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Zena Marientail : Satou-san, do you have any plans for today? (0:00:02.60)
Satou Pendragon : I was thinking of asking the odd
jobs people to put me in contact
Satou Pendragon : with some housing or an inn
that allows demi-humans.
Satou Pendragon : Liza and the girls can't
stay in the stables forever.
Zena Marientail : W-Well, would it be all right
if I went with you?
Satou Pendragon : I don't mind. (0:00:19.87)
Satou Pendragon : But do you really want to spend
your whole day off with me?
Zena Marientail : Yes! (0:00:25.66)
EXTRA : Odd Jobs (0:01:57.01)
Satou Pendragon : Excuse me! (0:02:01.38)
EXTRA : Used Skill: Amplify Voice (0:02:01.43)
Nadi : Coming! (0:02:02.52)
Nadi : Sorry about the wait. (0:02:06.84)
EXTRA : Nadi
Lv. 9
Nadi : I'm Nadi, and I help take care of odd jobs. (0:02:08.35)
Nadi : What can I help you with today? (0:02:10.75)
Satou Pendragon : I need to find some lodging
or a property I can rent.
Nadi : Understood. Right this way. (0:02:16.82)
Nadi : If you're going to be
living with demi-humans,
Nadi : it'll need to be in West Town or somewhere
between there and the worker's residences.
Nadi : Crime is a bit of concern in that area,
but it won't be as expensive as a result.
Nadi : What price range are you looking at? (0:02:32.89)
Satou Pendragon : Well, let's see... (0:02:34.70)
Satou Pendragon : I was hoping to not spend much
more than two silver coins.
Satou Pendragon : If that's not enough, I'd be willing
to go as high as one gold coin.
Nadi : That covers a few options. (0:02:42.58)
Nadi : These three, in particular, should
fit what you've described so far.
Nadi : Although... (0:02:50.31)
EXTRA : Vacant Property (0:02:53.48)
Nadi : The owner of this residence was assassinated
by a member of the crime guild.
Satou Pendragon : M-Mind if we look at the others? (0:02:58.99)
EXTRA : You sure you're not showing
too much skin lately?
EXTRA : Brothel (0:03:07.45)
Satou Pendragon : A brothel right across from the house... (0:03:07.48)
Satou Pendragon : That's kind of rough. (0:03:10.96)
Satou Pendragon : There's a hideout for the
crime guild under this one,
Satou Pendragon : along with a secret path
that reaches into the city...
Satou Pendragon : This one gives me a bad feeling.
I think I'll pass.
Nadi : I see. (0:03:26.60)
Nadi : I'll drop by the office in the afternoon (0:03:29.35)
Nadi : and see if there are any properties
that are more suitable.
Satou Pendragon : Thank you so much. (0:03:34.35)
Satou Pendragon : I'll drop by again this evening, then. (0:03:35.76)
Satou Pendragon : So, is there anywhere you'd
like to go in the meantime?
Zena Marientail : W-Well, let's see... (0:03:43.70)
Nadi : Actually, a flea market opened
in the plaza up ahead yesterday.
Nadi : There are good bargains, and I was
actually going to walk around
Nadi : with the manager on the last day
to pick up things on clearance.
Satou Pendragon : I see. (0:03:56.57)
Nadi : And the outdoor stage where they
hold plays is really popular,
Nadi : not to mention perfect for dates. (0:04:04.35)
Zena Marientail : Dates... (0:04:05.87)
Satou Pendragon : Something wrong? (0:04:07.83)
Nadi : Oh, it's nothing. (0:04:09.17)
EXTRA : Let me get one of those! (0:04:11.14)
Pochi : It's the master! (0:04:18.58)
Tama : Found him! (0:04:20.86)
Satou Pendragon : What happened to your shopping? (0:04:22.84)
Arisa : It was all a bit unwieldy,
so we dropped them at the inn.
