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Izuku Midoriya : The fifth match, (0:00:00.93)
Izuku Midoriya : the exam with Team Uraraka
and Aoyama against Thirteen,
Izuku Midoriya : is in its final stages... (0:00:06.90)
EXTRA : "Yuga Aoyama - Quirk: Naval Laser"
"Ochaco Uraraka - Quirk: Zero Gravity"
Ochako Uraraka : We were so close! (0:00:10.32)
EXTRA : "Pro Hero - Thirteen - Quirk: Black Hole" (0:00:12.15)
No.13 : Oh no, I won't let you get away! (0:00:12.40)
Ochako Uraraka : This isn't good. We'll get caught! (0:00:15.99)
Ochako Uraraka : Think! (0:00:17.49)
Ochako Uraraka : Think about how to get out of this! (0:00:18.58)
Ochako Uraraka : Think! (0:00:20.33)
Ochako Uraraka : What would Deku do in a time like this... (0:00:21.75)
Yuga Aoyama : Hey. (0:00:24.67)
Ochako Uraraka : Hold on! Right now, I'm-- (0:00:25.67)
Yuga Aoyama : You were thinking about what
Izuku Midoriya would do, weren't you?
Yuga Aoyama : Do you... (0:00:32.63)
Yuga Aoyama : him? (0:00:34.17)
Gunhead : You should not fight on your opponent's field (0:00:45.52)
EXTRA : "Pro Hero - Gunhead" (0:00:47.48)
Gunhead : but on your own field, see? (0:00:47.86)
No.13 : What? (0:00:54.50)
Yuga Aoyama : Whee! (0:00:55.82)
Yuga Aoyama : ...and catch! (0:00:57.16)
Ochako Uraraka : What I learned with Gunhead just
happened to come in handy right now!
EXTRA : "Stripping the Varnish" (0:02:39.01)
EXTRA : Team Aoyama and Uraraka have passed! (0:02:44.10)
Izuku Midoriya : Nice judgment, Uraraka! (0:02:47.56)
EXTRA : "Izuku Midoriya - Quirk: One For All"
"Tsuyu Asui - Quirk: Frog"
Izuku Midoriya : I can't believe she thought to use
her opponent's power to get in close!
Tsuyu Asui : Ribbit... (0:02:53.15)
Tsuyu Asui : To me, it looked like Ochaco
just happened to let go, though...
Izuku Midoriya : Really? (0:02:58.78)
Tsuyu Asui : Yes. I wonder what she was talking
about with Aoyama right before she let go?
Izuku Midoriya : Who knows? We can't hear
what they're saying over here.
EXTRA : "Recovery Girl's Temporary Nurse's Office" (0:03:09.91)
Tenya Iida : Uraraka passed, huh? I don't expect any less. (0:03:10.04)
EXTRA : "Tenya Iida - Quirk: Engine"
"Momo Yaoyorozu - Quirk: Creation"
Izuku Midoriya : Congrats to you and Yaoyorozu, too! (0:03:13.54)
Tsuyu Asui : Ribbit! (0:03:15.88)
Tenya Iida : Thanks, Midoriya. (0:03:17.59)
Tsuyu Asui : I wonder which team will
take the practical exam next?
Momo Yaoyorozu : The sixth match is Team Ashido and Kaminari. (0:03:23.22)
Momo Yaoyorozu : They will be up against Principal Nezu. (0:03:26.51)
Izuku Midoriya : The principal, huh? (0:03:29.60)
Izuku Midoriya : I wonder how he'll fight... (0:03:31.81)
Tenya Iida : We must watch carefully. (0:03:34.56)
Momo Yaoyorozu : --Yeah.
Tsuyu Asui : --Yeah.
EXTRA : Team Ashido and Kaminari, practical exam. (0:03:39.03)
EXTRA : Ready, go! (0:03:42.15)
Mina Ashido : Kaminari, what do you wanna do? (0:03:45.53)
Denki Kaminari : Basically, run. (0:03:47.58)
Denki Kaminari : Even if we're found, the principal's small, (0:03:48.99)
Denki Kaminari : so I should be able to take
care of him with my electricity.
