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Ratten : There's no way... (0:00:15.24)
Black Rabbit : I have been cleared to activate my Judge Master status. (0:00:17.00)
Black Rabbit : The Gift Game "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" is now on hold (0:00:20.66)
Black Rabbit : and will be evaluated. (0:00:26.92)
Black Rabbit : Players, (0:00:30.59)
Black Rabbit : Hosts, (0:00:31.97)
Black Rabbit : please cease all combat (0:00:32.97)
Black Rabbit : and move to the negotiation tables. (0:00:35.30)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Hey, you weren't studying night after night for nothing, were you? (0:02:21.70)
Izayoi Sakamaki : You were waiting for this moment. (0:02:29.69)
Izayoi Sakamaki : We've come all the way here, (0:02:33.00)
Izayoi Sakamaki : so you might as well show 'em what we can do, (0:02:35.24)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Boss. (0:02:37.69)
Jin Russell : Y-Yes! (0:02:38.85)
Black Rabbit : We will now begin the evaluation and negotiation of the Gift Game "The Pied Piper of Hamelin." (0:02:41.30)
Black Rabbit : First, I would like to ask the Host: (0:02:48.81)
Black Rabbit : Does this Gift Game- (0:02:50.73)
Black Percher : We have not made any violations. (0:02:52.22)
Black Rabbit : May I take your word? (0:02:54.82)
Black Rabbit : My ears are connected to the main hub of Little Garden. (0:02:56.66)
Black Rabbit : I am notified immediately if you are lying. (0:03:00.74)
Black Percher : You should know that you have put our Game on hold (0:03:03.62)
Black Percher : on account of a false accusation. (0:03:06.68)
Black Percher : You know what I mean, don't you? (0:03:10.13)
Sandora Dortlake : If there have been no violations, (0:03:13.41)
Sandora Dortlake : then the Game will resume with an
additional advantage to the Hosts.
Black Percher : Let's hold off on deciding whether we
should add any rules or not until later.
Black Percher : Understood. (0:03:23.59)
Black Percher : Black Rabbit? (0:03:25.27)
Black Rabbit : R-Right. (0:03:26.35)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Hey, what counts as a violation, exactly? (0:03:31.89)
Mandra : The possible violations involved could be... (0:03:36.19)
Mandra : First, the binding of Shiroyasha. (0:03:38.94)
Mandra : She declared that she would participate, yet she cannot. (0:03:41.07)
Mandra : There must be a valid reason on paper to justify this. (0:03:44.62)
Izayoi Sakamaki : There was only that one sentence, though:
"Break the false lore and present the truth."
Black Rabbit : Little Garden has responded. (0:03:56.25)
Black Rabbit : There have been no violations to the guidelines in this Game. (0:03:59.26)
Black Rabbit : Shiroyasha-sama has been bound
using a completely fair method.
Black Percher : As I said. (0:04:07.10)
Black Percher : We'll maintain the current rules, then. (0:04:08.39)
Black Percher : All that's left is to decide which day to continue the Game. (0:04:10.56)
Sandora Dortlake : Which day?! (0:04:13.73)
Sandora Dortlake : This is going to span over multiple days? (0:04:15.15)
Black Percher : Judge Master, (0:04:16.48)
Black Percher : what's the longest we can defer
the resumption of the Game for?
Black Rabbit : Th-The longest? (0:04:22.20)
Black Rabbit : I-In this case, I believe it would be about one month. (0:04:24.41)
Black Percher : I see. (0:04:29.49)
Black Percher : We'll resume in one month, then. (0:04:30.50)
Jin Russell : Hold it! (0:04:32.07)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Hold it! (0:04:32.07)
Jin Russell : I have a question for the Host. (0:04:36.17)
Jin Russell : I have received word that your two companions are Ratten and Weser (0:04:37.75)
Jin Russell : and that the ceramic giant in the stadium was Sturm. (0:04:43.42)
Jin Russell : If so, is your name... (0:04:47.93)
Jin Russell : "Pest?" (0:04:50.64)
Mandra : Pest?! (0:04:53.06)
Sandora Dortlake : The Black Death?! (0:04:54.19)
Jin Russell : Yes... (0:04:56.02)
Jin Russell : The most catastrophic epidemic in human history that occurred before the Little Ice Age of the 14th century. (0:04:57.06)
Black Percher : That's right. (0:05:03.32)
Black Percher : And what is your name? (0:05:05.32)
Jin Russell : Jin Russell of the No-Names. (0:05:07.37)
Black Percher : I'll be sure to remember that. (0:05:10.45)
Black Percher : You're too late, though. (0:05:12.12)
Black Percher : Several participants have already been infected. (0:05:14.12)
Black Percher : Your lives are already in my hands. (0:05:19.71)
Sandora Dortlake : Judge Master! (0:05:23.34)
Sandora Dortlake : They have intentionally concealed
the details of the Game, and-
Jin Russell : Stop, Sandra-sama! (0:05:28.06)
Jin Russell : They have no responsibility to inform us of the disease. (0:05:29.64)
Jin Russell : All you're doing is giving them more
opportunities to make additional rules!
