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Sora : What's the point of having a building this big? (0:00:03.65)
Jibril : It's hilarious how hard they're trying to compensate
for their own weakness by building something so huge.
Stephanie Dola : So could you tell me why you suddenly dragged me here? (0:00:12.93)
Stephanie Dola : H-Hey! The embassy is foreign soil! (0:00:18.16)
Sora : I know. I also know that
it was originally our castle.
Stephanie Dola : You're invading their territory! (0:00:23.24)
Sora : Don't worry. I made an appointment. (0:00:25.34)
Sora : Isn't that right? (0:00:28.10)
Ino Hatsuse : Welcome, rulers of Elkia, Sora and Shiro. (0:00:28.71)
Ino Hatsuse : I am Hatsuse Ino, assistant ambassador
for the Eastern Federation's Elkia Embassy.
Ino Hatsuse : It's a pleasure to meet you. (0:00:38.10)
Stephanie Dola : ...Wait, when did— (0:00:39.72)
Sora : This morning. (0:00:41.12)
Sora : He was looking at me
when I was in the library,
Sora : so I gestured to say I was coming over. (0:00:45.20)
Sora : The Werebeasts' senses
really are as good as they say.
Sora : I was surprised at
how great their vision is.
Stephanie Dola : ...No, I mean... (0:00:53.38)
Ino Hatsuse : You've come to see the ambassador,
Hatsuse Izuna, correct?
Stephanie Dola : The Werebeasts can read minds! (0:01:01.66)
Stephanie Dola : The rumors are true! (0:01:04.52)
Sora : I'm glad we're on the same page. (0:01:07.15)
Sora : Could you take me there? (0:01:09.24)
Ino Hatsuse : Very well. Follow me. (0:01:12.25)
Stephanie Dola : I can understand
how a Werebeast could,
Stephanie Dola : but how the heck did
...Sora see him from...
Sora : ...the game's already... (0:01:23.73)
Stephanie Dola : The game's already begun, hasn't it? (0:01:29.25)
Sora : Hey, Jibril. (0:03:17.11)
Jibril : Yes? (0:03:18.50)
Sora : Do you know what this is? (0:03:19.37)
Jibril : It's a sort of image display device, (0:03:21.26)
Jibril : ...but the Werebeasts don't use magic... (0:03:23.22)
Jibril : M-My interest is piqued! (0:03:27.07)
Stephanie Dola : Th-The floor's moving! (0:03:34.44)
Ino Hatsuse : However, Mr. Sora, I would greatly appreciate it
if you'd schedule an appointment properly next time.
Ino Hatsuse : Following that incident, there are a number of
Werebeasts harboring extreme animosity toward Elkia.
Ino Hatsuse : I didn't have time to tell them you
...were coming, so some may act cold toward—
Jibril : So a talking dog who can walk
on two feet is still a dog, after all.
Sora : Steph, what incident
is he talking about?
Stephanie Dola : The construction wars. (0:03:59.84)
Stephanie Dola : Having a foreign embassy that was
bigger than our palace was bad for our image,
Stephanie Dola : so we built a new one. (0:04:06.36)
Sora : Oh, you mean the palace we live in. (0:04:08.48)
Stephanie Dola : After that, the Eastern Federation kept
building their embassy bigger, as if to spite us.
Stephanie Dola : Elkia lags behind the Eastern Federation
in construction technology.
Jibril : And even without that, (0:04:21.38)
Jibril : the mere idea of the Werebeasts, rank fourteen,
...looking down on the Imanity, rank sixteen, is like...
Jibril : Oh, I've got just the phrase. (0:04:27.12)
Jibril : The pot calling the kettle black. (0:04:29.49)
Ino Hatsuse : Well put. (0:04:33.61)
Ino Hatsuse : And quite harsh coming
from the sixth-ranked race.
Ino Hatsuse : So what does that make you, as a defective
weapon working with these hairless monkeys?
Sora : This world is pretty hostile, isn't it? (0:04:45.05)
Jibril : It's nice to see how lively you children are,
now that violence is forbidden.
Stephanie Dola : We had been at war for many, many years by the time
the ten commandments came along, forbidding violence.
Ino Hatsuse : Well, we're not like you antiques, who were
only good for killing and had to retire.
