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Yoshii Akihisa : Hideyoshi, about today's supplemen— (0:00:02.51)
Yoshii Akihisa : Huh? (0:00:04.23)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Wh... (0:00:05.37)
Yuuko Kinoshita : W-What is it? (0:00:06.90)
Yuuko Kinoshita : A-Akihisa. (0:00:09.02)
Yoshii Akihisa : You... (0:00:10.90)
Yoshii Akihisa : ...seem slightly different today. (0:00:13.31)
Yuuko Kinoshita : I-Is that... so? (0:00:15.32)
Yuuko Kinoshita : I-I'm... I am always like this. (0:00:18.23)
Yuuko Kinoshita : My height and appearance are the same as always! (0:00:21.82)
Yoshii Akihisa : Usually you look more girly and cute though. (0:00:26.17)
Kaworu Toudou : Ms. Takahashi, have you had any progress? (0:02:03.97)
Yoko Takahashi : Yes, Principal Todou. (0:02:09.22)
Yoko Takahashi : What do you think of Kinoshita Yuuko from Class A?
She has good grades and is quite sociable.
Kaworu Toudou : Hmm. (0:02:17.52)
Yoko Takahashi : Her twin brother, Kinoshita Hideyoshi, is skilled enough to perform in an opera, (0:02:18.15)
Yoko Takahashi : so I'd expect her to be able to sing well. (0:02:24.33)
Kaworu Toudou : That's good to hear. (0:02:27.66)
Kaworu Toudou : As the principal, I'm proud to have a student who excels at everything. (0:02:29.01)
Yoko Takahashi : Yes, not only is she attractive and well-mannered, (0:02:33.38)
Yoko Takahashi : but she also has outstanding grades and an amiable
personality. She's quite exceptional; a model student.
Yuuko Kinoshita : Pretty boys are the best! (0:02:44.32)
Yuuko Kinoshita : This scene where Yuuichi assaults Shinji with a blunt weapon is especially— {this wouldn't usually happen in BL manga, and that's probably the joke} (0:02:47.31)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Wait! (0:02:51.02)
Yuuko Kinoshita : This isn't the time for that! (0:02:51.88)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : I'm home! (0:02:53.06)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Sister! (0:02:53.94)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Huh? (0:02:55.94)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : What's the matter? You just tossed aside your favorite novel. (0:02:56.86)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Why do you possess a skill that I do not? (0:03:02.18)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : What do you mean? (0:03:07.20)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Ms. Takahashi asked me today (0:03:08.45)
Yuuko Kinoshita : to sing the school anthem for Fumizuki Academy's promotional video. (0:03:11.52)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : What?! (0:03:15.88)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : You don't have have any singing
talent; not even one iota.
Yuuko Kinoshita : Are you looking for a fight? (0:03:22.19)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : You could have just saved yourself the trouble and turned her down. (0:03:24.70)
Yuuko Kinoshita : No way! (0:03:27.52)
Yuuko Kinoshita : I've portrayed myself as a model
student, unsurpassed in all fields.
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Your vanity is certainly unmatched. (0:03:32.53)
Yuuko Kinoshita : That's the nature of a Kinoshita. (0:03:36.82)
Yuuko Kinoshita : You perform as a model actor, and I, as a model student. (0:03:39.03)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : We are alike in that sense. (0:03:45.15)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Of course! (0:03:48.33)
Yuuko Kinoshita : I hate to admit it, but you and I are... (0:03:49.91)
Yuuko Kinoshita : twins... (0:03:56.24)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Wh-What is it?! (0:04:08.32)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : What's going on, Sister?! (0:04:10.22)
Yuuko Kinoshita : You're good at deceiving people, right? (0:04:11.43)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : It's called "acting". (0:04:14.10)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Wait, you're not gonna— (0:04:16.41)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Hideyoshi~ (0:04:17.11)
Yuuko Kinoshita : You'll help your big sister with a big favor... (0:04:18.70)
Yuuko Kinoshita : won't you? (0:04:22.52)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Th-That's not asking; that's coercing!{I would've liked to have got a word play in here, but I can't think of one :/ "That's collusion through coercion!"? meh} (0:04:24.20)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Are we really going to do this? (0:04:30.72)
Yuuko Kinoshita : It's fair enough since I'm taking your
supplementary lessons for you, right?