Black Percher : I know... (0:05:39.98)
Black Percher : How does this sound? (0:05:41.11)
Black Percher : Shiroyasha and all players in this room join the community of Grimm Grimoire Hamelin (0:05:44.11)
Black Percher : and all other communities will be spared. (0:05:51.20)
Ratten : I really like that one in the red dress as well, Master! (0:05:55.04)
Black Rabbit : Asuka-san... (0:06:00.63)
Black Percher : We'll add her, too, then. (0:06:02.42)
Black Percher : The game could be settled with that. (0:06:04.42)
Black Percher : It's nothing compared to the lives of every participant, right? (0:06:06.55)
Izayoi Sakamaki : You're gonna wipe us out if we don't agree? (0:06:10.51)
You Kasukabe : There you go. (0:06:20.98)
Lili : Yo-sama! (0:06:22.61)
Lili : Everybody on the other side has received treatment. (0:06:24.67)
You Kasukabe : Thanks. (0:06:27.78)
You Kasukabe : Could you go over there and see if anyone needs help? (0:06:28.95)
You Kasukabe : They seem short on hands. (0:06:31.24)
Lili : Okay! (0:06:32.70)
Ayesha Ignis Fatuus : Yo! (0:06:37.96)
You Kasukabe : Asha. (0:06:39.37)
Ayesha Ignis Fatuus : I couldn't find that girl in the red dress you were talking about. (0:06:41.33)
You Kasukabe : I see... (0:06:45.36)
You Kasukabe : All right. (0:06:46.46)
You Kasukabe : Thanks. (0:06:47.42)
Ayesha Ignis Fatuus : I-I wasn't trying to do you a favor or anything. (0:06:48.34)
Jack O'Lantern : Yo ho ho, (0:06:52.22)
Jack O'Lantern : you're awfully shy today, aren't you? (0:06:53.98)
Ayesha Ignis Fatuus : What was that, Jack?! (0:06:56.64)
Jack O'Lantern : But, my, this is quite a situation. (0:06:59.35)
Jack O'Lantern : A Demon Lord has appeared... (0:07:02.31)
Ayesha Ignis Fatuus : Yo! (0:07:06.36)
You Kasukabe : S-Sorry... (0:07:08.32)
You Kasukabe : I don't... (0:07:10.40)
Ayesha Ignis Fatuus : C'mon, pull yourself together. (0:07:11.16)
You Kasukabe : Thanks. (0:07:14.08)
You Kasukabe : What's happening? (0:07:17.12)
Melln : Asuka? Asuka? (0:07:23.54)
Melln : Asuka, Asuka, wake up! (0:07:26.30)
Melln : Asuka! (0:07:28.64)
Melln : Asuka, Asuka! (0:07:29.88)
Jin Russell : I would like to ask you something: (0:07:34.14)
Jin Russell : Isn't Grimm Grimoire Hamelin a new Community? (0:07:37.43)
Black Percher : I am not obliged to answer. (0:07:43.10)
Izayoi Sakamaki : I see. (0:07:45.15)
Izayoi Sakamaki : You're new, (0:07:46.56)
Izayoi Sakamaki : so you need some manpower. (0:07:48.07)
Izayoi Sakamaki : That must be why you want us in your Community. (0:07:50.15)
Black Percher : Is there a problem? (0:07:54.31)
Jin Russell : The black plague takes at least two days after contraction to display any symptoms. (0:07:55.87)
Jin Russell : If we resume the Game in a month, (0:07:59.70)
Jin Russell : we, and all other players, will probably be dead. (0:08:01.79)
Izayoi Sakamaki : We won't be much use once we're dead, you know? (0:08:06.04)
Black Percher : We'll make it twenty days, then. (0:08:11.38)
Black Percher : We'll find you before you die, and- (0:08:13.80)
Mandra : Then we will kill anyone who displays any symptoms. (0:08:15.28)
Mandra : Whether it be Sandra or myself, (0:08:17.89)
Mandra : all those infected will be killed. (0:08:20.81)
Mandra : No exceptions. (0:08:23.60)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Hey, Black Rabbit, (0:08:27.15)
Izayoi Sakamaki : are we still allowed to modify the rules? (0:08:28.66)
Black Rabbit : What? (0:08:30.94)
Black Rabbit : Y-Yes. (0:08:32.11)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Let's make a deal, Black Percher. (0:08:34.03)
