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Jolyne Cujoh : It's raining. (0:00:19.43)
Jolyne Cujoh : It was… (0:00:37.57)
Jolyne Cujoh : always raining. (0:00:39.74)
EXTRA : What the… (0:00:46.92)
Hermes Costello : Hey, what are you making
the fuss for over there?
Hermes Costello : You're getting on my nerves! (0:00:55.63)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm done for. I can't live any longer. (0:01:00.39)
Jolyne Cujoh : He saw me last night. (0:01:03.22)
Jolyne Cujoh : A male prison guard. (0:01:06.02)
Jolyne Cujoh : I can't live anymore! (0:01:08.02)
Jolyne Cujoh : Just kill me! Dammit! (0:01:11.57)
Hermes Costello : Man, what the hell? (0:01:15.07)
Hermes Costello : What's up with you? (0:01:17.20)
Hermes Costello : What's your name again? (0:01:19.12)
Hermes Costello : Jo… What was it? (0:01:21.28)
Hermes Costello : Jolyne, was it? (0:01:24.41)
Hermes Costello : What do you mean he saw you? (0:01:26.50)
Jolyne Cujoh : Well, you know, like… (0:01:30.67)
Jolyne Cujoh : The "M" word… (0:01:33.76)
Hermes Costello : What? (0:01:35.97)
Jolyne Cujoh : In other words, I… (0:01:37.68)
Hermes Costello : Speak up! (0:01:40.68)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm trying to say… (0:01:42.31)
Jolyne Cujoh : Well, like… (0:01:44.60)
Jolyne Cujoh : Masturbation… (0:01:47.39)
Hermes Costello : -What?
EXTRA : -What?
Hermes Costello : What? (0:01:53.36)
Jolyne Cujoh : -Hold on.
-I won't be able to get married now!
Hermes Costello : -Hold on.
-I won't be able to get married now!
Hermes Costello : So wait, you were seen? (0:01:57.32)
Hermes Costello : A prison guard saw you touching yourself? (0:02:00.41)
Hermes Costello : Which guard was it? (0:02:02.62)
Jolyne Cujoh : I woke up before sunrise. (0:02:08.75)
Jolyne Cujoh : Something about the moonlight going in
through the shape of the window bars
Jolyne Cujoh : kind of, well, (0:02:17.22)
Jolyne Cujoh : turned me on. (0:02:20.59)
Jolyne Cujoh : So, I… Yes. (0:02:22.47)
Jolyne Cujoh : When I came to my senses
and looked up from the bed…
Jolyne Cujoh : You know that youngest guard here? (0:02:29.02)
Jolyne Cujoh : He had an expression of disbelief (0:02:31.94)
Jolyne Cujoh : as he stood right in front of this cell! (0:02:34.90)
Jolyne Cujoh : Just kill me! (0:02:38.78)
Hermes Costello : I've seen him around. He's the one
that's kind of handsome, isn't he?
Hermes Costello : Oh, my god. (0:02:45.45)
Hermes Costello : So how much did he see? (0:02:47.00)
Hermes Costello : I'll get to the point. (0:02:50.58)
Hermes Costello : How low were your panties? (0:02:52.42)
Jolyne Cujoh : Man, you're really getting after me. (0:02:54.92)
Jolyne Cujoh : Like hell I'd tell you. (0:02:56.96)
Jolyne Cujoh : But I learned my lesson. (0:02:59.30)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'll never masturbate again ever
as long as I'm alive!
Jolyne Cujoh : I swear it! (0:03:05.68)
Hermes Costello : I don't know about that. What? (0:03:08.10)
Inmate : Man, how can you get
turned on by those bars?
Hermes Costello : Shut it, snotface. (0:03:14.98)
Hermes Costello : Stop butting in like you're better! (0:03:16.94)
Hermes Costello : As if you've never done it before. (0:03:20.36)
Inmate : I'm not dirty-minded like you lowlifes. (0:03:23.07)
Jolyne Cujoh : And who the hell are you?
