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Azusa Aizawa : Aizawa Azusa, age 27. (0:00:03.13)
Azusa Aizawa : Female. Single. Corporate slave. (0:00:05.72)
Azusa Aizawa : All my life, I've lived only for my career. (0:00:08.52)
Azusa Aizawa : I set aside love, fun, and everything else (0:00:10.73)
Azusa Aizawa : to do nothing but work. (0:00:14.04)
Azusa Aizawa : I've worked as long as 50 days in a row. (0:00:15.77)
Azusa Aizawa : Whatever happened to the
Labor Standards Act?
Azusa Aizawa : Then, one day... (0:00:20.22)
Azusa Aizawa : I passed out in the middle of work. (0:00:23.32)
EXTRA : Aizawa-san! Aizawa-san! (0:00:25.25)
Azusa Aizawa : Oh, jeez. I just died, didn't I? (0:00:29.84)
Kami-sama : Correct. (0:00:32.93)
Kami-sama : You worked yourself to death
while still in your twenties.
Kami-sama : How very heartbreaking. (0:00:38.48)
Azusa Aizawa : I see. So I literally lived
and died for my career...
Kami-sama : It might not make up for it, (0:00:45.79)
Kami-sama : but I will give you a new life where you
can live in happiness from beginning to end.
Kami-sama : You will be free to do nearly
anything however you please!
EXTRA : Sparkle! (0:00:54.23)
Azusa Aizawa : Really? Whatever I want? (0:00:54.85)
Kami-sama : Yes! I have a soft spot for women, you see. (0:00:57.16)
Azusa Aizawa : So... it's okay for a god to be biased? (0:01:00.12)
Kami-sama : Yes, it is! (0:01:02.29)
Azusa Aizawa : Okay, then, make me immortal and ageless! (0:01:03.49)
Kami-sama : Sure! (0:01:05.53)
Azusa Aizawa : Wait, it's really just that easy? (0:01:07.00)
Azusa Aizawa : That's awesome. (0:01:09.34)
Kami-sama : Mana is now going to
circulate throughout you,
Kami-sama : reincarnating you into a
body that will never age.
Kami-sama : Anything else? (0:01:17.41)
Azusa Aizawa : No, that's enough. (0:01:18.59)
Azusa Aizawa : My only goal is to live a slow, lazy life. (0:01:20.24)
Kami-sama : Very well! (0:01:24.10)
Kami-sama : I will reincarnate you as an immortal
in some nice, relaxing highlands.
Kami-sama : And I might as well give
you a youthful appearance!
Kami-sama : Around age 17, just the way I like it! (0:01:31.55)
Kami-sama : There! (0:01:34.28)
Kami-sama : Puririn harurun powapowarin! (0:01:35.56)
Azusa Aizawa : Definitely highlands... (0:01:50.51)
Azusa Aizawa : It's not Japanese, but I can read it. (0:02:03.12)
Azusa Aizawa : Let's see... "Free to anyone who wants it"? (0:02:05.30)
Azusa Aizawa : How generous. (0:02:08.43)
Azusa Aizawa : Did that goddess put this here for me? (0:02:10.69)
Azusa Aizawa : This is me? (0:02:16.18)
Azusa Aizawa : Wow, I really do look 17. (0:02:18.32)
Azusa Aizawa : I'm pretty cute. (0:02:21.03)
Azusa Aizawa : And what's this outfit?
I kinda look like a witch.
Azusa Aizawa : I truly have been reborn. (0:02:27.52)
Azusa Aizawa : That corporate slave is gone! (0:02:31.37)
Azusa Aizawa : From now on, I am no longer
Aizawa Azusa, but Azusa Aizawa!
