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Shiro : I hate baths. (0:00:03.51)
Stephanie Dola : Wai— Shiro! (0:00:05.76)
Stephanie Dola : I can't wash you unless you sit still! (0:00:07.04)
Shiro : No! (0:00:07.54)
Sora : After all that's happened today, you kinda need it, Sis. (0:00:09.30)
Shiro : Don't wanna.
It makes my hair all stiff.
Jibril : Why don't you try this shampoo, then? (0:00:19.66)
Sora : Where did you come from, Jibril?! (0:00:24.35)
Jibril : This is the Flugel's special
Spiritwater Blend shampoo.
Jibril : It's guaranteed to give
your hair a soft, silky-smooth finish.
Jibril : So, as your slave, I would be more than
happy to wash your backs for you, Masters.
Jibril : The bodies of beings
from another world—
Sora : Stay away from her, Shiro! (0:00:42.78)
Sora : Her very existence is rated 18+! (0:00:43.60)
Shiro : Jibril, stay. (0:00:45.94)
Jibril : Huh? (0:00:48.89)
Shiro : You just sit there and watch, Jibril. (0:00:50.27)
Jibril : What?! (0:00:52.66)
Jibril : I can't see anything
through this steam! No fair!
Sora : She already has complete
dominance over Jibril.
Sora : You're amazing, Shiro. Just amazing. (0:00:59.95)
Stephanie Dola : I hate that I'm starting to get used to this. (0:01:02.98)
Stephanie Dola : Wh-What is this? (0:02:38.57)
Jibril : A kitchen I prepared for my masters. (0:02:41.11)
Jibril : Um... Stefan? (0:02:46.25)
Stephanie Dola : It's Steph! (0:02:47.56)
Stephanie Dola : Stephanie Dola! (0:02:48.40)
Jibril : I have no interest in any Imanity
other than my masters,
Jibril : so I'll call you Dola! (0:02:54.20)
Stephanie Dola : D-Dola? (0:02:55.73)
Jibril : I bear a message for you from my masters. (0:02:56.82)
Stephanie Dola : I'm Stephanie! I'm Stephanie! (0:02:56.82b)
Jibril : "There's plenty of sugar and butter here, (0:02:59.48)
Jibril : so make whatever you want", they say. (0:03:02.16)
Stephanie Dola : Really? (0:03:05.17)
Stephanie Dola : I could make all kinds
of sweets with these!
Stephanie Dola : Wait, so they're basically dropping
hints that I should cook for them?
Stephanie Dola : They're always taking advantage of me. (0:03:13.70)
Sora : If it weren't for you, we'd have lost. (0:03:16.63)
Sora : Thanks. (0:03:19.00)
Stephanie Dola : Please! You're making me blush! (0:03:20.01)
Jibril : I see. So this is how the
Imanity experience love.
Stephanie Dola : Love? (0:03:26.01)
Stephanie Dola : N-No, it's not! (0:03:27.89)
Jibril : You were ordered to
"fall in love", not "stay in love".
Jibril : So why do you still
seem to be affected?
Jibril : Every minute I spend around my masters,
I discover new things that interest me.
Fil Nilvalen : I'm back, Clammy. (0:03:48.07)
Fil Nilvalen : Would you like information? Food? (0:03:50.52)
Fil Nilvalen : Or... me? (0:03:53.40)
Kurami Zell : Clothes first, I think. (0:03:57.97)
Kurami Zell : These taste better than they used to. (0:04:02.77)
Fil Nilvalen : I heard that conditions began
to improve for the Imanity
Fil Nilvalen : once the late king's granddaughter began
to put the new king's policies into effect.
Kurami Zell : I see. (0:04:13.50)
Kurami Zell : Stephanie Dola did that, huh? (0:04:14.73)
Kurami Zell : A puppet of a puppet. (0:04:17.31)
Kurami Zell : She's as shameless as
her grandfather was foolish.