Izayoi Sakamaki : We'll add "no suicide or friendly fire" to our rules. (0:08:36.78)
Izayoi Sakamaki : In exchange, resume the game in three days. (0:08:41.29)
Black Percher : I refuse. (0:08:43.21)
Black Percher : Two weeks. (0:08:44.54)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Five days. (0:08:45.58)
Izayoi Sakamaki : We'll add Black Rabbit to the pool. (0:08:46.79)
Black Rabbit : What? (0:08:48.71)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Black Rabbit is the Judge Master, so she can't participate. (0:08:50.09)
Izayoi Sakamaki : However, if you let her participate, (0:08:53.84)
Izayoi Sakamaki : you might get your hands on her. (0:08:55.89)
Izayoi Sakamaki : How's that? (0:08:58.10)
Izayoi Sakamaki : An aristocrat of Little Garden, all yours. (0:08:59.10)
Black Percher : Ten days. (0:09:04.23)
Black Percher : No less. (0:09:05.35)
Jin Russell : I will set a time limit to this Game. (0:09:07.61)
Jin Russell : The Game will resume in one week, (0:09:09.86)
Jin Russell : and will end 24 hours after resumption. (0:09:11.53)
Jin Russell : If there is no winner by that time, (0:09:13.94)
Jin Russell : the Game will end, (0:09:16.07)
Jin Russell : and the Hosts will be victorious. (0:09:17.70)
Sandora Dortlake : Jin? (0:09:19.87)
Black Percher : Are you serious? (0:09:20.95)
Black Percher : Would you accept your defeat just like that? (0:09:22.41)
Jin Russell : One week is the longest we can go without casualties. (0:09:25.46)
Jin Russell : Anything beyond that is both
physically and mentally unbearable.
Jin Russell : Therefore, the players will resign
unconditionally after the time limit.
Black Percher : So, Jin. (0:09:48.52)
Jin Russell : Y-Yes? (0:09:49.65)
Black Percher : Even if you survived for one week... (0:09:51.48)
Black Percher : do you think you could still defeat me? (0:09:54.40)
Jin Russell : Absolutely. (0:09:57.55)
Black Percher : I see. (0:10:04.98)
Black Percher : Understood. (0:10:05.96)
Black Percher : I can assure you with 100% certainty... (0:10:09.33)
Black Percher : that you will become my plaything. (0:10:12.84)
Melln : Asuka! Asuka! Asuka! (0:10:20.63)
Asuka Kudou : That woman! (0:10:26.14)
Melln : Asuka! (0:10:29.52)
Melln : Are you okay? (0:10:30.52)
Asuka Kudou : Sorry. (0:10:32.82)
Asuka Kudou : Where am I? (0:10:34.69)
Asuka Kudou : This is... (0:10:38.20)
Asuka Kudou : from the exhibition... (0:10:40.74)
Melln : Asuka. (0:10:44.58)
EXTRA : This is our... (0:10:46.75)
EXTRA : gift to you... (0:10:48.62)
EXTRA : Please take it... (0:10:50.88)
EXTRA : and put an end... (0:10:53.29)
EXTRA : to the false lore of Rattenfänger. (0:10:56.30)
Asuka Kudou : Herding spirits... (0:10:59.88)
EXTRA : We are... (0:11:01.84)
EXTRA : the 130 spirits... (0:11:03.80)
EXTRA : lost in Hamelin... (0:11:06.39)
EXTRA : to a natural disaster. (0:11:09.31)
EXTRA : We will tell you everything... (0:11:12.61)
EXTRA : The true events that happened at Hamelin... (0:11:15.40)
EXTRA : on June 26th, 1284... (0:11:19.82)
EXTRA : and offer you our greatest work... (0:11:24.50)
EXTRA : forged from the Dragon Lord's finest metal. (0:11:27.91)
EXTRA : The final gift, (0:11:31.86)
EXTRA : led by our 131st comrade... (0:11:33.61)
EXTRA : O beacon of Miracles... (0:11:37.46)
EXTRA : Will you play our Gift Game? (0:11:41.38)
Asuka Kudou : Use my Gift to make Deen submit to me? (0:11:49.43)
Asuka Kudou : I'd first like to confirm one thing: (0:11:53.81)
Asuka Kudou : With your Gift, (0:11:55.81)
Asuka Kudou : will I be able to defeat them? (0:11:58.28)
EXTRA : If you use it... (0:11:59.78)
