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EXTRA : Elizabeth, the third princess of the Liones Kingdom, (0:00:01.14)
EXTRA : presses onward with her search for the
legendary Seven in order to save the kingdom.
EXTRA : Together with the Dragon's Sin of Wrath, Meliodas, her journey continues. (0:00:08.61)
EXTRA : In the Forest of White Dreams, they met a giant girl, (0:00:14.74)
EXTRA : the second member of the Seven, the Serpent's Sin of Envy, Diane. (0:00:18.99)
EXTRA : Just as she joined the team, (0:00:24.21)
EXTRA : the Holy Knight Gilthunder who was chasing Meliodas arrived. (0:00:26.71)
EXTRA : As the battle was coming to a close, (0:00:33.60)
EXTRA : the demise of Meliodas appeared imminent. (0:00:36.84)
EXTRA : However... (0:00:42.39)
Meliodas : Thanks, Li'l Gil! (0:00:44.10)
Meliodas : The Baste Dungeon and the City of the Dead, right? (0:00:49.32)
Meliodas : Guess I'll pay 'em a visit. (0:00:52.99)
Gilthunder : I see... (0:00:55.86)
Gilthunder : You let yourself come to harm in order to find out where your allies are. (0:00:57.57)
Meliodas : We'll continue this some other time, okay? (0:01:03.50)
Gilthunder : You wish! (0:01:05.76)
Gilthunder : Farewell. (0:01:22.33)
Meliodas : See ya. (0:01:24.02)
Diane : Captain said "some other time," didn't he? (0:01:26.19)
Gilthunder : Unhand me! (0:01:28.44)
Diane : Didn't I tell you a long time ago that
"shocking" men aren't popular with girls?
Meliodas : Thanks, Diane. (0:01:40.33)
Meliodas : Looks like you'll need a new one of those. (0:01:41.78)
EXTRA : This is a tale of humans and beings from other worlds. (0:01:49.58)
EXTRA : It is a story of ancient times. (0:01:55.13)
EXTRA : The Holy Knights who protected this country (0:01:57.76)
EXTRA : wielded immensely powerful magic. (0:01:59.76)
EXTRA : They were both feared and revered. (0:02:01.97)
EXTRA : However, (0:02:05.31)
EXTRA : a faction arose who betrayed their country and turned their blades against the remaining Knights. (0:02:06.35)
EXTRA : To the masses, they were known as the "Seven Deadly Sins." (0:02:11.48)
Hawk : Hey, you! You've got a lot of nerve messing with me! You bastard pig! (0:03:50.13)
Hawk : It's my turn now! (0:03:55.10)
Elizabeth Liones : Are you two all right? (0:03:56.97)
Meliodas : Yup. (0:03:58.93)
Hawk : Huh? Where'd that bastard pig go? (0:03:59.77)
Meliodas : You're the pig, aren't you? (0:04:02.19)
Diane : And he smells delicious! (0:04:03.69)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas, you're wounded! (0:04:08.61)
Meliodas : Oh, it's no big deal. (0:04:10.82)
Elizabeth Liones : But you're bleeding so much! (0:04:13.16)
Diane : D-Don't get so touchy-feely with Captain! (0:04:15.20)
Elizabeth Liones : But— (0:04:19.04)
Diane : It's my job to look after Captain, okay? (0:04:20.04)
Diane : If anyone's gonna help him, it'll be me. (0:04:23.88)
Hawk : Hey, I'm injured too! He really did a number on me! (0:04:25.92)
Meliodas : Here? (0:04:30.26)
Hawk : That's my spare rib... (0:04:31.26)
Meliodas : Here? (0:04:32.97)
Hawk : That's my shoulder roa— (0:04:34.09)
Hawk : You're doing this on purpose, aren't you!? (0:04:35.30)
Elizabeth Liones : Hawk, let's cool your back down a bit. (0:04:36.43)
Hawk : Elizabeth is the only one who cares about me! (0:04:41.02)
EXTRA : O God, (0:04:48.62)
EXTRA : please bring back to us the young men of
the village who were taken by the kingdom.
