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Chrollo Lucilfer : The calendar loses a precious component. (0:00:12.05)
Chrollo Lucilfer : The remaining months gather to mourn. (0:00:15.74)
Chrollo Lucilfer : The mourners play a melody, (0:00:28.37)
Chrollo Lucilfer : while the eleventh moon quietly rises. (0:00:31.91)
EXTRA : Assault x And x Impact (0:01:57.01)
EXTRA : We will be making an emergency stop. (0:02:10.93)
EXTRA : Please watch your step. (0:02:12.90)
Gon Freecss : Did something happen? (0:02:15.26)
EXTRA : We are currently evaluating the situation. (0:02:16.00)
Killua Zoldyck : Beats me. (0:02:17.26)
EXTRA : It's me. (0:02:22.26)
EXTRA : Are they here? (0:02:24.01)
EXTRA : Yeah, it's gotta be them! (0:02:24.99)
EXTRA : They're the only ones strong enough to fight (0:02:28.19)
EXTRA : a whole crowd alone! (0:02:31.06)
EXTRA : Hey... Hey! (0:02:34.82)
EXTRA : Damn! (0:02:37.35)
EXTRA : Figure out how many enemies we're up against! (0:02:38.47)
EXTRA : Listen up! Do whatever
it takes to stop them!
EXTRA : Do not let them near this building! (0:02:42.84)
Light Nostrade : They're late... (0:02:53.15)
Light Nostrade : Our escort isn't here yet? (0:02:58.02)
Light Nostrade : Their names are Melody and Basho. (0:02:59.87)
EXTRA : All traffic in Yorknew City has been stopped. (0:03:02.20)
EXTRA : They're probably stuck. (0:03:07.02)
Light Nostrade : It's dangerous for Neon to be here! (0:03:09.94)
Light Nostrade : Isn't there any way to evacuate her? (0:03:12.18)
EXTRA : The ambulance we requested is on its way. (0:03:15.10)
EXTRA : Please wait a little longer. (0:03:18.80)
Light Nostrade : Ambulance? (0:03:20.30)
EXTRA : Yes, that's right. (0:03:21.71)
Kurapika : Something's wrong here. (0:03:23.99)
Kurapika : The man who entered
the building with Neon
Kurapika : and then called for a doctor... (0:03:27.94)
Kurapika : Boss. (0:03:31.13)
Light Nostrade : Kurapika, don't take one step away (0:03:32.55)
Light Nostrade : from my daughter until the ambulance arrives. (0:03:34.90)
Light Nostrade : Got it? (0:03:37.13)
Kurapika : But my assignment is to kill
the Phantom Troupe.
Light Nostrade : At the time, I thought that
Neon would already be home.
Light Nostrade : But instead, she's unconscious here, (0:03:44.34)
Light Nostrade : exposed to the Troupe. (0:03:46.70)
Light Nostrade : I absolutely must ensure Neon's safety. (0:03:49.72)
Light Nostrade : Stay here for the time being. (0:03:52.14)
Light Nostrade : I'm begging you. (0:03:54.48)
Kurapika : Understood. (0:03:57.81)
EXTRA : What a pity... (0:04:17.55)
EXTRA : They aren't putting up much of a fight. (0:04:19.62)
EXTRA : Well, I guess it was stupid to expect more— (0:04:21.98)
EXTRA : Damn... (0:04:34.67)
EXTRA : They're crazier than I've heard, (0:04:35.91)
EXTRA : launching a frontal attack with ten people. (0:04:37.76)
EXTRA : Man... (0:04:47.58)
EXTRA : When did this place turn into a battlefield? (0:04:49.19)
EXTRA : Where is the patient? (0:04:53.33)
EXTRA : There's nothing to prove that you
aren't a Phantom Troupe member.
EXTRA : One funny move, and I'll blow your head off. (0:05:02.05)
EXTRA : Follow me. (0:05:07.30)
Kurapika : Please allow me to check you all. (0:05:12.86)
EXTRA : What's that? (0:05:15.16)
EXTRA : Bastard... (0:05:18.51)
EXTRA : Currently, all trains have been stopped. (0:05:23.72)
EXTRA : For your safety, please wait patiently. (0:05:28.45)
Gon Freecss : I'm not getting any reception down here. (0:05:35.75)
Gon Freecss : And we don't know when the
trains will start moving again.