EXTRA : "Denki Kaminari - Quirk: Electrification"
"Mina Ashido - Quirk: Acid"
Denki Kaminari : Ashido, you shouldn't use your Quirk! (0:03:53.12)
Denki Kaminari : It'll be bad if you melt the principal. (0:03:55.04)
Mina Ashido : Yeah, right? (0:03:57.13)
Mina Ashido : What's that sound? (0:04:01.87)
Denki Kaminari : It's not the principal... is it? (0:04:04.09)
Denki Kaminari : Run! (0:04:11.52)
Mina Ashido : Kaminari, what's going on?! (0:04:14.10)
Denki Kaminari : I dunno, but I'm sure the
principal's behind it!
Principal Nezu : That's right. (0:04:21.74)
Tenya Iida : The principal's riding in the crane?! (0:04:23.68)
Izuku Midoriya : But how is he attacking them...? (0:04:26.37)
Tsuyu Asui : He's so far away from them. (0:04:28.91)
Momo Yaoyorozu : It's probably with his forecasts. (0:04:31.75)
Tsuyu Asui : Forecasts? (0:04:33.71)
Momo Yaoyorozu : Yes. What's more, he probably reached
those through sophisticated calculations.
Principal Nezu : What chain reaction will be caused
depending on what I break where...
Principal Nezu : Those calculations are
as easy as making a cup of tea.
Principal Nezu : And you two aren't noticing... (0:04:53.91)
Principal Nezu : ...that the paths to the escape gate
are getting sealed off one by one.
Principal Nezu : Intellectual-type villains will sit back
and watch from the sidelines.
EXTRA : "Nezu - Quirk: High Specs" (0:05:08.74)
Present Mic : Principal Nezu. Quirk: High Specs. (0:05:09.53)
Present Mic : He's an animal with a Quirk that
makes him smarter than humans!
Present Mic : He's a unique being that you
won't find anywhere else in the world!
EXTRA : "Pro Hero - Recovery Girl - Quirk: Heal" (0:05:21.71)
Recovery Girl : Humans did a bunch of
experiments on Nezu in the past,
Recovery Girl : so in times like this, he can't
help but let out his true self.
Mina Ashido : Kaminari, you can't do
anything with your electricity?
Yuga Aoyama : I don't know where he is,
so I can't waste my shots.
Yuga Aoyama : Do you want a dead weight on your hands? (0:05:35.59)
Yuga Aoyama : Anyway, all we can do is run! (0:05:37.56)
Mina Ashido : Which way's the escape gate? (0:05:39.06)
Denki Kaminari : Probably... this way! (0:05:40.77)
Denki Kaminari : No way...! (0:05:46.36)
Denki Kaminari : Is he trying to bury us alive? (0:05:53.45)
Principal Nezu : There's still a way out! (0:05:55.50)
Principal Nezu : Come on, use your heads!
Think carefully! Rack your brains!
Mina Ashido : Kaminari, this way! (0:06:01.79)
Denki Kaminari : Okay! (0:06:03.30)
Denki Kaminari : We'd end up taking a detour, (0:06:09.30)
Denki Kaminari : but if we go out through the
other side to the escape gate...
Izuku Midoriya : He's one step ahead
of everything they can think of.
Tsuyu Asui : And they can't attack if they
don't know where the principal is.
Momo Yaoyorozu : His plan is so completely perfect... (0:06:24.36)
Izuku Midoriya : In the end, they couldn't make it to
the escape gate before time ran out,
Izuku Midoriya : and-- (0:06:31.82)
EXTRA : Team Ashido and Kaminari
retires due to running out of time.
Denki Kaminari : --Damn it!
Mina Ashido : --Damn it!
Principal Nezu : And I left one escape
route for you, too. Too bad.
