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EXTRA : We won't let you fight the Eastern Federation! (0:00:01.94)
EXTRA : Do you think our lives are worthless? (0:00:04.28)
EXTRA : Come out, you stupid king! (0:00:05.31)
EXTRA : We know you're working
with the Federation!
Stephanie Dola : ...So... (0:00:12.77)
Stephanie Dola : What are we all here for? (0:00:13.87)
Sora : I told you after we
won yesterday, didn't I?
Sora : Demand two: (0:00:21.29)
Sora : You, elf. (0:00:22.76)
Sora : Fiel, I'm taking the right
to alter your memories.
Fil Nilvalen : ...Wha— (0:00:28.30)
Kurami Zell : You want us to spy for you, right? (0:00:29.51)
Stephanie Dola : ...Spy... (0:00:32.26)
Sora : The reason we bet Imanity's
Race Piece is that we knew you,
Sora : the spy working with Elven Garde,
would form contact with us.
Sora : And we beat you in the game. (0:00:41.59)
Kurami Zell : You thought that, by giving me
your memories during the game,
Kurami Zell : you could bring me to your side without
having to use the commandments, right?
Kurami Zell : However, while I
did agree to help you,
Kurami Zell : I didn't see anything in your memories that'd lead me
to believe you can beat the Eastern Federation.
Kurami Zell : Do you really think you can? (0:00:59.80)
Sora : We'll be fine. (0:01:01.20)
Sora : Anyway, I've brought you here
for a very important reason.
Sora : There's only one thing
we need to do now.
Sora : Something we need to do
in order to fight together.
Stephanie Dola : What is it? (0:01:15.22)
Kurami Zell : ...You mean... (0:01:18.77)
Sora : Introductions! (0:01:22.74)
Kurami Zell : Introductions? (0:02:57.69)
Kurami Zell : Why would we do that now? (0:02:59.34)
Kurami Zell : I'm Clammy Zell. (0:03:06.47)
Kurami Zell : It's nice to meet you. (0:03:08.08)
Stephanie Dola : Huh? (0:03:10.15)
Stephanie Dola : Is that all? (0:03:11.59)
Stephanie Dola : Don't you have anything else to say? (0:03:12.94)
Kurami Zell : Nope. (0:03:15.10)
Kurami Zell : That's not a problem, is it? (0:03:16.24)
Sora : She's eighteen years old, same as me.{don't think the well really makes sense here since he's not answering a question} (0:03:17.74)
Sora : 158 centimeters tall. (0:03:20.66)
Sora : ...Her three sizes, from the top, are... (0:03:22.64)
Kurami Zell : Hey! (0:03:23.37)
Kurami Zell : That's not fair! (0:03:24.60)
Sora : ...And she pads her bra. She's actually— (0:03:25.39)
Kurami Zell : F-Fine, fine! I'll do it
for real! Just stop it!
Kurami Zell : But I can't do that
without introducing Fi first.
Fil Nilvalen : Hello there! I'm Fiel Nilvalen! (0:03:36.38)
Fil Nilvalen : You're all free to call me Fi,
except for that demon over there.
Jibril : My, it seems you don't
like me very much at all.
Jibril : I wonder why. How mysterious. (0:03:49.04)
Fil Nilvalen : ...Because... (0:03:51.93)
Fil Nilvalen : When I think of
how many of my people
Fil Nilvalen : died in the attack by a certain
...Flugel during the great war...
Sora : Defendant Jibril, what is your plea? (0:04:04.09)
Jibril : I don't know what to say. (0:04:06.50)
Jibril : If you had only known your place and avoided
placing anti-flight wards above your cities,
Jibril : then I never would've
even noticed you.
Jibril : You got what you deserved. (0:04:16.56)
Jibril : Thanks to you, I fell from
the sky and bumped my head.
Jibril : I don't see how you could blame me
if I accidentally let you all die.
Sora : Judge! The defendant, Jibril, is guilty! (0:04:28.26)
Jibril : Why? (0:04:31.29)
Sora : Fi, since we'll be working together,
I don't want any hard feelings.
Sora : What does Jibril have to do
to earn your forgiveness?
