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Kirito : Yoruko-san! (0:00:09.72)
Kirito : Asuna, keep an eye on him. (0:00:22.16)
Asuna Yuuki : Stop! (0:00:25.67)
Kirito : Damn it! (0:00:36.64)
Kirito : Teleporting? (0:00:42.23)
Kirito : Where's he going? (0:00:43.67)
Kirito : Damn it... (0:00:51.90)
EXTRA : Illusionary Avenger (0:02:26.04)
Asuna Yuuki : You idiot! (0:02:33.77)
Asuna Yuuki : What were you thinking? (0:02:34.67)
Asuna Yuuki : Well? What happened? (0:02:39.10)
Kirito : It was no use. (0:02:42.13)
Kirito : He teleported away. (0:02:43.33)
Kirito : The system protects the inns. (0:02:45.91)
Kirito : I was certain she'd be safe here. (0:02:49.40)
Kirito : Damn it. (0:02:52.93)
Schmitt : That robe was Griselda's. (0:02:55.69)
Schmitt : It was Griselda's ghost... (0:02:59.13)
Schmitt : She's come for revenge on us all! (0:03:02.38)
Schmitt : Why couldn't a ghost PK in town? (0:03:06.35)
Kirito : That was no ghost. (0:03:12.39)
Kirito : The two safe area murders (0:03:15.42)
Kirito : have to work using some logic
that involves the system.
Kirito : They just have to. (0:03:21.07)
Asuna Yuuki : Was that black robed figure
really the ghost of Griselda-san?
Asuna Yuuki : Seeing those two deaths happen in front of me (0:03:32.26)
Asuna Yuuki : makes me wonder if it could be true. (0:03:35.32)
Kirito : No, that's impossible. (0:03:37.45)
Kirito : A ghost wouldn't need
a teleport crystal.
Kirito : A teleport crystal... (0:03:46.18)
Asuna Yuuki : What is it? (0:03:47.65)
Kirito : No, it's nothing. (0:03:50.29)
Asuna Yuuki : Here. (0:04:02.11)
Kirito : You're giving it to me? (0:04:04.31)
Asuna Yuuki : What else would I be doing? (0:04:05.90)
Asuna Yuuki : You think I'm showing
it off or something?
Kirito : U-Uh, then thanks. (0:04:10.45)
Asuna Yuuki : Its durability is nearly at zero, (0:04:14.13)
Asuna Yuuki : so you should eat up
before it disappears.
Kirito : Y-Yeah. (0:04:19.02)
Kirito : This is really good. (0:04:26.05)
Kirito : When did you make this? (0:04:29.98)
Asuna Yuuki : Didn't I say its durability
was about to run out?
Asuna Yuuki : I thought something like
this might happen,
Asuna Yuuki : so I prepared these this morning. (0:04:37.07)
Kirito : I guess you are in charge of the
Knights of the Blood Oath attack teams.
Kirito : Where is this from, anyway? (0:04:43.96)
Asuna Yuuki : It wasn't for sale. (0:04:45.58)
Asuna Yuuki : It isn't from a store. (0:04:48.31)
Asuna Yuuki : You know, I can cook, too. (0:04:49.93)
Kirito : W-Well, (0:04:55.40)
Kirito : you could've put this up for auction (0:04:56.48)
Kirito : and made yourself a lot of money. (0:05:00.57)
Asuna Yuuki : I don't have any more, got it? (0:05:08.98)
Kirito : What's wrong? (0:05:16.02)
Kirito : That's right... (0:05:21.43)
Kirito : That's it! (0:05:22.49)
Asuna Yuuki : What? (0:05:24.30)
Asuna Yuuki : What did you just figure out? (0:05:25.52)
Kirito : I... (0:05:27.19)
Kirito : We... (0:05:28.51)
Kirito : never actually saw a thing. (0:05:30.04)
Kirito : We just thought we did. (0:05:32.03)
Kirito : But we really saw something else. (0:05:33.40)
Kirito : There never was a weapon (0:05:36.07)
Kirito : or any kind of logic (0:05:37.69)
Kirito : that would allow killing
within the safe areas!
