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Cayna : Caerina, that was pretty impressive. (0:00:00.63)
Cayna : But you'll need something like
this to deal with rock golems.
Cayna : Weapon Skill: Zamzer Blade! (0:00:09.11)
Cayna : Magic Skill: Zan Ga Boa! (0:00:22.28)
Cayna : Go! (0:00:28.71)
EXTRA : What in the world happened? (0:02:24.68)
EXTRA : Hey, what happened to your injuries? (0:02:26.62)
Cayna : I went ahead and healed them. (0:02:29.04)
EXTRA : Healed?! (0:02:31.56)
EXTRA : That quickly?! (0:02:32.68)
Caerina : Grandmother, thank you for
saving my subordinates.
Cayna : So you wrapped your blade
in a fireball and shot it.
Cayna : That's a good idea and all,
but your hands are tied in the process,
Cayna : and you used up too much MP to
do anything else after, right?
Caerina : I'm ashamed to admit it, but... (0:02:53.90)
Cayna : The sun's going down. (0:02:59.15)
Cayna : You guys can collect all
the loot from this battle.
Caerina : But Grandmother, that's... (0:03:04.84)
Cayna : Or did you really want to send in a report (0:03:07.12)
Cayna : saying the squad of knights that was
about to be annihilated was saved
Cayna : by some little girl? (0:03:12.79)
Caerina : Wh-What is it you want? (0:03:14.63)
Cayna : Just like Caerick told you. (0:03:17.13)
Cayna : All I want is passage through here. (0:03:19.67)
Cayna : You don't mind, right? (0:03:23.98)
Cayna : I'll pick up the donkey and
wagon when I come back,
Cayna : so look after them for me. (0:03:28.23)
Caerina : All right. Please do as you wish. (0:03:30.22)
Caerina : But we cannot assist you,
no matter what happens ahead.
Cayna : Good thing most adventurers know
they're responsible for themselves.
Cayna : Thanks for your concern. (0:03:40.61)
Cayna : See ya. (0:03:42.35)
Nanbatz : Um... Exactly who is your
grandmother, Captain?
Caerina : Apparently, she's the most
powerful adventurer in the land.
Nanbatz : Huh?! (0:03:56.22)
Caerina : There is no need to speak
of what happened here.
Caerina : There will be trouble if her
existence becomes known.
Caerina : In a worst case scenario,
we could end up losing Helshper.
Nanbatz : You must be exaggerating. (0:04:08.69)
Caerina : Know this. (0:04:10.76)
Caerina : There are monsters in this world that can
level a whole city with a single spell.
Nanbatz : Okay... (0:04:17.40)
Caerina : What is Grandmother planning to do? (0:04:20.22)
Cayna : Hmm... (0:04:30.30)
Cayna : Yeah, something's not right with
the level those golems were at.
Cayna : Kee? (0:04:35.03)
Key : Eight of them were at Level 43, (0:04:35.87)
Key : and one was at Level 172. (0:04:38.50)
Cayna : If someone's able to summon something
at that level with summoning magic,
Cayna : that must mean there are other
players in this world besides me.
Key : If we're going with the
official game settings,
Key : dwarves, elves, demons, and high elves
can all easily live to be 200 years old.
Cayna : Meaning there's a decent chance that
the bandits' boss is a seasoned player.
Key : I estimate that their level
is probably around 430.
Cayna : I see. No wonder they're tough. (0:05:09.45)
Cayna : It's not just Caerina. (0:05:11.99)
Cayna : Not even Skargo and the others
would stand a chance against them.
Cayna : I wonder who they are. (0:05:16.66)
Cayna : Well, I'm sure I'll run into them soon. (0:05:18.50)
Cayna : This smells great! Want some, Kee? (0:05:23.79)
Key : Are you seriously asking me that? (0:05:26.55)
Cayna : I'm kidding. (0:05:28.67)
Cayna : Yup. Delicious. (0:05:31.16)
Cayna : Wow, how pretty. (0:05:38.38)
Cayna : That must be the Crescent Moon Castle, (0:05:41.14)
Cayna : and most likely also a Guardian Tower. (0:05:44.07)
Key : Cayna, please look. (0:05:46.99)
Cayna : Yup, those are definitely bandits. (0:05:50.42)
Cayna : Summoning Magic: Brown Dragon! (0:05:53.92)
Cayna : Sorry, guys, but could you... (0:06:06.02)
Cayna : show those bandits who's boss? (0:06:09.19)
Cayna : Looks like they've got that under control. (0:06:17.29)
Cayna : Now, then... (0:06:20.85)
Luvrogue : Looks like you took real
good care of my boys.
