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Yuji : I want all but one of you slimes to fall back. (0:00:26.08)
Yuji : We're going to attack that dragon. (0:00:31.71)
Sura : You got it! (0:00:33.79)
Yuji : Hellfire of Demise has more spread than we need. (0:00:37.13)
Yuji : If that dragon's our only target... (0:00:41.04)
Yuji : Spell-transfer: Hellfire of Decimation! (0:00:47.54)
Sura : Yuji. (0:01:02.21)
Sura : That didn't work. (0:01:04.42)
EXTRA : Brushing things off with a "whatever" (0:02:04.83)
EXTRA : Stuck later in an unchanging life (0:02:07.04)
EXTRA : The whatevers became habit (0:02:10.25)
EXTRA : My skills still have yet to bloom (0:02:12.42)
EXTRA : If I don't try to win and but am unwilling to lose (0:02:15.67)
EXTRA : Why does this cold heart still beat with time? (0:02:20.75)
EXTRA : All of us are monsters with hidden powers (0:02:28.42)
EXTRA : Are we going to live without awakening them? (0:02:32.63)
EXTRA : We push things down and cover them up (0:02:38.92)
EXTRA : And our hearts are fresh no more (0:02:41.50)
EXTRA : But we're monsters who continue on without so much as a face (0:02:44.46)
EXTRA : All of us have undiscovered powers hidden inside (0:02:50.25)
EXTRA : You're up next (0:02:55.54)
EXTRA : Stand and face it monster (0:03:00.88)
Surapacchi : That blast packed quite a punch! (0:03:19.88)
Surahappa : Did the dragon just get even bigger? (0:03:22.33)
EXTRA : You're right! (0:03:26.17)
Sura : Yuji! (0:03:29.75)
Sura : Something's weird here. (0:03:31.29)
Yuji : Is it destroying this forest
to absorb more magical energy?
Surapacchi : Yuji, what are we gonna do? (0:03:47.08)
Yuji : Our only choice is to fight. (0:03:53.88)
Mayusura : No way! With that dinky little thing?! (0:03:55.46)
Surahappa : Are you serious? (0:03:58.00)
Yuji : Always. (0:03:59.79)
Yuji : If I can take the firepower from a Hellfire of Demise blast
and concentrate it through this Dagger of Kethis,
Yuji : it should deal a powerful blow. (0:04:09.21)
Yuji : We're going to slip in below that dragon! (0:04:13.42)
Proud Wolf : That sure don't look good! (0:04:24.71)
Higesura : I do believe it's ready to blast us again! (0:04:50.50)
Yuji : We're counting on you! (0:04:56.00)
Pekesura : No sweat! (0:04:57.00)
Yuji : Spell-transfer! (0:04:59.92)
Yuji : Spell-transferring Barrier! (0:05:01.92)
Yuji : Now's our chance to close in! (0:05:07.96)
Surapacchi : Sure is high up there... (0:05:19.00)
Higesura : A hearty 50 meters I reckon. (0:05:21.63)
Yuji : Jump Boost! (0:05:26.54)
Yuji : Anti-Physical Barrier! Jump Boost! (0:05:28.08)
Yuji : Anti-Physical Barrier! Jump Boost! (0:05:30.21)
Surapacchi : Look at him go! (0:05:33.58)
Yuji : Spell-transfer: Fireball! (0:05:40.25)
Yuji : Here goes. (0:05:52.83)
Yuji : Hellfire of Demise! (0:05:59.04)
Yuji : That takes care of that. (0:06:13.00)
Yuji : Probably would have died there if I let my guard down. (0:06:36.54)
Yuji : Should have guessed that'd put my MP in the red. (0:06:39.46)
Yuji : Running low on HP, too. (0:06:42.21)
Yuji : All I need is one more hit. (0:07:05.04)
Yuji : But how am I going to draw it down here? (0:07:07.71)
Yuji : This isn't looking good. (0:07:14.96)
Yuji : This is going to be rough, (0:07:17.71)
Yuji : but freezing it out of the sky is the only way! (0:07:19.17)
Yuji : That'll be when I use it. (0:07:25.88)
Yuji : This has got to be good for something. (0:07:27.54)
Yuji : It all comes down to this. (0:07:40.29)
Yuji : Divine Strike! (0:07:42.96)
Yuji : Proud Wolf! (0:07:58.54)
Proud Wolf : Coming right up! (0:07:59.92)
Yuji : Got you now! (0:08:11.54)
Yuji : Hellfire of Demise! (0:08:19.38)
EXTRA : We did it! (0:08:36.58)
Surapacchi : We won! (0:08:39.21)
Surahappa : No one can beat Yuji! (0:08:40.46)
Yuji : We cut it a little close there... (0:08:43.79)
Yuji : Come on, let's head back to town. (0:08:46.46)
EXTRA : Okay! (0:08:48.75)
Proud Wolf : C'mon, move along. (0:08:50.00)
EXTRA : Sorry to wake you so early. (0:09:09.42)
Yuji : I stepped out for a bit last night. (0:09:12.38)
EXTRA : The skies above Kilia have settled again. (0:09:14.50)
Yuji : That so? (0:09:17.67)
EXTRA : According to Father Steyl, the Blue Dragon
of Delight was defeated by a certain someone.
