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Natsuo Maki : Look how blue the sky is! (0:00:01.37)
Natsuo Maki : It's as if it's blessing us. (0:00:04.33)
Natsuo Maki : What a perfect day for love practice! (0:00:07.27)
Riko Kurahashi : What's the sky got to do with this? (0:00:09.65)
Natsuo Maki : We'll keep studying love, (0:00:11.88)
Natsuo Maki : so feel free to join us if you want. (0:00:14.66)
Yuiko Enomoto : Well, if you insist. (0:00:18.54)
Suzune Tanahashi : Oh, Enomoto-senpai! (0:00:19.87)
Suzune Tanahashi : Your handkerchief's about to fall out. (0:00:21.91)
Natsuo Maki : Ooh! The "Drop Your Handkerchief and Make the Guy Pick It Up" tactic! (0:00:24.25)
Yuiko Enomoto : Th-That's not— (0:00:28.76)
Sayori Mizushima : Eno, you sure do love that scenario. (0:00:30.32)
Yuiko Enomoto : Shut up! (0:00:32.72)
Yuiko Enomoto : And you! Stop staring at me already! (0:00:34.19)
Yuiko Enomoto : Cut it out! (0:00:36.72)
Natsuo Maki : It's time for love practice, Master Riko! (0:02:18.13)
Riko Kurahashi : What's the theme for today? (0:02:23.48)
Natsuo Maki : I thought of something wonderful. (0:02:24.80)
Natsuo Maki : I drop of a bunch of oranges on the slope, (0:02:26.79)
Natsuo Maki : let go of my dog's leash, (0:02:29.80)
Natsuo Maki : and then, when the guy helps me, (0:02:31.75)
Natsuo Maki : I ruin his clothes with my ice cream, all for a special encounter! (0:02:33.40)
Riko Kurahashi : You stuffed so much into it that it's bordering on harassment. (0:02:35.92)
Natsuo Maki : I've been feeling so repressed! All I can think about is doing it! (0:02:38.26)
Riko Kurahashi : Stop making double entendres like it's intentional! (0:02:42.06)
Sayori Mizushima : You'd hook up in no time if you shouted that out by the train station. (0:02:44.35)
Riko Kurahashi : Wh-Wh-What are you suggesting?! (0:02:47.43)
Natsuo Maki : "I've been feeling so repressed..." (0:02:50.74)
Riko Kurahashi : Don't write it down! (0:02:51.82)
Natsuo Maki : Huh? Why not? (0:02:52.86)
Sayori Mizushima : So why are you the teacher, Kurahashi? (0:02:55.27)
Riko Kurahashi : Th-That's because... (0:02:57.78)
Natsuo Maki : Because she is very experienced in all things love! (0:02:59.65)
Suzune Tanahashi : She can get anyone she targets to fall in love with her! (0:03:02.88)
Suzune Tanahashi : Countless guys have fallen for Riko-senpai! (0:03:06.22)
Suzune Tanahashi : She's known as the master love sniper! (0:03:09.29)
Riko Kurahashi : Th-Things got blown way out of proportion. (0:03:15.75)
Yuiko Enomoto : Not bad! (0:03:19.09)
Riko Kurahashi : N-No, um... (0:03:20.22)
Riko Kurahashi : This is bad! (0:03:23.14)
Riko Kurahashi : If I go along with this, it'll come back to haunt me someday! (0:03:24.50)
Riko Kurahashi : I should be honest and tell them I've never had any luck with love. (0:03:28.98)
Riko Kurahashi : All right! (0:03:31.98)
Sayori Mizushima : The master love sniper? (0:03:32.73)
Sayori Mizushima : That's gotta be a lie. (0:03:35.02)
Riko Kurahashi : It's not a lie! (0:03:36.57)
Sayori Mizushima : Forget about all that. (0:03:43.75)
Sayori Mizushima : You should try a mixer if you want to meet guys. (0:03:45.90)
Natsuo Maki : A mixed martial arts tournament? (0:03:51.54)
Yuiko Enomoto : A mixer . (0:03:53.16)
Yuiko Enomoto : But aren't those just an urban legend? (0:03:54.50)
Yuiko Enomoto : That's what my older brother said. (0:03:56.82)
Suzune Tanahashi : They're not. (0:03:58.18)
Suzune Tanahashi : But only college students can attend them. (0:03:59.48)
Sayori Mizushima : No, no. (0:04:03.81)
Sayori Mizushima : Kurahashi! (0:04:05.45)
Sayori Mizushima : Even middle school students have them nowadays, right? (0:04:06.62)
Riko Kurahashi : I had my first one right after I entered elementary school! (0:04:16.25)
Sayori Mizushima : You sure were a funky six-year-old. (0:04:19.34)