Azusa Aizawa : And starting today, this is my house! (0:02:37.81)
Azusa Aizawa : With that field, I can be self-sufficient. (0:02:42.78)
Azusa Aizawa : Hey, there's a village! (0:02:46.81)
Azusa Aizawa : I have a weapon, too... (0:02:49.06)
Azusa Aizawa : And money! (0:02:52.35)
Azusa Aizawa : Maybe I'll go out for a bit... (0:02:53.90)
Azusa Aizawa : A slime? (0:03:04.24)
Azusa Aizawa : So I really am in an another world, then? (0:03:05.61)
Azusa Aizawa : I can beat it, right? (0:03:08.69)
Azusa Aizawa : I guess it didn't hurt that much. (0:03:15.42)
Azusa Aizawa : Then... (0:03:18.11)
Azusa Aizawa : Take that! And that! And that! (0:03:19.60)
Azusa Aizawa : Is this... some kind of money? (0:03:28.01)
Azusa Aizawa : I said I'd be self-sufficient, but I'll
need money for day-to-day necessities.
Azusa Aizawa : I'll just help myself to this. (0:03:35.36)
Azusa Aizawa : I guess slimes are pretty common... (0:03:39.61)
Azusa Aizawa : Wow... (0:03:46.34)
EXTRA : Haven't seen you around here before. (0:03:47.35)
Azusa Aizawa : I just moved into a house in the highlands. (0:03:49.22)
Azusa Aizawa : Would you tell me about this village? (0:03:52.01)
EXTRA : This is the village of Flatta. (0:03:54.66)
EXTRA : We have an adventurers' guild.
You should talk to them.
Azusa Aizawa : Thank you! (0:04:00.18)
Azusa Aizawa : It's not a very big village, but it's pretty. (0:04:03.00)
Natalie (300 years ago) : Welcome to the adventurers' guild! (0:04:07.39)
Natalie (300 years ago) : What sets this village apart
is how peaceful it is.
Natalie (300 years ago) : The only monsters in the area
are things like slimes.
Azusa Aizawa : I got these from some slimes
I defeated on my way here.
Natalie (300 years ago) : Those are magic stones. (0:04:18.21)
Natalie (300 years ago) : You need to register with the guild if
you want to exchange them for money.
Natalie (300 years ago) : Is that all right? (0:04:23.24)
Azusa Aizawa : Sure. (0:04:24.37)
Natalie (300 years ago) : Please place your hand on this. (0:04:25.90)
Natalie (300 years ago) : Your job is "witch." (0:04:33.23)
Natalie (300 years ago) : You're level 1. (0:04:34.46)
Azusa Aizawa : I really am a witch... (0:04:35.68)
Natalie (300 years ago) : Special abilities... Immortality?! (0:04:37.84)
Natalie (300 years ago) : That's incredible! (0:04:40.22)
Natalie (300 years ago) : There are some witches who
live very long lives,
Natalie (300 years ago) : but immortality at level 1 is remarkable! (0:04:44.05)
Azusa Aizawa : Yeah, I guess I'm just lucky... (0:04:46.05)
Azusa Aizawa : I won't tell her it was a bonus
that came with being reincarnated.
Natalie (300 years ago) : All set. We're happy to
have you in our guild!
Azusa Aizawa : And now I've got a source of income. (0:04:56.08)
Azusa Aizawa : That was the day my new, slow life began. (0:05:00.64)
Azusa Aizawa : I just take it easy every day, (0:05:05.16)
Azusa Aizawa : sleep as much as I want, (0:05:07.53)
Azusa Aizawa : tend to my field... (0:05:09.68)
Azusa Aizawa : and when I feel like getting some
exercise, I beat up slimes!
Azusa Aizawa : They're valuable as my income source, (0:05:16.21)
Azusa Aizawa : so I try to defeat at least 25 slimes a day. (0:05:17.91)
Azusa Aizawa : I've visited the nearby forest, too. (0:05:21.62)
Azusa Aizawa : As a witch, I know right away
which plants have medicinal uses.
Azusa Aizawa : I make some medicines occasionally (0:05:26.74)
Azusa Aizawa : and sell them in the village. (0:05:28.67)
Azusa Aizawa : With just minimal labor (0:05:31.57)
Azusa Aizawa : and a nice, easy day-to-day life... (0:05:33.71)
Azusa Aizawa : I truly live a life of leisure. (0:05:35.57)
Azusa Aizawa : My second life is treating
me fantastically well!
