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Chiyuki Fujito : Hey, is that the design
you thought of yesterday?
Ikuto Tsumura : Whoa! Please don't scare me like that. (0:00:14.00)
Chiyuki Fujito : What? I would buy it. (0:00:16.79)
Chiyuki Fujito : I like what you did. (0:00:19.62)
Ikuto Tsumura : Th-Thank you very much. (0:00:21.54)
Ikuto Tsumura : Actually, I'm proud of what I did here. (0:00:24.95)
Chiyuki Fujito : Cool. (0:00:27.58)
EXTRA : Huh? (0:00:28.45)
Chiyuki Fujito : I bet Miss Sara would like it, too. (0:00:29.41)
EXTRA : Hey, Chiyuki. (0:00:36.83)
EXTRA : When did you become so close
with the bean sprouts guy?
Chiyuki Fujito : Bean sprouts...? (0:00:41.58)
Chiyuki Fujito : Ah, you mean Ikuto! (0:00:43.20)
EXTRA : Ikuto...? (0:00:45.08)
Chiyuki Fujito : Do we seem that close? (0:00:46.58)
Chiyuki Fujito : Well, I guess we are close. (0:00:48.87)
Chiyuki Fujito : We are... But I wouldn't call us friends. (0:00:50.70)
EXTRA : Oh... (0:00:53.83)
Chiyuki Fujito : I actually respect Ikuto quite a bit. (0:00:55.29)
EXTRA : What? (0:00:58.66)
Chiyuki Fujito : I'm dead serious about becoming a hypermodel. (0:01:00.33)
Chiyuki Fujito : If something's not relevant to modeling,
I cut it out of my life.
Chiyuki Fujito : But... Ikuto's not like that. (0:01:08.66)
Chiyuki Fujito : He never abandons anything.
He takes care of it all.
Chiyuki Fujito : "Ichika"
He's had his dream longer than I've had mine.
Chiyuki Fujito : He's had his dream longer than I've had mine. (0:01:16.04)
Chiyuki Fujito : But it's not because he's not
putting in enough effort.
Chiyuki Fujito : He's got the determination to find
the right balance without abandoning anything.
Chiyuki Fujito : That's something I don't have. (0:01:29.12)
Chiyuki Fujito : It's impressive, and I respect him for it, (0:01:31.83)
Chiyuki Fujito : but I also see him as a rival. (0:01:36.00)
Chiyuki Fujito : That's why... Ikuto... (0:01:38.45)
Chiyuki Fujito : have to win. (0:01:41.66)
Chiyuki Fujito : Or else, you won't be able
to prove your efforts.
EXTRA : "Smile Down the Runway" (0:02:09.87)
EXTRA : "Episode 6: Superiority and Inferiority"
Time's up!
Judge : "Episode 6: Superiority and Inferiority"
Let's move on to the evaluations.
Ikuto Tsumura : I... did it... (0:03:22.87)
Ryuunosuke Eda : You're... a high school student? (0:03:24.95)
Ikuto Tsumura : Oh... Yes... (0:03:27.79)
Judge : Kaoru Kizaki. (0:03:30.12)
Kaoru Kizaki : Ah. (0:03:31.04)
Judge : You're up first. (0:03:31.95)
Judge : Now that it's time to evaluate,
let me introduce our judges.
Judge : First, our principal, Shoko Takaoka. (0:03:39.45)
Youko Takaoka : Good evening! (0:03:44.29)
Judge : And also... (0:03:46.58)
Judge : ...the faculty in charge, which is me. And... (0:03:47.75)
Judge : ...three fellow competitors in this room,
a total of five judges.
Judge : The first three are Tsumura, Kato, and Yajima. (0:03:57.08)
Judge : Come on up front. (0:04:00.83)
Ikuto Tsumura : We're... the judges?! (0:04:02.66)
Kaoru Kizaki : Excuse me. (0:04:06.00)
Kaoru Kizaki : I'd rather not be evaluated by
someone with inferior skills than me.
