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EXTRA : Send? (0:00:43.75)
EXTRA : Sending (0:00:44.23)
EXTRA : Kagerou of the Spring (0:02:23.51)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : What is this? (0:02:37.53)
Soushi Miketsukami : I apologize for making you wait. (0:02:45.75)
Soushi Miketsukami : Please take your time. (0:02:47.85)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : I couldn't do anything yesterday. (0:02:50.72)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Thank you. (0:02:54.52)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : He says he likes me for me. (0:02:56.33)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : He's trying to understand me. (0:03:00.31)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : I want to reciprocate, but... (0:03:04.82)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : I-It's that racing heartbeat again. (0:03:10.87)
Soushi Miketsukami : What's wrong, Miss Ririchiyo? (0:03:13.31)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : I-I'm fine. (0:03:15.93)
Banri Watanuki : You damn fox! (0:03:18.49)
Banri Watanuki : Don't think that because of yesterday,
everything is settled.
Banri Watanuki : It's still anyone's game, because I am... (0:03:25.27)
Zange Natsume : Sou! Chiyo! Morning! (0:03:28.77)
Soushi Miketsukami : Good morning, Watanuki. (0:03:31.81)
Soushi Miketsukami : Natsume. (0:03:34.79)
Banri Watanuki : Listen to me! (0:03:35.52)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : That uniform... (0:03:39.30)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : So, you're in my class. (0:03:45.93)
Renshou Sorinozuka : Hey, Ririchiyo. (0:03:57.41)
Renshou Sorinozuka : This is the first time I've seen you at school. (0:03:59.22)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Sorinozuka. (0:04:01.22)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Are you going home now? (0:04:02.36)
Renshou Sorinozuka : Yeah. (0:04:03.87)
Renshou Sorinozuka : That's quite a boring ringtone
for a high school girl.
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : That's because it's an unknown number. (0:04:10.97)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : It's him again. (0:04:15.48)
Renshou Sorinozuka : Again? (0:04:16.79)
EXTRA : We'll meet soon. (0:04:18.67)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : This morning, I also got a
message from this address.
EXTRA : I'm by your side. (0:04:22.30)
Renshou Sorinozuka : Is it a stalker? (0:04:23.14)
Renshou Sorinozuka : Is everything okay? (0:04:24.66)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Sadly, I'm pretty used to stalkers
and kidnappers.
Renshou Sorinozuka : I guess so... (0:04:31.80)
Renshou Sorinozuka : You've always been pretty and rich, (0:04:33.71)
Renshou Sorinozuka : plus there's your attitude. (0:04:36.95)
Renshou Sorinozuka : That always earned you a lot
of warped attention.
Renshou Sorinozuka : Maybe you should tell Miketsukami about it. (0:04:42.07)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : That's not necessary. (0:04:45.37)
Renshou Sorinozuka : Look, I know you're stronger
than normal human men, but...
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : No need to bother him with this. (0:04:51.60)
Renshou Sorinozuka : You're being pretty considerate. (0:04:55.90)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : I just don't want to overreact! (0:04:58.73)
Renshou Sorinozuka : Well, if it turns out to be nothing,
just write an apology letter.
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : A letter? (0:05:06.01)
Renshou Sorinozuka : You wrote plenty of them
when you were a kid.
Renshou Sorinozuka : You were so polite and honest in them. (0:05:10.97)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : I keep telling you, (0:05:12.90)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : I only wrote those to practice my handwriting! (0:05:13.69)
Renshou Sorinozuka : Yeah, yeah. (0:05:16.14)
Soushi Miketsukami : Welcome back. (0:05:17.04)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Miketsukami... (0:05:19.34)
EXTRA : Look at that guy! (0:05:20.62)
EXTRA : Who is he? (0:05:21.67)
Soushi Miketsukami : Waiting for you was like a living death. (0:05:23.86)
Soushi Miketsukami : Your return is like receiving
a new lease on life...
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : That sounds quite inconvenient. (0:05:33.02)
Soushi Miketsukami : It's also nice to see you again, Big Brother. (0:05:34.98)
Renshou Sorinozuka : You actually noticed me. (0:05:37.52)
Soushi Miketsukami : You're my Miss Ririchiyo's
precious older brother.
Renshou Sorinozuka : What's up with calling me
"big brother," anyway?
Renshou Sorinozuka : I'm not her brother. (0:05:45.38)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : You told him to call you that! (0:05:47.67)
Soushi Miketsukami : Then I shall see you later. (0:05:52.63)
Soushi Miketsukami : Please do not hesitate to call,
should you require anything.
