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EXTRA : June 24, 2024 Floor 48: Lindas (0:00:00.64)
Lisbeth : That'll do it. (0:00:13.40)
Asuna Yuuki : Thanks, Liz! (0:00:17.20)
Lisbeth : You're welcome. (0:00:19.45)
Lisbeth : Aren't you going hunting
with the guild today?
Asuna Yuuki : I took the day off. (0:00:26.99)
Asuna Yuuki : I'm meeting someone. (0:00:28.88)
Lisbeth : So that's it. (0:00:35.38)
Asuna Yuuki : What? (0:00:37.09)
Asuna Yuuki : I have to go! (0:00:41.42)
Lisbeth : You've found something
important to you.
Asuna Yuuki : Did you say something? (0:00:49.85)
Lisbeth : Nope, nothing at all. (0:00:51.39)
Lisbeth : Good luck! (0:00:53.51)
Asuna Yuuki : It isn't like that! (0:00:55.04)
Asuna Yuuki : Anyway, see you. (0:00:57.20)
Lisbeth : I wonder if I'll ever find something. (0:01:07.71)
EXTRA : The Temperature of the Heart (0:02:43.05)
Lisbeth : It's okay, I guess... (0:02:58.03)
Lisbeth : Dealing with customers is
part of my job, too.
Lisbeth : Okay! (0:03:08.51)
Lisbeth : Welcome to Lisbeth's Smith Shop! (0:03:13.34)
Kirito : W-Well... (0:03:16.74)
Kirito : I'd like to order a custom-made weapon. (0:03:18.53)
Lisbeth : Does he have enough money? (0:03:25.10)
Lisbeth : At the moment, metal prices are high. (0:03:28.58)
Kirito : Don't worry about the cost. (0:03:32.21)
Kirito : I just want the best sword
you can make right now.
Lisbeth : That's somewhat vague. (0:03:37.61)
Lisbeth : Could you give me an idea of
the stats you're looking for?
Kirito : Oh, I see. (0:03:43.33)
Kirito : Then, something as good as this or better? (0:03:45.49)
Lisbeth : An Elucidator... (0:03:53.55)
Lisbeth : It's one of the best magic swords (0:03:55.22)
Lisbeth : you can get from a monster drop. (0:03:57.13)
Kirito : Can you do it? (0:04:00.18)
Lisbeth : How about this one? (0:04:05.01)
Lisbeth : It's the best (0:04:06.64)
Lisbeth : that I've ever made. (0:04:08.14)
Kirito : It's a little light... (0:04:11.32)
Lisbeth : I used a speed-type metal to forge it. (0:04:13.72)
Kirito : May I test it a little? (0:04:17.20)
Lisbeth : Test it? (0:04:19.23)
Kirito : Its durability. (0:04:20.58)
Lisbeth : Wait! (0:04:24.03)
Lisbeth : If you do that, your sword will break! (0:04:24.77)
Lisbeth : If that happens, it'll just be... (0:04:27.50)
Lisbeth : too bad! (0:04:29.16)
Lisbeth : Irreparable... (0:04:43.63)
Lisbeth : Why did you do that?! (0:04:55.70)
Kirito : Sorry! (0:04:57.77)
Kirito : I didn't think that yours would
be the one to break...
Lisbeth : You trying to tell me (0:05:01.86)
Lisbeth : that my sword was weaker
than you expected?
Kirito : Yeah, I guess. (0:05:07.19)
Lisbeth : Just so we're clear, if I had the materials, (0:05:10.53)
Lisbeth : I could make a dozen swords (0:05:13.59)
Lisbeth : that would snap yours in half! (0:05:16.37)
Kirito : I'd really love one. (0:05:20.38)
Kirito : Something that could snap this in two. (0:05:22.45)
Lisbeth : Then you'll have to help me
every step of the way!