Fil Nilvalen : That's a very difficult question. (0:04:39.59)
Kurami Zell : ...Fi... (0:04:42.66)
Kurami Zell : We need her power for Sora's plans. (0:04:44.26)
Kurami Zell : I ask you too. (0:04:47.97)
Fil Nilvalen : Fine. (0:04:50.81)
Fil Nilvalen : If you lick my feet and say,
"Please forgive me, O' great Fiel",
Fil Nilvalen : then I'll forgive you. (0:04:54.60)
Jibril : Excuse me? (0:04:57.19)
Jibril : You long-eared forest mongrels
are as cocky as can be, aren't you?
Shiro : Jibril. Guilty. (0:05:03.80)
Shiro : Punishment. (0:05:06.22)
Jibril : I... I really have to lick this animal's feet?! (0:05:08.61)
Shiro : Punishment! (0:05:11.35)
Jibril : I really don't want to,
...but if that's my masters' order...
Jibril : Please forgive me, O' great Fiel. (0:05:22.27)
Fil Nilvalen : Okay, I forgive you! (0:05:25.34)
Sora : That's all it took? (0:05:28.10)
Jibril : Ma-Master! (0:05:29.51)
Jibril : Licking this vulgar animal's feet and apologizing
has to be the ultimate humiliation!
Jibril : But why? (0:05:35.54)
Jibril : Why is it that, when I think that
I'm doing it because you ordered me to,
Jibril : I get so excited? (0:05:40.70)
Kurami Zell : Who is Blank, that they're
capable of doing this to a Flugel?
Jibril : Do you know what's behind
this shocking discovery?
Stephanie Dola : ...Um... (0:05:46.28)
Stephanie Dola : If we're talking about hard feelings,
then I have my share too.
Stephanie Dola : She used magic to
cheat and defeat me!
Sora : It's your fault for being deceived. (0:05:55.83)
Kurami Zell : Oh, he's just cold-blooded and uncaring. (0:05:59.19)
Kurami Zell : Fi is my childhood friend. (0:06:05.07)
Kurami Zell : More specifically, she's my master. (0:06:06.97)
Jibril : Elven Garde is a democracy, (0:06:10.75)
Jibril : but they maintain a hierarchy and
promote the binding of lower-ranked races.
Jibril : Basically, they have a slave system. (0:06:18.21)
Stephanie Dola : ...So Clammy is... (0:06:22.49)
Kurami Zell : Yes. (0:06:24.90)
Kurami Zell : We've been slaves of the
Nilvalen family for generations.
Kurami Zell : I was born and raised in Elven Garde. (0:06:29.96)
Kurami Zell : The Nilvalen family is one of
the most famous in Elven Garde
Kurami Zell : and has served in the
Upper Diet for generations.
Kurami Zell : But Fi was the only one treat me, a slave...
Fil Nilvalen : Do you want to eat together? (0:06:42.37)
Kurami Zell : Fi, don't be nice to me anymore. (0:06:43.86)
Kurami Zell : If you treat a slave me as a friend...
Kurami Zell : a friend....{or remove the addition to 120, since this said "like as a friend" before} (0:06:51.55)
Kurami Zell : Though she can't show
any signs of it on the surface.
Fil Nilvalen : I really don't like that! (0:06:58.48)
Kurami Zell : Since the last head of the
family passed away last year,
Kurami Zell : Fi is the de facto
leader of the family.
Kurami Zell : So, from society's perspective, (0:07:08.00)
Kurami Zell : our relationship has gotten
even more complicated.
Stephanie Dola : Wait, so Fiel, you're acting
as an Upper Diet member now?
Stephanie Dola : An Upper Diet member
...planning to free the slaves...
Stephanie Dola : Isn't that treason? (0:07:18.88)
Stephanie Dola : That's really surprising, isn't it? (0:07:21.63)
Sora : Yeah, it was. Steph, were you
really able to follow all that?
Stephanie Dola : That's what surprises you?! (0:07:27.25)
Stephanie Dola : Are you fine with this, Fiel? (0:07:30.07)
Stephanie Dola : Helping us could lead to
the destruction of Elven Garde.
Fil Nilvalen : I'm fine with anything so long
as Clammy doesn't get hurt.
Fil Nilvalen : I don't really care
about my family at all,
Fil Nilvalen : and I've even thought it would be faster if
the whole country would just up and vanish.
