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Lord Boros : Though my true power
has been unleashed,
Lord Boros : you are still able to keep up. (0:00:47.65)
Saitama : Yeah. (0:00:50.27)
Saitama : You're pretty strong, too. (0:00:52.74)
Tanktop Master : Putting City A back together
might be impossible.
Tanktop Master : Well, right now I should be
focusing on the battle.
Tanktop Master : She may be rank 2 or whatever, (0:01:09.25)
Tanktop Master : but I can't leave it
to one little girl.
Tanktop Master : I got my own ways of fighting
enemies in the air.
Tanktop Master : Like this! (0:01:18.64)
Tatsumaki : Hey! (0:01:27.19)
Tatsumaki : What do you think you're doing? (0:01:29.44)
Tatsumaki : This area's got some nice rubble. (0:01:31.98)
Tatsumaki : Hurry up and get out of my way. (0:01:34.57)
Tanktop Master : She's using her psychic power?! (0:01:37.07)
Tanktop Master : I give up! (0:01:39.99)
EXTRA : We're under attack again! (0:01:52.63)
EXTRA : Return fire! (0:01:54.00)
EXTRA : The guns are jacked! (0:01:55.26)
EXTRA : Seriously?! We're dead meat! (0:01:57.76)
EXTRA : This planet's too tough! (0:01:59.89)
EXTRA : Lord Boros! (0:02:01.76)
Dark Matter Gunner : I wanna go home… (0:02:03.81)
Genos : Such incredible power. (0:02:09.94)
Genos : Tornado may actually bring it
down on her own.
Engine Knight : I have errands to run. (0:02:15.65)
Engine Knight : I will head out now. (0:02:17.19)
Engine Knight : Things appear under control. (0:02:19.61)
Child Emperor : Sure, go ahead. (0:02:21.91)
Child Emperor : Some heroes have already left. (0:02:23.74)
Engine Knight : Before I go, Genos,
have you got a second?
Engine Knight : There's something
I wish to tell you.
Genos : Drive Knight, Class S, rank 9. (0:02:32.17)
Genos : This is a first… (0:02:35.42)
Engine Knight : Listen.
Metal Knight is your "enemy."
Engine Knight : Be careful. (0:02:42.85)
Genos : What do you mean? (0:02:44.64)
Engine Knight : You will know soon enough. (0:02:46.56)
Engine Knight : But for now, stay away from him. (0:02:48.02)
Atomic Samurai : Bastard. (0:03:10.96)
Atomic Samurai : You sure make things interesting. (0:03:12.08)
Melzalgald : I'm beginning to taste victory. (0:03:16.71)
Silver Fang : The stiffness in
my shoulders is gone.
Silver Fang : But I suppose I'm a little rusty. (0:03:22.55)
Melzalgald : You live—? (0:03:25.64)
Atomic Samurai : Hey. Forget something? (0:03:27.06)
Atomic Samurai : ATOMIC SLASH (0:03:30.89)
Atomic Samurai : Atomic Slash!

Melzalgald : Insolence... (0:03:35.98)
Melzalgald : Such complete insolence! (0:03:37.73)
Silver Fang : You move your heart-thing around
your body to hide its location.
Silver Fang : But your regeneration always
begins with your head
Silver Fang : and in the center lies… (0:03:49.37)
Silver Fang : …your heart. (0:03:52.96)
Silver Fang : After seeing it so much,
even a monkey'd figure it out.
Silver Fang : See? Checkmate. (0:03:58.09)
Melzalgald : Noooooo! (0:04:00.09)
Iaian : Silverfang! (0:04:06.18)
Atomic Samurai : All I needed was one more swing. (0:04:07.89)
Atomic Samurai : Keep your hands to yourself,
Silver Fang : Goodness, I really do need
to do more full-body workouts.
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : We got all the heads. (0:04:20.07)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : That means…victory is ours! (0:04:22.36)
Bad : Yah, but there's still that
big-ass ship up there.
License-less Rider : All right, this is the last of
the reported survivors.
License-less Rider : Let's move! (0:04:37.67)
Stinger : Right. (0:04:38.84)
Lightning Max : Mumen! (0:04:45.30)
Lightning Max : Quit your staring and come on! (0:04:46.59)
License-less Rider : Yeah, okay. (0:04:49.05)
Lord Boros : Nice moves. (0:05:45.15)
Lord Boros : As I thought, you are strong. (0:05:47.03)
Lord Boros : Of all the myriad beings
I have fought, only you…
Lord Boros : …survived this long! (0:05:52.95)
Lord Boros : Now to release the destructive energy
held within me!