Yuji : Why does the priest think that? (0:09:25.88)
EXTRA : Says he heard it through the word of God. (0:09:28.08)
Yuji : Where is he now? (0:09:30.71)
EXTRA : Already gone beyond the town boundaries.
Didn't mention where he was headed, either.
EXTRA : Yuji, all of us our sworn to protect the greater good. (0:09:38.50)
EXTRA : Remember you can rely on the guild when in need. (0:09:42.21)
EXTRA : All you need to do is say,
"I'd like some help fighting a dragon."
Yuji : Why tell me this? (0:09:50.63)
EXTRA : Why indeed? (0:09:53.38)
EXTRA : Sorry, Yuji. (0:10:06.50)
EXTRA : Looks like the team I roped you into got disbanded. (0:10:08.46)
EXTRA : Still, I'm glad we volunteered. (0:10:12.25)
EXTRA : Mhmm! (0:10:15.17)
Yuji : Why's that? (0:10:16.79)
EXTRA : Even though it got called off,
we still go down on record as joining up!
Yuji : Makes sense. They sure have their wits about them. (0:10:25.13)
EXTRA : What are your plans now, Yuji? (0:10:28.50)
Yuji : I'm thinking of moving on to another town. (0:10:31.67)
EXTRA : Yeah? That's too bad,
but I guess that's the adventurer's life.
EXTRA : Where you headed for, though? (0:10:40.46)
Yuji : I wanted to talk with you two about that. (0:10:42.88)
Yuji : Anywhere you'd recommend? (0:10:45.29)
EXTRA : How about Ricaardo? (0:10:49.21)
Yuji : Ricaardo? (0:10:51.42)
EXTRA : Yup! That place has got the BEST eats. (0:10:52.83)
EXTRA : Really now...? (0:10:57.29)
EXTRA : That's not a bad idea. It's a warm, comfortable place. (0:10:58.96)
Yuji : Can I ask one thing, though? (0:11:04.17)
Yuji : Nothing weird is going on there, right? (0:11:06.38)
EXTRA : Weird like how? (0:11:09.75)
Yuji : Like the sky changing colors, dragons showing up... (0:11:11.63)
EXTRA : Relax! Kilia's just been a bit off lately. (0:11:20.71)
EXTRA : If it was like this 'round here everyday
we'd all be dead forever ago.