Izuku Midoriya : Kaminari... Ashido... (0:06:50.05)
Tenya Iida : They really couldn't do a thing. (0:06:53.18)
Tenya Iida : They must be very frustrated. (0:06:55.97)
Ochako Uraraka : What? Mina's team lost? (0:06:59.77)
Momo Yaoyorozu : Yes. The principal's
strategy was too perfect.
Ochako Uraraka : Really? That's too bad! (0:07:06.44)
Tenya Iida : Uraraka, congratulations on passing! (0:07:10.45)
Ochako Uraraka : Thanks! You too, Iida! (0:07:12.66)
Tsuyu Asui : Ochaco, when you were
fighting against Thirteen,
Tsuyu Asui : what were you talking to Aoyama about? (0:07:18.75)
Ochako Uraraka : Hm? We were talking about... (0:07:21.08)
Yuga Aoyama : Do you... like him? (0:07:23.21)
Ochako Uraraka : ...n-nothing! That's not how it is! (0:07:27.71)
Ochako Uraraka : --What's the matter, Uraraka?
--Th-That's not it! It's not!
Tenya Iida : --What's the matter, Uraraka?
--Th-That's not it! It's not!
Tenya Iida : --Your face is red. Are you sick?
--It's not! It's not!
Ochako Uraraka : --Your face is red. Are you sick?
--It's not! It's not!
Tsuyu Asui : Something happened, huh, Ochaco? (0:07:34.97)
EXTRA : Team Koda and Jiro, practical exam. (0:07:40.52)
EXTRA : Ready, go! (0:07:43.44)
Kyoka Jiro : Let's avoid combat with Present Mic
if possible and head toward the escape gate.
EXTRA : "Koji Koda - Quirk: Anivoice"
"Kyoka Jiro - Quirk: Earphone Jack"
Kyoka Jiro : Sound good? (0:07:50.90)
Kyoka Jiro : All right, let's go! (0:07:53.20)
Tenya Iida : The practical exam matches up
students with the teachers
Tenya Iida : they'd have the hardest time
with on purpose, right?
Momo Yaoyorozu : Yes. (0:08:01.40)
Izuku Midoriya : It's easy to understand
Jiro and Koda's match up.
Tsuyu Asui : Ribbit. (0:08:05.42)
Tsuyu Asui : They're up against Mr. Present Mic. (0:08:06.59)
Izuku Midoriya : The two of them have sound-related Quirks. (0:08:09.51)
Izuku Midoriya : What will they do against
a Quirk that drowns out sound?
EXTRA : "Do your best!!" (0:08:13.93)
Present Mic : Come on, let's hurry up and finish this. (0:08:16.10)
Present Mic : I don't like working with
ardor in an arbor like this.
EXTRA : "Arbor" "Ardor" (0:08:21.23)
Present Mic : Yeahhhhh! (0:08:25.19)
Kyoka Jiro : So loud...! (0:08:33.74)
Kyoka Jiro : Koda! You can control animals
with your Quirk, right?
Kyoka Jiro : Can't you get the birds
to attack him or something?
Koji Koda : "Even if I wanted to order them to do that, (0:08:43.75)
Koji Koda : Present Mic's Voice (0:08:44.87)
Koji Koda : will make the animals run away!" (0:08:46.25)
Kyoka Jiro : Even if I plug my ears,
I feel like my eardrums would burst.
Kyoka Jiro : He's not just better... (0:08:52.21)
Kyoka Jiro : He's like a new and enhanced version! (0:08:54.76)
Kyoka Jiro : I can't even get close to him! (0:08:56.89)
Kyoka Jiro : Even if we got close to him, (0:08:58.97)
Kyoka Jiro : whether to handcuff
him or escape through the gate,
Kyoka Jiro : he's probably in front of the gate,
so we wouldn't be able to avoid fighting him.
Present Mic : Hurry up and... (0:09:07.80)
Present Mic : ...come out! (0:09:09.32)
Kyoka Jiro : My ears...! (0:09:11.90)
Present Mic : You coming yet? (0:09:13.40)
Kyoka Jiro : I can't take this anymore! I can't... (0:09:16.95)
EXTRA : "Present Mic - Quirk: Voice" (0:09:22.08)
Shota Aizawa : Present Mic. Quirk: Voice. (0:09:22.62)
Shota Aizawa : He's got crazy volume,
crazy high pitches, and crazy low tones.