Cayna : So you're their boss? (0:06:27.36)
Key : Level 432, just as I estimated. (0:06:31.82)
Cayna : Seems so. (0:06:35.74)
Cayna : But all I know is his level. That armor... (0:06:37.52)
Cayna : The Armor of the Supreme King
that nullifies magic, eh?
Luvrogue : How dare you treat my
subordinates like dirty rags?
Luvrogue : Have you no heart? (0:06:49.75)
Cayna : Really? Says the guy who sent a horde
of rock golems after those knights.
Luvrogue : Yeah? And what's wrong with that?
It's not like I got my hands dirty.
Cayna : This may be Leadale, but it's not
the Leadale you think it is.
Luvrogue : What the hell are you talking about? (0:07:08.19)
Luvrogue : There are no Game Masters around,
so a player killer can do whatever he wants.
Luvrogue : I get to level up as much
as I want, and it's awesome.
Cayna : This is reality. This isn't some
world where you can decide
Cayna : if someone gets to live or die
because of your childish greed.
Luvrogue : This is just a game. I can defeat whoever
I want and level up as much as I want.
Cayna : I'm switching on all of my
active skills for battle.
Cayna : I guess I'll have to show you
just how wrong you are.
Cayna : This is a real world. (0:07:42.87)
Luvrogue : Would you knock it off with
that nonsense? This is a game!
Luvrogue : You stand no chance against
a player, you fool.
Cayna : Right back at you. (0:07:55.16)
Luvrogue : Impossible! I can't destroy
it with my Wolf Sword?
Cayna : Too bad for you. (0:08:06.59)
Cayna : I realize the special effect of that
sword is destroying weapons,
Cayna : but that doesn't include rare or EX items.
Guess you didn't do your research.
Luvrogue : Damn it, are you a player, too?! (0:08:16.69)
Cayna : God, how dense are you? (0:08:18.51)
Cayna : I've clearly been mentioning
things only players would know.
Cayna : Are you deaf, too? (0:08:23.52)
Luvrogue : Tch. Fine, then, how about this? (0:08:25.26)
Cayna : Destruction Hurricane, huh? (0:08:28.44)
Luvrogue : Weapon Skill: Sword Specialization:
Destruction Hurricane!
Luvrogue : You think you can take this? (0:08:38.69)
Cayna : Weapon Skill: Cracking Earth! (0:08:43.12)
Luvrogue : Wh-Why you... Damn it!
What the hell is with this hole?
Luvrogue : I've never heard of this dumb skill! (0:08:55.62)
Cayna : So I guess you're a demon. (0:09:00.67)
Luvrogue : You were hiding your status!
That's totally unfair, you cheater!
Cayna : Wow. Are you, like, five? (0:09:07.77)
Cayna : Honestly... Seriously, though,
I wonder if he's just some kid.
Cayna : Of course you can't see the detailed status
of a player more powerful than you.
Cayna : You don't even know that? (0:09:20.28)
Luvrogue : What? There's no way a pipsqueak like
you has a higher level than me—
Luvrogue : Ow, ow, ow! (0:09:28.83)
Luvrogue : Heh! My Armor of the Supreme King nullifies
magic! How do you like that, you jerk?
Cayna : I know, and I know it won't work in the game,
but things are different in the real world.