Kirito : Every step of the way? (0:05:28.52)
Lisbeth : Yeah, starting with obtaining the metal. (0:05:29.45)
Kirito : I can get it myself. (0:05:32.63)
Kirito : I'd rather not have you slowing me down. (0:05:34.47)
Lisbeth : Don't you insult me. (0:05:36.73)
Lisbeth : Believe it or not, I'm an expert mace user. (0:05:38.95)
Kirito : Then where do we find the metal? (0:05:41.48)
Lisbeth : On Floor 55, on the Western Mountain, (0:05:44.75)
Lisbeth : there's supposedly a dragon
that eats crystals.
Lisbeth : According to rumor, it builds
up a rare metal in its body.
Kirito : Floor 55, huh? (0:05:53.41)
Kirito : I should probably go— (0:05:55.59)
Lisbeth : Furthermore, to get the metal, (0:05:56.25)
Lisbeth : you need a master smith with you. (0:05:57.87)
Lisbeth : Still want to go alone? (0:06:00.76)
Kirito : Just keep quiet,
and stay out of the way.
Lisbeth : Hey! (0:06:12.67)
Kirito : My name's Kirito. (0:06:13.96)
Kirito : Until we make that sword,
I guess we'll be partying up.
Lisbeth : Okay, Kirito! (0:06:18.21)
Kirito : You're being rather curt... (0:06:19.81)
Kirito : Well, whatever. (0:06:21.48)
Kirito : Lisbeth. (0:06:23.01)
EXTRA : Floor 55: Western Mountain (0:06:34.06)
Lisbeth : It's cold... (0:06:36.01)
Kirito : Don't you have any extra clothing? (0:06:37.75)
Lisbeth : I didn't know Floor 55
would be this cold!
Lisbeth : Don't you need this? (0:06:48.21)
Kirito : I'm more disciplined. (0:06:50.09)
Lisbeth : You just keep grating on me. (0:06:53.05)
Lisbeth : It's warm. (0:06:57.71)
Lisbeth : I can't believe I'm out here,
all alone with this guy.
Lisbeth : This is weird... (0:07:04.21)
Kirito : What's wrong, Lisbeth? (0:07:06.62)
Kirito : Giving up already? (0:07:08.36)
Lisbeth : I'm just fine! (0:07:09.80)
Lisbeth : And if you plan to be a jerk
anyway, just call me Liz.
Kirito : Right, right... Got it, Liz. (0:07:14.72)
Lisbeth : Get over yourself! (0:07:16.94)
Lisbeth : It's beautiful! (0:07:31.35)
Lisbeth : What are you doing?! (0:07:36.35)
Kirito : Get your teleport crystal ready. (0:07:38.04)
Lisbeth : I know. (0:07:40.86)
Kirito : And I'll do this part alone. (0:07:42.46)
Kirito : Once the dragon appears, (0:07:45.21)
Kirito : hide in the shadow of
one of the crystals.
Kirito : Do not come out. (0:07:49.36)
Lisbeth : What? (0:07:50.90)
Lisbeth : I'm no newbie... I can help— (0:07:52.14)
Kirito : No! (0:07:54.45)
Kirito : All right. (0:08:02.11)
Kirito : Let's get going. (0:08:03.83)
Kirito : Get over there, and hide! (0:08:15.75)
Lisbeth : Its breath attack! Dodge! (0:08:31.78)
Lisbeth : Wow... (0:08:41.13)
Lisbeth : All with that thin weapon? (0:08:43.43)
Lisbeth : Who is he? (0:08:45.20)
Lisbeth : Go on and finish him off! (0:08:56.63)
Kirito : You idiot! (0:08:59.10)
Kirito : Don't come out yet! (0:08:59.76)
Lisbeth : What? (0:09:03.23)
Lisbeth : It's over- (0:09:04.24)
Lisbeth : Liz! (0:09:10.01)
Lisbeth : No! (0:09:18.19)
Lisbeth : No! (0:09:18.79)
Kirito : Liz, hang on! (0:09:22.01)
Kirito : You're alive... (0:09:40.41)
Lisbeth : Yeah, I'm alive. (0:09:44.35)
Kirito : Drink one of these, just in case. (0:09:49.12)
Lisbeth : Okay. (0:09:51.35)
Lisbeth : Um, thank you (0:10:02.85)
Lisbeth : for saving me. (0:10:05.09)
Kirito : It's a little early to be thanking me. (0:10:06.59)
Kirito : How do we get out of here? (0:10:09.16)
Lisbeth : We can just teleport. (0:10:12.17)
Lisbeth : Teleport: Lindas! (0:10:15.38)
Lisbeth : No way... (0:10:19.09)
Kirito : If we can't use crystals, that means (0:10:20.49)
Kirito : there should be another way. (0:10:22.77)
Lisbeth : We don't know that. (0:10:24.52)
Lisbeth : This trap could be meant to kill
anyone who falls into it.