Azusa Aizawa : And then, 300 years passed. (0:05:45.42)
Azusa Aizawa : And that's 26. (0:05:52.40)
Azusa Aizawa : I guess after doing this for 300 years, (0:05:54.64)
Azusa Aizawa : I must have leveled up a little... (0:05:57.64)
EXTRA : Oh, the Witch of the Highlands! (0:06:00.66)
Azusa Aizawa : Hello. (0:06:02.54)
EXTRA : The medicine you brought
last time worked great.
Azusa Aizawa : Glad to hear it! (0:06:05.77)
Azusa Aizawa : It has been 300 years. (0:06:07.84)
Azusa Aizawa : I know more about this village's
history than anyone else now.
Azusa Aizawa : We've been through a lot. (0:06:14.51)
Azusa Aizawa : I examined emergency patients and
treated them with my medicines...
Azusa Aizawa : I even stopped the spread of a plague. (0:06:19.89)
Azusa Aizawa : And now they all treat me
like a guardian deity.
Azusa Aizawa : Not that it bothers me at all. (0:06:26.25)
Azusa Aizawa : Hello! (0:06:28.97)
Natalie : That's 5,200 gold for you. (0:06:31.07)
Azusa Aizawa : Thanks. (0:06:33.08)
Azusa Aizawa : See you tomorrow, then. (0:06:34.20)
Natalie : Say, Witch of the Highlands... (0:06:35.72)
Azusa Aizawa : What is it? (0:06:37.83)
Natalie : There's something I've been
wondering for a while.
Natalie : Just how strong are you now? (0:06:42.07)
Azusa Aizawa : How strong? Like in battle? (0:06:45.30)
Azusa Aizawa : Likely not all that strong... (0:06:48.00)
Azusa Aizawa : I've registered as an adventurer, (0:06:50.63)
Azusa Aizawa : but I've never been on an adventure. (0:06:52.68)
Natalie : Would you mind letting me
take a look at your stats?
Azusa Aizawa : Now that you mention it, they haven't
been checked in 300 years...
Natalie : But you've been protecting
Flatta all this time,
Natalie : so I bet your stats are through the roof! (0:07:05.01)
Azusa Aizawa : Fine with me, but I'm really just a witch
with knowledge of medicinal plants.
Azusa Aizawa : Don't get your hopes up. (0:07:12.65)
Natalie : Level 99?! (0:07:20.29)
Natalie : You're seriously way too strong! (0:07:22.07)
Azusa Aizawa : Nah, this thing's just broken. (0:07:23.95)
Azusa Aizawa : I mean, I've never beaten
anything but slimes.
EXTRA : Experience earned (0:07:29.09)
Azusa Aizawa : There's no way I can have
10,840,086 experience points.
Natalie : No, hang on! (0:07:32.34)
Natalie : You've been defeating slimes every single day,
365 days a year, for 300 years, right?
Azusa Aizawa : Well, yeah. I average about 25 per day. (0:07:39.19)
Natalie : And then there's this! (0:07:42.73)
Natalie : You have a special ability that boosts
the experience points you earn!
Natalie : That means you get two additional experience
points for every monster you defeat.
Azusa Aizawa : Just two? (0:07:52.18)
Natalie : Slimes are worth two experience points, (0:07:53.37)
Natalie : but with this ability, that becomes four. (0:07:55.44)
Natalie : Which means... (0:07:57.64)
Natalie : Four times 25 times 365 times
300 equals 10,950,000!
Azusa Aizawa : I know they say slow and
steady wins the race, but...
Natalie : A large dragon is said to be
worth 2,500 experience points,
Natalie : so that's 4,380 dragons
worth of experience points!
Azusa Aizawa : I'm a super dragon killer, then! (0:08:13.65)
Natalie : It's insane! (0:08:15.39)
Natalie : This has to make you the strongest
adventurer in the world!
Azusa Aizawa : What? The whole world? (0:08:19.75)
Natalie : I always knew the Witch of the
Highlands was truly a great witch!
Azusa Aizawa : D'oh! (0:08:24.93)
Azusa Aizawa : You're kidding... (0:08:25.78)
Azusa Aizawa : If people find out about this and
I get more and more famous...
