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Hawk : Ah, that feels great! (0:00:01.23)
EXTRA : The wounds inflicted upon Meliodas by the Holy Knight Gilthunder (0:00:03.23)
EXTRA : were more serious than they seemed. (0:00:06.61)
EXTRA : Continuing their efforts to rescue (0:00:09.48)
EXTRA : the third Sin, the Fox's Sin of Greed, Ban,
who is currently imprisoned at Baste Dungeon,
EXTRA : Elizabeth tends to Meliodas's
wounds in the town of Dalmary.
EXTRA : However, the Serpent's Sin of Envy, Diane, continues to butt heads with Elizabeth. (0:00:21.16)
EXTRA : The four Holy Knights, the Weird Fangs, begin to make their moves. (0:00:26.71)
EXTRA : Ban frees himself from his cell. (0:00:33.76)
EXTRA : However, (0:00:39.06)
EXTRA : as for Meliodas... (0:00:41.06)
Elizabeth Liones : Who are you? Show yourself! (0:00:42.52)
Golgius : Allow me to introduce myself. (0:00:45.69)
Golgius : I am the Holy Knight Golgius of the Weird Fangs. (0:00:48.48)
Elizabeth Liones : Holy Knight... (0:00:53.02)
Hawk : Where'd he come from? (0:00:54.24)
Golgius : Princess Elizabeth, I have come to pick you up. (0:00:56.32)
Hawk : Whoa there! (0:01:04.50)
Hawk : First you'll have to get past Hawk,
the captain of the Knights of Leftovers Disposal!
Elizabeth Liones : Hawk! (0:01:11.17)
Golgius : Besides... (0:01:12.05)
Golgius : There's no reason to leave this sword in your possession. (0:01:17.89)
Golgius : I'll just be taking this back. (0:01:22.81)
EXTRA : This is a tale of humans and beings from other worlds. (0:01:30.08)
EXTRA : It is a story of ancient times. (0:01:35.61)
EXTRA : The Holy Knights who protected this country (0:01:38.24)
EXTRA : wielded immensely powerful magic. (0:01:40.28)
EXTRA : They were both feared and revered. (0:01:42.45)
EXTRA : However, (0:01:45.76)
EXTRA : a faction arose who betrayed their country and turned their blades against the remaining Knights. (0:01:46.96)
EXTRA : To the masses, they were known as the "Seven Deadly Sins." (0:01:52.00)
Ban : Hey, Cap'n.... (0:03:33.73)
Ban : C'mon! (0:03:35.40)
Ban : Lemme have a look at that sword. (0:03:36.90)
Meliodas : What's so interesting about this piece of junk? (0:03:39.28)
Ban : Why would the captain of the Sins always (0:03:42.03)
Ban : carry a piece of junk with him wherever he goes? (0:03:45.78)
Ban : It'd be weird if I wasn't at least a little curious. (0:03:49.00)
Ban : C'mon, show me. (0:03:56.46)
Ban : Oh? (0:03:59.46)
Meliodas : Let go, Ban. (0:04:00.38)
Diane : What're you two still doing up? (0:04:05.14)
Meliodas : Let go, Ban. (0:04:08.10)
Meliodas : Don't make me angry. (0:04:09.85)
Ban : Cap'n... Angry? (0:04:10.98)
Ban : I've been with you for many years, but... (0:04:14.10)
Ban : I haven't even seen you get angry once. (0:04:17.27)
Meliodas : Let go. (0:04:20.28)
Ban : Besides, I'm curious as to why you're
called the Sin of Wrath in the first place.
