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Wave : Kurome... (0:00:06.39)
Wave : Unlike you, I joined the military because I admired them. (0:00:07.92)
Wave : I owe my life to a naval officer. (0:00:13.53)
Wave : I idolized him. (0:00:15.95)
Wave : With weapon in hand, (0:00:18.51)
Wave : a soldier's duty is to protect the kingdom and its people. (0:00:20.98)
Wave : I was able to become a soldier. (0:00:24.79)
Wave : But what am I protecting now? (0:00:28.07)
Leone : There are only four of us left... (0:00:46.18)
Akame : Yeah. (0:00:49.69)
Akame : This place has gotten a lot bigger. (0:00:50.89)
Tatsumi : You're right. (0:00:52.19)
Leone : What should we do, Tatsumi? (0:00:54.20)
Leone : After this is over, we'll be on the streets. (0:00:56.00)
Tatsumi : You're the one who forced me here in the first place! (0:00:59.20)
Tatsumi : Before I realized it, it became this big mess. (0:01:04.77)
Leone : Is that what happened? (0:01:08.35)
Leone : Then maybe I should take responsibility for it? (0:01:10.81)
Tatsumi : I didn't ask you to! (0:01:15.59)
Tatsumi : And anyway, assassins being useless is a good thing! (0:01:17.54)
Leone : That's true... (0:01:20.83)
Leone : How about we join a traveling circus together? (0:01:22.85)
Akame : Sounds good. (0:01:25.35)
Tatsumi : Never happening! (0:01:26.10)
Najenda : Thank you all for your hard work. (0:01:28.10)
Leone : Hey, don't say it like it's the last time you'll see us, boss. (0:01:30.15)
Najenda : Whether or not we reunite in the future (0:01:34.08)
Najenda : is up to all of you. (0:01:36.38)
Leone : Well said. (0:01:37.66)
Leone : It'll take a whole lot to kill us. (0:01:39.51)
Akame : Yeah. (0:01:42.52)
Leone : Tatsumi, too. (0:01:43.56)
Tatsumi : Yeah, of course. (0:01:44.33)
Najenda : Very well. (0:01:47.75)
Najenda : This is Night Raid's final mission. (0:01:48.62)
Najenda : Destroy the root of the problem. (0:01:51.36)
Najenda : Take down Minister Honest. (0:01:53.31)
Akame : You'd better survive. (0:01:59.89)
Tatsumi : Yeah. It's a promise. (0:02:01.81)
Najenda : Tatsumi, (0:03:42.05)
Najenda : the time you have depends on how long we can keep them occupied. (0:03:43.03)
Najenda : You have to kill the minister within that time. (0:03:46.57)
Najenda : Comrades! (0:03:48.95)
Najenda : Today, we revolt and start a new kingdom. (0:03:50.60)
Najenda : We will overthrow the corrupt government with our own hands, (0:03:55.54)
Najenda : and create a kingdom where citizens can live peacefully! (0:03:59.51)
EXTRA : Yeah! (0:04:01.34)
Najenda : I'm counting on you. (0:04:06.67)
Leone : Bingo! (0:04:11.35)
Leone : This area is poorly constructed, just like we thought. (0:04:12.74)
Tatsumi : It's exactly how Lubb mapped it. (0:04:15.11)
Leone : Good work. (0:04:17.33)
EXTRA : Night Raid! (0:04:25.45)
Akame : We don't wish to kill any more than necessary. (0:04:27.57)
Akame : Those of you who aren't ready to die, leave. (0:04:30.11)
EXTRA : That isn't an option! (0:04:32.16)
Leone : As expected, the guards protecting the interior are more determined. (0:04:33.87)
Tatsumi : We have no choice but to kill them. (0:04:37.88)
Run : You all are no match for them. (0:04:42.37)
Run : Please stand back. (0:04:44.57)
Akame : Jaegers... (0:04:48.33)
Tatsumi : Run! (0:04:49.81)
Run : It's been a while. (0:04:51.37)
Run : So you remember me, Tatsumi? (0:04:52.98)