EXTRA : Please bring divine retribution to the Holy Knights. (0:04:55.19)
EXTRA : Divine... retribution... (0:05:09.92)
EXTRA : Someone... help me... (0:05:16.26)
Gilthunder : Oh well. (0:05:20.81)
Hawk : Ah, that's the spot! (0:05:35.39)
Hawk : That damn Holy Knight. (0:05:38.74)
Hawk : I won't go easy on him next time! (0:05:40.64)
Hawk : So, Elizabeth, you knew that guy? (0:05:45.04)
Elizabeth Liones : Yes... (0:05:48.42)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Gilthunder was originally my sister Margaret's escort. (0:05:49.96)
Elizabeth Liones : He treated me affectionately, like I was his own sister. (0:05:53.97)
Elizabeth Liones : Even after his father, the Great Holy Knight, passed away, he continued his loyal service. (0:05:59.10)
Elizabeth Liones : And yet... (0:06:06.06)
Elizabeth Liones : Could he be related to what happened to Father? (0:06:18.70)
Hawk : What's wrong, Elizabeth? (0:06:20.98)
Elizabeth Liones : We can never return to that time, can we? (0:06:25.00)
Meliodas : So the Fox's Sin of Greed, Ban, was thrown into a dungeon, (0:06:29.00)
Meliodas : while the Grizzly's Sin of Sloth, King, is dead and buried... (0:06:32.88)
Meliodas : What do you think? (0:06:37.34)
Diane : I don't care... (0:06:38.68)
Diane : I have no interest in men other than Captain. (0:06:40.21)
Diane : But enough about that. (0:06:43.35)
Diane : I've become such a fine
woman over these ten years!
Meliodas : That's just a sketch, y'know. (0:06:49.85)
Meliodas : It's decided! (0:06:52.94)
Diane : You could've kept riding on me... (0:06:54.36)
Meliodas : Let's go pick up Ban at the Baste Dungeon first! (0:06:56.19)
Hawk : Why the Baste Dungeon first? (0:07:01.78)
Meliodas : It's closer. (0:07:04.37)
Hawk : That's the only reason? (0:07:05.29)
Elizabeth Liones : I-I disagree! (0:07:06.95)
Elizabeth Liones : Shouldn't we treat your wounds before we go to the dungeon? (0:07:09.75)
Elizabeth Liones : If you have to fight another Holy Knight with your body in that condition... (0:07:14.17)
Meliodas : Maybe this'll help. (0:07:20.55)
Elizabeth Liones : R-Really? (0:07:22.09)
Hawk : Obviously not! (0:07:23.47)
Meliodas : Elizabeth... (0:07:27.31)
Meliodas : It's just a few scratches. (0:07:29.77)
Meliodas : No need to worry. (0:07:31.11)
Meliodas : I'll be fine with a little rest. (0:07:33.11)
Meliodas : G'night. (0:07:35.27)
Hawk : I figured he would've asked you to sleep with him or something. (0:07:41.03)
Elizabeth Liones : I'm going to check on him. (0:07:45.49)
Hawk : Sleep with him, you mean? (0:07:47.12)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas. (0:07:52.33)
Elizabeth Liones : Are you okay changing your clothes by yourself? (0:07:54.29)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord... (0:08:08.35)
Elizabeth Liones : Meliodas... (0:08:10.23)
Jericho : A report from the Royal Palace. (0:08:16.44)
Jericho : We've confirmed the presence of two Sins at the Forest of White Dreams. (0:08:18.82)
Jericho : I fear that they'll be coming here in search of a certain someone. (0:08:23.32)
Freesia : Oh? (0:08:26.45)
Freesia : They're finally coming? (0:08:27.61)
Freesia : Little Sins. (0:08:29.20)
Golgius : Whether he comes straight here or stops by the neighboring town first, (0:08:34.17)
Golgius : I suppose we should be ready to welcome him. (0:08:38.75)
Freesia : Oh come now, Golgius. (0:08:44.28)
Freesia : What an unpleasant move! (0:08:46.47)
Golgius : It's your turn, Fresia. (0:08:49.64)
Jericho : Um... (0:08:50.92)
Freesia : No need to worry, Jericho. (0:08:52.35)
Freesia : You see, this dungeon (0:08:55.43)
Freesia : was built in preparation for battles to come. An experimental fort, you could say. (0:08:57.19)
Freesia : Even for the Seven Deadly Sins,
it won't be easy to conquer this place.