Arisa : Look, look! (0:04:30.83)
Tama : Looks good? (0:04:32.27)
Pochi : Does it? (0:04:33.20)
Satou Pendragon : You all look cute. (0:04:35.17)
Satou Pendragon : What's with the hair, though? (0:04:37.38)
Arisa : Oh, purple hair is apparently
a bad sign around here,
Arisa : so we took a little precaution. (0:04:42.67)
Satou Pendragon : Makes sense. (0:04:43.87)
Arisa : And so, I was wondering if I
could ask you for something...
Satou Pendragon : Don't cling to me. (0:04:49.32)
Satou Pendragon : So, what did you need? (0:04:50.49)
Satou Pendragon : Cards, huh? (0:04:55.56)
Satou Pendragon : Art on the front, and the language
of the Saga Empire on the back...
Satou Pendragon : This might come in handy for teaching
Pochi and Tama how to read.
Satou Pendragon : Those cards are interesting. (0:05:05.40)
EXTRA : I thought they might help teach the
children in my hometown how to read.
Satou Pendragon : Wow... (0:05:10.56)
EXTRA : Acquired Item: Educational Cards (0:05:12.24)
Arisa : Master, aren't you heading to
the outdoor stage for the play?
Satou Pendragon : Well, we intend to. (0:05:20.33)
Arisa : Did you buy your tickets yet? (0:05:21.68)
Satou Pendragon : No. (0:05:23.23)
Liza : Let us handle that, then, Master. (0:05:24.26)
Satou Pendragon : Okay, use this to pay. (0:05:27.13)
Satou Pendragon : Sorry about that, Zena-san. (0:05:29.68)
Satou Pendragon : They're going to be coming with us. (0:05:31.92)
Zena Marientail : Oh, that's okay. (0:05:34.91)
Satou Pendragon : This seems like it'd go well
with your golden blonde hair.
Zena Marientail : It's lovely... (0:05:42.60)
Zena Marientail : Does it suit me? (0:05:46.42)
Satou Pendragon : Yes, very much so. (0:05:47.57)
Arisa : Master! (0:05:50.37)
Arisa : I want this! (0:05:52.41)
Satou Pendragon : Then let's get something for
Lulu, too, and buy them all.
Arisa : Yay! (0:05:58.03)
Satou Pendragon : Y'know, you'd be easier to shop for
if you asked for stuff like Arisa...
Tama : Zena! (0:06:03.32)
Pochi : Hello, there! (0:06:04.75)
Arisa : Let's go over there next! (0:06:06.06)
Satou Pendragon : Excuse me, can I get these earrings? (0:06:11.24)
EXTRA : Fair maiden, rather than
under the moonlight...
EXTRA : I would wish to see your smiling
face beneath the shining sun.
EXTRA : Oh, beloved Zen, (0:06:24.83)
EXTRA : Iyuna
Lv. 3
EXTRA : use your magic to free me from this
castle, which is more like a prison!
Satou Pendragon : Tragic romances aren't
really my thing, but...
Tama : Meat! (0:06:35.33)
Pochi : Delicious meat! (0:06:36.91)
Satou Pendragon : S-Sorry about that. (0:06:40.12)
EXTRA : It's all right. (0:06:41.66)
Satou Pendragon : I guess they couldn't follow the story. (0:06:42.79)
Satou Pendragon : What about Liza? (0:06:44.75)
Satou Pendragon : Hey, she's actually paying attention. (0:06:47.14)
Satou Pendragon : Wait, no. (0:06:50.20)
Satou Pendragon : She's focused on the smell of skewers
that surrounds the outdoor stage...
Satou Pendragon : This "The Tragedy of Marquis Muno" story
is apparently based on a true story,
Satou Pendragon : where the protagonist, Zen,
is a commoner wizard
Satou Pendragon : who has a tragic romance
with Princess Liltiena.
Satou Pendragon : Not only does her fiancé, Marquis Muno,
kill every member of Zen's extended family,
Satou Pendragon : Zen himself is murdered by one
of the princess's attendants.
Satou Pendragon : In the end, the princess takes her own life, (0:07:22.02)
Satou Pendragon : leaving you with a story that
leaves a bitter taste...