Stephanie Dola : You're surprisingly brutal. (0:07:54.83)
Fil Nilvalen : Clammy starts crying whenever
I take my eyes off of her,
Fil Nilvalen : so I want to stay by her side. (0:08:01.48)
Kurami Zell : I... I don't cry! I've never cried! (0:08:03.38)
Sora : Actually, when you
lost the battle for the crown,
Sora : you were bawling like a baby. (0:08:08.99)
Kurami Zell : No! That's not what happened! (0:08:11.30)
Fil Nilvalen : I knew it! (0:08:13.18)
Kurami Zell : I told you, I didn't cry! (0:08:14.72)
Kurami Zell : Just because you've
known me since I was a baby
Kurami Zell : doesn't mean you can
treat me like a kid forever!
Fil Nilvalen : Clammy tries to
push herself too hard.
Fil Nilvalen : There, there. (0:08:23.73)
Sora : She's more like a mom than a best friend. (0:08:25.16)
Kurami Zell : Leave me alone! (0:08:26.06)
Fil Nilvalen : There, there. (0:08:27.68)
Kurami Zell : Anyway! (0:08:32.05)
Kurami Zell : We need to focus on the
Eastern Federation now!
Kurami Zell : When their ruler,
the "Shrine Priestess", appeared,
Kurami Zell : they became the third-largest country
in the world in just fifty years.
Kurami Zell : Nobody knows how great
a threat they truly pose.
Kurami Zell : Not to mention that the Werebeasts
have an ability called Blood Destruction.
Kurami Zell : Do you have any sort
of plan to deal with that?
Sora : I'm thinking. (0:08:55.32)
Sora : If we're going to fight together,
we need teamwork.
Sora : Bonds. (0:08:59.84)
Sora : We need to get to
know each other better!
Sora : ...And to do that... (0:09:05.07)
Kurami Zell : I'm not taking a bath with you. (0:09:08.52)
Sora : How... How did you know? (0:09:11.73)
Kurami Zell : Did he forget that he
gave me all his memories?
Kurami Zell : Well, too bad. (0:09:19.38)
Fil Nilvalen : Clammy, it's important to get to know
the people we'll be fighting alongside.
Sora : That's right! (0:09:26.67)
Sora : In the world we came from, Japan, there was
a traditional ritual for getting to know each other,
Sora : ...and it was... (0:09:33.18)
Sora : hanging out while naked! (0:09:34.09)
Sora : I'm having you work with me because of
mutual trust, not because of the commandments.
Sora : My only hope is to resort
to traditional culture!
Kurami Zell : All you're relying on is worldly
desires and ulterior motives.
Sora : Jibril, explain to the girl. (0:09:46.10)
Jibril : Ahem. (0:09:49.06)
Jibril : The idea of associating while naked (0:09:49.98)
Jibril : dates back to the Japanese civil wars,
...when carrying weapons was—
Jibril : In other words, because both the
ancient Romans and modern Japanese
Jibril : shared this concept of a public bath, (0:09:59.04)
Jibril : it became a major hit
and a nationwide phenomenon.
Sora : So, do you understand now, Clammy? (0:10:06.16)
Kurami Zell : I... don't even know what
we're talking about anymore.
Fil Nilvalen : Very well, then. (0:10:11.44)
Fil Nilvalen : I'll refuse for you. (0:10:12.98)
Fil Nilvalen : This is what Clammy is trying to say. (0:10:16.06)
Kurami Zell : ...Uh, thank— (0:10:16.06b)
Fil Nilvalen : She doesn't want to take a bath with you
because she lacks confidence in her proportions.
Kurami Zell : That's not it! (0:10:22.14)
Fil Nilvalen : It's fine, Clammy. (0:10:23.72)
Fil Nilvalen : A woman's worth isn't
determined by her breasts!
Kurami Zell : Fine! (0:10:30.15)
Kurami Zell : I'll take a bath with you!
That's what you want, right?
Sora : Aw yiss! (0:10:33.64)
Stephanie Dola : Couldn't you make this
shampoo a bit easier to use?
Stephanie Dola : Clammy? (0:10:46.81)
Stephanie Dola : I didn't know you
had such a nice figure.
Kurami Zell : Well, I'm the type who
looks smaller with clothes on.