Stephanie Dola : It's only natural that some grudges remain. (0:04:53.62)
Ino Hatsuse : How embarrassing. (0:04:53.78)
Ino Hatsuse : Please wait here. (0:05:00.67)
Stephanie Dola : You can really see the difference
in the sophistication of our cultures!
Jibril : By the way, Master, how did you
make contact with the Werebeasts?
Sora : No one's talking about it.
Can't you take a hint?
Jibril : I'm sorry. (0:05:22.14)
Jibril : Unlike those mind-reading beasts, (0:05:24.41)
Jibril : I'm curious! (0:05:26.90)
Jibril : Oh? (0:05:33.43)
Jibril : You couldn't see him at all,
but you just guessed that he saw you.
Jibril : ...Then you gestured, so... (0:05:40.46)
Stephanie Dola : You bluffed someone
who can read minds?
Ino Hatsuse : I apologize for the wait. (0:05:46.52)
Ino Hatsuse : This is Hatsuse Izuna,
the Eastern Federation's ambassador to Elkia.
Sora : King Crimson! (0:05:54.16)
Shiro : King Crimson! (0:05:54.16)
Sora : Hey, little cutie with the animal ears, (0:05:56.29)
Sora : why don't you come and play with me? (0:05:58.32)
Sora : Don't worry, I'm just a pervert. (0:06:00.00)
Izuna Hatsuse : Why the hell are you
touching me, asshole? Please.
Shiro : -50 cuteness points. (0:06:08.29)
Izuna Hatsuse : Why the hell did you stop? Please. (0:06:10.72)
Izuna Hatsuse : I was just surprised because you assholes
randomly started touching me. Please.
Izuna Hatsuse : Get back to it already. Please. (0:06:16.81)
Sora : ...Um... (0:06:22.57)
Sora : Adding "please" to the end of every
sentence doesn't make it polite. Please.{there's a "hai" overlap from shiro here that you may or may not want to do something with}
Izuna Hatsuse : It... It doesn't? Please. (0:06:27.53)
Ino Hatsuse : Please don't be upset. (0:06:29.74)
Ino Hatsuse : My granddaughter is still
learning the Imanity language.
Ino Hatsuse : ...And... (0:06:35.88)
Ino Hatsuse : Keep your filthy hands off my sweet granddaughter,
you hairless monkey, or I'll rip you in half!
Ino Hatsuse : Please refrain from doing anything
that would make me say that.
Sora : Oh, so that's where she gets it from. (0:06:46.52)
Shiro : I don't like him. -1000 points. (0:06:48.72)
Shiro : But Izuna is so cute with her
contrasting personalities! +1050 points.
Izuna Hatsuse : You hairless monkeys are
much better at this than my grandpa.
Izuna Hatsuse : Keep going. Please. (0:06:58.62)
Sora : Hey, why don't you stop
calling us "hairless monkeys"?
Sora : I'm Sora, and that's my sister, Shiro. (0:07:02.76)
Shiro : Hi, Izuna. (0:07:05.34)
Izuna Hatsuse : Got it. (0:07:07.44)
Izuna Hatsuse : Sora, Shiro. Please. (0:07:08.64)
Ino Hatsuse : Let's hear what you
damn monkeys have to say.
Sora : What's the point? It's not
like you can't read our minds.
Ino Hatsuse : This is a place of diplomacy. A place
for exchanging words and documents.
Ino Hatsuse : Or is that too complicated
...for you monke—
Sora : Don't be mad just because your
granddaughter likes us better than you.
Shiro : How immature. (0:07:26.11)
Jibril : Master, try not to shatter the
Werebeast's fragile, glass-like heart.
Jibril : He's so pathetic it makes me
want to laugh—I mean, cry!
Stephanie Dola : Where are your manners?! (0:07:35.41)
Sora : Fine. I'll tell you
what we want, old man.
Sora : We want to play a game for
your granddaughter's panties.
Sora : I'll wager Steph's. (0:07:46.18)
Stephanie Dola : What? (0:07:49.53)
Ino Hatsuse : If you're that desperate to be
rolled up in a carpet and thrown out,
Ino Hatsuse : then just say so, you damn monkey! (0:07:53.66)
Sora : So... you want Jibril's instead? (0:07:55.62)
Jibril : ...If that's your wish, Master... (0:07:58.04)
Sora : Shiro's, then? (0:08:00.67)
Sora : You want an eleven-year-old's
panties? That's sick, old man.