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : How can I ever repay him? (0:06:11.92)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : At the very least, I'd like
to tell him I'm grateful.
Renshou Sorinozuka : You wrote plenty of them
when you were a kid.
Renshou Sorinozuka : You were so polite and honest in them. (0:06:34.19)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Maybe writing a letter out of
the blue is over the top.
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Then again... (0:06:52.91)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : I'm simply expressing my gratitude formally! (0:06:58.93)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : That's not over the top at all. (0:07:02.46)
EXTRA : This is where we display
our original designs.
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : I must say, they're not half bad. (0:08:12.46)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Thank you. (0:08:14.74)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : I'll take this one. (0:08:17.02)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : It's gotten late. (0:08:29.07)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : But... (0:08:33.91)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Again? (0:08:38.63)
EXTRA : It's dangerous
to walk alone.
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : He must be close. (0:08:46.75)
EXTRA : The dark is
dangerous for
people like us.
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : "People like us"... (0:08:51.31)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Does that mean he's also descended
from the supernatural?
Soushi Miketsukami : Do you have some business
with Miss Ririchiyo?
EXTRA : Oh, you have a boyfriend? (0:09:07.92)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Huh? (0:09:11.10)
EXTRA : I wish you guys happiness! (0:09:14.03)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : What are you doing here? (0:09:17.76)
Soushi Miketsukami : What are you doing,
walking home all alone?
Soushi Miketsukami : Did you not think it dangerous? (0:09:24.51)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : If you're talking about that drunk,
I knew he was there.
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Don't underestimate me. (0:09:31.91)
Soushi Miketsukami : I'm not talking about him. (0:09:33.42)
Soushi Miketsukami : Your big brother told me about it... (0:09:36.08)
Soushi Miketsukami : The text messages. (0:09:38.82)
Soushi Miketsukami : Why am I here? (0:09:41.62)
Soushi Miketsukami : Why didn't you tell me? (0:09:44.58)
Soushi Miketsukami : That notwithstanding, (0:09:47.41)
Soushi Miketsukami : you know it's dangerous for us
to walk around at night.
Soushi Miketsukami : Be it shopping or anything else, (0:09:53.52)
Soushi Miketsukami : you know I'd do anything for you, (0:09:55.88)
Soushi Miketsukami : if only you'd ask me. (0:09:57.53)
Soushi Miketsukami : If something were to happen to you... (0:09:59.60)
Soushi Miketsukami : If I cannot protect you, (0:10:03.04)
Soushi Miketsukami : my life has no meaning. (0:10:06.15)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : It does have meaning... (0:10:23.48)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : You... (0:10:28.20)
EXTRA : He said he likes me for me. (0:10:30.13)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : You... (0:10:40.16)
Soushi Miketsukami : Is that how you've felt? (0:10:42.28)
Soushi Miketsukami : To think that, all along, you've been
carrying this burden alone.
Soushi Miketsukami : Why don't we try it, then? (0:10:48.92)
Soushi Miketsukami : Pardon me. (0:10:53.89)
Soushi Miketsukami : It's just that (0:10:55.51)
Soushi Miketsukami : you've angered me. (0:10:57.55)
Soushi Miketsukami : Miss Ririchiyo may not always be
the most socially adept of people.
Soushi Miketsukami : But she is honest, conscientious, and loyal. (0:11:02.87)
Soushi Miketsukami : She is also very, very delicate. (0:11:06.72)
EXTRA : He noticed. (0:11:12.25)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : That's right... (0:11:16.37)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : And that's why, I also... (0:11:17.58)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : I also want to notice more about you. (0:11:25.04)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Miketsukami... (0:11:29.89)
Soushi Miketsukami : Miss Ririchiyo. (0:11:36.53)
Soushi Miketsukami : Please stand back. (0:11:58.98)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : So you're the one (0:12:01.53)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : who's been sending me
those silly messages.
