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Akatsuki Ousawa : Morning. (0:00:09.78)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Hey, now... (0:00:26.01)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Hold on, will you? (0:00:30.73)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Hey! (0:00:32.17)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Guess I shouldn't be surprised. (0:00:38.75)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Not after what I did... (0:00:41.21)
Kenya Onizuka : Yo, Tanaka! (0:00:56.15)
EXTRA : Huh? (0:00:58.03)
Kenya Onizuka : How nice of you to stand in line for me! (0:00:58.74)
EXTRA : Huh? No, I'm... (0:01:03.83)
Kenya Onizuka : Got a problem?! (0:01:11.92)
Kenya Onizuka : Do ya?! (0:01:13.22)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Yo, Onizuka! (0:01:17.43)
Akatsuki Ousawa : How nice of you to stand in line for me. (0:01:19.60)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Tanaka! (0:01:35.15)
EXTRA : Thanks. (0:01:39.05)
Akatsuki Ousawa : No prob. (0:01:40.03)
EXTRA : Whoa... (0:01:42.32)
EXTRA : Onizuka's reign is over! (0:01:43.18)
EXTRA : So that's Ousawa Akatsuki... (0:01:45.12)
Kenya Onizuka : Ousawa...! (0:01:49.39)
Chikage Izumi : Shrimp dumpling! Mine!{} (0:03:29.87)
EXTRA : That's mean! (0:03:33.23)
Chikage Izumi : Yum, yum! (0:03:35.79)
Miu Ousawa : Umm... (0:03:37.81)
Miu Ousawa : Where's the prez? (0:03:40.21)
Chikage Izumi : Oh, seems like they called for her. (0:03:41.61)
Chikage Izumi : I hear it's about a certain someone who's been terrorizing our class lately. (0:03:44.24)
Chikage Izumi : Everything from beating up
Onizuka and smashing down doors
Chikage Izumi : to swiping the vice president's underwear (0:03:51.26)
Chikage Izumi : and dragging girls into the gym storage room. (0:03:54.00)
Chikage Izumi : I'd say that really calls our class president's managerial skills into question. (0:03:57.55)
Miu Ousawa : I-I think that last one was you , actually... (0:04:02.01)
Chikage Izumi : Does it worry you? (0:04:12.27)
Miu Ousawa : Huh? (0:04:13.95)
Chikage Izumi : The fact that the student council is watching your brother. (0:04:15.27)
Miu Ousawa : I-I'm not really sure! (0:04:21.03)
Miu Ousawa : It might be because of my amnesia,
but I still don't see him as my brother!
Chikage Izumi : Oh... (0:04:26.95)
Chikage Izumi : Well, there's no need to rush. (0:04:28.60)
Chikage Izumi : Maybe it's better if you remember things little by little, over time. (0:04:31.16)
Chikage Izumi : You know, about you and your brother. (0:04:36.13)
Miu Ousawa : Yeah! Think so too! (0:04:38.42)
Miu Ousawa : Oh! Prez! (0:04:46.63)
Chikage Izumi : So, what did they want? (0:04:51.27)
Kuzuha Doumoto : It's none of your concern. (0:04:55.75)
Chikage Izumi : Oh, really? (0:04:58.61)
Miu Ousawa : Prez! If there's anything at all we can do...! (0:05:00.32)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Izumi. (0:05:06.19)
Kuzuha Doumoto : It's against school regulations to add accessories to your bag. (0:05:08.45)
Miu Ousawa : Oh! I-I gave that doll to her as a present! (0:05:12.04)
Miu Ousawa : So it's my fault... (0:05:16.28)
Chikage Izumi : Incidentally, it sounds like Miu made one for you too, Prez. (0:05:19.17)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Well, it's the thought that counts. (0:05:28.49)
Chikage Izumi : Don't take it personally.
That's just the kind of girl she is.