Shota Aizawa : "'Put Your Hands Up' Radio"
"Every Friday night from 1 a.m. to 5 a.m.
on HERO FM! It's a nonstop blast!" "Please listen~"
Shota Aizawa : With his first cry, his parents and the delivery
doctor had blood coming out of their ears.
Shota Aizawa : By the way, the device on
his neck is a directional speaker.
Present Mic : Hurry up! (0:09:37.55)
Kyoka Jiro : If this keeps up, our eardrums'll be shot. (0:09:47.48)
Kyoka Jiro : What should we do? (0:09:49.98)
Kyoka Jiro : An ant? (0:09:53.73)
Kyoka Jiro : Koda! Can you control bugs? (0:09:56.99)
Kyoka Jiro : There was a bug! A little ant. (0:09:59.78)
Kyoka Jiro : He's not good with bugs, huh? (0:10:14.76)
Present Mic : There you are! (0:10:17.05)
Kyoka Jiro : This isn't good... For now... (0:10:24.01)
Kyoka Jiro : Cancel out! (0:10:27.73)
Present Mic : What a cheap sound. (0:10:33.77)
Kyoka Jiro : Do you have a plan? (0:10:38.20)
Present Mic : --What should we--
--You coming yet?
Kyoka Jiro : --What should we--
--You coming yet?
Kyoka Jiro : W-We need some way to break out of this! (0:10:45.49)
Kyoka Jiro : At this rate, we won't even be able
to get close to him.
Kyoka Jiro : What a joke! (0:10:50.42)
Kyoka Jiro : Koda... (0:10:53.42)
Kyoka Jiro : Just tell me if it's possible
for you to control bugs or not.
Koji Koda : "It's possible..." (0:10:58.51)
Kyoka Jiro : Then... (0:11:00.72)
Kyoka Jiro : Sorry, I know it's scary, but... (0:11:07.27)
Present Mic : Hey...! (0:11:08.89)
Kyoka Jiro : ...he's too strong! (0:11:11.60)
Kyoka Jiro : I can't think of anything else! (0:11:13.86)
Kyoka Jiro : If you can do it, we might be able to win! (0:11:18.59)
Kyoka Jiro : You can do it. You want
to be a hero, don't you?
Kyoka Jiro : If so, then let's pass this! (0:11:28.08)
Koji Koda : Jiro's ears are... (0:11:33.71)
Koji Koda : Because I've just been
running away, Jiro's...
EXTRA : You got into U.A.? (0:11:48.85)
EXTRA : As your mom, I'm so happy! (0:11:51.06)
EXTRA : Koji, you're amazing! (0:11:53.27)
Koji Koda : That's right, I got into
my dream school, U.A.!
Koji Koda : U.A., where we're always moving forward! (0:12:01.20)
Koji Koda : That's right, my heart
should always be Plus Ultra!
Koji Koda : "tremble tremble tremble" (0:12:08.95)
Koji Koda : Go on, little ones. Now is the time to
take out the man responsible for the noise.
Kyoka Jiro : --You can totally talk!
Koji Koda : --You can totally talk!
Present Mic : What, are they planning
on hiding until time's up?
Present Mic : They're coming from underground,
where it's hard for sound to travel...!