Yuji : Guess we're headed for Ricaardo, then. (0:11:31.17)
EXTRA : Bye-bye! (0:11:39.54)
EXTRA : See you around! (0:11:40.83)
EXTRA : Yuji, I can't wait for dinner! (0:11:51.54)
EXTRA : For something yummy! (0:11:54.42)
EXTRA : Yummy, yummy dinner! (0:11:55.79)
Proud Wolf : Mmm, mmm! (0:11:57.21)
Yuji : Probably best not to let people see my slimes in action. (0:11:58.79)
EXTRA : Yuji! We have an emergency! (0:12:04.00)
Yuji : What's wrong? (0:12:08.42)
EXTRA : Dryad's got an urgent message! (0:12:09.54)
Dryad : Yuji! Yuji! Come quick! (0:12:13.88)
Dryad : The area where you fought off that dragon... (0:12:22.50)
Dryad : now home to some really wonderful mushrooms! (0:12:27.38)
Yuji : Mushrooms...? (0:12:31.38)
Dryad : I can't gather them all by myself, so I wanted your help! (0:12:34.04)
Yuji : That's fine and all, but what do you need them for? (0:12:39.50)
Dryad : To fix up a really special potion! (0:12:43.21)
Yuji : What for? (0:12:46.33)
Dryad : With these red dragon mushrooms,
I can make sage potions.
Dryad : And with the blue dragon mushrooms,
I can make mana restoratives!
Yuji : And they restore what, exactly? (0:13:02.13)
Dryad : They bring your magic power back
to what it was ten minutes prior!
Yuji : Sounds useful. (0:13:08.29)
Yuji : All right, I'll help. (0:13:10.46)
Yuji : Can I ask you to fix up some of those potions in return? (0:13:12.75)
Dryad : Of course! (0:13:16.13)
Dryad : Now, why don't we get started? (0:13:18.25)
Dryad : You're the best! That was so fast! (0:13:27.96)
Yuji : The slimes did all the work. (0:13:34.33)
Yuji : Think this is enough for those potions? (0:13:36.71)
Dryad : Yup! (0:13:38.88)
Dryad : That does it! (0:14:00.63)
Dryad : But wait, this should have been a blue potion... (0:14:02.04)
Dryad : Something's wrong with these mushrooms. (0:14:04.17)
Dryad : They pack too much magical punch. (0:14:08.29)
Dryad : I might still be able to fix some up
if we had crystal clear water.
Yuji : Want me to try and distill some water? (0:14:18.58)
Dryad : Dis-what? (0:14:21.38)
Yuji : I changed up the shape of my barrier to act as a distiller. (0:14:23.17)
Yuji : If you boil the water to a vapor, then cool it back down
into a liquid, you're left with clean, clear water.
Yuji : Then I can use Slime Purification on that water. (0:14:32.75)
Dryad : Wow, I've never seen anything like this. (0:14:36.21)
Yuji : It will take a while, though. (0:14:39.42)
Yuji : That cloudy potion looks a lot like those magic stones. (0:14:43.25)
Dryad : Now that I think about it, back when we first met... (0:14:47.21)
Yuji : Spell-transfer: Magic Conveyance! (0:15:01.79)
Yuji : Are you all right? (0:15:09.75)
Yuji : I used my slime to transfer some of my magic to you. (0:15:11.54)
Dryad : I feel better than ever! Thank you! (0:15:15.63)
Yuji : What happened? (0:15:18.88)
Dryad : Someone left a magic stone
that drained away my power.
Dryad : My well-being is tied to this forest... (0:15:25.46)
Yuji : Dispel Curse. (0:15:31.92)
Yuji : Will that make things better? (0:15:36.25)
Dryad : Yeah... But something doesn't feel right. (0:15:37.83)
Yuji : Monsters? (0:15:45.75)
Yuji : Spell-transfer: Anti-Physical Barrier! Anti-Magic Barrier! (0:15:47.29)
Yuji : Hellfire of Decimation! (0:15:51.25)
Dryad : I don't believe it! (0:15:57.33)
Yuji : Need help with anything else? (0:16:03.25)
Dryad : You've done plenty! Thank you! (0:16:05.04)
Dryad : Take this as a little token of thanks. (0:16:09.96)
Dryad : I owe you my life, after all! (0:16:19.42)
Yuji : Why does it look so much like those magic stones? (0:16:25.96)
Dryad : Well, the stones are probably fused with Dragon's Grace. (0:16:28.50)
Yuji : What's that? (0:16:34.46)
Dryad : A special sort of power that can only be found
at the site of a fallen dragon.
Dryad : Its powerful magic is what
brings these potent mushrooms to life.