Azusa Aizawa : My slow life is over! (0:08:31.22)
Azusa Aizawa : Natalie, you can't tell a
single soul about this!
Natalie : Why not? I want to glorify
you as much as you deserve!
Azusa Aizawa : My stats are personal information. (0:08:40.65)
Azusa Aizawa : You wouldn't want the size of your
breasts getting out, would you?
Natalie : I'm quite confident in their size, though. (0:08:46.66)
EXTRA : Boing! (0:08:48.63)
EXTRA : Flat... (0:08:50.20)
Azusa Aizawa : Anyway... (0:08:51.65)
Azusa Aizawa : Please don't tell anyone about my stats. (0:08:52.91)
Azusa Aizawa : I just want to live a quiet, secretive life. (0:08:55.62)
Natalie : You got it! (0:08:58.56)
Natalie : I swear I'll never tell anyone that
you're the strongest there is!
Natalie : I would never do anything
to betray your trust!
Azusa Aizawa : Level 99? I just can't believe it. (0:09:10.98)
Azusa Aizawa : How can numbers like that be possible
just from beating slimes daily?
Azusa Aizawa : Freeze everything solid! (0:09:21.85)
Azusa Aizawa : It's true... (0:09:29.99)
Azusa Aizawa : There. (0:09:33.47)
Azusa Aizawa : Freeze solid! (0:09:34.84)
Azusa Aizawa : I didn't even realize I'd learned
this magic, but it's super handy.
Azusa Aizawa : And I can just use fire magic to thaw it. (0:09:41.51)
Azusa Aizawa : Can I help you? (0:09:47.40)
EXTRA : You are Azusa, the Witch
of the Highlands, yes?
Azusa Aizawa : Yes, that's right. (0:09:51.91)
Azusa Aizawa : What would adventurers
like you want with me?
EXTRA : I would like to test my skills against you. (0:09:56.09)
Azusa Aizawa : Huh? (0:09:58.68)
Azusa Aizawa : I'm just a witch who ekes out a
living gathering medicinal plants.
Azusa Aizawa : What point is there in fighting me? (0:10:03.64)
EXTRA : I was told that a level 99 witch lived here. (0:10:06.42)
Azusa Aizawa : Gulp! (0:10:09.84)
Azusa Aizawa : You're mistaken! (0:10:11.63)
Azusa Aizawa : The panel just brought up some weird
numbers because it was broken.
Azusa Aizawa : My actual strength is around
level 10 at best...
Azusa Aizawa : No, more like level 3... (0:10:18.41)
EXTRA : It's no use trying to lie. (0:10:20.42)
EXTRA : The mana is practically gushing
forth from your body!
EXTRA : There's no doubt that
you're incredibly strong!
Azusa Aizawa : All right. I'll spar with you. (0:10:30.45)
Azusa Aizawa : But on one condition! (0:10:33.29)
Azusa Aizawa : If I win, you have to tell everyone that the
Witch of the Highlands was no big deal.
Azusa Aizawa : I'd really rather not
fight if I can avoid it.
Azusa Aizawa : If you leave this circle, you lose. (0:10:42.97)
Azusa Aizawa : Anyone who steps outside
it is out of the fight.
Azusa Aizawa : If everyone in your party
leaves it, you lose.
Azusa Aizawa : Now, begin! (0:10:49.55)
EXTRA : Wind, be my servant and
blow with all your might!
Azusa Aizawa : Oh, so that's how you use tornado magic. (0:10:57.70)
Azusa Aizawa : Keep it weak... as weak as possible... (0:11:01.33)
Azusa Aizawa : Wind, be my servant and
blow with all your might.
EXTRA : No way! (0:11:09.22)
EXTRA : Run! (0:11:10.05)
EXTRA : She's a monster! (0:11:10.90)
Azusa Aizawa : Natalie! (0:11:23.66)
Natalie : Oh, Witch of the Highlands. (0:11:24.91)
Azusa Aizawa : Didn't you promise me you
wouldn't tell anyone?!
Natalie : I swear I told no one! (0:11:29.42)
Azusa Aizawa : Then how... (0:11:31.66)
Ernst : It was me! (0:11:33.27)
Azusa Aizawa : Who's that?! (0:11:35.45)
Natalie : You're Ernst, the adventurer who's
notorious for being loose-lipped!