EXTRA : Floor 19: Cross Hill (0:05:45.88)
Schmitt : Griselda... (0:05:47.80)
Schmitt : The only way I can survive
is with your forgiveness.
Schmitt : I'm sorry... I'm so sorry! (0:05:55.47)
Schmitt : Forgive me, Griselda! (0:05:57.69)
Schmitt : I never imagined this would happen! (0:05:59.83)
Yoruko : Really? (0:06:07.90)
Yoruko : Really? Really? (0:06:12.07)
Yoruko : What did you do? (0:06:35.43)
Yoruko : What did you do to me, Schmidt? (0:06:39.57)
Schmitt : I... I only... (0:06:44.18)
Schmitt : The day we decided to sell the ring, (0:06:46.10)
Schmitt : a note and crystal just appeared
in my belt pouch,
Schmitt : and the note told me to... (0:06:50.76)
Caynz : Who told you? (0:06:51.84)
Caynz : Who told you to? (0:06:54.90)
Schmitt : Grimrock? (0:06:59.88)
Schmitt : You're dead, too? (0:07:01.76)
Caynz : Who? (0:07:04.27)
Caynz : Who gave you these orders? (0:07:05.51)
Schmitt : I-I honestly don't know! (0:07:08.03)
Schmitt : The note just said to bind
the crystal to the room
Schmitt : where she was staying,
so they could enter,
Schmitt : and then to put the crystal in
the guild's shared storage...
Caynz : And? (0:07:21.05)
Schmitt : That was all I did! (0:07:22.82)
Schmitt : I never meant to get her killed. (0:07:25.50)
Schmitt : Believe me... Please! (0:07:29.12)
Yoruko : We recorded all of that, Schmidt. (0:07:38.54)
Asuna Yuuki : Th-They're alive?! (0:07:51.16)
Kirito : Yeah, they're alive. (0:07:53.35)
Kirito : Both Yoruko-san and Kains. (0:07:55.41)
Asuna Yuuki : B-But... (0:07:57.67)
Kirito : Inside a safe zone,
player HP won't just drop.
Kirito : But an object's durability will. (0:08:02.32)
Kirito : Like with that sandwich. (0:08:05.27)
Kirito : Back then, (0:08:08.49)
Kirito : Kains's armor was pierced by that spear. (0:08:09.34)
Kirito : The spear was draining the armor's
durability, not Kains's HP.
Asuna Yuuki : Th-Then, what fell apart was... (0:08:17.58)
Kirito : Yes, just his armor. (0:08:20.69)
Kirito : And at the exact moment it did, Kains (0:08:23.65)
Kirito : teleported away. (0:08:28.65)
Kirito : The effect was incredibly similar
to that of someone's death.
Kirito : But it's still different. (0:08:36.38)
Asuna Yuuki : Then Yoruko-san... (0:08:40.27)
Kirito : The dagger was already in her the
whole time she spoke with us.
Asuna Yuuki : The entire time? (0:08:46.40)
Kirito : Remember... (0:08:47.81)
Kirito : During her entire stay, she never
turned her back to us.
Kirito : And as she talked, she kept an eye
on her equipment's endurance.
Kirito : At the right moment, (0:08:59.10)
Kirito : she acted as though a dagger,
thrown from outside, had stabbed her.
Asuna Yuuki : Which means the person
in the black robe...
Kirito : I'd lay good odds that it isn't Grimrock. (0:09:08.02)
Kirito : It's Kains. (0:09:10.57)
Kirito : Those two must have realized (0:09:12.35)
Kirito : that they could use this method (0:09:15.46)
Kirito : to fake their own deaths. (0:09:18.70)
Asuna Yuuki : And their goal was to draw out (0:09:22.49)
Asuna Yuuki : the one responsible for the ring murder. (0:09:24.33)
Asuna Yuuki : They acted out their own deaths (0:09:28.44)
Asuna Yuuki : to create an illusionary avenger. (0:09:31.17)
Kirito : They must have already been
somewhat suspicious of Schmidt.
