihira : Oh, Takumi. (0:13:05.53)
Souma Yukihira : Been a while. (0:13:06.95)
Takumi Aldini : I... I'll say this to you now! (0:13:07.72)
Takumi Aldini : Your true rival is me right here— (0:13:09.97)
Souma Yukihira : Hey, who's the guy next to you? (0:13:11.75)
Takumi Aldini : Who? (0:13:14.68)
Takumi Aldini : It's Isami, of course. (0:13:15.78)
Souma Yukihira : Huh? (0:13:16.97)
Souma Yukihira : Lies! (0:13:18.89)
Takumi Aldini : What? (0:13:19.92)
Takumi Aldini : Sure. Takumi always loses a little weight (0:13:21.50)
Takumi Aldini : every year when the summer heat gets to him. (0:13:23.10)
Souma Yukihira : This is because of the summer heat?! (0:13:24.90)
Isami Aldini : I'm all better now, don't worry. (0:13:27.11)
Isami Aldini : I'll be back to my old self
come fall and winter.
Megumi Tadokoro : S-So it happens every year. (0:13:34.18)
Souma Yukihira : I'm surprised you're still alive. (0:13:36.43)
Takumi Aldini : A-Anyway, now you know! (0:13:37.75)
Takumi Aldini : This is Isami! (0:13:39.51)
Takumi Aldini : Okay, let's start over. (0:13:40.96)
Takumi Aldini : Yukihira?! (0:13:42.53)
Urara Kawashima : Thank you for your patience, everyone. (0:13:44.20)
Urara Kawashima : Eyes on the front stage, please. (0:13:48.21)
Souma Yukihira : Hey, what's going on? (0:13:51.27)
Souma Yukihira : Oh, sorry, can this wait? (0:13:52.35)
Takumi Aldini : Huh? (0:13:54.10)
Takumi Aldini : Wait! Hey! (0:13:54.55)
Urara Kawashima : We'll now have the opening speech (0:13:55.89)
Urara Kawashima : by the current director of Totsuki Academy, (0:13:57.36)
Urara Kawashima : Nakiri Senzaemon. (0:13:59.63)
EXTRA : Nakiri Senzaemon... (0:14:04.20)
Souma Yukihira : He's the old guy who gave a speech
at the opening ceremony.
Urara Kawashima : D-Director?! (0:14:14.39)
Senzaemon Nakiri : D-Don't mind me... (0:14:16.79)
Senzaemon Nakiri : I just choked on something. (0:14:18.21)
Senzaemon Nakiri : When I breathe in the air here, (0:14:21.13)
Senzaemon Nakiri : I can feel all the energy coursing
through me, body and soul.
Yuuki Yoshino : He was coughing just now, though. (0:14:27.32)
Ryouko Sakaki : Shh! (0:14:28.98)
Senzaemon Nakiri : This is the Hall of Heaven and Moon. (0:14:29.80)
Senzaemon Nakiri : Under ordinary circumstances,
only the Elite Ten may use this space
Senzaemon Nakiri : to challenge each other in Shokugekis. (0:14:37.01)
Senzaemon Nakiri : To show our respect to the countless
victors who have won the first seat,
Senzaemon Nakiri : it is tradition to display their portraits. (0:14:43.03)
Souma Yukihira : Whoa! (0:14:46.25)
Souma Yukihira : He's right! (0:14:46.74)
Souma Yukihira : Now that I'm taking a good luck,
there's Dojima-senpai.
Souma Yukihira : Shinomiya-senpai, too!
He was the first seat?
Senzaemon Nakiri : Countless unforgettable
battles have been fought,
Senzaemon Nakiri : and countless specialties
have been born here.
Senzaemon Nakiri : That is why the memory of the
neverending battles fought here
Senzaemon Nakiri : hang in the air like fog! (0:15:02.10)
Senzaemon Nakiri : And this is also where the main tournament
for the Autumn Elections will be held.
Zenji Marui : So in other words, only the students
who pass the prelims...
Shun Ibusaki : Right. Only they can stand
on this stage to fight.
Senzaemon Nakiri : You will all make a new mark
on history here!
