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Ban : Ah, there it is. (0:00:12.27)
Ban : A lick will add ten years to your life. (0:00:16.26)
Ban : A swallow will add a hundred! (0:00:20.20)
Ban : Drink it all, and you'll live forever! (0:00:23.40)
Ban : So this is the Fountain of Youth,
protected by the Guardian Saint.
Ban : Drink the water flowing from the cup and
you'll be granted eternal life, or so they say.
Ban : Seems the story was pretty exaggerated, though. (0:00:40.84)
Ban : I don't see a Guardian Saint protecting the treasure. (0:00:43.82)
Ban : Ah... (0:00:47.60)
Ban : Huh? (0:00:50.67)
Ban : Are you lost, little girl? (0:00:51.91)
Elaine : I'm protecting the fountain. (0:00:54.36)
Elaine : From bandits like you. (0:00:58.71)
Ban : Whoa! I'm gonna die! (0:01:02.09)
Hawk : Hey, guys! Wake up! (0:01:12.51)
Hawk : It's time for breakfast! (0:01:14.42)
Meliodas : Morning, Elizabeth! (0:01:18.43)
Meliodas : How're your injuries? (0:01:20.56)
Elizabeth Liones : Ah, they're more or less okay. (0:01:22.05)
Elizabeth Liones : Oh, and... good morning. (0:01:24.66)
Elizabeth Liones : I'll untie you now. (0:01:27.98)
Meliodas : Thanks. (0:01:29.57)
Meliodas : Please be gentle. (0:01:30.36)
EXTRA : This is a tale of humans and beings from other worlds. (0:01:33.25)
EXTRA : It is a story of ancient times. (0:01:38.85)
EXTRA : In olden times, the Holy Knights fought alongside three tribes to seal away the Demon Clan. (0:01:41.36)
EXTRA : It was known as the Holy War, and memory of it has long left the minds of the people. (0:01:47.32)
EXTRA : However, a new Holy War has begun. (0:01:54.80)
EXTRA : The battle to banish the Seven Deadly Sins unto oblivion. (0:01:58.75)
Elizabeth Liones : Um, Hawk? (0:03:38.28)
Hawk : Hmm? (0:03:40.15)
Elizabeth Liones : You don't have to tie up Lord Meliodas so tight next time. (0:03:41.36)
Elizabeth Liones : I don't think he can sleep very well like that. (0:03:45.32)
Hawk : There's no point unless I do it tight! (0:03:47.96)
Hawk : Sleeping in the same bed as Elizabeth... His hands would run free! (0:03:50.13)
Hawk : I have to make sure it's extra tight! (0:03:54.54)
Elizabeth Liones : But... (0:03:56.17)
Meliodas : If you think of it like BDSM, it's not half bad. (0:03:57.37)
Elizabeth Liones : BDSM? (0:04:00.88)
Meliodas : Maybe we should tie Elizabeth up next time. (0:04:02.07)
Hawk : Why, you... (0:04:05.43)
Diane : What are we tying up now? (0:04:07.02)
Diane : Hawk? (0:04:08.94)
Hawk : No! (0:04:09.75)
Ban : Cap'n, where's the booze? (0:04:12.14)
Diane : It's morning, you know... (0:04:14.91)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Ban, what about breakfast? (0:04:16.15)
Ban : There's no way in hell I'd eat Cap'n's horrible food. (0:04:18.11)
Meliodas : Here. (0:04:21.27)
Meliodas : That's why you cook it yourself. (0:04:22.11)
Ban : Thank you, Cap'n— (0:04:24.45)
Meliodas : Our next target is the Capital of the Dead. (0:04:27.84)
Meliodas : We'll look for King there. (0:04:29.97)
Ban : Didn't that fat bastard die or something? (0:04:31.79)
Meliodas : That's the only lead we have, so... may as well check it out. (0:04:35.32)
Elizabeth Liones : What's the Capital of the Dead like, exactly? (0:04:38.77)
Meliodas : Beats me. (0:04:42.26)
Meliodas : I didn't even know the place existed. (0:04:43.50)
Hawk : If it's the Capital of the Dead, there'll be ghosts, right? (0:04:46.23)
Hawk : It'll be dim out even in the middle of the day, and there'll be graves lined up everywhere! (0:04:50.58)