Jibril : Master, did you expect that? (0:10:53.15)
Sora : But of course. (0:10:56.26)
Sora : Fi, I mean, Fiel, (0:10:57.05)
Sora : is the magic you're using on
Clammy's breasts an illusion,
Sora : or did you actually alter them? (0:11:02.05)
Fil Nilvalen : Looks like he found out, Clammy. (0:11:05.51)
Fil Nilvalen : I think it's rude to use our magic like that
when we're supposed to be baring ourselves.
Fil Nilvalen : What sort of magic would you prefer? (0:11:12.91)
Sora : Glad you understand! (0:11:15.80)
Sora : Ahem. (0:11:17.11)
Sora : Can you turn me into a girl? (0:11:18.45)
Sora : That way, I can enjoy the
paradise spreading out behind me.
Fil Nilvalen : Of course I can! (0:11:24.74)
Sora : For real?! (0:11:26.33)
Fil Nilvalen : I won't be able to
turn you back, though.
Fil Nilvalen : Is that okay? (0:11:29.74)
Shiro : No. (0:11:32.89)
Shrine Priestess : They sure are a fun bunch. (0:11:33.98)
Shrine Priestess : It's fun to think that there are
still Imanity willing to challenge us.
Shrine Priestess : Isn't that right, Ino? (0:11:43.40)
Ino Hatsuse : Indeed. (0:11:45.02)
Shrine Priestess : But they're the only ones
who should have fun.
Shrine Priestess : You have but one job. (0:11:52.09)
Shrine Priestess : Do you understand, Izuna? (0:11:55.06)
Kurami Zell : Hey! (0:12:01.88)
Kurami Zell : We didn't even get
a chance to talk today.
Kurami Zell : Where did he disappear to? (0:12:06.56)
Kurami Zell : Sora! (0:12:11.20)
Kurami Zell : So this is your strategy to
defeat the Eastern Federation?
Kurami Zell : You're not taking this very seriously. (0:12:20.40)
Sora : Honestly, this is Shiro's area now. (0:12:21.78)
Sora : It's beyond me. (0:12:24.46)
Sora : I'm just helping. (0:12:25.72)
Sora : I've just been looking over
the footage from the bath earlier.
Kurami Zell : If you're expecting me to react like
Stephanie Dola, it's not happening!
Sora : I don't quite believe that when your face is
bright red and you're covering your breasts.
Sora : You're here to ask if we
can really win, aren't you?
Kurami Zell : Yes, I am. (0:12:44.41)
Kurami Zell : I've looked over your memories,
and all of your victories have been close calls.
Kurami Zell : And, like I said earlier, this time
you're fighting the Eastern Federation.
Kurami Zell : One misstep and you're doomed. (0:12:56.42)
Kurami Zell : I don't think you can win like this. (0:12:59.67)
Sora : So I just have to avoid misstepping. (0:13:02.38)
Kurami Zell : Can you really be sure you
won't make a single mistake?
Sora : No way. (0:13:09.59)
Sora : If it were just me,
I'd be sure to screw it up.
Sora : But Blank is different. (0:13:14.54)
Sora : If I make a mistake, Shiro is there. (0:13:18.15)
Sora : That's how Blank always wins. (0:13:20.86)
Fil Nilvalen : Don't you want to be
friends with me, Clammy?
Kurami Zell : That's not it, (0:13:28.78)
Kurami Zell : but if they find out about us
...and something bad happens to you...
Fil Nilvalen : You and I are different. (0:13:36.00)
Fil Nilvalen : If I make a mistake, you're there. (0:13:39.86)
Fil Nilvalen : And I want you to
be always by my side,
Fil Nilvalen : so I don't make a foolish mistake
and lose the person I care about.
Kurami Zell : ...Fi... (0:13:54.21)
Kurami Zell : Did you pull that line
from my memories?
Sora : Who knows. (0:14:02.77)
Kurami Zell : Anyway, I understand. (0:14:04.14)
Kurami Zell : The reason I think you can't win
is that I only have your memories.
Kurami Zell : You've found your wings, haven't you? (0:14:12.55)
Kurami Zell : Hey, Shiro. (0:14:16.53)
Kurami Zell : ...They say people can change... (0:14:17.74)
Sora : ...but is that really true?... (0:14:20.87)
Kurami Zell : Pretty embarrassing,
but I kind of like that thought.