Fil Nilvalen : But you've been regretting
how mean you were to her,
Fil Nilvalen : and you've been secretly
practicing how you'll apologize.
Fil Nilvalen : That's so cute! (0:04:28.08)
Kurami Zell : How did you know that? (0:04:29.78)
Kurami Zell : I mean, forget that!
Didn't you say you had information?
Fil Nilvalen : ...Let's see... (0:04:34.55)
Fil Nilvalen : The only other developments are
that the new king's got a Flugel now,
Fil Nilvalen : and that he's interested
in the Eastern Federation.
Kurami Zell : What did you say? (0:04:44.25)
Stephanie Dola : Okay, so I got a little carried away. (0:04:48.11)
Stephanie Dola : B-But this will benefit
the Imanity in the long term.
Stephanie Dola : It's definitely not love or anything! (0:04:53.28)
Sora : Now then, Jibril. (0:04:56.77)
Sora : Tell me everything you know
about the Eastern Federation,
Sora : this animal girl paradise
I'm about to conquer.
Stephanie Dola : This country is doomed already, isn't it? (0:05:03.99)
Jibril : As you wish. (0:05:06.81)
Jibril : The various Werebeast clans were
embroiled in civil war for many years,
Jibril : stirred up by the physical
differences between them.
Jibril : However, an individual known as the Shrine Priestess
ended the war in under half a century,
Jibril : uniting the many clans into a massive naval empire
and the third biggest country in the world:
Jibril : the Eastern Federation. (0:05:25.26)
Sora : So basically, it's a country
of girls with cat ears, dog ears,
Sora : fox ears, rabbit ears—any kind of ears you can
think of—and they're all going to be mine!
Sora : We'll declare war and
conquer them immediately.
Sora : To do that, we'll need you to
put all that knowledge to good use!
Jibril : Unfortunately,
your confidence is misplaced.
Jibril : I'm afraid that even you may not be
able to defeat the Eastern Federation.
Shiro : ...Jibril, are you saying... (0:05:51.97)
Sora : ...that "Blank" might lose?... (0:05:54.21)
Jibril : No. (0:05:55.87)
Jibril : I'm saying that I may not be able
to live up to your expectations.
Jibril : For I have challenged the
Eastern Federation once already,
Jibril : and I was defeated. (0:06:05.01)
Kurami Zell : That confirms it. (0:06:07.63)
Kurami Zell : The ones backing Elkia are the
Werebeasts of the Eastern Federation.
Fil Nilvalen : How can you be sure? (0:06:14.00)
Kurami Zell : Don't you understand, Fi? (0:06:16.30)
Kurami Zell : Elven Garde has challenged the
Eastern Federation four times,
Kurami Zell : only to lose each time. (0:06:23.04)
Fil Nilvalen : To be fair, it was those
senile elders who lost, but yes.
Kurami Zell : That explains how those two could beat a Flugel,
and how they were able to overcome your elven magic.
Kurami Zell : With the support of the Werebeasts, (0:06:39.27)
Kurami Zell : they could easily have used some trick
that even you elves couldn't see through.
Fil Nilvalen : ...Clammy... (0:06:45.85)
Kurami Zell : That must be it. (0:06:47.17)
Kurami Zell : The Imanity could never beat a
higher-ranked race on their own.
Sora : Don't underestimate humanity. (0:06:52.91)
Kurami Zell : He mocked me. (0:06:58.99)
Sora : So they beat not only the elves,
but even you, a Flugel?
Sora : What kind of game
did they make you play?
Jibril : I cannot say. One of the conditions was that the
loser would retain no memories of the game itself.
Jibril : Do you understand now? (0:07:13.60)
Sora : I see. No way to beat that. (0:07:15.65)
Stephanie Dola : What do you mean? (0:07:17.86)
Sora : By eliminating the loser's memories, (0:07:20.01)
Sora : they ensure no records of what happened
during the game will remain.