Satou Pendragon : That's just people cheering for the play. (0:07:32.24)
Satou Pendragon : I thought that was the end, but,
apparently, it continues from there.
Satou Pendragon : The body of the protagonist,
which was thrown from a cliff,
Satou Pendragon : reanimates, becoming undead, (0:07:47.07)
Satou Pendragon : and kills everyone at the marquis's estate. (0:07:49.01)
Satou Pendragon : And the moment before he's about
to kill the marquis himself,
Satou Pendragon : a Holy Knight kills him. Kind of an anticlimax. (0:07:57.88)
EXTRA : Oh, Holy Knight! (0:08:03.08)
Satou Pendragon : Not only that, but the marquis's
whole personality suddenly changes,
Satou Pendragon : and then he dies because of some kind of
curse from his marquisate.
Satou Pendragon : The result is a completely
incomprehensible finale.
EXTRA : Gabo Flatbread (0:08:19.93)
Satou Pendragon : Gabo flatbread? (0:08:20.12)
Satou Pendragon : Gabo must be some kind of fantasy
vegetable in this world.
Satou Pendragon : You dropped this, ma'am. (0:08:27.73)
EXTRA : Thank you so much. (0:08:31.61)
EXTRA : Oh, you're the young man
from the seat behind me.
Satou Pendragon : Sorry about before. (0:08:35.77)
EXTRA : It's quite all right. (0:08:37.68)
EXTRA : So, what did you think about the ending
to the play? Terrible, wasn't it?
Satou Pendragon : Well, yes... (0:08:42.06)
EXTRA : In the script, the wizard
is killed by the Holy Knight
EXTRA : after he gets his revenge on the marquis. (0:08:47.47)
EXTRA : But the nobles were complaining,
so it got changed haphazardly.
EXTRA : In the story it's based on,
Princess Liltiena is a commoner,
EXTRA : and the lecherous marquis just
kidnaps her, despite her marriage.
Satou Pendragon : I see... (0:09:05.23)
Satou Pendragon : So it was weird because there
were a bunch of changes demanded.
Tama : Master! (0:09:12.11)
Pochi : Where have you been? (0:09:13.47)
Satou Pendragon : Sorry, sorry, just had to use the bathroom. (0:09:15.07)
Arisa : That play was such a string
of thrills. It was delightful!
Zena Marientail : I cried when Princess Liltiena killed
herself after the wizard Zen died...
Arisa : She should've surreptitiously taken the
short sword to get revenge on the marquis!
Arisa : Dying doesn't accomplish anything. (0:09:33.79)
Arisa : Wasn't the marquis the root of the problem, (0:09:35.93)
Arisa : with how he was trying to separate
two people who loved each other?
Zena Marientail : But Princess Liltiena did
break the promise of
Zena Marientail : the arranged marriage
both families agreed on,
Zena Marientail : so isn't she the real cause of the tragedy? (0:09:46.16)
Arisa : Well, in that case, (0:09:48.84)
Arisa : Zena-tan, would you rather marry (0:09:50.19)
Arisa : someone your family chose,
instead of my master?
Zena Marientail : I-I'm not arranged to be
married to anyone, so...
Arisa : And might you have joined the military
specifically to avoid getting engaged?
Arisa : Around here, women have to run
households after getting married,
Arisa : but joining the military means
five years of guaranteed service.
Satou Pendragon : Arisa really knows her stuff... (0:10:10.79)
Arisa : You need to be prepared to sacrifice
everything for the person you love!
Arisa : Or it's not real love! (0:10:16.16)
Zena Marientail : B-But... denying the will of the
head of the family is a bit...
Arisa : If you always worry about
playing the good girl,
Arisa : you're going to end up having the
man you care about stolen from you.
