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Elhart : Welcome. (0:00:07.40)
Elhart : Man, don't come to show off
every time you buy a new slave.
Naofumi Iwatani : That's not it. (0:00:12.70)
Elhart : Another young girl? (0:00:14.24)
Elhart : You really are a lolicon, huh? (0:00:15.99)
Naofumi Iwatani : Wrong! (0:00:18.20)
Filo : Master, I'm hungry. (0:00:19.33)
Elhart : Want a bite? (0:00:23.08)
Filo : Yeah, thanks! (0:00:25.08)
Raphtalia : Hey, Filo. (0:00:26.63)
Elhart : It's fine, missy. (0:00:28.29)
Elhart : How big a bite could she take, anyway? (0:00:30.55)
Filo : Time to dig in! (0:00:37.01)
Filo : That was so-so, I guess. (0:00:43.06)
EXTRA : The Rising of the Shield Hero (0:01:07.21)
EXTRA : A New Comrade (0:02:20.61)
Elhart : So, what's her deal? (0:02:22.74)
Raphtalia : According to the slave merchant, (0:02:25.83)
Raphtalia : filolials have a king or
queen leading each flock.
Elhart : Isn't that just a myth? (0:02:32.96)
Raphtalia : Those kings and queens are highly
skilled at transforming,
Raphtalia : and they blend into the flocks by
disguising themselves as normal filolials.
Elhart : And they can transform into humans, too? (0:02:43.14)
Elhart : That's nuts. (0:02:46.31)
Naofumi Iwatani : What's more, it turns out they need
a special crest to be tamed.
Naofumi Iwatani : I hadn't budgeted for that. (0:02:53.06)
Raphtalia : Things got crazy while
giving her that crest.
Raphtalia : Filo started resisting with all her might. (0:03:02.53)
Naofumi Iwatani : And that was at Level 19. (0:03:07.49)
Naofumi Iwatani : Who knows how strong she'll
be at Level 70 or something?
Elhart : And? You didn't come here just to
show off this filolial queen, right?
Naofumi Iwatani : Sell us some clothes. (0:03:19.13)
Elhart : Clothes? (0:03:20.67)
Naofumi Iwatani : If she rips them apart each
time she transforms,
Naofumi Iwatani : I'll go broke in the blink of an eye. (0:03:23.52)
Raphtalia : There are outfits made for
transforming species, aren't there?
Elhart : Those are special. I ain't got any. (0:03:29.52)
Elhart : Go see a dressmaker. (0:03:33.06)
Elhart : But I guess you can't have her walking
around in public looking like that.
Elhart : Take this. Another customer left it here. (0:03:38.98)
Dress Maker : Wow, cute! (0:03:42.32)
Dress Maker : She's cute, like an angel! (0:03:44.70)
Dress Maker : Wait, she has wings on her back,
so maybe she really is one?
Filo : Am I cute, Master? (0:03:53.21)
Naofumi Iwatani : Don't ask me. (0:03:55.79)
Dress Maker : You mustn't be like that, Father. (0:03:56.84)
Raphtalia : Fath—?! (0:03:58.80)
Dress Maker : Compliments help girls grow ever cuter. (0:03:59.71)
Filo : Master, are you my father? (0:04:06.39)
Naofumi Iwatani : No, I'm your owner. (0:04:09.26)
Filo : What about Raphtalia-oneechan, then? (0:04:11.18)
Naofumi Iwatani : She's like my daughter. (0:04:13.77)
Raphtalia : I am not! (0:04:15.40)
Naofumi Iwatani : Anyway, that doesn't matter. (0:04:16.73)
Raphtalia : It doesn't? (0:04:18.32)
Naofumi Iwatani : We want clothes that don't rip when you
transform and can go back to normal later.
Dress Maker : Oh, that's what you're looking for? (0:04:25.11)
Dress Maker : Did you bring magic thread? (0:04:28.45)
Naofumi Iwatani : Magic thread? (0:04:30.95)
Dress Maker : Transforming clothes are always woven using
thread made out of the wearer's own mana.