Diane : Ban, what are you doing to Captain?! (0:04:28.20)
Ban : All this talk of Cap'n actually getting angry (0:04:30.28)
Ban : makes me really want to see the sword—no, to steal it! (0:04:34.29)
Ban : So that's Cap'n's hidden side. (0:04:44.05)
Ban : A new discovery. (0:04:46.01)
Meliodas : I'm sorry, Ban, but this sword is... (0:04:48.26)
Elizabeth Liones : Stop it! What are you doing to Lord Meliodas?! (0:04:50.93)
Golgius : I see... So it's this sword. (0:04:55.06)
Doctor Dana : I-Impossible! (0:04:59.48)
Doctor Dana : Even after all that poison... (0:05:01.19)
Golgius : You just refuse to die. (0:05:03.32)
Golgius : Let go of the sword! (0:05:05.78)
Meliodas : I can never let go of this sword, even if I die. (0:05:09.16)
Meliodas : That is the one and only thing I can do to atone for my sins! (0:05:13.29)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:05:17.41)
Golgius : Your heroic words mean nothing!
I'm taking the sword and the princess!
Hawk : He got away! (0:05:34.73)
Elizabeth Liones : Um... You're still Lord Meliodas, (0:05:35.98)
Elizabeth Liones : aren't you? (0:05:39.11)
Meliodas : Yo, Elizabeth and the ass-hog. (0:05:42.61)
Elizabeth Liones : Thank goodness! (0:05:44.94)
Elizabeth Liones : That sounds like the Lord Meliodas I know. (0:05:46.60)
Hawk : But this guy just called me ass-hog. (0:05:48.36)
Meliodas : Hey, where are we? (0:05:51.41)
Elizabeth Liones : The town of Dalmary. (0:05:54.04)
Elizabeth Liones : It's close to Baste Dungeon. (0:05:55.62)
Meliodas : And who was that guy just now? (0:05:57.54)
Hawk : A Holy Knight called Golgius or something. (0:05:59.33)
Hawk : Seemed like he was after
Elizabeth and your broken sword.
Hawk : That rotten doctor's with him too. (0:06:06.09)
Elizabeth Liones : Huh? (0:06:08.51)
Hawk : He ran away! Let's go after him! (0:06:09.30)
Elizabeth Liones : Wait! (0:06:11.26)
Elizabeth Liones : Meliodas still hasn't fully recovered! (0:06:12.14)
Hawk : Elizabeth, that really hurt! (0:06:14.89)
Meliodas : Looks like it's healed. (0:06:21.31)
Elizabeth Liones : Wh-What? No way! (0:06:22.69)
Meliodas : What's wrong? (0:06:25.78)
Meliodas : You're awfully assertive today. (0:06:26.82)
Elizabeth Liones : No, it's not like that! (0:06:30.41)
Meliodas : Feel free to touch me some more. Come on! (0:06:32.41)
Elizabeth Liones : But that's... (0:06:35.95)
Hawk : Hurry up and put some clothes on. (0:06:37.71)
Golgius : God, that was close. (0:06:40.21)
Golgius : So that's the Dragon's Sin of Wrath, Meliodas. (0:06:42.75)
Golgius : If I had retreated even a moment later... (0:06:45.67)
Golgius : Yeah. (0:06:51.05)
Golgius : Interesting. (0:06:51.72)
Meliodas : There! (0:06:53.10)
Golgius : Whoops. (0:06:54.85)
Golgius : Looks like I've been caught. (0:06:55.89)
Hawk : Don't underestimate my nose that
can smell leftovers from a mile away!
Elizabeth Liones : Is that true? (0:07:01.10)
Hawk : Yep! Interested? (0:07:02.65)
Meliodas : You're going to tell us who sent you after the princess and my sword. (0:07:04.44)
Meliodas : If not, things will get troublesome— (0:07:09.39)
Golgius : Okay! I surrender! (0:07:11.66)
Golgius : I, Golgius, am of a cowardly nature and dislike fighting to begin with. (0:07:14.70)
Golgius : Especially against someone like
the captain of the legendary Seven.