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Still, if my classmates find out about this— (0:04:36.83)
Yuuko Kinoshita : What if they do? (0:04:39.67)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : They'll keep treating me like a girl forever. (0:04:41.09)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Yeah, somehow I doubt they'll figure it out. (0:04:46.10)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Oh, take this with you. (0:04:49.22)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : What is it? (0:04:51.10)
Yuuko Kinoshita : It's a microphone. (0:04:52.54)
Yuuko Kinoshita : With this, I'll be able to hear everything you say. (0:04:54.14)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Where did you even get this? (0:04:57.12)
Yuuko Kinoshita : A classmate of yours gave it to me. (0:05:00.18)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Fresh supplies. (0:05:02.45)
Yuuko Kinoshita : This classroom is as shabby as ever. (0:05:05.11)
EXTRA : Sugawa's making a run for it. (0:05:09.61)
EXTRA : He has violated the pact and approached
a girl! He's our president no longer!
EXTRA : He's a traitor! (0:05:15.57)
EXTRA : After him! (0:05:16.77)
Yoshii Akihisa : Oh, Hideyoshi! It seems today's lesson is just printouts. (0:05:27.05)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Oh, really? (0:05:30.55)
Yoshii Akihisa : Man, Sugawa really messed up. (0:05:32.45)
EXTRA : Emergency announcement! Emergency announcement! (0:05:35.10)
EXTRA : We have obtained the testimony of a girl whom Sugawa approached. (0:05:37.91)
EXTRA : She stated that she has no interest in Sugawa, but did want to know how Aki was doing. (0:05:40.33)
EXTRA : I repeat, the female wanted to know how Aki was doing! (0:05:44.53)
Yoshii Akihisa : See ya! (0:05:46.27)
Yuuko Kinoshita : What idiots. (0:05:50.92)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Now then, I should check on Hideyoshi's current situation. (0:05:52.33)
Toshimitsu Kubo : Kinoshita, thank you. (0:05:57.01)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Is that... Kubo? (0:05:59.29)
Toshimitsu Kubo : You gave me courage. (0:06:00.83)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : You needn't worry about it. (0:06:03.10)
Yuuko Kinoshita : What's going on? What are they talking about? (0:06:05.01)
Toshimitsu Kubo : No, I'm relieved to have a kindred spirit in my class. (0:06:08.40)
Toshimitsu Kubo : I never knew that you too were into (0:06:13.02)
Toshimitsu Kubo : same-gender love.{Okay this is awkward. But it's because I wanted to avoid using homosexual or gay} (0:06:14.85)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : O-Oh, Hideyoshi, is something wrong? (0:06:22.57)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Sister! Can I borrow you for a minute? (0:06:26.60)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Wait, Hideyoshi? (0:06:29.71)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Sister! (0:06:31.27)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Hideyoshi! (0:06:33.29)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Tell me what exactly you were babbling about. (0:06:35.20)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : It was just chit-chat. (0:06:38.96)
Yuuko Kinoshita : How did me being into "same gender-
love" come up in your "chit-chat"?!
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Well, you do read novels where— (0:06:44.55)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Idiot! You hopeless idiot! That's
something completely different!