Satou Pendragon : That was going overboard. (0:10:31.56)
Arisa : Ow! (0:10:32.73)
Satou Pendragon : Sorry about that, Zena-san. (0:10:33.79)
EXTRA : Acquired Skill: Mediation (0:10:34.97)
Satou Pendragon : Come on, Arisa, apologize. (0:10:35.77)
Arisa : I'm sorry... (0:10:37.47)
EXTRA : Acquired Title: Mediator (0:10:37.61)
Satou Pendragon : Though I do understand Arisa's perspective. (0:10:39.30)
Satou Pendragon : Who wants to eat meat skewers? (0:10:44.84)
Tama : Meat skewers! (0:10:46.96)
Pochi : We'd love to! (0:10:48.12)
Liza : How many should I buy, Master? (0:10:49.72)
Satou Pendragon : That was fast... well, make sure
there's some for everybody.
Arisa : I'll handle the haggling! (0:10:56.19)
Tama : Can we come? (0:10:57.60)
Pochi : We want to help! (0:10:58.52)
EXTRA : "City Defense That Began With a Death March" (0:11:16.53)
Zena Marientail : Lilio. (0:11:22.71)
Lilio : Zenacchi! (0:11:23.37)
Zena Marientail : Iona-san and Ruu, too.
What brings you here?
Iona : There was a battle with some Fang Ants. (0:11:26.56)
Ruu : Those rat bastards, next time I see
them I'm gonna spit roast them!
Satou Pendragon : Fang Ants? Rat bastards? (0:11:34.42)
Iona : Before we ran into the Fang Ants (0:11:37.65)
Iona : we spotted a group of wererat
cavalry who crossed the border.
Iona : And Ruu suspects that they're the
ones who attracted the Fang Ants.
Ruu : The guy in the lead was
wearing flashy red helmet.
Ruu : If I ever catch him, he's headed
straight for the gallows.
Zena Marientail : Healing Breeze. (0:11:57.43)
Lilio : Thanks, Zenacchi! (0:12:00.10)
Zena Marientail : It's nothing. (0:12:01.77)
Zena Marientail : Satou-san, I'm going to go
treat the other injured.
Satou Pendragon : All right! (0:12:06.89)
Tama : Prey! (0:12:12.34)
Pochi : A job well done! (0:12:13.45)
Satou Pendragon : What are you doing with that ant? (0:12:16.04)
Tama : Killed it! (0:12:18.30)
Pochi : It was attacking from above. (0:12:19.85)
Liza : Master, there don't seem to
be any more lurking nearby.
Satou Pendragon : I see... (0:12:24.97)
EXTRA : Flying Ant
Lv. 3
Satou Pendragon : They don't seem to be the exact same breed, (0:12:27.11)
Satou Pendragon : but are these the monsters
the border guard fought?
Satou Pendragon : Red markers... incoming! (0:12:31.47)
Satou Pendragon : Pochi, Tama, go get your weapons. (0:12:33.44)
Tama : Yeah! (0:12:36.44)
Satou Pendragon : Arisa, go get Lulu. (0:12:37.70)
Arisa : Okay! (0:12:39.40)
Satou Pendragon : Liza, go get the curtain we used for the bed. (0:12:40.51)
Liza : Understood! (0:12:44.03)
Iona : Is something wrong? (0:12:45.91)
Satou Pendragon : There's a swarm of these Flying Ants— (0:12:47.61)
EXTRA : Used Skill: Fabrication (0:12:47.70)
Tavern Owner : Monsters? (0:12:56.08)
Satou Pendragon : Flying Ants are only level 3. (0:13:01.30)
EXTRA : Flying Ant
Lv. 3
EXTRA : Flying Ant
Lv. 3
Satou Pendragon : Not strong enough to threaten armed troops, (0:13:04.04)
Satou Pendragon : but they've got sharp fangs,
hard exoskeletons, and can fly.
Satou Pendragon : More than enough to threaten the civilians. (0:13:10.82)
Satou Pendragon : While they're in the air, (0:13:13.48)
Satou Pendragon : using Fire Shot to burn them up would
probably be most effective, but...