Kirito : Yeah, that's true. (0:10:30.55)
Lisbeth : Come on... (0:10:34.13)
Lisbeth : At least try to cheer me up! (0:10:35.28)
Kirito : I have an idea. (0:10:37.15)
Lisbeth : Really? (0:10:38.78)
Kirito : Yeah, to run up the wall. (0:10:40.25)
Lisbeth : Are you stupid? (0:10:46.08)
Kirito : Let's find out. (0:10:48.00)
Lisbeth : Unbelievable... (0:10:54.86)
Kirito : If there were a little more
running space, it'd work.
Lisbeth : Like hell it would. (0:11:10.72)
Lisbeth : What a strange feeling. (0:11:18.31)
Lisbeth : This would never happen in real life. (0:11:20.37)
Lisbeth : Sleeping next to someone I've never met, (0:11:22.54)
Lisbeth : in a place I've never been. (0:11:26.08)
Lisbeth : And running up walls? (0:11:28.45)
Lisbeth : You really a weirdo. (0:11:31.29)
Kirito : Sorry. (0:11:33.49)
Lisbeth : Hey, Kirito... (0:11:40.54)
Lisbeth : Can I ask something? (0:11:42.05)
Kirito : What is it now? (0:11:43.26)
Lisbeth : Back then, why did you save me? (0:11:45.80)
Kirito : I'd rather die with someone (0:11:50.39)
Kirito : than let them die alone. (0:11:53.60)
Kirito : Especially if it's a little girl like you, Liz. (0:11:56.49)
Lisbeth : You really are stupid. (0:12:00.81)
Lisbeth : No one else would think that way. (0:12:02.74)
Lisbeth : Hey... (0:12:09.71)
Lisbeth : Hold my hand? (0:12:11.29)
Kirito : Okay. (0:12:19.48)
Lisbeth : It's warm. (0:12:29.04)
Lisbeth : You and I are both data in
a virtual world, but...
Kirito : Liz... (0:12:37.48)
Lisbeth : Huh? (0:12:55.42)
Lisbeth : What are you doing? (0:13:05.05)
Kirito : Look at this. (0:13:07.03)
EXTRA : Crystallite Ingot (0:13:11.08)
Lisbeth : Could this be... (0:13:12.17)
Kirito : Yeah, the metal we came to find. (0:13:14.04)
Kirito : The dragon eats the crystals,
creating this in its stomach.
Kirito : That's why no one received any. (0:13:23.70)
Lisbeth : You did it. (0:13:25.50)
Lisbeth : But what's it doing here? (0:13:27.28)
Kirito : This hole isn't a trap. (0:13:29.27)
Kirito : It's the dragon's nest. (0:13:31.56)
Kirito : In other words, that ingot is
the dragon's excrement.