Senzaemon Nakiri : Let us meet here again, (0:15:21.43)
Senzaemon Nakiri : chefs of the 92nd class of Totsuki Academy! (0:15:23.98)
Souma Yukihira : Oh, Takumi. (0:15:32.50)
Souma Yukihira : What'd you want to talk about earlier? (0:15:33.79)
Takumi Aldini : Never mind. (0:15:35.95)
Urara Kawashima : We'll now explain the rules
for the preliminaries.
Urara Kawashima : As indicated in our written notice, (0:15:40.92)
Urara Kawashima : the topic is a curry dish. (0:15:42.84)
Urara Kawashima : You have three hours. (0:15:44.80)
Urara Kawashima : Out of sixty candidates in the preliminaries, (0:15:46.93)
Urara Kawashima : only eight total may advance
to the main tournament.
Urara Kawashima : In other words, only four from each group. (0:15:53.59)
EXTRA : Only that many?! (0:15:56.89)
EXTRA : They weed you out real fast. (0:15:58.51)
Urara Kawashima : Candidates should relocate to
their group's designated spaces.
Urara Kawashima : The preliminaries will begin
at eleven o'clock.
EXTRA : Let's go! (0:16:09.90)
EXTRA : Let's do this! (0:16:10.80)
Yuuki Yoshino : There's no point in getting scared! (0:16:13.41)
Shun Ibusaki : Yeah. (0:16:15.24)
Megumi Tadokoro : Right! (0:16:15.77)
Takumi Aldini : Yukihira! (0:16:16.24)
Takumi Aldini : Let's meet again back in here (0:16:18.24)
Takumi Aldini : at the main tournament! (0:16:20.23)
Souma Yukihira : Yup. (0:16:22.05)
Senzaemon Nakiri : Begin... cooking! (0:16:27.72)
Etsuya Eizan : Welcome. (0:16:51.23)
Etsuya Eizan : I believe we informed you that
the we would begin at eleven?
Natsume Sendawara : Are you saying that, knowing
full well how difficult it is
Natsume Sendawara : to free even one minute of my schedule? (0:17:01.56)
Natsume Sendawara : Well, Eizan-kun? (0:17:03.86)
EXTRA : S-Sendawara Natsume! (0:17:05.83)
EXTRA : She has a monopoly on the
curry business in Japan.
EXTRA : She's the Queen of Curry! (0:17:10.49)
Natsume Sendawara : Eizan-kun talked me into coming, (0:17:12.40)
Natsume Sendawara : but can mere students manage to entertain me? (0:17:15.72)
Etsuya Eizan : Heh, just keep shelling out
the big bucks to me.
Natsume Sendawara : What was that? (0:17:22.34)
Etsuya Eizan : Oh, nothing. (0:17:23.59)
Etsuya Eizan : Please enjoy the Autumn Election
to your heart's content,
Etsuya Eizan : Natsume-sama. (0:17:27.96)
EXTRA : Eizan-senpai's amazing, being able to
bring in a superstar like her.
EXTRA : Yeah. If we're getting Sendaira Natsume, (0:17:33.62)
EXTRA : I bet Group B's getting... (0:17:36.40)
EXTRA : Yeah, her twin, Sendawara Orie! (0:17:37.81)
Orie Sendawara : Say, Isshiki-kun... (0:17:42.58)
Orie Sendawara : When will you join our company? (0:17:44.50)
Orie Sendawara : Be mine already. (0:17:47.88)
Satoshi Isshiki : I'm still just a student. (0:17:52.20)
Orie Sendawara : That's not a problem. (0:17:54.51)
Orie Sendawara : Even if you withdraw from
the academy right now,
Orie Sendawara : I'll ensure that you'll never go hungry. (0:17:57.56)
Orie Sendawara : C'mon, hurry. (0:18:00.14)
Orie Sendawara : I can't wait any longer. (0:18:02.85)
Satoshi Isshiki : Well, for today, please enjoy the dishes
prepared by the cute first-years.