Killua Zoldyck : That settles it... We'll have to run. (0:05:41.83)
EXTRA : You were hired to be an assassin, (0:05:56.95)
EXTRA : so stop hiding in this room, and go fight. (0:05:59.23)
EXTRA : Or did you get scared once
the Troupe showed up?
Light Nostrade : Oh, actually... (0:06:06.09)
Light Nostrade : I requested that Kurapika stay here. (0:06:08.13)
Light Nostrade : I understand that he's been
hired by the Ten Dons,
Light Nostrade : but I was worried about my daughter. (0:06:13.90)
EXTRA : I don't intend to sell you out. (0:06:17.51)
EXTRA : But you're being paid well, (0:06:19.50)
EXTRA : so I expect you to do your job. (0:06:22.18)
Kurapika : I agree (0:06:28.19)
Kurapika : that I must do something. (0:06:29.36)
Kurapika : I could at least patrol this building. (0:06:32.22)
Light Nostrade : Yes, I suppose. (0:06:35.15)
Light Nostrade : But you must come immediately if I call. (0:06:36.95)
Light Nostrade : My daughter's safety comes first. (0:06:40.26)
Kurapika : Understood. (0:06:42.43)
EXTRA : How long do we have to wait? (0:06:44.89)
EXTRA : Hey, what's going on outside? (0:06:46.55)
EXTRA : I can hear explosions nearby! (0:06:49.01)
EXTRA : When will the auction start? (0:06:51.50)
EXTRA : Explain what's going on. (0:06:53.41)
EXTRA : P-Please wait a little longer. (0:06:55.66)
EXTRA : Tell us whether the auction's still on or not! (0:06:57.77)
Kurapika : Everyone here is a gang leader or a big shot. (0:07:01.42)
Kurapika : They're endangering themselves to prove (0:07:06.06)
Kurapika : that they aren't afraid of the Troupe. (0:07:10.28)
EXTRA : Return my phone! (0:07:12.53)
EXTRA : I've no idea what's happening outside. (0:07:14.21)
EXTRA : I need my weapons, too! (0:07:16.08)
EXTRA : As you already know, weapons are banned. (0:07:18.26)
EXTRA : What if they get inside? (0:07:22.48)
EXTRA : Are we supposed to fight with our bare hands?! (0:07:24.66)
Kurapika : It's becoming chaotic here... (0:07:27.39)
Kurapika : The auctioneers and handlers will lose control (0:07:30.26)
Kurapika : of the situation very soon. (0:07:33.67)
Kurapika : Hello? (0:07:39.68)
Gon Freecss : Oh, Kurapika? (0:07:40.67)
Kurapika : Huh? (0:07:42.06)
Gon Freecss : Whew, we finally got a hold of you. (0:07:43.13)
Kurapika : Is this Gon?! (0:07:45.70)
Gon Freecss : Yep, can you talk right now? (0:07:46.51)
Kurapika : Uh, sorry, I'm in the middle of something. (0:07:48.33)
Kurapika : I'll call you back. (0:07:50.27)
Gon Freecss : Wait! (0:07:51.43)
Gon Freecss : Can you give me one minute? (0:07:52.52)
Gon Freecss : I have something to tell you. (0:07:53.81)
Gon Freecss : Killua and I ran into the Troupe. (0:07:55.68)
Gon Freecss : Actually, they caught us. (0:07:58.62)
Kurapika : What were you guys thinking?! (0:08:01.27)
Kurapika : Do you realize how dangerous they are? (0:08:03.57)
Killua Zoldyck : Let me talk. (0:08:07.31)
Killua Zoldyck : I thought I knew, but after we met
them, it became painfully clear.
Killua Zoldyck : They're strong. (0:08:12.89)
Killua Zoldyck : Right now, we have no chance against them. (0:08:14.88)
Killua Zoldyck : That's why we need your assistance. (0:08:17.65)
Gon Freecss : We want to help. (0:08:19.91)
Kurapika : That's ridiculous. (0:08:23.83)
Kurapika : I won't help you get yourselves killed. (0:08:25.25)
Killua Zoldyck : Don't you want to know where their base is? (0:08:28.21)
Kurapika : I have my own sources of information. (0:08:30.88)
Killua Zoldyck : Do you know all of their powers? (0:08:32.86)
Kurapika : Enough! Just stay away from the Troupe! (0:08:35.94)
Killua Zoldyck : You're the chain user who killed
one of their members, right?