Raphtalia : So, they're custom made? (0:04:38.21)
Dress Maker : Indeed! (0:04:41.09)
Dress Maker : If you give me the magic threads, (0:04:41.88)
Dress Maker : I'll make you the cutest dress ever! (0:04:44.09)
Old Magician : Magic thread, huh? (0:04:53.64)
Old Magician : You certainly could spin it here, (0:04:55.73)
Old Magician : but not right now. My magic
gemstone broke recently.
Naofumi Iwatani : Is that gemstone expensive? (0:05:03.86)
Old Magician : It is, but the bigger issue is
that it's always in short supply.
Raphtalia : Well, that's a problem. (0:05:08.24)
Old Magician : I'll talk to people and try to
procure one as soon as possible.
Old Magician : Could you give me some time? (0:05:14.58)
Filo : Hey. (0:05:16.29)
Filo : What is this? (0:05:17.75)
Old Magician : A crystal ball. It measures
one's magical affinity.
Old Magician : Let me check yours, too. (0:05:23.34)
Naofumi Iwatani : No outfit for a while, huh? (0:05:25.42)
Filo : Filo has wind affinity! (0:05:28.39)
Filo : I blow away all the enemies! (0:05:32.22)
Filo : My job is draw the carriage. (0:05:36.19)
Raphtalia : Well, she's in a good mood. (0:05:36.52)
Filo : To where my Master says! (0:05:40.52)
Filo : If I find the spear guy, (0:05:43.98)
Filo : I'll send him flying with a full-power kick! (0:05:47.32)
Naofumi Iwatani : It'll be a while before we get her clothes. (0:05:51.78)
Naofumi Iwatani : In the meantime, let's travel
around and make some money.
Raphtalia : That trade pass we got from the
village lord will come in handy.
Filo : Master, there's someone up ahead. (0:06:03.21)
Raphtalia : Is something the matter? (0:06:07.47)
EXTRA : P-Please, give me a ride on your carriage. (0:06:09.13)
Raphtalia : Huh? (0:06:13.10)
EXTRA : I need to get this medicine to the
village past the mountain at once!
Naofumi Iwatani : Filo, how long will it take
to get there at full speed?
Filo : Not long. (0:06:22.73)
Filo : But we can get there even
sooner without the carriage.
Naofumi Iwatani : I'll take you there for one silver. (0:06:27.53)
EXTRA : But I already spent all my
money on the medicine...
Naofumi Iwatani : You can pay me in goods,
or even pay me later.
Naofumi Iwatani : Don't you dare try to
weasel out of it, though.
EXTRA : Th-That would be fine. (0:06:39.25)
Naofumi Iwatani : Give me the reins, Raphtalia. (0:06:41.17)
Raphtalia : Here. (0:06:43.04)
EXTRA : Thank you. (0:06:45.63)
Naofumi Iwatani : I don't need your gratitude.
Just make sure to pay me.
Filo : Go, Filo! (0:06:49.68)
Filo : Right-o! (0:06:50.59)
EXTRA : Halt! Pay the toll! (0:07:00.27)
Naofumi Iwatani : I'll come back for it later! (0:07:05.40)
EXTRA : Mother, I got you the medicine. (0:07:13.87)
Naofumi Iwatani : You go boil some water. (0:07:19.12)
Naofumi Iwatani : I'll give her the medicine. (0:07:21.08)
EXTRA : But... (0:07:22.96)
Naofumi Iwatani : Relax. I won't charge you. (0:07:23.92)
EXTRA : Potion Enhance (0:07:31.05)
Pugilist : Why, thank you. (0:07:43.27)
EXTRA : Mother! (0:07:45.31)
EXTRA : The medicine's helping already? (0:07:46.69)
Pugilist : Yes. The pain went away in an instant. (0:07:49.53)
Pugilist : Thank you. (0:07:52.24)
EXTRA : Um... What kind of magic spell did you use? (0:07:56.99)
Naofumi Iwatani : Quit asking questions you don't need to ask. (0:08:00.91)
Naofumi Iwatani : That aside... (0:08:03.21)
EXTRA : Oh, here. This should be
worth one silver in total.