Tatsumi : There's no way you'd let us through, (0:04:55.06)
Tatsumi : right? (0:04:58.02)
Run : Correct. (0:05:00.24)
Run : Finishing a job I've started is in my nature. (0:05:01.38)
Tatsumi : Even if it's wrong? (0:05:04.68)
Run : Future historians will retrospectively determine what is right. (0:05:07.29)
Run : There's no need for you to lose your lives. (0:05:12.42)
Run : Please leave. (0:05:14.29)
EXTRA : Eh? (0:05:15.29)
Run : It's fine. (0:05:16.37)
Run : In fact, (0:05:17.69)
Run : you'd only be in the way. (0:05:19.52)
Akame : Incoming! (0:05:24.17)
Leone : So that's his Imperial Arm? (0:05:27.64)
Run : What you say is true. (0:05:30.76)
Run : The capital is completely degenerate. (0:05:32.50)
Run : The current regime will surely collapse. (0:05:36.85)
Tatsumi : If you know that, why are you trying to stop us? (0:05:38.90)
Run : Your methods involve too much bloodshed. (0:05:41.77)
Leone : What did you say, you stubborn bastard?! (0:05:44.65)
Run : Well, I was formerly a teacher. (0:05:46.28)
Tatsumi : Huh? (0:05:48.57)
Leone : Why would someone like that join the Jaegers? (0:05:49.16)
Run : Back in my hometown, bandits abducted my students and killed them. (0:05:52.17)
Run : However, the capital didn't deem it a crime. (0:05:57.79)
Run : After all, it was a very poor village. (0:06:02.02)
Run : They were abandoned (0:06:04.46)
Run : by their capital. (0:06:06.63)
Tatsumi : I never knew you had such a past. (0:06:07.80)
Run : Yes, which is why I bear a grudge against the capital. (0:06:09.64)
Leone : That only proves (0:06:15.09)
Leone : you should be (0:06:16.72)
Leone : on our side! (0:06:18.64)
Run : I wanted to do it my own way, by changing the capital from within. (0:06:21.56)
Run : But you went and started a violent rebellion! (0:06:26.65)
Leone : You're annoying. (0:06:31.28)
Leone : I let my fists do the talking! (0:06:32.83)
Leone : Akame! Tatsumi! (0:06:39.37)
Leone : I'll take this guy! (0:06:40.88)
Tatsumi : Nee-san! (0:06:42.21)
Leone : We can't all be held up here, right? (0:06:43.71)
Leone : It's okay, go! (0:06:46.13)
Tatsumi : Nee-san, don't you dare die. (0:06:48.17)
Leone : Hey, before you kill the minister, let me get a punch in, okay? (0:06:52.51)
Leone : That said, I'll finish you off now! (0:06:57.18)
Leone : It's nothing personal, but your fate was decided once you chose that side! (0:07:00.77)
Leone : Say your prayers, teacher! (0:07:04.69)
Leone : Are you serious? (0:07:12.68)
Run : Trump card, God's Wings. (0:07:14.03)
Run : It seems you grossly underestimated my close-quarters combat skill. (0:07:16.81)
Leone : Crap... (0:07:21.16)
Emperor : Minister, how's the war progressing? (0:07:23.03)
Honest : It isn't favorable. (0:07:25.44)
Honest : Our soldiers are withering against the pompous rebel army. (0:07:27.76)
Emperor : A rebellion... (0:07:34.51)
Emperor : Have I governed them poorly? (0:07:36.27)
Honest : Not at all. (0:07:38.14)
Honest : Even after your parents passed, (0:07:39.15)
Honest : you've upheld your position as Emperor splendidly. (0:07:41.25)
Honest : And I've been with you this whole time. (0:07:44.77)
Honest : Rest assured, you've made no mistakes. (0:07:47.25)
Emperor : Th-That's true. (0:07:49.78)
Emperor : You've always been by my side. (0:07:52.32)
Honest : Your Excellency, the citizens are being swayed by nonsense, (0:07:55.62)