Kirito : Its poop. (0:13:38.41)
Kirito : Regardless, we've achieved our goal. (0:13:44.38)
Kirito : All that's left is... (0:13:47.80)
Lisbeth : You said this is the dragon's nest, right? (0:13:51.34)
Kirito : Yeah. (0:13:54.33)
Lisbeth : And the dragon is nocturnal, (0:13:55.02)
Lisbeth : which means it won't be long until... (0:13:56.94)
Lisbeth : It's here! (0:14:04.38)
Lisbeth : H-Hey! (0:14:09.26)
Lisbeth : What?! (0:14:10.45)
Kirito : Liz, hang on! (0:14:21.67)
Kirito : We're outside! (0:14:32.61)
Lisbeth : Amazing! (0:14:48.60)
Lisbeth : Kirito! (0:14:59.96)
Lisbeth : You know something? (0:15:02.15)
Kirito : What? (0:15:03.52)
Lisbeth : I... (0:15:05.66)
Lisbeth : I like you! (0:15:07.04)
Kirito : What? (0:15:10.39)
Kirito : I can't hear you! (0:15:11.98)
Lisbeth : It's nothing! (0:15:14.91)
EXTRA : June 25, 2024 Floor 48: Lindas (0:15:26.28)
Lisbeth : A one-handed long sword, right? (0:15:27.43)
Kirito : Yeah, thanks. (0:15:29.75)
Lisbeth : The warmth of Kirito's hands... (0:15:44.17)
Lisbeth : The way I feel. (0:15:46.54)
Lisbeth : I wasn't imagining it. (0:15:48.24)
Lisbeth : When I finish a sword I
can be satisfied with,
Lisbeth : I'll tell him how I feel. (0:15:53.36)
Lisbeth : Its name is Dark Repulsor. (0:16:14.21)
Lisbeth : If I've never heard of it, (0:16:16.61)
Lisbeth : then it isn't in the information
brokers' directory.
Lisbeth : Try it out. (0:16:21.84)
Kirito : Yeah. (0:16:22.96)
Lisbeth : H-How does it feel? (0:16:30.46)
Kirito : Heavy... (0:16:32.23)
Kirito : It's a good sword. (0:16:33.60)
Lisbeth : All right! (0:16:34.81)
Kirito : It feels like a soul is forged into it. (0:16:36.43)
Kirito : Now, then... (0:16:45.69)
Kirito : The job's complete. (0:16:46.92)
Kirito : I'll pay you for the sword. (0:16:48.80)
Kirito : How much? (0:16:50.35)
Lisbeth : Um, well... (0:16:51.45)
Lisbeth : I don't need any money. (0:16:54.89)
Lisbeth : In exchange... (0:16:58.50)
Lisbeth : I want to be your exclusive smith. (0:17:00.93)
Kirito : What would that mean? (0:17:05.76)
Kirito : Liz? (0:17:10.59)
Lisbeth : When you return from the field, (0:17:14.04)
Lisbeth : stop by and let me maintain your gear. (0:17:15.84)
Lisbeth : Every day, from now on! (0:17:18.26)
Kirito : Liz? (0:17:24.19)
Lisbeth : Kirito, I... (0:17:25.54)
Lisbeth : I... (0:17:28.87)
Asuna Yuuki : Liz! I was really worried! (0:17:30.69)
Lisbeth : Asuna? (0:17:33.62)
Asuna Yuuki : Liz! (0:17:34.90)
Asuna Yuuki : I couldn't send messages to you,
or track you on the map...
Asuna Yuuki : Where were you last night? (0:17:39.01)
Lisbeth : Sorry, I got stuck in a dungeon. (0:17:40.95)
Asuna Yuuki : A dungeon? (0:17:44.36)
Asuna Yuuki : Did you go alone? (0:17:45.43)
Lisbeth : No, with him. (0:17:47.06)
Asuna Yuuki : K-Kirito-kun? (0:17:50.02)
Kirito : Oh, A-Asuna... (0:17:52.21)
Kirito : It's been a while. (0:17:54.42)
Kirito : Or maybe it hasn't. (0:17:55.81)
Kirito : Two days? (0:17:57.04)
Asuna Yuuki : You surprised me. (0:17:58.21)
Asuna Yuuki : I see, you already dropped by. (0:17:59.70)
Asuna Yuuki : If you told me,
I would've gone with you.
Lisbeth : Do you know each other? (0:18:04.40)
Kirito : Yeah, we're both part
of the lead group.
Asuna Yuuki : He wanted a powerful sword, (0:18:11.45)
Asuna Yuuki : so I referred him to your shop. (0:18:13.91)
Lisbeth : So that's why. (0:18:15.86)
Asuna Yuuki : You didn't do anything weird
to my friend, did you?