Golgius : I threw those assassination blades the moment I raised my hands. (0:07:26.34)
Golgius : Did you actually notice them? (0:07:30.09)
Meliodas : Don't underestimate my eyes that can see exposed panties from a mile away. (0:07:31.88)
Elizabeth Liones : I-Is that true? (0:07:36.35)
Meliodas : Nope. (0:07:38.06)
Doctor Dana : Lord Golgius, there you are! (0:07:38.64)
Hawk : I-It's the rotten doctor! (0:07:41.60)
Doctor Dana : Although I didn't manage to kill him, (0:07:42.90)
Doctor Dana : I made him drink the poison as instructed! (0:07:45.52)
Doctor Dana : Please return my daughter like you promised! (0:07:48.19)
Meliodas : He's gone?! (0:07:51.95)
Hawk : Wh-Where'd he go? (0:07:52.82)
Meliodas : Elizabeth, stay close. (0:07:53.91)
Elizabeth Liones : Yes! (0:07:56.12)
Hawk : Come to think of it, he's always appearing out of nowhere! (0:07:56.74)
Golgius : No need to raise your voice. (0:08:00.66)
Golgius : I will return your daughter to you. (0:08:02.46)
Doctor Dana : Thank you! (0:08:05.39)
Meliodas : Hey, get away from there! (0:08:07.42)
Golgius : In the next world, where she'll be joining you shortly. (0:08:08.96)
Hawk : He's really done it! (0:08:14.67)
Golgius : There'd be serious trouble if word got out that the Holy Knights are ordering people to poison kids. (0:08:16.55)
Elizabeth Liones : Dr. Dana! (0:08:24.56)
Meliodas : Elizabeth! (0:08:25.52)
Hawk : Just leave that bastard alone! (0:08:26.35)
Elizabeth Liones : Dr. Dana, hang on! (0:08:28.86)
Meliodas : It's dangerous here! (0:08:31.08)
Meliodas : We have no idea where he'll appear next! (0:08:32.28)
Elizabeth Liones : But we can't just leave Dr. Dana to die! (0:08:35.07)
Golgius : Take this! (0:08:38.66)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:08:42.37)
Hawk : He disappeared again? (0:08:43.77)
Hawk : Is this what they call teleportation? (0:08:44.99)
Golgius : You're a smart pig. (0:08:49.00)
Golgius : Yes, all your powers are useless against my teleportation! (0:08:50.96)
Meliodas : We've gotta run for it! (0:09:00.01)
Hawk : Dammit! (0:09:07.52)
Hawk : I can trace his metallic smell, but... (0:09:08.70)
Hawk : If we're running, there's nothing we can do! (0:09:12.19)
Meliodas : Trace his smell... (0:09:14.61)
Golgius : No matter where you run or hide, I will find and corner you. (0:09:21.91)
Meliodas : Here! (0:09:29.09)
Hawk : Why are we hiding in this abandoned building? (0:09:31.96)
Meliodas : Hawk, were you planning on getting the townsfolk involved in this? (0:09:35.01)
Hawk : Well, that's true, but... (0:09:38.14)
Meliodas : Let's wait here until he's gone. (0:09:41.06)
Hawk : But man, what a rundown building. (0:09:43.68)
Hawk : It's so moldy in here. (0:09:46.12)
Hawk : What are you doing? (0:09:49.02)
Meliodas : A magic spell that'll keep him outta here. (0:09:51.44)
Hawk : Magic my ass. (0:09:53.65)
Hawk : There's no way that'll do anything. (0:09:55.39)
Meliodas : We'll see about that. (0:09:57.61)
Hawk : Are you sure about this? (0:09:59.03)
Hawk : We're on the top floor of
a narrow abandoned building.