Honest : a nonsense they call rebellion. (0:07:59.54)
Honest : You must make an example of these traitors. (0:08:03.21)
Honest : Blood will be spilled. (0:08:06.63)
Honest : But as emperor, you must be fierce! (0:08:08.96)
Honest : This pointless rebellion will settle down once you demonstrate your authority. (0:08:12.46)
Honest : Now, let's be on our way. (0:08:16.85)
Tatsumi : Somehow, I made it. (0:08:27.61)
Honest : A rebel! (0:08:30.07)
Emperor : Night Raid... (0:08:33.17)
Honest : What were the palace guards doing? (0:08:34.70)
Akame : There don't seem to be any other bodyguards. (0:08:41.64)
Akame : The target is Minister Honest. (0:08:45.27)
Akame : Eliminate! (0:08:48.25)
Honest : The supreme Imperial Arm is already in motion! (0:08:56.67)
Honest : Take that— (0:09:00.31)
Honest : Uh, ahem. (0:09:01.22)
Emperor : What you've begun has thrown the kingdom into chaos! (0:09:04.64)
Tatsumi : No, listen to us! (0:09:08.48)
Tatsumi : For a long time, the capital has been under tyranny. (0:09:10.51)
Tatsumi : And this whole time, the weak have suffered. (0:09:13.11)
Tatsumi : No matter how much they hoped or prayed, (0:09:17.15)
Tatsumi : no one ever came to help. (0:09:18.95)
Tatsumi : Even Sayo and Ieyasu... (0:09:21.93)
Tatsumi : They... They all died! (0:09:23.72)
Tatsumi : A kingdom like that needs to change, doesn't it? (0:09:27.08)
Honest : Your Excellency, you mustn't be deceived by these words. (0:09:30.31)
Tatsumi : Minister Honest, you're the one who's been manipulating him. (0:09:35.10)
Honest : What? (0:09:39.43)
Honest : I don't appreciate these false accusations in front of the Emperor. (0:09:40.92)
Honest : I only give advice out of love... Love. (0:09:45.39)
Tatsumi : Quit babbling. (0:09:48.06)
Tatsumi : Can't you hear what they're saying outside? (0:09:49.75)
Tatsumi : This empire is finished! (0:09:52.05)
Honest : You brat, shut your mouth. (0:09:53.61)
Honest : Now, Your Excellency... (0:09:57.13)
Honest : Bring down the iron hammer on these foolish rebels! (0:09:58.42)
Emperor : I am the Emperor of this realm! (0:10:01.99)
Tatsumi : Wh-What's going on? (0:10:06.91)
Honest : The empire's trump card, Shikoutazer. (0:10:11.99)
Honest : Its strength is comparable to that of God. (0:10:15.53)
Honest : No, it is God! (0:10:19.30)
Honest : Those who've betrayed the empire will be judged by God! (0:10:23.68)
EXTRA : Whoa, what's that? (0:10:29.31)
Leone : What the hell is that? (0:10:46.50)
Run : That's the legendary Imperial Arm— (0:10:47.87)
Najenda : Shikoutazer? It truly exists? (0:10:51.96)
Najenda : That minister... (0:10:55.25)
Najenda : So this is why he hasn't admitted defeat. (0:10:56.55)
Emperor : The empire that's persisted for generations is part of God's will. (0:11:03.64)
Emperor : To defy God is preposterous! (0:11:08.05)
Tatsumi : Stop! (0:11:32.33)
Honest : My, Your Excellency... (0:11:41.54)
Honest : You look absolutely heroic and elegant. (0:11:43.36)
Honest : Your late parents who died in an unfortunate accident are certainly proud, as well. (0:11:45.93)
Emperor : Yeah. (0:11:51.15)
Honest : Shikoutazer can only be used by those of the royal bloodline. (0:11:52.51)
Honest : With this, you are, without a doubt, the true emperor! (0:11:57.94)
Emperor : That's right. (0:12:04.37)
Emperor : I am the true heir. (0:12:05.77)
Honest : Now, Your Excellency... (0:12:08.41)