Sora : ...Or maybe you want... (0:08:05.10)
Sora : M-Mine? (0:08:06.34)
Sora : Too bad I'm not gay. (0:08:09.09)
Shiro : I'll protect your chastity! (0:08:11.28)
Sora : Are you sure, old man? (0:08:14.02)
Sora : I'd say giving up her panties
is a good deal for you.
Ino Hatsuse : If you're not going to say
...what you want, then leave immed—
Sora : Could you drop that pathetic act? (0:08:23.35)
Sora : If you can actually read thoughts,
then go for the panty game.
Sora : It's not the panties you're after. (0:08:31.44)
Sora : It's the chance to wipe my memories
of how all your games work.
Sora : Here, shake my hand. (0:08:38.98)
Sora : See, you're scared. (0:08:41.81)
Sora : So I was right. (0:08:43.32)
Sora : Cold reading. (0:08:44.58)
Sora : It's a cheap trick that anyone with
enough knowledge and intuition can do,
Sora : even without the
Werebeasts' amazing senses.
Sora : As luck would have it,
it's a specialty of mine.
Ino Hatsuse : ... He's... (0:08:56.97)
Sora : Are you done confirming
that it's not a bluff?
Sora : Well, now that we've established that this
whole "mind-reading" thing is a load of crap,
Sora : let's get to business. (0:09:11.72)
Sora : I'll tell you what we came here for. (0:09:14.23)
Sora : We, Sora and Shiro, designated
...representatives of the Imanity—
Sora : the sixteenth-ranked race—
and the kingdom of Elkia...
Shiro : ...are giving you, the Eastern Federation,... (0:09:26.11)
Shiro : the chance to be the first step
on our path to world domination.
Shiro : We challenge you to
a game between nations
Sora : for everything the Eastern Federation
has on this continent.
Shiro : for everything the Eastern Federation
has on this continent.
Stephanie Dola : A game between nations? (0:09:47.49)
Stephanie Dola : W-We're attacking
the Eastern Federation?
Stephanie Dola : Is that what you're saying? (0:09:53.52)
Sora : Yes. (0:09:55.78)
Sora : We're also not changing our wager.
It's still Steph's panties.
Sora : You should've wagered Izuna's
panties while you had the chance.
Sora : What a shame. (0:10:03.76)
Sora : Sorry, old man. (0:10:04.90)
Sora : Check. (0:10:07.53)
Jibril : M-Master, what's the meaning of this? (0:10:08.80)
Shiro : You still don't understand, Jibril? (0:10:12.00)
Sora : We've got the
Eastern Federation in check.
Sora : The Eastern Federation's technology
rapidly advanced fifty years ago,
Sora : but it's rather difficult being an
advanced civilization on an island.
Sora : They needed lots of resources
from the continent.
Sora : However, Elven Garde attacked before
they could get a toehold on the continent.
Sora : The Eastern Federation
lured them into it.
Sora : Nobody would ever agree to play a game that
even the strongest nation couldn't beat, though,
Sora : meaning they'd
never get the continent.
Sora : They should've deliberately
lost and just paid the price.
Sora : But why didn't they? (0:10:46.04)
Sora : Let's solve these mysteries in order. (0:10:48.73)
Sora : Question one! (0:10:51.55)
Sora : Why do they wipe
memories of the game?
Shiro : Because if they didn't, then they
wouldn't be able to win every time.
Sora : Correct! (0:10:58.06)
Sora : It contradicts the goal of
luring others into playing.
Sora : Even though it defies logic,
they wipe memories
Sora : because there's something
they don't want anyone to find out.
Sora : The problem is, even if you erase their memories,
the fact remains that they lost.
Sora : Question two! (0:11:12.27)
Sora : Why did Elven Garde
challenge them four times?
Shiro : Because they wanted to discover what
the game was from the fact that they lost.
Sora : Unlike Elkia,
Elven Garde's a big country.
Sora : They were prepared to suffer
a few losses to do their research.
Sora : After the first loss, they deduced it
was a game where you couldn't use magic.
Sora : That's the most likely
reason an elf would lose.
Sora : So they challenged a second time,
having some sort of plan in mind,
Sora : but they lost again. (0:11:38.44)
Sora : ...And then, the third time... (0:11:39.92)
Sora : I don't know how,
but they figured out the game.