Hawk : There's nowhere to escape. (0:10:03.54)
Hawk : Close the door, at the very least. (0:10:04.79)
Meliodas : If he can teleport, the door won't do anything. (0:10:07.50)
Meliodas : He could just appear in the middle of the room. (0:10:10.04)
Hawk : S-Scary! (0:10:13.45)
Golgius : Too bad. (0:10:15.71)
Golgius : I'm behind you. (0:10:16.81)
Meliodas : Too bad, it's underneath you. (0:10:19.51)
Hawk : He fell all the way to the bottom of this building. (0:10:27.94)
Elizabeth Liones : So your spell earlier was to... (0:10:30.83)
Golgius : A cut on the floor of the entrance? (0:10:34.48)
Meliodas : So your power's invisibility, huh? (0:10:37.78)
Meliodas : I couldn't figure out why it took you some time to reappear after you vanished. (0:10:40.28)
Meliodas : It was weird that we could trace your smell even though you "teleported." (0:10:46.79)
Meliodas : In other words, you've been
moving at the same speed as us.
Meliodas : Which means that the door was the only way you could get in. (0:10:54.04)
Meliodas : Also, since we're down here,
I don't need to worry about Elizabeth.
Meliodas : Well now, let's hear it, Li'l Golgius. (0:11:11.77)
Meliodas : Why are you after Elizabeth and
my sword? Who put you up to it?
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:11:22.24)
Hawk : For a second there I thought you were a goner! (0:11:24.62)
Meliodas : Oh my, he got away. (0:11:28.12)
Hawk : Oh, it's just a horse. (0:11:32.29)
Hawk : It probably got frightened by the loud noise earlier. (0:11:34.34)
Hawk : Such a timid animal. (0:11:37.00)
Meliodas : There, huh? (0:11:38.67)
Golgius : So scary. (0:11:44.09)
Golgius : The brass gave me such a crazy mission. (0:11:45.18)
Meliodas : The horse must be headed toward Baste Dungeon. (0:11:48.72)
Hawk : All right, let's go then! (0:11:51.48)
Meliodas : Hey, Elizabeth! (0:11:53.40)
Hawk : Baste Dungeon's not that way! (0:11:55.06)
Elizabeth Liones : Doctor! Doctor Dana! (0:11:59.36)
Elizabeth Liones : Pull yourself together! (0:12:01.45)
Elizabeth Liones : Why did this... (0:12:03.32)
Doctor Dana : Why... are you crying for me? (0:12:08.91)
Doctor Dana : I'm sorry... (0:12:13.87)
Doctor Dana : I just wanted... to save my daughter... (0:12:16.60)
Doctor Dana : Cenette... (0:12:21.76)
Doctor Dana : I just wanted... to protect... (0:12:23.65)
Doctor Dana : you... (0:12:27.76)
Elizabeth Liones : It's all my fault... (0:12:34.94)
Meliodas : What're you talking about? (0:12:36.56)
Meliodas : Golgius killed the doctor. (0:12:37.98)
Elizabeth Liones : If we didn't come to this town... (0:12:41.53)
Elizabeth Liones : Dr. Dana wouldn't have died, (0:12:44.41)
Elizabeth Liones : and his daughter wouldn't have been
taken hostage by the Holy Knights, right?
Hawk : Elizabeth... (0:12:51.08)
Elizabeth Liones : And if I hadn't found Lord Meliodas while searching for the Seven Deadly Sins, (0:12:52.50)
Elizabeth Liones : you wouldn't have suffered a serious injury fighting with Lord Gilthunder, (0:12:58.88)
Elizabeth Liones : or nearly killed by Golgius's scheme! (0:13:03.13)
Meliodas : I understand why you're crying. (0:13:08.10)
Meliodas : But... (0:13:11.27)
Meliodas : Is your desire to protect the
kingdom from the Holy Knights
Meliodas : so easily broken by just a few tears? (0:13:16.98)
Meliodas : I resolved to find the other Sins
with you and stop the Holy Knights.