Present Mic : This is why I hate forests! (0:12:34.98)
Tenya Iida : That's hard even for a pro... (0:12:43.57)
Izuku Midoriya : Koda, that's harsh... (0:12:45.86)
Recovery Girl : How pathetic, to be taken down by some bugs! (0:12:48.50)
EXTRA : Team Koda and Jiro have passed! (0:12:52.16)
EXTRA : "Affiliation: U.A. High School Hero Class 1-A"
"Birthday: 5/30" "Height: 168 cm"
"Blood Type: O" "Likes: Himself"
EXTRA : "Affiliation: U.A. High School Hero Class 1-A"
"Birthday: 2/1" "Height: 186 cm"
"Blood Type: A" "Likes: Nature"
EXTRA : "Eighth Match"
"Team Hagakure and Shoji vs Snipe"
Toru Hagakure : Shoji, at this rate, we can't move at all! (0:13:08.89)
EXTRA : "Toru Hagakure - Quirk: Invisibility"
"Mezo Shoji - Quirk: Dupli-Arms"
Mezou Shouji : Calm down, it's just a diversion. (0:13:11.72)
Mezou Shouji : Even so, escaping will be a Herculean task. (0:13:13.98)
Mezou Shouji : The only consolation is that our opponent's
movements are slowed by the weights.
Snipe : Now, let's see who's better at hide-and-seek. (0:13:21.84)
Mezou Shouji : A smoke bomb? (0:13:28.12)
Mezou Shouji : Is he trying to obstruct our view? (0:13:29.45)
Mezou Shouji : But he'll have to deal with it, too. (0:13:31.43)
EXTRA : "Pro Hero - Snipe - Quirk: Homing" (0:13:33.79)
Snipe : However, I can feel your presence. (0:13:34.13)
Mezou Shouji : Are you all right, Hagakure? (0:13:44.88)
Mezou Shouji : Hagakure? (0:13:48.04)
Mezou Shouji : So that's what she's doing. (0:13:51.68)
Snipe : You're being too rash! (0:13:56.77)
Snipe : Aren't you giving up a little too easily? (0:14:09.20)
Toru Hagakure : Got him! (0:14:13.99)
Snipe : When did you-- (0:14:15.04)
Snipe : Bounce? (0:14:18.23)
Toru Hagakure : Mr. Snipe! (0:14:19.08)
Snipe : It was a misunderstanding! It was beyond
my control! I didn't do it on purpose...!
EXTRA : Team Hagukure and Shoji have passed! (0:14:25.63)
Momo Yaoyorozu : As expected, Hagakure is a cut above
when it comes to covert activities!
Izuku Midoriya : Shoji also did a good job helping by
drawing Mr. Snipe's attention away from her.
Tsuyu Asui : --Ribbit.
Ochako Uraraka : --Ribbit.
EXTRA : Team Mineta and Sero, practical exam. (0:14:40.88)
EXTRA : Ready, go! (0:14:43.61)
Ochako Uraraka : Deku, you're up next, right? (0:14:45.56)
Ochako Uraraka : You're not going to the exam area? (0:14:47.73)
Izuku Midoriya : Oh, yeah, it is, but I'll watch
everyone fight until the last minute.
Izuku Midoriya : It's useful to see how
everyone's using their Quirks,
Izuku Midoriya : but I also feel like I'm getting
strength from watching them.
Izuku Midoriya : Everyone's really amazing. (0:15:02.15)
Izuku Midoriya : Even if they couldn't pass,
they fought until the end...
Izuku Midoriya : They're all excellent
U.A. students who never give up!
Ochako Uraraka : Yeah! (0:15:10.55)
Tenya Iida : Well... (0:15:11.55)
Momo Yaoyorozu : There's one... (0:15:12.34)
Tsuyu Asui : ...who's totally given up. (0:15:13.43)
Izuku Midoriya : Mineta?! (0:15:18.60)
Minoru Mineta : Damn it! How can I take this stupid test?! (0:15:19.73)
EXTRA : "Minoru Mineta - Quirk: Pop Off" (0:15:23.44)
Minoru Mineta : But he was looking forward
to the training camp so much!
Izuku Midoriya : Why is he so ready to run away? (0:15:32.63)
Izuku Midoriya : If it's gotten that far,
it might be hard for him...
Recovery Girl : For this practical exam,
All Might, Mic, Cementoss,
Recovery Girl : and Midnight are all especially hard. (0:15:42.24)
Recovery Girl : Depending on the person, (0:15:47.55)
Recovery Girl : it isn't hard to imagine someone being
checkmated or feeling like they are.