Yuuko Kinoshita : You made it sound like I'm into girls! (0:06:50.68)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : That wasn't my intention at all— (0:06:54.51)
Yuuko Kinoshita : The next time you say anything ambiguous... (0:06:56.81)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : I understand! I understand completely! (0:07:00.14)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Did he really understand? (0:07:02.73)
Shouko Kirishima : Yuuko, um... (0:07:07.05)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : What is it? (0:07:09.35)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Class Rep? (0:07:10.23)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Hideyoshi, you'd better not give yourself away! (0:07:11.24)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Yuuko, your skirt is rolled up. (0:07:14.53)
Yuuko Kinoshita : That dumbass! (0:07:18.62)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Thanks, Rep, (0:07:19.71)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : but it's fine. (0:07:21.47)
Shouko Kirishima : But, your skirt. (0:07:23.54)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : After all... (0:07:25.71)
Yuuko Kinoshita : "After all"? (0:07:27.05)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : I'm wearing my underwear today! (0:07:28.63)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Sister! (0:07:32.68)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Do you have some kind of excuse? (0:07:36.22)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : I meant it's all right since I'm wearing athletic shorts under my skirt. (0:07:38.91)
Yuuko Kinoshita : That's NOT all right! (0:07:43.60)
Yuuko Kinoshita : You made it sound like I don't usually wear panties! (0:07:44.80)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : But they are a kind of underwear! (0:07:47.40)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Don't be such an idiot and keep an eye on your skirt! (0:07:49.44)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Still, your skirt is so loose around my waist- (0:07:52.20)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : I-I'll be more careful! (0:07:58.91)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : I promise I will! (0:08:00.64)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Jeez. (0:08:03.81)
EXTRA : K-Kinoshita! (0:08:04.83)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Who is that? (0:08:06.73)
EXTRA : My name is Yokomizo Kouji. (0:08:07.59)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Yokomizo Kouji? I've never heard of him. (0:08:10.00)
EXTRA : I-I love you! (0:08:13.01)
EXTRA : P-Please go out with me! (0:08:15.19)
Yuuko Kinoshita : A confession?! Oh no! (0:08:17.20)
Yuuko Kinoshita : I don't want to flat out reject him, but... (0:08:19.45)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Sorry, I'm happy, but... (0:08:21.93)
Yuuko Kinoshita : That's a good reply! (0:08:25.39)
EXTRA : Th-Then, please tell me the kind of guys you like. (0:08:27.32)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Sorry, (0:08:30.20)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : I... (0:08:31.62)
Yuuko Kinoshita : I? (0:08:33.38)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : I'm... (0:08:34.53)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : only interested in pretty little boys! (0:08:35.92)
Yuuko Kinoshita : I am... (0:08:38.45)
Yuuko Kinoshita : NOT a girl-loving, panty-less, pedophile! (0:08:39.79)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : I tried my best to analyze your preferences. (0:08:44.16)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Those are my preferences for fiction ! (0:08:47.34)
Yuuko Kinoshita : I hide all of that from the public! (0:08:49.17)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : U-Understood. (0:08:52.80)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : I'll act out your external character perfectly this time. (0:08:54.71)
Yoshii Akihisa : Hey, Hideyoshi! (0:09:03.59)
Yuuko Kinoshita : All right. (0:09:06.13)
Yuuko Kinoshita : A-Akihisa, they're not pursuing you anymore? (0:09:07.25)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yeah. (0:09:10.37)
Yoshii Akihisa : They heard that Yokomizo confessed to your
sister, so they all went after him instead.
Yuuko Kinoshita : I-I see. (0:09:15.61)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Yokomizo, you poor guy; you've suffered almost as much as me. (0:09:17.65)
Yoshii Akihisa : He never learns. (0:09:21.65)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Eh? (0:09:23.73)
Yoshii Akihisa : Well he confessed to your sister
because you rejected him after all!
Yuuko Kinoshita : I take it back! (0:09:29.16)
Yoshii Akihisa : Oh, speaking of your big sister... (0:09:31.08)
Yoshii Akihisa : Your big sister's really awesome. (0:09:46.66)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Wh-Why? (0:09:49.89)
Yoshii Akihisa : I mean... (0:09:51.93)
Yoshii Akihisa : she's cute, (0:09:52.88)
Yoshii Akihisa : has good grades, (0:09:54.22)
Yoshii Akihisa : and is good at sports. (0:09:56.32)
Yoshii Akihisa : Aren't you proud of her? (0:09:58.49)
Yuuko Kinoshita : I-I guess... (0:10:05.50)
Yoshii Akihisa : Also, look! (0:10:11.21)
Yoshii Akihisa : She's always so gorgeous. (0:10:13.51)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Gorgeous, huh? (0:10:21.84)
Yoshii Akihisa : That's why it's such a waste. (0:10:25.00)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Eh? (0:10:26.91)
Yoshii Akihisa : I heard your sister's actually a lesbian
pedophile who doesn't wear any panties.
Yuuko Kinoshita : Erase that from your mind! (0:10:32.15)
Yoshii Akihisa : What?! (0:10:34.57)
Yoshii Akihisa : Why?! (0:10:35.51)
Yoshii Akihisa : I think I feel something soft... (0:10:36.94)
Yoshii Akihisa : some small bumps! (0:10:38.86)
Yuuko Kinoshita : They aren't small bumps! (0:10:40.49)
Yuuko Kinoshita : I do have breasts! (0:10:42.17)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Recently, there's been a rumor
that my breasts have developed.