Orie Sendawara : Hmm, very well. (0:18:11.34)
Orie Sendawara : Takumi Aldini—is he from Italy? (0:18:13.84)
Orie Sendawara : It looks like he's making fond
from beef shank and chicken bones.
Orie Sendawara : It's nothing new. (0:18:20.70)
Shingo Andou : His younger brother's the one next to him. (0:18:22.92)
Shingo Andou : Isami Aldini. (0:18:24.82)
Shingo Andou : He's covered the bottom
of his pot with tomatoes.
Orie Sendawara : Tomatoes are a staple vegetable
in Italian cuisine.
Orie Sendawara : I'm sure he knows all about them. (0:18:33.78)
Orie Sendawara : Hm, this peculiar, insistent fragrance... (0:18:40.45)
Orie Sendawara : It must be from spices being
sauteed in duck fat!
Shouji Satou : Keep it up! (0:18:47.78)
Daigo Aoki : Keep it up! (0:18:47.78)
Daigo Aoki : Yoshino! (0:18:49.54)
Shouji Satou : Yoshino! (0:18:49.54)
Osaji Kita : Oh, look there. What is she making? (0:18:53.03)
Osaji Kita : Even though spices are supposed to be
sauteed in fat, in theory,
Osaji Kita : she just threw them into water! (0:19:00.00)
EXTRA : Look! (0:19:02.66)
EXTRA : Nakiri Alice's doing something
totally different from the rest!
EXTRA : What the hell's that giant machine? (0:19:07.00)
EXTRA : A quick-freeze machine and a centrifuge? (0:19:09.48)
EXTRA : I have no idea what
kind of dish she'll be making!
EXTRA : Well, the same goes for Sadatsuka Nao. (0:19:14.96)
EXTRA : Her roux's black! (0:19:20.38)
EXTRA : It's not cooking, it's black magic. (0:19:21.90)
EXTRA : Miyoko-sama! (0:19:28.98)
EXTRA : Sister! (0:19:30.11)
Urara Kawashima : I feel like someone's getting
all the attention from guys!
Shingo Andou : That's the heir to Hojo-ro, (0:19:36.08)
Shingo Andou : a famous restaurant in Yokohama's Chinatown. (0:19:38.48)
Osaji Kita : Many of the spices used in Chinese cuisine (0:19:40.61)
Osaji Kita : can be used in curry. (0:19:42.94)
Osaji Kita : It'll be interesting to see
how she'll finish up her dish!
Orie Sendawara : It's true there are some students
who look interesting...
Orie Sendawara : Fine, I've made up my mind. (0:19:50.97)
Orie Sendawara : Give me all the students over there. (0:19:52.04)
Shingo Andou : G-Give? (0:19:54.04)
Osaji Kita : You don't care what people might
think of what you say, do you?
Orie Sendawara : Oh, but... (0:19:57.98)
Orie Sendawara : I don't think I need that girl
with her hair in two braids.
Orie Sendawara : She has no flair. (0:20:02.27)
Orie Sendawara : I don't think she has much potential. (0:20:03.39)
Satoshi Isshiki : Oh, I wouldn't be so sure. (0:20:05.32)
Roland Chapelle : She's using hua jiao. (0:20:09.56)
Roland Chapelle : It's a spice that can
remove gaminess from meat.
Jun Shiomi : Not to mention, she only
ground it coarsely,
Jun Shiomi : so it retains its rich fragrance. (0:20:17.94)
Jun Shiomi : Well done. (0:20:20.09)
Kanichi Konishi : Nikumi... (0:20:21.69)
Kanichi Konishi : You've grown so much. (0:20:22.77)
Kanichi Konishi : Hey, Nikumi! (0:20:24.78)
Ikumi Mito : He's acting like a dad coming to watch
his daughter at the sports festival!