Yuji : And the magic stones use that power? (0:16:47.13)
Dryad : Yeah... (0:16:48.88)
Dryad : Dragon's Grace itself is neither good or evil, (0:16:50.79)
Dryad : but if used in the wrong hands,
it can decimate entire forests.
EXTRA : Yuji! (0:17:00.38)
EXTRA : All finished! (0:17:02.25)
Dryad : It worked! It turned blue! (0:17:11.88)
Yuji : That's all it took? (0:17:14.46)
Dryad : Yup! (0:17:16.00)
Dryad : Thank you, Yuji! (0:17:17.42)
Dryad : Here are the sage potions
and mana restoratives I promised.
Dryad : I'll be heading back to the Drya Forest. (0:17:30.88)
Yuji : All right. Let me know if you ever need anything else. (0:17:34.92)
Dryad : Hope to see you again, Yuji! (0:17:40.17)
EXTRA : This is quite the fog. (0:17:46.75)
EXTRA : My good eye can't see a thing! (0:17:49.00)
Yuji : We should make it to Ricaardo
if we keep heading this way.
Proud Wolf : Hmm? (0:17:56.08)
Proud Wolf : I'm picking up some human-y scents. (0:17:57.58)
Surahappa : Way out here? (0:18:00.17)
Proud Wolf : Yeah. Gonna go take a look. (0:18:01.67)
Pekesura : Think maybe this here's Ricaardo? (0:18:23.88)
Yuji : No, it should still be a ways off. (0:18:27.29)
Surapacchi : Hmm? We've got company. (0:18:36.13)
Surapacchi : Looks like lotsa people live here. (0:18:39.00)
EXTRA : What's everyone so smiley for? (0:18:43.08)
EXTRA : Something's weird, huh? (0:18:45.54)
EXTRA : Greetings, traveler. Are you in need of something? (0:18:53.04)
EXTRA : Traveling through this fog is a dangerous errand. (0:18:57.42)
EXTRA : Care to spend an eve here with us to wait it out? (0:19:01.29)
Yuji : No, I'll be making my way soon enough. (0:19:05.21)
EXTRA : Is that so? (0:19:08.58)
EXTRA : You might at least join us for a meal, then. (0:19:10.50)
EXTRA : Eat and enjoy. (0:19:17.25)
Yuji : I don't mean to be rude, but I'm not hungry. (0:19:22.46)
EXTRA : Apologies if our meager offerings offended. (0:19:24.75)
EXTRA : Enlighten me, traveler. (0:19:31.21)
EXTRA : What business brings you to our tiny little village? (0:19:34.29)
Yuji : Just happened on it. (0:19:38.83)
Yuji : I was headed for Ricaardo, but the fog led me off route. (0:19:40.58)
EXTRA : You're certain that's all? (0:19:45.63)
Yuji : Quite. (0:19:48.58)
EXTRA : Very well, then. (0:19:49.79)
EXTRA : My apologies. In our little village
we aren't accustomed to travelers.
Yuji : Right... (0:20:04.92)
Yuji : I'll be making my way, then. (0:20:06.46)
Yuji : What is this village called, anyway? (0:20:09.04)
EXTRA : This is the Village of Messias. (0:20:12.79)
Proud Wolf : Aww, so that wasn't Ricaardo? (0:20:17.63)
Yuji : Nope. (0:20:21.75)
Surapacchi : Food definitely didn't look yummy to me! (0:20:22.75)
Pekesura : No one's getting full on that! (0:20:25.25)
Higesura : The people were quite kind, however. (0:20:27.71)
EXTRA : Always smiling and stuff. (0:20:30.00)
EXTRA : Wonder what had them so happy. (0:20:32.42)
Yuji : Something was definitely off about the place. (0:20:37.67)
EXTRA : Yes, a lone adventurer stumbled in on us,
but it was merely a tamer, so I doubt we need worry.
EXTRA : Yes, our arrangements are in place. (0:20:48.67)
EXTRA : Tomorrow we will extract
the Dragon's Grace from Delight Canyon.