EXTRA : If it obeys you... (0:12:01.28)
EXTRA : It will bring you victory. (0:12:03.28)
Asuka Kudou : All right. (0:12:08.54)
Asuka Kudou : Kudo Asuka, member of the No-Names, (0:12:09.70)
Asuka Kudou : will gladly accept your challenge! (0:12:12.22)
EXTRA : Kindle the soul of steel (0:12:16.21)
EXTRA : with your might...! (0:12:19.42)
EXTRA : DEEN! (0:12:20.92)
Ratten : It's been four days. (0:12:28.51)
Ratten : People are beginning to show symptoms. (0:12:30.60)
Black Percher : Yes. (0:12:34.77)
Ratten : Geez... (0:12:35.73)
Ratten : Everything is going so smoothly, (0:12:37.06)
Ratten : yet we can't find that one lost girl. (0:12:39.19)
Black Percher : It's okay. (0:12:42.74)
Black Percher : She'll be one of us in no time. (0:12:44.11)
Ratten : If only we had the people from
Cinderella or Snow White with us.
Ratten : We could've made them do a humorous opera. (0:12:51.62)
Weser : Cinderella, eh? (0:12:57.00)
Weser : She was always gloomy, (0:12:58.94)
Weser : but she had a pretty good sense of humor. (0:13:00.50)
Weser : Snow White was quite evil, too. (0:13:02.76)
Ratten : Come now, what's wrong, Master? (0:13:08.97)
Ratten : You aren't usually this cute. (0:13:12.02)
Black Percher : You're as irritating as usual, Ratten. (0:13:14.98)
Ratten : Oh, you're too kind! (0:13:18.98)
Weser : I don't think she was complimenting you. (0:13:22.19)
Ratten : Master, (0:13:25.39)
Ratten : There's something you need to know. (0:13:26.66)
Ratten : You are hosting a Gift Game as a Demon Lord. (0:13:29.45)
Ratten : Many Communities will target you, (0:13:32.75)
Ratten : and you will fight them, one after the other... (0:13:36.12)
Ratten : and eventually... (0:13:37.83)
Ratten : you will fail. (0:13:39.04)
Weser : Without a doubt. (0:13:41.63)
Ratten : This is the role that Demon Lords
have been given in Little Garden.
Ratten : But we'll always be on your side, Master. (0:13:49.31)
Weser : No other Demon Lord is under the name of "Grimm Grimoire," (0:13:54.43)
Weser : so we'll follow you until the very end. (0:14:01.58)
Black Percher : I see. (0:14:05.49)
You Kasukabe : Izayoi... (0:14:14.95)
Izayoi Sakamaki : You're awake? (0:14:15.91)
You Kasukabe : Why are you here? (0:14:18.37)
Izayoi Sakamaki : I figured you'd get bored of sleeping. (0:14:20.67)
Izayoi Sakamaki : How're you feeling? (0:14:23.58)
You Kasukabe : I'm fine. (0:14:25.17)
You Kasukabe : Sorry you had to stay here. (0:14:26.88)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Don't worry about it. (0:14:29.13)
You Kasukabe : Have you figured out the answer yet? (0:14:31.35)
Izayoi Sakamaki : We have a good idea of it, (0:14:34.56)
Izayoi Sakamaki : but we're not quite there yet. (0:14:36.78)
Izayoi Sakamaki : "Ratten" means "rat" in German. (0:14:39.81)
Izayoi Sakamaki : "Sturm" is "storm," (0:14:41.86)
Izayoi Sakamaki : and "Weser" refers to the river. (0:14:43.27)
Izayoi Sakamaki : "Pest" refers to the black plague. (0:14:44.90)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Do you remember the "Parallel World Intersection Theory" that Black Rabbit was talking about? (0:14:47.03)
You Kasukabe : Yeah. (0:14:52.34)
Izayoi Sakamaki : That theory states that even if different things happen at different times, (0:14:53.12)
Izayoi Sakamaki : they will eventually coalesce into one result. (0:14:59.36)
Izayoi Sakamaki : In this case, (0:15:03.54)
Izayoi Sakamaki : the intersection was at the 130 deaths recorded on the plaque at Hamelin. (0:15:05.21)
Izayoi Sakamaki : The four possible causes were
Weser, Ratten, Sturm, or Pest.