Naofumi Iwatani : That works. (0:08:10.80)
Naofumi Iwatani : Later. (0:08:12.30)
EXTRA : Thank you so very much! (0:08:13.47)
Naofumi Iwatani : On top of selling goods, I can even
provide transport for people.
Naofumi Iwatani : Traveling trade may actually be
more profitable than I thought.
Merchant : I can't believe I get to ride with
Our Savior of the Heavenly Fowl.
Naofumi Iwatani : "Our Savior of the Heavenly Fowl"? (0:08:57.85)
Merchant : You've become quite famous
around these parts.
Merchant : "Traveling in a carriage drawn by
the god of domesticated birds,
Merchant : Our Savior crosses the land to treat
the sick with his special medicine!"
Filo : Am I a god? (0:09:08.81)
Raphtalia : Hey! Didn't Naofumi-sama tell you
not to talk with strangers around?
Filo : Sorry. (0:09:16.11)
Merchant : She can talk, too? That's the
god of domesticated birds for you!
Naofumi Iwatani : She's not a god or anything. (0:09:21.29)
Raphtalia : Naofumi-sama, there are
people blocking the path.
EXTRA : Whoa, stop right there! (0:09:28.08)
EXTRA : Strange bird you've got there. (0:09:32.46)
EXTRA : We heard an accessory seller
was hitching a ride with you.
EXTRA : We know you're in there! (0:09:38.18)
Naofumi Iwatani : He was a client with baggage, huh? (0:09:41.43)
EXTRA : Quietly hand him over, and we'll
spare your lives, at least.
Naofumi Iwatani : You mean you'll take
everything but our lives?
EXTRA : You're a sharp one, lad. (0:09:52.15)
EXTRA : That girl's pretty hot for a demi-human. (0:09:54.32)
EXTRA : Looks like we can have
ourselves some fun tonight.
Raphtalia : Naofumi-sama, may I cut him down? (0:10:01.20)
Naofumi Iwatani : Not like you'd listen to me if I said no. (0:10:04.50)
Filo : Me too! (0:10:07.33)
EXTRA : Don't bother. (0:10:08.37)
EXTRA : We've got a class-upgraded bodyguard. (0:10:10.33)
EXTRA : We're counting on you, Sensei! (0:10:13.96)
Naofumi Iwatani : Class-upgraded? (0:10:17.84)
Naofumi Iwatani : Yet another unfamiliar term. (0:10:19.68)
Naofumi Iwatani : If nothing else, I can tell
he won't be easy pickings.
Naofumi Iwatani : If only I could use support
magic right now...
Raphtalia : As source of thy power, I order thee. (0:10:29.19)
Raphtalia : Decipher the laws of nature and
conceal me in a haze.
Raphtalia : Hide Mirage! (0:10:37.49)
Filo : Fast Tornado! (0:10:40.66)
EXTRA : Some other trader told us to
mug the guy riding with you
EXTRA : because he was carrying
a bunch of nice stuff!
Merchant : One of my own sold me out, huh? (0:10:54.92)
Naofumi Iwatani : Well? What do we do with these guys? (0:10:57.67)
Merchant : Usually, you'd hand them
over to the local guards.
EXTRA : Aren't you the Shield Hero? (0:11:05.60)
EXTRA : It was obvious since you had
no weapons, only a shield.
Naofumi Iwatani : "We're unlucky adventurers who were
attacked by the cruel Shield Hero!"
Naofumi Iwatani : Is that what you'll tell the guards? (0:11:18.15)
EXTRA : Exactly. (0:11:19.32)
EXTRA : They'll surely take our word
over the Shield Hero's.
Naofumi Iwatani : Then you leave me no choice. (0:11:27.29)
Naofumi Iwatani : You'll have to die. (0:11:28.91)
Naofumi Iwatani : Filo, are you hungry? (0:11:31.29)
Filo : I am! (0:11:33.50)
Filo : Food! (0:11:35.04)
Naofumi Iwatani : She's an omnivore, you see. (0:11:37.50)
Naofumi Iwatani : And she'll gulp anything down in one go. (0:11:39.51)
EXTRA : Aren't you Our Savior of the Heavenly Fowl? (0:11:41.05)
EXTRA : Do you really want to commit murder?! (0:11:42.59)
Naofumi Iwatani : I'm no savior, and I need to
act in my best interests.