EXTRA : "Midnight - Quirk: Somnambulist" (0:15:52.18)
Present Mic : Midnight. Quirk: Somnambulist. (0:15:52.83)
Present Mic : She can make people fall asleep
with the fragrance coming from her body.
Present Mic : It works better on boys than girls! (0:15:59.31)
Hanta Sero : It's working, it's working. (0:16:02.19)
Midnight : Grape Juice, the gate's
in the opposite direction.
Minoru Mineta : Sero, damn it! I won't forgive you! (0:16:11.35)
Ochako Uraraka : Why is he crying blood? (0:16:15.62)
Izuku Midoriya : Maybe because he's jealous of Sero? (0:16:17.08)
Minoru Mineta : Sero, you bastard! (0:16:19.29)
Hanta Sero : Look out! (0:16:24.46)
Hanta Sero : Don't get too close, Mineta! (0:16:25.38)
Minoru Mineta : Chest! (0:16:37.10)
Minoru Mineta : And-- (0:16:38.68)
Minoru Mineta : Knees! (0:16:40.21)
Minoru Mineta : If Sero hadn't saved me, then I'd
be in that position right about now!
Izuku Midoriya : Mineta... (0:16:46.23)
Recovery Girl : It might be hard for a kid
like that to survive in this place.
Izuku Midoriya : What do you mean? (0:16:52.20)
Recovery Girl : U.A. is constantly preparing walls
and making the students overcome them.
Recovery Girl : In order to keep overcoming
those walls without losing steam,
Recovery Girl : the students need a
concrete goal to focus on.
Recovery Girl : It's not so easy a path that one
can climb it with vague feelings
Recovery Girl : of wanting to be a hero. (0:17:10.96)
Recovery Girl : Even if they do become heroes, (0:17:13.67)
Recovery Girl : people whose end goal is
to become a hero have no future.
Recovery Girl : In the end, is there a goal in
that child's heart that he can focus on?
Minoru Mineta : I want to touch a woman's body...
I want to be popular with the ladies...
Recovery Girl : He's very direct. (0:17:38.52)
Minoru Mineta : What the heck? Why is my exam
the only one like this...?
Minoru Mineta : Just one sniff and you'll fall
asleep and be forced to retire...
Minoru Mineta : Jeez! (0:17:49.63)
Tsuyu Asui : Mineta, did you really come
to U.A. wanting to be a hero?
Minoru Mineta : Shut up, what's wrong with that? (0:17:57.76)
EXTRA : What? No way, is it really true? (0:18:00.64)
EXTRA : Yeah, I'm serious! Wanna
go together next time?
EXTRA : Yeah, sure! (0:18:06.10)
Minoru Mineta : I wanted to be popular with girls.
That's why I wanted to be a hero.
Minoru Mineta : I thought that I'd be
popular once I became a hero.
Minoru Mineta : I thought that I'd be popular...! (0:18:25.37)
Midnight : I thought I'd stay enshrined in
front of the gate until time ran out,
Midnight : but I suppose that's too inconsiderate. (0:18:37.60)
Midnight : If someone runs away from me screaming, (0:18:41.22)
Midnight : my sadistic side starts
to throb so much I can't help it.
Minoru Mineta : This is it! The eyes of a
predator who's cornered its prey!
Minoru Mineta : You really are toeing the
line there, Midnight!
Midnight : That's right, whether it's
through your nose or your mouth...
Midnight : If you take just one breath,
it'll be over for you.
Midnight : What do you think you can do in that state? (0:19:02.95)
Midnight : That's right! You'd run, right? (0:19:07.12)
Minoru Mineta : That's not it. (0:19:10.29)
Minoru Mineta : After coming to this school and
having a brush with death, I realized...
Minoru Mineta : It's not that they're cool
because they're heroes...
Minoru Mineta : They're heroes because they're cool! (0:19:21.52)
Minoru Mineta : Right, Midoriya? (0:19:24.89)
Midnight : Just how long do you plan on keeping
that up while holding your breath?
