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Sora : We can't do this. (0:00:03.33)
Sora : Sorry. Imanity's finished. (0:00:05.38)
Stephanie Dola : Wh-What do you mean? (0:00:07.48)
Stephanie Dola : After all that buildup? (0:00:09.18)
Sora : I'm sorry. I'm sorry. (0:00:12.23)
Sora : I didn't expect it to be set in Tokyo. (0:00:13.60)
Sora : I can't do anything here. (0:00:15.06)
Sora : It's our home,
but we're the away team.
Sora : We can't help you, so I'm sorry, (0:00:18.06)
Jibril : Is this your world, Masters? (0:00:20.15)
Sora : but please handle this yourselves. (0:00:20.48)
Sora : We can't do it. (0:00:21.80)
Ino Hatsuse : You are incredibly popular. (0:00:28.79)
Ino Hatsuse : So popular that girls from
all around the world are after you.
Ino Hatsuse : But in your heart,
there is only one woman you love.
Ino Hatsuse : Nonetheless, if faced with too many
temptations, your love will waver.
Ino Hatsuse : Can you make it through
all the temptations
Ino Hatsuse : and convey your feelings
to the one you love?
Ino Hatsuse : Living or Dead Series Side Story: (0:01:05.85)
Ino Hatsuse : Love or Loved 2:
Hit Her With Your Bullet of Love!
EXTRA : Living or Dead Series Side Story: (0:01:45.45)
EXTRA : Love or Loved 2: (0:01:49.03)
EXTRA : Hit Her With Your Bullet of Love! (0:01:51.26)
Ino Hatsuse : Can you hear me? (0:02:02.11)
Ino Hatsuse : Welcome to the game world. (0:02:03.86)
Ino Hatsuse : This fictional field is where
our contest will take place.
Sora : Wait. (0:02:11.66)
Ino Hatsuse : Yes? (0:02:12.75)
Sora : Let me confirm something. (0:02:13.36)
Sora : This is a fictional place.
It doesn't really exist.
Sora : In other words, it's a virtual world
you invented for your game?
Ino Hatsuse : That's right. Why? (0:02:22.12)
Sora : Don't scare me like that! (0:02:25.54)
Sora : Damn it! (0:02:28.36)
Sora : That brought back
some deep-rooted trauma!
Sora : Don't make misleading stuff like that! (0:02:31.60)
Ino Hatsuse : Why are you so upset? (0:02:31.60b)
Sora : Damn you, old man! (0:02:33.68)
Ino Hatsuse : Do you have a problem with the level? (0:02:34.80)
Sora : Of course I do! Why the hell
would you use this place, of all things?
Sora : Is this psychological warfare?
You trying to screw with me?
Ino Hatsuse : This is a science fiction level very popular
among the youth of the Eastern Federation.
Ino Hatsuse : That is the only reason
it was chosen, but don't worry.
Ino Hatsuse : It's a game, so to an extent,
you will be safe.
Sora : That explains why
I can be out in the sun.
Sora : Shiro! Calm down! This isn't Tokyo! (0:03:02.70)
Sora : It only looks like it! It's just
some place they dreamed up!
Sora : That's right. This is a game, (0:03:09.75)
Sora : just like Pers*na,
or Stein's G*p!
Sora : As long as we're in a game, we're fine! (0:03:15.20)
Shiro : A game? (0:03:18.19)
Shiro : Okay. Got it. (0:03:24.43)
Sora : All right. We're fine now. (0:03:28.25)
Sora : Let's get started. (0:03:31.05)
Ino Hatsuse : Allow me to explain
the rules to you all, then.
Ino Hatsuse : First, please take note
of the box at your feet.
Ino Hatsuse : You'll use those guns to
shoot the NPCs who chase you.
Sora : We're shooting them? (0:03:51.20)
Ino Hatsuse : Through careful aiming (0:03:52.12)
Ino Hatsuse : and well-timed detonations, (0:03:53.71)
Ino Hatsuse : you'll make them
fall in love with you.
Sora : Isn't that G*l Gun? (0:03:57.24b)
Ino Hatsuse : The girls who fall in love with you will
give you their love power and disappear.
Ino Hatsuse : The ammo fired from the
love gun is your own love power!
Sora : So this is called the "love gun"? (0:04:09.14)
Shiro : Lame. (0:04:11.70)
Ino Hatsuse : However, if Izuna shoots one of you,
you'll become her love slave!