Yuuko Kinoshita : What a coincidence. (0:10:53.93)
Yuuko Kinoshita : There's been a rumor that I'm into girls, love little boys, and come to the school with no panties on. (0:10:54.96)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : What have you done? People are treating me like a girl even more now. (0:11:01.53)
Yuuko Kinoshita : It's still pretty much the same for you, though. (0:11:10.23)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Look at me; I'm suddenly a pervert with three fetishes. (0:11:12.59)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : It's your fault for suggesting we swap! (0:11:22.55)
Yuuko Kinoshita : It's because of your lousy acting! (0:11:25.63)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Oh well, let's just leave it at that. (0:11:30.92)
Yuuko Kinoshita : Yeah, worrying won't help. (0:11:32.93)
Yuuko Kinoshita : After all, our school is full of strange rumors. (0:11:36.50)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : After all, our school is full of strange rumors. (0:11:36.50)
Shin Fukuhara : Going back to one year ago... (0:12:14.88)
Souichi Nishimura : Everyone, freeze! (0:12:17.25)
Souichi Nishimura : Put your bags on the table and open them! (0:12:19.56)
Souichi Nishimura : Resistance is futile! (0:12:22.68)
Souichi Nishimura : Sakamoto! (0:12:25.28)
Souichi Nishimura : Empty out your pockets. (0:12:26.78)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Damn it! (0:12:28.77)
Souichi Nishimura : I'm confiscating this. (0:12:29.85)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Damn it! Why me?! (0:12:31.11)
Souichi Nishimura : Yoshii! (0:12:33.19)
Souichi Nishimura : Take off your uniform and change into your gym clothes! (0:12:34.09)
Yoshii Akihisa : Why?! (0:12:36.32)
Yoshii Akihisa : You're going overboard! (0:12:37.36)
Yoshii Akihisa : Trust me a little more, will ya— (0:12:38.93)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Hey, Akihisa. (0:12:41.99)
Yuuji Sakamoto : You dropped your game console. (0:12:43.25)
Yoshii Akihisa : Thanks, Yuuji. (0:12:45.49)
Yoshii Akihisa : Trust me a little more, will ya? (0:12:47.24)
Souichi Nishimura : Don't bother changing. {doesn't make sense, so I'll add some context: Don't bother changing. You can't be trusted even in your gym clothes.} (0:12:49.45)
EXTRA : {This is a weird way to start, but what he says in the beginning "Summoning Exam"}Summoned Being: Summon! (0:13:02.84)
Shin Fukuhara : Today is the Summoning Training
Session for the first year students.
Yoshii Akihisa : The day has only just started and
I've already had such bad luck.
Yuuji Sakamoto : Damn it! (0:13:13.22)
Yuuji Sakamoto : I bought that mp3 player just last month! (0:13:13.85)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : He took some costumes and props of mine. (0:13:15.60)
Yoshii Akihisa : Well, I lost... (0:13:18.16)
Yoshii Akihisa : a handheld game console, some games, DVDs, CDs, light novels, manga, trading cards, celebrity photos, a spinning top— (0:13:19.47)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : What do you come to school for? (0:13:21.56)
Yuuji Sakamoto : It's Himeji's turn. (0:13:25.91)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Huh? (0:13:32.87)
Yoshii Akihisa : Huh? (0:13:32.87)
Yoshii Akihisa : Voyeur, aren't you gonna take any photos of her? (0:13:33.91)
Kouta Tsuchiya : My camera was confiscated. (0:13:35.83)
Yoshii Akihisa : That's too bad. (0:13:37.83)
Yoshii Akihisa : We're in different classes, so it's pretty hard to see her in her gym clothes. (0:13:39.66)
Mizuki Himeji : Summoned Being: (0:13:43.88)
Mizuki Himeji : Summon! (0:13:45.84)