Kurami Zell : There's no need to be ashamed. (0:14:27.88)
Sora : Shut up! (0:14:29.38)
Kurami Zell : It's hard to have
such a talented sister.
Kurami Zell : You've got your pride
to think of, big brother.{maybe also add onii-chan in comments if you intend to dual-track}
Sora : Get out of here, already! (0:14:37.89)
Sora : If you stay too long in Elkia,
they'll get suspicious!
Kurami Zell : Tomorrow's the day, isn't it? (0:14:42.24)
Kurami Zell : I'll believe in the
potential of humanity.
Sora : Of course you will. (0:14:49.03)
Sora : You're human too. (0:14:50.46)
EXTRA : Hey! (0:15:00.07)
EXTRA : He's coming out! (0:15:02.95)
EXTRA : You mad failure of a king! (0:15:05.17)
Stephanie Dola : You're insane, leaving
by the front gate like this!
Stephanie Dola : There's a riot happening! (0:15:16.78)
Sora : This didn't just happen. I started it. (0:15:18.91)
Stephanie Dola : What do you mean? (0:15:22.90)
Sora : Well, they made a path
for us, so let's get going.
Sora : We're heading for Izuna's house! (0:15:27.99)
Stephanie Dola : Why are you ignoring me? (0:15:32.66)
Ino Hatsuse : We've been waiting for you. (0:15:48.31)
Ino Hatsuse : Please wait here until the game begins. (0:15:51.23)
Sora : Make sure you let the audience in. (0:15:56.93)
Sora : All right, Shiro. (0:16:04.35)
Sora : How are you feeling? (0:16:05.36)
Shiro : All green! (0:16:06.72)
Sora : How about you, Jibril? (0:16:08.53)
Jibril : Flugel are the ultimate weapons. (0:16:09.84)
Jibril : How we feel has
nothing to do with it.
Jibril : I will give you my all
at a single word.
Stephanie Dola : My stomach hurts. (0:16:17.63)
Sora : By the way, Steph. (0:16:20.08)
Stephanie Dola : Yes? (0:16:21.06)
Sora : You remember that I still have one demand
left after our bet in that last game, right?
Stephanie Dola : Huh? (0:16:27.68)
Sora : Jibril, can you keep the Werebeasts
from hearing what goes on in here?
Jibril : Yes. (0:16:32.88)
Jibril : I'm able to cover you and Dola in spirits
to keep the sound from getting out.
Sora : Okay, Steph. I'm going to
put a special spell on you.
Stephanie Dola : I've got a bad feeling about this. (0:16:46.19)
Ino Hatsuse : Players, please sit here. (0:17:02.01)
Ino Hatsuse : I will now confirm
the terms of the game.
Ino Hatsuse : The Eastern Federation wagers
everything it owns on the Lucia continent.
Ino Hatsuse : The kingdom of Elkia
wagers its Race Piece.
Ino Hatsuse : In other words, all the rights
of the Imanity, their territory,
Ino Hatsuse : and everything they possess is on the line
in a game designated by the Eastern Federation
Ino Hatsuse : between the representative
of the Eastern Federation
Ino Hatsuse : and the two rulers of Elkia,
joined by their two attendants.
Ino Hatsuse : The game will be conducted
with these five players, one vs. four.
Ino Hatsuse : And as always, if the Federation wins,
all memories of the game itself are to be forgotten.
Ino Hatsuse : This includes all players and
all the Imanity viewing the game.
Ino Hatsuse : Now, the rules will be
explained once the game begins.
Ino Hatsuse : So if you decide to decline
after hearing the rules,
Ino Hatsuse : your memories of the game will be taken,
but the contest will be voided.
Ino Hatsuse : Are you sure this is okay with you? (0:18:12.57)
Sora : Sure, no problem. (0:18:15.03)
Sora : But there are two things
I want to make clear.
Sora : Firstly, if we do decide to drop out, then the
only memories we lose are of today's game.
Sora : If your plan was to
give us an impossible game
Sora : to make us drop out and then rob us
of all our memories, give it up now.
Sora : And secondly, if we catch you cheating during
the game, it's grounds for an immediate loss.
