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Belza Shuba'ha : It's truly an honor to be able to talk to
the second coming of the hero herself,
Shia Kinou : Please, I'm not worthy of such a title. (0:00:15.22)
Belza Shuba'ha : I've heard all about your great exploits. (0:00:19.14)
Belza Shuba'ha : Is it true that you acquired
the Philosopher's Stone
Belza Shuba'ha : on the fifth floor of the
Dungeon of Faria, to the west?
Belza Shuba'ha : And that you only caused 185 injuries? (0:00:28.36)
Shia Kinou : I couldn't have done it alone. (0:00:32.61)
Shia Kinou : Everyone worked so hard for the company! (0:00:36.66)
Belza Shuba'ha : A group of promising rookies are returning
from our corporate training retreat.
Belza Shuba'ha : Please put your great skills to use
by their side in Detmolt.
Shia Kinou : You can count on me! (0:00:53.59)
Shia Kinou : Work till you drop, then keep on working!
That's my motto!
Shia Kinou : I'll make sure everyone is
always cranked up to 110%!
EXTRA : Remember, fools! (0:01:06.44)
EXTRA : You are no longer human! You're swine! (0:01:08.36)
EXTRA : Thank you, sir! (0:01:11.36)
EXTRA : Can livestock do work?! (0:01:12.99)
EXTRA : Thank you, sir! (0:01:15.15)
EXTRA : Of course not! It's like you're
all scum, not even livestock!
EXTRA : Thank you, sir! (0:01:22.20)
EXTRA : This piece of scum seems
to have an attitude problem.
Kinji Ninomiya : Thank you, sir... (0:01:30.67)
EXTRA : I live to train scum like you
into my favorite kind of swine.
EXTRA : Here on Pig Pen Isle,
you'll inevitably end up that way.
EXTRA : --Thank you, sir. I will work. (0:01:43.56)
EXTRA : --First, we'll see what
you can do in the dungeon!
--Thank you, sir. I will work.
EXTRA : Hurry up and change
into dungeon exploration gear!
EXTRA : You have three minutes to prepare! (0:01:52.52)
EXTRA : Ten squats for each second you're late! (0:01:53.98)
EXTRA : Hurry up! (0:01:56.70)
EXTRA : "The Dungeon of Black Company" (0:02:02.37)
EXTRA : "Crimson Sphincter" (0:03:28.00)
EXTRA : Help! (0:03:31.12)
EXTRA : "Episode 3: Fun at the
Corporate Training Trip"
Kinji Ninomiya : That's absurd! (0:03:41.30)
Kinji Ninomiya : The perfect plan that I hatched... (0:03:43.30)
Kinji Ninomiya : It's all been rendered useless! (0:03:45.43)
Kinji Ninomiya : Make the ants collect demonite... (0:03:48.77)
Kinji Ninomiya : Get transferred to Exploration Division
Group 3, that has a lot of freedom...
Kinji Ninomiya : Manipulate the market
using the collected demonite,
Kinji Ninomiya : to control the company from
both the front and behind the scenes...
Kinji Ninomiya : to become a winner NEET across worlds...! (0:03:59.65)
Kinji Ninomiya : But no... (0:04:03.74)
Kinji Ninomiya : This can't be right! (0:04:07.16)
Kinji Ninomiya : This is no way to die! (0:04:09.66)
Wanibe : No! Ninomiya! (0:04:15.67)
EXTRA : Ugh, that's enough. (0:04:18.13)
EXTRA : Well, well. Looks like it was too early
for you to crawl around in a dungeon.
EXTRA : On the last day, make me feel
that this magic trap was worth using.
EXTRA : Otherwise, the next time this explodes,
it will be under your feet.
EXTRA : Through yesterday's session... (0:04:44.57)
EXTRA : It became obvious
that you all lack basic stamina!
EXTRA : I'll spend the whole day training
you thoroughly! Brace yourselves!
EXTRA : First you build stamina!