Naofumi Iwatani : You must've killed plenty of people so far. (0:11:49.06)
Naofumi Iwatani : Just consider this your turn, and give up. (0:11:51.35)
EXTRA : W-Wait, please! Anything but our lives! (0:11:54.94)
Naofumi Iwatani : Got it. (0:11:58.40)
Naofumi Iwatani : I'll spare your lives, at least. (0:11:59.65)
Naofumi Iwatani : However... (0:12:02.82)
Raphtalia : We're looting the bandits? (0:12:16.00)
Raphtalia : Doesn't this make us more
evil than the criminals?
Merchant : You're wrong there. (0:12:21.97)
Merchant : They offered up everything they had to
purchase their lives from Our Savior.
Merchant : He's treating even lives as merchandise. (0:12:28.39)
Merchant : Sir Hero's a shining example of the
trader's spirit that's so rare nowadays!
Raphtalia : I'm pretty sure this is just intimidation. (0:12:38.82)
Naofumi Iwatani : You two... Less talk, more work. (0:12:40.94)
Naofumi Iwatani : Also, how are you going to compensate
me for all this trouble you caused?
Merchant : I offer you all the knowledge
and connections I possess.
Naofumi Iwatani : Knowledge and connections? (0:12:55.37)
Merchant : Yes. I've taken a real liking to you. (0:12:56.83)
Naofumi Iwatani : The first things the accessory
seller taught me
Naofumi Iwatani : were how to process precious metals,
use the tools required,
Naofumi Iwatani : craft gems, and imbue them with mana. (0:13:10.14)
Naofumi Iwatani : I even managed to pick up some spells,
thanks to getting a feel for mana.
Naofumi Iwatani : And so, I gained a new
business venture: crafting gemstones.
Naofumi Iwatani : Then I gained an in with
the traders' grapevine,
Naofumi Iwatani : where I heard rumors of the other heroes. (0:13:30.20)
Naofumi Iwatani : Apparently, Motoyasu saved a famine-stricken
village to the southwest
Naofumi Iwatani : by introducing a legendary crop. (0:13:36.75)
Naofumi Iwatani : I bet that goddamn slut put him up to it. (0:13:39.59)
Naofumi Iwatani : Ren's apparently southeast,
looking for vicious monsters to slay.
Naofumi Iwatani : I even heard a rumor that
said he took down a dragon.
Naofumi Iwatani : But the information regarding Itsuki,
the Bow Hero, was all over the place.
Naofumi Iwatani : Some said he's training up in the mountains, (0:13:56.64)
Naofumi Iwatani : and some said he went into a
dungeon on a quest for treasure.
Naofumi Iwatani : There were even some tall tales, like him
joining another country's resistance,
Naofumi Iwatani : but none of them were credible. (0:14:06.95)
Naofumi Iwatani : That seller certainly did provide us
with ample knowledge and connections.
Naofumi Iwatani : But one thing he offered helped
me more than any other.
EXTRA : Yes, this deed is genuine. (0:14:22.96)
EXTRA : I'm amazed that grumpy money-grubber
actually gave this to you.
EXTRA : Anyway, if there's a gemstone you want,
I can arrange getting it for you.
EXTRA : At a discount, of course. (0:14:34.01)
EXTRA : What would you like? (0:14:37.43)
Naofumi Iwatani : I want the gemstone used
to make magic threads.
Old Magician : I'm amazed you learned where to
find that gemstone so quickly.
Naofumi Iwatani : It's not all good news. (0:14:51.78)
Naofumi Iwatani : It seems to be in a rather dicey location. (0:14:54.16)
Raphtalia : Naofumi-sama... (0:14:56.79)
Old Magician : This temple was once a notoriously
evil alchemist's base of operations.