Kirito : Hey, you still have Yoruko-san
friended, don't you?
Asuna Yuuki : She's in the field, on Floor 19. (0:09:46.28)
Asuna Yuuki : On a small hill, just outside the town. (0:09:48.97)
Kirito : I see. (0:09:52.47)
Kirito : Let's leave (0:09:54.79)
Kirito : the rest up to them. (0:09:56.15)
Kirito : Our role in this case is finished. (0:09:58.13)
Schmitt : R-Recorded? (0:10:08.67)
Schmitt : So that's how it is. (0:10:14.10)
Schmitt : You cared that much about Griselda. (0:10:17.70)
Schmitt : You didn't hate her, either, did you? (0:10:21.30)
Caynz : O-Of course not...
Believe me!
Schmitt : True... (0:10:27.83)
Schmitt : The rare weapon I bought let me clear (0:10:28.88)
Schmitt : the Holy Dragon Alliance's
entry requirements, but...
Schmitt : Paralysis? (0:10:45.61)
XaXa : One down! (0:10:48.94)
Schmitt : Are these guys... (0:10:55.08)
PoH : This is a big catch. (0:10:58.70)
PoH : A Holy Dragon Alliance leader. (0:11:02.03)
PoH : The guild of murderers,
Laughing Coffin.
PoH : Now, then... (0:11:21.15)
PoH : what shall we play? (0:11:21.86)
Johnny Black : Let's do that one thing, boss... (0:11:24.33)
Johnny Black : The game where they kill each other,
and only the winner survives!
PoH : Last time we did that,
you killed the survivor anyway.
Johnny Black : If you say that now,
we can't have a game, boss.
PoH : All right. (0:11:42.35)
PoH : Let's get started. (0:11:44.33)
Kirito : Guess I made it just in time... (0:12:11.78)
Kirito : So what will you do? (0:12:18.43)
Kirito : I have backup on the way. (0:12:20.23)
Kirito : You want to fight thirty people
from the lead group?
PoH : Let's go. (0:12:43.43)
Kirito : I'm glad I was able to see
you again, Yoruko-san.
Yoruko : I planned to apologize,
once everything was over.
Yoruko : But I can't expect you to believe me. (0:13:08.34)
Schmitt : Kirito... (0:13:11.91)
Schmitt : Thank you for saving me, (0:13:13.57)
Schmitt : but how did you know that those
three would attack here?
Kirito : I didn't. (0:13:19.92)
Kirito : I just thought it was a possibility. (0:13:21.92)
Kirito : Hey, Kains-san... Yoruko-san. (0:13:24.21)
Kirito : You asked Grimrock-san to
make those two weapons.
Yoruko : At first, he didn't seem willing. (0:13:32.90)
Yoruko : He said he wanted to let
Griselda-san rest in peace...
Caynz : But when we begged him, (0:13:39.97)
Caynz : he finally forged them for us. (0:13:42.53)
Kirito : I'm sorry, but the reason
he opposed your plan
Kirito : wasn't for Griselda-san's sake. (0:13:48.29)
Kirito : He thought something flashy,
like a PK in a safe zone,
Kirito : would attract sufficient attention
for someone to take notice...
Kirito : I only realized it thirty minutes ago. (0:13:59.98)
Kirito : We ended up falling for
Yoruko-san's plot...
Kirito : But I don't really mind. (0:14:09.37)
Asuna Yuuki : Yeah. (0:14:12.10)
Asuna Yuuki : Hey. (0:14:14.66)
Asuna Yuuki : What would you have said (0:14:16.76)
Asuna Yuuki : when a super-rare item like that dropped? (0:14:18.54)
Kirito : Hmm... (0:14:22.50)
Kirito : Part of the reason I play solo
is to avoid those situations.
Asuna Yuuki : In our guild, it would belong
to the one it dropped for.
Asuna Yuuki : That's the rule. (0:14:32.63)
Asuna Yuuki : In SAO, no one knows what drops for whom (0:14:34.64)
Asuna Yuuki : unless someone volunteers it. (0:14:38.06)
Asuna Yuuki : So if you want to avoid players
hoarding, that's the only way.