Diane : There won't be bugs, will there? (0:04:56.27)
Hawk : If King really is there, would he even be alive? (0:04:59.64)
Elizabeth Liones : Hawk, stop it! (0:05:03.75)
Meliodas : Ghosts, huh? (0:05:05.35)
Ban : That was close. (0:05:09.78)
Ban : So that's the Guardian Saint of the fountain. (0:05:11.88)
Elaine : It's okay now. (0:05:16.56)
Elaine : I've gotten rid of the bandit. (0:05:18.01)
Ban : A lick will add ten years to your life. (0:05:19.40)
Ban : A swallow will add a hundred! (0:05:23.01)
Ban : Drink it all, and you'll live forever! (0:05:26.71)
Ban : A lick will add ten years— (0:05:41.90)
Ban : Give it a rest! (0:05:55.37)
Elaine : That's what I'd like to say! (0:05:57.13)
Elaine : How are you even alive? (0:05:58.50)
Elaine : No human should be able to survive after falling from this height! (0:06:00.26)
Ban : Well, I happened to land on some branches (0:06:03.20)
Ban : or had my fall broken by a large cluster of trees. (0:06:05.98)
Elaine : No way. (0:06:09.51)
Elaine : Why would the forest save a human? (0:06:10.66)
Ban : How should I know? (0:06:13.76)
Ban : But I'm surprised that you, little miss, are the guardian of the treasure. (0:06:15.49)
Ban : Guess I'll be serious this time. (0:06:21.00)
Elaine : Kill and steal... (0:06:27.49)
Elaine : All humans think alike. (0:06:29.07)
Ban : Magic? (0:06:33.83)
Ban : It's... not alcoholic. (0:06:42.72)
Ban : Well, down the hatch! (0:06:46.79)
Elaine : N-No! (0:06:48.09)
Ban : Cheers to my new life— (0:06:50.55)
Ban : What the hell is this?! (0:06:55.27)
Ban : Hey, let me go! (0:06:57.42)
Elaine : I don't expect you humans to understand. (0:07:00.50)
Elaine : But without the Fountain of Youth, all the trees in this forest will die! (0:07:03.30)
Elaine : Give it up and leave this place immediately. (0:07:07.77)
Ban : Okay, I get it. (0:07:09.98)
Elaine : You get it? (0:07:12.36)
Elaine : How dare you spout such a lie? (0:07:13.84)
Ban : Nah, I'm being serious. (0:07:15.10)
Elaine : Apparently he doesn't know
that I can read people's minds.
Ban : Guess I've gotta give it up. (0:07:22.00)
Ban : The ale made from this forest's wildberries is really good... (0:07:23.71)
Ban : It'd be a shame if I couldn't drink it anymore. (0:07:29.17)
Elaine : This person... (0:07:33.20)
Ban : What a wasted trip... (0:07:33.92)
Elaine : You... (0:07:40.89)
Elaine : Who on earth are you? (0:07:42.39)
Ban : Can't you tell by looking? (0:07:43.77)
Ban : I'm a bandit. (0:07:45.25)
Ban : I go by Bandit Ban. (0:07:46.63)
Ban : You, little girl? (0:07:49.03)
Elaine : I'm not a child. (0:07:50.57)
Elaine : I'm Elaine. (0:07:53.48)
Meliodas : We've arrived! (0:08:05.08)
Diane : So this is the Capital of the Dead? (0:08:07.64)
Hawk : How exactly is this desolate
village the Capital of the Dead?
Meliodas : From what I've heard,
this village is just the closest to it.
Meliodas : First, let's gather some information
on King and the Capital of the Dead.
Meliodas : We have to make some money for food, too. (0:08:21.49)
Meliodas : Let's get ready to open up shop! (0:08:24.94)
Ban : So it really is true that Cap'n is waitin' tables. (0:08:26.69)
Diane : Captain is so dreamy when he's working! (0:08:29.85)
Meliodas : You guys are working as well! (0:08:33.04)
Meliodas : You're in charge of attracting customers, big eye-candy! (0:08:34.96)
Diane : Me?! (0:08:37.78)
Meliodas : And I'll be counting on the
Jailbreak Chef for tasty food!