Run to the top of that mountain!
EXTRA : Um... We haven't been given
anything to eat since yesterday.
EXTRA : The whole purpose of this trip is
to teach you to work and make money.
EXTRA : You haven't produced any results yet.
You don't deserve anything to eat.
EXTRA : That's how a performance-based
evaluation system works.
EXTRA : There. If you really want to eat,
you can pick up and eat that.
Kinji Ninomiya : So hungry... (0:05:31.66)
Wanibe : No, Ninomiya! (0:05:39.92)
Wanibe : That's Confusion Grass,
it messes up your mind if you eat it!
Kinji Ninomiya : Dammit... That's annoying. (0:05:46.13)
Kinji Ninomiya : By the way, you seem
to know a lot about wild plants.
Wanibe : I grew up in the countryside, so... (0:05:52.26)
Kinji Ninomiya : Come on, Ninomiya! Let's climb! (0:05:55.52)
Kinji Ninomiya : R-Right... (0:05:58.48)
EXTRA : Seems like you all need to develop
a backbone before training stamina...
EXTRA : I'll beat that rotten core
back into shape!
EXTRA : Next on the schedule is mental training! (0:06:21.75)
EXTRA : Maintain that posture
until I tell you to stop!
Kinji Ninomiya : Is this really skills training...? (0:06:27.42)
EXTRA : Release your mind! (0:06:32.01)
EXTRA : Spineless scum. (0:06:49.03)
EXTRA : This book contains the inspiring words
of the founder of Raiza'ha.
EXTRA : From now on, read this
10 times a day before sleep.
EXTRA : Engrave in your heart the
true example of how one should live!
EXTRA : What is this training?! (0:07:02.54)
EXTRA : We can't stay here any longer! (0:07:04.25)
EXTRA : Come on, calm down. (0:07:06.21)
EXTRA : I'm going to quit this terrible place! (0:07:08.34)
Wanibe : You shouldn't say such a thing. (0:07:10.68)
Wanibe : Nobody made you choose this path. (0:07:13.85)
Wanibe : Even if it's tough,
you have to be proactive about it.
Kinji Ninomiya : What a model corporate grunt attitude... (0:07:20.35)
Wanibe : I'm starting to change after I got here.
In a good way, of course.
Kinji Ninomiya : What's wrong with this guy?
Was he always like this?
Kinji Ninomiya : Actually... It's not just him.
This all feels unnatural.
Kinji Ninomiya : All of the guys who are resisting
this training are elf-types.
Kinji Ninomiya : The beastman-types are starting
to interpret the training favorably,
Kinji Ninomiya : like Wanibe is... (0:07:47.55)
Kinji Ninomiya : Is it a coincidence? No... (0:07:49.80)
Kinji Ninomiya : What's most unnatural is
the fact that even I, of all people,
Kinji Ninomiya : am starting to feel that it's not so bad. (0:07:56.64)
EXTRA : This thing must be starting
to show its effects by now.
EXTRA : The proprietary Raiza'ha brainwash disc... (0:08:06.94)
EXTRA : --Thank you, sir.
Thank you, sir. Until I die.
EXTRA : --Even the elves who have magical
resistances are starting to succumb.
--Thank you, sir.
Thank you, sir. Until I die.
EXTRA : --Even the elves who have magical
resistances are starting to succumb.
--Thank you, sir.
Thank you, sir. I will work.
EXTRA : --Yes, this is group brainwashing...
--Thank you, sir.
Thank you, sir. I will work.
EXTRA : There's nothing more fun than
watching personalities melt over time!
Rimu : Getting bored of the food here. (0:08:31.51)
EXTRA : You dig too slow! You sicken me! (0:08:34.80)
EXTRA : I could bury you in this hole
if that's what you want!
EXTRA : W-Water... (0:08:39.77)
EXTRA : If you want water,
then fill that hole you dug!