Natalie : Were you sitting at that
table back then, too?
Ernst : I couldn't believe the witch was level 99. (0:11:43.85)
EXTRA : So the rumor was true?! (0:11:48.14)
EXTRA : I saw her incredible magic with my own eyes! (0:11:50.02)
EXTRA : She's definitely level 99! (0:11:53.00)
Azusa Aizawa : That's how the Witch of the
Highlands maxed out her level.
Azusa Aizawa : And when that got around... (0:11:59.54)
Azusa Aizawa : Um... What can I do for you? (0:12:08.42)
Laika : You are the strongest of witches? (0:12:11.72)
Azusa Aizawa : ...a dragon came to see me. (0:12:14.52)
Laika : I am the most powerful dragon
in the province of Nanterre.
Laika : My name is Laika. (0:12:26.70)
Laika : I have heard rumors that the
strongest of witches resided here.
Azusa Aizawa : You're not gonna tell me you want to
test your strength against me, are you?
Laika : You've saved me the trouble of asking. (0:12:36.99)
EXTRA : Gloom... (0:12:38.69)
Azusa Aizawa : How far has that stupid rumor spread?! (0:12:39.18)
Azusa Aizawa : At least limit it to humans! (0:12:41.47)
Azusa Aizawa : I have no desire to be
known as the strongest.
Azusa Aizawa : I just want to live here quietly. (0:12:47.59)
Azusa Aizawa : You can have the title of the strongest. (0:12:49.71)
Laika : I cannot accept that! Fight me! (0:12:52.58)
Laika : We must settle this matter
beyond a shadow of a doubt!
Azusa Aizawa : This is a royal pain in the ass. (0:12:58.93)
Azusa Aizawa : And if I refuse? (0:13:01.30)
Laika : I will rampage. (0:13:03.69)
Azusa Aizawa : Okay, fine. I don't want
my house to get wrecked.
Azusa Aizawa : Let's do this. (0:13:09.79)
Azusa Aizawa : Remember, I never claimed to
be the strongest anything,
Azusa Aizawa : so if I turn out to be a
lot weaker, go easy on me.
Laika : Very well. (0:13:16.74)
Laika : I am only concerned with proving
that I am the strongest.
Azusa Aizawa : I now bid a brief farewell to the earth. (0:13:24.89)
Laika : Ah, truly the skills of a witch. (0:13:31.51)
Laika : But do not assume you are my equal
simply because you can fly.
Azusa Aizawa : Freeze everything solid! (0:13:40.22)
Laika : It appears that you truly are
a witch of high caliber.
Laika : But it matters not how
advanced your magic is!
Laika : Take this! (0:13:52.76)
Laika : You will not escape! (0:13:56.76)
Azusa Aizawa : Freeze everything solid! (0:14:00.26)
Azusa Aizawa : How was that? Feeling a little brain freeze? (0:14:11.37)
Azusa Aizawa : W-Wait! (0:14:19.13)
Azusa Aizawa : Don't tear up my house! (0:14:21.17)
Azusa Aizawa : Don't you dare tear it up! (0:14:23.26)
Laika : It's so cold... (0:14:34.23)
Azusa Aizawa : I told you... (0:14:37.53)
Azusa Aizawa : not to wreck my house! (0:14:39.57)
Laika : Wh-What power... (0:14:47.44)
Laika : How could I suffer such a humiliating loss? (0:14:50.37)
Azusa Aizawa : So, Laika the dragon, (0:14:53.57)
Azusa Aizawa : make sure you fix my house, okay? (0:14:55.81)
Azusa Aizawa : Because if you don't... (0:14:58.43)
Azusa Aizawa : I'll make you regret it. (0:15:00.29)
Laika : V-Very well... I will take care of it. (0:15:03.81)
Laika : Um... I have a fair amount of money
stored in the mountain where I live.
Laika : May I go and retrieve it? (0:15:12.27)
Azusa Aizawa : Fine, but if you run away on me... (0:15:14.55)
Laika : Rest assured, I will keep my promise! (0:15:21.29)
Azusa Aizawa : Guess I'll stay in the
village for a while...