Sora : Which means you can't
strategize in advance.
Sora : On top of that, they can
supposedly read minds.
Sora : How do you beat that? (0:07:29.94)
Shiro : We just told you that
information is important.
Shiro : You're a Steph, all right. (0:07:33.94)
Sora : No, wait. (0:07:36.65)
Sora : That doesn't make sense. (0:07:37.98)
Shiro : What doesn't? (0:07:39.18)
Sora : If no one ever came
close to beating them,
Sora : then people would
stop challenging them.
Shiro : Wouldn't the Federation
prefer it that way?
Sora : Sis, this is why you always lose at strategy games,
even though you're smarter than me.
Shiro : Grr. (0:07:53.14)
Sora : They've got something up their sleeve
that lets them beat the elves and the Flugel.
Sora : So, by showing a little vulnerability and luring the
enemy into attacking, they can expand their territory.
Sora : ...But... (0:08:03.80)
Shiro : Your play style is obnoxious. (0:08:04.42)
Sora : Broshock! (0:08:06.94)
Shiro : But you're right. It is strange. (0:08:08.55)
Shiro : How could they have expanded
their country so much in just fifty years?
Sora : Right? (0:08:14.16)
Sora : It doesn't make sense, right? (0:08:14.82)
Jibril : Oh, I think I can fill you
in on that, Masters!
Sora : Fill us in? (0:08:20.21)
Sora : How do you mean? (0:08:21.42)
Shiro : It was in one of these books. (0:08:23.31)
Shiro : Only one country has challenged the
Eastern Federation in the last ten years.
Sora : And who were the fools who did that? (0:08:30.44)
Jibril : It would be faster to show you. (0:08:32.86)
Jibril : Dola will accompany us, of course. (0:08:35.52)
Jibril : Please hold on tight, Masters. (0:08:37.83)
Jibril : Now, please excuse me. (0:08:41.58)
Stephanie Dola : Wh-What's going on?! (0:08:58.17)
Jibril : It's nice and clear today. (0:09:00.72)
Sora : W-Wait! (0:09:02.92)
Sora : What did you just do? (0:09:03.97)
Jibril : I teleported us. (0:09:05.56)
Sora : Oh. (0:09:07.34)
Sora : That's right. We're in an
actual fantasy world, aren't we?
Shiro : What kind of range do you have? (0:09:11.40)
Jibril : I can travel anywhere
within line of sight,
Jibril : or anywhere I've been to once before. (0:09:15.90)
Sora : Sounds like the Zoom spell. (0:09:18.00)
Shiro : Sounds like the Zoom spell. (0:09:18.00)
Sora : How did the Imanity ever survive
the ancient war against these guys?
Stephanie Dola : That's considered the greatest
mystery in human history.
Jibril : Oh, I remember the ancient war! (0:09:27.79)
Jibril : The Dragonia, Gigants, and Old Deus
storming around the battlefield,
Jibril : fifty Flugel banding together and
barely managing to kill a single dragon,
Jibril : or two hundred of us
taking on a god and losing!
Jibril : What wonderful memories! (0:09:42.47)
Jibril : But never mind that.
Take a look over there, please.
Sora : ...Okay... (0:09:49.19)
Sora : What's that pointy skyscraper doing,
ruining the Elkian view?
Shiro : It's huge. (0:09:54.28)
Stephanie Dola : It's the Eastern Federation's
Elkian embassy.
Sora : That's quite a building. (0:09:58.89)
Stephanie Dola : The Federation remodeled our former
palace into the building you see today.
Sora : I see. (0:10:06.04)
Sora : Wait a minute! You said
"former palace", didn't you?!
Sora : ...Does that mean... (0:10:10.40)
Jibril : Do you remember, Master? (0:10:11.50)
Jibril : Only one country challenged the
Eastern Federation over the past ten years.