Sora : They used those official cheats
known as "magic" that you envy so much,
Sora : and challenged you a fourth time. (0:11:47.62)
Sora : But they stilllost. (0:11:49.60)
Ino Hatsuse : You have a very active imagination. (0:11:52.10)
Sora : However, the process by
which they lost doesn't matter.
Sora : Why did they stop after four tries? (0:11:58.23)
Sora : If the rest is just my imagination,
then it doesn't matter.
Sora : ...But as for why they stopped... (0:12:04.95)
Sora : There are two possibilities. (0:12:07.43)
Sora : First: They realized the game
was fundamentally impossible to win.
Shiro : But if that was so, they could have
won by exposing it on their fifth try.
Sora : Second: They figured out the game,
but they never figured out why they lost.
Shiro : So they stopped trying. (0:12:22.38)
Shiro : ...But... (0:12:27.51)
Shiro : What, what? (0:12:28.72)
Shiro : That doesn't make sense! (0:12:30.38)
Shiro : You understand the game
but don't know why you lost?
Sora : Things are getting heated up now! (0:12:36.36)
Sora : Question three! (0:12:38.92)
Sora : What sort of game works against
each of these very different races
Sora : but is only possessed by the technologically
advanced Eastern Federation?
Sora : ...The answer is... (0:12:48.81)
Shiro : A video game where you can
cheat as much as you want.
Stephanie Dola : A video game? (0:12:54.37)
Jibril : A video game? (0:12:54.37)
Stephanie Dola : What's that? (0:12:56.55)
Sora : You don't know? (0:12:57.75)
Sora : But you challenged the
Eastern Federation once before, Jibril.
Sora : How come you acted like you'd never
seen that thing in the entrance before?{it's not that she didn't notice it, because she pointed it out as they went in, but that she acted like it was the first time she'd seen it when presumably she would have seen it the last time she visited their embassy}
Jibril : H-Huh? (0:13:05.93)
Jibril : ...That's... (0:13:06.88)
Sora : Because you'd forgotten about it. (0:13:07.93)
Sora : And why? Because it was
associated with the game.
Sora : Though even without that, (0:13:12.77)
Sora : if a Flugel like Jibril
doesn't know about them,
Sora : then it's safe to say that the Eastern Federation
is the only country in the world with video games.
Sora : So you erase memories
to keep them a secret.
Sora : Because in a video game
where you're the game master,
Sora : you can cheat all you want. (0:13:28.06)
Shiro : There's no way your
opponents can figure it out.
Sora : If you don't know what cyberspace is,
then magic doesn't help you.
Sora : So that nonsense about reading minds (0:13:37.19)
Sora : is a way to call your cheats a "sixth sense"
so your opponents won't think too much about it.
Sora : That's right. (0:13:43.07)
Sora : You can tell when someone's lying, (0:13:44.10)
Sora : but you can't read minds. (0:13:47.67)
Sora : Okay, last question! (0:13:51.61)
Sora : How did we figure all this out? (0:13:54.04)
Sora : I'll let you answer this one, old man. (0:13:57.10)
Ino Hatsuse : It couldn't be the previous king! (0:14:01.86)
Ino Hatsuse : He swore by the commandments
not to tell anyone!
Ino Hatsuse : And he didn't figure out
...that we couldn't read minds...
Ino Hatsuse : ... No, the problem is... (0:14:10.24)
Sora : Exactly. (0:14:11.91)
Sora : That's not the problem. (0:14:13.35)
Sora : The fact that the previous king
was able to tell us anything
Sora : proves that you weren't
able to read his mind.
Sora : He may have pledged not to
tell anyone for the rest of his life,
Sora : but the catch was that it
didn't apply after his death.
Sora : So, now that we know
...all about your game...
Sora : If the elves were to get their
hands on this information,
Sora : then the next time they challenged you, (0:14:37.70)
Sora : you'd lose. (0:14:42.43)
Sora : To prevent that, you'd
need to erase our memories.
Sora : However, if you're willing to bet
territory for Steph's panties in a game,
Sora : it would mean that my "imagination"
was correct this whole time.{i would like to put "However, if you're so desperate to challenge us that you'd bet territory for Steph's panties, it means my "imagination" was correct all along." but i think it's way too long}
Ino Hatsuse : ... He's right. Which means... (0:14:53.78)
Sora : Which means that (0:14:55.54)
Sora : your only option is to claim I'm
making it all up and run away, huh?