EXTRA : Ooh! (0:04:21.02)
Natsuo Maki : Is a mixer where you can meet men? (0:04:22.40)
Suzune Tanahashi : Did you meet many different kinds of guys? (0:04:25.16)
Riko Kurahashi : Well, yeah. (0:04:27.37)
Riko Kurahashi : I played soccer until fifth grade, (0:04:29.83)
Riko Kurahashi : and went to cram school in sixth grade. (0:04:32.75)
Riko Kurahashi : And I did meet guys in both, broadly speaking. (0:04:34.44)
Yuiko Enomoto : That's amazing! (0:04:36.63)
Natsuo Maki : How frequently did you have them? (0:04:38.18)
Riko Kurahashi : About twice a week. (0:04:40.42)
Riko Kurahashi : Sometimes at night. (0:04:42.70)
Sayori Mizushima : That sounds just like a lesson schedule! (0:04:44.51)
Riko Kurahashi : Y-Yeah! It was a lot of work! (0:04:47.40)
Riko Kurahashi : Ahem. (0:04:52.19)
Riko Kurahashi : Introducing yourself properly is the key to a successful mixer. (0:04:53.57)
Riko Kurahashi : You need to win their hearts right off the bat. (0:04:56.38)
Natsuo Maki : A self-introduction that can win the hearts of strangers... (0:04:58.60)
Natsuo Maki : Okay! (0:05:02.17)
Natsuo Maki : What does today's weather have to do with the fact that it's my first time at a mixer? (0:05:03.13)
Natsuo Maki : As refreshing as a clear blue sky! Maki Natsuo, at your service! (0:05:06.32)
Riko Kurahashi : What are you, a comedian? (0:05:11.24)
Riko Kurahashi : Trying to get a laugh is too advanced! Make it normal! (0:05:12.62)
Natsuo Maki : I have a big sister, so don't worry about becoming an adopted son-in-law (0:05:15.46)
Natsuo Maki : and having to help run my dad's business. (0:05:19.62)
Riko Kurahashi : That's going too far! We're too young to bring up marriage! (0:05:23.10)
Riko Kurahashi : Talk about what you're good at or something. (0:05:26.38)
Natsuo Maki : I-I'm a great cook. (0:05:27.88)
Riko Kurahashi : Oh, that's good! (0:05:29.94)
Natsuo Maki : Someday I'll learn from your mother (0:05:31.62)
Natsuo Maki : and cook you meals that taste just like home. (0:05:34.84)
Riko Kurahashi : Going too far again! (0:05:36.39)
Yuiko Enomoto : Cooking is too common to be a strong hook. (0:05:39.06)
Riko Kurahashi : Then what do you have? (0:05:43.61)
Yuiko Enomoto : I can put safety pins through my skin! (0:05:47.28)
Riko Kurahashi : This isn't elementary school! (0:05:49.26)
Natsuo Maki : What?! (0:05:50.41)
Natsuo Maki : Wow, how do you do that?! (0:05:51.26)
Riko Kurahashi : Don't be impressed! (0:05:53.22)
Sayori Mizushima : I, Mizushima Sayori, taught her everything she knows. (0:05:54.45)
Riko Kurahashi : Don't make that your cue! (0:05:57.72)
Riko Kurahashi : Suzu, you try introducing yourself too. (0:06:00.61)
Suzune Tanahashi : Me? (0:06:02.81)
Suzune Tanahashi : Uh... (0:06:04.22)
Suzune Tanahashi : I'm great at folding slapsticks quickly! (0:06:06.17)
Riko Kurahashi : You sure love slapsticks. (0:06:08.32)
Yuiko Enomoto : How do you introduce yourself? (0:06:10.72)
Riko Kurahashi : Huh? (0:06:13.12)
Suzune Tanahashi : Oh! We wanna hear it! (0:06:13.81)
Sayori Mizushima : Me too! Me too! (0:06:15.98)
Riko Kurahashi : That bitch... (0:06:17.92)
Riko Kurahashi : I-It's too advanced for beginners! (0:06:19.40)
Riko Kurahashi : I'll show it to you when you're ready. (0:06:22.38)
Riko Kurahashi : That's it for today! (0:06:24.70)
Riko Kurahashi : It sure is pouring! (0:06:30.99)
Riko Kurahashi : Whoa! (0:06:32.86)
Suzune Tanahashi : Riko-senpai, what do you think? (0:06:34.60)
Natsuo Maki : Today's theme is, "Dazzle Him with a New Look." (0:06:37.45)
Riko Kurahashi : Baffle him with a new look? (0:06:40.08)
Natsuo Maki : I was trying to change her image with a simple hairstyle change. (0:06:45.01)
Riko Kurahashi : Put more thought into it. (0:06:48.82)
Yuiko Enomoto : Why don't you cut that bulky hair of yours too? (0:06:50.62)
Yuiko Enomoto : Everyone knows you won't get a boyfriend with hair straight out of The Ring . (0:06:53.88)