Satou Pendragon : They're faster than I thought. (0:13:21.88)
Satou Pendragon : What? (0:13:24.86)
Arisa : The protective barrier against monsters
above the city seems to be helping some.
Satou Pendragon : Barrier? But so many are getting through. (0:13:30.67)
Arisa : We're not talking about spatial magic here. (0:13:33.34)
Arisa : Creating something that'd be
as effective as a physical wall
Arisa : would be incredibly inefficient, MP-wise. (0:13:38.68)
Satou Pendragon : Arisa, take Lulu and hide
in the back of that bar.
Arisa : Got it. (0:13:43.80)
Satou Pendragon : Pochi, Tama, protect the inn. (0:13:44.92)
Pochi : Okies. (0:13:46.80)
Tama : What about Master? (0:13:48.03)
Satou Pendragon : I'm going to build a barricade with Liza, (0:13:49.43)
Satou Pendragon : and then we'll get rid of any
monsters near the entrance.
EXTRA : Hurry and get inside! (0:13:57.64)
EXTRA : It's just one monster! (0:14:01.62)
EXTRA : Hurry and crush it! (0:14:03.24)
Zena Marientail : Fallen Hammer! (0:14:07.88)
EXTRA : Fire! (0:14:11.07)
Satou Pendragon : There they are... (0:14:14.73)
Liza : Master, leave this to me. (0:14:15.92)
EXTRA : Used: Pennies (0:14:22.50)
Pochi : We're not letting you through! (0:14:26.57)
Tama : Road's closed! (0:14:28.11)
Pochi : I've got you! (0:14:29.68)
Tama : Stay on your toes! (0:14:35.14)
Pochi : Thank you so much, Tama! (0:14:36.86)
Tama : Fuhgeddaboudit. (0:14:38.98)
Satou Pendragon : What's with the accent? (0:14:40.31)
Satou Pendragon : Wait, she had to have gotten it from Arisa. (0:14:42.84)
EXTRA : Flying Ant
Lv. 3
Satou Pendragon : She must've used her psychic magic. (0:14:48.53)
Satou Pendragon : Looks like a few of them made it into
the building Nadi-san works out of.
Satou Pendragon : Things are just about finished here... (0:14:56.29)
Satou Pendragon : Liza! Handle things here for a bit! (0:14:58.25)
Satou Pendragon : Understood! (0:15:00.78)
EXTRA : All Items (0:15:04.09)
EXTRA : All Items
EXTRA : All Items
≻Some Kind of Bar
EXTRA : Used Item: Some Kind of Bar (0:15:06.25)
EXTRA : Acquired Skill: One-Handed Mace (0:15:08.26)
Satou Pendragon : Nadi-san, are you all right?! (0:15:10.70)
Nadi : Y-Yes, I'm fine! (0:15:12.57)
Satou Pendragon : The stairs are covered in
acid the ants threw up...
Satou Pendragon : Guess I could smash a rock and
use it to make some footing.
Yusaratoya Bolenan : Ivy Control! (0:15:19.61)
Nadi : Manager! (0:15:23.64)
EXTRA : Odd Jobs (0:15:26.65)
Nadi : Thank you so much, Satou-san! (0:15:29.70)
Nadi : And you, too, manager! (0:15:33.56)
Yusaratoya Bolenan : I'm an afterthought? (0:15:37.24)
Nadi : Of course not! I'm really grateful. (0:15:38.44)
Yusaratoya Bolenan : Who is this? (0:15:42.18)
EXTRA : Yusaratoya Bolenan (0:15:43.21)
Nadi : He was requesting help with finding a
home for rent, and he saved my life.
EXTRA : (0:15:45.59)
Yusaratoya Bolenan : Appreciate it. (0:15:47.69)
Satou Pendragon : An elf, one of the single most popular
races in all fantasy settings.
Nadi : Is something the matter? (0:15:52.84)
Satou Pendragon : No, I've just never seen someone
with green hair before.
Nadi : Oh, that's because the manager
is a forest spirit, an elf.