Sora : Did you think we'd let you escape? (0:15:03.11)
Shiro : Did you think we'd let you escape? (0:15:03.11)
Sora : I'll throw another chip on the pile: (0:15:05.46)
Sora : all of Imanity. (0:15:07.99)
Sora : I'll wager my Race Piece. (0:15:13.63)
Fil Nilvalen : ...K-Kurami, that's... (0:15:17.68)
Kurami Zell : Fi, has there ever been a game
where a Race Piece was wagered?
Fil Nilvalen : N-No, of course not! (0:15:25.28)
Fil Nilvalen : If you wager your Race Piece and lose, (0:15:27.23)
Fil Nilvalen : you lose all your rights an Exceed, meaning...
Kurami Zell : The ten commandments
no longer protect you,
Kurami Zell : and you're no better than an animal. (0:15:35.06)
Kurami Zell : It's a de facto death sentence. (0:15:37.82)
Kurami Zell : Those bastards! (0:15:41.53)
Stephanie Dola : Are you insane? (0:15:43.58)
Sora : I've wagered our entire territory
and the lives of every last one of us.
Sora : If you ran now, (0:15:50.56)
Sora : then you'd be shouting to the entire world
that my "imagination" was dead on.
Sora : Did you see that one coming,
Mr. Mind Reader?
Sora : Checkmate. (0:16:02.11)
Ino Hatsuse : Are you really sure about this? (0:16:05.45)
Ino Hatsuse : Even if we assume you're correct,
Elven Garde still lost this game.
Ino Hatsuse : Not to mention,
you're wagering your Race Piece.
Ino Hatsuse : Do you want to go extinct? (0:16:16.91)
Sora : It's a shame you didn't notice anything odd about the
fact that I could communicate with you from the library.
Sora : If you had, you might have realized (0:16:24.51)
Sora : that we're not from this world. (0:16:27.57)
Sora : When it comes to video games, (0:16:32.67)
Sora : you can use any
cheats or aids you want.
Shiro : You'll never beat
Blank with those, though.
Sora : ...When we came here... (0:16:42.69)
Shiro : Did you just see us as easy prey? (0:16:44.42)
Sora : It's your turn to
be hunted, Werebeasts.
Ino Hatsuse : Who the heck are these people? (0:16:52.54)
Sora : Well, you can't agree to play a game
of this magnitude on your own, right?
Sora : We can play some other day. (0:17:01.12)
Sora : We're wagering our Race Piece, (0:17:02.54)
Sora : so every Imanity
has the right to watch,
Sora : and all four of us will be playing. (0:17:06.67)
Sora : We won't take no for an answer. (0:17:08.32)
Stephanie Dola : W-Wait! (0:17:08.32b)
Izuna Hatsuse : I'm not too sure I understand, (0:17:10.01)
Izuna Hatsuse : but are you challenging me
to a fight, Sora and Shiro?
Sora : A fight? No way. (0:17:18.17)
Shiro : Izuna, let's play a game next time! (0:17:20.14)
Izuna Hatsuse : I won't lose. (0:17:23.17)
Sora : Sorry, but you will. (0:17:25.39)
Shiro : Blank never loses. (0:17:27.40)
Shiro : Bye for now, Izuna. (0:17:35.29)
Stephanie Dola : What were you thinking ?! (0:17:40.95)
Stephanie Dola : Do you realize what you've done? (0:17:43.49)
Stephanie Dola : What are you going to do if you lose? (0:17:45.56)
Sora : What are we going to do? (0:17:47.02)
Sora : We're all screwed if we lose,
so there's nothing to do.
Sora : If we lose, it's game over
for us and three million people.
Sora : If we win, we get the
animal girls and their territory.
Sora : All or nothing. (0:17:57.64)
Sora : Isn't it exciting, Shiro? (0:17:59.05)
Shiro : It sure is! (0:18:00.90)
Stephanie Dola : Y-You're crazy! (0:18:02.59)
Sora : Calm down, Steph. (0:18:04.48)
Sora : It's just a game. (0:18:06.23)
Stephanie Dola : I knew I shouldn't have entrusted
these people with my grandfather's hopes!
Jibril : Let me ask you, Dola. (0:18:13.64)
Jibril : If my masters win, (0:18:15.94)
Jibril : every Werebeast on the continent will be
stripped of their rights and possibly killed.
Jibril : Who will do something then? (0:18:22.83)
Jibril : We rule each other and kill each other
with games instead of violence.