Killua Zoldyck : They're looking everywhere for you. (0:08:45.49)
Killua Zoldyck : If you won't treat us as friends or equals, (0:08:48.30)
Killua Zoldyck : we'll do whatever we must to help! (0:08:51.89)
Gon Freecss : Kurapika... (0:08:57.59)
Gon Freecss : One of their members cried in front of us. (0:08:59.17)
Gon Freecss : He said that he couldn't forgive
whoever killed his friend.
Gon Freecss : I got really mad after seeing that. (0:09:09.60)
Gon Freecss : I couldn't let that go. (0:09:14.19)
Gon Freecss : We want to stop them! (0:09:17.54)
Gon Freecss : Please, Kurapika... (0:09:21.63)
Kurapika : I'll call you back. (0:09:26.54)
Killua Zoldyck : If you won't treat us as friends or equals... (0:09:33.86)
Gon Freecss : We want to stop them! (0:09:38.21)
EXTRA : Here they come! (0:09:46.81)
EXTRA : Don't let them escape! (0:09:47.26)
EXTRA : I can feel the heat! (0:09:48.05)
EXTRA : Someone's coming! (0:09:49.17)
EXTRA : Does he have a gun? (0:09:49.75)
EXTRA : Who's stationed here? (0:09:50.60)
EXTRA : I-It's no use. (0:09:52.08)
EXTRA : They're too strong. (0:09:53.82)
EXTRA : We don't stand a chance... (0:09:56.52)
EXTRA : How strong are they?! (0:10:00.77)
EXTRA : This strong! (0:10:06.51)
EXTRA : Damn it! (0:10:13.02)
Shalnark : Aw, he broke. (0:10:22.25)
Shalnark : I need to find my next machine. (0:10:25.10)
EXTRA : Are you okay? (0:10:28.81)
EXTRA : I found the corpse of one of the assassins! (0:10:29.89)
EXTRA : Someone's already inside the building! (0:10:32.93)
Kurapika : Damn it. (0:10:36.73)
EXTRA : It's hopeless! (0:10:50.37)
EXTRA : Hey, don't run away! (0:10:51.54)
EXTRA : Fight! (0:10:52.47)
EXTRA : Man, what's going on? (0:11:06.83)
EXTRA : It's me. (0:11:08.63)
EXTRA : Where's our backup? (0:11:09.51)
EXTRA : What are you doing? (0:11:11.05)
EXTRA : They should be there any moment. (0:11:12.12)
EXTRA : We'll be arriving shortly... (0:11:14.30)
EXTRA : You can't mean... (0:11:24.72)
EXTRA : The two thousand men that were
supposed to assemble here
EXTRA : have all been wiped out? (0:11:31.49)
EXTRA : Now what? (0:11:35.79)
EXTRA : There are Troupe members inside the building. (0:11:37.03)
EXTRA : It's me, Bean! (0:11:43.05)
EXTRA : Get the Ten Dons on the line. (0:11:45.13)
EXTRA : It's urgent! (0:11:46.44)
Kurapika : The intruder must be a member of the Troupe. (0:11:51.14)
Kurapika : Their objective is to steal the rest of the
merchandise and avenge their comrade.
Gon Freecss : He said that he couldn't forgive
whoever killed his friend.
Kurapika : That's what I wanted! (0:12:03.34)
EXTRA : Hey! Enough already! (0:12:07.55)
EXTRA : Give us the weapons we handed over! (0:12:09.45)
EXTRA : But the rules state that... (0:12:12.97)
EXTRA : To hell with the rules! (0:12:15.25)
EXTRA : Do you understand our situation?! (0:12:17.09)
EXTRA : I know you've got professional assassins (0:12:18.54)
EXTRA : wandering around this place! (0:12:21.88)
EXTRA : If you're gonna depend on those freaks, (0:12:24.07)
EXTRA : you might as well let us fight! (0:12:25.93)
Zeno Zoldyck : My name is Zeno Zoldyck. (0:12:33.74)
EXTRA : The famous Zoldyck family of assassins! (0:12:38.82)
EXTRA : The Ten Dons called in these monsters? (0:12:41.66)
Zeno Zoldyck : At the moment, one bandit has
infiltrated this building.