Honest : Now, now, now! (0:12:09.75)
Esdeath : So this is what Stylish meant. (0:12:22.07)
Esdeath : The first and most powerful Imperial Arm. (0:12:24.05)
Emperor : This... This is the right thing to do. (0:12:32.52)
Honest : How splendid! (0:12:35.90)
Honest : As long as we have this power, no one can oppose us. (0:12:38.90)
Honest : Everything will be ours. (0:12:41.95)
Honest : We'll turn a blind eye toward the destruction about to occur. (0:12:43.88)
Honest : Which is just fine. (0:12:47.87)
Honest : The ignorant citizens can just rebuild it again for the Emperor and myself! (0:12:49.57)
Akame : They're strong... (0:13:04.23)
Akame : As expected of the Emperor's guards. (0:13:05.44)
Akame : Tatsumi! (0:13:12.12)
Tatsumi : Stop! (0:13:13.10)
Tatsumi : What are you doing to your own kingdom? (0:13:14.51)
Emperor : Night Raid, this is retribution for what you've begun! (0:13:16.56)
Tatsumi : You're dragging civilians into this. (0:13:24.65)
Tatsumi : How dare you call yourself an Emperor? (0:13:26.28)
Tatsumi : What the hell are you protecting?! (0:13:27.90)
Emperor : Shut up! (0:13:29.24)
Emperor : The empire's lasted for a thousand years. (0:13:30.38)
Emperor : I can't let it end with me! (0:13:32.72)
Honest : Yes, yes! That's exactly right, Your Excellency! (0:13:35.41)
Tatsumi : A thousand years has nothing to do with this! (0:13:39.76)
Emperor : I was born into the empire and given this heavy responsibility. (0:13:42.92)
Emperor : How could you know how I feel?! (0:13:49.18)
Tatsumi : I could never understand how you feel. (0:13:52.17)
Tatsumi : Because of you, many people are suffering! (0:13:54.12)
Tatsumi : Look down and see what you're doing! (0:14:04.23)
Honest : Your Excellency! (0:14:20.79)
Honest : You cannot listen to him. (0:14:21.71)
Honest : If you let him sway you now, all we've done will have been for nothing! (0:14:23.73)
Honest : You must harden your heart! (0:14:27.32)
Emperor : H-He must be right... (0:14:29.97)
Tatsumi : Don't look away from me, you fool! (0:14:32.60)
EXTRA : Your Excellency! (0:14:45.15)
Tatsumi : If you can do all this, fight the real evil. (0:14:51.45)
Emperor : Shut up... (0:14:55.91)
Tatsumi : Are you satisfied with being a puppet?! (0:14:57.24)
Emperor : Shut the hell up! (0:15:00.33)
Tatsumi : Wave! (0:15:07.63)
Wave : I am a soldier of the empire. (0:15:09.54)
Wave : I fight to protect the people. (0:15:11.63)
Tatsumi : Yeah, exactly! (0:15:13.85)
Wave : A-And I owe you one. (0:15:16.93)
Tatsumi : Huh? When was that? (0:15:22.43)
Wave : Uh, never mind. (0:15:24.06)
Wave : Emperor, please calm down! (0:15:26.18)
Emperor : This is now a holy war. (0:15:29.18)
Emperor : There is no stopping this! (0:15:30.82)
Wave : We'll stop him, no matter what. (0:15:35.33)
Wave : We're the only ones who can. (0:15:37.13)
Tatsumi : Yeah, you don't have to tell me twice. (0:15:40.05)
Honest : You... (0:15:42.17)
Honest : You dare disobey the empire and Emperor? (0:15:43.36)
Wave : Don't misunderstand! (0:15:46.30)
Wave : I haven't joined the rebel army. (0:15:48.13)
Wave : Protecting the weak is simply a soldier's duty! (0:15:50.63)
Leone : What a troublesome guy. (0:15:57.89)
Run : True. (0:16:00.39)
Run : However... (0:16:01.09)
Run : He is necessary. (0:16:03.07)
Leone : Winged guy, we'll settle this later. (0:16:12.70)
Run : No, we won't. (0:16:16.61)