Yoshii Akihisa : She must be popular, being cute and smart. {actually I just cant find a word for akogareru lol, someone you'd look up to/attractive/etcetc} (0:13:48.70)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Oh yeah, you guys know each other don't you? (0:13:52.15)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yeah, we were in the same class in elementary school, (0:13:54.98)
Yoshii Akihisa : but it's been awhile since we last talked. (0:13:59.23)
Souichi Nishimura : Next: Yoshii Akihisa! (0:14:01.73)
Yoshii Akihisa : Okay. (0:14:04.34)
Souichi Nishimura : Your opponent will be Shimada! (0:14:05.90)
Souichi Nishimura : Shimada! (0:14:10.28)
Souichi Nishimura : Shimada Minami! (0:14:11.59)
Minami Shimada : Ah, here! (0:14:12.53)
Minami Shimada : Yoshii?! (0:14:14.94)
Yoshii Akihisa : What's wrong? You were zoning out. (0:14:16.31)
Yoshii Akihisa : Are you hungry? (0:14:18.91)
Minami Shimada : I'm not like you! (0:14:20.90)
Yoshii Akihisa : Oh, I know! (0:14:23.00)
Yoshii Akihisa : You were disappointed with how
weak your Summoned Being is—
Minami Shimada : I'm glad that you're going to be my opponent. (0:14:28.11)
Minami Shimada : Because... (0:14:31.29)
Minami Shimada : ...I'm really going to enjoy beating you up! (0:14:31.97)
Yoshii Akihisa : Wai— (0:14:34.93)
Yoshii Akihisa : Our Summoned Beings are the ones fighting, not us! (0:14:35.66)
Minami Shimada : You're right. (0:14:37.93)
Minami Shimada : We aren't going to fight. (0:14:38.90)
Yoshii Akihisa : That's good to hear. (0:14:40.97)
Minami Shimada : Since it'll just be me pounding on you! (0:14:42.61)
Souichi Nishimura : Shimada... (0:14:49.36)
Yoshii Akihisa : See! Even he's against it! (0:14:50.07)
Souichi Nishimura : Just for today, okay? (0:14:53.01)
Minami Shimada : Thanks! (0:14:54.16)
Yoshii Akihisa : Why?! (0:14:55.43)
Yoshii Akihisa : Man, today's been one thing after another. (0:15:02.75)
Yoshii Akihisa : T-That's Himeji! (0:15:10.83)
Yoshii Akihisa : All right! (0:15:14.62)
Yoshii Akihisa : I'll use this chance to talk to her! (0:15:16.49)
Yoshii Akihisa : This is too much for me. (0:15:24.55)
Yoshii Akihisa : Time for a full retreat! (0:15:26.80)
Hazuki Shimada : Please! This is all I want! {Wanna keep the 3rd person perspective way of talking? I'd drop it, but that'll kill her character somewhat -Ryu} (0:15:28.44)
Hazuki Shimada : I have to get that doll, no matter what! (0:15:30.82)
Hazuki Shimada : Please! (0:15:33.16)
EXTRA : I'm sorry kid. (0:15:34.53)
Yoshii Akihisa : Umm, what's the matter? (0:15:36.65)
EXTRA : Well, this little girl wants that
doll over there pretty badly,
EXTRA : but she doesn't have enough money. (0:15:43.70)
Yoshii Akihisa : Hey, why do you want it so badly? (0:15:49.17)
Hazuki Shimada : Lately my sister's been really down. (0:15:52.99)
Yoshii Akihisa : Your sister? (0:15:56.82)
Hazuki Shimada : Yes. (0:15:58.40)
Hazuki Shimada : She's been wanting to get that doll. (0:15:59.60)
Hazuki Shimada : That's why... (0:16:04.67)
Yoshii Akihisa : I see. (0:16:05.65)
Yoshii Akihisa : You wanted to cheer her up with that, right? (0:16:07.83)
Hazuki Shimada : We only moved here recently, (0:16:12.29)
Hazuki Shimada : so she must have lots of schoolwork! (0:16:14.28)
Hazuki Shimada : But still... (0:16:16.60)
Hazuki Shimada : But still she... (0:16:18.63)
Hazuki Shimada : she does all the housework and even plays with me! (0:16:20.08)
Yoshii Akihisa : Don't cry! (0:16:26.35)
Yoshii Akihisa : I'll do something about it! (0:16:27.68)
Hazuki Shimada : Really?! (0:16:30.32)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yeah. (0:16:31.77)
Hazuki Shimada : Mister. (0:16:32.84)
Hazuki Shimada : Thank you so much! (0:16:34.58)
Yoshii Akihisa : So, how much is that doll? (0:16:36.39)
EXTRA : Twenty five thousand yen. (0:16:40.31)
Yoshii Akihisa : I'm sorry. (0:16:43.67)