Akatsuki Ousawa : Now, then. What to do? (0:05:44.15)
Kuzuha Doumoto : One day, I found myself cast into an unfamiliar world, all alone. (0:05:47.85)
Kuzuha Doumoto : When I finally returned, I was forcibly thrown into a class of older students. (0:05:53.33)
Kuzuha Doumoto : This isn't where I belong. (0:06:00.15)
Kuzuha Doumoto : In which case, their "threat" might not be such a bad idea. (0:06:03.06)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Sorry. (0:06:11.53)
Akatsuki Ousawa : So, what do you wanna know? (0:06:23.67)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Huh? (0:06:25.82)
Akatsuki Ousawa : I've caused you all this trouble, y'know? (0:06:27.32)
Akatsuki Ousawa : So ask me anything you want. (0:06:29.94)
Akatsuki Ousawa : I'll tell you everything , (0:06:32.91)
Akatsuki Ousawa : from my favorite type to my preferred three sizes. (0:06:34.74)
Akatsuki Ousawa : I assume the guys on the student council ordered you (0:06:40.25)
Akatsuki Ousawa : to report any info on me at all, no matter how trivial, right? (0:06:43.84)
Kuzuha Doumoto : You're frightening. Does anything escape you? (0:06:50.25)
Kuzuha Doumoto : I'm to deliver a report every morning. (0:06:56.61)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Should I miss a single one, I'll be sent back to elementary school. (0:06:59.10)
Akatsuki Ousawa : So? (0:07:04.23)
Kuzuha Doumoto : To be honest, I don't think I'd mind that. (0:07:06.07)
Chikage Izumi : Don't take it personally. That's the kind of girl she is. (0:07:09.99)
Kuzuha Doumoto : No matter how much I study,
it won't make me an adult.
Kuzuha Doumoto : In the end, I'm still just a child. (0:07:19.77)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Goodbye. (0:07:27.15)
Akatsuki Ousawa : I'll help you with those reports of yours. (0:07:30.41)
Miu Ousawa : Thanks for walking home with me. (0:07:34.80)
Chikage Izumi : Now you're talking! But we can't do it right in the middle of town. (0:07:44.57)
Chikage Izumi : Let's find somewhere quiet and— (0:07:48.82)
Miu Ousawa : What are you talking about? Look over there! (0:07:50.58)
Miu Ousawa : What are those two doing together? (0:07:57.70)
Chikage Izumi : Hmm... (0:08:01.46)
Chikage Izumi : Ousawa just took her hand... (0:08:02.83)
Chikage Izumi : ...and went inside! (0:08:05.20)
Miu Ousawa : Manga Café Wai-Wai... (0:08:08.17)
Miu Ousawa : "Couples' rooms, complete with showers..." (0:08:10.21)
Chikage Izumi : Wanna go in? (0:08:13.76)
Miu Ousawa : Of course I do! (0:08:14.89)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Knock it off before I get angry. (0:08:17.79)
Kuzuha Doumoto : What were you thinking, dragging me to a seedy manga café like this? (0:08:21.48)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Let go. I'm going home. (0:08:24.60)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Geez. You're bothering the other customers, you know. (0:08:27.47)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Wh-What are you going to do? (0:08:54.55)
Akatsuki Ousawa : I'm gonna make you into an adult. (0:09:02.13)
Chikage Izumi : Well? Can you hear anything? (0:09:16.41)
Miu Ousawa : No, nothing at all. What do we do now? (0:09:18.91)
Chikage Izumi : You'll disturb the other customers if you shout too loud! (0:09:25.65)
Miu Ousawa : Wait... Stop! Quit it! (0:09:29.54)
Chikage Izumi : This was your idea, you know. (0:09:33.55)
Miu Ousawa : Don't worry. I'll be gentle. (0:09:36.59)
Kuzuha Doumoto : I-I didn't mean "adult" in that sense. (0:09:41.57)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Then what do you mean? (0:09:46.63)
Kuzuha Doumoto : W-Well, you know... (0:09:48.31)
Kuzuha Doumoto : S-Someone tactful, who understands how others are feeling... (0:09:52.02)
Kuzuha Doumoto : That's what an adult is! (0:09:56.41)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Then I'm still a kid too, (0:09:58.06)
Akatsuki Ousawa : seeing as I'm about to do this even though you're clearly against it. (0:10:00.04)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Tact and sensitivity make you an adult? That's crazy. (0:10:06.47)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Why try to read between the lines when there's nothing even written there? (0:10:10.12)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Instead, you need to smile more. Get angry more. Cry more. (0:10:13.21)
Akatsuki Ousawa : If you do that, you'll start to feel more at home in Class B. (0:10:17.14)
Miu Ousawa : Stop! This isn't why I— (0:10:24.97)
Chikage Izumi : C'mon, we're just getting to know
each other better as friends!