Youko Takaoka : Oh my, he hasn't shown up yet?! (0:04:12.75)
Judge : Huh? Who's "he"? (0:04:15.83)
Too Ayano : Hey there. (0:04:18.54)
Youko Takaoka : You got me worried, Toh! (0:04:20.12)
Youko Takaoka : Kaoru, do you have any objections now? (0:04:22.62)
Kaoru Kizaki : Oh... No. (0:04:26.25)
EXTRA : "An amazing outfit for Sara" (0:04:30.29)
Judge : "An amazing outfit for Sara"
When you're presenting,
start off with your design's concept.
Kaoru Kizaki : Yes. (0:04:35.12)
Kaoru Kizaki : My concept is... "Unbalance." (0:04:37.75)
Kaoru Kizaki : What stood out to me most when researching
Sara was how different she is on TV
Kaoru Kizaki : compared to when she is modeling. (0:04:44.66)
Kaoru Kizaki : While cool and reserved,
she's also warm and lovable.
Kaoru Kizaki : I wanted to portray that
by juxtaposing leather and lace.
Judge : Yajima, critique her. (0:04:55.50)
Ayumi Yajima : What?! I'm first? (0:04:57.66)
Judge : Yeah, we don't have all day here. (0:05:00.95)
Ayumi Yajima : Well, the concept is interesting,
but I think it looks a bit lame...
Ryuunosuke Eda : Here we go. (0:05:09.25)
Ryuunosuke Eda : The preliminaries are all about
roasting each other after all.
Ryuunosuke Eda : --They exaggerate every flaw they can find. (0:05:14.29)
Ikuto Tsumura : --I think it's a great design.
--They exaggerate every flaw they can find.
Ikuto Tsumura : Um... Will you show us the backside? (0:05:18.62)
Ikuto Tsumura : See? Isn't it elegant? (0:05:24.58)
Ikuto Tsumura : The lace on the back tones down
the ruggedness of the leather.
Ayumi Yajima : Who does he think he is?
He's just a high schooler.
Too Ayano : I admire her handling of leather. (0:05:34.41)
Ayumi Yajima : What?! (0:05:36.33)
Too Ayano : I like it, too. (0:05:36.91)
Too Ayano : You were meticulous with your fabric choice,
and it would look great on Sara.
Kaoru Kizaki : Yes! (0:05:43.58)
Judge : Next, Ryunosuke Eda. (0:05:45.83)
Ryuunosuke Eda : I don't have a particular concept
in mind at all.
Ryuunosuke Eda : As a professional, it's her job
to make it look good.
Too Ayano : It screams out "tracht" to me. (0:05:56.04)
Ryuunosuke Eda : Ah. (0:05:57.58)
Ikuto Tsumura : Tracht is a traditional garment of Switzerland,
which is part of Sara's background.
Ikuto Tsumura : It's impressive how he
incorporated that in his design.
EXTRA : The design is plain lame. (0:06:07.08)
EXTRA : I recognize all the trends,
but they don't work together.
Too Ayano : I don't get why it had to be a turtleneck. (0:06:12.25)
Ikuto Tsumura : Everyone's so harsh. (0:06:15.54)
Ikuto Tsumura : It's almost my turn... (0:06:17.50)
Judge : Next, Ikuto Tsumura. (0:06:18.87)
Ikuto Tsumura : Yes! (0:06:21.00)
Judge : As for the judges... (0:06:22.16)
Kaoru Kizaki : Excuse me... May I be a judge? (0:06:23.62)
Ryuunosuke Eda : Then, me too! (0:06:26.58)
Judge : All right Tsumura. Let's see it. (0:06:29.04)
Ikuto Tsumura : Yes. (0:06:32.33)
Ikuto Tsumura : This is what I designed. (0:06:34.08)
Ikuto Tsumura : Pajamas! (0:06:38.16)
Ryuunosuke Eda : --Huh?! (0:06:40.04)
Kaoru Kizaki : --Huh?!