Yoshii Akihisa : I tried my best, but I couldn't help you. (0:16:44.94)
Hazuki Shimada : I have ten thousand yen if you need it! (0:16:49.31)
Yoshii Akihisa : So to summarize, (0:16:52.03)
Yoshii Akihisa : together with my thousand yen, we have a total of eleven thousand yen. (0:16:52.96)
Yoshii Akihisa : We have half the money. (0:16:57.58)
EXTRA : Not quite enough though. (0:17:01.13)
Yoshii Akihisa : Maybe we could... (0:17:03.29)
Yoshii Akihisa : buy half of the doll! (0:17:06.78)
EXTRA : Are you really a high schooler? (0:17:08.25)
Hazuki Shimada : You're an idiot. (0:17:11.39)
Yoshii Akihisa : It won't be sold just yet. (0:17:14.89)
Hazuki Shimada : But without the money... (0:17:19.01)
Yoshii Akihisa : You're right, twenty-five thousand yen, huh... (0:17:22.43)
Yoshii Akihisa : If I sell the stuff I had confiscated this morning... (0:17:27.65)
Yoshii Akihisa : That's it! (0:17:30.79)
Hazuki Shimada : What's wrong? (0:17:31.65)
Yoshii Akihisa : Hazuki. (0:17:33.16)
Yoshii Akihisa : Let's meet again in this park tomorrow! (0:17:34.01)
Hazuki Shimada : Tomorrow? (0:17:36.47)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yeah! (0:17:37.41)
Hazuki Shimada : Got it! (0:17:39.12)
Yoshii Akihisa : Great! (0:17:40.59)
Yuuji Sakamoto : You're gonna get your confiscated stuff back?! (0:17:48.75)
Yoshii Akihisa : I need your help too, guys. (0:17:51.82)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : We have to get Iron Man's locker key for that. (0:17:53.73)
Kouta Tsuchiya : The key is in the inner pocket of his coat. (0:17:57.00)
Yuuji Sakamoto : In that case... (0:17:59.22)
Yuuji Sakamoto : we'll drench him with water (0:18:01.10)
Yuuji Sakamoto : and while he's changing we grab his key. (0:18:04.22)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Give it your best, Akihisa. (0:18:08.06)
Yoshii Akihisa : Me?! (0:18:10.17)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : He's here! (0:18:11.60)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Do it right! (0:18:12.79)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Godspeed! (0:18:13.44)
Yoshii Akihisa : Aren't you guys gonna help at all?! (0:18:14.63)
Yoshii Akihisa : Since it's come to this... (0:18:16.77)
Yoshii Akihisa : Sorry! I slipped! (0:18:20.70)
Yoshii Akihisa : WHAT?! (0:18:29.96)
Yoshii Akihisa : You ain't dodging it! (0:18:31.92)
Yoshii Akihisa : Sorry about that! (0:18:43.33)
Yoshii Akihisa : I slipped— (0:18:44.97)
Souichi Nishimura : Didn't you say something about "dodging"? (0:18:45.77)
Yoshii Akihisa : I went through hell, but I got the key. (0:18:50.48)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Good. (0:18:53.02)
Yuuji Sakamoto : We'll open his locker now. {lit open it now when he's not here, which sounds like a capt obvious statement} (0:18:54.10)
Yoshii Akihisa : They're here! (0:18:58.27)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Scram before he gets back! (0:18:59.84)
Yoshii Akihisa : Got it! (0:19:01.82)
Yoshii Akihisa : Old books? (0:19:04.10)
Yoshii Akihisa : Oh well, he's gonna dump them anyway. (0:19:05.74)
Yoshii Akihisa : Man, we got lucky. (0:19:09.33)
Yoshii Akihisa : If it weren't for those old books, I'd never have got the twenty five thousand. (0:19:11.58)
Hazuki Shimada : Ah, Mr. Stupid. (0:19:15.25)
Yoshii Akihisa : Sorry for the wait! (0:19:17.21)
Hazuki Shimada : No, it's all right! (0:19:18.03)
Yoshii Akihisa : What's that? (0:19:19.43)
Hazuki Shimada : Um, a pretty girl spoke to me before you got here. (0:19:20.13)
Yoshii Akihisa : A pretty girl? (0:19:25.81)
Hazuki Shimada : Yes! (0:19:27.06)
Hazuki Shimada : "Take this doll and give it to your sister!" (0:19:27.52)
Hazuki Shimada : "You can keep this doll if that
guy comes here with the doll!"