Natsuo Maki : What do you mean, "everyone"? (0:06:57.16)
Yuiko Enomoto : Uh... like me and Sayo... (0:06:58.96)
Natsuo Maki : That's just the two of you! (0:07:01.78)
Yuiko Enomoto : No, it's everyone! (0:07:03.70)
Sayori Mizushima : She's just like an elementary schooler. (0:07:05.94)
Yuiko Enomoto : That's your buddy, you know. (0:07:08.32)
Yuiko Enomoto : Scruffy?! If anything, my hair's fluffy! (0:07:08.66)
Natsuo Maki : I'm growing my hair for a reason. (0:07:10.53)
Natsuo Maki : I want a dreamy boyfriend to tell me my hair's like blackberry lily. (0:07:13.62)
Yuiko Enomoto : Black-what? (0:07:17.54)
Yuiko Enomoto : I'm growing it so people will say my hair's like sugar candies! (0:07:18.45)
Sayori Mizushima : As your childhood friend, I'm shocked. I never knew you were that stupid. (0:07:23.54)
Natsuo Maki : Th-That's a bit embarrassing. (0:07:27.80)
Riko Kurahashi : You're in no position to say that. (0:07:30.28)
Riko Kurahashi : Black Berlin, Snickers candies, whatever it is... (0:07:32.94)
Natsuo Maki : Blackberry lily! (0:07:35.52)
Yuiko Enomoto : Sugar candies! (0:07:36.52)
Riko Kurahashi : Then it shouldn't matter if it's short. (0:07:37.60)
Natsuo Maki : What are you saying, Riko?! (0:07:40.43)
Natsuo Maki : If it's not long, it won't get caught on his button! (0:07:43.07)
Riko Kurahashi : You're still going on about that? (0:07:46.19)
Yuiko Enomoto : The "My Hair Caresses His Cheek and His Heart Skips a Beat" scenario won't work either! (0:07:49.19)
Riko Kurahashi : I think that'd simply annoy the guy. (0:07:53.20)
Sayori Mizushima : You just added insult to injury. So shocking. (0:07:55.08)
Natsuo Maki : And even this might happen at an advanced level! (0:07:58.03)
Yuiko Enomoto : The key is to leave your hair sliding down the wall! (0:08:04.21)
Riko Kurahashi : Okay, so you guys actually get along pretty well, after all. (0:08:07.04)
Suzune Tanahashi : My hair's too short to use techniques like that! (0:08:09.59)
Riko Kurahashi : That's normal. Don't sweat it. (0:08:13.18)
Riko Kurahashi : The most important thing is to stick with a hairstyle that you like and looks good on you. (0:08:15.30)
Sayori Mizushima : A love sniper like you doesn't even need to worry about her hair to be popular, right? (0:08:19.67)
Riko Kurahashi : Huh?! (0:08:24.70)
Suzune Tanahashi : I'll become a love sniper like you too someday, right? (0:08:25.42)
Riko Kurahashi : Y-Yeah! (0:08:30.18)
Riko Kurahashi : Of course! (0:08:31.40)
Riko Kurahashi : I'm such a... (0:08:34.41)
Riko Kurahashi : My hair's gotten pretty long. (0:08:38.37)
Riko Kurahashi : I-Isn't this... (0:08:46.58)
Riko Kurahashi : a l-love... (0:08:48.52)
EXTRA : Kurahashi-san, you're so wild! (0:08:51.63)
EXTRA : You're so cool! Manlier than men! (0:08:54.12)
EXTRA : I love you! (0:08:57.04)
Riko Kurahashi : What the hell? (0:08:58.18)
Riko Kurahashi : This is really depressing. (0:08:59.46)
Riko Kurahashi : I'll grow my hair out. (0:09:01.47)
Riko Kurahashi : And I'll wear accessories too! (0:09:02.88)
Riko Kurahashi : Oh, this looks pretty good on me! (0:09:10.73)
Riko Kurahashi : Do you need something?! (0:09:17.57)
Sayori Mizushima : I'm just here to get you since you were taking a while. (0:09:19.12)
Riko Kurahashi : Gee, thanks... (0:09:21.29)
Natsuo Maki : Big news! Big news! (0:09:26.61)
Riko Kurahashi : Huh? (0:09:28.63)
Natsuo Maki : This is serious! (0:09:30.21)
Natsuo Maki : We got an actual question about love! (0:09:31.50)
Riko Kurahashi : Huh? (0:09:34.09)
Riko Kurahashi : All right, let me read this. (0:09:37.86)
Riko Kurahashi : "I want to give a gift to somebody I love. (0:09:39.56)
Riko Kurahashi : What should I go with?" (0:09:42.16)
Riko Kurahashi : That'd depend entirely on who we're talking about! (0:09:44.84)
Riko Kurahashi : We can't answer this! (0:09:47.68)