EXTRA : Dig and fill, dig and fill! (0:08:43.64)
EXTRA : Learn what it means to be patient,
and be ready for infinite work!
EXTRA : Only then will you be able to drink! (0:08:48.98)
Wanibe : Oh, Ninomiya, isn't it great
to sweat under the sun?!
Wanibe : Refreshing for both mind and body! (0:08:58.16)
Wanibe : I feel like I'm becoming a new me! (0:09:00.16)
Kinji Ninomiya : Yeah... (0:09:02.70)
EXTRA : Today is outdoor orienteering training! (0:09:03.91)
EXTRA : Work together as a group! (0:09:06.38)
EXTRA : Develop collaboration skills
and a sense of responsibility!
EXTRA : While marching, continue
to chant the corporate slogan!
EXTRA : Are you all right? (0:09:18.30)
EXTRA : Be careful. We're all in this together. (0:09:20.26)
EXTRA : If you get hurt, it'll make us sad, too. (0:09:24.52)
EXTRA : Let's go! Let's work together! (0:09:27.69)
EXTRA : Thank you. Thank you... (0:09:30.07)
EXTRA : The Black Mage Division's
powerful brainwashing spell...
EXTRA : Nobody can resist this. (0:09:35.11)
Kinji Ninomiya : I, Kinji Ninomiya, hereby vow to work,
through selfless devotion,
Kinji Ninomiya : for the company,
and for society as a whole!
EXTRA : That was a good speech, for scum. (0:09:47.00)
Kinji Ninomiya : R-Really, sir? (0:09:49.92)
EXTRA : Wonderful... It's wonderful, Ninomiya!
You got a compliment!
EXTRA : I've never heard such a
tremendous speech before in my life!
Wanibe : As a coworker, I can't be more moved!
I'm so proud of you, Ninomiya!
EXTRA : We should follow Ninomiya's example! (0:10:05.77)
EXTRA : Yes! We are the ones that will
carry this company on our backs!
EXTRA : Come on, guys! Let's all hold what
we learned in this training to heart,
EXTRA : and work as one to
provide value to our company!
EXTRA : Yeah! (0:10:18.78)
Belza Shuba'ha : Lady Belza... (0:10:23.87)
Belza Shuba'ha : Good work everyone. I can feel
the purity of your souls from here.
Belza Shuba'ha : With such a great mindset,
I'm sure the infinite work will be easy.
EXTRA : Oh! I now have such power! (0:10:37.47)
EXTRA : I'll work! I'll work infinitely! (0:10:40.34)
EXTRA : My life for Raiza'ha! (0:10:44.10)
EXTRA : The spiritual power of Lady Belza's words
are amplified by the Black Mages...
EXTRA : Now the corporate grunt-pigs
are truly ready to ship!
EXTRA : "The Dream Paradise" (0:10:57.53)
EXTRA : Instructor! (0:10:59.40)
EXTRA : Thank you for guiding us, sir! (0:11:00.24)
EXTRA : Now that you've overcome the training, (0:11:01.78)
EXTRA : you have the special right
to buy these Lady Belza figurines.
EXTRA : They're 100 thousand gold each.
Do you want one?
EXTRA : Yes, please, sir! (0:11:11.04)
EXTRA : It's not limited to one per person. (0:11:12.84)
EXTRA : I'll have two! (0:11:15.34)
EXTRA : --I'll buy three, no, eight!
--Me too! Me too! I'll buy it!
Kinji Ninomiya : Me too! (0:11:20.26)
Wanibe : Look, I bought three!
How many did you buy, Ninomiya?
Kinji Ninomiya : What is this piece of trash! (0:11:45.99)
Wanibe : What are you doing?! That's a holy idol! (0:11:48.29)
Wanibe : I was going to build
an altar at home and everything!
Wanibe : Huh? Ninomiya? (0:11:57.75)
Kinji Ninomiya : Snap out of it, Wanibe. (0:12:00.38)
Wanibe : What have I been doing?