Cayna : Grow! (0:09:46.99)
Cayna : My Golden Hoop Staff. (0:09:52.79)
Cayna : It weighs 13,500 kin. (0:09:54.40)
Cayna : Ever heard of it? Of course not. (0:09:56.85)
Cayna : Magic Skill: Ohta Laga. (0:10:00.74)
Cayna : Magic Skill: Zan Laga! (0:10:06.62)
Cayna : Magic Skill: Klin Ging Giga. (0:10:11.92)
Luvrogue : Wh-Why, you... (0:10:15.89)
Luvrogue : I'll ki—ow! (0:10:19.80)
Luvrogue : Hey, that hurt! What's the big idea? (0:10:21.39)
Cayna : It hurts, doesn't it? Why can't you
understand that that's real pain?
Luvrogue : W-Well, this is a game, isn't it? (0:10:29.14)
Luvrogue : You can reset even if you die. (0:10:32.57)
Cayna : If you die, it's all over. (0:10:35.15)
Cayna : There are no continues.
There are no extra lives.
Cayna : No reset button, either. (0:10:40.79)
Cayna : Too bad. (0:10:42.68)
Luvrogue : N-No way! S-Spare me! (0:10:44.37)
Luvrogue : I-I'm still a k-kid! (0:10:46.79)
Cayna : And? (0:10:50.00)
Cayna : Retribution. Do you
understand what that means?
Cayna : You need to take responsibility
for your actions.
Cayna : Don't you remember just how much
trouble you caused everyone
Cayna : by being the leader of those bandits? (0:11:03.60)
Luvrogue : S-Spare me! Spare me, please! (0:11:08.64)
Cayna : Goodbye. (0:11:13.40)
Cayna : Kee, why didn't you give a me a heads-up? (0:11:17.26)
Key : Well, it didn't seem like
it would do much damage.
Cayna : I see. (0:11:24.78)
Cayna : So they followed me. (0:11:32.37)
Key : I wanted to speak in a more sparkly way. (0:11:35.58)
EXTRA : Love me down to my bones! (0:11:40.76)
Cayna : Good work. Thanks. (0:11:47.50)
Cayna : So... Why did you stop me? (0:11:51.47)
Cayna : I was about to finish him off. (0:11:54.15)
Cayna : He's the leader of the bandits. (0:11:57.57)
Caerina : Grandmother, (0:11:59.78)
Caerina : will you let us take that criminal to
be tried in the courts of Helshper?
Cayna : Tried? You really think you
can keep him contained?
Cayna : Caerina, even you don't
stand a chance against him.
Caerina : That must be true if you say so, Grandmother. (0:12:15.63)
Cayna : But... (0:12:19.22)
Cayna : Oh, fine. If you insist. (0:12:26.89)
Cayna : But I can't just let you take him. (0:12:34.48)
Luvrogue : Wh-What's going on? (0:12:40.99)
Luvrogue : S-Status. (0:12:43.25)
Luvrogue : All of my statuses and levels are down 90%. (0:12:45.07)
Luvrogue : Wh-What is this? Equipment? (0:12:48.84)
Luvrogue : The Punishment Collar?! (0:12:51.75)
Luvrogue : I-If you had this collar,
that means you're...
Luvrogue : You're a Limit Breaker?! (0:12:58.75)
Cayna : Maybe you would've been better
off if your life ended here.
Cayna : I'm glad you can finally comprehend
the difference in our levels.
Caerina : Grandmother, what is that collar? (0:13:08.51)
Cayna : Now you should be able
to handle him just fine.
Cayna : But you'll get blindsided
if you let your guard down.
Cayna : I think there's only one other person
who can get that collar off of him.
Cayna : But just know that you'll all probably
be instantly killed if that happens.
Caerina : Understood. (0:13:30.36)
Cayna : One more thing. (0:13:31.47)
Cayna : His abilities are limited to
one-tenth of their capacity,
Cayna : but I can't see inside his Item Box. (0:13:37.32)
Cayna : He might have some kind of item (0:13:40.31)
Cayna : he can use at a lower level that
might have some burst effect.
Cayna : So I recommend that you make
sure he's completely restrained.
Caerina : I understand. Thank you
very much, Grandmother.
Cayna : Was it really a good idea
to hand him over, though?
Cayna : I guess God only knows. (0:14:01.56)
Cayna : Now, then... (0:14:04.50)
Cayna : I knew it. This is a Guardian Tower. (0:14:10.17)
Cayna : One who protects in times of trouble! (0:14:16.51)
Cayna : I beseech you to rescue this
depraved world from chaos!