Satou Pendragon : An elf? As in, with long ears? (0:16:02.27)
Yusaratoya Bolenan : Wrong. (0:16:05.18)
Nadi : They're a different race from
elves, called the Long-ears.
Nadi : Since the first hero called
the Long-ears "elves,"
Nadi : people have been making that
mistake for a millennium now.
Nadi : Which is why elves always try to
avoid being mistaken for Long-ears.
Satou Pendragon : I had no idea... (0:16:23.54)
Satou Pendragon : Manager, I apologize for my ignorance. (0:16:25.66)
Yusaratoya Bolenan : You're forgiven. (0:16:29.68)
Nadi : See? (0:16:30.94)
Nadi : Oh. (0:16:32.71)
Satou Pendragon : We'll discuss the housing issue again later. (0:16:34.66)
Nadi : Right, thank you for your help today! (0:16:37.36)
Satou Pendragon : Looks like it's about wrapped up. (0:16:41.92)
Zena Marientail : Satou-san! (0:16:44.05)
Satou Pendragon : Are you all right? (0:16:48.15)
Zena Marientail : S-Sorry... (0:16:49.29)
Zena Marientail : We finished up on our end, too. (0:16:53.54)
Zena Marientail : Now I'm going to be joining the guardsmen (0:16:55.93)
Zena Marientail : and make sure there aren't any
other problems in town.
Satou Pendragon : That's a shame, considering
today was your day off.
Zena Marientail : I'm sad our outing ended partway through, (0:17:05.18)
Zena Marientail : but detecting enemies is
a specialty of wind magic.
Zena Marientail : And if we don't get going soon, (0:17:11.98)
Zena Marientail : the nearby villages might come under attack. (0:17:14.48)
Satou Pendragon : Take care! (0:17:17.91)
EXTRA : Are you this girl's master? (0:17:22.20)
Liza : Master. (0:17:25.40)
EXTRA : The law says you sell cores to
the city government. Hand it over.
Satou Pendragon : One minute, please. (0:17:33.25)
Satou Pendragon : Let me just draw up a receipt. (0:17:35.40)
EXTRA : Acquired Title:
Beginner Merchant
Satou Pendragon : This will have the number of cores and
the amounts that were paid for them,
Satou Pendragon : along with your name or some
other form of identification.
EXTRA : What?! (0:17:45.25)
EXTRA : Are you insinuating I was
going to steal them from you?
Satou Pendragon : Merchants are just cautious, that's all. (0:17:49.71)
EXTRA : Acquired Skill: Coercion (0:17:53.42)
Satou Pendragon : Even if we were dealing
with a saint or a hero,
Satou Pendragon : we'd still rather have something
in writing than a verbal promise.
EXTRA : That good enough? (0:18:03.72)
Satou Pendragon : Your numbers are wrong. (0:18:05.52)
EXTRA : Used Skill: Calculation (0:18:06.94)
EXTRA : Huh? (0:18:07.12)
Satou Pendragon : And there's no seal... (0:18:08.79)
EXTRA : I just forgot! (0:18:11.37)
EXTRA : Acquired Title: Gray Merchant (0:18:13.15)
Satou Pendragon : I'm not sure I ever coerced him... (0:18:13.64)
Arisa : What a wonderful aroma! (0:18:20.12)
Pochi : The smell of happiness! (0:18:22.39)
Tama : Hungry. (0:18:25.05)
Liza : Just wait a little longer. (0:18:26.96)
Tavern Owner : These girls are amazing. (0:18:29.44)
Tavern Owner : They're so tiny, but they were
protecting the inn from monsters.
Tavern Owner : I can't do much for you, (0:18:36.44)
Tavern Owner : but I can have my husband whip up his
best dinner and make you all a feast.
EXTRA : Thanks for the food! (0:18:44.43)
Satou Pendragon : She must not be feeling better yet... (0:18:47.65)
Satou Pendragon : Maybe there's a pharmacy somewhere. (0:18:56.00)
EXTRA : Oh, Young Master! (0:18:58.35)
EXTRA : You helped us out in the labyrinth! (0:19:00.63)
EXTRA : We're not gonna let our savior walk
the streets at night by himself.