Sora : ...You're not telling me... (0:10:17.93)
Shiro : Oh, it was Elkia. (0:10:20.12)
Shiro : Are you okay, Bro? (0:10:25.81)
Sora : Yeah. Sorry, Shiro. (0:10:27.46)
Sora : I'm just in despair, that's all. (0:10:28.94)
Sora : The elves challenged
these guys and lost four times,
Sora : and Elkia challenged them
eight times and lost half their territory?
Sora : Maybe the old king
really was an idiot.
Stephanie Dola : What? (0:10:40.44)
Stephanie Dola : You said before that
he was doing the right thing!
Sora : He threw away half the
country's territory for no reason!
Sora : How am I supposed to defend that? (0:10:48.50)
Sora : Do you have any idea how much agriculture and
industry we could build if we had that territory?
Sora : He really is your grandpa, isn't he? (0:10:56.06)
Sora : Did he believe in luck (0:10:58.57)
Sora : and figure that he'd win
eventually if he just kept trying?
Stephanie Dola : He may not have
been good at games,
Stephanie Dola : but he wasn't crazy enough to gamble with
the lives of three million Imanity for no reason!
Stephanie Dola : He was a good, sane man,
unlike you two!
Sora : A good, sane man? (0:11:17.65)
Sora : If losing half your territory
for no reason makes you "sane",
Sora : I'd rather stay crazy. (0:11:24.64)
Sora : Well, I guess he's a fitting king for a race of people
who'd rather bicker uselessly than save themselves.
Sora : Humanity's past saving, seriously.
Every last one of them.
Stephanie Dola : I don't care if you insult me, but don't insult my grandfather or the things he believed in! (0:11:44.51)
Sora : Hey! (0:11:54.89)
Sora : Steph! (0:11:56.00)
Shiro : Bro, you went too far. (0:11:57.71)
Sora : How was I supposed to respond
to a ridiculous story like that?
Shiro : Delicious. (0:12:12.05)
Sora : Damn. (0:12:18.75)
Sora : It really is. (0:12:21.75)
Stephanie Dola : Grandfather, what's this key for? (0:12:31.85)
Former King of Imanity : It's the key to where I keep
something very important.
Stephanie Dola : I know about that! (0:12:39.08)
Stephanie Dola : I heard men collect books
they can't show to other people!
Former King of Imanity : ...No, that's another key— (0:12:43.48)
Former King of Imanity : Wait, no! (0:12:45.60)
Former King of Imanity : This is a key of hope. (0:12:47.01)
Stephanie Dola : Hope? (0:12:49.94)
Former King of Imanity : Someday, I'll give this to you. (0:12:51.40)
Stephanie Dola : Really? (0:12:53.84)
Former King of Imanity : Yes. (0:12:56.13)
Former King of Imanity : One day, when you meet someone with whom
you can truly entrust Elkia's fate, give it to them.
Stephanie Dola : I'm not giving it to that man! (0:13:09.53)
Jibril : May I have a word? (0:13:11.94)
Stephanie Dola : Wh-What are you doing?! (0:13:15.69)
Jibril : I would recommend you return
to the library immediately.
Stephanie Dola : That's trespassing! (0:13:19.18)
Stephanie Dola : Immediately? (0:13:21.68)
Jibril : I decided that it would be best for my
Masters if I came and informed you of this.
Jibril : You may do as you like. (0:13:26.36)
Stephanie Dola : Wait! (0:13:28.50)
Stephanie Dola : D-Don't be ridiculous! (0:13:31.71)
Stephanie Dola : ...Why would I... (0:13:33.52)
Stephanie Dola : Oh, for crying out loud! (0:13:41.71)
Jibril : Master, no matter how hard you look, I don't think you'll find anything to justify the late king's actions. (0:13:54.89)
Sora : That's not why I'm doing this. (0:14:00.31)
Sora : I just feel like something's
not adding up.
Jibril : So would you say you're
doing this for Dola's sake?