Yuiko Enomoto : Sorry. This is all because of what happened at the last committee meeting. (0:09:49.23)
Yuiko Enomoto : I shouldn't have done something like that. (0:09:53.06)
Suzune Tanahashi : I-It's okay! We have Riko-senpai! (0:09:54.99)
Natsuo Maki : Yeah! (0:09:59.90)
Natsuo Maki : Riko knows a lot of guys, so I'm sure she'll figure out what this guy likes! (0:10:01.03)
Riko Kurahashi : Huh? (0:10:05.25)
Riko Kurahashi : R-Right! I'll go ask some guys! (0:10:15.21)
EXTRA : Awesome! (0:10:18.04)
Natsuo Maki : We're counting on you, Master Riko. (0:10:19.13)
Sayori Mizushima : She's just going to keep digging herself into a deeper hole. (0:10:22.01)
Riko Kurahashi : I have no clue what guys like. (0:10:27.19)
EXTRA : Here's the magazine you lent me. Thanks. (0:10:30.57)
Riko Kurahashi : Oh, yeah. (0:10:33.22)
Riko Kurahashi : This is it! (0:10:36.67)
Riko Kurahashi : Yeah! I just need to gather information from magazines! (0:10:37.90)
Riko Kurahashi : Then figuring out what guys like will be... (0:10:41.33)
Riko Kurahashi : What's up? (0:10:44.07)
Sayori Mizushima : Kurahashi! (0:10:45.12)
Sayori Mizushima : I want to know what kinds of guys you've asked, (0:10:47.01)
Sayori Mizushima : so could you take photos of them? (0:10:50.10)
Riko Kurahashi : Why's she so ruthless? (0:10:52.40)
Riko Kurahashi : I'll go do some research on my own,
but you should all ask your family too.
Suzune Tanahashi : I'll ask my cousin and my big brother! (0:10:59.40)
Natsuo Maki : I only have a big sister. (0:11:02.00)
Yuiko Enomoto : Why don't you ask your dad? (0:11:04.35)
Yuiko Enomoto : I'm sure he'll give you some great answers. (0:11:06.40)
Yuiko Enomoto : After all, he's into lingerie. (0:11:08.06)
Riko Kurahashi : So what's with this lingerie thing anyway? (0:11:10.59)
Natsuo Maki : Nothing important. (0:11:13.14)
Natsuo Maki : Enomoto-senpai just has a disease where every male looks like lingerie to her. (0:11:14.80)
Yuiko Enomoto : Who has what?! (0:11:20.33)
Riko Kurahashi : Just tell me what it is. (0:11:21.28)
Riko Kurahashi : Don't make me imagine weird stuff. (0:11:23.88)
Suzune Tanahashi : I want to know too! (0:11:27.20)
Suzune Tanahashi : Before my imagination gets out of hand. (0:11:29.50)
Riko Kurahashi : You need to hold back a little. (0:11:31.97)
Natsuo Maki : All right. (0:11:33.50)
Natsuo Maki : But if you chuckle even a little bit, (0:11:35.18)
Natsuo Maki : I'll cry like a baby. (0:11:38.59)
Suzune Tanahashi : S-Sure. (0:11:40.55)
Riko Kurahashi : O-Okay. (0:11:40.55)
Yuiko Enomoto : Maki's family runs the underwear company True Tree. (0:11:42.47)
Riko Kurahashi : Really? (0:11:46.43)
Suzune Tanahashi : Wow! (0:11:47.80)
Suzune Tanahashi : That's a famous brand! (0:11:48.86)
Riko Kurahashi : Oh, if that's all it was, you really didn't need to hide it at all! (0:11:50.38)
Natsuo Maki : If only that was the end of the story. (0:11:54.86)
Riko Kurahashi : Figured as much. (0:11:57.10)
Yuiko Enomoto : Anyway, my uncle is a producer at a TV station, (0:11:58.65)
Yuiko Enomoto : and he covered True Tree for a certain show. (0:12:02.92)
Sayori Mizushima : This is the footage from it. (0:12:05.62)
Maki's Father : A certain actress said my body was made of wine, (0:12:14.21)
Maki's Father : but right now my body's made of lingerie. (0:12:19.35)
Yuiko Enomoto : The funny part is when he rolls the "r" for no reason in "gerie." (0:12:25.55)
Riko Kurahashi : Stop it! (0:12:28.88)
Maki's Father : Thinking lingerie day and night, (0:12:30.47)
Maki's Father : my brain's shaped like bras, (0:12:34.04)
Maki's Father : and my heart's string panties. (0:12:37.62)
Yuiko Enomoto : "Thinking Lingerie Day and Night!" (0:12:43.45)
Yuiko Enomoto : Maki's father wrote the lyrics to this song. (0:12:45.64)
Riko Kurahashi : Why would he sing that?! (0:12:48.87)