You want to bet on who can last longer?
Inmate : Idiot, how is that a bet? (0:03:30.50)
Inmate : Masturbation is done in secret. (0:03:33.00)
Inmate : How'd we prove that we haven't done it? (0:03:35.46)
Jolyne Cujoh : What if I told you that the joint
on your left ring finger tells all?
Jolyne Cujoh : You're in here for sexual assault,
aren't you?
Jolyne Cujoh : Your ring finger's discolored. (0:03:49.60)
EXTRA : Inmate 21, 22, and 29. (0:04:03.53)
EXTRA : You're getting transferred. (0:04:07.99)
EXTRA : Standby at the bars. (0:04:09.66)
EXTRA : Reach your arms out of the cell. (0:04:11.66)
Hermes Costello : About the ring finger, is it true?
Some form of divination?
Hermes Costello : You Japanese-American? (0:04:23.22)
Hermes Costello : You're an interesting one. (0:04:26.72)
Hermes Costello : So what did you do?
Why did you get thrown in?
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm innocent. (0:04:32.02)
Lawyer : You were charged. (0:04:46.82)
Lawyer : For stealing and hit-and-run. (0:04:48.62)
Lawyer : You were arrested
for robbery twice in the past.
Lawyer : You won't be granted parole. (0:04:54.00)
Lawyer : In other words, Jojo, (0:04:55.67)
Lawyer : you will be transferred
to Green Dolphin's holding cell
Lawyer : where you'll be tried at court. (0:05:01.75)
Jolyne Cujoh : Don't call me Jojo. (0:05:04.59)
Jolyne Cujoh : Only my mom calls me that. (0:05:06.55)
Jolyne Cujoh : And what criminal record?
I just borrowed a bike without asking.
Jolyne Cujoh : I was 14 at the time! (0:05:13.10)
Jolyne Cujoh : Like I said, I'm innocent! (0:05:15.73)
Jolyne Cujoh : You better defend me at any cost.
I'm coughing up money.
Lawyer : Of course, I will do my best
for you and the law.
Jolyne Cujoh : Dammit. (0:05:25.65)
Jolyne Cujoh : Also, when do I get to see my mom? (0:05:27.53)
Jolyne Cujoh : You know she's a crybaby. (0:05:30.78)
Lawyer : She's a little worn out. (0:05:32.41)
Lawyer : Most of all, she's worried sick about you. (0:05:34.20)
Lawyer : She brought you a few things. (0:05:37.04)
Lawyer : You won't have to wear a uniform
while awaiting your sentence.
Lawyer : Here's your clothes, book, and magazine. (0:05:42.55)
Lawyer : Not to mention your homework. (0:05:45.38)
Jolyne Cujoh : What is this? (0:05:49.97)
Lawyer : It seems to be a charm. (0:05:51.76)
Lawyer : There's a tiny stone inside. (0:05:54.35)
Lawyer : Your father apparently asked your mother (0:05:57.39)
Lawyer : to pass it on to you
if you were ever in trouble.
Jolyne Cujoh : What did you say? (0:06:03.82)
Jolyne Cujoh : Ow! (0:06:05.07)
Jolyne Cujoh : It hurts! (0:06:09.74)
Lawyer : Are you okay, Jolyne? (0:06:13.79)
EXTRA : What's the ruckus? Be quiet! (0:06:15.08)
Jolyne Cujoh : It's nothing! (0:06:17.87)
Jolyne Cujoh : It was just a pinch. (0:06:19.62)
Jolyne Cujoh : What's up with this stone? (0:06:22.84)
Jolyne Cujoh : Where did you hear about my dad anyway? (0:06:24.88)
Lawyer : Your mother is attempting to contact him.
His daughter is in a crisis, after all.
Lawyer : As you know,
your father is a marine biologist.