Ban : Who, me? (0:08:41.75)
Hawk : Are you sure you didn't mean "crap" food? (0:08:42.96)
Meliodas : No, his food is seriously delicious. (0:08:45.44)
Meliodas : It'll make you wanna shout out, "Tasty!" (0:08:47.36)
Ban : Hey, wait a sec... (0:08:49.67)
Meliodas : It's time for work! (0:08:51.46)
Meliodas : Get to it, guys! (0:08:52.78)
Elizabeth Liones : Please let me work as well. (0:08:54.32)
Elizabeth Liones : My injuries aren't severe anymore. (0:08:56.72)
Meliodas : Don't force yourself. (0:08:59.72)
Elizabeth Liones : Yes! (0:09:01.80)
Diane : Captain! (0:09:04.18)
Diane : Making me a showgirl... (0:09:05.91)
Diane : I-I'm so happy! (0:09:07.23)
Diane : Thanks, Captain! (0:09:09.25)
Diane : I'll make sure I work extra hard, okay! (0:09:11.14)
Meliodas : All right, I'll keep my hopes up! (0:09:12.48)
Diane : Yes! (0:09:14.22)
Meliodas : Oh right, Ban! (0:09:15.39)
Meliodas : The pantry is at the back of the shop— (0:09:16.54)
Meliodas : Huh? (0:09:18.56)
Hawk : He— (0:09:19.87)
Meliodas : Ran off. (0:09:21.34)
Ban : Cap'n must be joking. (0:09:23.25)
Ban : I mean, how much information could you
even get from a run-down village like this?
Diane : The best drinks in town! (0:09:31.78)
Diane : Boar Roast, a bar where cute waitresses serve you! (0:09:33.76)
Hawk : It's Boar Hat. (0:09:39.22)
Diane : There'll be lots of special service! (0:09:40.51)
Ban : But, man... (0:09:43.99)
Ban : This place is seriously dilapidated. (0:09:45.64)
Ban : Elle... (0:09:53.80)
Ellen : Hmm? (0:09:54.65)
Ban : No, never mind... (0:09:57.30)
Ban : There's no way... (0:10:00.08)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas? (0:10:06.46)
Meliodas : Hmm? (0:10:07.86)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord King... What type of person is he? (0:10:08.69)
Meliodas : Hmm, let's see... (0:10:11.70)
Meliodas : In a nutshell, he's like the
mascot of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Meliodas : Or like a pet, I guess? (0:10:17.29)
Hawk : Hey now, that pet thing has to be a joke. (0:10:18.68)
Hawk : What kind of restaurant keeps a pet inside? (0:10:21.96)
Meliodas : Funny hearing that from you. (0:10:27.85)
Meliodas : Well, about King. (0:10:29.53)
Meliodas : A long time ago, Ban went through
a phase of collecting stuffed animals.
Elizabeth Liones : Stuffed animals? (0:10:33.90)
Hawk : That's kinda cute! (0:10:35.02)
King : I'm so sad! (0:10:39.25)
Ban : Give it a rest, will ya. (0:10:40.74)
King (human form) : Stealing all the stuffed animals in the kingdom... (0:10:42.79)
King (human form) : Every one of these guys has memories and
feelings of their owner stuffed inside them!