Old Magician : I never knew there was a tunnel here. (0:15:10.55)
Naofumi Iwatani : According to the mining chief, (0:15:14.85)
Naofumi Iwatani : nobody's dared approach this place
since some monsters nested here.
Naofumi Iwatani : Stay on your toes. (0:15:20.69)
Raphtalia : It's empty. (0:15:31.78)
Old Magician : That's ancient writing. (0:15:34.20)
Old Magician : "We pray this seed never
makes it out of here.
Old Magician : It is a horribly twisted
manifestation of our wish
Old Magician : for nobody to starve." (0:15:43.00)
Naofumi Iwatani : Looks like some bandits already
released it into the world, though.
Filo : Master, there's a path down this way. (0:15:50.09)
Naofumi Iwatani : Let's go. (0:15:54.09)
Naofumi Iwatani : Hey, Filo! What are you doing? (0:15:59.10)
Naofumi Iwatani : Hurry up! (0:16:01.56)
Filo : Oh, Master! (0:16:02.56)
Filo : You see... (0:16:04.36)
Naofumi Iwatani : For crying out loud. (0:16:06.19)
Naofumi Iwatani : If you won't listen to me,
then I don't need you anymore.
Old Magician : Stop. (0:16:16.41)
Naofumi Iwatani : What is that? (0:16:18.04)
Old Magician : A monster footprint. (0:16:19.50)
Old Magician : It must be a rather large one. (0:16:21.41)
Naofumi Iwatani : But we have to keep going until
we get what we're here for.
Naofumi Iwatani : Just be care— (0:16:28.00)
Raphtalia : Naofumi-sama?! (0:16:30.76)
Naofumi Iwatani : Stay calm! (0:16:31.80)
Naofumi Iwatani : Hey, witch! What's going on? (0:16:33.01)
Raphtalia : I'm sick and tired of being
Naofumi-sama's slave.
Raphtalia : I only pretended to become his slave again
so I could kill him with my own hands.
Raphtalia : I can stab him clean
through from behind now.
Old Magician : Don't let the voices mislead you! (0:16:46.40)
Naofumi Iwatani : The witch? (0:16:48.15)
Old Magician : The monsters here provoke you by saying
the last things you want to hear,
Old Magician : in the last voices you want saying them! (0:16:52.53)
Naofumi Iwatani : How nasty is that? (0:16:55.24)
Filo : Master is my food! (0:16:56.74)
Naofumi Iwatani : Hey, something cut me! (0:17:00.08)
Naofumi Iwatani : Do something about this! (0:17:01.83)
Old Magician : As source of thy power, I order thee. (0:17:03.41)
Old Magician : Decipher the laws of nature and
restore our sight!
Old Magician : Fast Anti-Bind! (0:17:10.42)
Naofumi Iwatani : If we can see them... (0:17:14.97)
Naofumi Iwatani : Filo! (0:17:16.55)
Filo : I'm gonna blow you away! (0:17:17.47)
Old Magician : Are you all okay? (0:17:23.93)
Raphtalia : Yes, I'm fine. (0:17:25.98)
Naofumi Iwatani : I don't think this will come in handy. (0:17:32.61)
EXTRA : Voice Gengar Shield (Bat Form) (0:17:33.07)
Naofumi Iwatani : Let's keep going. (0:17:35.99)
Filo : You won't abandon me, right, Master? (0:17:37.61)
Naofumi Iwatani : I've got money riding on you. (0:17:41.49)
Naofumi Iwatani : I won't get rid of you easily. (0:17:43.33)
Raphtalia : Naofumi-sama... (0:17:45.12)
Raphtalia : Don't worry. (0:17:47.25)
Raphtalia : Naofumi-sama would never say mean things
like those hallucinations you heard.
Filo : Okay, I'll believe in him. (0:17:55.55)
Naofumi Iwatani : It's nothing. Never mind. (0:18:01.43)
Filo : Something's in there. (0:18:06.56)
Old Magician : That's the gemstone. (0:18:16.65)
Naofumi Iwatani : Yeah, but... (0:18:17.95)
Old Magician : That's a nue. (0:18:23.37)
Old Magician : It's on the small side, but still dangerous. (0:18:25.12)
Naofumi Iwatani : This'll be rough. (0:18:27.46)
Naofumi Iwatani : The gemstone's right there,
but we can't get it.