Lawyer : He's currently somewhere in Africa
for research
Lawyer : and it's taking some time to reach him. (0:06:44.36)
Jolyne Cujoh : She's trying to reach him? (0:06:46.53)
Jolyne Cujoh : No way in hell he'll come. (0:06:48.95)
Jolyne Cujoh : He's… (0:06:50.49)
Jolyne Cujoh : That bastard… (0:06:52.28)
Jolyne Cujoh : I don't need this cursed charm of his! (0:06:53.87)
Jolyne Cujoh : What the… (0:07:01.79)
Lawyer : What's the matter? (0:07:06.96)
Jolyne Cujoh : It's nothing. When is your next visit? (0:07:08.76)
Lawyer : In two days, (0:07:11.63)
Lawyer : at the visitation room of
Green Dolphin Prison's holding cell.
Hermes Costello : Hey, Jolyne, I thought you were innocent. (0:07:20.48)
Hermes Costello : It's a probationary cell,
but it's still under Green Dolphin Prison.
Hermes Costello : If you're transferred there-- (0:07:30.49)
Jolyne Cujoh : The trial will clear my name. (0:07:32.16)
Jolyne Cujoh : I won't go to prison. (0:07:34.78)
EXTRA : We are crossing the bridge now. (0:07:37.70)
EXTRA : We'll arrive in ten minutes. (0:07:40.12)
Jolyne Cujoh : That didn't take long. (0:07:42.00)
Jolyne Cujoh : Ten minutes until we're there. (0:07:43.71)
Hermes Costello : -What? Who said that--
-I heard it from the driver's seat.
Jolyne Cujoh : -What? Who said that--
-I heard it from the driver's seat.
Hermes Costello : You can't hear them from here. (0:07:48.96)
EXTRA : We're crossing the bridge now. (0:07:51.76)
EXTRA : ETA is ten minutes. (0:07:53.55)
EXTRA : Understood. (0:07:55.18)
Hermes Costello : How did you know?
Is this another divination of yours?
Jolyne Cujoh : Yes, it's strange, isn't it? (0:08:02.94)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm not sure either. (0:08:06.11)
Hermes Costello : You sure are a funny one. (0:08:07.65)
Hermes Costello : I'm Ermes Costello. (0:08:10.23)
Hermes Costello : I robbed a gas station. (0:08:12.99)
Hermes Costello : It's my second time,
so I'll be sentenced without a doubt.
Jolyne Cujoh : Nice to meet you, Ermes. (0:08:20.04)
EXTRA : Green Dolphin Street State Prison
and the adjunct probationary cell,
EXTRA : aka "The Aquarium." (0:08:41.93)
EXTRA : The premises cover 120 square kilometers. (0:08:44.89)
EXTRA : Imprisoned here
are 708 males, 523 females,
EXTRA : and 452 minors under 18 years of age. (0:08:53.61)
Hermes Costello : Hey Jolyne. (0:08:58.49)
Hermes Costello : You got cash on you? (0:09:00.08)
Jolyne Cujoh : Maybe. (0:09:03.33)
Hermes Costello : Hey, I'm warning you. (0:09:04.25)
Hermes Costello : If you don't bring in a few Benjamins, (0:09:07.50)
Hermes Costello : you might end up dead. (0:09:09.59)
Hermes Costello : If you don't have any on you now, (0:09:13.05)
Hermes Costello : make sure to have someone
bring them to you at a visitation.
Jolyne Cujoh : And you're assuming
I'll be thrown in because?
Hermes Costello : Just giving you a heads up. (0:09:22.72)
Jolyne Cujoh : As if you've got cash yourself. (0:09:24.31)
Jolyne Cujoh : The guards would've found it
at the body search.
Hermes Costello : How naive, Jolyne. (0:09:29.52)
Hermes Costello : There are tons of ways to smuggle it in. (0:09:31.07)
Jolyne Cujoh : You mean like sticking it up your ass
or the other hole?
Jolyne Cujoh : Gross! (0:09:37.95)
Jolyne Cujoh : I thought that was only in the movies! (0:09:39.53)
Hermes Costello : Dumbass, (0:09:42.08)
Hermes Costello : that's the first place they inspect. (0:09:43.04)
Jolyne Cujoh : Then where? (0:09:46.46)
Jolyne Cujoh : Don't tell me they're in your boobs. (0:09:48.54)
Jolyne Cujoh : You slid some cash in
with silicone implants?