Lord Boros : Any normal creature hit by it would
find even their bones vaporized!
Lord Boros : Behind you! (0:06:20.85)
Lord Boros : You were a worthy opponent, (0:06:31.82)
Lord Boros : but the outcome
of this battle is clear.
Lord Boros : My species won
the struggle to survive
Lord Boros : amidst the harsh environment
of our home world.
Lord Boros : We possess the ultimate
in regenerative abilities.
Lord Boros : I, in particular,
have self-healing power,
Lord Boros : physical prowess and latent energy
beyond your conception.
Lord Boros : A deep wound that would
be fatal for you
Lord Boros : heals itself on me in mere moments. (0:06:57.56)
Lord Boros : By focusing all my energy
on my destroyed arm,
Lord Boros : I can explosively speed up
the healing process.
Lord Boros : Good as new. (0:07:07.07)
Lord Boros : You, on the other hand,
will only get injured more,
Lord Boros : all while your stamina
gradually decreases—
Saitama : Shut up. (0:07:14.03)
Saitama : Blah, blah, blah. Are you done? (0:07:16.87)
Saitama : With this? (0:07:21.08)
Lord Boros : Not yet! (0:07:28.17)
Lord Boros : Meteoric Burst! (0:07:38.56)
Lord Boros : The energy shunted from my body
transforms into a propelling force,
Lord Boros : elevating speed and power
to a level beyond the limitations…
Lord Boros : …of living flesh! (0:08:14.93)
Lord Boros : Doing this places enormous stress
on my body,
Lord Boros : similar to anaerobic exercise. (0:09:15.15)
Lord Boros : As a result, it shortens my life. (0:09:17.11)
Lord Boros : Therefore, (0:09:20.03)
Lord Boros : it should only be used as a trump card
for settling fights quickly.
Iaian : It's listing! (0:09:31.13)
Superalloy Darkshine : You're doing it! (0:09:33.76)
Superalloy Darkshine : Awesome, Tornado! (0:09:35.22)
Saitama : Oh. (0:09:47.02)
Saitama : I made it. (0:09:49.94)
Lord Boros : This man… (0:09:54.57)
Lord Boros : …makes me want to go all out! (0:09:58.03)
Lord Boros : That's the way, Saitama. (0:10:21.35)
Lord Boros : You are indeed worth defeating! (0:10:23.68)
Saitama : Consecutive Normal Punches. (0:10:26.85)
Lord Boros : I will defeat you! (0:10:38.99)
Lord Boros : All my energy will be released, (0:10:44.03)
Lord Boros : blasting you and
this planet to Hell!
Lord Boros : Collapsing Star, Roaring Cannon! (0:11:00.01)
Saitama : In that case,
I'm using my final move too.
Saitama : Killer Move: Serious Series… (0:11:09.85)
Saitama : …Serious Punch. (0:11:12.44)
Lord Boros : Did I…lose? (0:11:43.68)
Saitama : You're still conscious? (0:11:48.60)
Saitama : You really are strong. (0:11:51.81)
Lord Boros : The prophecy held true. (0:11:54.48)
Lord Boros : The battle was…hard-fought. (0:11:56.90)
Saitama : Yeah. It sure was. (0:12:01.28)
Lord Boros : You lie. (0:12:07.78)
Lord Boros : You had strength to spare. (0:12:10.04)
Lord Boros : I never stood a chance. (0:12:13.08)
Lord Boros : It wasn't even a battle. (0:12:15.83)
Lord Boros : So much for prophecies. (0:12:21.92)
Lord Boros : You were too strong… (0:12:25.84)
Lord Boros : Saitama… (0:12:32.77)
Tatsumaki : It's crashing? (0:12:52.83)
Genos : Is this Master's doing? (0:12:54.54)
EXTRA : We're done!
The power sphere's been broken!
EXTRA : We're going down! (0:13:00.71)
EXTRA : Lord Boros went wild! (0:13:01.96)
EXTRA : Get out, get out! (0:13:04.13)
EXTRA : – Run!
– Stop shoving, stupid!
Dark Matter Gunner : I wanna go home, Mommy! (0:13:07.64)
Iaian : It's coming down. (0:13:12.06)
Bad : Huh? (0:13:12.89)
Bad : Hey, we better get outta here...! (0:13:14.02)
Silver Fang : This is bad.
Run for the Association HQ.
Atomic Samurai : Iai! Hold on to me! (0:13:19.90)
Iaian : I'm okay, Master! (0:13:22.03)
Atomic Samurai : Damn. How'd Silverfang get so fast? (0:13:23.57)
Iaian : Now's not the time to
be competitive.
