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Sadao Maou : How does it feel to be helplessly incinerated by the flames? (0:00:03.69)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord... (0:00:07.65)
Sadao Maou : Your flesh, your guts, and even your bones will be consumed to fuel my ambitions! (0:00:08.52)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord, please... (0:00:15.78)
Sadao Maou : Let the feast begin! (0:00:18.03)
Sadao Maou : The first sacrifice I shall accept is... you! (0:00:20.42)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord! (0:00:24.34)
Sadao Maou : What is it, Ashiya? (0:00:26.58)
Shiro Ashiya : Could you eat a little more quietly? (0:00:28.46)
Shiro Ashiya : You're disturbing the other customers. (0:00:31.97)
Sadao Maou : Sorry. I got a bit carried away. (0:00:35.84)
Sadao Maou : But seriously, innards are so good! (0:00:39.47)
Sadao Maou : I can finally understand all those demons who were so into guts and gore. (0:00:42.23)
Shiro Ashiya : I'm glad to hear that. (0:00:46.60)
Shiro Ashiya : But please be sure to eat
vegetables as well as meat.
Shiro Ashiya : You must take care to balance your diet. (0:00:52.11)
Sadao Maou : Gimme a break. (0:00:54.07)
Sadao Maou : We're eating out to celebrate my promotion. (0:00:55.70)
Sadao Maou : That reminds me. Should we get dinner for Urushihara too? (0:00:58.07)
Sadao Maou : I think we can get some grilled beef to go as well. (0:01:01.83)
Shiro Ashiya : That won't be necessary. (0:01:03.87)
Shiro Ashiya : He recently learned about this thing called "net shopping," (0:01:05.50)
Shiro Ashiya : and is currently using it to waste our finances. (0:01:09.46)
Shiro Ashiya : I ask that you pronounce
proper judgment upon him.
Father Robertio Iguno Valentia : You lost track of Orba? (0:02:54.24)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Yes. It would appear that Emilia the Hero is alive in the other world. (0:02:56.82)
Father Robertio Iguno Valentia : What? (0:03:02.16)
Suzuno Kamazuki : And that is not all. (0:03:03.20)
Suzuno Kamazuki : It seems that the Dark Lord is also alive in that world. (0:03:05.04)
Father Robertio Iguno Valentia : Th-The Dark Lord?! (0:03:07.46)
Father Robertio Iguno Valentia : Orba reported that, following a fierce battle at his stronghold, (0:03:09.83)
Father Robertio Iguno Valentia : the Dark Lord was destroyed along with Better Half! (0:03:12.80)
Suzuno Kamazuki : That appears to be a complete fabrication, (0:03:15.84)
Suzuno Kamazuki : along with the report claiming that
Emerada and Albert were restrained.
Suzuno Kamazuki : It seems that Father Orba perpetuated both stories. (0:03:21.89)
Father Robertio Iguno Valentia : What? (0:03:26.60)
Suzuno Kamazuki : As for Emerada, (0:03:28.94)
Suzuno Kamazuki : it has come to our attention that she has returned to her homeland, the Holy Saint Isle Empire. (0:03:30.86)
Suzuno Kamazuki : She is probably trying to spread word about Emilia's survival and Father Orba's betrayal. (0:03:35.32)
Father Robertio Iguno Valentia : Betrayal?! An archbishop betrayed the Church?! (0:03:41.41)
EXTRA : Father Robertio, please calm down. (0:03:44.45)
EXTRA : Refrain from such outrageous words! (0:03:47.16)
Suzuno Kamazuki : But it is the truth. (0:03:49.58)
Father Robertio Iguno Valentia : If the court priestess of Saint Isle
testifies publicly that Emilia is alive,
Father Robertio Iguno Valentia : that will result in consequences we cannot ignore. (0:03:57.72)
Father Robertio Iguno Valentia : It contradicts the official statement of the Church regarding Emilia's death. (0:04:00.09)
Suzuno Kamazuki : What shall we do? (0:04:04.76)
Father Robertio Iguno Valentia : What can we do? (0:04:06.68)
Suzuno Kamazuki : We can admit that the archbishop betrayed the Church. (0:04:08.68)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Or we can eliminate Emerada, Albert, and Emilia. (0:04:11.90)
Father Robertio Iguno Valentia : That's insane! (0:04:15.94)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Are you not the ones who sent us, the Inquisition, to carry out that very insanity? (0:04:18.03)
EXTRA : What about you? What would you do? (0:04:26.49)
Sadao Maou : We're back. (0:04:33.58)
Hanzou Urushihara : You're late! I'm hungry! (0:04:35.63)
Shiro Ashiya : I believe you mean "welcome home, my master." (0:04:37.76)
Shiro Ashiya : After all, it's solely thanks to our lord's benevolence that you have a roof over your head. (0:04:41.43)
Sadao Maou : We brought this for you, Urushihara. (0:04:44.97)
Hanzou Urushihara : Hey, didn't you go to a BBQ restaurant?! (0:04:47.26)
Hanzou Urushihara : Why do I just get a pork bowl from Sugiya? (0:04:50.73)
Shiro Ashiya : Did you forget who provided that
computer and Internet connection?