Minoru Mineta : That's not it... (0:19:33.61)
Minoru Mineta : It's not that I'm a fan
of pervy heroes like you!
Minoru Mineta : I ran away from the gate, and whined, (0:19:43.03)
Minoru Mineta : and fanned your sadistic side
and drew you all the way here...
Minoru Mineta : I did all that in order to be cool! (0:19:51.21)
Midnight : Are you saying you had me
in the palm of your hand?
Midnight : That's fine. I won't let you! (0:19:58.34)
Minoru Mineta : "Your fragrance won't work like this!" (0:20:01.22)
Midnight : Sero's Tape! (0:20:04.89)
Midnight : Can you fight in that state of suffocation? (0:20:06.51)
Minoru Mineta : There's no need to fight. (0:20:11.81)
Minoru Mineta : Because my special move... (0:20:14.65)
Minoru Mineta : ...already worked! (0:20:18.82)
Minoru Mineta : Grape Rush! (0:20:22.70)
Midnight : You're pretty amazing. (0:20:29.12)
Izuku Midoriya : He got her stuck far away from the gate (0:20:31.91)
Izuku Midoriya : so her Somnambulist
wouldn't be able to reach!
Recovery Girl : Oh, he's pretty clever. (0:20:36.83)
Recovery Girl : He had me completely fooled. (0:20:39.65)
Recovery Girl : Thinking it through, wanting to be popular
with girls is also a goal one can focus on.
Minoru Mineta : Jeez. (0:20:53.89)
EXTRA : "Do your best!!" (0:20:55.52)
Minoru Mineta : If you hadn't tried to save me, (0:20:55.90)
Minoru Mineta : then I wouldn't have had to work this hard. (0:20:58.73)
EXTRA : "Good job!!" (0:21:00.23)
Minoru Mineta : Just this once, we'll save
the boobs for another day!
EXTRA : Team Mineta and Sero have passed! (0:21:07.78)
Tenya Iida : All right, they passed! (0:21:11.58)
Momo Yaoyorozu : Mineta's plan worked! (0:21:13.20)
Tsuyu Asui : Ribbit. (0:21:15.42)
Ochako Uraraka : Deku, it's your... (0:21:16.25)
Izuku Midoriya : Mineta, congrats! (0:21:21.05)
Izuku Midoriya : I'll also try to become a great hero so
that I won't lose to the others in our clas...
EXTRA : "Katsuki Bakugo - Quirk: Explosion" (0:21:36.90)
EXTRA : Team Midoriya and Bakugo, (0:21:41.28)
EXTRA : practical exam. (0:21:44.07)
EXTRA : Ready, go! (0:21:45.77)
EXTRA : "Pro Hero - All Might - Quirk: One For All" (0:21:46.82)
EXTRA : "Preview" (0:23:20.00)
Izuku Midoriya : Here's the preview! (0:23:20.04)
Izuku Midoriya : The last match of the practical exam
is Kacchan and me versus All Might!
Izuku Midoriya : In order for us to win against All Might... (0:23:25.17)
Katsuki Bakugo : ...we've got to beat him up, of course! (0:23:27.59)
Izuku Midoriya : Kacchan! (0:23:29.63)
Katsuki Bakugo : I told you, your power isn't needed to pass! (0:23:30.13)
Izuku Midoriya : There's no way we can win
if we fight him head on!
Katsuki Bakugo : I'll win... Because that's
what it means to be a hero!
Izuku Midoriya : Next time, "Katsuki Bakugo: Origin"! (0:23:39.69)
Katsuki Bakugo : I only look at victory! That's all! (0:23:42.15)
Izuku Midoriya : Go beyond! (0:23:44.90)
EXTRA : "Next time: Katsuki Bakugo: Origin" (0:23:45.94)
Izuku Midoriya : Plus Ultra! (0:23:47.07)
Katsuki Bakugo : Plus Ultra! (0:23:47.07)

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