Ryuunosuke Eda : Pajamas...? (0:06:41.70)
Ikuto Tsumura : Yes... Pajamas! (0:06:43.83)
Too Ayano : Tell me, why pajamas? (0:06:48.91)
Ikuto Tsumura : Miss Sara said it herself. "Every girl
wants to look stylish all the time."
Ikuto Tsumura : I noticed how she posts her outfits
on social media every day.
Ikuto Tsumura : But there aren't many posts
of her wearing lounge wear.
Ikuto Tsumura : That's why I designed pajamas that would
make her excited about posting on social media.
Too Ayano : So tell me, what part of that design is stylish? (0:07:13.08)
Ikuto Tsumura : What? You mean it's not stylish at all...? (0:07:16.25)
Ikuto Tsumura : Oh, no... How can I convince
you that it's stylish...?
Ikuto Tsumura : U-Um... (0:07:23.79)
Too Ayano : You've improved a lot, Ikuto. (0:07:25.54)
Too Ayano : In order to achieve this form, you mastered
the bias-cut you struggled with before.
Too Ayano : I'll start with the critique. (0:07:35.41)
Too Ayano : Honestly... I'm disappointed. (0:07:38.66)
Too Ayano : Everything about it is half-hearted. (0:07:42.04)
Too Ayano : From the positioning of the buttons
to the length of the hem...
Too Ayano : It's too conservative--it offends me. (0:07:48.20)
Too Ayano : It's lame. (0:07:51.66)
Ikuto Tsumura : Lame...? (0:07:53.83)
Judge : Now. (0:07:57.62)
Judge : We'll select the participants who will proceed
to the next round. But, before that...
Judge : We'll give you some time to fix things up. (0:08:04.16)
Ikuto Tsumura : What? (0:08:06.37)
Judge : If you wish to submit your design without
a fix-up, meet us at Multipurpose Room A.
Ikuto Tsumura : What... (0:08:16.00)
Ikuto Tsumura : ...should I do...? (0:08:17.87)
Chiyuki Fujito : Hey, Ikuto. (0:08:19.83)
Chiyuki Fujito : I would buy it. (0:08:22.08)
Chiyuki Fujito : I like what you did there. (0:08:25.91)
EXTRA : "Multipurpose Room A" (0:08:31.00)
Ryuunosuke Eda : Oh, you didn't fix up your lame pajamas? (0:08:38.20)
Kaoru Kizaki : Who cares. That's his choice. (0:08:42.45)
Ikuto Tsumura : U-Um... (0:08:44.79)
Ikuto Tsumura : Thank you very much. (0:08:46.70)
Kaoru Kizaki : Huh? (0:08:48.29)
Ikuto Tsumura : I was grateful that time before
the preliminaries, too...
Kaoru Kizaki : Whatever... (0:08:53.66)
Ikuto Tsumura : Miss Kokoro! (0:08:59.16)
Youko Takaoka : Everyone, thanks for waiting! (0:09:01.54)
Youko Takaoka : The task was to make a stylish outfit for Sara. (0:09:04.45)
Youko Takaoka : Some of you were told your designs were lame. (0:09:11.00)
Youko Takaoka : But actually... There's nothing more subjective
about deeming something as stylish or not.
Youko Takaoka : But what's more important for the designer
when it comes to making clothes
Youko Takaoka : is whether the design is interesting or not. (0:09:26.54)
Youko Takaoka : Therefore, the true task of this round (0:09:31.37)
Youko Takaoka : was to see whether you were able to believe in
your design, even after all the harsh critiques.
Kokoro Hasegawa : Ah! (0:09:41.87)
Youko Takaoka : So, thank you all for your interesting designs! (0:09:42.79)
Youko Takaoka : Congratulations, you all passed the first round! (0:09:45.70)
Ikuto Tsumura : I... passed...? (0:09:49.25)
Youko Takaoka : But that's not all... (0:09:52.00)
Youko Takaoka : We're about to reveal
the top 3 out of 18 participants
Youko Takaoka : who will get to proceed straight to
the finals from here.