Sora : That's a major premise
of the ten commandments,
Sora : and as long as you don't forget it,
we'll have no problems.
Ino Hatsuse : I'll take that as an agreement and
ask you to swear by said commandments.
Stephanie Dola : Aschente! (0:18:47.11)
Sora : Aschente! (0:18:47.11)
Shiro : Aschente! (0:18:47.11)
Jibril : Aschente! (0:18:47.11)
Izuna Hatsuse : Aschente, please. (0:18:49.41)
Sora : Let's do this, Izuna. (0:18:57.18)
Izuna Hatsuse : I won't lose. (0:19:09.21)
Sora : Hey, Izuna. (0:19:12.37)
Izuna Hatsuse : What, please? (0:19:14.42)
Sora : When was the last time
you thought a game was fun?
Ino Hatsuse : Are you all ready? (0:19:21.43)
Sora : Okay, Shiro. (0:19:24.53)
Sora : Don't let go of my hand. (0:19:25.84)
Shiro : You too, Bro. (0:19:27.18)
Sora : Let's begin the game. (0:19:29.33)
Ino Hatsuse : ... I sense magic... (0:19:42.81)
Ino Hatsuse : Clammy Zell? (0:19:46.51)
Ino Hatsuse : What's she doing here? (0:19:47.98)
Ino Hatsuse : ... And... (0:19:50.71)
Fil Nilvalen : You're trying to act
like you didn't notice,
Fil Nilvalen : but your ears moved
when you sensed my magic.
Kurami Zell : Fi, it doesn't look like we can
interfere with the game from here.
Fil Nilvalen : I know that. (0:20:03.05)
Fil Nilvalen : What's important is the
fact that we're watching.
Kurami Zell : This means the Eastern Federation
can't use any obvious cheats.
Kurami Zell : Let's see what you can do, (0:20:13.64)
Kurami Zell : Sora. (0:20:15.86)
Ino Hatsuse : He's sharing information with the elves? (0:20:17.90)
Ino Hatsuse : Just how cautious is he? (0:20:21.06)
Ino Hatsuse : But even so, we Werebeasts
can't possibly lose at this game.
Stephanie Dola : Are we really okay? (0:20:35.82)
Stephanie Dola : I don't think we can win this. (0:20:37.94)
Sora : Steph, it's the same as the
answer to your earlier question.
Sora : Why did I make the people riot? (0:20:43.23)
Stephanie Dola : Huh? (0:20:45.76)
Stephanie Dola : Why are you talking about this now? (0:20:46.64)
Sora : I don't need the trust of anyone
who's sure we can win.{i think the point here is more to emphasise that he does need to win over people who doubt him}
Sora : They're watching closely to
make sure we don't deliberately lose.
Sora : As a result, it's harder for the
Eastern Federation to use obvious cheats.
Sora : There's no more trusted observer
than someone who suspects you.
Jibril : That's impressive, Master! (0:21:08.21)
Sora : They'll try to use cheats
and Werebeast abilities
Sora : that we aren't expecting
so they can overcome our observers.
Sora : What determines our victory is how
...quickly we react to what we expected—
Sora : and to what we didn't expect—and
how we reflect that in our strategies.
Stephanie Dola : Wh-Where the heck are we? (0:21:33.21)
Jibril : It's an illusionary world that
I've never seen or heard of before.
Jibril : ...Master, where are— (0:21:41.09)
Jibril : What's wrong, Master? (0:21:45.23)
Sora : We're doomed. (0:21:47.98)
Sora : We can't do this. (0:21:50.47)
Sora : Sorry. Imanity's finished. (0:21:52.36)
Stephanie Dola : Wh-What do you mean? (0:21:54.54)
Stephanie Dola : After all that buildup? (0:21:56.16)
Sora : I'm sorry. I'm sorry. (0:21:59.32)
Sora : I didn't expect it
to be set in Tokyo.
Sora : I can't do anything here. (0:22:01.92)
Sora : It's our home,
but we're the away team.
Sora : We can't help you, so I'm sorry, (0:22:05.06)
Sora : but please handle this
yourselves. We can't do it.
Stephanie Dola : ...No way... (0:22:07.99)
Sora : No doubt in my mind!
I believe Shiro!

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