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : Angel Dash! (0:13:28.99)
Bad : Hey pansy, don't you run
in front of me! You're too slow!
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : Angel Dash! (0:13:33.87)
Bad : Don't just say it, move! (0:13:35.08)
Dark Matter Gunner : - We're gonna crash!
- We're gonna crash!
Genos : It's down. (0:13:51.05)
Superalloy Darkshine : All right, let's go. (0:13:52.39)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : How did City A end up like this? (0:14:16.91)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : All of Class S was meeting today…

Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : Care to explain, Metal Bat? (0:14:28.13)
Bad : Huh? (0:14:30.89)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : Explain it so I can understand. (0:14:31.89)
Bad : Handsome Kamen Amai Mask… (0:14:34.85)
Bad : Where the hell'd you pop up from? (0:14:37.81)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : I was filming a TV drama
in the next town.
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : There was a roar and tremors, (0:14:44.44)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : so I came and
found City A wiped out.
Bad : Monsters on a huge-ass ship
attacked us.
Bad : They fired artillery at us
and did all this.
Bad : But we took care of it. (0:14:57.29)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : "Took care of it," you say? (0:15:01.08)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : You call this victory? (0:15:04.50)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : Such incompetence. (0:15:07.34)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : I'm completely appalled
at all of you!
Bad : Hey. (0:15:12.30)
Bad : You didn't even get here in time,
so don't go acting all big.
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : It's true I didn't make it in time, (0:15:17.89)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : but you all were right here. (0:15:20.73)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : You didn't save a single brick! (0:15:23.65)
Atomic Samurai : We were having a meeting inside
the headquarters building.
Atomic Samurai : We went outside as soon as
the enemy attacked,
Atomic Samurai : but the city was already in ruins. (0:15:33.45)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : So what? (0:15:36.20)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : You think if you tell them that,
the media will just let all this go?
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : You… (0:15:41.92)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : Whose side are you on? (0:15:43.00)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : We did our best. (0:15:45.00)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : I'm on the side of justice. (0:15:48.13)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : Having Class S heroes
this pathetic…
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : is an embarrassment. (0:15:56.60)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : Anybody this useless
should voluntarily retire.
Bad : Hey! Don't start talking crap with us! (0:16:02.14)
Bad : Who's gonna care about a pop idol with
a face busted all to Hell?!
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : Do you have any idea
why I don't move up to Class S?
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : I remain Class A, Rank 1
so I can prevent
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : weak, good-for-nothing pissants
like you from moving up to Class S.
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : Metal Knight, you skip the meeting
and only show up now?
Metal Knight : This is… (0:16:42.68)
Metal Knight : magnificent! (0:16:44.44)
Genos : Metal Knight! (0:16:46.06)
Metal Knight : What are you doing here? (0:16:48.11)
Metal Knight : The battle is already done. (0:16:50.44)
Engine Knight : Metal Knight is your "enemy." (0:16:53.11)
Metal Knight : Genos, right? (0:16:56.95)
Genos : Do not tell me you have come
to recover the spaceship.
Genos : Are you here (0:17:01.62)
Genos : so you can create more powerful weapons
with the alien technology?
Metal Knight : Precisely. (0:17:06.67)
Metal Knight : Powerful weapons
are a necessity…
Metal Knight : for the sake of peace. (0:17:11.34)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : Even with powerful weapons, (0:17:15.30)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : in the hands of heroes like this,
they'd be wasted.
Bad : You're mine later, pretty boy.
Watch your ass.
Superalloy Darkshine : Hey! (0:17:23.31)
Superalloy Darkshine : I found some alien survivors! (0:17:24.93)
EXTRA : I thought Lord Boros never lost. (0:17:30.73)
EXTRA : Are we going to be killed? (0:17:33.32)
EXTRA : Maybe we can talk
our way out of this.
EXTRA : Aggh, I'm so hungry! (0:17:37.70)
Dark Matter Gunner : Idiot! Now's not the time for— (0:17:40.62)
Dark Matter Gunner : Shh! Someone's coming. (0:17:43.54)
Superalloy Darkshine : Amai Mask! What the—? (0:17:53.34)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : They did not deserve to live.
They were evil.
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : I swiftly implemented justice,
that's all.
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : I'm sure you understand, (0:18:03.64)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : Genos… (0:18:05.73)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : You've been busy since the exam. (0:18:07.48)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : But from what I saw of
the Deep Sea King incident and today,
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : you've mostly been a disappointment. (0:18:12.82)
Silver Fang : Best leave it. (0:18:18.36)
Genos : Do not worry. I am fine. (0:18:19.91)
Genos : He reminds me of how I was
before I met Master.