Jolyne Cujoh : No way! I was kidding! (0:09:57.05)
Hermes Costello : Jeez, you got me. (0:09:58.88)
Hermes Costello : Don't tell a soul, though. (0:10:01.35)
Hermes Costello : See how small the stitches? (0:10:03.93)
Hermes Costello : It bleeds a little when I take them out, (0:10:06.02)
Hermes Costello : but I got five 20s in one (0:10:08.19)
Hermes Costello : and a 50 in the other. (0:10:10.94)
Police Officer : We're at Green Dolphin Street Prison's
probationary cell.
Police Officer : Inmate 21 and 29, get off. (0:10:23.28)
Police Officer : Inmate 22, Ermes Costello, (0:10:25.87)
Police Officer : this isn't your stop. (0:10:28.33)
Police Officer : Welcome back, Ermes Costello.
What brought you back?
Police Officer : Robbery? Assault? (0:10:56.23)
Jolyne Cujoh : What? (0:10:58.19)
Jolyne Cujoh : Did you say something to me just now? (0:11:01.41)
EXTRA : Inmate 21, look straight ahead! (0:11:03.91)
Police Officer : Lay it bare, Ermes. (0:11:09.54)
Police Officer : You're trying to smuggle in cash, right? (0:11:12.50)
Hermes Costello : Smuggle?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Jolyne Cujoh : I hear them! Something's not right! (0:11:20.01)
Jolyne Cujoh : These guards can't hear them at all! (0:11:24.22)
Jolyne Cujoh : It's like before we crossed the bridge. (0:11:27.35)
Jolyne Cujoh : I can hear faraway voices! (0:11:29.52)
Hermes Costello : Ugh! (0:11:31.23)
Jolyne Cujoh : This is… (0:11:33.40)
EXTRA : Lay it bare, Ermes. Do it! (0:11:37.36)
Police Officer : This is your second time in the Aquarium.
I know you've brought some!
Jolyne Cujoh : What is this? (0:11:44.70)
EXTRA : Talk is prohibited, Inmate 21! (0:11:46.95)
Jolyne Cujoh : Can't they see these threads
springing out of my hand?
Hermes Costello : Okay, I'll take them out now. (0:11:54.08)
Police Officer : You know, Ermes. (0:12:01.92)
Police Officer : This isn't enough to prove our friendship. (0:12:04.34)
EXTRA : I bet you got more on your body somewhere. (0:12:08.97)
Police Officer : Oops, the bus is braking! (0:12:11.60)
Hermes Costello : Please let me off the hook with the 50. (0:12:20.48)
Hermes Costello : I've got no one who's gonna come visit me. (0:12:24.03)
Hermes Costello : Please, (0:12:28.28)
Hermes Costello : I'll die in there without the money! (0:12:29.87)
Police Officer : You got big tits for being so muscular. (0:12:33.08)
Police Officer : Those tits are suspicious. (0:12:37.25)
Police Officer : Let's search them. (0:12:39.42)
Police Officer : Hold her still. (0:12:42.34)
EXTRA : Sure. (0:12:43.88)
Hermes Costello : No… Stop! (0:12:45.30)
Hermes Costello : Let go! (0:12:50.31)
Police Officer : Who do you think I am, bitch? (0:12:52.14)
Police Officer : Take this! (0:12:55.10)
Police Officer : What… (0:13:16.37)
Jolyne Cujoh : What just sprang out? (0:13:22.59)
Jolyne Cujoh : What is this… Could it be… (0:13:26.63)
Jolyne Cujoh : Did that stone cause this? (0:13:29.64)
Jolyne Cujoh : What the hell did my old man send me?! (0:13:32.14)
Jolyne Cujoh : Hey, remember how I tossed that charm… (0:13:42.19)
Jolyne Cujoh : …at the visitation room? (0:13:45.53)
Jolyne Cujoh : I wonder where it went. (0:13:48.11)
Lawyer : Who knows? I don't really remember. (0:13:50.41)
Lawyer : Anyhow, let's discuss our case. (0:13:52.95)
Lawyer : If you're really claiming innocence,
you need to make something clear.