Youko Takaoka : Or else, why would we be here as judges? (0:10:03.70)
Ikuto Tsumura : The finals... To participate
in the fashion show!
Youko Takaoka : Toh, did Ikuto's design
really bother you that much?
Too Ayano : No, not at all. (0:10:25.12)
Too Ayano : What did you think, Shoko? (0:10:26.83)
Youko Takaoka : Sara adores stripes, you know? (0:10:28.87)
Youko Takaoka : So if he knew that, he possesses (0:10:33.00)
Youko Takaoka : something great that allows him to really
tailor the design to the client's taste.
Kaoru Kizaki : Yes! (0:10:47.62)
Ikuto Tsumura : I lost... after all... (0:10:53.45)
Kokoro Hasegawa : Mr. Ikuto! Congratulations on making top three! (0:10:56.79)
Ikuto Tsumura : It's true... (0:11:01.00)
Ikuto Tsumura : I never expected to be ranked so high. (0:11:02.62)
Ryuunosuke Eda : I don't understand!
Why am I ranked lower than this kid?!
Ikuto Tsumura : Oh... (0:11:10.79)
Too Ayano : It's rather simple. (0:11:11.95)
Too Ayano : Your process wasn't suited for women's clothing. (0:11:13.79)
Too Ayano : It's fine to challenge yourself
with an unfamiliar category...
Too Ayano : But if that were the case,
you should've done your homework.
Kaoru Kizaki : Damn it... (0:11:25.79)
Too Ayano : --Hey.
Too Ayano : He left without getting any information
on the second round.
Too Ayano : What a shame. He's got great potential. (0:11:35.83)
Kokoro Hasegawa : Well, I'll be staying for the information
session. Have a great evening.
EXTRA : "Geika Fashion School" (0:11:44.79)
EXTRA : "Calling... Chiyuki Fujito" (0:11:47.20)
Ikuto Tsumura : She's not picking up. (0:11:50.54)
Too Ayano : Hey, you're still here. (0:11:52.12)
Ikuto Tsumura : Oh... Um... (0:11:54.75)
Ikuto Tsumura : I wanted to wait for Miss Kokoro. (0:11:57.08)
Too Ayano : Tell me, Ikuto. Are you satisfied
with the preliminary's results?
Ikuto Tsumura : I'm not really sure... (0:12:05.91)
Ikuto Tsumura : I don't think I am satisfied. (0:12:09.37)
Ikuto Tsumura : But... (0:12:12.50)
Too Ayano : You made a crucial mistake.
Why didn't you spend all of your budget?
Ikuto Tsumura : What? How could you tell? (0:12:17.50)
Too Ayano : I could tell right away
just by looking at the fabric.
Too Ayano : So it's no wonder you lost this time. (0:12:23.91)
Ikuto Tsumura : You've got it all wrong! (0:12:28.08)
Too Ayano : Even so, (0:12:30.29)
Too Ayano : it's still not acceptable. (0:12:32.83)
Too Ayano : You prioritized personal reasons over
achieving the finest quality design possible,
Too Ayano : which is an insincere act as a designer. (0:12:42.62)
Too Ayano : I'll say it loud and clear. (0:12:45.66)
Too Ayano : You failed today because you were stingy
with the fabric. No matter the reason,
Too Ayano : it shouldn't affect the client, ever. (0:12:55.04)
Ikuto Tsumura : But I had no choice... (0:13:00.66)
Ikuto Tsumura : That money belonged to my sisters... (0:13:04.29)
Ikuto Tsumura : I'm the first-born son! If I need
to use my sisters' money... I...
Too Ayano : I admire how you didn't finish that thought... (0:13:18.50)
Too Ayano : Sorry, I didn't mean to lecture you. (0:13:25.25)
Too Ayano : But Ikuto... (0:13:30.45)
Too Ayano : You're going to have to make full-size outfits
for the finals. You'll need more money.
Ikuto Tsumura : Oh... (0:13:39.79)
Too Ayano : You're not making enough
working at Hajime's, right?