Shiro Ashiya : How much do you think it cost? (0:04:57.15)
Shiro Ashiya : Cease your complaints. (0:04:59.24)
Hanzou Urushihara : I can't eat a computer! (0:05:00.32)
Shiro Ashiya : Then assist our lord's cause by gathering information pertaining to magic in this world. (0:05:02.11)
Shiro Ashiya : Depending on your performance, (0:05:07.87)
Shiro Ashiya : your pork bowl might get upgraded to "large," (0:05:09.75)
Shiro Ashiya : or even "extra large." (0:05:12.04)
Hanzou Urushihara : That's all I get, even if I do great?! (0:05:13.46)
Sadao Maou : But, Urushihara, can you really master the ways of the computer? (0:05:15.67)
Hanzou Urushihara : If you don't trust me, let me prove my skills here and now. (0:05:20.34)
Emi Yusa : Damn, I was almost home free... (0:05:28.72)
Emi Yusa : Thank you for your call. (0:05:31.56)
Emi Yusa : This is the docodemo customer support line. My name is Yusa. (0:05:33.19)
Sadao Maou : Whoa, we got through! (0:05:37.06)
Sadao Maou : You're amazing, Urushihara! (0:05:38.44)
Emi Yusa : Huh? (0:05:40.36)
Sadao Maou : Hey, Emi? Can you hear us? (0:05:41.15)
Emi Yusa : D-Dark Lord... (0:05:42.48)
Emi Yusa : What are you scheming? (0:05:44.41)
Emi Yusa : I'm still at work! (0:05:45.78)
Sadao Maou : C'mon, chill out! (0:05:48.24)
Sadao Maou : It's just a hacking experiment. (0:05:49.20)
Sadao Maou : Urushihara said he can do
lots of stuff with a computer,
Sadao Maou : so I bought it on my credit card's
installment plan. It's our first big expense.
Emi Yusa : I've got a lot of questions already, (0:05:58.04)
Emi Yusa : but first of all, who's this Urushihara? (0:06:00.30)
Sadao Maou : It's Lucifer. (0:06:01.92)
Emi Yusa : Wait, what? Lucifer?! (0:06:03.47)
Emi Yusa : Is Lucifer at your stronghold?! (0:06:05.76)
Sadao Maou : Later! Sorry to bother you at work! (0:06:07.09)
Sadao Maou : Thank you very much! (0:06:13.77)
Chiho Sasaki : You're amazing, Maou-san! (0:06:15.95)
Chiho Sasaki : You haven't even worked here for a year and you're already shift supervisor! (0:06:17.85)
Sadao Maou : You think so? (0:06:21.57)
Sadao Maou : Well, I just fill in for the boss while she's gone. (0:06:22.78)
Chiho Sasaki : But doesn't that mean that you're ruling over humans, even if only for a short while? (0:06:26.41)
Emi Yusa : Not on my watch. (0:06:33.83)
Sadao Maou : Emi? (0:06:35.29)
Chiho Sasaki : Welcome! (0:06:36.71)
Sadao Maou : We need to talk. (0:06:38.54)
Sadao Maou : Can't you see I'm working? (0:06:40.04)
Sadao Maou : Catch me later. (0:06:41.96)
Emi Yusa : That's funny, coming from someone who prank called me when I was working. (0:06:42.79)
Chiho Sasaki : Would you like to know about our latest special, jalapeño fries? (0:06:46.54)
Hanzou Urushihara : Yeah, this rig doesn't have
the specs for online games.