Sayori Mizushima : Thinking lingerie day and night, (0:12:51.29)
Sayori Mizushima : my kidneys are lace underwear. (0:12:54.25)
Riko Kurahashi : Why are you singing along?! (0:12:54.60)
Natsuo Maki : Enough of this already! (0:12:58.13)
Natsuo Maki : Let's focus on the love lesson! (0:13:00.14)
Sayori Mizushima : Will this song ever be released on CD? (0:13:02.98)
Sayori Mizushima : I love it. (0:13:04.80)
Natsuo Maki : Let's start the lesson! (0:13:06.11)
Yuiko Enomoto : We haven't gotten to why you, his daughter, are lingerie too. (0:13:08.10)
Riko Kurahashi : There's still more? (0:13:13.11)
Yuiko Enomoto : Have you heard of a training bra label called "Summer Ribbon"? (0:13:14.60)
Yuiko Enomoto : It was introduced three years ago. (0:13:17.74)
Riko Kurahashi : Oh, I've used it too. (0:13:19.44)
Riko Kurahashi : Huh? (0:13:22.60)
Yuiko Enomoto : It was developed right around when she started wearing bras! (0:13:23.57)
Natsuo Maki : You're so mean! (0:13:27.53)
Riko Kurahashi : I'm not even sure what to think about that. (0:13:29.45)
Yuiko Enomoto : How did it feel to have Maki on you? (0:13:31.91)
Riko Kurahashi : Quit twisting things to make it sound weird! (0:13:34.91)
Suzune Tanahashi : It just means you've been friends for a long time! (0:13:36.74)
Riko Kurahashi : That's not a good follow-up! (0:13:40.20)
Riko Kurahashi : Well, it looked cute and had a nice feel to it. (0:13:42.01)
Riko Kurahashi : It was a great product! (0:13:46.28)
Suzune Tanahashi : Even as a bra, you're still great! (0:13:47.93)
Riko Kurahashi : Please, just stay quiet. (0:13:51.22)
Riko Kurahashi : Ch-Cheer up. (0:13:54.53)
Riko Kurahashi : Come on, let's study some love! (0:13:56.61)
Natsuo Maki : Riko... (0:13:58.90)
Sayori Mizushima : Yeah, cheer up already. (0:13:59.65)
Sayori Mizushima : Kurahashi will interview all kinds of guys for us. (0:14:01.61)
Riko Kurahashi : I totally forgot. (0:14:07.26)
Riko Kurahashi : Should I ask my friends from elementary school? (0:14:09.89)
Riko Kurahashi : But I haven't been keeping in touch. (0:14:12.67)
Mika Kiriyama : Riko, how did you do on the test? (0:14:15.58)
Mika Kiriyama : Wow, that's pretty bad. (0:14:20.50)
Mika Kiriyama : Not that I did any better. (0:14:22.24)
Mika Kiriyama : Hey, wanna go to cram school with me? (0:14:23.89)
Riko Kurahashi : Cram school? (0:14:26.55)
Mika Kiriyama : You know, the one you went to when you were studying for the entrance exam. (0:14:27.52)
Mika Kiriyama : You told me about it before. (0:14:30.98)
Riko Kurahashi : There should be guys I know there. (0:14:32.85)
Riko Kurahashi : I'll go! (0:14:35.51)
Mika Kiriyama : Really? (0:14:36.82)
Riko Kurahashi : Though I won't sign up! (0:14:37.77)
Mika Kiriyama : The hell does that mean? (0:14:38.96)
Riko Kurahashi : I'll be interviewing guys about that love question after school tomorrow. (0:14:40.65)
Natsuo Maki : Oh, really? (0:14:45.11)
Sayori Mizushima : What about photos? (0:14:47.02)
Riko Kurahashi : I'll take some, of course. (0:14:48.30)
Sayori Mizushima : Wow! I'd love to meet guys too! (0:14:51.23)
Sayori Mizushima : Can I go with you? (0:14:54.60)
Riko Kurahashi : Of course not! (0:14:56.62)
Suzune Tanahashi : U-Um... (0:14:58.33)
Suzune Tanahashi : Uh, I-I'm probably wrong here, (0:15:00.46)
Suzune Tanahashi : but are you doubting whether Riko-senpai really is a love sniper, Mizushima-senpai? (0:15:04.54)
Riko Kurahashi : You only just noticed? (0:15:10.55)
Sayori Mizushima : You only just noticed? (0:15:10.55)
Yuiko Enomoto : Really?! (0:15:11.80)
Natsuo Maki : Really?! (0:15:11.80)
Riko Kurahashi : You too?! (0:15:13.64)
Suzune Tanahashi : When the other students almost found out about our love lessons, (0:15:15.25)
Suzune Tanahashi : all I could do was sit there nervously. (0:15:18.42)
Suzune Tanahashi : But you calmly found a way out of the situation. (0:15:21.80)