EXTRA : You need not worry. (0:20:56.75)
EXTRA : If you'll excuse me, then... (0:20:58.92)
EXTRA : "Cleanse this tainted world!" (0:21:00.79)
EXTRA : We should make it to Ricaardo once we get over this hill. (0:21:04.88)
EXTRA : The wait is over! (0:21:08.33)
Surahappa : Wonder what sorts of yummy meats they have. (0:21:10.13)
Surapacchi : Maybe we can find a nice grassy place to rest and relax! (0:21:12.46)
Mayusura : Sounds like Heaven to me! (0:21:16.17)
Proud Wolf : Ah! I think I've got eyes on it! (0:21:18.38)
Yuji : This can't be normal... (0:21:32.29)
EXTRA : Time to eat! Da da da dan! (0:21:41.38)
EXTRA : Exploration and procurement are our specialties (0:21:43.96)
EXTRA : "Be sure to bring lots of friends!" (0:21:46.67)
EXTRA : There's always an encounter one step away from town (0:21:49.13)
EXTRA : "Agh, I'm starved! My strength is gone!" (0:21:51.92)
EXTRA : "Look at all these tough baddies!" (0:21:53.25)
EXTRA : "This is ridic! Seriously ridic!" (0:21:54.71)
EXTRA : "This is ridic! Seriously ridic!" (0:21:54.71)
EXTRA : "Crazy, wild, and super glaring!" (0:21:56.08)
EXTRA : "Well it seems time we use our secret weapon!" (0:21:56.46)
EXTRA : "Since when do we have one?" (0:21:58.38)
EXTRA : "I say we ruuun!" (0:22:00.00)
EXTRA : But we wound up surrounded (0:22:01.29)
EXTRA : We're about to experience annihilation! (0:22:06.63)
EXTRA : Brave heroes stand and fight! (0:22:12.67)
EXTRA : "Firepower boosting potions" (0:22:18.96)
EXTRA : "The more you chew, the more you get super healed" (0:22:20.21)
EXTRA : Strength strength coursing through us (0:22:21.29)
EXTRA : Here's some leaves! (0:22:24.33)
EXTRA : "Let's take them!" (0:22:25.67)
EXTRA : Time to eat! Da da da dan! (0:22:27.29)
EXTRA : This food we finally got our hands on is great, huh? (0:22:31.13)
EXTRA : Whether in caves or in the lost woods, (0:22:36.25)
EXTRA : Oh we eat our fill from nature's buffet (0:22:38.88)
EXTRA : Can't fight on an empty stomach! (0:22:42.00)
EXTRA : Let's go, give it a fusion attack! A super strong magical one (0:22:47.04)
EXTRA : Split the earth and breathe fire! (0:22:52.17)
EXTRA : "Ultimate super-powered magic!" (0:22:55.17)
EXTRA : "A jewelry box of magical power and cheats!" (0:22:56.58)
EXTRA : "Hellfire of Demise will get them all in one go!" (0:22:57.96)
EXTRA : "That was all in your dreams, right?" (0:22:59.38)
EXTRA : A CHEST! (0:23:01.33)
EXTRA : Yuji! Yuji! The best! The Sage! Yuji! Yuji! Oooh tame me! (0:23:02.17)
EXTRA : Time to eat! Da da da dan! (0:23:07.29)
EXTRA : Time for an isekai preview from us reincarnated slimes! (0:23:11.67)
Surapacchi : Yikes, this place looks super cold! (0:23:14.29)
Higesura : Not that it bothers us! (0:23:16.21)
Surahappa : What's "cold"? (0:23:17.88)
Higesura : Things tend to freeze when its cold. (0:23:19.21)
Surahappa : What's "freeze" mean? (0:23:20.92)
Higesura : When things freeze they turn hard. (0:23:22.13)
Surahappa : That sounds fun! (0:23:24.58)
Higesura : We hardened slimes will smash through our foes! (0:23:25.63)
Surapacchi : Let's beat up lots of baddies! (0:23:28.13)
Higesura : We'd certainly be treated to a feast if we did! (0:23:30.17)
Surahappa : Yippee! (0:23:33.00)
EXTRA : Buuut... (0:23:33.88)
EXTRA : "That cold looked troubling!" (0:23:34.75)
Surahappa : Wait, so cold is a bad thing?! (0:23:37.08)

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