Zeno Zoldyck : He has killed a number of the assassins (0:12:51.10)
Zeno Zoldyck : that your people hired. (0:12:54.16)
Zeno Zoldyck : Even if you were fully armed, (0:13:00.79)
Zeno Zoldyck : it would take me seven seconds
to kill the lot of you.
Zeno Zoldyck : The enemy is capable of a similar feat. (0:13:08.43)
Zeno Zoldyck : If you understand, shut up and wait. (0:13:12.62)
Zeno Zoldyck : It's a different story if you want to die... (0:13:15.70)
Zeno Zoldyck : Well? (0:13:36.42)
Silva Zoldyck : A single strike from behind. (0:13:37.87)
Silva Zoldyck : Beautiful. (0:13:39.51)
Silva Zoldyck : His presence was only exposed
for a brief instant,
Silva Zoldyck : and barely any trace remains. (0:13:43.82)
Zeno Zoldyck : I suppose I'll have to use En . (0:13:49.36)
Zeno Zoldyck : It's an exhausting technique. (0:13:52.15)
Zeno Zoldyck : Let's start from the roof and head down... (0:13:56.68)
Silva Zoldyck : This building's radius is one hundred meters. (0:14:00.67)
Silva Zoldyck : Will you be okay, old man? (0:14:03.79)
Zeno Zoldyck : Fool, if I wanted, I could
handle three times that.
Zeno Zoldyck : This job is hardly worth the pay... (0:14:10.73)
Light Nostrade : You're late, Kurapika! (0:14:43.48)
Light Nostrade : Hurry back right now. (0:14:45.38)
Light Nostrade : Stay at Neon's side! (0:14:46.74)
Kurapika : Right, I'm on my way. (0:14:49.94)
Kurapika : Damn! (0:14:53.74)
Chrollo Lucilfer : We meet again. (0:15:24.63)
Silva Zoldyck : You remember me? (0:15:26.17)
Chrollo Lucilfer : How could I forget? (0:15:28.33)
Chrollo Lucilfer : You killed one of my people. (0:15:29.80)
Silva Zoldyck : It was difficult. (0:15:32.34)
Silva Zoldyck : Careful, old man. (0:15:36.90)
Silva Zoldyck : He can steal your techniques. (0:15:39.12)
Chrollo Lucilfer : This could be hard, fighting one on two. (0:16:28.99)
Silva Zoldyck : It takes a quality knife to scratch me. (0:16:31.60)
Silva Zoldyck : Looks to be a mid-era Ben's knife. (0:16:35.61)
Silva Zoldyck : That shape... (0:16:39.99)
Silva Zoldyck : It's poisoned? (0:16:41.04)
Zeno Zoldyck : You okay? (0:16:44.67)
Silva Zoldyck : I'm just fine. (0:16:46.55)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Just fine? (0:16:47.73)
Chrollo Lucilfer : A tenth of a milligram will
completely paralyze a whale.
Zeno Zoldyck : So you can steal other people's Nen ? (0:16:55.22)
Zeno Zoldyck : You must be a Specialist. (0:16:57.60)
Zeno Zoldyck : I would consider you a threat if you
could freely use the powers you steal.
Zeno Zoldyck : However, you must take risks
to take those abilities.
Zeno Zoldyck : A technique that strong must
have its drawbacks...
Zeno Zoldyck : I would guess (0:17:12.26)
Zeno Zoldyck : you must clear four or five conditions
before you can steal an ability.
Chrollo Lucilfer : Correct. (0:17:18.64)
Chrollo Lucilfer : The old man's a difficult opponent. (0:17:20.39)
Zeno Zoldyck : It will be difficult to clear those
conditions while you fight us.
Zeno Zoldyck : Meaning that you won't be able (0:17:27.64)
Zeno Zoldyck : to steal our abilities while we fight. (0:17:30.50)
Zeno Zoldyck : Proven by your need to use a
poisoned knife as a deterrent.