Suzune Tanahashi : That was amazing. (0:15:25.65)
Suzune Tanahashi : I wished I could be that composed so I could protect others. (0:15:27.32)
Suzune Tanahashi : That's the real you, right? (0:15:31.49)
Suzune Tanahashi : You'd never doubt or tease your friend, right? (0:15:34.70)
Sayori Mizushima : Um, well... (0:15:39.53)
Riko Kurahashi : Oh, Suzu... (0:15:41.33)
Natsuo Maki : Mizushima-senpai! (0:15:43.23)
Natsuo Maki : Riko isn't a liar. (0:15:44.36)
Natsuo Maki : Right? (0:15:46.50)
Riko Kurahashi : Y-Yeah. (0:15:47.69)
Sayori Mizushima : All right. (0:15:50.58)
Sayori Mizushima : Sorry for doubting you. (0:15:52.11)
Natsuo Maki : We'll keep trusting you for advice, so don't let it bother you! (0:15:54.11)
Riko Kurahashi : O-Okay. (0:15:57.96)
Sayori Mizushima : That was a perfect chance to come clean and apologize. (0:15:59.77)
Sayori Mizushima : Silly girl. (0:16:02.50)
Riko Kurahashi : Hey, got a minute? (0:16:03.94)
EXTRA : Oh, Kurahashi! (0:16:06.64)
EXTRA : It's been a while! (0:16:08.02)
Riko Kurahashi : I need some help from you guys. (0:16:09.36)
EXTRA : Sure thing! (0:16:12.16)
Riko Kurahashi : I've interviewed some guys, as promised. (0:16:13.87)
EXTRA : Ooh! (0:16:16.95)
Riko Kurahashi : Here's your camera back. (0:16:19.11)
Sayori Mizushima : All right, I'll get off your case. (0:16:22.33)
Riko Kurahashi : I-I see. (0:16:24.67)
Sayori Mizushima : By the way, are these all your ex-boyfriends and guys you turned down? (0:16:26.46)
Riko Kurahashi : Huh? (0:16:29.67)
Riko Kurahashi : Sort of. (0:16:31.11)
Sayori Mizushima : They're all smiling, though. (0:16:32.13)
Riko Kurahashi : You said you'd get off my case! (0:16:34.93)
Riko Kurahashi : So... (0:16:38.07)
Riko Kurahashi : you guys did your own research too, yeah? (0:16:38.76)
Suzune Tanahashi : I asked my big brother and my cousin! (0:16:41.39)
Yuiko Enomoto : I asked my older brother and his friends. (0:16:44.02)
Sayori Mizushima : I asked my boyfriend. (0:16:46.56)
EXTRA : What?! (0:16:52.44)
Riko Kurahashi : B-B-Boyfriend?! (0:16:54.36)
Yuiko Enomoto : You've been dating him for a while, haven't you? (0:16:56.03)
Sayori Mizushima : Yesterday was our six-month anniversary. (0:16:58.64)
Riko Kurahashi : Th-That's long! (0:17:00.20)
Natsuo Maki : Do you call each other every night and go out on dates every weekend? (0:17:02.00)
Sayori Mizushima : I last saw him about... (0:17:06.13)
Sayori Mizushima : six months ago. (0:17:08.26)
Riko Kurahashi : That's not a friend! (0:17:09.31)
Riko Kurahashi : Not even an acquaintance! (0:17:10.95)
Sayori Mizushima : We're in a long-distance relationship. (0:17:11.96)
Riko Kurahashi : That's a pretty short distance, actually! (0:17:13.64)
Sayori Mizushima : And these are his responses to the survey. (0:17:15.51)
Sayori Mizushima : We keep in touch via texts. (0:17:18.18)
Riko Kurahashi : "Question: Do you expect replies to your texts?" (0:17:20.23)
Natsuo Maki : "Answer: I don't need a response every time, but one for every five or so would be nice." (0:17:22.90)
Riko Kurahashi : "Is ten minutes on the phone not enough?" (0:17:27.30)
Natsuo Maki : "Forget that, I wish she'd call me at some point." (0:17:29.74)
Riko Kurahashi : That's heartbreaking! (0:17:33.25)
Yuiko Enomoto : So frank, as always. (0:17:35.03)
Sayori Mizushima : You think so? (0:17:37.16)
Suzune Tanahashi : But if you know your six-month anniversary, you must remember when you started going out! (0:17:37.97)
Sayori Mizushima : Uh... (0:17:42.80)
Suzune Tanahashi : You're the shy type, just like me! (0:17:43.91)
Sayori Mizushima : I'm not! (0:17:47.63)
Sayori Mizushima : I just remember because he keeps talking about it! (0:17:48.90)
Riko Kurahashi : Huh? (0:17:51.89)
Natsuo Maki : Oh? (0:17:52.86)
Sayori Mizushima : I'm not really that... (0:17:54.55)
Yuiko Enomoto : Suzu reminds me of Sayo's boyfriend. (0:17:57.22)