Ruin : That's true. (0:09:06.53)
Ruin : Don't forget that we Weird Fangs are here as well. (0:09:07.85)
Jericho : O-Of course not, Lord Ruin. (0:09:13.99)
Jude : However, (0:09:16.79)
Jude : I wonder if they'll really come. (0:09:18.21)
Freesia : Good point. (0:09:25.89)
Freesia : There's no way anyone would take such a huge risk just to save him . (0:09:26.82)
Freesia : Since we captured him five years ago, he hasn't basked in the sun, (0:09:33.18)
Freesia : nor has he moved an inch or
been allowed to speak a word.
Freesia : He hasn't been fed anything worth eating, either. (0:09:42.15)
Freesia : He's just going to be tortured until the day he dies. (0:09:44.90)
Jude : Although he was a member of the Seven,
I don't know why they'd bother saving him.
Golgius : To think he was the legendary Fox's Sin of Greed... (0:09:53.25)
Golgius : How pitiful. (0:09:56.73)
EXTRA : That sound... (0:10:03.30)
EXTRA : Where's it coming from? (0:10:05.93)
Diane : Hey, townspeople! (0:10:35.78)
EXTRA : It's a giant! (0:10:37.57)
EXTRA : Whoa, you're huge! (0:10:38.86)
Diane : Wait! (0:10:41.62)
Diane : I just want to know where the doctors are! (0:10:42.51)
Diane : Captain... (0:10:49.37)
Hawk : I told you so! (0:10:51.25)
Elizabeth Liones : Hawk and I will look for a doctor in the village. (0:10:53.21)
Elizabeth Liones : Diane, can you— (0:10:56.98)
Diane : I'll be the one to save Captain! (0:10:57.97)
Elizabeth Liones : B-But— (0:11:00.22)
Hawk : You're scaring everyone away! (0:11:01.72)
Diane : I get it. (0:11:12.77)
Diane : Go start looking. I'll wait here. (0:11:14.15)
Elizabeth Liones : Y-Yes! (0:11:15.86)
Hawk : Be good and wait for us! (0:11:17.07)
Freesia : I've found them! (0:11:30.00)
Freesia : Just as Golgius anticipated. (0:11:33.42)
Jude : Are you going, Fresia? (0:11:36.42)
Freesia : Yes. (0:11:38.55)
Freesia : I'm going to deliver the first
strike and put an end to him.
Diane : Captain... (0:11:53.06)
EXTRA : This is a medicine I've prepared myself. (0:11:57.15)
EXTRA : It'll make him at peace. (0:12:00.44)
Elizabeth Liones : Thank you very much, Dr. Dana. (0:12:02.82)
EXTRA : Honestly, I'm amazed he's still alive. (0:12:05.49)
EXTRA : The wound from the sword is deep,
and he's got a burn as if he was struck by lightning.