Chrollo Lucilfer : Correct again. (0:17:37.22)
Chrollo Lucilfer : I have no choice. (0:17:39.38)
Zeno Zoldyck : Silva, I'll need your support. (0:17:45.39)
Zeno Zoldyck : Once I lock him in place, (0:17:47.30)
Zeno Zoldyck : kill him, even if you have
to kill me with him.
Silva Zoldyck : Understood. (0:17:53.41)
Chrollo Lucilfer : He focused his aura into his hand. (0:18:10.81)
Chrollo Lucilfer : He has incredible potential. (0:18:13.28)
Chrollo Lucilfer : I won't be able to block that attack. (0:18:14.99)
EXTRA : Skill Hunter:
Bandit's Secret
Zeno Zoldyck : A mantle...
A Conjurer ability?
Zeno Zoldyck : This could be difficult... (0:18:43.49)
Zeno Zoldyck : Even if it's a stolen ability,
I can't attack recklessly
Zeno Zoldyck : without knowing what it's capable of. (0:18:52.49)
Zeno Zoldyck : That would be an ordinary fighter's reaction... (0:18:57.20)
EXTRA : Dragon Head: Long-Tou Xi-Hua (0:19:07.96)
EXTRA : Dragon Lance (0:19:13.82)
Zeno Zoldyck : I see now... (0:19:29.39)
Zeno Zoldyck : His power is to seal other people's abilities (0:19:32.83)
Zeno Zoldyck : in that Conjured book (0:19:35.37)
Zeno Zoldyck : letting him use them freely. (0:19:37.31)
Zeno Zoldyck : In return, when he uses another ability, (0:19:42.83)
Zeno Zoldyck : he must hold that book
in his hands at all times.
Zeno Zoldyck : The mantle is also a Conjured item. (0:19:52.19)
Zeno Zoldyck : He has shown no signs of taking the offensive, (0:19:54.67)
Zeno Zoldyck : but he's trying to close the gap between us. (0:19:57.86)
Zeno Zoldyck : So it's a defensive tool that can be used (0:20:01.38)
Zeno Zoldyck : to close the distance and counterattack. (0:20:05.57)
Zeno Zoldyck : Which means I have no reason
not to fight from a distance.
Zeno Zoldyck : Then I wait for my chance, and grab it. (0:20:13.06)
Chrollo Lucilfer : This old man is incredible. (0:20:16.87)
Chrollo Lucilfer : He managed to read my mind in a flash. (0:20:19.17)
Chrollo Lucilfer : I'm guessing I can't capture him alive. (0:20:23.78)
Silva Zoldyck : When he shuts the book, (0:20:26.27)
Silva Zoldyck : the ability he withdrew also vanishes? (0:20:27.54)
Silva Zoldyck : In any case, he's quite talented. (0:20:34.45)
Silva Zoldyck : He dodges each of my old man's
attacks at the last second,
Silva Zoldyck : leaving me no opening to attack. (0:20:40.01)
Silva Zoldyck : He's physically stronger than before. (0:20:44.88)
Silva Zoldyck : Since we don't know what abilities he has, (0:20:48.40)
Silva Zoldyck : we can't finish him off (0:20:51.90)
Silva Zoldyck : without being willing to risk our lives. (0:20:54.70)
Zeno Zoldyck : Now! Kill him! (0:21:13.52)
EXTRA : A thundering boom resounded
through Yorknew City.
EXTRA : Kurapika had no idea that the shock wave (0:21:43.13)
EXTRA : would lead to an unexpected development. (0:21:46.73)
EXTRA : Brush Your Teeth.
Unripe Fruit
Gon Freecss : Today, we introduce Shalnark. (0:23:09.61)
Gon Freecss : He's smart, knowledgeable, and calculating. (0:23:12.48)
Killua Zoldyck : His Nen ability places an antenna on targets, (0:23:14.66)
Killua Zoldyck : letting him control them with his cell phone. (0:23:16.91)
Gon Freecss : Kopitor? (0:23:29.70)
Killua Zoldyck : Kotorpi? (0:23:31.24)
Gon Freecss : Kortopi! (0:23:32.81)

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