Sayori Mizushima : But I gotta say, the answers are all over the place. (0:18:01.24)
Sayori Mizushima : It's hard to pinpoint exactly what a guy would love to get. (0:18:04.64)
Suzune Tanahashi : So what things do we most want to give guys? (0:18:07.10)
Natsuo Maki : Oh, for that, I have a plan I've been cultivating for many years. (0:18:10.55)
Riko Kurahashi : I hope you haven't been cultivating it for so long that it went rotten. (0:18:14.84)
Natsuo Maki : Nothing like a handmade— (0:18:18.15)
Sayori Mizushima : By the way, (0:18:19.44)
Sayori Mizushima : handmade items are what they don't want the most. (0:18:20.71)
Riko Kurahashi : So it did go rotten. (0:18:25.11)
Natsuo Maki : Why wouldn't they want handmade stuff?! (0:18:26.68)
Natsuo Maki : I could cover his entire body with my hand-knit clothes! (0:18:29.21)
Riko Kurahashi : You want him to wear work trousers? (0:18:32.13)
Yuiko Enomoto : Guys wouldn't want handmade stuff from someone who's not even their girlfriend. (0:18:34.25)
Natsuo Maki : Stab! (0:18:38.51)
Yuiko Enomoto : If it were me, I'd use my savings to buy an expensive— (0:18:39.59)
Suzune Tanahashi : Expensive items are second on the list. (0:18:42.31)
Riko Kurahashi : Hers is rotten too. (0:18:45.83)
Yuiko Enomoto : Why wouldn't they want them?! (0:18:47.70)
Natsuo Maki : That's like letting your money do the talking, so guys would find it a turn-off. (0:18:49.48)
Yuiko Enomoto : Gack! (0:18:53.82)
Sayori Mizushima : I love guys who let the money do the talking, though. (0:18:54.94)
Sayori Mizushima : Actually, I'll do the talking so let me have the money! (0:18:58.09)
Riko Kurahashi : What are you on about? (0:19:00.88)
Suzune Tanahashi : Why don't we take the middle ground and give them handmade money? (0:19:03.13)
Riko Kurahashi : That's a crime! (0:19:06.44)
Natsuo Maki : Still, I can't believe they don't like handmade items! (0:19:07.62)
Natsuo Maki : I always dreamt of giving my man things I knit myself! (0:19:10.85)
Riko Kurahashi : They seem to like it if it's from their girlfriend, so keep on at it. (0:19:13.90)
Natsuo Maki : Really? (0:19:17.40)
Natsuo Maki : Then I'll make plenty for my future boyfriend! (0:19:18.64)
Riko Kurahashi : Good luck, Maki's future boyfriend. (0:19:22.26)
Suzune Tanahashi : I've finished compiling the responses. (0:19:28.55)
Riko Kurahashi : Now we just need to tell that girl the results. (0:19:30.78)
Riko Kurahashi : So... (0:19:33.22)
Riko Kurahashi : What the hell are you doing? (0:19:34.02)
Natsuo Maki : I'm training by imagining my future boyfriend. (0:19:37.05)
Riko Kurahashi : Right... (0:19:39.64)
Yuiko Enomoto : That reminds me... (0:19:40.86)
Yuiko Enomoto : How are we going to tell her? (0:19:41.91)
Yuiko Enomoto : It was asked by an anonymous student. (0:19:43.72)
EXTRA : Oh! (0:19:45.95)
Riko Kurahashi : Maybe we can post it on the bulletin board or distribute handouts? (0:19:48.21)
Natsuo Maki : Dating boys isn't allowed, so we can't let the teachers know about this. (0:19:52.27)
Suzune Tanahashi : Maybe do a handwriting analysis or get a police dog to track her down. (0:19:56.42)
Riko Kurahashi : I'd be reluctant to think that we can pool public resources for this. (0:19:59.72)
Sayori Mizushima : What a pain. Let's just spread the word through a game of telephone. (0:20:01.84)
Riko Kurahashi : Now, you need to be less reluctant. (0:20:04.46)
Yuiko Enomoto : She must've been at the committee chair meeting the other day, right? (0:20:06.18)
Yuiko Enomoto : Then we can just announce it at the next meeting! (0:20:09.16)
Riko Kurahashi : Good idea! (0:20:12.10)
Natsuo Maki : The next meeting is in two months. (0:20:14.11)
Natsuo Maki : Judging from the way the question was written, (0:20:16.75)
Natsuo Maki : she doesn't seem to be in
a relationship with the guy yet.