Lawyer : During that hit-and-run, were you the one (0:13:59.46)
Lawyer : in the driver's seat? (0:14:04.26)
Jolyne Cujoh : So about your nickname. (0:14:16.52)
Jolyne Cujoh : Romeo, can I call you
"Rocchu" from now on?
Romeo Jisso : Sure thing. (0:14:23.86)
Romeo Jisso : Only when you're gargling mouthwash. (0:14:24.82)
Jolyne Cujoh : What, you don't like it? (0:14:27.61)
Jolyne Cujoh : Why not? Rocchu, I'm hungies! (0:14:30.49)
Jolyne Cujoh : How about that? Fly, right? (0:14:34.29)
Romeo Jisso : No way. (0:14:36.66)
Romeo Jisso : What if my friends hear? (0:14:38.21)
Jolyne Cujoh : I love the way it's all lovey-dovey. (0:14:40.29)
Jolyne Cujoh : My mom has called me "Jojo"
ever since I was a baby.
Jolyne Cujoh : I want you to call me Jojo too. (0:14:48.22)
Romeo Jisso : Hell no. (0:14:50.34)
Romeo Jisso : Anyway, I'm thirsty. Let me have a sip. (0:14:52.80)
Jolyne Cujoh : You can't. (0:14:55.68)
Jolyne Cujoh : It's a cocktail
with a 10% alcohol content!
Romeo Jisso : It'll be fine. (0:14:59.02)
Jolyne Cujoh : No, you can't. I said no. (0:15:00.73)
Jolyne Cujoh : Romeo! (0:15:04.77)
Jolyne Cujoh : Romeo… Just now, we… (0:15:15.95)
Jolyne Cujoh : Romeo! (0:15:19.25)
Romeo Jisso : This isn't happening… No! (0:15:23.58)
Jolyne Cujoh : This is bad! (0:15:26.30)
Jolyne Cujoh : We need to get help.
Romeo, call an ambulance!
Romeo Jisso : Jolyne, please. (0:15:39.68)
Romeo Jisso : Please don't do that. Don't call. (0:15:42.60)
Jolyne Cujoh : Listen to yourself! We need to help him! (0:15:45.27)
Romeo Jisso : He's already dead! (0:15:47.52)
Jolyne Cujoh : You're going to run? No! (0:15:50.82)
Jolyne Cujoh : This was an accident! And we can't run! (0:15:52.95)
Jolyne Cujoh : This car is the evidence! (0:15:55.91)
Romeo Jisso : Let's say the car was stolen! (0:15:57.87)
Jolyne Cujoh : But… (0:15:59.91)
Romeo Jisso : Jolyne! (0:16:01.04)
Romeo Jisso : Jolyne, if I'm arrested, (0:16:02.37)
Romeo Jisso : our future together is over! (0:16:05.33)
Romeo Jisso : Not to mention, I'll go to jail. (0:16:07.21)
Romeo Jisso : We'll be separated! (0:16:09.80)
Romeo Jisso : So please! Don't you love me? (0:16:11.92)
Jolyne Cujoh : Of course, I do. (0:16:15.84)
Jolyne Cujoh : But this is… (0:16:18.31)
Romeo Jisso : A car is coming.
We're finished if we're seen!