Chikage Izumi : Whoa! Super-soft! (0:10:30.44)
Miu Ousawa : Stop it! (0:10:31.92)
Kuzuha Doumoto : You can cry and shout in here too, if you want. (0:10:34.01)
Akatsuki Ousawa : What do you say? (0:10:36.78)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Hmm. For now... (0:10:41.05)
Kuzuha Doumoto : I think I'll smile. (0:10:44.26)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Thanks, Ousawa. (0:10:50.27)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Write whatever you want in today's report. (0:10:52.43)
Akatsuki Ousawa : You can even make me out to be a real asshole, if you want. (0:10:55.44)
Miu Ousawa : Chikage! You pervert! You creep! (0:11:00.27)
Chikage Izumi : I-I was just joking around! Honest! (0:11:02.58)
Akatsuki Ousawa : What are you two doing? (0:11:04.97)
Chikage Izumi : Just a bit of fun between friends. (0:11:07.83)
Chikage Izumi : But what were you guys doing?! (0:11:09.94)
Miu Ousawa : Are you okay, Prez?! (0:11:12.23)
Miu Ousawa : This brute didn't do anything improper, did he?! (0:11:14.08)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Not really. (0:11:17.14)
Kuzuha Doumoto : He pushed my buttons and temporarily immobilized me, that's all. (0:11:18.46)
Chikage Izumi : Again?! (0:11:21.76)
Chikage Izumi : You perverted button-pusher! (0:11:24.74)
Chikage Izumi : You perv! (0:11:26.18)
Akatsuki Ousawa : I'm innocent! (0:11:27.16)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Maybe if it wasn't all at once like this... (0:11:28.16)
Haruka Nanase : She's late! After we made it so very clear (0:11:35.81)
Haruka Nanase : to the Class B president that she needs to submit reports before class! (0:11:38.34)
Ryouhei Uesaki : You really oughta chill out. (0:11:43.83)
Minami Aihara : Please calm down. (0:11:46.32)
Haruka Nanase : All right, we can decide on her punishment another time! (0:11:48.08)
Haruka Nanase : But what about Ousawa Akatsuki? (0:11:51.02)
Haruka Nanase : We cannot afford to let that brute continually lord over us! (0:11:52.92)
Minami Aihara : Haruka, you're getting too worked up. (0:11:58.81)
Ryouhei Uesaki : So what if he saw your panties? (0:12:01.14)
Haruka Nanase : He didn't just "see" them, he stripped— (0:12:03.28)
Haruka Nanase : In any case, (0:12:05.88)
Haruka Nanase : I'm placing the Disciplinary Committee directly in charge of investigating Ousawa Akatsuki's— (0:12:07.10)
Haruka Nanase : Sir! (0:12:15.29)
Haruka Nanase : We need to discuss Ousawa Akatsuki's— (0:12:16.62)
Kyouya Hikami : I will personally handle all issues relating to Ousawa. (0:12:20.47)
Kyouya Hikami : Any objections? (0:12:25.42)
Miu Ousawa : Wow! I did it! (0:13:02.81)
EXTRA : That's an "Arms Device", or "A.D." for short. (0:13:03.88)
EXTRA : When equipped, it'll create the most suitable weapon for you (0:13:07.81)
EXTRA : based on your skills and attributes. (0:13:10.82)
EXTRA : Incidentally, the weapon it produces (0:13:14.05)
EXTRA : will last until you want it to disappear or lose consciousness. (0:13:15.74)
Miu Ousawa : Let's see... (0:13:20.03)
Miu Ousawa : Oh, it works! (0:13:23.67)
EXTRA : Now then. How about you? (0:13:25.54)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Hmm. No good. (0:13:27.53)
EXTRA : Have you tried imagining it? (0:13:30.06)
EXTRA : It works basically the same way as using magic. (0:13:32.45)
Akatsuki Ousawa : That doesn't help much. I can't use magic. (0:13:35.20)
EXTRA : You're unorthodox in every way, aren't you? (0:13:41.03)
EXTRA : You will now split into two teams and commence your combat training. (0:13:45.97)
EXTRA : Those who wish to fight in groups,
form a party of two or more members
EXTRA : and move to Stadium #1. (0:13:53.94)
EXTRA : Those of you who'd rather fight solo, find an opponent and stay here. (0:13:55.94)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Oh! (0:14:02.47)