Hanzou Urushihara : Damn, I wanna play something. (0:06:57.52)
Hanzou Urushihara : What's this? (0:07:02.73)
Shiro Ashiya : Cappadocia... (0:07:04.69)
Shiro Ashiya : Perhaps it was a dwelling for low-level demons who fell into this world in ancient times. (0:07:06.82)
Shiro Ashiya : In that case, we might be able to find a source of magic there... (0:07:12.95)
Shiro Ashiya : But the travel expenses to Turkey would add up to how many months' worth of my lord's wage? (0:07:17.16)
Shiro Ashiya : From the landlady? (0:07:25.13)
Chiho Sasaki : See you tomorrow! (0:07:27.38)
Sadao Maou : So what do you want, Emi? (0:07:29.34)
Emi Yusa : Don't give me that! (0:07:31.30)
Emi Yusa : What was that phone call about yesterday? (0:07:32.76)
Sadao Maou : I told you, it was Urushihara. (0:07:34.72)
Emi Yusa : How did Lucifer end up as Urushihara? (0:07:37.00)
Sadao Maou : The police already arrested Orba, you know. He's gotta lay low. (0:07:39.52)
Sadao Maou : I decided to put him up at our place for a while. (0:07:44.65)
Emi Yusa : Three guys in that tiny apartment? (0:07:47.98)
Sadao Maou : Well, excuse (0:07:50.53)
Sadao Maou : What choice do I have? (0:07:51.82)
Sadao Maou : I've almost run out of magic as it is. (0:07:53.28)
Sadao Maou : Even if I wanted to return to Ente Isla, I couldn't. (0:07:55.95)
Emi Yusa : Well, I can go back any time. (0:07:59.54)
Emi Yusa : I don't need to worry about securing enough sacred power to control the Gate either. (0:08:02.54)
Sadao Maou : Then why don't you? (0:08:08.30)
Emi Yusa : I'm the Hero! (0:08:10.63)
Emi Yusa : As long as you're here in Japan,
it's my duty to keep an eye on you!
Sadao Maou : Man, she's such a pain. (0:08:17.72)
Sadao Maou : I'm home! (0:08:19.89)
Sadao Maou : Urushihara?! (0:08:23.35)
Sadao Maou : Wake up! What happened to you? (0:08:24.15)
Shiro Ashiya : M-My lord... (0:08:35.66)
Shiro Ashiya : You mustn't... look at it... (0:08:38.12)
Sadao Maou : A photo of the landlady in a swimsuit? (0:08:46.21)
Shiro Ashiya : Yes. She's in Hawaii. (0:08:48.13)
Shiro Ashiya : It's a picture of her frolicking in the waves at Waikiki Beach. (0:08:51.26)
Hanzou Urushihara : It's outrageous. How dare she send us such disturbing imagery? (0:08:54.51)
Hanzou Urushihara : Stuff like that should be censored! (0:08:57.97)
Sadao Maou : Pathetic. (0:09:00.26)
Sadao Maou : You guys are demons.
How can you be scared by that?
Hanzou Urushihara : Then why don't you take a look? (0:09:04.31)
Sadao Maou : More importantly, Urushihara, have you gathered any information about magic? (0:09:11.78)
Hanzou Urushihara : He changed the subject!
He totally just glossed over it!