Cayna : Ow! Hey! Ow! (0:14:29.60)
Cayna : Ow... (0:14:35.89)
Cayna : What's the big idea? (0:14:37.32)
Cayna : Is that it? (0:14:48.56)
Cayna : I'll give you some of my MP. (0:14:53.36)
Cayna : Nothing's happening. Maybe it's the throne... (0:14:59.85)
Cayna : So that's the Guardian. (0:15:09.38)
Cayna : Considering the way in here,
whoever's in charge is a bit twisted.
EXTRA : I'm surprised you came out
here into the boonies.
EXTRA : I guess I have no choice but to welcome you. (0:15:28.68)
EXTRA : Go ahead. Feel honored. (0:15:31.82)
Cayna : Hey, now. (0:15:34.49)
Cayna : I'm the Third Skill Master.
I'm the high elf, Cayna.
Cayna : Who does this tower belong to? (0:15:39.99)
EXTRA : Ah, so you're a comrade of Master's.
Then I guess I don't mind telling you.
Cayna : Who died and made you the boss? (0:15:46.87)
EXTRA : The one in charge of this tower is Master
Opuskettenshultheimer Crosstettbomber.
EXTRA : Do you know who that is? (0:15:55.14)
EXTRA : Oh? (0:15:56.69)
Cayna : The House of Murder and Malice, huh? (0:15:57.68)
Cayna : If those bandits managed to make it in here, (0:16:02.10)
Cayna : they would've died from all
the traps in this place.
Cayna : If this is Opus's tower, no wonder it's
all twisted and the Guardian is weird.
EXTRA : Who are you calling weird? (0:16:14.76)
EXTRA : You'll never find a skeleton
as regal as myself!
Cayna : It had to be Opus, who's
called Leadale's Kongming.
Cayna : A lot happened, but the reason I was able
to become this powerful is thanks to him.
Cayna : I see. So he's gone, too. (0:16:33.77)
EXTRA : Honestly. Could you not suddenly get all
doom and gloom in someone else's tower?
EXTRA : How unpleasant. (0:16:41.44)
EXTRA : Here. (0:16:43.05)
Cayna : A ring and a book? (0:16:45.63)
EXTRA : My master entrusted me with these,
knowing you would arrive here.
EXTRA : Go on. Accept these with gratitude. (0:16:53.05)
Cayna : Th-Thanks. (0:16:55.71)
Cayna : So that's what's going on? (0:16:59.70)
EXTRA : What is the matter? (0:17:07.08)
Cayna : Uh... I'm not sure how I should say this. (0:17:08.50)
EXTRA : What are you just standing there for? (0:17:17.94)
Cayna : I'm the only one who can see her? (0:17:20.27)
Cayna : I think I've seen her before. (0:17:26.53)
Cayna : Hey, who are you? (0:17:30.57)
Cayna : I'm not entirely sure what's going on, (0:17:33.21)
Cayna : but I'm sure there must be some
reason Opus is giving me this fairy.
EXTRA : You finally have a decent look on your face. (0:17:41.48)
EXTRA : Now, will you stop wandering
around my master's tower
EXTRA : with that look of doom and gloom on your face? (0:17:47.77)
Cayna : Thanks for the message.
I'll be on my way now.
Cayna : Contact me when you're
about to run out of MP.
EXTRA : O-Oh, if you absolutely insist. (0:17:56.74)
EXTRA : I guess you are equal to my master,
so I guess I'll just have to rely on you.
Cayna : Okay, tsundere. (0:18:06.41)
Cayna : Well, I guess I'll head back to town. (0:18:11.48)
Cayna : My first goal is to be able to communicate
with this little fairy here.
Key : Let's take our time. (0:18:20.57)
Cayna : You're right. (0:18:22.28)
Caerick : Thank you so much for the
other day, Grandmother.
Caerick : On behalf of my fellow
merchants, I thank you.
Cayna : No need to thank me.
So, what happened to that demon?
Caerina : As you suggested, we tied him up completely, (0:18:41.80)
Caerina : and put him in our most secure dungeon. (0:18:46.14)
Caerina : He seems to be in a state of shock,
and won't think about escaping any time soon.