EXTRA : Oh, it's the witch! (0:15:32.10)
EXTRA : I heard you defeated a dragon! (0:15:33.66)
EXTRA : We saw it fleeing! (0:15:35.54)
Azusa Aizawa : Sorry... I did defeat the dragon, (0:15:37.71)
Azusa Aizawa : but my house was destroyed. (0:15:40.83)
Azusa Aizawa : Is it all right if I stay here for a while? (0:15:42.70)
EXTRA : Flatta Village Office (0:15:45.88)
Azusa Aizawa : Wow, nice... (0:15:47.64)
Azusa Aizawa : But isn't this a guest room? (0:15:49.88)
Azusa Aizawa : I'd be fine with a room at the inn. (0:15:52.62)
EXTRA : Oh, my, no! (0:15:54.62)
EXTRA : You're the great witch who protected
our village from a terrible dragon.
EXTRA : Please use this room as you'd like. (0:15:59.15)
EXTRA : Um, Great Witch... (0:16:02.71)
EXTRA : When I was a child,
your medicine saved my life.
EXTRA : There are many people in this village
who've been saved thanks to you.
Azusa Aizawa : Well, I guess it can't hurt to take advantage
of people's kindness now and then.
Azusa Aizawa : Okay! (0:16:23.61)
EXTRA : Good evening! (0:16:25.04)
EXTRA : Welcome. (0:16:26.07)
EXTRA : The Witch of the Highlands! (0:16:27.55)
EXTRA : A toast to the witch! (0:16:29.63)
EXTRA : Cheers! (0:16:31.57)
Azusa Aizawa : I'll take my usual omelette, (0:16:34.05)
Azusa Aizawa : and a beef stew. (0:16:36.40)
Azusa Aizawa : The omelettes here are just the best! (0:16:42.97)
EXTRA : And we feel "the best"
with you protecting us.
EXTRA : The great witch rules! (0:16:50.41)
Azusa Aizawa : Aw... (0:16:52.87)
Azusa Aizawa : Oh, well. (0:16:54.78)
Azusa Aizawa : Cheers to Flatta Village! (0:16:56.95)
EXTRA : Cheers! (0:16:59.58)
Azusa Aizawa : Last night was awesome. (0:17:07.08)
Azusa Aizawa : It actually made me glad I'm a witch. (0:17:09.39)
EXTRA : I'm sorry to interrupt your rest. (0:17:12.50)
EXTRA : There's someone here who
says they wish to see you.
Azusa Aizawa : Huh? (0:17:17.94)
Laika : I'm very sorry for the
trouble I caused yesterday!
Azusa Aizawa : Yesterday? Um, have we met somewhere? (0:17:25.91)
Laika : Oh, right. This is the first time
you've seen me in this form.
Laika : I am Laika, the Red Dragon
you met yesterday.
Azusa Aizawa : What?! (0:17:38.26)
Laika : We members of the dragon
race can change our forms.
Laika : I've brought the money
that I had been saving.
Azusa Aizawa : Thanks! (0:17:47.46)
Azusa Aizawa : This should be more than
enough to repair my house.
Laika : A-Also, um... (0:17:52.63)
Laika : The truth is, I would like to ask a favor... (0:17:55.26)
Azusa Aizawa : What is it? (0:17:57.43)
Laika : M-May I... (0:17:58.89)
Laika : May I be your pupil?! (0:18:02.17)
Azusa Aizawa : Huh? Pupil? (0:18:05.13)
Laika : Yes! Fighting you made me realize
that I still have much to learn!
Laika : I'd like to cast away the vain notion
that I am the strongest in Nanterre
Laika : and start studying from square one! (0:18:15.27)
Azusa Aizawa : Your gung-ho attitude is fantastic, (0:18:18.08)
Azusa Aizawa : but I didn't get strong by
doing any special training!
Azusa Aizawa : I just made a habit of beating up the
local slimes, and this is what happened!
Laika : I overestimated my powers as a dragon, (0:18:27.83)
Laika : growing too proud and neglecting
the need to polish my skills.