Kagerou Shoukiin : That's right. (0:12:05.76)
Kagerou Shoukiin : But as you didn't scare at all, I grew bored. (0:12:09.20)
Kagerou Shoukiin : I guess that level (0:12:16.87)
Kagerou Shoukiin : of play wasn't enough for you! (0:12:18.42)
Kagerou Shoukiin : It's been too long, my human toilets! (0:12:23.48)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Human? (0:12:28.26)
Soushi Miketsukami : As always, you take your jokes too far. (0:12:29.43)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : You know this person? (0:12:32.65)
Kagerou Shoukiin : What? (0:12:34.14)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Don't tell me you've forgotten me. (0:12:35.10)
Kagerou Shoukiin : You are too cruel. (0:12:38.34)
Kagerou Shoukiin : My name is Kagerou Shoukiin. (0:12:41.05)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Am I not Soushi's old master and your fiancé? (0:12:43.53)
Kagerou Shoukiin : It's been too long, (0:13:03.96)
Kagerou Shoukiin : you pigs! (0:13:05.34)
Kagerou Shoukiin : I have returned in fine health! (0:13:07.83)
Zange Natsume : Kage! (0:13:12.35)
Zange Natsume : You're back. (0:13:14.23)
Kagerou Shoukiin : I am. (0:13:15.52)
Nobara Yukinokouji : Who is that? And wait a minute... (0:13:16.11)
Nobara Yukinokouji : What is he making Karuta wear? (0:13:20.07)
Nobara Yukinokouji : Lick, lick... Lick, lick... (0:13:22.61)
Nobara Yukinokouji : I love it! (0:13:24.61)
Zange Natsume : My charge lives in room two. (0:13:26.28)
Zange Natsume : He gets cabin fever though,
so he's rarely in.
Zange Natsume : He's one of the childhood friends
I was telling you about.
Kagerou Shoukiin : It's been a long time, my masochistic slave. (0:13:34.47)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Yeah! (0:13:36.90)
Zange Natsume : Yeah! (0:13:36.90)
Renshou Sorinozuka : So that's the nature of your relationship? (0:13:38.82)
Banri Watanuki : You... (0:13:44.89)
Kagerou Shoukiin : You're here, too? (0:13:46.13)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Good to see ya, cow. (0:13:47.93)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Chacha bun chacha bun chacha bun chacha. (0:13:55.69)
Zange Natsume : Chacha bun chacha bun chacha bun chacha. (0:13:55.69)
Kagerou Shoukiin : What are those times I'm thinking of? (0:14:00.00)
Zange Natsume : What are those times I'm thinking of? (0:14:00.00)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Can you remember? (0:14:04.23)
Zange Natsume : Can you remember? (0:14:04.23)
Kagerou Shoukiin : We did this... (0:14:08.44)
Zange Natsume : We did this... (0:14:08.44)
Kagerou Shoukiin : And we did that... (0:14:10.70)
Zange Natsume : And we did that... (0:14:10.70)
EXTRA : Trims (0:14:11.85)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Do you remember? (0:14:12.81)
Zange Natsume : Do you remember? (0:14:12.81)
Kagerou Shoukiin : I still love hearing you cry... (0:14:23.10)
Kagerou Shoukiin : It's so good. (0:14:26.06)
Zange Natsume : It's nice to get the gang back together. (0:14:28.05)
Zange Natsume : Right, Sou? (0:14:30.94)
Soushi Miketsukami : You're right. (0:14:32.51)
Soushi Miketsukami : Welcome back, Mr. Kagerou. (0:14:33.73)
Soushi Miketsukami : I'm happy to see you again. (0:14:37.51)
Kagerou Shoukiin : You showed me quite the
entertaining welcome back there.
Kagerou Shoukiin : I just remembered! (0:14:43.39)
Kagerou Shoukiin : I have a gift for you all. (0:14:44.46)
Zange Natsume : Where did you go? (0:14:46.24)
Kagerou Shoukiin : To Okinawa! (0:14:47.87)
Karuta Roromiya : Sata andagi. (0:14:50.24)
Kagerou Shoukiin : For you, Banri, (0:14:53.46)
Kagerou Shoukiin : I got an iron maiden! (0:14:56.18)
Kagerou Shoukiin : For you, I got a straw rope. (0:14:58.38)
Soushi Miketsukami : Thank you very much. (0:14:59.88)
Kagerou Shoukiin : A whip for you. (0:15:01.62)
Zange Natsume : That has nothing to do with Okinawa. (0:15:02.82)
Kagerou Shoukiin : This is the first time I've seen you two... (0:15:04.55)
Kagerou Shoukiin : As a token of our new acquaintance, (0:15:07.54)
Kagerou Shoukiin : I give you a Spanish donkey! (0:15:10.95)
Kagerou Shoukiin : And for you, a ball-gag. (0:15:12.85)
Nobara Yukinokouji : Come any closer, and I'll freeze you! (0:15:14.52)
Kagerou Shoukiin : You're into ice-play, huh? (0:15:17.98)
Kagerou Shoukiin : That's good, that's good... (0:15:19.74)
Nobara Yukinokouji : You're a man, a pervert, (0:15:21.53)
Nobara Yukinokouji : and you haven't introduced yourself. (0:15:23.56)
Nobara Yukinokouji : But you want to get to know me? (0:15:24.98)
Kagerou Shoukiin : I guess you have a point, sow. (0:15:26.99)
Renshou Sorinozuka : Uh, Nobara, it's really cold in here. (0:15:30.47)
Kagerou Shoukiin : My name is Kagerou Shoukiin. (0:15:35.83)
Kagerou Shoukiin : I live in room two, (0:15:38.13)
Kagerou Shoukiin : and I am Karuta's master! (0:15:40.08)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Additionally, I am Soushi's old master. (0:15:44.05)
Kagerou Shoukiin : And I am Ririchiyo Shirakiin's fiancé! (0:15:47.96)
Banri Watanuki : Huh? (0:15:51.09)
Nobara Yukinokouji : H-Her fiancé?! (0:15:51.77)
Renshou Sorinozuka : Oh, yeah. You had one of those... (0:15:53.49)
Renshou Sorinozuka : Didn't you write him a letter every day? (0:15:56.89)
Renshou Sorinozuka : You liked him, didn't you? (0:16:09.18)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : I didn't! (0:16:11.32)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : This is so stupid... (0:16:13.79)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : This was something decided on
by both our families,
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : and it has no meaning. (0:16:17.79)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Besides, I haven't seen him
since I was a kid.