Izayoi Sakamaki : Whichever one that doesn't result in the deaths (0:15:15.77)
Izayoi Sakamaki : is the false lore. (0:15:18.85)
You Kasukabe : Which do you think is the false lore? (0:15:21.19)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Pest. (0:15:24.89)
Izayoi Sakamaki : That is the only one that takes an
extended period of time to cause death.
Izayoi Sakamaki : There need to be 130 deaths in a limited
amount of time around June 26th, 1284
Izayoi Sakamaki : for the tale of the Pied Piper of Hamelin to stand true. (0:15:37.30)
You Kasukabe : Don't you just have to defeat Pest, then? (0:15:40.89)
Izayoi Sakamaki : That would clash with the other condition of victory, "defeat of the Game Master." (0:15:44.59)
Izayoi Sakamaki : We've already got part of that sentence deciphered, too... (0:15:49.87)
Izayoi Sakamaki : "Break the false lore and present the truth." (0:15:53.98)
Izayoi Sakamaki : The only breakable and presentable
thing is the stained glass in Hamelin.
You Kasukabe : Stained glass? (0:16:04.77)
Izayoi Sakamaki : I guess you didn't see them. (0:16:06.69)
Izayoi Sakamaki : They were placed all over the exhibit. (0:16:08.48)
You Kasukabe : Oh, I saw those. (0:16:11.49)
Izayoi Sakamaki : The problem is that there are over a hundred of those. (0:16:13.49)
Izayoi Sakamaki : It'd be a pain to break and present all of them. (0:16:17.45)
Izayoi Sakamaki : What? (0:16:23.85)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Don't laugh at someone who's taking care of you. (0:16:24.83)
You Kasukabe : Sorry. (0:16:27.21)
Izayoi Sakamaki : I just didn't expect you to act like that. (0:16:28.25)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Even in the worst case, I'll come
back with the Demon Lord's head.
You Kasukabe : Oh, how's Shiroyasha? (0:16:36.43)
Izayoi Sakamaki : She's still bound to that balcony. (0:16:38.85)
You Kasukabe : I wonder how they bound her. (0:16:42.14)
You Kasukabe : Is there anything on the plaque
that even hints at a binding spell?
Izayoi Sakamaki : Of course not. (0:16:48.22)
Izayoi Sakamaki : The Yasha are gods. (0:16:49.44)
Izayoi Sakamaki : They brought her spiritual
rank down by practicing Buddhism
Izayoi Sakamaki : in order to seal her true powers
as the spirit of the midnight sun.