King (human form) : But you... (0:10:51.92)
King (human form) : You're just so horrible! (0:10:53.45)
Ban : No, they're stuffed with cotton or old clothes, aren't they? (0:10:55.44)
King (human form) : No, stop it! (0:10:57.60)
Meliodas : King cried through the night. (0:10:59.44)
Meliodas : Around the time of morning Ban was finally satisfied and started snoring... (0:11:02.14)
EXTRA : Mama, Mr. Bear came back! (0:11:19.59)
EXTRA : Welcome back, Marcello! (0:11:22.67)
EXTRA : And your tear was fixed, too! (0:11:24.25)
EXTRA : I bet a fairy came by and returned it to me! (0:11:26.16)
Elizabeth Liones : That's a little different than what I had imagined. (0:11:30.16)
Elizabeth Liones : But Lord King seems like he's a really kind person. (0:11:33.07)
Hawk : On the other hand, Ban is really a good-for-nothing. (0:11:36.67)
Hawk : I bet the two of them got along real well. (0:11:40.94)
Meliodas : Why do you think that? (0:11:42.91)
Meliodas : King was always right behind Ban, wherever he went. (0:11:44.18)
Meliodas : Maybe it was to clean up Ban's mess. (0:11:47.64)
Meliodas : Either way, they were an unlikely dynamic duo. (0:11:51.27)
Diane : Customers aren't coming... (0:11:56.42)
Diane : Not even a single person... (0:11:58.59)
Ban : Hey... (0:12:01.92)
Ban : Hey, little girl! (0:12:03.41)
Ban : You awake? (0:12:06.77)
Luigi : Get your hands off Ellen! (0:12:09.49)
Luigi : What are you doing to my sister?! (0:12:13.48)
Ban : Hey, you, if you're her brother, (0:12:15.65)
Ban : are you giving her enough food to eat? (0:12:18.75)
Luigi : Shut up! Get away from my sister! (0:12:21.73)
Ban : I'm asking you if you give her enough food to eat. (0:12:24.09)
Ban : I'm taking her. (0:12:28.47)
Ellen : Brother, this person looked after me! (0:12:38.65)
Luigi : Eh? (0:12:42.17)
Luigi : I... (0:12:43.92)
Luigi : Sorry! (0:12:47.28)
Luigi : I... (0:12:48.38)
Luigi : How can I atone for my sin? (0:12:49.33)
Ban : Atone for your sin? (0:12:51.15)
Ban : Whatcha talking about, kid? (0:12:53.08)
Luigi : You know, I... (0:12:54.95)
Luigi : Your wound? (0:12:56.71)
Ban : Let me tell you something. (0:12:58.10)
Ban : A real sin... (0:13:00.48)
Ban : is something you can never atone for. (0:13:02.87)
King : Seems you understand that well. (0:13:07.55)
King : Yo, Ban. (0:13:13.32)
King : Hey, it's our touching reunion that's long overdue. (0:13:16.76)
King : Don't you have anything to say to me? (0:13:20.60)
Ban : Who... are you? (0:13:23.86)
King : Who am I, you ask? (0:13:32.49)
King : You've forgotten that as well? (0:13:35.68)
Ban : I haven't the slightest idea. (0:13:37.57)
Ban : Sorry 'bout that. (0:13:39.88)
King : Well, it doesn't matter. (0:13:42.22)
King : The important thing is that... (0:13:44.69)
King : you're Ban, the Fox's Sin of Greed. (0:13:47.80)
King : Or should I say... (0:13:52.82)
King : Ban, the Undead. (0:13:57.43)
Ban : I don't like your attitude, pal. (0:13:59.58)
Ban : What do you know about me? (0:14:03.07)
King : Your sin. (0:14:08.44)
Ban : Huh? (0:14:09.57)
King : Even if you don't remember who I am, you remember your own sin, right? (0:14:11.03)
King : The grave, grave sin that you committed... (0:14:16.07)
King : To satisfy your own greed. (0:14:20.81)
King : As the price for immortality. (0:14:22.84)
King : You killed the Guardian Saint of the Fountain of Youth. (0:14:25.19)
Ban : Hey, brats, (0:14:34.68)
Ban : you'll get in the way. (0:14:36.57)
Luigi : Let's go, Ellen! (0:14:37.85)
Ellen : But... (0:14:39.23)
King : Hit the mark, did I? (0:14:41.65)
Ban : I asked you who the hell you are! (0:14:44.53)
King : Either way, I'm glad you came. (0:14:51.91)
King : Baited by my trap and all. (0:14:54.80)
King : You're not getting away. (0:14:59.12)
King : The Flying Bee, Bumblebee! (0:15:02.10)
Ban : I don't get what you're trying to do at all! (0:15:04.88)
King : I want to show it to her. (0:15:08.93)
King : The sight of her sinful murderer... (0:15:10.93)
King : cowering and writhing in anguish. (0:15:14.05)
Ban : Like I said... (0:15:17.30)
Ban : Just who the hell— (0:15:23.94)
Meliodas : Hey! (0:15:26.11)
Ban : C'mon, Cap'n. (0:15:29.57)
Ban : Stay outta my way! (0:15:31.05)
Meliodas : What are you doing, skipping out on work? (0:15:32.52)
Ban : What am I doing? (0:15:35.03)
Ban : This random midget picked a fight with me ! (0:15:36.20)
Ban : My clothes are ruined now. (0:15:40.68)
Diane : Hey, what's all the ruckus about? (0:15:42.79)
Diane : Oh! (0:15:49.41)
Meliodas : King! (0:15:51.47)
Diane : King! (0:15:51.47)
Ban : How the hell is that King?! (0:15:54.76)
Meliodas : Well... (0:15:58.56)
Meliodas : He lost a bit of weight? (0:15:59.86)
Ban : More than a bit , but that's not the issue here! (0:16:01.04)
Diane : King! We've been looking for you! (0:16:04.52)
Diane : I'm happy to see you again! (0:16:08.20)
Ban : Here ya go. Eat up! (0:16:24.04)
Elizabeth Liones : Wow, it looks delicious! (0:16:26.26)
Meliodas : Right? (0:16:29.07)
Luigi : But... we don't have any money— (0:16:29.88)
Ban : If you're not gonna eat, I'll feed it all to the pig. (0:16:32.27)
Luigi : Let's dig in then! (0:16:35.51)
Ellen : Delicious! (0:16:37.80)
Hawk : Please leave some leftovers for me... (0:16:38.87)
Luigi : Thanks so much, mister! (0:16:41.20)
Ban : Give and take. (0:16:43.65)
Ban : In return, tell me where the
Capital of the Dead or whatever is.