Meliodas : Even if you were to die, (0:13:27.99)
Meliodas : I would fulfill the promise I made with you. (0:13:30.26)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas... (0:13:33.37)
Meliodas : Everyone has to die someday. (0:13:39.50)
Meliodas : But... (0:13:42.80)
Meliodas : What they believed in will never fade away as long as someone protects it. (0:13:44.05)
Meliodas : Once you've made the decision (0:13:49.43)
Meliodas : to protect those principles no
matter the cost in blood and tears...
Meliodas : You follow through with it! (0:13:55.56)
Meliodas : That's what it means to be a knight. (0:13:59.02)
Golgius : Man, what a beating. (0:14:05.57)
Golgius : I didn't expect him to be so powerful. (0:14:08.07)
Golgius : But it looks like the welcoming party's all ready. (0:14:11.37)
Meliodas : Well, let's get going to Baste Dungeon then, shall we? (0:14:27.93)
Hawk : Hey, you're not gonna leave Elizabeth behind, right? (0:14:30.59)
Hawk : She hasn't come out of the clinic ever
since she carried that useless doctor in.
Meliodas : Stupid. She'll be much better off laying low in town. (0:14:37.02)
Meliodas : There are Holy Knights at Baste who are after her as well. (0:14:40.15)
Meliodas : Geez, how stupid can you be? (0:14:43.11)
Hawk : You called me stupid twice, didn't you? (0:14:44.82)
Hawk : Well, it takes one to know one! (0:14:46.65)
Meliodas : My bad, ass-hog. (0:14:48.99)
Hawk : Calling me an ass-hog is no different at all, you bastard! (0:14:50.70)
Hawk : You're stretching my skin... (0:14:53.53)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:14:55.33)
Meliodas : Why are you out of breath? (0:14:58.46)
Elizabeth Liones : Here. (0:15:00.12)
Elizabeth Liones : I fixed it for you while you were sleeping. (0:15:01.25)
Elizabeth Liones : It's not that great, but... (0:15:04.42)
Hawk : Such a good girl! (0:15:07.05)
Meliodas : Thanks, Elizabeth! (0:15:09.97)
Elizabeth Liones : Happy to help! (0:15:11.59)
Elizabeth Liones : All right, let's go! (0:15:12.97)
Elizabeth Liones : I may not be a knight, (0:15:19.14)
Elizabeth Liones : but... (0:15:21.52)
Elizabeth Liones : I will keep fighting for the kingdom and its people. (0:15:22.40)
Elizabeth Liones : Even if you were to die right now, Lord Meliodas. (0:15:26.36)
Meliodas : Don't be killing me now. (0:15:30.45)
Elizabeth Liones : S-Sorry! (0:15:31.74)
Hawk : Elizabeth! What about me? What if I died? (0:15:33.16)
Elizabeth Liones : Oh, um... I'd do my best? (0:15:36.41)
Hawk : Elizabeth, the difference in your attitude is so cruel! (0:15:38.87)
Elizabeth Liones : I-I'm sorry, Hawk! (0:15:42.12)
Meliodas : Don't worry, Hawk. (0:15:44.13)
Meliodas : If you were to die... (0:15:45.59)
Meliodas : I wouldn't let your meat go to waste! (0:15:47.09)
Meliodas : Right, Elizabeth? (0:15:48.88)
Elizabeth Liones : Yes! (0:15:50.42)
Hawk : What about how I feel?! (0:15:51.09)
Meliodas : Let's go! (0:15:52.59)
Elizabeth Liones : Y-Yes! (0:15:54.09)
Elizabeth Liones : Let's go save Lord Ban! (0:15:55.35)
Meliodas : Not just yet. (0:15:56.76)
Elizabeth Liones : Eh? (0:15:57.56)
Meliodas : Cenette, was it? (0:15:58.35)