Natsuo Maki : If she's giving a gift to
someone she has a crush on,
Natsuo Maki : it's highly likely that it's for an occasion that makes it seem natural, such as his birthday. (0:20:25.43)
Natsuo Maki : She's asking a third party like us, (0:20:29.98)
Natsuo Maki : which means she thought about it, but couldn't decide. (0:20:32.76)
Natsuo Maki : If she's been thinking about it, it's reasonable to assume that the day is drawing near. (0:20:35.61)
Natsuo Maki : That means that day may fall within the next two months. (0:20:40.95)
Riko Kurahashi : If only she could be this rational during love lessons. (0:20:46.18)
Yuiko Enomoto : Oh, forget it! (0:20:50.44)
Yuiko Enomoto : She's on her own! (0:20:51.81)
Riko Kurahashi : What are you saying? We even did a survey! (0:20:53.19)
Yuiko Enomoto : Like I care! (0:20:56.38)
Yuiko Enomoto : The student council isn't
responsible for this to begin with!
Riko Kurahashi : Hey— (0:21:01.03)
Sayori Mizushima : Then let's just ignore her. (0:21:01.53)
Yuiko Enomoto : Huh?! (0:21:03.12)
Yuiko Enomoto : We aren't just gonna ignore a girl who asked us for advice! (0:21:04.24)
Sayori Mizushima : Right. (0:21:07.08)
Sayori Mizushima : She's counting on us, after all. (0:21:08.12)
Riko Kurahashi : She's so good at manipulating her! (0:21:10.16)
Natsuo Maki : Enomoto-senpai, why don't we take a short break and think about it some more? (0:21:14.27)
Yuiko Enomoto : Okay. (0:21:20.39)
Yuiko Enomoto : Let's do that. (0:21:21.40)
Suzune Tanahashi : I'll make some tea. (0:21:22.74)
Yuiko Enomoto : I'm going to the restroom. (0:21:25.38)
Natsuo Maki : Enomoto-senpai, you dropped it! (0:21:28.64)
Yuiko Enomoto : I-I never asked you to pick it up! (0:21:32.76)
Natsuo Maki : She's the bashful type! (0:21:35.82)
Yuiko Enomoto : Bashful? Who's bashful? (0:21:38.94)
Natsuo Maki : And she's not even aware of it! (0:21:41.26)
Riko Kurahashi : Why are you starting a musical? (0:21:43.57)
Riko Kurahashi : Oh, a musical? (0:21:46.28)
Suzune Tanahashi : I brought tea! (0:21:48.24)
Sayori Mizushima : Watch out! (0:21:52.29)
Sayori Mizushima : Thank goodness the cups didn't shatter. (0:21:57.65)
Natsuo Maki : Dutchy! (0:21:58.78)
Natsuo Maki : Are you okay, Dutchy?! (0:22:00.92)
Suzune Tanahashi : I'm so sorry. (0:22:03.52)
Riko Kurahashi : Clumsy girl. (0:22:05.05)
Riko Kurahashi : Master of follow-ups. (0:22:06.51)
Riko Kurahashi : Maki, what time does every student listen to the school broadcast? (0:22:09.22)
Natsuo Maki : Huh? Wouldn't that be during lunch break? (0:22:13.20)
Riko Kurahashi : All right! (0:22:17.92)
Riko Kurahashi : We're taking over the broadcasting room during lunch break! (0:22:18.90)
EXTRA : What?! (0:22:22.07)
Yuiko Enomoto : Big news! (0:23:57.85)
Yuiko Enomoto : The legendary song that was once lost, (0:23:59.29)
Yuiko Enomoto : "Thinking Lingerie Day and Night," is finally getting a CD release! (0:24:00.67)
Suzune Tanahashi : Everyone buying lingerie from True Tree will get a free copy! (0:24:04.38)
Sayori Mizushima : Lingerie that comes with a CD, huh? (0:24:08.06)
Sayori Mizushima : This is going to start a new wave in the underwear industry. (0:24:09.76)
Sayori Mizushima : Oh, we're taking preorders through the comment box. (0:24:12.20)
Natsuo Maki : Nothing's starting! There will be no new wave! (0:24:15.40)
Natsuo Maki : The comment box is for asking for love advice, so please don't use it to submit orders! (0:24:18.22)
Riko Kurahashi : Hey, the comment box isn't for love advice either. (0:24:22.31)

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