Cayna : Don't let your guard down. (0:18:53.02)
Cayna : He's a child. Who knows what he'll try to do? (0:18:54.70)
Caerina : We will be on our guard.
But please, take this.
Caerina : This is the total of all the rewards (0:19:03.31)
Caerick : offered for completing the quests to take
down the bandits at the Adventurers' Guild.
Caerick : Of course, we did not disclose
your name, Grandmother.
Caerick : Merchants are praising the
unnamed adventurer everywhere.
Cayna : Isn't this a tad bit much, though? (0:19:17.15)
Caerina : I would say that is equivalent to all
of the work you did, Grandmother.
Caerina : The kingdom even wanted to
prepare a formal thanks to you.
Cayna : What? (0:19:29.44)
Caerina : But I had them reconsider. (0:19:30.64)
Caerina : I figured that you wanted
to keep a low profile.
Cayna : Well, thanks. (0:19:37.37)
Cayna : I didn't know what I was going to do if I
suddenly got an invitation to the castle.
Caerina : But I have let your presence be
known to the king, the premier,
Caerina : and the leaders of the knights. (0:19:48.36)
Caerina : I told them that you disliked authority and
were involved with the Guardian Towers.
Caerina : They probably will not bug you unless it's
an emergency. Please just be careful.
Cayna : Okay, got it. (0:20:01.85)
Cayna : By the way, the blade of
flames that you used...
Cayna : Did you come up with that yourself? (0:20:07.10)
Caerina : I am ashamed to admit it, but yes. (0:20:09.43)
Caerina : A while back, there was an adventurer
who used a similar technique,
Caerina : so I came up with that
technique with that in mind.
Caerina : Of course, the adventurer I took
notes from is far more powerful.
Cayna : Huh. That adventurer was
probably a player, too.
Cayna : I think the technique you
saw was Iyah La Doul.
Cayna : When they swung their sword down, a number
of crescent-shaped blades flew out, right?
Caerina : That's exactly right. Since you're aware
of it, you must be able to use it, too.
Cayna : Well, I mean... I am a Skill Master. (0:20:43.01)
Caerina : Could you pass it down to me? (0:20:46.24)
Cayna : If you want a Skill Scroll,
you'll need to pass the tower's trials.
Cayna : I can't just randomly hand them out. (0:20:53.51)
Caerina : By "tower," do you mean the
Crescent Moon Castle—
Cayna : Do not set foot in there! (0:20:58.61)
Cayna : You'd basically be going there to die! (0:21:01.23)
Cayna : Don't throw your life away like that! (0:21:03.36)
Caerina : I understand. Then I will never go there. (0:21:05.82)
Caerina : I will find another tower
and undergo its trials.
Cayna : Yes, very good. (0:21:11.43)
Caerick : Grandmother... (0:21:12.77)
Caerick : I heard that Sir Elineh's
business talks will be over soon.
Caerick : Will you be heading back to Felskeilo? (0:21:18.99)
Cayna : Yeah, pretty much. (0:21:22.05)
Caerina : We will miss you. (0:21:23.93)
Cayna : Well, if it doesn't involve
authority and you need my help,
Cayna : just let me know through Mai-Mai. (0:21:29.83)
Caerina : You mean you'd come all the way
to Helshper from Felskeilo?
Caerick : It must be a lot of trouble
coming all this way!
Cayna : Oh, don't worry about that. (0:21:38.35)
Cayna : I registered this location for teleporting,
so I'll be here in an instant next time.
Caerina : T-Teleporting?! (0:21:43.83)
Caerick : T-Teleporting?! (0:21:43.83)
Cayna : Oh, yeah. There's a surprise
waiting at Felskeilo.
Caerina : A surprise? (0:21:49.32)
Caerick : What might that be? (0:21:50.48)
Cayna : I asked you to send Mai-Mai
a message, didn't I, Caerick?
Cayna : I can't to see the expression
on Mai-Mai's face. Truly.

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Nah he'd win - Juan_Elric


Then, we too can get to Lioness right away? - Diane

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Oh, is that so? - Diane

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