Too Ayano : Then... (0:13:46.83)
Too Ayano : Why don't you come work for me? (0:13:49.54)
Ikuto Tsumura : What...? (0:13:51.87)
Too Ayano : Not for Mai Ayano's brand. I mean, for my brand. (0:13:53.33)
Ikuto Tsumura : Smile Down the Runway . (0:14:02.54)
Ikuto Tsumura : "Geika Fashion School"
What?! You're launching your own brand?!
Too Ayano : "Geika Fashion School"
That's right! Pretty soon, now.
Ikuto Tsumura : That's amazing. (0:14:11.25)
Ikuto Tsumura : But what about Aphro I Dite...? (0:14:12.66)
Too Ayano : I'm going to quit. (0:14:15.54)
Too Ayano : I'm allowed to become independent
once my grandmother approves of my abilities.
Ikuto Tsumura : Oh... (0:14:21.87)
Too Ayano : I've lived my life for this moment. (0:14:23.87)
Ikuto Tsumura : I need more money for the finals. (0:14:28.25)
Ikuto Tsumura : Um... Then... May I please work for you...? (0:14:33.37)
Chiyuki Fujito : He's not picking up. (0:14:40.79)
Chiyuki Fujito : Ouch. (0:14:42.33)
Shizuku Naruoka : Here. That's all the application forms
for the magazines you requested.
Chiyuki Fujito : I appreciate it, Shizuku. (0:14:48.00)
Chiyuki Fujito : Oh, no... (0:14:54.20)
Chiyuki Fujito : Can I cheat my height
just a little... Like 2 cm?
Shizuku Naruoka : Forget it, they'll catch you. (0:15:00.95)
Chiyuki Fujito : I can't even be a fashion magazine model...
Oh, Paris Fashion Week...
Shizuku Naruoka : How pathetic. (0:15:08.00)
Chiyuki Fujito : Ugh... (0:15:09.62)
EXTRA : "Remaining Balance: 450,789 Yen" (0:15:10.54)
Shizuku Naruoka : "Remaining Balance: 450,789 Yen"
Chiyuki, are you really going to Paris?
Chiyuki Fujito : "Remaining Balance: 450,789 Yen"
I am.
Shizuku Naruoka : Jeez... So how long did it
take you to save that much?
Chiyuki Fujito : It took... two years. (0:15:20.37)
Shizuku Naruoka : You're going to waste those
two years in an instant.
Chiyuki Fujito : It's not a waste-- Could you not
be all negative in front of me?!
Shizuku Naruoka : Sure... Do what you want. (0:15:30.45)
Chiyuki Fujito : Anyway, I'm going to apply to
as many magazines as possible.
Chiyuki Fujito : All right! Let's start with updating
my comp card and portfolio!
Chiyuki Fujito : Shizuku, do you think Miwa
is busy this month...?
Chiyuki Fujito : Oh... She's gone. (0:15:47.58)
Shizuku Naruoka : I'm here. (0:15:50.12)
Chiyuki Fujito : Whoa! (0:15:50.95)
Shizuku Naruoka : If you're making a portfolio, (0:15:52.25)
Shizuku Naruoka : could you be this girl's mentor? (0:15:54.50)
Haruka Sudou : My name is Haruka Sudo, and I'm working
for Mille Neige starting today!
Haruka Sudou : It's an honor to meet you. (0:16:03.58)
Chiyuki Fujito : A newcomer? (0:16:05.79)
Shizuku Naruoka : A newcomer. She's a year younger than you. (0:16:07.20)
Chiyuki Fujito : How adorable. It's great to meet you. (0:16:09.95)
Haruka Sudou : Oh, please...! (0:16:12.25)
Haruka Sudou : You're infinite times more adorable,
Miss Chiyuki!
Haruka Sudou : Shoot, I already exposed my fangirl self. (0:16:17.66)
Chiyuki Fujito : A fangirl...? I was never that
well-known for my work.
Haruka Sudou : But you are! (0:16:25.16)
Haruka Sudou : When I was in elementary school, I used to
read magazines with you on the cover!