Shiro Ashiya : He did not. At times, a courageous retreat is necessary. (0:09:18.41)
Hanzou Urushihara : Courageous retreat, my ass. (0:09:23.75)
Hanzou Urushihara : Anyway. (0:09:26.17)
Hanzou Urushihara : I actually did find something interesting. (0:09:27.54)
Shiro Ashiya : What does that have to do with magic? (0:09:32.84)
Hanzou Urushihara : The magical places in this world aren't limited to ancient ruins like Stonehenge or the pyramids. (0:09:35.76)
Hanzou Urushihara : If you look, you'll see they're all around us. (0:09:42.31)
Hanzou Urushihara : Though you won't find anything about these ones in libraries. (0:09:45.02)
Hanzou Urushihara : This one's probably the most powerful in this area. (0:09:49.61)
Sadao Maou : The forbidden classroom? (0:09:52.36)
Hanzou Urushihara : Yeah. (0:09:54.03)
Hanzou Urushihara : Sounds like there's a classroom in the old building that's not used anymore. (0:09:55.03)
Hanzou Urushihara : They say you can sometimes hear footsteps, whispering, and the sound of someone laughing from within. (0:09:59.16)
Hanzou Urushihara : I think there's a good chance that
something otherworldly is involved.
Sadao Maou : So this is the school? (0:10:18.55)
Shiro Ashiya : It's nowhere as gloomy as I expected. (0:10:20.39)
Shiro Ashiya : Does this school really harbor a magical location? (0:10:22.68)
Sadao Maou : I can't feel much from here. (0:10:28.52)
Shiro Ashiya : Either way, as outsiders, we can't exactly stroll in through the front gate. (0:10:31.15)
Chiho Sasaki : Maou-san! (0:10:37.53)
Sadao Maou : Sasaki-san?! (0:10:43.91)
Sadao Maou : Oh, right. I knew I'd heard the name of this place somewhere before. (0:10:44.83)
Sadao Maou : It's Chi-chan's school. (0:10:48.54)
EXTRA : Sasacchi, is that the guy from MgRonald's? (0:10:50.25)
Chiho Sasaki : Yeah! Maou-san! (0:10:53.38)
EXTRA : Who's the other guy? (0:10:55.92)
Chiho Sasaki : His roommate, Ashiya-san! (0:10:57.55)
EXTRA : His roommate?! (0:10:59.38)
EXTRA : Two guys living frugally together in a tiny, six-tatami apartment? (0:11:00.68)
EXTRA : Only one bed! (0:11:04.64)
Chiho Sasaki : No, no! What are you even imagining?! (0:11:07.14)
Shiro Ashiya : We seem to be the subject of
a rather lively discussion.
Sadao Maou : I wonder what they're saying. (0:11:16.23)
Chiho Sasaki : The forbidden classroom? (0:11:19.03)
Sadao Maou : Yeah. I heard it was one of the seven mysteries of your school. (0:11:21.16)
Chiho Sasaki : Yeah, it's a pretty well-known story. (0:11:26.54)
Chiho Sasaki : They say you can hear monstrous voices from within, (0:11:29.04)
Chiho Sasaki : and demonic silhouettes sometimes appear in the windows... (0:11:33.38)
Chiho Sasaki : Oh, were you behind all that? (0:11:35.96)
Sadao Maou : No, it wasn't me. (0:11:39.51)
Sadao Maou : But it might have something to do with Ente Isla. (0:11:41.51)
Sadao Maou : That's why I wanted to check it out. (0:11:46.10)
Chiho Sasaki : Okey-dokey, Maou-san! (0:11:48.27)
Chiho Sasaki : You came to just the right person! (0:11:49.89)
Chiho Sasaki : The old building's this way. (0:12:04.16)
Shiro Ashiya : But what's so forbidden about the classroom? (0:12:05.62)
Chiho Sasaki : Well, the rumors say that
long before I was even born,
Chiho Sasaki : a student once disappeared from that room, as if spirited away. (0:12:11.58)
Chiho Sasaki : It hasn't been used ever since. (0:12:19.17)
Chiho Sasaki : Hey, wanna stop for snacks? (0:12:22.38)
Shiro Ashiya : Nah. This isn't a field trip. (0:12:25.55)
Sadao Maou : Chi-chan, you look like you're enjoying this. (0:12:27.35)
Chiho Sasaki : I'm always relying on you
at work and everywhere else.