Raphtalia : We're going! (0:18:32.13)
Naofumi Iwatani : Those two! (0:18:35.05)
Naofumi Iwatani : Cover us, please! (0:18:36.26)
Old Magician : Zweit Fire Blast! (0:18:44.93)
Raphtalia : Naofumi-sama! (0:18:51.40)
Naofumi Iwatani : Can I hold it off? (0:18:55.28)
Filo : Don't! (0:18:56.69)
Naofumi Iwatani : Hey! (0:19:00.16)
Naofumi Iwatani : That was close... (0:19:05.91)
Naofumi Iwatani : We need to avoid that at all costs. (0:19:07.83)
Naofumi Iwatani : But then how do we attack it? (0:19:10.79)
Naofumi Iwatani : Watch out, Raphtalia! (0:19:17.17)
Naofumi Iwatani : It can see her? (0:19:19.84)
Filo : No. It hears her. (0:19:21.93)
Filo : It's really sensitive to sound. (0:19:23.97)
Naofumi Iwatani : Sound? (0:19:27.39)
Naofumi Iwatani : Filo! Yell in here as loud as you can! (0:19:32.10)
Filo : Okay! (0:19:35.40)
Naofumi Iwatani : Everyone, cover your ears! (0:19:35.98)
Naofumi Iwatani : Now! (0:19:42.11)
Old Magician : Zweit Fire Blast! (0:19:42.95)
Filo : We won! (0:19:57.21)
Naofumi Iwatani : Are you unhurt? (0:19:59.21)
Filo : Yeah! (0:20:00.34)
Raphtalia : You? (0:20:01.09)
Naofumi Iwatani : I'm fine. (0:20:02.55)
Naofumi Iwatani : Don't charge in so recklessly. (0:20:04.93)
Raphtalia : But... (0:20:07.01)
Naofumi Iwatani : What if you got a scar that never faded? (0:20:08.27)
Raphtalia : You're worried about my... (0:20:11.94)
Naofumi Iwatani : Are we clear? (0:20:14.02)
Raphtalia : Y-Yes. (0:20:15.31)
Filo : Wow, so pretty! (0:20:16.52)
Raphtalia : It really is beautiful! (0:20:24.07)
Filo : This is making me tired... (0:20:36.42)
Old Magician : It's because you're converting
your mana into thread.
Old Magician : Endure it for just a while longer. (0:20:42.97)
Raphtalia : I'll give you a snack once you finish. (0:20:46.68)
Filo : A yummy one? Then I'll keep going! (0:20:48.93)
Filo : How do I look, Master? (0:21:08.16)
Naofumi Iwatani : Very nice. (0:21:10.16)
Filo : Yay! Thank you, Master! (0:21:11.83)
Raphtalia : I mean, sure, she looks cute... (0:21:15.37)
Dress Maker : Doesn't she?! (0:21:17.96)
Dress Maker : I did my very best to bring out every
last bit of Filo-chan's angelic charm!
Dress Maker : I used white as the base color,
to go with her wings.
Dress Maker : I added in plenty of frills as
a nod to her feathers, too.
Dress Maker : And since it'd contrast
best with her blonde hair,
Dress Maker : I went with blue for the ribbon! (0:21:35.00)
Raphtalia : R-Right... (0:21:37.00)
Naofumi Iwatani : The monster crest and magic outfit
add up to 340 silvers in total.
Naofumi Iwatani : You'd better work hard to pay it off. (0:21:44.14)
Filo : Yeah! I'll do my best! (0:21:46.41)
Raphtalia : Don't suddenly transform indoors! (0:21:50.16)
Dress Maker : The ribbon looks oh-so-cute
even in her monster form!
Dress Maker : Don't you agree? (0:21:58.14)
Dress Maker : You agree, don't you, Father? (0:22:00.08)
Naofumi Iwatani : Don't ask me! (0:22:02.51)

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