EXTRA : Why would a kid like this... (0:12:14.37)
Elizabeth Liones : This is my fault. (0:12:19.67)
Elizabeth Liones : It's because I told him I wanted to stop the Holy Knights. (0:12:22.47)
Elizabeth Liones : In order to get information about the Seven Deadly Sins... (0:12:26.14)
Elizabeth Liones : He's so reckless... (0:12:29.10)
Hawk : Elizabeth... (0:12:31.43)
Elizabeth Liones : I'm sorry. (0:12:33.39)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas, I hope you get better soon. (0:12:37.65)
Hawk : What should we do now? (0:12:42.28)
Elizabeth Liones : Let's wait until Lord Meliodas wakes up. (0:12:44.82)
Elizabeth Liones : We can think about the Baste after— (0:12:47.87)
Diane : I'm going to the Baste Dungeon myself. (0:12:49.91)
Diane : I'm sure that heading to the Baste Dungeon is the first thing that Captain will do when he wakes up. (0:12:52.96)
Diane : Until he's fully healed, (0:12:59.80)
Diane : I won't let that happen. (0:13:01.75)
Elizabeth Liones : Lady Diane, I am coming as well! (0:13:05.88)
Diane : Oh, please, you'll just slow me down. (0:13:09.01)
Diane : With that tiny body and those skinny arms... (0:13:12.89)
Diane : What exactly do you think you can do? (0:13:16.40)
Diane : You may be a princess, (0:13:19.11)
Diane : but all you can do now is be
Captain's nurse and change his linens.
Hawk : What's up with your attitude? (0:13:25.11)
Hawk : Not every girl in the world is big and strong like you! (0:13:27.41)
Elizabeth Liones : Even I... (0:13:35.29)
Elizabeth Liones : want to be of some help to Lord Meliodas... (0:13:36.62)
Elizabeth Liones : I don't want to be any more of a nuisance than I already am. (0:13:40.59)
Elizabeth Liones : I don't want anyone to do
anything reckless for my sake—
Diane : Don't get the wrong idea! (0:13:47.80)
Diane : Captain isn't doing all this just for you! (0:13:49.64)
Diane : Captain... helped me out, too... (0:13:53.97)
Diane : He's always been like that. (0:13:57.06)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Diane... (0:14:00.11)
Diane : It was when I left my hometown and went traveling on my own. (0:14:04.19)
Diane : I got into some petty argument with a few knights... (0:14:08.95)
EXTRA : Y-You! How dare you! (0:14:13.54)
Diane : That's what you get for drawing your sword against such a beautiful girl. (0:14:16.33)
EXTRA : Like hell you're a beautiful girl! (0:14:22.29)
EXTRA : Damn giants! (0:14:24.34)
EXTRA : Go back to your homeland! (0:14:25.46)
EXTRA : There are no men or women for monsters like you! (0:14:27.05)
Diane : You make me sick. (0:14:30.76)
Diane : You humans are so full of yourselves
just because there are so many of you!
EXTRA : Why, you... (0:14:35.89)
EXTRA : You think we're just gonna let you run your mouth? (0:14:37.01)
EXTRA : Let's teach her a lesson! (0:14:38.31)
EXTRA : Who's this brat? (0:14:44.02)
EXTRA : Do you understand that you're
fighting Knights of the Golden Wheats?!
Meliodas : You guys shouldn't act so high and mighty, ganging up on a girl like this. (0:14:49.53)
EXTRA : Damn you! (0:14:54.95)
EXTRA : Are those your last words?! (0:14:56.68)
EXTRA : R-Retreat! (0:15:02.84)
Meliodas : Well, that's that! (0:15:06.92)
Meliodas : Were you scared? (0:15:08.79)
Diane : It was the first time in my life that someone asked me if I was scared. (0:15:11.51)
Diane : And it was to a girl much bigger than he was. (0:15:17.43)
Diane : I still remember it clearly, even now. (0:15:22.27)
Diane : At the time, I felt like I'd become the
same height as the boy in front of me.
Diane : I understand, of course. (0:15:32.41)
Diane : Those were just silly feelings. (0:15:34.03)
Diane : I'm not small and cute like you, Little Princess. (0:15:37.54)
Diane : I can't go inside a house,
so I can't even take care of Captain.