Jibril : If you lose, you're exploited,
enslaved, and killed.
Jibril : That's what the
ten commandments are.
Jibril : The boldness needed to risk the lives of
your people, even your own, just for an instant,
Jibril : ...for a sure chance to slay your enemy... (0:18:42.12)
Jibril : That's what we need in a ruler. (0:18:45.73)
Sora : Huh? What are you talking about? (0:18:49.03)
Shiro : Huh? What are you talking about? (0:18:49.03)
Jibril : What? (0:18:51.55)
Stephanie Dola : What? (0:18:51.55)
Sora : Wait, have you two
not figured it out yet?
Shiro : How to beat this world. (0:18:55.66)
Jibril : How to beat this world? (0:18:58.10)
Stephanie Dola : How to beat this world? (0:18:58.10)
Sora : That explains it.
No wonder God's so bored.
Shiro : Poor Tet. (0:19:02.86)
Sora : Don't worry. We'll conquer
the world just like we promised.
Sora : The whole thing. (0:19:08.56)
Sora : ...And as for what we'll do if we lose... (0:19:10.09)
Sora : I already said there was
no chance of us losing, didn't I?
Shiro : Checkmate! (0:19:17.28)
EXTRA : Bring down the foolish king! (0:19:21.95)
EXTRA : He's using us all in his stupid wager! (0:19:23.64)
EXTRA : They're working with
the Eastern Federation!
EXTRA : I knew something
was off from the start!
EXTRA : There's no way one of the
Imanity could beat an elf!
Jibril : It's amazing how fast
they've turned on you.
Stephanie Dola : They're staring death in the face,
so of course they're upset.
Stephanie Dola : It'd be strange to stay
calm at a time like this.
Stephanie Dola : What are you going to do about them? (0:19:43.93)
Shiro : If they don't like it, they can take
our position as representatives from us.
Sora : Let the people who don't have the
guts to challenge us whine all they want.
Sora : More importantly,
they're sure taking their time.
Sora : It's been a week. (0:19:55.90)
Stephanie Dola : You mean the Eastern Federation's
naming of a date for the game?
Stephanie Dola : A whole continent's at stake,
so of course it'll take some time.
Sora : ...Yeah. So before that... (0:20:03.81)
Sora : I'm expecting someone
with more backbone.
Sora : They're here. (0:20:12.73)
Sora : Took you long enough. (0:20:15.41)
Sora : Yeah, I know what you want. (0:20:18.78)
Sora : Any time is fine. (0:20:21.28)
Sora : Shiro, listen to me carefully. (0:20:23.45)
Sora : I believe in you. (0:20:29.23)
Shiro : I believe in you too. (0:20:32.17)
Sora : Shiro, the two of us are always one. (0:20:36.33)
Sora : Shiro, we're bound by a promise. (0:20:39.80)
Sora : Shiro, we're not the heroes
from some boys' comic.
Sora : Shiro, we always win
every game before we start.
Shiro : Bro? (0:20:53.21)
Sora : I'm going to get the last piece we need
to bring over the Eastern Federation.
Shiro : Bro? (0:21:01.25)
Shiro : ...Bro, wait— (0:21:02.07)
Sora : Now, let's start the game. (0:21:07.69)
Shiro : Bro? (0:22:48.43)
Stephanie Dola : Shiro? (0:22:50.80)
Stephanie Dola : It's morni—Huh? (0:22:51.96)
Stephanie Dola : Wh-What's wrong, Shiro? (0:22:53.39)
Shiro : ...Bro... Come out, Bro... (0:22:55.99)
Shiro : ...Don't leave me all alone... (0:22:59.81)
Stephanie Dola : Wh-Who's "Bro"? (0:23:03.45)
Stephanie Dola : Someone you want
me to bring to you?
Shiro : ...No... (0:23:12.64)
Shiro : No! (0:23:15.70)
Stephanie Dola : Shiro? What's wrong? (0:23:17.45)
Shiro : ...Steph... (0:23:22.37)
Shiro : ...Where's Bro... (0:23:24.49)
Shiro : Where's Sora? (0:23:26.87)
Stephanie Dola : Sora? (0:23:30.93)
Stephanie Dola : Is that... someone's name? (0:23:33.93)
Stephanie Dola : Who's that? (0:23:38.11)
Shiro : I won't let go of your hand, Bro, because
I think you'd take my soul with you.

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