My memory is hazy...
Wanibe : So does that mean... It worked?! (0:12:08.35)
Kinji Ninomiya : Yeah, operation "Beat Poison
With Poison"... is a success.
Kinji Ninomiya : The brainwashing attempt
couldn't have been more obvious.
Kinji Ninomiya : I'd bet they were doing something
underhanded to control us, but...
Kinji Ninomiya : We decided to mess with
our brains before they got a chance to.
Kinji Ninomiya : Your knowledge of
wild plants really helped.
Kinji Ninomiya : By taking in small
amounts of confusion grass...
Kinji Ninomiya : It was a gamble, whether or not a
messed up brain could be brainwashed.
Kinji Ninomiya : Looks like my plan worked. (0:12:41.88)
Kinji Ninomiya : It would have been really bad if we
were both confused and brainwashed.
Wanibe : Now that our heads are straight, looking
at them... I feel sorry for them...
Wanibe : They've been turned
into tools for the company...
Kinji Ninomiya : I live my life the way
I think is most correct for me,
Kinji Ninomiya : but that "correct answer"
only applies to me.
Kinji Ninomiya : It's up to them what they do
with this experience they had.
Wanibe : Hmm... Is it? (0:13:10.58)
Kinji Ninomiya : Again, that's for you to determine. (0:13:13.08)
Kinji Ninomiya : That said...
revenge is never off the table.
EXTRA : S-Sir! Someone put confusion
grass in the mages' food!
EXTRA : The mages have lost their minds
and are headed this way!
Wanibe : So this is the Group 3 office
that we'll be working in...
Kinji Ninomiya : Hey! (0:13:50.41)
EXTRA : What?! What are you doing here? (0:13:51.29)
Kinji Ninomiya : Oh, yeah, this guy was in Group 3, too. (0:13:54.33)
EXTRA : Let's go. (0:13:56.87)
Kinji Ninomiya : Not even trying to hide it, huh? (0:14:00.42)
Shia Kinou : Nice to meet you. (0:14:05.47)
Shia Kinou : I am Kinou Shia. Starting today,
I have been assigned as your superior.
Wanibe : Lady Shia?!
The "Second Coming of the Hero,"
Wanibe : who found the Philosopher's Stone
in the Dungeons of Faria...?!
Shia Kinou : Oh, please, don't flatter me. (0:14:24.03)
Shia Kinou : I'm no hero! (0:14:27.61)
Shia Kinou : Sorry about that. (0:14:38.46)
Shia Kinou : I am truly sorry about Mr. Wanibe, (0:14:40.63)
Shia Kinou : but I'll go ahead and show you
the new facilities, Mr. Ninomiya.
Kinji Ninomiya : Yeah, thanks. (0:14:47.30)
Shia Kinou : Exploration Division Groups 1
through 6 are based here,
Shia Kinou : in the Exploration Group Headquarters. (0:14:51.64)
Shia Kinou : Work schedule and pay calculation
depends on the kind of work.
Shia Kinou : For example, the mining group
receives a base salary + bonuses
Shia Kinou : with set work hours. (0:15:02.52)
Shia Kinou : Exploration Group 7 and 8
have fixed salaries and work hours.
Shia Kinou : However, Group 3 is 100% results-based
pay with flexible work hours.
Shia Kinou : As you know, the dungeon gives better
rewards the deeper down you go.
Shia Kinou : This is the Company Mart, the shop
exclusive to the Exploration Division!
Shia Kinou : All of the equipment here is high quality
goods that can't be found elsewhere!
Shia Kinou : With the right gear, exploration is easy! (0:15:28.51)
Shia Kinou : Oh, preparing such a wonderful store
for us, so that we can go deeper down...
Shia Kinou : It's proof that Raiza'ha Mining
is truly a great company.
Shia Kinou : Don't you agree? (0:15:42.23)
Kinji Ninomiya : I don't agree. (0:15:44.69)
Shia Kinou : Huh? (0:15:45.94)
Kinji Ninomiya : Look at this. It's all made of
the demonite that we dug up.