Diane : The only thing I can do is fight for him. (0:15:46.96)
Diane : That's it. (0:15:51.78)
Elizabeth Liones : I want the strength to fight the Holy Knights. (0:15:54.39)
Elizabeth Liones : I want to be able to protect those who are dear to me... (0:15:58.51)
Diane : I... (0:16:03.81)
Diane : wish I were smaller. (0:16:05.40)
Elizabeth Liones : Lady Diane... (0:16:07.94)
Elizabeth Liones : That's... (0:16:13.11)
Diane : It's coming from the Baste Dungeon. (0:16:20.75)
Elizabeth Liones : Are those... rain clouds? (0:16:23.83)
Hawk : Him again? (0:16:26.42)
Diane : No... This is the sound of... (0:16:27.96)
Elizabeth Liones : This can't be... (0:16:31.01)
Elizabeth Liones : Bugs?! (0:16:32.38)
Hawk : Not just any bugs... (0:16:33.38)
Hawk : A whole swarm of poisonous ones! (0:16:34.72)
Elizabeth Liones : Is this an attack from the Baste Dungeon?! (0:16:45.35)
Hawk : That means a Holy Knight is behind this! (0:16:47.98)
Hawk : Diane, we're counting on you! (0:16:50.53)
Diane : I hate bugs! (0:16:56.53)
Freesia : Come, have a taste of my adorable insects' "Rain Capriccio"! (0:17:04.04)
Hawk : No way! At this rate, the whole town's gonna be annihilated! (0:17:13.17)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas... (0:17:18.30)
Hawk : Elizabeth! (0:17:22.14)
Freesia : You're going to melt along with the whole town! (0:17:25.23)
Diane : I hate bugs, but... (0:17:33.32)
Diane : If it's for Captain's sake, I'll do anything! (0:17:35.24)
Elizabeth Liones : This is... Lord Diane's power? (0:17:51.92)
Hawk : She destroyed 'em all! Amazing! (0:17:54.67)
Diane : I'll crush every one of your insects! (0:17:58.51)
Freesia : I should say... As expected, right? (0:18:02.72)
Hawk : Hey, teach me that move you just used— (0:18:06.31)
Diane : I'll leave Captain to you! (0:18:16.06)
Elizabeth Liones : Y-Yes! (0:18:20.57)
Hawk : He's sure resting comfortably despite all the racket outside. (0:18:26.75)
EXTRA : How's the patient doing? (0:18:32.34)
Elizabeth Liones : He's sleeping very deeply, thanks to your medicine. (0:18:34.71)
Hawk : It's almost like he's dead. (0:18:39.68)
Elizabeth Liones : Hawk! Don't say scary things like that! (0:18:42.10)
EXTRA : Well... Of course he is... (0:18:44.77)
Golgius : Dr. Dana, thanks for your hard work. (0:18:48.64)
Golgius : You suitably held up your end of the deal. (0:18:51.44)
Hawk : Wh-What was that? (0:18:55.40)
Elizabeth Liones : Who's there? (0:18:56.36)
EXTRA : Wolfsbane, deadly nightshade, cantharidin and henbane's leaf. (0:18:57.36)
EXTRA : A specially mixed deadly poison. (0:19:00.93)
EXTRA : This boy will never open his eyes again. (0:19:04.41)
Elizabeth Liones : It wasn't medicine for healing his wounds? (0:19:09.21)
Golgius : Even we wouldn't come out unscathed
in a battle against the legendary Seven.
Golgius : Besides, for the kingdom to accomplish its goals, we have to take drastic measures. (0:19:20.14)
Elizabeth Liones : Who are you? Show yourself! (0:19:25.10)
Golgius : Allow me to introduce myself. (0:19:28.31)
Golgius : I am the Holy Knight Golgius of the Weird Fangs. (0:19:31.19)
Elizabeth Liones : Holy Knight... (0:19:35.52)
Hawk : Where'd he come from? (0:19:36.98)
Golgius : Princess Elizabeth, I have come to pick you up. (0:19:39.07)
EXTRA : Hey, wanna bet on who wins? (0:21:19.50)
EXTRA : Between the Weird Fangs
and the Seven Deadly Sins!