You Kasukabe : Her true powers? (0:16:57.94)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Yeah. (0:16:59.41)
Izayoi Sakamaki : It seems that Shiroyasha has control over Little Garden's sun. (0:17:00.70)
Izayoi Sakamaki : She possesses the solar element (0:17:05.18)
Izayoi Sakamaki : as well as the duty to regulate the motion of the- (0:17:07.13)
Jin Russell : The most catastrophic epidemic in human history that occurred before the Little Ice Age of the 14th century. (0:17:11.84)
Izayoi Sakamaki : The black plague occurred because the sun's activity put the earth in a Little Ice Age... (0:17:18.05)
You Kasukabe : Izayoi? (0:17:24.36)
Izayoi Sakamaki : That's it! (0:17:25.22)
Izayoi Sakamaki : That's how they bound Shiroyasha! (0:17:26.20)
Izayoi Sakamaki : If that's it... (0:17:29.39)
Izayoi Sakamaki : They could have been the Pied Piper of Hamelin in the story, (0:17:31.86)
Izayoi Sakamaki : but not the real Pied Piper! (0:17:35.00)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Nice one, Kasukabe! (0:17:38.70)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Just you wait till I come back! (0:17:40.16)
You Kasukabe : Okay. (0:17:46.37)
You Kasukabe : Good luck. (0:17:47.29)
Black Percher : Resume the Game. (0:18:04.14)
Jin Russell : All pieces of stained glass depicting a piper controlling rats are the "false lore!" (0:18:08.29)
Jin Russell : Destroy them on sight! (0:18:12.64)
Ratten : Oh? (0:18:16.90)
Ratten : It looks like they've figured our riddle out. (0:18:17.95)
Black Percher : That's fine. (0:18:22.49)
Black Percher : We'll just kill them if it comes to that. (0:18:23.95)
Black Percher : That's why we gave Weser his divinity. (0:18:27.29)
Ratten : Why him? (0:18:31.38)
Black Percher : Well... (0:18:34.88)
Black Percher : now that they've figured it out, (0:18:35.80)
Black Percher : there's no reason to take our time. (0:18:37.76)
Black Percher : Grimoire of Hamelin: Activate. (0:18:40.55)
EXTRA : W-What the- (0:18:53.07)
Mandra : W-What's going on?! (0:19:04.87)
Jin Russell : They summoned the city of Hamelin?! (0:19:09.21)
Mandra : What?! (0:19:11.33)
EXTRA : We can't find the stained glass anymore! (0:19:12.85)
Jin Russell : Calm down! (0:19:18.34)
Jin Russell : Look for any churches first. (0:19:20.05)
Jin Russell : If this really is Hamelin, (0:19:22.43)
Jin Russell : the stained glass should be hidden in a specific place! (0:19:24.14)
Mandra : All right. (0:19:27.22)
Mandra : Everybody! (0:19:28.06)
Mandra : Look for churches! (0:19:28.92)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Terraforming, huh? (0:19:32.39)
Izayoi Sakamaki : This is getting exciting! (0:19:34.85)
Weser : Let's have some fun, then! (0:19:36.82)
Izayoi Sakamaki : You... (0:19:42.03)
Weser : Payback time! (0:19:43.28)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Not bad, Weser. (0:19:52.29)
Izayoi Sakamaki : You've gotten a bit tougher, haven't you? (0:19:54.84)
Weser : Of course. (0:19:57.71)
Weser : I've gained divinity now. (0:19:59.20)
Weser : My power's doubled now that I'm in my hometown. (0:20:01.68)
Weser : You won't get away this time! (0:20:05.04)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Right back at you! (0:20:07.22)
Black Rabbit : Sandra-sama, (0:20:15.69)
Black Rabbit : let's flank her from both sides. (0:20:17.44)
Sandora Dortlake : All right! (0:20:19.08)
Black Percher : Do you two never learn? (0:20:30.23)
Black Percher : Can't you tell that you aren't accomplishing anything? (0:20:34.54)
EXTRA : I found one! (0:20:40.80)
EXTRA : There are no rats on this one! (0:20:41.76)
Jin Russell : Please keep it safe! (0:20:44.09)
Jin Russell : We'll take the real stained glass while
the other Demon Lords are busy with-
Ratten : Hold it right there! (0:20:50.77)
Leticia Draculair : There you are, rat-user! (0:20:55.10)
Ratten : I'm not the only one. (0:20:57.36)
Jin Russell : That many Sturms?! (0:21:02.90)
Leticia Draculair : Go, Jin. (0:21:05.03)
Jin Russell : But- (0:21:06.20)
Leticia Draculair : Now! (0:21:07.03)
Jin Russell : Let's go, everybody. (0:21:10.04)
Ratten : Not so fast. (0:21:12.04)
Leticia Draculair : Killing these men would be friendly fire! (0:21:19.25)
Jin Russell : There were more?! (0:21:25.59)
Leticia Draculair : Jin! (0:21:28.80)
Ratten : That's... (0:21:36.10)
Lili : Look, Jin-kun! (0:21:41.90)
Jin Russell : Asuka-san?! (0:21:51.45)
Izayoi Sakamaki : This is getting exciting! (0:23:26.63)
Izayoi Sakamaki : I don't want it to end! (0:23:28.26)
Black Rabbit : It's our final battle with the Demon Lords! (0:23:30.34)
Black Rabbit : We must- (0:23:31.84)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Wait. (0:23:32.44)
Izayoi Sakamaki : My betrayal might be a good plot twist! (0:23:33.30)
Black Rabbit : Oh, you problem child! (0:23:36.51)

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