Chiho Sasaki : That's why I'm happy I can help you now! (0:12:35.65)
Sadao Maou : Aren't you scared? (0:12:38.86)
Chiho Sasaki : Not when I'm with you. (0:12:40.69)
Sadao Maou : I see. (0:12:42.86)
Sadao Maou : Anyway, if there are seven mysteries, what are the other six? (0:12:43.70)
Chiho Sasaki : Uh... (0:12:50.16)
Chiho Sasaki : The stairs on the north side which have a different number of steps when you're walking up or down. (0:12:53.83)
Chiho Sasaki : The walking Ninomiya Kinjiro statue covered in blood! (0:12:58.04)
Chiho Sasaki : The Buddha statue in the art classroom which gains an extra set of eyelids at 3am. (0:13:01.96)
Chiho Sasaki : The Kojien dictionary in the library which has the word "curse" highlighted in red. (0:13:06.93)
Chiho Sasaki : The piano in the music classroom where the B key sometimes fails to make a sound. (0:13:11.52)
Shiro Ashiya : That only makes six, including the forbidden classroom. (0:13:19.11)
Chiho Sasaki : No one knows the seventh. (0:13:22.69)
Chiho Sasaki : They say that if you find all seven, you'll... (0:13:25.45)
Shiro Ashiya : We'll... (0:13:29.12)
Sadao Maou : ...what? (0:13:30.62)
Chiho Sasaki : Your cellphone will ring with
a call from the other world,
Chiho Sasaki : and your soul will be taken! (0:13:35.29)
Sadao Maou : That sounds totally unreasonable. (0:13:37.71)
Sadao Maou : Why would they take our souls just because we knew all the mysteries? (0:13:40.59)
Sadao Maou : What if we just found them out by chance? (0:13:43.05)
Shiro Ashiya : Calm down, my lord. (0:13:45.22)
Shiro Ashiya : If rumors have been going around about the
forbidden classroom and the other mysteries
Shiro Ashiya : since before Sasaki-san was even born, how could cellphones be part of it? (0:13:52.77)
Sadao Maou : Good point. (0:13:55.35)
Sadao Maou : What do you want, Urushihara? You scared the hell out of me! (0:14:00.86)
Hanzou Urushihara : What are you shouting about? (0:14:02.82)
Hanzou Urushihara : How's it going? Found the forbidden classroom yet? (0:14:04.69)
Sadao Maou : Not yet. What do you want? (0:14:06.57)
Hanzou Urushihara : I think that the Gate's been opened in this classroom at least once before. (0:14:09.78)
Sadao Maou : The Gate? (0:14:15.91)
Hanzou Urushihara : Yeah. Opening the Gate somewhere weakens the fabric of spacetime in that location, (0:14:17.33)
Hanzou Urushihara : making it easier to open the Gate there again in the future. (0:14:22.00)
Sadao Maou : Could that be behind the stories of the student who was spirited away? (0:14:24.55)
Hanzou Urushihara : Chances are, they were swallowed by the Gate. (0:14:28.63)
Hanzou Urushihara : Anyway, the point is that if we play our cards right when the Gate opens again, (0:14:31.64)
Hanzou Urushihara : we might be able to use it to replenish our magic. (0:14:36.06)
Hanzou Urushihara : Call me back when you get to the forbidden classroom. (0:14:39.02)
Hanzou Urushihara : Laters. (0:14:41.15)
Shiro Ashiya : But how did Urushihara find out about all this? (0:14:42.15)
Sadao Maou : The Internet sure is great! (0:14:47.19)
Sadao Maou : You heard that too, right? (0:14:53.08)
Shiro Ashiya : Could it be the night watchman? (0:14:55.04)
Chiho Sasaki : He shouldn't be here at this time. (0:14:56.70)
Sadao Maou : Then, something evil from the other world has just come through the Gate? (0:14:59.92)
Sadao Maou : If I know what I'm up against, it's not scary at all. (0:15:02.88)
Shiro Ashiya : I'll take them on. (0:15:05.30)
Shiro Ashiya : Do you have enough magic to fight? (0:15:06.42)