Ikumi Mito : J-Just ignore him! (0:20:30.06)
Ikumi Mito : How's everyone else doing? (0:20:31.66)
Ikumi Mito : Nakiri Alice's aide... (0:20:34.53)
Ryo Kurokiba : Most of the prep work's done. (0:20:36.61)
Ryo Kurokiba : Okay. (0:20:39.75)
Ikumi Mito : Wha?! (0:20:48.53)
Ikumi Mito : He's like a totally different guy! (0:20:49.15)
Makito Minatozaka : What extravagant movements. (0:20:53.26)
Shigenoshin Kouda : Indeed! (0:20:55.40)
Shigenoshin Kouda : In comparison, however... (0:20:56.67)
Shigenoshin Kouda : That one's dull. (0:20:58.06)
Makito Minatozaka : Is that udon? (0:20:59.99)
Ikumi Mito : That'd be the one specializing in malt, (0:21:02.66)
Ikumi Mito : Sakaki Ryoko... (0:21:04.99)
Ikumi Mito : It's black? (0:21:07.69)
Ikumi Mito : And what's that sticky substance? (0:21:09.27)
Ryouko Sakaki : This prelim's strongest
contender would be him.
Roland Chapelle : Fish head curry, hm. (0:21:18.07)
Roland Chapelle : By using the entire head of a whitefish, (0:21:20.22)
Roland Chapelle : you can enjoy the full flavor of the fish. (0:21:23.02)
Roland Chapelle : It's a curry dish originating in Singapore. (0:21:25.44)
EXTRA : He's pairing it with naan, not rice. (0:21:28.62)
EXTRA : It's less original than I'd expected. (0:21:31.85)
Jun Shiomi : That naan... could it be? (0:21:35.21)
Akira Hayama : That's right, Jun. (0:21:39.93)
Akira Hayama : My cooking's just getting started! (0:21:41.89)
EXTRA : This fragrance... (0:21:46.63)
EXTRA : This slight twinge of freshness (0:21:49.37)
EXTRA : amidst the rich smell of coconut milk... (0:21:51.70)
EXTRA : That freshness makes you hungry! (0:21:53.92)
Makito Minatozaka : Despite how much fragrance is in the air, (0:21:56.58)
Makito Minatozaka : you can always tell which one's
coming from his pot!
Shigenoshin Kouda : It's evidence that he's blended
his spices to perfection!
Shigenoshin Kouda : This is a different kind of fragrance... (0:22:09.00)
Shigenoshin Kouda : It's smoke! (0:22:11.96)
Makito Minatozaka : I see! (0:22:13.29)
Makito Minatozaka : Smoking is yet another method
to add fragrance to a dish.
Makito Minatozaka : This has changed the air
in this hall yet again!
Natsume Sendawara : Hm. (0:22:20.77)
Natsume Sendawara : Well, it seems I'll be
entertained at least a little.
Natsume Sendawara : So, who's your pick, Eizan-kun? (0:22:24.74)
Etsuya Eizan : Hmm, let me think. (0:22:27.61)
Etsuya Eizan : It's hard to say whom my pick would be, (0:22:29.88)
Etsuya Eizan : but there is a man whose abilities
I wish to assess in full.
Ikumi Mito : What? (0:24:11.24)
Ikumi Mito : Yukihira? (0:24:12.32)
Ikumi Mito : No way! (0:24:15.14)
Ikumi Mito : He's asleep! (0:24:16.66)
Natsume Sendawara : I'm Natsume. (0:24:25.64)
Orie Sendawara : I'm Orie. (0:24:26.73)
Orie Sendawara : Next time on Food Wars ,
the twenty-first dish:
Natsume Sendawara : Next time on Food Wars ,
the twenty-first dish:
Natsume Sendawara : "The Unknown Known." (0:24:32.08)
Orie Sendawara : "The Unknown Known." (0:24:32.08)
Natsume Sendawara : Be thrilled! (0:24:34.75)
Orie Sendawara : Be thrilled! (0:24:34.75)
Alice Nakiri : Why didn't you make it into a bunny?! (0:24:37.33)
Ryo Kurokiba : Oh... (0:24:39.18)
Alice Nakiri : You good-for-nothing! (0:24:40.04)
Ryo Kurokiba : Oh... (0:24:40.91)

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Mitsuki Bakugou

cute and rude - Anonymous


so unpack and get settled in today. - Shota Aizawa

What you are saying is quite right. - Shota Aizawa

they also need to learn
how to defend themselves.
- Shota Aizawa

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