Shiro : I love Izuna! (0:04:17.11)
Sora : Can't you just say,
"you'll join her side"?
Ino Hatsuse : But even as girls from
all over the world look your way,
Ino Hatsuse : your one true love will not! (0:04:23.83)
Ino Hatsuse : Your goal is to reach her with your love power
and have her fall head-over-heels for you!
Ino Hatsuse : That concludes the explanation! (0:04:33.08)
Sora : So basically, I just have
to reject every girl I see?
Sora : Who do I think I am? (0:04:41.44)
Sora : In other words, Izuna wants a harem ending
with the four of us, but we're after her only.
Ino Hatsuse : That's correct. (0:04:49.54)
Ino Hatsuse : One last note: magic cannot be used
in the virtual world, so do be careful.
Ino Hatsuse : Well? (0:04:58.52)
Ino Hatsuse : Would you like a more detailed
explanation of the rules?
Sora : Nah. I'll figure them out as I play. (0:05:02.48)
Sora : Let's try this. (0:05:07.73)
Sora : Firing the love gun
depletes your love power.
Sora : Defeating NPCs restores your love power. (0:05:13.32)
Stephanie Dola : What is going on? This is too creepy! (0:05:19.11)
Sora : If an NPC touches you,
your love power depletes,
Sora : and if it runs out,
the NPCs will leave you alone.
Stephanie Dola : Huh? What's wrong? (0:05:26.26)
Sora : However, you'll no longer
be able to power the love gun,
Sora : which means you can't fight. (0:05:31.30)
Sora : So what happens if you
shoot an ally, old man?
Ino Hatsuse : You can restore love power
to an ally who has run out.
Ino Hatsuse : You can also save companions who
have been turned into Izuna's love slaves,
Ino Hatsuse : but the one shot temporarily becomes
...a love slave of the one who shot—
Jibril : Master! (0:05:52.85)
Sora : Oh, my sister! (0:05:55.58)
Sora : I had no idea such a cute, beautiful girl
was so close to me this whole time.
Sora : I wish I could gouge out
my eyes in shame.
Shiro : ...Bro, we can't. We're sibli— (0:06:06.70)
Shiro : Jibril! (0:06:11.60)
Shiro : I love you! (0:06:13.00)
Sora : Shiro? (0:06:14.04)
Sora : Are you rejecting your brother's love? (0:06:14.92)
Jibril : So this is the "love triangle" and "NTR"
I saw in my master's books!
Sora : Shiro! My beloved Shiro! (0:06:16.80)
Jibril : I don't even possess the emotion
of love, but somehow it excites me!
Shiro : Jibril, you'll be punished later. (0:06:26.47)
Jibril : Oh, forgive me, Shiro! (0:06:29.04)
Sora : I see. (0:06:29.59)
Sora : When you're a love slave, (0:06:31.17)
Jibril : I couldn't hold back my curiosity! (0:06:31.46)
Sora : you lose all ability to defend or control yourself. (0:06:32.84)
Stephanie Dola : I found you! (0:06:36.46)
Stephanie Dola : You all left me on my own again! (0:06:38.50)
Stephanie Dola : ...That's horribl— (0:06:41.24)
Stephanie Dola : Sora! My prince! (0:06:43.11)
Sora : Steph, do you understand
the rules so far?
Stephanie Dola : Love doesn't need rules! (0:06:47.02)
Stephanie Dola : Even if I don't know them, our love is eternal! (0:06:49.16)
Sora : Of course you don't. (0:06:49.89)
Sora : So put this here, and this here, (0:06:52.01)
Stephanie Dola : ...Oh, my... (0:06:52.01b)
Stephanie Dola : My heart is pounding! (0:06:54.39)
Sora : and then pull your index finger in. (0:06:54.90)
Stephanie Dola : ...Huh? What am I— (0:06:56.40)
Stephanie Dola : I'm so beau-ti-ful! (0:06:59.64)
Sora : I thought so. It bounces off of things. (0:07:02.58)
Stephanie Dola : I'll never let myself go! (0:07:02.58b)
Sora : That's the key, Shiro. (0:07:05.82)
Stephanie Dola : I'm so cute! (0:07:08.05)
Shiro : Leave it to me. (0:07:08.54)
Sora : Also, even though we're in a game, (0:07:10.81)
Sora : our stamina doesn't
change much from real life.