Shiro Ashiya : We can use this as a last resort. (0:15:09.42)
Sadao Maou : What's that? (0:15:11.18)
Shiro Ashiya : A charm against evil. (0:15:12.47)
Shiro Ashiya : You saw how effective it was against us demons. (0:15:13.55)
Sadao Maou : But that's the landlady's— (0:15:16.68)
Chiho Sasaki : Footsteps? (0:15:22.10)
Emi Yusa : So what are you two doing here at night with a high school girl? (0:15:32.78)
Sadao Maou : Emi? (0:15:37.33)
Emi Yusa : Ah, so you planned to retrieve magic from that forbidden classroom? (0:15:40.21)
Sadao Maou : And what are you doing here at this hour? (0:15:46.09)
Sadao Maou : Do I see a trespassing Hero? (0:15:49.59)
Chiho Sasaki : Excuse me. Shoes aren't allowed indoors, so could you please put these on instead? (0:15:51.55)
Emi Yusa : I followed you here and saw you sneak into this school in the middle of the night. (0:15:58.60)
Emi Yusa : I just came in after you. (0:16:03.44)
Emi Yusa : Anyway, I'll come along. (0:16:05.06)
Emi Yusa : I'm not gracious enough to let you recover magic just like th— (0:16:08.23)
Emi Yusa : Hey, Dark Lord! (0:16:14.24)
Chiho Sasaki : Are you sure about this, Maou-san? (0:16:17.37)
Chiho Sasaki : Should we really be leaving her behind? (0:16:19.04)
Sadao Maou : Yeah. Nothing good ever comes out of her getting involved. (0:16:21.08)
Emi Yusa : Wait, Dark Lord! (0:16:24.37)
Sadao Maou : Damn, she's annoying! (0:16:26.88)
Emi Yusa : I'll kick you! (0:16:28.84)
Emi Yusa : I'm telling you, I'm gonna kick you! (0:16:30.17)
Sadao Maou : What's wrong, Chi-chan? (0:16:39.10)
Chiho Sasaki : N-Nothing. (0:16:40.43)
Emi Yusa : I've found you, monster! (0:16:49.02)
Emi Yusa : All right. (0:16:58.53)
Sadao Maou : All wrong , you moron! (0:16:59.41)
Chiho Sasaki : Yusa-san, that's just an anatomical model! A doll! (0:17:01.04)
Emi Yusa : Huh? (0:17:05.46)
Shiro Ashiya : What kind of hero goes around chopping up anatomical models with her sacred sword? (0:17:06.33)
Shiro Ashiya : I think you're the only one
who'd ever do that, Emilia.
Sadao Maou : Hey, think for like two seconds before you pull that thing out! (0:17:13.51)
Shiro Ashiya : So what are you going to do about this? (0:17:16.22)
Sadao Maou : These models must cost a lot. (0:17:18.76)
Sadao Maou : And it sure as hell isn't my problem. (0:17:20.68)
Chiho Sasaki : L-Let's just pretend it didn't happen. (0:17:22.10)
Chiho Sasaki : Yeah, I guess that won't cut it, huh? (0:17:25.81)
Emi Yusa : Hey, all this happened because you guys snuck into the school! (0:17:28.11)
Shiro Ashiya : Just quit while you're behind, Emilia. (0:17:32.69)
Emi Yusa : Do something about it with magic! (0:17:35.28)
Sadao Maou : Why do I have to waste my precious magic to clean up your mess? (0:17:37.66)
Shiro Ashiya : Oh my god! It's got only one heart! (0:17:42.62)
Chiho Sasaki : Ashiya-san! I don't know about demons, but one is all we've got! (0:17:45.29)
Emi Yusa : So the forbidden classroom is over there? (0:17:51.67)
Sadao Maou : Just put your sword away already. (0:17:54.46)
Sadao Maou : Don't draw it unless I tell you to. (0:17:56.47)
Emi Yusa : And since when do I take orders from you? (0:17:58.09)
Chiho Sasaki : That's the old building over there. (0:18:01.01)
Chiho Sasaki : The forbidden classroom is at the top of the stairs, on the third floor. (0:18:03.18)
Sadao Maou : Okay, let's go. (0:18:08.06)
Emi Yusa : This is the forbidden classroom? (0:18:19.20)
Chiho Sasaki : Someone must have boarded it up. (0:18:21.87)