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : The issue is basically dead. (0:16:22.51)
Renshou Sorinozuka : But you were sad when he
stopped writing to you.
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : I was sad that I was missing an opportunity
to practice my handwriting.
Renshou Sorinozuka : Could I get a new one? (0:16:34.51)
Kagerou Shoukiin : I actually like you quite a bit. (0:16:37.88)
Kagerou Shoukiin : It's more fun to break in
someone with fight.
Kagerou Shoukiin : I love that expression! Yes, that one! (0:16:46.33)
Kagerou Shoukiin : At first glance, you'd think she's a sadist, (0:16:48.62)
Kagerou Shoukiin : but I see the makings of a true
masochist in that expression.
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Who are you calling a masochist?! (0:16:54.87)
Kagerou Shoukiin : And I'm a sadist, so that makes us
perfect for each other.
Kagerou Shoukiin : And further... (0:16:59.60)
Kagerou Shoukiin : You're a sadist, too! (0:17:00.54)
Kagerou Shoukiin : And one even worse than me,
because you don't show it.
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Stop fitting people into your little world! (0:17:06.13)
Kagerou Shoukiin : It is not only my world. (0:17:09.14)
Kagerou Shoukiin : The world is divided into
sadists and masochists.
Kagerou Shoukiin : And I have the ability to see what
someone is with one glance.
Kagerou Shoukiin : You're a masochist! (0:17:18.18)
Banri Watanuki : Wh-What the hell?! (0:17:19.39)
Banri Watanuki : I'm not a masochist! (0:17:20.94)
Banri Watanuki : I'm a— (0:17:21.99)
Kagerou Shoukiin : You're a sadist. (0:17:22.59)
Zange Natsume : You really think so? (0:17:24.53)
Zange Natsume : That's a secret. (0:17:26.23)
Banri Watanuki : Shut up! (0:17:27.74)
Banri Watanuki : And why am I a masochist?! (0:17:28.58)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Do you want to eat? (0:17:30.17)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Or do you want to be eaten? (0:17:31.63)
Karuta Roromiya : I want to eat. (0:17:33.91)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Then you're a sadist! (0:17:35.03)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : I-Is that how this works? (0:17:36.07)
Kagerou Shoukiin : You're a sadist! (0:17:37.66)
Nobara Yukinokouji : I told you to stay away from me. (0:17:38.88)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Now, let us go, my fiancée. (0:17:42.38)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : What are you doing? (0:17:44.41)
Kagerou Shoukiin : I shall guide you (0:17:45.90)
Kagerou Shoukiin : to the dazzling world of S&M myself. (0:17:47.55)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : B-But I don't... (0:17:51.96)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Let's go! (0:17:53.38)
Kagerou Shoukiin : That boy's a sadist. (0:17:57.80)
Kagerou Shoukiin : That man's a masochist. (0:17:59.22)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Next! (0:18:02.09)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Sadist. (0:18:04.77)
Kagerou Shoukiin : She wants you to think she's
a masochist. She's a sadist.