Sora : Keep your running to a minimum. (0:07:15.95)
Shiro : Yeah. (0:07:18.56)
Sora : Okay, (0:07:19.79)
Sora : let's go, you two! (0:07:21.57)
Kurami Zell : Looks like it's finally getting started. (0:07:28.33)
Kurami Zell : Can you see it, Fi? (0:07:32.11)
Fil Nilvalen : Yeah, I can. (0:07:34.34)
Fil Nilvalen : I'm borrowing your eyes, Clammy. (0:07:36.87)
Kurami Zell : The Werebeasts must hate this magic. (0:07:40.73)
Fil Nilvalen : It's hard to maintain this spell, (0:07:46.55)
Fil Nilvalen : but I'll do my best for you, Clammy! (0:07:50.87)
Kurami Zell : The Werebeasts' strength and speed are said
to push the limits of what's physically possible.
Kurami Zell : How can one fight
against such a fearsome race?
Kurami Zell : Show me, Sora. (0:08:09.33)
Sora : Hey, Izuna. (0:08:17.23)
Sora : When's the last time
you thought a game was fun?
Sora : Damn it! (0:08:41.95)
Sora : I knew it! (0:08:45.17)
Sora : That's what makes this game special! (0:08:47.00)
Sora : This is all the motivation I need! (0:08:49.38)
Sora : Target: NPC's cotton panties. (0:08:51.77)
Sora : Cotton max thickness: 1 millimeter. (0:08:54.70)
Sora : 12 o' clock. (0:08:56.12)
Sora : Distance: 20050. (0:08:56.96)
Sora : Firing angle: 93. (0:08:58.54)
Sora : 300 meters per second. (0:08:59.46)
Sora : Acceptable targeting error:
within 0.5 millimeters.
Sora : But I can do it! (0:09:03.58)
Sora : Fire! (0:09:05.19)
Sora : What? (0:09:09.40)
Sora : Damn it! (0:09:18.41)
Sora : I failed! (0:09:21.36)
Sora : Why?! (0:09:23.12)
Kurami Zell : This race is beyond saving. (0:09:24.50)
Kurami Zell : Fools, every last one of them. (0:09:26.32)
Izuna Hatsuse : Why the hell are you having fun? Please. (0:09:31.11)
Izuna Hatsuse : If you lose, many people will be unhappy, (0:09:34.17)
Izuna Hatsuse : so you have to win! (0:09:37.02)
Izuna Hatsuse : ... But if you win, your opponent... (0:09:39.24)
Sora : Yes! Bra destroyed! (0:09:40.72)
Sora : Hand bra for the win! (0:09:42.98)
Izuna Hatsuse : Of course I've never
thought it was fun. Please.
Izuna Hatsuse : ... These footsteps... (0:09:57.89)
Izuna Hatsuse : Is that Shiro? (0:10:03.53)
Izuna Hatsuse : She's coming this way. (0:10:08.77)
Izuna Hatsuse : Shiro, you're mine. (0:10:15.23)
Izuna Hatsuse : I missed! (0:10:30.60)
Izuna Hatsuse : That's impossible! (0:10:33.49)
Izuna Hatsuse : What?! (0:10:39.99)
Izuna Hatsuse : This can't be happening! (0:10:41.99)
Sora : I'm sure you're surprised
right now, Izuna.
Sora : We've played first-person shooters
against the best players in the world,
Sora : but I'm not the one
who holds all the records.
Sora : That would be Shiro. (0:11:00.53)
Shiro : Futile. (0:11:03.59)
Sora : Her terrifying powers of calculation
allow her to grasp her enemies' movements,
Sora : and her firing intervals
and dodges take into account
Sora : everything from her understanding of your
movement patterns to how fast you can fire,
Sora : almost verging on precognition. (0:11:19.86)
Sora : It feels like your bullets
are passing right through her,
Sora : and hers are tracking you
like guided missiles, right?