Kirito : O-Of course I didn't! (0:18:20.36)
Asuna Yuuki : The way you stuttered is suspicious... (0:18:22.02)
Kirito : I almost died back there. (0:18:24.85)
Kirito : You could show a little compassion! (0:18:26.24)
Asuna Yuuki : That's why I've told you so
often not to fight solo.
Lisbeth : I see. (0:18:32.83)
Lisbeth : So that's it... (0:18:34.39)
Asuna Yuuki : Did he say anything rude to you? (0:18:37.10)
Asuna Yuuki : Liz? (0:18:42.13)
Lisbeth : Rude? (0:18:46.66)
Lisbeth : He snapped my best sword in half! (0:18:48.09)
Asuna Yuuki : I-I'm sorry... (0:18:52.47)
Lisbeth : It's nothing you need to apologize for. (0:18:53.83)
Lisbeth : He's weird, but he's not a bad guy. (0:18:57.99)
Lisbeth : I'll be cheering for you.
So do your best, Asuna.
Asuna Yuuki : It's not like that! (0:19:04.66)
Asuna Yuuki : Liz? (0:19:07.44)
Lisbeth : Sorry, but I have to go pick
up some supplies.
Lisbeth : I'll be right back. (0:19:10.86)
Asuna Yuuki : What about the store? (0:19:12.74)
Lisbeth : You two keep an eye on it! (0:19:14.35)
Asuna Yuuki : Wait, Liz! (0:19:17.76)
Kirito : Lisbeth... (0:19:37.43)
Lisbeth : You can't be here right now. (0:19:45.13)
Lisbeth : Just a little longer. (0:19:50.14)
Lisbeth : And I would've gone back to
my usual cheerful self...
Kirito : Liz... (0:19:55.60)
Lisbeth : How'd you know I was here? (0:19:57.86)
Kirito : I went up there, so I could scan
the whole town for you.
Lisbeth : You always do the craziest things. (0:20:08.14)
Lisbeth : Sorry... I'm fine. (0:20:16.60)
Lisbeth : I think I'm not used to adventures,
and it just shook me up...
Lisbeth : So, please... (0:20:24.16)
Lisbeth : Forget everything I said. (0:20:26.50)
Kirito : I wanted to thank you. (0:20:32.85)
Kirito : I've always... (0:20:37.14)
Kirito : I've honestly always thought
it would be better to die
Kirito : than to survive alone. (0:20:44.68)
Lisbeth : Kirito? (0:20:47.74)
Kirito : But when we fell in that hole, (0:20:49.43)
Kirito : I was glad we both made it. (0:20:51.82)
Kirito : I was able to think that everyone
and I are living as best we can.
Kirito : So thank you, Liz. (0:21:00.81)
Lisbeth : Same here... (0:21:04.38)
Lisbeth : I, too, was always looking for something, (0:21:06.23)
Lisbeth : something real in this world. (0:21:09.22)
Lisbeth : For me, (0:21:13.41)
Lisbeth : it was the warmth of your hand. (0:21:15.72)
Lisbeth : Tell Asuna what you just told me. (0:21:23.43)
Kirito : Liz... (0:21:27.22)
Lisbeth : I'm fine! (0:21:28.28)
Lisbeth : Only, this warmth will linger for a while. (0:21:30.86)
Lisbeth : Therefore, please... (0:21:35.06)
Lisbeth : End this world. (0:21:38.63)
Lisbeth : Until then, I'll keep working. (0:21:42.31)
Kirito : I promise. (0:21:46.97)
Kirito : I'll win the game. (0:21:48.67)
Lisbeth : If you need your equipment repaired, (0:21:54.39)
Lisbeth : come by anytime. (0:21:56.50)
Kirito : Sure. (0:21:57.87)
Lisbeth : You'll always be welcome
at Lisbeth's Smith Shop!
Kirito : Next Time:
The Sword Dance of White and Black

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