Haruka Sudou : I've been a huge fan ever since! (0:16:31.41)
Chiyuki Fujito : I see. (0:16:34.41)
Chiyuki Fujito : I used to be in more demand, back then. (0:16:36.04)
Chiyuki Fujito : Then, let's start with the workflow process. (0:16:40.25)
Chiyuki Fujito : Basically, models have to
find work for themselves.
Chiyuki Fujito : You fill out applications, get accepted to
audition, then pass the audition to get the job.
Chiyuki Fujito : To do that, you need to create
your comp card and portfolio.
Miwa : There she is! How's it going, Chi? (0:17:01.12)
Chiyuki Fujito : Miwa! Thanks for squeezing me in! (0:17:04.25)
Miwa : So, how should we do this today? (0:17:08.58)
Chiyuki Fujito : A comp card is basically a promo photo
to include with your application paperwork.
Chiyuki Fujito : A portfolio is a stock of photos needed
for you to pass your audition.
Chiyuki Fujito : You gather together photos with different looks
to sell yourself as the best model.
Chiyuki Fujito : Unfortunately, this all comes out
of your own pocket.
Miwa : Nice... All right, next! (0:17:33.83)
Chiyuki Fujito : What should I wear...? (0:17:37.45)
Chiyuki Fujito : This one! (0:17:41.12)
Miwa : Oh? (0:17:44.37)
Miwa : Another unique one. (0:17:46.29)
Chiyuki Fujito : Not bad, right? (0:17:50.62)
Chiyuki Fujito : At that time... (0:17:53.54)
Chiyuki Fujito : I used to put on airs, lie,
and cause all sorts of trouble.
Miwa : Where did that outfit come from? (0:18:02.25)
Chiyuki Fujito : But things are different now.
I want everyone to see Ikuto's work!
Chiyuki Fujito : My friend made it for me. (0:18:13.37)
Miwa : Oh, my... (0:18:19.04)
Miwa : What a lovely face... (0:18:22.70)
Chiyuki Fujito : Rejected by every single one! (0:18:26.50)
Chiyuki Fujito : Then... I'll just have to call them directly! (0:18:29.20)
Chiyuki Fujito : I just have to keep doing everything I can. (0:18:32.37)
Fumiyo Niinuma : Oh... (0:18:39.70)
Fumiyo Niinuma : Hello, this is Niinuma of MODE JAPAN . (0:18:41.37)
Chiyuki Fujito : Hello, my name is Chiyuki Fujito,
a model from Mille Neige.
Chiyuki Fujito : I'm wondering if I can send over
my portfolio for you to review.
Chiyuki Fujito : "Chiyuki Fujito"
I'm wondering if I can send over
my portfolio for you to review.
Chiyuki Fujito : Would that be all right? (0:18:54.20)
Fumiyo Niinuma : Just a moment, please. (0:18:56.37)
Fumiyo Niinuma : Huh? (0:18:59.04)
Fumiyo Niinuma : The name sounds familiar... (0:19:02.54)
Fumiyo Niinuma : Ah! (0:19:05.50)
Fumiyo Niinuma : "Mille Neige Chiyuki Fujito"
Fumiyo Niinuma : Oh! (0:19:08.45)
Fumiyo Niinuma : Yes! (0:19:09.95)
Fumiyo Niinuma : I'd love to see it! (0:19:11.62)
Chiyuki Fujito : I finally got this far. (0:19:19.04)
Chiyuki Fujito : Now it's all about selling myself. (0:19:22.16)
Akasaka : Hello, are you Ms. Chiyuki Fujito? (0:19:25.79)
Chiyuki Fujito : Yes, I'm Chiyuki Fujito of Mille Neige. (0:19:28.00)
Chiyuki Fujito : Thank you for meeting me today. (0:19:31.25)
Akasaka : What? You're tiny! (0:19:32.58)
Chiyuki Fujito : Oh... (0:19:34.45)
Akasaka : Well... (0:19:36.08)
Akasaka : Niinuma had to run to a last-minute location. (0:19:37.62)
Akasaka : I'm Akasaka. I will take her place today. (0:19:40.50)
Chiyuki Fujito : It's not Ms. Niinuma... (0:19:45.12)
Akasaka : I've got another appointment,
so let's make this quick.