Izuna Hatsuse : This is insane! Please. (0:11:30.25)
Izuna Hatsuse : I have to run! Please. (0:11:37.37)
Jibril : Hi! (0:11:49.13)
Jibril : I'm so glad you could join us. (0:11:52.21)
Izuna Hatsuse : ...It's the Flugel... (0:11:55.89)
Izuna Hatsuse : Jibril! (0:11:57.91)
Izuna Hatsuse : A bomb to blind her. (0:12:00.03)
Jibril : Huh? (0:12:07.59)
Jibril : Oh, right! I can't fly! (0:12:08.66)
Kurami Zell : Jibril! (0:12:13.51)
Izuna Hatsuse : I can't dodge it! (0:12:32.06)
Jibril : Master! (0:12:50.77)
Jibril : My master, please come back to me! (0:12:52.04)
Shiro : I see. (0:12:58.77)
Shiro : She can use her clothes as a shield. (0:13:00.51)
EXTRA : What's going on? (0:13:06.43)
EXTRA : The king and queen are amazing! (0:13:06.83)
EXTRA : Imanity's winning! (0:13:08.11)
Kurami Zell : Did you see that, Fi? (0:13:10.21)
Fil Nilvalen : Indeed. I saw it through your eyes. (0:13:13.26)
Fil Nilvalen : Shiro's firing skills are amazing,
but that was even more impressive.
Kurami Zell : Yes. I can't believe she was able to sense
and dodge Sora's shot before it was even fired,
Kurami Zell : when he was so far away
and completely silent.
Kurami Zell : ...That must be... (0:13:31.81)
Jibril : That must be the Werebeasts'
sixth sense, I suppose.
Sora : Don't be stupid. (0:13:37.42)
Sora : That's not a sixth sense. (0:13:38.98)
Sora : She straight-out saw the future. (0:13:41.32)
Jibril : ...So... (0:13:42.78)
Sora : Yeah, I'm sure of it. (0:13:43.83)
Fil Nilvalen : They must be cheating. (0:13:46.22)
Fil Nilvalen : This game is a scam! (0:13:49.05)
Kurami Zell : I see. A cheat you can't prove. (0:13:50.92)
Kurami Zell : If they say it's a sixth sense,
there's nothing you can do.
Ino Hatsuse : So they are familiar
with this kind of game.
Ino Hatsuse : More than we are, in fact. (0:14:01.58)
Ino Hatsuse : ... But... (0:14:05.07)
Ino Hatsuse : Izuna! (0:14:06.97)
Ino Hatsuse : They're in the corridor below you. (0:14:09.17)
Ino Hatsuse : Shiro is exhausted and can't move. (0:14:11.40)
Ino Hatsuse : Take them out now! (0:14:13.54)
Izuna Hatsuse : You don't need to tell me. Please. (0:14:15.82)
Ino Hatsuse : No matter what
little tricks they may have,
Ino Hatsuse : there's no way they can win. (0:14:22.83)
Sora : So now we're finally
on the defensive.
Sora : Jeez. (0:14:40.28)
Sora : I'm counting on you, Shiro. (0:14:41.22)
Sora : We weren't able to
finish this at the start,
Sora : so now we'll have to wing it. (0:14:44.16)
Sora : Wing it? (0:14:46.63)
Sora : We're trying to play a fair game against
cheaters who know the game inside and out?
Sora : ... That means... (0:14:53.80)
Stephanie Dola : Your luck just ran out, Sora! (0:14:56.95)
Stephanie Dola : I'm getting you back for all you've
done to me, and for my dear Izuna!
Stephanie Dola : You're so mean, Jibril! (0:15:05.67)
Stephanie Dola : Where did you go? You left me! (0:15:07.48)
Sora : It was a bad idea to bring her along. (0:15:08.17)
Stephanie Dola : I won't let you go anymore! (0:15:09.76)
Izuna Hatsuse : I'm smiling? (0:15:23.33)
Izuna Hatsuse : And my heart is pounding so loud. (0:15:26.55)
Sora : When's the last time
you thought a game was fun?
Izuna Hatsuse : Shut up! Please! (0:15:37.59)
Jibril : Shiro, what's our next strategy? (0:15:41.28)
Shiro : Jibril, shut up! (0:15:43.34)
Jibril : Master, maybe this really is impossible, (0:15:46.57)
Jibril : even for Shiro. (0:15:49.29)
Sora : No, she can do it. (0:15:50.90)
Sora : If there's something I can't
do in a game, Shiro can do it.
Sora : That's always been true,
and it always will be.
Shiro : ...Bro... (0:16:00.03)
Shiro : Do you believe in me? (0:16:02.67)
Sora : Has your brother ever doubted you? (0:16:08.11)
Shiro : ...Okay, Bro... (0:16:12.17)
Shiro : ...this time... (0:16:14.35)
Shiro : it's your turn, okay? (0:16:17.47)
Sora : What? (0:16:20.55)
Sora : ...No— (0:16:23.66)
Sora : Shiro! (0:16:31.19)
Sora : Shiro? (0:16:40.85)
Jibril : It's over, isn't it? (0:16:53.67)
Jibril : I don't understand why
Shiro protected you, Master.