Kinji Ninomiya : It just means, if you can't meet
the quota set by the company
Kinji Ninomiya : or just can't perform well, (0:15:56.54)
Kinji Ninomiya : you have to buy stuff here to at least
do some good for the company.
Kinji Ninomiya : Forcing workers to buy company
items using their own pay...
Kinji Ninomiya : Ugh, this company
really is rotten to the core.
Shia Kinou : Why would you say such a thing?! (0:16:09.30)
Shia Kinou : Don't you feel honored
to be allowed to work here?!
Shia Kinou : Why would you be so negative,
so sarcastic?!
Kinji Ninomiya : Huh? (0:16:17.93)
Shia Kinou : Work is a wonderful thing! (0:16:18.89)
Shia Kinou : Overcoming hardships
to acquire smiles for society...
Shia Kinou : What other life can
come even close in value?!
Kinji Ninomiya : Spoken like a true corporate grunt... (0:16:30.19)
Kinji Ninomiya : I'm not a superhuman like you. (0:16:32.82)
Kinji Ninomiya : I don't want the company
to exploit me until I die.
Shia Kinou : Oh, is that what you were worried about? (0:16:38.29)
Shia Kinou : Risking your life is
easy once you get used to it.
Kinji Ninomiya : What? Hey! (0:16:48.34)
Shia Kinou : Come on, let's go. (0:16:50.17)
Kinji Ninomiya : Hey! Wait! Let go! (0:16:51.80)
Kinji Ninomiya : What is this place...? (0:16:56.93)
Shia Kinou : What do you mean, what?
This is the third floor of the dungeon.
Kinji Ninomiya : It's nothing like what I'm used to seeing. (0:17:02.31)
Shia Kinou : The structure begins to change
quite drastically from the third floor.
Shia Kinou : But, um, I thought
you've been here before?
Kinji Ninomiya : Well... Yes, but it
was through a shortcut...
Shia Kinou : Oh, good, a monster,
just when I needed one.
Shia Kinou : It's a Hecatoncheire. Out of all
the monsters on the third floor,
Shia Kinou : that one ranks right around
the middle in terms of monster rank.
Shia Kinou : Oh, look, an accessory between its fangs. (0:17:27.63)
Shia Kinou : Perhaps it ate someone recently? (0:17:30.13)
Shia Kinou : All right, Mr. Ninomiya, please, fight it. (0:17:33.59)
Kinji Ninomiya : Huh? That's impossible! (0:17:37.05)
Shia Kinou : You have to, otherwise, how else
would I figure out how strong you are?
Shia Kinou : Oh? I didn't want you
to come to me, but...
Shia Kinou : Wow, this is a lively one, isn't it? (0:18:00.08)
Shia Kinou : Do you seek to stand before me,
as an obstacle?
Kinji Ninomiya : Oh, hey! Dungeon Ant A! (0:18:09.25)
Shia Kinou : Divine Execution... (0:18:14.34)
Shia Kinou : Super Hero Slice! (0:18:19.01)
Kinji Ninomiya : That woman... (0:18:28.52)
Shia Kinou : Hmm, this was a bit too small
to be a challenge for me.
Kinji Ninomiya : She's more trouble than I anticipated... (0:18:35.53)
Shia Kinou : Oh, Mr. Ninomiya. Why are you up there? (0:18:39.36)
Shia Kinou : I need you to fight a little, otherwise
there's no point in us coming here...
Shia Kinou : Oh, that's a dungeon ant. (0:18:47.04)
Shia Kinou : What's wrong? Why won't you kill it? (0:18:52.04)
Kinji Ninomiya : Well, this one lost the will to fight,
out of fear of me.