Kagerou Shoukiin : Masochist. (0:18:07.65)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Looks like a sadist, but he's a masochist. (0:18:11.17)
Kagerou Shoukiin : This elevator sure is making us wait... (0:18:19.29)
Kagerou Shoukiin : It's a sadist! (0:18:21.52)
Kagerou Shoukiin : So hot, it's a sadist... (0:18:25.48)
Kagerou Shoukiin : But once you're used to it, it feels good. (0:18:27.33)
Kagerou Shoukiin : So it's a masochist. (0:18:29.26)
Kagerou Shoukiin : I love that noise. A sadist! (0:18:31.10)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Gimme some of that. (0:18:34.09)
Kagerou Shoukiin : It's sticky. Sadist. (0:18:36.70)
Kagerou Shoukiin : But it tastes good. Masochist! (0:18:38.50)
Kagerou Shoukiin : This aquarium is hard. Sadist. (0:18:40.76)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Masochist. (0:18:42.93)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Sadist. (0:18:43.58)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Masochist. (0:18:44.01)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Sadist! Sadist! (0:18:44.43)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Masochist! (0:18:45.23)
Kagerou Shoukiin : This carpet is so soft,
it feels quite good to step upon.
Kagerou Shoukiin : It's a masochist. (0:18:49.34)
Kagerou Shoukiin : You want to be stepped on that badly? (0:18:50.09)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Then I'll step on you. (0:18:51.34)
Kagerou Shoukiin : How's that? How's that? (0:18:52.46)
Kagerou Shoukiin : The rooftop is high. (0:18:54.07)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Sadist! (0:18:55.88)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Enough... (0:18:56.39)
Kagerou Shoukiin : The night is dark... (0:18:57.24)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Sadist! (0:18:58.98)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : I said enough! (0:18:59.97)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Whoops. (0:19:02.15)
Kagerou Shoukiin : It's time. (0:19:04.21)
Kagerou Shoukiin : I have to get going, or I'll miss my plane. (0:19:08.38)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Why did you even come here? (0:19:11.79)
Kagerou Shoukiin : I heard that my fiancée moved
into Ayakashi Kan,
Kagerou Shoukiin : so I stopped off during my trip. (0:19:17.47)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Aren't you happy? (0:19:19.77)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Also, (0:19:23.08)
Kagerou Shoukiin : I had something important to tell you, (0:19:24.47)
Kagerou Shoukiin : but we've run out of time. (0:19:27.08)
Kagerou Shoukiin : I'll tell you next time. (0:19:28.78)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : I'm sure it's nothing that
important anyway.
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : I hope you have a safe trip. (0:19:35.42)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Take care. (0:19:37.26)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Then farewell, my sex toys! (0:19:40.38)
Kagerou Shoukiin : I'll come back to discipline you. (0:19:43.11)
Kagerou Shoukiin : Be sure to await it! (0:19:45.60)
Banri Watanuki : I'm impressed you managed to
exchange letters with that guy...
Karuta Roromiya : I love him. (0:19:58.61)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : I told you. I was just
practicing my handwriting.
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Besides... (0:20:05.03)
Soushi Miketsukami : Miss Ririchiyo... (0:20:10.39)
Soushi Miketsukami : You'll catch a chill out here. (0:20:14.04)
Soushi Miketsukami : Let us return to your room. (0:20:15.84)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : You're right. (0:20:18.01)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : It isn't like there was anything
I wanted to tell him back then.
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : It isn't like there was anything
I wanted to tell him back then.
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Just... (0:22:09.70)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : He said that Miketsukami
used to serve him.
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : So, (0:23:13.10)
Ririchiyo Shirakiin : does that mean he knew I had a fiancé? (0:23:15.95)
Banri Watanuki : Don't underestimate me just
because I'm a tanuki.
Banri Watanuki : I am bad! (0:23:42.15)
Banri Watanuki : Treat me like a pet, and you'll get hurt. (0:23:44.84)
Karuta Roromiya : Watanuki's great... (0:23:50.28)
Karuta Roromiya : You're so cute. (0:23:51.84)
Banri Watanuki : I-I'm not cute! (0:23:52.95)
Karuta Roromiya : But I like the cute Watanuki... (0:23:54.87)
Karuta Roromiya : Is that wrong? (0:23:57.74)
Karuta Roromiya : Next time, on Inu X Boku Secret Service : (0:23:59.87)
Karuta Roromiya : Don't Think. (0:24:02.99)
Banri Watanuki : I-It's not wrong! (0:24:04.63)
Banri Watanuki : It's fine! (0:24:06.25)
EXTRA : For watching until the end, without changing
the channel, you're a masochist!

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Violet Evergarden

Isn't she like an orphan therefore her birthday is even unknown? I think even the Wiki one is unsourced. - NatsumiSawada


Yeah... And the simpler they are,
the stronger they are.
- Jotaro Kujo

Let's go, Jolyne.
Seems it's our only option.
- Jotaro Kujo

Like I told you, - Jotaro Kujo

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