Meliodas : We've gotta save Dr. Dana's daughter. (0:16:00.73)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:16:04.69)
Elizabeth Liones : Oh, but what about Lord Ban? (0:16:06.73)
Meliodas : Well, if he knows that we're on the way, he'll probably just bust himself out. (0:16:09.19)
Elizabeth Liones : Really? (0:16:13.82)
Hawk : Enemy attack?! (0:16:16.74)
Meliodas : Diane! (0:16:20.45)
Meliodas : What are you doing here? (0:16:21.75)
Diane : Captain? (0:16:25.46)
Diane : Captain! You're supposed to be resting! (0:16:26.71)
Diane : What are you doing up and about? (0:16:29.79)
Meliodas : Enough about me. Are you okay? (0:16:31.18)
Diane : You're asking if I'm okay? (0:16:34.30)
Hawk : After you crushed all the bugs in Dalmary, (0:16:36.97)
Hawk : you went charging toward Baste Dungeon, didn't you? (0:16:39.70)
Diane : Huh? Did I? (0:16:42.60)
Elizabeth Liones : Lady Diane? (0:16:44.81)
Meliodas : Sounds like there's a really troublesome enemy. (0:16:46.36)
Meliodas : Are you really okay, Diane? (0:16:49.53)
Diane : Uh, yeah. (0:16:51.69)
Diane : I'm just a little out of it. (0:16:53.36)
Ruin : I am Ruin, Holy Knight of the Weird Fangs, (0:17:00.12)
Ruin : here to bring ruin upon the Seven Deadly Sins. (0:17:02.83)
Diane : A Holy Knight! (0:17:07.63)
Diane : Captain, protect the prin— (0:17:09.29)
Diane : Captain? Guys? Where did everybody go? (0:17:12.01)
Ruin : They're already in my hands. (0:17:16.13)
Diane : Give Captain back! (0:17:18.68)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:17:24.35)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:17:26.94)
Meliodas : Diane! What's gotten into you all of a sudden? (0:17:30.94)
Elizabeth Liones : Lady Diane! Lord Meliodas is right here! (0:17:33.94)
Hawk : What, are you sleepwalking or something, big girl? (0:17:36.78)
Diane : Let me just say this now:
I won't lose to some Holy Knight!
Meliodas : Those eyes... (0:17:43.33)
Meliodas : She can't see us at all. (0:17:44.21)
Hawk : Wh-Wh-What should we do?! (0:17:46.92)
Meliodas : We're running, duh! (0:17:50.09)
Hawk : I knew it! (0:17:51.04)
Hawk : Uh-oh, innocent bystanders! (0:18:00.80)
Meliodas : Hey! (0:18:02.72)
Meliodas : You two had better run! (0:18:03.27)
Diane : Where are you hiding, Holy Knight? (0:18:14.03)
Diane : A midget like you should be smashed, twisted, and torn apart in your armor! (0:18:16.19)
EXTRA : Someone help! (0:18:21.62)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas, what's happened to Lady Diane? (0:18:23.08)
Meliodas : There's definitely something going on with her. (0:18:28.37)
Meliodas : Keep an eye on this little guy. (0:18:31.04)
Elizabeth Liones : O-Okay! (0:18:32.59)
Elizabeth Liones : What were you guys doing out here? (0:18:34.13)
EXTRA : We're shepherds from Dalmary. (0:18:37.92)
EXTRA : We were just returning from the pasture. (0:18:40.30)
EXTRA : What's gonna happen to us? (0:18:43.81)
Elizabeth Liones : There's no need to worry. (0:18:46.02)
Elizabeth Liones : He'll protect us. (0:18:48.31)
Meliodas : You're—? (0:18:54.23)
Ruin : I am Ruin, Holy Knight of the Weird Fangs, (0:18:55.78)
Ruin : here to bring ruin upon the Seven Deadly Sins. (0:18:58.20)
Meliodas : Hey, you big oaf! (0:19:02.78)