Romeo Jisso : Jolyne! I need a hand! (0:16:26.98)
Romeo Jisso : He's dead, like I thought! (0:16:31.03)
Romeo Jisso : Please. Help me, Jolyne! (0:16:34.03)
Romeo Jisso : I love you! (0:16:36.91)
Romeo Jisso : Jolyne! (0:16:39.37)
Lawyer : Jolyne, the police believe
that you were drinking and stole the car
Lawyer : then caused the accident. (0:16:57.22)
Jolyne Cujoh : And what is Romeo saying? (0:16:59.05)
Lawyer : He claims his car was stolen. (0:17:02.52)
Jolyne Cujoh : Goddammit… I want to die! (0:17:04.73)
Lawyer : Was Romeo the one driving? (0:17:07.77)
Jolyne Cujoh : I can't tell you that. (0:17:11.98)
Lawyer : All right, then this is what we'll do. (0:17:13.36)
Lawyer : Jolyne, do you know what a "plea deal" is? (0:17:16.07)
Lawyer : If you admit all of your crimes, (0:17:20.16)
Lawyer : they'll drop your DUI charge. (0:17:23.41)
Lawyer : You'll only be sentenced
for stealing and involuntary manslaughter.
Lawyer : You'll be paroled after a year or two. (0:17:29.63)
Jolyne Cujoh : I told you to argue for my innocence! (0:17:32.96)
Lawyer : I understand, but that's the plea bargain. (0:17:36.84)
Lawyer : If the trial finds you guilty,
you'll get at least five years.
Lawyer : We don't have time, Jolyne. (0:17:44.56)
Lawyer : We have to decide before the trial starts! (0:17:46.94)
Judge : Defendant Cujoh. (0:17:52.69)
Judge : Do you plead no contest of your own accord
to the contents of your plea bargain?
Jolyne Cujoh : Yes, I do. (0:18:01.24)
Judge : This court will consider
that the defendant, Jolyne Cujoh,
Judge : admits to the crime and consider
her release since the murder
Judge : was not premeditated. (0:18:13.21)
Judge : However, this court cannot condone
the act of disposing of the victim,
Judge : who was still alive, in a swamp, (0:18:19.43)
Judge : effectively murdering him. (0:18:22.22)
Jolyne Cujoh : The victim was alive? (0:18:24.60)
Jolyne Cujoh : What's that about? (0:18:26.93)
Jolyne Cujoh : What's that old man saying? (0:18:27.94)
Jolyne Cujoh : Murder? (0:18:31.02)
Judge : This court sentences
the defendant, Jolyne Cujoh,
Judge : be confined to
Green Dolphin Street State Prison
Judge : for 15 years. (0:18:47.96)
Judge : Court is adjourned. (0:18:50.33)
Jolyne Cujoh : What? Hold on… (0:18:52.04)
Jolyne Cujoh : Fifteen years? How could you? (0:18:54.75)
Jolyne Cujoh : I struck a deal! (0:18:57.80)
Jolyne Cujoh : I admitted my guilt! (0:18:59.88)
Jolyne Cujoh : Didn't I, Mr. Lawyer? (0:19:02.80)
Lawyer : I've done all I can. (0:19:04.43)
Lawyer : Take care, Jolyne Cujoh. (0:19:06.81)
Jolyne Cujoh : Hold it. Where are you going? (0:19:11.02)
Jolyne Cujoh : What are you saying? (0:19:13.23)
Jolyne Cujoh : Fifteen years? What's this about?
That's not what we agreed on!
EXTRA : Hold still! (0:19:18.28)
Jolyne Cujoh : I said hold it! You bastard! (0:19:19.19)
Lawyer : You don't need to worry anymore.
The sentence has been finalized.
Lawyer : She agreed to the plea deal.
She won't be able to appeal.
Lawyer : There won't be any further investigations.
Congratulations, Romeo.
Romeo Jisso : Thank you. You saved my life. (0:19:37.63)
Lawyer : Please thank your rich father. (0:19:42.22)
Jolyne Cujoh : Romeo, you… (0:19:47.01)
Jolyne Cujoh : Romeo! (0:19:52.85)
Jolyne Cujoh : Fifteen years… (0:19:55.90)
Jolyne Cujoh : Fifteen years of my youth! (0:19:58.40)
Chief Guard : From now on, in addition to
the name your parents gave you
Chief Guard : when they birthed you little shits, (0:20:22.80)
Chief Guard : the state will give you
an inmate number, so be grateful!