Meliodas : Hey, Ban, we've already found King. (0:16:50.26)
Meliodas : We don't have to go there anymore, right? (0:16:52.88)
Ban : There's no way that was King. (0:16:54.99)
Meliodas : He was real. (0:16:57.07)
Ban : It was a fake. (0:16:58.19)
Meliodas : He was real! (0:16:59.42)
Ban : Fake! (0:17:00.08)
Luigi : You guys want to go to the Capital of the Dead too? (0:17:01.08)
Meliodas : "Too?" (0:17:04.13)
Luigi : That kid asked a few times as well. (0:17:05.11)
Luigi : He said he needed to go to the
Capital of the Dead, no matter what.
Meliodas : King did? (0:17:11.09)
Luigi : Yeah. (0:17:12.32)
Luigi : Seems like he's been searching forever. (0:17:13.16)
Hawk : Is it in some really remote place? (0:17:15.17)
Luigi : No, it's right around here. (0:17:17.34)
Diane : What do you mean? (0:17:19.78)
Luigi : The entrance to the Capital
of the Dead is in this village.
Luigi : But you can't just go there because you want to. (0:17:26.49)
Ban : I'm not interested in riddles. (0:17:31.04)
Meliodas : I see. (0:17:33.61)
Meliodas : In other words... (0:17:34.89)
Meliodas : it's like this! (0:17:36.24)
Elizabeth Liones : I don't think that's it... (0:17:38.44)
Meliodas : Is it like a grave that's usually hidden or something? (0:17:40.16)
Luigi : It's not a grave. (0:17:43.44)
Luigi : The Capital of the Dead is where those who have died go on living. (0:17:45.12)
Meliodas : So it's like the afterlife? (0:17:49.71)
Elizabeth Liones : How can we go to a place like that? (0:17:51.50)
Hawk : How can I reach it?! (0:17:53.67)
Ban : Have you been there? (0:17:55.92)
Luigi : No way! It's just superstition! (0:17:58.55)
Ellen : "A priceless memory shared with the
deceased will open the path to the Capital..."
Ellen : The old man next door always used to say that. (0:18:07.56)
Ellen : I'm sorry. (0:18:10.58)
Ellen : That's all we know. (0:18:11.60)
Ban : That's more than enough to cover your food. (0:18:13.96)
Ban : Thanks, Elaine. (0:18:16.44)
Ellen : Um, I'm Ellen... (0:18:18.63)
Ban : Ah, right... Sorry, Ellen. (0:18:21.37)
Ban : Come on, there's still food left. (0:18:23.86)
Elizabeth Liones : I wonder why King wants to
go to the Capital of the Dead.
Meliodas : Well, let's see... (0:18:31.70)
Meliodas : I guess we'll know once we get there! (0:18:33.75)
Diane : King, why did you run away earlier? (0:18:37.71)
King : I'm stupid! (0:18:42.88)
King : So stupid! I'm such an idiot! (0:18:44.46)
King : I made it look like I ran away because I saw Diane! (0:18:47.32)
King : I couldn't help it, though. (0:18:52.99)
King : Especially after hearing her just
come out and say something like that.