Kinji Ninomiya : It feels bad to kill it. (0:18:59.93)
Shia Kinou : Kill? No. (0:19:02.39)
Shia Kinou : You mean exterminate. (0:19:05.89)
Shia Kinou : If it has no will to fight,
that just makes the job easier.
Shia Kinou : Is it attached to you? (0:19:13.44)
Kinji Ninomiya : No, um... (0:19:15.19)
Shia Kinou : Come to think of it, you said some
pretty terrible things about the company.
Shia Kinou : Wait a minute... You're really a monster! (0:19:23.08)
Kinji Ninomiya : Huh?! (0:19:26.91)
Shia Kinou : Say your prayers! (0:19:28.04)
Kinji Ninomiya : Wait! (0:19:29.21)
Kinji Ninomiya : How thoughtless can a person be?! (0:19:30.21)
Kinji Ninomiya : Dammit! (0:19:32.00)
Kinji Ninomiya : Rim! Dinner time! (0:19:35.00)
Shia Kinou : Wh-What is this girl...? What kind
of magic power pressure is this...?
Kinji Ninomiya : You've, uh, grown quite a bit
since the last time I saw you.
Shia Kinou : You deceiving monster! (0:19:51.14)
Rimu : Ouch... (0:19:55.94)
Rimu : Now I'll be a bit serious... (0:19:57.07)
Rimu : Dude, you pissed Rim off. (0:20:18.01)
Kinji Ninomiya : What's up with you? (0:20:20.88)
Shia Kinou : Untie me now please! (0:20:23.51)
Shia Kinou : This is a serious violation
of company policy!
EXTRA : You've captured the infidel,
the so-called hero!
EXTRA : I feel like a past humiliation
has been avenged!
Shia Kinou : Working with monsters like this... (0:20:35.69)
Shia Kinou : This is unforgivable; it's treason. (0:20:37.94)
Wanibe : Thanks for waiting, Ninomiya... What?! (0:20:40.61)
Wanibe : What is this situation...? (0:20:43.45)
Kinji Ninomiya : Hey, you made it Wanibe. (0:20:45.07)
Wanibe : I don't want to be a part of this... (0:20:46.91)
Shia Kinou : Are you working with Ninomiya as well?! (0:20:48.33)
Wanibe : What?! Ninomiya...
What did you do this time?
Kinji Ninomiya : To tell you the truth... She found out
that we're working with the monsters.
Wanibe : What?! Miss Shia, of all people?! (0:21:00.67)
Wanibe : That's beyond bad! (0:21:03.88)
Shia Kinou : I will definitely report
this to the company.
Shia Kinou : Also, I, personally,
will never forgive you!
Wanibe : W-What do we do, Ninomiya? (0:21:12.52)
Wanibe : If the company finds out,
something terrible will happen to us!
Kinji Ninomiya : Don't worry. I have a plan. (0:21:18.77)
Wanibe : Huh? (0:21:22.28)
Kinji Ninomiya : You brought the thing, right? (0:21:23.32)
Shia Kinou : Huh? Um... Mr. Ninomiya...? (0:21:25.66)
EXTRA : "Welcome to Dungeon Black Company"
"Feeling right at home!"
Kinji Ninomiya : Look how great this turned out! (0:21:32.83)
Kinji Ninomiya : Stay quiet about today unless
you want everyone to see this!
Kinji Ninomiya : Your fame as a hero
would plummet for sure!
Shia Kinou : What... How terrible...! (0:21:41.92)
Wanibe : Ninomiya... This is what you
made me bring the camera for...
Shia Kinou : You are evil!
I vow to one day vanquish you!
Kinji Ninomiya : Whatever you say, now you're one of us! (0:21:53.35)
Kinji Ninomiya : From now on, you'll work extra hard
for us, the Dungeon Black Company!
Shia Kinou : Dungeon Black Company...?
What is that?! That sounds terrible!

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But I told Suzie it was a business
trip for Joestar Real Estate Agency.
- Joseph Joestar

Holly... Holly. - Joseph Joestar

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