EXTRA : Let us buy you a drink, too. (0:19:07.96)
Satou Pendragon : Actually, I was heading somewhere... (0:19:10.04)
EXTRA : Come on, don't worry about it! (0:19:11.95)
EXTRA : Acquired Skill: Chiropractic Massage
Acquired Skill: Sexual Techniques
Acquired Skill: Pillow Talk
Acquired Skill: Seduction
EXTRA : Come see us again
sometime, Young Master!
EXTRA : Coercion
One-handed Mace
Satou Pendragon : How did that happen? (0:19:20.88)
Satou Pendragon : I thought they were just
going to treat me to a drink.
EXTRA : Item Acquired: Shadow Owl Feather (0:19:29.18)
EXTRA : Shadow Owl Feather (0:19:30.81)
Satou Pendragon : The feather of a Shadow Owl? (0:19:32.60)
Satou Pendragon : Maybe Pochi and Tama would like it. (0:19:35.15)
EXTRA : Used Skill: Keen Hearing (0:19:37.32)
EXTRA : Used Skill: Night Vision (0:19:41.86)
EXTRA : Shadow Stalker
Lv. 10
Shadow Stalker
Lv. 12
EXTRA : Shadow Stalker
Lv. 14
Shadow Stalker
Lv. 12
Satou Pendragon : Monsters? (0:19:45.83)
EXTRA : Used Skill: Spatial Mobility (0:19:56.75)
Satou Pendragon : Are you all right? (0:20:16.31)
EXTRA : Who're... you? (0:20:18.18)
Satou Pendragon : Red helmet... (0:20:20.50)
EXTRA : Are you... one of his men? (0:20:23.68)
Satou Pendragon : Not at all. (0:20:27.47)
Satou Pendragon : What is this? (0:20:30.02)
EXTRA : I'm not going to last much longer... (0:20:30.91)
EXTRA : T-Take care of the princess... (0:20:34.04)
EXTRA : Used Skill: First Aid (0:20:36.58)
Satou Pendragon : Hang in there! (0:20:37.36)
EXTRA : Acquired Title: Paramedic (0:20:41.01)
EXTRA : Yusaratoya Bolenan (0:20:51.89)
Satou Pendragon : Both Nadi-san and the manager have
their status listed as sleeping...
EXTRA : Used: Lock Pick (0:20:56.15)
Satou Pendragon : No other choice. (0:20:56.95)
EXTRA : Used Skill: Wire (0:20:58.40)
EXTRA : Acquired Title: Lock Picker (0:20:58.52)
Nadi : M-Manager! (0:21:05.81)
EXTRA : Used Skill: Straining Ears (0:21:05.82)
Nadi : Are you going to join me in bed?! (0:21:07.45)
Yusaratoya Bolenan : No. (0:21:09.74)
Satou Pendragon : I feel bad for how expectant
Nadi-san just sounded.
Satou Pendragon : Good evening. (0:21:17.72)
Satou Pendragon : Sorry to intrude. (0:21:19.84)
Satou Pendragon : It's Satou. (0:21:22.18)
Nadi : Satou-san? (0:21:23.23)
Satou Pendragon : I brought by someone who knows the manager. (0:21:24.38)
Satou Pendragon : He's badly injured, so I was hoping
you could treat him right away.
Yusaratoya Bolenan : Mana Light. (0:21:32.70)
Nadi : This red helmet... (0:21:37.25)
Nadi : doesn't it belong to Red Mask,
the famous wererat knight?
Yusaratoya Bolenan : Never met him. (0:21:44.59)
Satou Pendragon : No, I mean the one here in the cloth. (0:21:45.55)
Nadi : It's an elf! (0:21:59.94)
Yusaratoya Bolenan : Mia... (0:22:03.56)
EXTRA : Camping Lessons That Began With a Death March (0:23:35.01)

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