Sora : Yeah. (0:17:01.79)
Sora : Well, I do, so don't worry. (0:17:02.99)
Sora : It's not that Shiro
couldn't find the answer.
Sora : That was the answer. (0:17:08.52)
Sora : It was blank. (0:17:11.31)
Sora : In other words, us. (0:17:12.98)
Sora : Everything, including Shiro's joining
the enemy's side, is Blank's power.
Sora : In other words, it's up to me to complete the magic
formula that will lead us to the promised victory.
Sora : That's right, isn't it, Shiro? (0:17:27.31)
Sora : Jibril. (0:17:30.59)
Sora : Fight Izuna to buy me time. (0:17:31.84)
Jibril : ...Th-That's fine, but... (0:17:34.99)
Jibril : You don't mind if
I just happen to beat her,
Jibril : do you? (0:17:42.15)
Sora : I might as well tell you. (0:17:44.50)
Sora : That's a death flag, right there. (0:17:46.68)
Jibril : What? (0:17:48.62)
Jibril : No need to hold anything back, then. (0:17:49.74)
Jibril : That makes this easier. (0:17:59.09)
Izuna Hatsuse : Where did she go? (0:18:04.89)
Jibril : Hello there, my sweet puppy. (0:18:11.25)
Jibril : I'm feeling a distinct sense of déjà vu. (0:18:14.17)
Jibril : The last time I challenged
the Eastern Federation and lost,
Jibril : were you perchance my opponent? (0:18:22.63)
Jibril : Master told me to buy time,
...but since we're both here...
Jibril : let's have some fun. (0:18:31.09)
Jibril : Throw every cheat you've got at me, (0:18:32.99)
Jibril : and embarrass yourself
to your heart's content.
Sora : No, damn it! (0:18:54.65)
Sora : Going to a different area
isn't going to help!
Sora : What the hell am I
supposed to do, Shiro?
Sora : I need to run to the roof. (0:19:11.91)
Sora : No, she'll be ready for that. (0:19:14.35)
Sora : Either way, she'll catch up to me soon. (0:19:16.78)
Sora : Wait. Something's not right. (0:19:20.85)
Sora : Why isn't Shiro running after me? (0:19:23.31)
Sora : If she were running, she'd have
any number of chances to defeat me.
Sora : Keep your running to a minimum. (0:19:32.55)
Shiro : Yeah. (0:19:35.04)
Sora : Wasn't I the one who told her that? (0:19:37.01)
Sora : If I get this wrong,
it's going to be rough.
Sora : ...But, well... (0:19:44.92)
Sora : Okay, Shiro. (0:19:55.95)
Sora : Your brother's just about had it. (0:19:57.80)
Sora : This is a tough game for a guy
who never leaves his room.
Sora : Your brother can't
make a mistake now!
Sora : ... Shiro, the one thing you'd never expect... (0:20:21.47)
Sora : You never thought I wouldn't
try to dodge at all, did you?
Shiro : I love you, Bro! (0:20:41.59)
Sora : I love you too. (0:20:43.98)
Ino Hatsuse : Now, Izuna! (0:20:46.97)
Izuna Hatsuse : That took way too damn long. Please. (0:20:50.56)
Sora : This is why you saved your strength
and didn't run, right, Shiro?
Shiro : I love you, Bro. (0:21:07.79)
Ino Hatsuse : ... Impossible... (0:21:09.87)
Ino Hatsuse : Sora just shot her.
How can she still fight?
Izuna Hatsuse : Her panties are gone! (0:21:17.05)
Ino Hatsuse : It can't be! (0:21:19.96)
Ino Hatsuse : Was it really only
her panties that got hit?!
Sora : You finally figured it out? (0:21:26.41)
Sora : Shiro was never on your side. (0:21:28.61)
Izuna Hatsuse : She let the shot hit her shirt button
and pretended to be under my control!
Izuna Hatsuse : They fooled me! (0:21:38.23)
Izuna Hatsuse : But that doesn't mean anything. (0:21:39.84)
Izuna Hatsuse : It'll take more than that! (0:21:43.28)
Sora : When's the last time
you thought a game was fun?
Izuna Hatsuse : This is fun! (0:22:04.87)
Sora : We're almost there! Give your power to Blank! (0:23:40.47)
EXTRA : Ready! (0:23:43.58)

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