Meliodas : You're the one who did something weird to Diane, aren't you? (0:19:04.33)
Hawk : You're... speaking to Diane... (0:19:07.04)
Meliodas : Return Diane to the way she was before! (0:19:12.63)
Hawk : No, it can't be! (0:19:18.09)
Hawk : Even Meliodas is under the effects of a spell just like Diane? (0:19:18.94)
Hawk : Run, run, run! (0:19:40.74)
Freesia : Old man Ruin is really getting into this! (0:19:53.58)
Freesia : Guess I should join in on the fun soon, too. (0:19:58.13)
Hawk : What should we do, Elizabeth? (0:20:01.72)
Elizabeth Liones : What should we do? (0:20:04.26)
Elizabeth Liones : If this keeps going... (0:20:05.70)
Elizabeth Liones : What am I supposed to do? (0:20:07.51)
EXTRA : Lady Jericho! (0:20:10.98)
Jericho : Find him! Find the Fox's Sin of Greed, Ban! (0:20:12.19)
EXTRA : B-But, Lady Jericho... (0:20:15.61)
EXTRA : Y-You're... (0:20:18.32)
Jericho : It's fine! Just bring me a change of clothes and armor! (0:20:19.78)
Jericho : Hurry up and go! (0:20:28.95)
EXTRA : Yes, ma'am! (0:20:30.75)
Jericho : That bastard! (0:20:34.46)
Jericho : Kill me! Kill me now! (0:20:39.46)
Ban : Listen, hairdresser... (0:20:42.47)
Ban : That's a nice set of armor you've got there. (0:20:46.43)
Ban : Doesn't really suit you, though. (0:20:49.89)
Jericho : Ban... (0:20:52.77)
Jericho : I will get you back for this! (0:20:53.93)
Ban : Ah, guess it's too small. (0:20:57.81)
Ban : That's a real shame. (0:21:00.90)
Ban : I liked the look of it. (0:21:02.03)
EXTRA : Cut off all the exits! (0:21:02.03b)
EXTRA : He might be hiding in the vents! (0:21:03.70)
Ban : It's been noisy for a while... (0:21:05.66)
Ban : Did someone escape or something? (0:21:07.74)
Jude : Where exactly do you think you're going? (0:21:10.91)
Jude : Ban of the Seven Deadly Sins. (0:21:13.58)
Ban : Hey, if it isn't the Holy Knight Jude. (0:21:17.25)
Jude : You are going to die here, Ban. (0:22:51.76)
Jude : And I shall be the one to kill you. (0:22:54.51)
Ban : You're gonna kill me? (0:22:56.18)
Ban : Why now, of all times? (0:22:58.02)
Jude : You are of no more use to us. (0:22:59.85)
Jude : You were the bait for the captain of the Sins,
and you've fulfilled that role.
Jude : Right now, the other Weird Fangs are disposing of two members of the Seven Deadly Sins. (0:23:08.74)
Jude : The Dragon's Sin of Wrath, Meliodas, and the Serpent's Sin of Envy, Diane. (0:23:14.16)
Jude : And once I kill you, there will be
four fewer criminals in this world.
Ban : I sure hope all your dreams come true. (0:23:29.84)
Jude : Five years ago, who was it that caught and tortured you? (0:23:32.64)
Jude : You haven't forgotten, have you? (0:23:38.14)
Ban : Well, I'll be going. (0:23:41.35)
EXTRA : The Seven's Deadly Sins' Fox's Sin of Greed, Ban, has escaped from prison! (0:23:57.91)
Ban : Cap'n? (0:24:02.67)
Ban : Cap'n, where are you? (0:24:05.29)
Ban : Come on, Cap'n! Answer me! (0:24:08.88)
EXTRA : The reunion between Ban and Meliodas's crew is still to come. (0:24:13.72)
Meliodas : Next time on The Seven Deadly Sins: "The Verse of the Beginning." (0:24:17.51)
Ban : Cap'n! (0:24:21.06)
Ban : Come on! (0:24:22.94)

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