Yoshii Akihisa : Uh... (0:19:36.78)
Yoshii Akihisa : So this is for Hazuki, then. (0:19:38.37)
Hazuki Shimada : It's... mine? (0:19:40.20)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yes. (0:19:42.07)
Yoshii Akihisa : And this one here is for your sis! (0:19:42.61)
Hazuki Shimada : Nui! {ok, I tled til here and found out she's been calling this doll as nui-chan. edit the previous lines as needed} (0:19:48.29)
Yoshii Akihisa : I hope this will cheer her up. (0:19:52.46)
Hazuki Shimada : Umm... (0:19:57.63)
Hazuki Shimada : Mister. (0:19:59.01)
Hazuki Shimada : Can you bend down? (0:20:00.34)
Yoshii Akihisa : Like this? (0:20:03.27)
Hazuki Shimada : Thank you, Mr. Stupid! (0:20:04.97)
Hazuki Shimada : You're an idiot, (0:20:13.76)
Hazuki Shimada : but you're really kind. I love you! (0:20:16.26)
Hazuki Shimada : When I grow up... (0:20:18.54)
Hazuki Shimada : I'll let you be my husband! (0:20:20.41)
Souichi Nishimura : Yesterday, (0:20:35.60)
Souichi Nishimura : a theft took place. (0:20:37.04)
Souichi Nishimura : Someone took the items that had been confiscated and my old books. (0:20:38.94)
Souichi Nishimura : Unbelievably, this person had the audacity to use their own ID when they sold the items. (0:20:44.34)
Souichi Nishimura : What do you think of him, Yoshii? (0:20:52.52)
Yoshii Akihisa : He's got balls! (0:20:54.19)
Souichi Nishimura : You don't say. (0:20:55.84)
Souichi Nishimura : Yoshii! (0:21:03.95)
Souichi Nishimura : Brace yourself! (0:21:05.40)
Yoshii Akihisa : I'm sorry! (0:21:06.88)
Yoshii Akihisa : I can explain! (0:21:07.61)
Souichi Nishimura : Yoshii. (0:21:08.12)
Souichi Nishimura : I'll give you a title for which your
idiocy is ideally suited. Take this.
Souichi Nishimura : Yoshii Akihisa. (0:21:15.29)
Souichi Nishimura : From this day forth, you are... (0:21:17.69)
Souichi Nishimura : the Punishment Inspector. (0:21:20.60)
Hazuki Shimada : Sis! (0:22:59.56)
Hazuki Shimada : Here you go! (0:23:00.85)
Minami Shimada : I-Isn't this... (0:23:01.70)
Hazuki Shimada : Sis, are you feeling better now? (0:23:03.57)
Minami Shimada : Thank you, Hazuki! (0:23:06.31)
Minami Shimada : I feel so happy right now! (0:23:07.95)
Hazuki Shimada : Japanese is hard, and all kinds of other things as well, but... {I know ending with this sucks, but it relates to minami's line. Alternatively, we can separate it into two diff ones} (0:23:09.99)
Minami Shimada : Yeah! (0:23:13.41)
Minami Shimada : Let's do our best together! (0:23:14.53)
Minami Shimada : Also... (0:23:17.43)
Hazuki Shimada : Also? (0:23:18.29)
Minami Shimada : Recently, I... (0:23:20.23)
Minami Shimada : ...found an interesting guy. (0:23:23.75)
Hazuki Shimada : Eh?! What sort of guy?! (0:23:25.46)
Minami Shimada : Well, he's in the same class as me, (0:23:28.17)
Minami Shimada : and one hell of an idiot! (0:23:30.38)
Shin Fukuhara : Question 4: What is the sum of the numbers on a set of 52 playing cards? (0:23:35.39)
Yoshii Akihisa : One plus two plus three plus, um... (0:23:41.38)
Shin Fukuhara : Good luck. (0:23:44.09)
Yoshii Akihisa : Next episode: Me, True Feelings, and the Dignity of Men! (0:23:45.32)
Shin Fukuhara : This will be on your test. (0:23:47.89)

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Shirley Fenette

She is love ❤ - Anonymous


It blew me away too. - Yoshii Akihisa

Lie? - Yoshii Akihisa

I know it's an act, but still, it's just too embarrassing! - Yoshii Akihisa

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