Asuna Yuuki : Also, (0:14:43.85)
Asuna Yuuki : because of that system, (0:14:45.09)
Asuna Yuuki : marriage in this world has real meaning. (0:14:46.94)
Asuna Yuuki : If you marry, your item
storage is shared, right?
Asuna Yuuki : Everything you might have
hidden until then...
Asuna Yuuki : Once you're married,
you can't hide it anymore.
Asuna Yuuki : Shared storage is quite a
pragmatic system.
Asuna Yuuki : But I think it's very romantic, as well. (0:15:05.37)
Kirito : Hey... (0:15:11.21)
Asuna Yuuki : What? (0:15:12.11)
Kirito : Have you ever gotten married? (0:15:14.48)
Kirito : No... That's not what I meant! (0:15:20.52)
Kirito : You were just talking about how
it's romantic and plastic...
Asuna Yuuki : No one said that! (0:15:25.46)
Asuna Yuuki : It's romantic and pragmatic. (0:15:28.02)
Asuna Yuuki : Pragmatic... (0:15:30.85)
Asuna Yuuki : It means practical. (0:15:32.61)
Asuna Yuuki : Practical. (0:15:34.29)
Kirito : Practical? (0:15:35.28)
Kirito : Marriage in SAO? (0:15:36.48)
Asuna Yuuki : Isn't it? (0:15:38.38)
Asuna Yuuki : In a way, it throws everything
out there, doesn't it?
Asuna Yuuki : The common storage. (0:15:41.37)
Asuna Yuuki : What? (0:15:44.47)
Kirito : Common storage... (0:15:45.90)
Kirito : If your spouse dies,
what happens to the items?
Kirito : Item storage is shared. (0:15:53.67)
Kirito : When one person dies,
what happens to their items?
Asuna Yuuki : Are you talking about
Griselda-san and Grimrock-san?
Asuna Yuuki : Let's see, if one of them died... (0:16:02.60)
Kirito : Wouldn't everything go to the other? (0:16:05.36)
Asuna Yuuki : Which would mean the rare ring
in Griselda-san's storage...
Kirito : It should be in Grimrock's storage,
not in the killer's.
Asuna Yuuki : The ring wasn't stolen? (0:16:18.56)
Kirito : No, it was stolen. (0:16:21.41)
Kirito : Grimrock stole the ring
from his own storage.
Caynz : Grimrock... (0:16:33.27)
Caynz : He sent that memo? (0:16:35.42)
Caynz : And he killed Griselda? (0:16:37.93)
Kirito : No, he probably didn't do it personally. (0:16:40.12)
Kirito : He likely left the actual murder to a
red player specializing in such things.
Yoruko : No... (0:16:49.07)
Yoruko : If he were the murderer, (0:16:50.61)
Yoruko : then why would he have helped us? (0:16:52.85)
Kirito : Didn't you explain the whole plan to him? (0:16:56.24)
Kirito : This was his chance to bury
the entire thing forever.
Kirito : He waited for you, Schmidt-san,
and Kains-san to gather,
Kirito : so he could kill you all at once. (0:17:12.21)
Schmitt : So that's why... (0:17:15.51)
Schmitt : That's why that murder guild was here. (0:17:17.96)
Kirito : Most likely, (0:17:21.00)
Kirito : he knew them from when he
hired them to kill Griselda-san.
Yoruko : That's horrible... (0:17:26.90)
Asuna Yuuki : I found him. (0:17:30.93)
Kirito : We can ask him for the details. (0:17:36.85)
Grimlock : It's been a long time, everyone. (0:17:43.95)
Yoruko : Grimrock-san... (0:17:47.00)
Yoruko : Did you... Did you really... (0:17:49.78)
Yoruko : Why, Grimrock? (0:17:55.21)
Yoruko : Why did you need the money (0:17:56.90)
Yoruko : from the ring so badly that you had
to kill Griselda, your own wife?