King : What she said... (0:18:57.64)
Diane : I'm so happy to see you again! (0:18:58.99)
King : Diane is just as cute as ever! (0:19:02.87)
King : But what should I do if that
makes her realize that I like her?
King : What should I do?! (0:19:10.91)
King : Nevertheless, Captain hasn't
changed a bit in the last ten years.
King : How is that even possible? (0:19:17.49)
King : But... the two of them seem to be doing pretty well. (0:19:20.11)
King : You two... Don't be fooled by that scoundrel. (0:19:25.66)
King : Ban! (0:19:29.25)
King : I'll never forgive you! (0:19:30.60)
Hawk : Even if the Capital of the Dead exists, (0:19:36.16)
Hawk : there's no way to go to the afterlife. (0:19:39.36)
Meliodas : Since it's the afterlife, what if we just kill ourselves? (0:19:41.53)
Hawk : Are you stupid? (0:19:44.50)
Elizabeth Liones : A priceless memory of the deceased... (0:19:46.14)
Elizabeth Liones : I want to meet my mother who passed away
when I was young, because I never got to know her.
Hawk : That wouldn't work, then. (0:19:55.00)
Elizabeth Liones : Yeah... You're right. (0:19:56.56)
Elizabeth Liones : Because I have no memories of her... (0:19:58.27)
Elaine : Ban. (0:20:04.87)
Elaine : What's your motive for going after the Fountain of Youth? (0:20:06.91)
Ban : Well, let's see... (0:20:10.64)
Ban : Even though my life hasn't been all that great, (0:20:12.40)
Ban : I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen. (0:20:15.49)
Elaine : But what if you obtain immortality and nothing good happens to you? (0:20:20.90)
Ban : Huh? (0:20:26.42)
Diane : Ban, that doesn't suit you! (0:20:33.79)
Ban : What the hell is this? (0:20:38.24)
Diane : Elizabeth, the flowers are so pretty! (0:20:39.76)
Elizabeth Liones : Wow! What are these flowers? (0:20:42.17)
Hawk : Who cares, they're just flowers! (0:20:45.00)
Hawk : Even if we were to eat them, we'd never get full... (0:20:47.44)
Diane : So pretty! (0:20:59.13)
Luigi : Guys! (0:21:00.71)
Luigi : Watch out! (0:21:02.19)
Ellen : Mister! Lady! (0:21:05.35)
Diane : Captain... (0:21:21.74)
Meliodas : Yeah... (0:21:23.66)
King : No doubt about it. (0:21:25.99)
King : It's the Capital of the Dead. (0:21:27.54)
King : One of them had a memory that opened up the path? (0:21:29.79)
Elizabeth Liones : Is it possible that my longing to see my mother... (0:21:33.31)
Hawk : No... It might be my memories of
the leftovers I was never able to eat.
Meliodas : I have no idea! (0:21:43.08)
Diane : Me neither! (0:21:44.91)
Diane : Ban! (0:21:52.53)
King : Wait! (0:21:53.35)
Meliodas : King?! (0:21:55.04)
Elizabeth Liones : That's him? (0:21:56.16)
Hawk : What's going on? (0:21:57.56)
Diane : Captain, what should we do? (0:21:58.87)
Meliodas : We'll chase after them for now. (0:22:00.71)
King : I won't let you get away! (0:22:04.80)
Ban : You won't get away from me! (0:22:05.92)
Luigi : Ellen... Did you see? (0:23:43.05)
Ellen : Yeah. (0:23:45.19)
Ellen : Those people... disappeared. (0:23:46.09)
Guila : I see. I guess the Capital of the Dead does exist. (0:23:49.78)
Elizabeth Liones : Um, I have a feeling that someone's been following us for a while. (0:23:57.77)
Meliodas : Guess it's one of those crazy
stalkers you hear about these days.
Meliodas : Don't make eye contact. (0:24:04.95)
Elizabeth Liones : But I can't even hear the sound of his footsteps. (0:24:06.06)
Meliodas : Because they try desperately to stay hidden. (0:24:08.66)
Elizabeth Liones : I-It might be my imagination,
b-but it feels like he's floating in the air...
Meliodas : When a person's life is on the line, they can do anything. (0:24:14.11)
Meliodas : Next time, on The Seven Deadly Sins: "The Deadly Pursuer." (0:24:17.05)
Elizabeth Liones : Um, the punchline of the joke isn't
that the person's already dead, right?

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