Sora : I just thought I'd go
over the details again
Sora : so I know what not to do when I
challenge the animal girl kingdom!
Sora : Why'd he challenge them
eight times, anyway?
Sora : A sane man responsible for three million people
wouldn't just rush into defeat that many times.
Sora : So the first time,
the king wagered this land here.
Jibril : An Armatite mine. (0:14:26.66)
Sora : It's a valuable metal, (0:14:28.68)
Sora : but we can't even use it with the Imanity's
current level of technology, so it's worthless.
Sora : Then he wagered this second, (0:14:34.70)
Sora : this third, (0:14:36.08)
Sora : ...this fourth... (0:14:37.42)
Sora : and this eighth. (0:14:38.62)
Sora : Until the last time, when he wagered the castle,
the king didn't put up a single thing of value.
Sora : There has to be
some reason for that.
Jibril : Master? (0:14:49.69)
Sora : Why does the Eastern Federation wipe
players' memories, when that only hurts them?
Sora : Why did Elven Garde
challenge them four times?
Sora : ...Why did the previous king... (0:14:56.92)
Sora : No, wait! (0:14:58.83)
Sora : Did he stop after eight times (0:15:00.17)
Sora : because he'd achieved his goal? (0:15:02.65)
Sora : This is just conjecture,
but what if he didn't lose his memories?
Jibril : ...Master... (0:15:11.38)
Jibril : I'm sorry to say this, (0:15:12.89)
Jibril : but not all the Imanity act with
the same level of thought that you do.
Sora : But some of them do. (0:15:20.23)
Sora : And most of the time,
they're misunderstood.
Sora : It's my duty to try
and understand them.
Sora : Just say it. (0:15:29.73)
Sora : "How can you believe in a lesser
life form like humanity", right?
Jibril : ...No, I wasn't... (0:15:35.62)
Sora : The answer is simple. (0:15:37.20)
Sora : I don't believe in humanity. (0:15:39.65)
Sora : Humans are lowly, stupid creatures.
Every single one of them.
Sora : Including me. (0:15:49.51)
Sora : They're all crap. (0:15:51.75)
Sora : Between this world and the
old one, that hasn't changed a bit.
Stephanie Dola : ... I knew it. I can't let that man... (0:16:02.26)
Sora : But I believe in the
potential of humanity.
Sora : She's my proof. (0:16:10.33)
Sora : Some of them are the real thing. (0:16:13.18)
Sora : People with the potential,
the hope, and the imagination
Sora : to reach the gods themselves,
all inside one tiny little body.
Sora : It was eight years ago
when I first met Shiro.
Sora : She was just three years old. (0:16:28.65)
Sora : When she heard my name,
what do you think she said?
Shiro : You really are empty. (0:16:36.29)
Sora : She put together my name, Sora, meaning "sky", and the
fact that I was only smiling because everybody else was,
Sora : and used that double
meaning to insult me.
Sora : Funny, huh? (0:16:49.30)
Sora : It made my heart pound.
I was so excited.
Sora : People like her actually existed! (0:16:53.52)
Sora : And, (0:16:56.31)
Sora : even though I knew it was
impossible, I wanted to be like her.
Sora : In our old world, humans could fly
through the sky and travel among the stars.
Jibril : I can't imagine that. (0:17:07.80)
Sora : Nobody could at first, not even us. (0:17:10.16)
Sora : But somebody did it. (0:17:13.58)
Sora : One of those real people made it there. (0:17:15.00)
Sora : It's our job as normal people to ensure that the
potential of these often-misunderstood ones is realized.
Sora : So that's why I need to start
by believing in the old king too.