Laika : And that resulted in my humiliating defeat! (0:18:35.48)
Laika : So it is your diligent day-to-day
efforts that I wish to learn from!
Azusa Aizawa : Industrious much?! (0:18:42.05)
Laika : Please allow me to live
with you as a worker!
Laika : I want to learn your way of life! (0:18:45.71)
Azusa Aizawa : A live-in worker? (0:18:50.56)
Azusa Aizawa : Does that mean you'd cook
and clean for me, too?
Laika : Yes, of course! With pleasure! (0:18:56.34)
Azusa Aizawa : This might just add another
layer of ease to my slow life!
Azusa Aizawa : Very well. I will accept you as my pupil. (0:19:04.71)
Laika : Thank you! (0:19:09.43)
Azusa Aizawa : By the way, how old are you? (0:19:11.83)
Laika : I was born about 300 years ago. (0:19:14.07)
Azusa Aizawa : Same as me, then... (0:19:16.99)
Laika : Is something wrong? (0:19:23.52)
Azusa Aizawa : I was just thinking, even after it's fixed up,
it might be too small for two people.
Azusa Aizawa : Maybe we should expand it a bit. (0:19:29.52)
Laika : In that case, since I'm here,
why don't I build it?
Azusa Aizawa : Build it? You're not an architect, are you? (0:19:34.61)
Laika : As long as I have wood and stones, (0:19:37.88)
Laika : all that remains is to put them
together. Please, allow me!
Laika : Now, then... (0:19:43.87)
Laika : Heave-ho! Heave-ho! (0:19:46.01)
Laika : Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup... (0:19:48.87)
Laika : Hi-yah! (0:19:52.10)
Azusa Aizawa : Hey! (0:20:00.64)
Azusa Aizawa : Why don't we wrap up for the day? (0:20:01.79)
Azusa Aizawa : Let's head back to the village. (0:20:04.10)
Laika : Actually, Lady Azusa, I'm not tired. (0:20:05.76)
Laika : I can keep going. (0:20:09.01)
Laika : Dragons can see in the dark, so if I work
all night, I can finish by morning.
Azusa Aizawa : Laika... (0:20:16.70)
Azusa Aizawa : That kind of thing is a hard no ! (0:20:19.18)
Laika : Um... Did I say something wrong? (0:20:22.12)
Azusa Aizawa : Laika, you just said you'd
work all night, didn't you?
Azusa Aizawa : You can't do that. Absolutely not! (0:20:30.24)
Laika : I just... wanted to show
you how hard I can work...
Azusa Aizawa : It's not good to overuse the phrase
"work hard" in a positive light!
Azusa Aizawa : Look. See how it's getting dark? (0:20:42.54)
Azusa Aizawa : That's the world telling you that
you've done enough for today.
Azusa Aizawa : If nothing else, I didn't get strong
by pushing myself too hard.
Azusa Aizawa : I just put in a moderate
amount of effort every day.
Azusa Aizawa : Now that you're my pupil, I want
you to uphold that lifestyle.
Laika : I understand. (0:21:02.53)
Laika : I will do as you say, Lady Azusa. (0:21:04.07)
Azusa Aizawa : Good. (0:21:06.88)
Azusa Aizawa : From now on, if you're tired
or just can't keep going,
Azusa Aizawa : don't hesitate to say so. (0:21:11.68)
Laika : Your consideration toward
your pupil touches my heart.
Azusa Aizawa : Aren't you being a bit dramatic? (0:21:21.44)
Laika : Um, it's finished now. (0:21:29.52)
Laika : Does it please you? (0:21:32.24)
Azusa Aizawa : Yeah! It's amazing! (0:21:46.02)
Azusa Aizawa : You did it, Laika! (0:21:47.59)
Laika : I-If it pleases you, Lady Azusa,
I could not be happier.
Azusa Aizawa : Okay! (0:21:56.61)
Azusa Aizawa : Let's go, Laika! Today we
celebrate in the village!
Azusa Aizawa : Thus, 300 years after I reincarnated
and became a witch,
Azusa Aizawa : my life with my very first pupil began. (0:22:06.16)

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