Chikage Izumi : Okay, the three of us can be— (0:14:03.90)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Hey! Let me in on this! (0:14:05.80)
Miu Ousawa : Hmph! (0:14:09.01)
Chikage Izumi : Hmph! (0:14:09.01)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Hmph! (0:14:09.01)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Okay then. (0:14:17.21)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Onizuka-kun! (0:14:18.42)
Kenya Onizuka : O-Ousawa?! (0:14:20.92)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Wanna lock horns? (0:14:23.00)
Kenya Onizuka : Get real! Why would I partner with you ?! (0:14:24.30)
Akatsuki Ousawa : I'll kill you if you don't. (0:14:28.85)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Just kidding! (0:14:32.99)
Akatsuki Ousawa : I still can't even use an A.D., (0:14:34.96)
Akatsuki Ousawa : so I'm stuck using this imitation sword they lent me (0:14:37.60)
Akatsuki Ousawa : and I can't use a lick of magic. (0:14:40.64)
Kenya Onizuka : R-Really?! (0:14:43.16)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Yep. (0:14:44.54)
Kenya Onizuka : All right. (0:14:48.57)
EXTRA : You'll be going up against the Cockatrice this time. (0:14:51.67)
EXTRA : Not Cocka-chan again! (0:14:54.96)
EXTRA : I'm seriously sick of fighting that thing! (0:14:56.98)
Miu Ousawa : Is it that weak of a monster? (0:14:59.82)
Chikage Izumi : Well, its most dangerous ability,
petrification, is turned off and all.
Chikage Izumi : Just watch out for its beak and talon attacks, and you'll be fine. (0:15:05.98)
Kuzuha Doumoto : There's already an established strategy for defeating it. (0:15:10.26)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Mage types use ranged attacks, while fighter types (0:15:12.98)
Kuzuha Doumoto : use hit-and-run tactics whenever there's an opening. (0:15:15.84)
EXTRA : The mock combat program will now begin! (0:15:19.83)
EXTRA : Next! Ousawa and Onizuka! (0:15:26.75)
Kenya Onizuka : I thought for sure he was going to take on the Cockatrice with those three girls... (0:15:37.93)
Kenya Onizuka : Well, whatever. I don't need that birdbrain anyway. (0:15:44.87)
Kenya Onizuka : I'll take care of Ousawa myself! (0:15:48.28)
EXTRA : As explained before, any physical damage caused by an A.D. or magic (0:15:51.23)
EXTRA : will be converted by the barrier field into mental damage instead. (0:15:54.62)
EXTRA : At worst, you'll just pass out. (0:15:58.10)
EXTRA : So rest easy and fight with all your might! (0:16:00.06)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Got it! (0:16:02.73)
EXTRA : Let the match begin! (0:16:04.73)
Kenya Onizuka : Got him! I got him good! (0:16:12.25)
EXTRA : So you started a spell before the match (0:16:15.07)
EXTRA : and used it to launch a surprise attack right off the bat. (0:16:17.52)
Kenya Onizuka : Winning is all that matters! (0:16:20.93)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Not a bad idea, that surprise attack. (0:16:24.41)
Akatsuki Ousawa : But your timing was way too obvious. (0:16:29.97)
Akatsuki Ousawa : You done? (0:16:42.61)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Then it's my turn now! (0:16:43.94)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Hey, you okay? (0:16:59.11)
EXTRA : Doesn't look like it. He's passed out. (0:17:01.36)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Man... (0:17:06.31)
Akatsuki Ousawa : It's depressing that even he can get this to work while I'm the only one who can't. (0:17:08.95)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Maybe my A.D. is busted or something? (0:17:13.41)
Akatsuki Ousawa : What was that?! (0:17:25.02)
Chikage Izumi : What the... (0:17:27.59)
Chikage Izumi : I-It's way too strong! What level is it set to?! (0:17:31.07)