Tatsumi : It's too tough. (0:16:21.52)
Wave : Even Grand Chariot can't break through. (0:16:25.23)
Tatsumi : We can still fight. (0:16:29.46)
Tatsumi : If we give up, it'll be over! (0:16:32.16)
Emperor : Wh-What was that? (0:16:43.93)
Wave : Tatsumi! (0:16:45.65)
Tatsumi : What was that just now? (0:16:49.11)
Susanoo : No matter how sturdy something appears, (0:16:52.07)
Susanoo : it should have some weakness. (0:16:54.04)
Susanoo : If you can discover that in battle, it'll be very effective. (0:16:57.38)
Tatsumi : Su-san... (0:17:00.79)
Tatsumi : Wave! (0:17:02.71)
Tatsumi : Create an opening! (0:17:03.53)
Wave : Okay! (0:17:05.87)
Honest : Your Excellency, kill the traitors! (0:17:06.63)
Emperor : Th-Those who betray the empire (0:17:09.13)
Emperor : receive the death penalty! (0:17:13.09)
Tatsumi : This one area's worn out. (0:17:29.94)
Tatsumi : Controlling such a large thing is a burden. (0:17:32.56)
Tatsumi : There's bound to be some damage somewhere! (0:17:34.99)
Tatsumi : Right, Su-san? (0:17:37.22)
Emperor : How dare you?! (0:17:38.57)
Wave : Tatsumi— (0:17:43.79)
Emperor : Give up. (0:17:53.38)
Emperor : Why are you going this far? (0:17:55.05)
Emperor : I'm begging you... Give up! (0:17:58.12)
Tatsumi : Don't underestimate me. (0:18:00.97)
Tatsumi : Up until today, I've dealt with countless tragedies. (0:18:02.87)
Tatsumi : I carry them all with me, (0:18:06.23)
Tatsumi : all my fallen comrades! (0:18:07.48)
Tatsumi : I won't (0:18:09.40)
Tatsumi : let them down! (0:18:10.95)
Bulat : You'll have some painful, despair-ridden experiences. (0:18:18.85)
Bulat : In fact, most of them will be tragic. (0:18:21.43)
Bulat : But we chose to walk this path. (0:18:23.91)
Tatsumi : Bro... (0:18:27.91)
Bulat : We'll take on the dirty work. (0:18:29.78)
Bulat : And change the world. (0:18:32.06)
Bulat : Once that's done, we can disappear. (0:18:34.52)
Tatsumi : Bro... (0:18:37.09)
Bulat : Shout it out, Tatsumi! (0:18:38.38)
Bulat : With your raging spirit! (0:18:40.68)
Tatsumi : Incursio! (0:18:47.18)
Akame : Made in ancient times, (0:18:55.36)
Akame : the evolving armor... (0:18:57.83)
Emperor : Don't come any closer... (0:19:11.29)
Emperor : Don't come any closer! (0:19:12.96)
Emperor : Fall! (0:19:25.47)
Wave : Tatsumi, you'll die! (0:19:36.52)
Tatsumi : Like hell I will! (0:19:38.03)
Tatsumi : I made a promise. (0:19:39.99)
Tatsumi : I'm going to survive! (0:19:49.54)
Akame : Tatsumi! (0:19:52.04)
Wave : Tatsumi! (0:20:09.22)
Tatsumi : I'm sorry. (0:20:59.48)
Tatsumi : Looks like I couldn't keep my promise. (0:21:00.98)
Akame : You promised me! (0:21:15.04)
Akame : You said you'd survive! (0:21:17.24)
Akame : Tatsumi... (0:21:20.04)
EXTRA : Is it over? (0:21:29.93)
Emperor : Did we lose? (0:21:35.60)
Emperor : Did the empire... (0:21:37.79)
Emperor : Did I... (0:21:39.53)
Emperor : lose? (0:21:41.34)

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Minoru Mineta

honestly, I hate him but at the same time I believe he can progress to not be as intruding. Hey, he is slowly changing to actually focus on being a hero despite his "reasons"... There's hope? - ilikememes0


That mana drain you did against
my will could actually kill me?
- Subaru Natsuki

It's not that! - Subaru Natsuki

Okay, I'm just about done buying time! - Subaru Natsuki

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