Stephanie Dola : ...Sora... (0:17:43.43)
Stephanie Dola : I want to give you something. (0:17:53.91)
Sora : There's no doubt. (0:17:58.85)
Sora : It's for his porn stash! (0:18:01.01)
Stephanie Dola : I knew it. My whole life was a mistake. (0:18:01.93)
Jibril : But where's the door it unlocks, Master? (0:18:03.81)
Shiro : You hide your porn in your own room. (0:18:06.84)
Shiro : That would be this room. (0:18:09.15)
Sora : Actually, we found it a long time ago. (0:18:10.84)
Shiro : Victory. (0:18:12.81)
Sora : Remember when I said this bed
was tilted and hard to sleep on?
Sora : That was the start of the puzzle. (0:18:18.31)
Sora : Then you just fiddle
...with a few objects...
Sora : and there's your secret room! (0:18:25.87)
Stephanie Dola : This is a failure on so many levels. (0:18:29.79)
Former King of Imanity : I leave this in hope that the one who
reads it will not be Imanity's last king,
Former King of Imanity : but the one who will restore them. (0:19:07.82)
Former King of Imanity : I am not a wise king. (0:19:10.37)
Former King of Imanity : In fact, I expect that I will be
remembered as one of the most foolish.
Former King of Imanity : But I take up my pen for the
king who will restore our glory.
Stephanie Dola : I trust and hope that my pathetic,
hopeless struggles will aid you.
Former King of Imanity : I trust and hope that my pathetic,
hopeless struggles will aid you.
Sora : I knew it. (0:19:36.29)
Sora : The old king didn't
lose his memories.
Sora : Unlike the elves, lower life forms like the Imanity
were nothing but easy prey to the Werebeasts.
Sora : They didn't erase his memories
because they wanted him to keep trying.
Shiro : They wanted to lure
him in and beat him?
Sora : They deliberately went easy on him to make
him believe he could beat them next time.
Sora : But the previous king knew
that and challenged them anyway,
Sora : hoping to figure out
how their game worked.
Sora : He deliberately gave them useless land,
intending to eventually take it back.
Jibril : Why didn't he tell the secret
of the game to anyone, then?
Sora : He probably vowed by the commandments
not to tell anyone as long as he lived.
Jibril : But then what was the point? (0:20:21.15)
Sora : ...However... (0:20:22.64)
Sora : that doesn't apply after he's dead. (0:20:24.61)
Sora : He played eight times, found
a loophole in the vow he made,
Sora : and entrusted what he knew to
...a king that would restore humanity—
Sora : to humanity's greatest gambler. (0:20:36.01)
Shiro : And that was why he held a gambling
tournament to determine the next king?
Sora : He made a bet (0:20:44.13)
Sora : that a human, the lowest-ranked race, (0:20:47.71)
Sora : would appear who could
defeat the other races.
Former King of Imanity : ... The probability is ever so close to zero... (0:20:54.55)
Former King of Imanity : but it still exists. (0:20:56.90)
Sora : Steph. (0:21:02.91)
Sora : Your grandfather was a great man
who pretended to be a fool, challenged and lost,
Sora : and devoted himself to
finding his opponent's secrets.
Sora : This is his trust in humanity. (0:21:15.92)
Sora : Your grandfather—no,
...the previous king...
Sora : He really was your grandfather. (0:21:28.09)
Stephanie Dola : ...Grandfather... (0:21:32.18)
Stephanie Dola : Grandfather! (0:21:34.11)
Sora : And his legacy is weighty indeed. (0:21:39.41)
Shiro : It's okay. (0:21:43.09)
Shiro : We can do it. (0:21:44.77)
Sora : See, Jibril? (0:21:47.32)
Sora : There really are humans like this. (0:21:49.59)
Sora : Crazy, isn't it? (0:21:52.99)
Jibril : Perhaps so. (0:22:00.37)
Shiro : Eastern Federation, your head would look good on the end of a pole! (0:23:40.55)
Sora : Eastern Federation, your head would look good on the end of a pole! (0:23:40.55)

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PantheonLord06 : Please Change Alucard’s birthdate to November 9, it’s not actually April 9 it’s really November 9 according to Myanimelist which is an official source for anime’s.

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