Chikage Izumi : What's going on? Sir?! (0:17:33.92)
EXTRA : I-I don't know! The emergency shutdown program won't activate! (0:17:35.53)
EXTRA : The system is going haywire! (0:17:39.14)
EXTRA : Someone must've messed with it! (0:17:41.54)
Kuzuha Doumoto : I'll buy us some time! (0:17:45.73)
Chikage Izumi : Take this! (0:18:01.91)
Chikage Izumi : You okay, Prez? (0:18:15.27)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Y-Yes. I'm fine now. (0:18:17.07)
Kuzuha Doumoto : You two should evacuate quickly. (0:18:19.70)
Chikage Izumi : Where's the glory in that? (0:18:21.52)
Kuzuha Doumoto : But if you stay, all three of us will be... (0:18:24.42)
Miu Ousawa : We won't leave you behind! We can't! (0:18:26.58)
Chikage Izumi : I'd rather face ten of those than the thought of having to owe you one. (0:18:30.53)
Kuzuha Doumoto : I want to be in this class... (0:18:40.39)
Kuzuha Doumoto : I want to be with these two... (0:18:43.59)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Izumi! Ousawa-san! (0:18:46.49)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Thank you! (0:18:49.43)
Chikage Izumi : Oh, she's smiling! (0:18:51.85)
Miu Ousawa : That's the first time I've ever seen you smile, Prez! (0:18:53.67)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Sir! Please take this opportunity to evacuate the others! (0:18:59.11)
EXTRA : Thank you! Everyone, evacuate to Stadium #2! (0:19:01.95)
Miu Ousawa : If the fight lasts much longer, we'll run out of magic and it'll overwhelm us! (0:19:09.45)
Chikage Izumi : Looks like we'll have to hit it with everything we've got. (0:19:12.70)
Chikage Izumi : Just say the word, Prez! (0:19:16.87)
Kuzuha Doumoto : Right! (0:19:19.00)
Chikage Izumi : Three! Two! (0:19:20.49)
Kuzuha Doumoto : One! Zero! (0:19:22.34)
Miu Ousawa : We did it! (0:19:28.06)
Chikage Izumi : No we didn't. (0:19:29.70)
Kuzuha Doumoto : It seems we've made a terrible mistake. (0:19:32.39)
Chikage Izumi : It's actually been absorbing our magic! (0:19:36.53)
Chikage Izumi : Look out! (0:19:45.74)
Miu Ousawa : Chikage-san?! Prez?! (0:19:50.63)
Miu Ousawa : Damage within the barrier field's supposed to cause unconsciousness at worst... (0:20:05.77)
Miu Ousawa : But somehow, this thing's turned everyone to stone. (0:20:10.81)
Miu Ousawa : If it smashes them, they're done for! (0:20:13.78)
Miu Ousawa : I won't let you! (0:20:17.19)
Miu Ousawa : I-I can still fight! (0:20:28.99)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Sorry to keep you waiting. (0:20:44.77)
Akatsuki Ousawa : You're safe now. (0:20:47.05)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Chew on this! (0:20:49.33)
Miu Ousawa : You did it! (0:20:54.60)
Miu Ousawa : H-Huh? (0:20:56.35)
Akatsuki Ousawa : You really pushed yourself to the limit. (0:20:59.43)
Akatsuki Ousawa : You did great. Now leave the rest to me. (0:21:01.40)
Miu Ousawa : It's no use! Neither direct attacks nor magic work on it! (0:21:05.00)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Then I guess it's time to go for broke with this! (0:21:11.93)
Akatsuki Ousawa : All right! (0:21:33.52)
Akatsuki Ousawa : Bring it on! (0:21:37.93)
Listy El Da Sherfied : After becoming a warrior of Alayzard, Akatsuki raced through battlefields, (0:23:12.13)
Listy El Da Sherfied : always fighting at the forefront, ahead of all the others. (0:23:19.79)
Listy El Da Sherfied : Seeing him lead the way gave everyone courage. (0:23:21.88)
Listy El Da Sherfied : He could convey many things without so much as a word. (0:23:24.48)
Listy El Da Sherfied : Or so we all came to realize. (0:23:27.75)
Listy El Da Sherfied : Next episode: "The Hero Fights Ahead". (0:23:31.22)
Listy El Da Sherfied : He's always been a bit of a pervert, but even he can get serious when he has to! (0:23:33.93)

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