Chiyuki Fujito : Darn it... (0:19:53.04)
Chiyuki Fujito : I had my hopes up. (0:19:54.58)
Chiyuki Fujito : No eye contact... Cold words... (0:19:57.37)
Chiyuki Fujito : Nothing new. (0:20:01.75)
Chiyuki Fujito : Pull yourself together! (0:20:04.50)
Akasaka : Hey, you don't look too tiny in these photos. (0:20:09.00)
Chiyuki Fujito : Yes, my proportions are pretty much
the same as a top model.
Chiyuki Fujito : So as long as it's a static image,
it wouldn't negatively affect the brand image.
Chiyuki Fujito : I may not be useful when the photo
is composed of multiple models,
Chiyuki Fujito : but will you take a look at page 20? (0:20:28.58)
Akasaka : Okay... (0:20:32.33)
Akasaka : Where is this? (0:20:35.83)
Chiyuki Fujito : I arranged a shoot in a forest. (0:20:37.66)
Chiyuki Fujito : I hear high fashion brands value synergy
with the shoot's location nowadays.
Chiyuki Fujito : I'm capable of adapting to all sorts
of different environments.
Chiyuki Fujito : So if you can please consider me... (0:20:50.83)
Chiyuki Fujito : How's her reaction...? (0:20:54.66)
Chiyuki Fujito : It shouldn't be that bad. (0:20:57.33)
Akasaka : Oh. (0:20:58.37)
Akasaka : Ah! (0:20:59.62)
Chiyuki Fujito : What? (0:21:01.25)
Akasaka : Ms. Fujito, I have to end our appointment here. (0:21:02.70)
Akasaka : Ms. Igarashi, I apologize for the wait. (0:21:05.62)
Chiyuki Fujito : A manager from an agency...? (0:21:13.25)
Chiyuki Fujito : This is the worst timing ever... (0:21:16.91)
Chiyuki Fujito : Ms. Akasaka, if you'd like, I can meet again... (0:21:20.70)
Akasaka : Please contact us another day. (0:21:23.41)
Chiyuki Fujito : I will contact you tonight to follow-up. (0:21:31.54)
Yu Igarashi : Who's she? (0:21:37.45)
Akasaka : She's a model from Mille Neige
who's looking for work.
Yu Igarashi : I see. (0:21:46.45)
Chiyuki Fujito : And of course... no answer. (0:21:52.00)
Chiyuki Fujito : What did I expect? It's nothing new. (0:21:55.66)
Chiyuki Fujito : Whoa! (0:21:58.87)
Chiyuki Fujito : Yes! Hello? (0:22:00.16)
Akasaka : Hello, this is Akasaka of MODE JAPAN . (0:22:02.50)
Akasaka : I'm wondering if you were
available tomorrow morning?
Chiyuki Fujito : What? (0:22:09.33)
Akasaka : A model dropped out at the last minute,
so I'm wondering if you can join the shoot.
Chiyuki Fujito : Oh... (0:22:15.29)
Chiyuki Fujito : Good morning. (0:22:22.04)
Chiyuki Fujito : Whoa...! I'm sorry. (0:22:29.75)
Yu Igarashi : Oh. (0:22:33.58)
Chiyuki Fujito : What? (0:22:35.66)
Kokoro Hasegawa : I'm sorry, Ms. Igarashi! (0:22:37.62)
Kokoro Hasegawa : I'm late again. (0:22:40.54)
Chiyuki Fujito : Wow... (0:22:45.62)
Chiyuki Fujito : The star of today's shoot... (0:22:48.87)
Chiyuki Fujito : So beautiful. (0:22:53.00)
Chiyuki Fujito : her. (0:22:58.95)
Chiyuki Fujito : Next, "Aura." (0:24:31.58)

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