Genos : A man on edge… (0:18:27.21)
Genos : too eager to eliminate evil. (0:18:29.54)
Genos : Just like me, (0:18:31.92)
Genos : he must have gone through
something terrible in his past.
Genos : Wait! (0:18:37.67)
Genos : Where is Master Saitama? (0:18:38.72)
Saitama : Oh, I'm out! (0:18:52.36)
Tatsumaki : Hey! (0:18:55.36)
Tatsumaki : Why would a Class B like you
be inside the ship?
Genos : Master! (0:19:00.11)
Genos : You are safe! (0:19:01.99)
Saitama : Hey, Genos! (0:19:03.41)
Saitama : We're done here. Let's go. (0:19:04.87)
Genos : Did you defeat their leader? (0:19:06.20)
Saitama : Yeah, he was really strong. (0:19:08.41)
Saitama : Maybe the strongest I've faced. (0:19:11.00)
Genos : I see. (0:19:12.42)
Genos : So without you, Master,
the prophecy…
Genos : about the earth's destruction (0:19:16.59)
Tatsumaki : – They're ignoring me?
– would have come true.
Genos : – They're ignoring me?
– would have come true.
Saitama : Nah. (0:19:19.47)
Saitama : Turns out you can't trust
prophecies to begin with.
Tatsumaki : Hold it right there! (0:19:23.34)
Tatsumaki : I don't know how you did it,
but you went in the ship on your own?
Tatsumaki : You're just a Class B.
How dare you butt in like that?
Tatsumaki : I didn't need you. I could have
handled it on my own.
Tatsumaki : Baldy! Octopus! Boiled egg!
Light bulb! Avocado!
Saitama : – G-Genos.
– Lame face! Goblin! Bug! Baldy!
Tatsumaki : – Say something.
– Ping-pong ball! Rice grain! Beanhead!
Genos : – Yes, sir.
– Kettle! Baldy! Kneecap!
Tatsumaki : – Yes, sir.
– Kettle! Baldy! Kneecap!
Genos : Listen, spoiled brat. (0:19:40.99)
Genos : Shut up and get lost,
or get beat down.
Saitama : That's it! Yeah! (0:19:44.91)
Tatsumaki : Unforgiveable. Me, a brat? (0:19:49.00)
Tatsumaki : I'm older than you! (0:19:51.46)
Saitama : Genos?! (0:19:53.88)
Tatsumaki : You're next, Class B! (0:19:55.13)
Silver Fang : Cut it out, Tornado. (0:19:57.17)
Silver Fang : You're part of the Association—
a hero, right?
Tatsumaki : Whatever. (0:20:05.09)
Silver Fang : Why are there so many troublemakers
amongst the elite heroes?
Saitama : Genos… Your joints are all bent
the wrong way.
Saitama : Here, I'll fix you up. (0:20:15.73)
Saitama : Oh sorry, your arm came off! (0:20:17.77)
Silver Fang : My back is killing me. (0:20:20.36)
Genos : City A was wiped off the map
that day.
Genos : The arrival of aliens and (0:20:28.99)
Genos : City A’s annihilation were
history-making events,
Genos : the top stories for days. (0:20:33.46)
Genos : But eventually the coverage
died down
Genos : and no one mentioned the city
that had disappeared.
Genos : Metal Knight salvaged
the spaceship.
Genos : Soon thereafter,
the Hero Association headquarters
Genos : was reconstructed
all the stronger,
Genos : and became an impenetrable
fortress of steel.
Genos : The infrastructure was rebuilt
with new roads leading out of HQ.
Genos : Heroes were able to
deploy quickly to every city.
Genos : And heroes Class A and above
were given the option
Genos : to live at headquarters. (0:21:04.82)
EXTRA : You can see it clearly! (0:22:47.92)
EXTRA : The entire building has been ripped out
down to the foundations.
EXTRA : The monster appeared in City Z,
but now City Y is in—
EXTRA : You humans waste
your existence in gluttony,
EXTRA : littering the earth with
worthless objects.
EXTRA : Now shall you boil and rot
in the depths of the underworld
EXTRA : that spreads below my mighty snout! (0:23:23.54)
EXTRA : Who do we have here? (0:23:27.76)
Genos : A great man who is a hero for fun… (0:23:30.97)
Genos : and profit. (0:23:35.35)
EXTRA : A great man? (0:23:36.60)
Genos : And…his disciple. (0:23:46.19)
Saitama : Back to one punch again… (0:23:54.95)
Saitama : GOD DAMN IT!! (0:23:58.74)

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