Chief Guard : This prison is Category Level 4, (0:20:28.72)
Chief Guard : Maximum Security! (0:20:31.81)
Chief Guard : FE40536. (0:20:33.89)
Chief Guard : When you hear this number,
whether you're taking a shit or eating,
Chief Guard : it's referring to you! (0:20:39.27)
Chief Guard : Beat that into your head! (0:20:40.86)
Chief Guard : FE40536, we will now conduct
a body search.
Chief Guard : Throw everything you're wearing
into this tray and…
Chief Guard : Strip! Begin! (0:20:52.29)
Chief Guard : Remember, education is the first thing
you need to do to trash.
Chief Guard : Make sure to humiliate them. (0:20:58.25)
Chief Guard : What's taking your time? (0:21:00.05)
Chief Guard : "Strip" means your panties too! (0:21:01.80)
Chief Guard : Now, show me your ass… (0:21:05.26)
Jolyne Cujoh : On all fours okay? (0:21:07.76)
Jolyne Cujoh : Or do you want me to lie on my back? (0:21:09.93)
Jolyne Cujoh : Or I can do a bridge pose if you'd like. (0:21:11.81)
Jolyne Cujoh : You bastard… (0:21:27.32)
Jolyne Cujoh : How dare you just stroll out of here?! (0:21:29.91)
Lawyer : It sure is humid in here. (0:21:32.49)
Lawyer : My shirt is drenched. (0:21:34.87)
Loccobarocco : It might rain. (0:21:36.50)
Loccobarocco : Why not take a break
in the Director's office?
Loccobarocco : The AC is on. (0:21:41.46)
Lawyer : Oh, don't inconvenience yourself. (0:21:42.88)
Lawyer : All the documents have been submitted. (0:21:44.63)
Lawyer : This heat is nothing
compared to my client's fate.
Lawyer : A 15-year sentence at her age… (0:21:52.93)
Lawyer : If only I could have done better. (0:21:55.52)
Loccobarocco : No, you are a spectacular lawyer. (0:21:57.27)
Loccobarocco : Oh, speaking of your client, Jolyne Cujoh, (0:22:00.90)
Loccobarocco : she asked me to give this letter to you. (0:22:04.69)
Loccobarocco : The content's been cleared. (0:22:08.11)
Lawyer : I see. (0:22:11.62)
Jolyne Cujoh : Pass this on to him too. (0:22:18.12)
Jolyne Cujoh : Feeling comfy? But you will keep sweating. (0:22:20.17)
Jolyne Cujoh : Now and forever. (0:22:23.50)
Lawyer : What the hell? (0:22:26.42)
Jolyne Cujoh : I can't reach him right now (0:22:30.55)
Jolyne Cujoh : and I'm totally powerless, (0:22:33.10)
Jolyne Cujoh : but I'm not waiting 15 years. (0:22:35.10)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'll come to see you. (0:22:37.73)
Jolyne Cujoh : And Romeo, (0:22:39.23)
Jolyne Cujoh : farewell, my first love. (0:22:41.69)
Lawyer : Between that dingy place and my car, (0:22:47.82)
Lawyer : the air sure is different. (0:22:51.20)
Lawyer : To think that I have to breathe
the same air as those scum with this job.
Lawyer : I can't breathe… (0:23:03.17)
Lawyer : This thread… is choking my neck! (0:23:04.21)
Lawyer : The AC might be drying it out! (0:23:08.67)
Lawyer : I must hurry… and remove it! (0:23:13.14)
Jolyne Cujoh : This is another way to use it. (0:23:28.82)
Jolyne Cujoh : It reacts to my thoughts and I can
manipulate it with the force of my mind.
Jolyne Cujoh : He wanted me to protect myself (0:23:35.53)
Jolyne Cujoh : using that charm. (0:23:39.04)
Gwess : This will be fun. (0:23:43.46)

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