Sadao Maou : I said to put that sword away! (0:18:26.12)
Chiho Sasaki : What's wrong, Ashiya-san? (0:18:29.79)
Shiro Ashiya : This door looks like it's been opened recently. (0:18:31.59)
Sadao Maou : They're not actually nailed in? (0:18:39.34)
Emi Yusa : So what's so forbidden about it? (0:18:41.01)
Sadao Maou : This is weird. Looks like someone was living here. (0:18:55.53)
Shiro Ashiya : There's no way this place was boarded up for years. (0:18:57.99)
Sadao Maou : Huh? (0:19:02.70)
Emi Yusa : What's that? (0:19:03.99)
Chiho Sasaki : A handheld console? (0:19:06.83)
Sadao Maou : What do you want, Urushihara? (0:19:12.33)
Hanzou Urushihara : Have you made it to the forbidden classroom yet? (0:19:14.09)
Sadao Maou : Yeah, we just arrived. (0:19:16.42)
Sadao Maou : What is it? Quit calling me every five minutes! (0:19:18.13)
Sadao Maou : It freaks me out! (0:19:20.63)
Hanzou Urushihara : Isn't there something on the floor? (0:19:22.18)
Hanzou Urushihara : Like a handheld console. (0:19:24.05)
Sadao Maou : Yeah. We just picked it up. (0:19:26.89)
Hanzou Urushihara : I knew I'd dropped it there. (0:19:30.77)
Sadao Maou : You knew? (0:19:33.61)
Hanzou Urushihara : Ah, never mind! (0:19:34.44)
Hanzou Urushihara : Sorry, but could you bring that home for me? (0:19:37.98)
Sadao Maou : Urushihara... (0:19:40.57)
Sadao Maou : Could it be that you... (0:19:41.91)
Hanzou Urushihara : Huh? What's up? (0:19:43.28)
Hanzou Urushihara : You said this was an easy place to open the Gate. (0:19:44.51)
Sadao Maou : Isn't that just because you and Orba arrived in Japan here? (0:19:47.45)
Hanzou Urushihara : That's right. Didn't I tell you? (0:19:50.96)
Sadao Maou : You kinda forgot! (0:19:53.04)
Hanzou Urushihara : I lived there with Orba for a while, (0:19:54.54)
Hanzou Urushihara : and I left behind a game I played a lot. (0:19:57.80)
Sadao Maou : Urushihara... You didn't do all this just to get us to pick it up for you, right? (0:20:01.59)
Hanzou Urushihara : Of course not! (0:20:05.55)
Hanzou Urushihara : I thought someone might have opened the Gate again and come to this world! (0:20:07.64)
Hanzou Urushihara : Did you find anything? (0:20:11.77)
Hanzou Urushihara : If not, then come back quick! (0:20:13.06)
Hanzou Urushihara : I'm really hungry! (0:20:14.56)
Hanzou Urushihara : Pork bowl's totally fine, okay? (0:20:15.69)
Sadao Maou : Damn Urushihara. He went too far. (0:20:18.82)
Shiro Ashiya : Why don't we sell this console at Book-On and make some cash? (0:20:21.53)
Shiro Ashiya : It might help our financial situation. (0:20:25.82)
Emi Yusa : How tight can you be? (0:20:27.53)
Chiho Sasaki : Huh? (0:20:29.62)
Chiho Sasaki : Udon? (0:20:33.25)
Sadao Maou : Jeez, last night was such a waste of time. (0:20:38.80)
Sadao Maou : Huh? (0:20:41.48)
Chiho Sasaki : Ah, Maou-san! I found that on the floor in— (0:20:51.27)
Chiho Sasaki : Maou-san?! Wake up! Maou-san! (0:20:58.69)
Hanzou Urushihara : Hey! Give it back! It's mine! (0:21:04.74)
Shiro Ashiya : You only get to play one hour a day. (0:21:07.74)
Shiro Ashiya : Be grateful we didn't just sell it at a Book-On! (0:21:09.99)
Sadao Maou : Someone moved in? (0:21:24.51)
Sadao Maou : Watch out! (0:21:31.97)
Sadao Maou : A-Are you okay? (0:21:36.81)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord, are you all right? (0:21:39.86)
Sadao Maou : She fell down the stairs... (0:21:41.69)
Suzuno Kamazuki : Carelessness... is one's greatest enemy... (0:21:46.28)
Sadao Maou : Huh? (0:21:49.45)

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