EXTRA : They're fighting in the town now, aren't they? (0:21:25.82)
EXTRA : That's not even worth betting on. (0:21:28.01)
EXTRA : The Seven Deadly Sins just have
their captain and one more, right?
EXTRA : They have no chance against the Weird Fangs— (0:21:34.64)
Ban : Hey! (0:21:37.19)
Ban : That's pretty interesting. (0:21:39.65)
EXTRA : N-No way! (0:21:46.61)
Ban : It's nice to get out for a walk every now and then. (0:21:51.54)
EXTRA : Fox's Sin of Greed, Ban, of the Seven! (0:21:54.50)
EXTRA : You... (0:22:00.17)
EXTRA : How did you break out?! (0:22:01.52)
EXTRA : Why now? (0:22:03.09)
Ban : You can tell just by looking. (0:22:04.34)
Ban : I kicked the door down. (0:22:06.76)
Ban : It's because you guys were
having such an interesting chat.
Ban : He was alive? (0:22:14.85)
Ban : Our cap'n... (0:22:17.56)
Jericho : What's the commotion? (0:22:20.86)
EXTRA : Lord Jericho! (0:22:23.02)
Ban : Huh? (0:22:26.49)
Jericho : The Deadly Sin, Ban... (0:22:28.03)
Jericho : I don't know how you got out of your cell,
but you'd better go back in.
Ban : Look here, brat. (0:22:33.74)
Ban : That's no way to speak to a hero, is it? (0:22:35.91)
Jericho : You dare address an apprentice Holy Knight as "brat," huh? (0:22:39.75)
Jericho : For a half-dead criminal,
you sure like to run your mouth.
Jericho : Send a message to Lord Golgius! (0:22:47.92)
Jericho : A prisoner broke out of his cell and resisted,
so Lord Jericho had no choice but to kill him.
EXTRA : Yes, ma'am! (0:22:55.56)
Ban : Wonder if this is too short? (0:23:15.33)
Ban : Well, it feels refreshing. (0:23:18.29)
Ban : Guess it'll have to do. (0:23:20.37)
Ban : You've got talent, you know... as a hairdresser. (0:23:23.00)
Jericho : You dodged my blade despite
having wounds all over your body?
Ban : Wounds? What wounds? (0:23:29.72)
Jericho : No way... (0:23:33.55)
Jericho : You just had steel stakes
hammered through your limbs.
Ban : Remember this well, brat. (0:23:39.31)
Ban : This is what you call a wound, got it? (0:23:42.73)
Ban : Though the wound he gave me... is what you'd call a special case. (0:23:48.90)
EXTRA : The Weird Fangs order of the Holy Knights are here! (0:23:57.78)
Freesia : You've finally come, Sins! (0:24:01.71)
Freesia : But you won't get past me! (0:24:03.38)
EXTRA : Elizabeth and Diane have escaped! (0:24:05.54)
Freesia : Looks like they ran away in fear of me. (0:24:07.59)
Meliodas : No, they ran away because of your fashion sense. (0:24:10.42)
Meliodas : And those bugs... You really need a bath. (0:24:13.18)
Freesia : Y-You've got it wrong! (0:24:15.80)
Meliodas : Next time on The Seven Deadly Sins: "Even if You Were to Die." (0:24:17.31)
Freesia : I'm just a noble maiden who loves nature! (0:24:20.89)

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Kaede Akamatsu

my wife!! - Anonymous


I'll just cut to the chase. - Sora

After all that's happened today, you kinda need it, Sis. - Sora

I know. I also know that
it was originally our castle.
- Sora

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