Grimlock : Money? (0:18:05.36)
Grimlock : Did you say money? (0:18:07.07)
Grimlock : It wasn't for the money. (0:18:14.30)
Grimlock : I had... (0:18:16.26)
Grimlock : I had to kill her... (0:18:17.43)
Grimlock : While she was still my wife. (0:18:21.24)
Grimlock : She was my wife in
the real world, too.
Grimlock : The ideal wife, the perfect wife... (0:18:29.75)
Grimlock : Pretty, submissive... (0:18:32.93)
Grimlock : We'd never had a single fight. (0:18:35.18)
Grimlock : But when we were both
trapped in this world,
Grimlock : she changed. (0:18:42.78)
Grimlock : Only one of us was overcome with fear
from being trapped in a death game...
Grimlock : Me. (0:18:49.20)
Grimlock : She looked so much happier, (0:18:51.36)
Grimlock : so much more alive,
than she had in the real world.
Grimlock : I had to accept it... (0:18:57.93)
Grimlock : That the Yuuko I loved was gone. (0:19:00.81)
Grimlock : Thus... (0:19:05.35)
Grimlock : Thus, I decided to forever seal
her within my memories here,
Grimlock : in this world, where murder is legal... (0:19:11.43)
Grimlock : And who could blame me? (0:19:15.59)
Kirito : You killed your wife for that? (0:19:18.23)
Grimlock : That's more than reason enough. (0:19:21.88)
Grimlock : Someday, you'll understand, detective. (0:19:24.31)
Grimlock : Once you've found love and
are about to lose it.
Asuna Yuuki : No, you're the one who's
mistaken, Grimrock-san.
Asuna Yuuki : You didn't feel love for Griselda-san. (0:19:37.72)
Asuna Yuuki : You only wanted to possess her! (0:19:41.25)
Caynz : Kirito-san, could you leave this man to us? (0:19:56.85)
Kirito : All right. (0:20:01.87)
Asuna Yuuki : Hey... (0:20:21.14)
Asuna Yuuki : If you married someone,
and then you discovered
Asuna Yuuki : they had a side you didn't know, (0:20:27.43)
Asuna Yuuki : what would you think? (0:20:30.74)
Kirito : Maybe that I was lucky... (0:20:34.39)
Kirito : B-Because if you marry someone, (0:20:37.58)
Kirito : it means you already (0:20:39.39)
Kirito : like what you know about them, right? (0:20:40.77)
Kirito : So if you found something new about them
and fell in love with that, too...
Kirito : W-Wouldn't that be great? (0:20:48.09)
Asuna Yuuki : Well, fine. (0:20:51.32)
Asuna Yuuki : More importantly, I'm hungry. (0:20:53.08)
Asuna Yuuki : I didn't get to finish my meal earlier. (0:20:55.61)
Kirito : Y-Yeah... (0:20:57.87)
Asuna Yuuki : I've been away from the front
lines for two days...
Asuna Yuuki : I'll have to go back to work tomorrow. (0:21:02.41)
Kirito : Yeah, I want to clear this floor this week. (0:21:04.66)
Asuna Yuuki : What? (0:21:10.79)
Asuna Yuuki : Hey, Kirito-kun... (0:21:44.88)
Asuna Yuuki : Want to friend me? (0:21:46.75)
Asuna Yuuki : You haven't so far, right? (0:21:49.51)
Asuna Yuuki : Since we're both in the lead group, (0:21:51.37)
Asuna Yuuki : it's inconvenient that we
can't talk to each other.
Kirito : But I'm a solo player... (0:21:54.83)
Asuna Yuuki : I didn't say you had to party up with me. (0:21:57.42)
Asuna Yuuki : Anyway, you should make some friends. (0:21:59.98)
Kirito : D-Do I? (0:22:02.07)
Kirito : It doesn't bother me, but... (0:22:03.48)
Asuna Yuuki : Think about it while we go eat. (0:22:05.01)
Asuna Yuuki : First, let's get back to town. (0:22:07.89)
Kirito : Y-Yeah... (0:22:10.68)
EXTRA : Next Time:
The Temperature of the Heart

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